Who Wants a Harem? Part 2: The 69 Challenge

Story by SnugglyMouse on SoFurry

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Hello everyone. This thing was supposed to go up on Christmas Day, but I had the flu something awful and there was no way that was happening. Sorry it took five months. Hopefully the next one doesn't, lol.

As before, tell me who you like and who you're rooting for. Were you happy with this week's elimination? I want to hear from you in the comments below!

Standard disclaimer: Having sex with a person who does not or cannot consent for any reason under any circumstance is wrong. This includes cases where the victim is unconscious, compelled by physical force or blackmail, drunk or high to the point of stupification, or severely mentally ill. This story should not be construed as stating otherwise. Any acts or events of the above sort depicted herein are done so inaccurately for entertainment purposes and their real life equivalents should not be imitated, condoned or apologized for.

Ankur sat in a large, jet-filled bubble bath as he cleaned a day's worth of sweat and dirt out of his fur. The apartment he'd been assigned was bigger than the biggest house Ankur had ever been inside, and there were thirteen more of them in this place. Ankur worked the shampoo into his fur, whistling. The apartments weren't even the whole building. There was that giant dining room, a lounge in each wing of the mansion, and a holodeck!

Perhaps the most surprising thing about it all was how unamazed everyone else was. Ankur supposed it made sense. He rinsed the shampoo out of his fur. The others, at least on his team, were all either nobility, or the toys of nobility. Even if they didn't have a title, they were mostly rich men. The only exception to that on his own team was Tumble, who was amazed at everything and so didn't count.

Ankur stood up and stepped out of the bath, shaking himself mostly dry in a chamber with a large fan before toweling himself off. He went into his giant closet. He picked out a pair of form-fitting sky-blue pants and a shirt which left a bit of fur showing.

Ankur walked over to the gigantic entertainment room, practically a private movie theater. The screen covered the entire wall opposite to his seat. It was curved so that if one sat just right in the throne-like recliner opposite it, one's entire field of view would be eclipsed by the screen.

Ankur looked through the selection of programming. There was a massive library going back something like five-hundred years. The newer stuff was the best -- Ankur's favorite show had come to be one about a vampire-hunting lioness -- but it was also fascinating to see things filmed that long ago. There were some shows similar to the one Ankur was on right now. He actually found them a bit melodramatic, but considered it research to watch one every now and then.

As Ankur sat glued to his massive screen, he heard a knock on the door. He got up to answer it. It was Thicket. Gods he was dressed like a prude. Ankur bowed his head and stepped away from the door. "Ah, hello," he said. "Please come in."

Thicket nodded, and thanked him, closing the door behind himself before sitting down on a stool in the kitchenette. Ankur tilted his head a bit. So many comfortable chairs, and you go for that stool? Nevertheless, Ankur sat down next to him. "So, what brings you here?"

"Strategy," the deer said. "I want to talk about an alliance."

Ankur's eyes widened a bit. "An alliance?"

"It's a basic tactic for these types of games. If we can assemble a voting bloc of four people on this team, we can be safe from elimination unless we lose more than three times, and if we don't then we may well be able to compose the final four."

"I see," Ankur said. Strategically, this was a good idea, but it felt shady to him somehow. "Am I the first person you're asking?"

"No," Thicket said. "I have Berry on my side."

"And who are you planning to go to after me, assuming I say yes?"

"The otter."

"Tumble?" He seemed like the worst possible choice. "Why not the dragon? He seems both intelligent and trustworthy, and he's very good friends with Berry."

Thicket took a moment to respond. "I don't consider him an acceptable victor."

"Why not?" In a sense, there was no acceptable victor aside from oneself in this game, but of all the others to be enslaved to, the dragon beat out many, including Thicket, who always seemed so blank-faced and unfeeling.

"I've been enslaved to the aristocracy for my whole life," Thicket said. "Trust me when I tell you that that is the only thing you need to consider when it comes to who is an acceptable victor. They hate us, and if you become one of us, they'll hate you too."

"He doesn't seem to hate the bunny."

"How much do you know about psychology?"


"Psychology. How much do you know about it?"

"Not much, I guess."

"Well, there's a fact about rape that's well-known to psychologists. When someone rapes someone, they don't do it because they want to have sex with them. They do it because they want to lord power over them. They want to hold a person down and dominate them in the cruelest, most violating way they can. That's what the dragon wants with you. If you're his slave, you and him can't be happy at the same time. It's like I said, he hates you. He wants to lord over you how unhappy he can make you."

The jaguar squinted. "Whereas... you're the only one in the world who wants to fuck me for the sheer pleasure of it?"

"I don't want to rape you." Ankur was actually taken aback when the deer said that. It was somehow a very strange thought. Wasn't that just what you did with a slave? "If, after this competition, you are my property, I'll send you on your way to live out your life as you see fit. I promise, if you become my slave, you'll forget that you are within the month." Thicket looked Ankur in the eye. "I hope you'd do the same for me."

"I..." Ankur looked down at the floor, watching his tail flit. When he thought about it, it did sound like the right thing to do. "Of course I would," he said. He wasn't sure if he was lying.

"Let me sweeten the deal for you a bit further," Thicket said. "If you're in this alliance and any member of it wins, your mom gets her surgery."

Ankur's eyes widened. He looked up at the deer. He stared for a moment. "I..." he began. How would he get the money without selling some slaves off to be raped? Perhaps from his racing? Well, in any case... "I'll do it."

Thicket nodded. "Good to hear." He stood up. "In the event our team should lose a challenge, the alliance will meet to decide who to vote off, with the understanding that no member of the alliance is ever on the table."

"S... sounds good."

"Very well," Thicket said. He walked toward the door.

"Wait," Ankur said.

Thicket turned back around. "Yes?"

"Thanks." Ankur said.

Thicket smiled at Ankur. "No, thank you, sir." The deer walked out.

Berry sat curled up with Rynarth on the couch as a documentary played. It was about ancient history, and a slave revolt that had ended in a bloody war which killed nearly half the population of some ancient nation. Some battle scenes were scary, so Berry had to hide his eyes against Rynarth's scales. The rest of the time, the documentary was very dry.

"I'm... I'm thirsty. May... may I uh... have a... uh... drink from your fridge?" The fridges weren't yet tailored to the individual contestants' species. The people who refurbished the mansion for this competition didn't know who would be living where. As a result, there were plenty of fruit and vegetable based drinks which Rynarth couldn't drink, but Berry could.

"Of course," Rynarth said. "Help yourself."

"...thanks," Berry said. He stood up and hopped over to the fridge, grabbing a can of tomato juice. He sat down again, next to his mas... to Rynarth. Berry was watching the dragon more than he was watching the documentary. He studied Rynarth's face. He seemed interested, though one or two times, a confused look flashed on his face when he heard something.

After another ten minutes or so, Rynarth looked down at Berry. "Are you into this?" he asked. "Would you rather we watched something else?"

"N... No... I... uh..." Berry looked up at Rynarth. "I... uh... I'm not... uh... not sure I... uh... really uh... want to watch uh... watch TV at all..."

"Oh?" the dragon said. "Then what do you want to do?"

Berry struggled to think of something. This dragon was a font of knowledge, even as young as he was. Dragons were supposed to be smarter than other people. Really, he just wanted to hear Rynarth talk. He tried to think of a question. "Wh... where did... did this man... uh... did this mansion come from?" he asked. "I uh... I mean... if you... you know."

Rynarth smiled. "Oh, yes. The mansion actually has a very interesting history. It was originally built as a ski lodge, around 500 years ago. At the time, this land belonged to a small tinpot dictatorship, controlled by a snow leopard named Caeser. The area was much, much colder back then. Think of the deep-south islands now. It wasn't quite that extreme, but everything was covered in snow most of the year. However, certain byproducts of the technology used at the time were heating the earth, and the snows left about forty years after the resort was opened.

"The mansion was out of use for a few years, I can't remember if it was nine or ten, before it was bought and converted into a normal luxury hotel. That was perhaps the height of its popularity. It really was quite the place. A lot of big, important people stayed there. So much so that when one of Caeser's descendants sought a new palace, he confiscated it from its owner and had him executed, vored by a giant snake it's said, on a bogus charge."

"W... wow."

Rynarth nodded. "Now, the leopard remodeled the mansion significantly so that it could serve as a palace. He's even supposed to have added a load of secret passages and compartments and such. There are some in the mansion -- that's how a lot of this show's cameras are hidden -- but from what I saw before I came here, there are probably fewer than have been rumored.

"When Caeser's 'Republic,' of course it was that in name only, was conquered, this building was taken to be the seat of the Noble House which was given dominion over the area. So it was for some time, but the fourth or fifth lord, was found out to be an abolitionist who used this mansion to hide escaped slaves after he perpetrated a bombing on a slave training facility, killing twenty or so people. That got him executed, also vored in fact, by a dragon.

"That was about one-hundred years ago. The mansion was briefly a hotel again, which is where most of its most modern amenities come from, but the place's unpleasant history got it closed down, and its deed sat in the state's pocket until the network bought it."

Berry sat, transfixed. The story was passably interesting, but the sound of Rynarth's voice, so confident yet so kind, was tender and hypnotic. He smiled, and took a drink of his juice. He tried hard to think of another question before Rynarth finished.

As soon as Andro saw his own name in the holodeck's menu, he had to click on it. He actually remembered posing for this one a few years back. He had sat through three days of nonstop scans as the computer attempted to build an accurate model of not only his body, but, more importantly, his brain, and his patterns of behavior. He'd had sex with a bunch of scientific instruments so they could study his technique, and cameras had been posted at several meetings with clients to observe his mannerisms.

After Andro selected his name, he was given the option to play himself or his client. He chose client. He then got to choose an environment. He picked the large, violet-walled bedchamber he'd been using when this program was made.

The simulation began with him standing outside the door. The hall outside his old abode was accurate to his memory. His name was engraved on a gold-colored metal plate outside the door, in an ornate font. Andro laughed as he opened the door. As soon as he did, he saw the hologram of himself.

The hologram turned to him. Somehow, he didn't recognize his client. He was posing well, though. He smiled Andro's special client-service grin and said in his client-service voice "Why hello there." Andro smiled back at the hologram. He walked over, shutting the door behind him. Other furs might have found it creepy to lie in bed with an image of oneself, but Andro had been in this business for his entire life, and no longer found anything creepy.

Andro lay in bed with the fox. "Oh, you look so nice," the hologram said. Andro held his chuckle in. While the hologram's tricks were working better than Andro had expected, well enough to get him as hard as the hologram was, it was still impossible to miss the artificiality of it all when he'd been on the other side for so long. "How would you enjoy me, master?" the hologram asked him, giving out a sensual moan.

Andro thought. He wasn't really famous for any position in particular, so he defaulted to his own preference. "Suck me off," he commanded his visage.

Then the holodeck turned off. "All contestants are to report to the master office on the fourth floor within twenty minutes for this week's challenge," he heard. "Arrive clothed and ready to spend several hours in the area."

Andro seethed. "Son of a..."

Spartan entered the room and sat on one of the couches inside. He took up the entire couch. He was the first one to arrive, though the host was already there. The eagle shuffled through some notes as he stood. He and Spartan ignored each other.

It was a few minutes before the bat arrived, then the fox, then the dragon and the bunny together. The others funneled in gradually over the next several minutes, with the deer being among the last to arrive, the jaguar accompanying him.

"Welcome, contestants," the eagle declared, nearly five minutes after everyone had arrived. "Last week's challenge was a test of your endurance. This week, well," he chuckled, "this week will be one as well, my dear contestants, but with a special twist. You will not be seeking to endure the pleasurable machinations of a machine, but of each other!"

Spartan liked that. It sounded like it would be easy for him. "In pairs, members of the opposite teams will be sent just a little ways down the hall, to what was the lord's bedchamber when this mansion was a noble holdfast. There, you will lay, sixty-nineing each other. The first one to cum loses, and whoever wins earns a point for their team. Whichever team has the most points at the end wins, but the other team, sadly, will have to vote off one of its members." The host smiled. "And by the way, any members of the losing team who won their own matches will be immune from elimination this week, so even if you don't think your team still has a chance, be sure to suck hard, my friends!

"Now, as for the first pairing, I have a wheel here." A holographic wheel was projected to the host's right, its seven slices depicting the faces of each of the Crouching Courtesans, "and another here." Another wheel appeared, depicting the Rising Rascals. The host raised his wings in the air. He waited a moment. "And, spin!" he commanded, giving his wings a great flap.

The wheels turned for about thirty seconds before the one on the left, his team's, slowed. It decelerated for several seconds, and finally landed on Carden Strike. The host announced this result. About ten seconds later, the other wheel slowed as well, landing on Bolt Aladdin.

The tiger seemed unreasonably happy with that result, standing up with a wide smile on his face. "And so, it's model vs CEO in our first match-up!" the host said. The two were led out of the room.

Carden walked down the hall with the horse. His smile made his fangs visible. At last, it was time to make up for the little challenge he'd lost to this piece of eyemeat.

The blue jays working on the show's staff led Carden and Bolt into an opulent bedroom. The place's carpets, drapes, and sheets were each a different shade of red. The bed was large and circular, and covered by canopy from which hung flowing scarlet curtains. Beside the bed there was a table, on which sat an ornate lamp with a stained-glass lampshade.

Bolt dashed over to the bed as he entered the room. Carden smiled. Getting excited, were we? Well, it was warranted. Carden was a tiger to get excited about, and the horse certainly looked excited. Carden was excited too, he realized, and with everyone excited, it was time to get on with the show.

Carden took the top position as the horse lay back, positioning his cock over the horse's snout and his own mouth over the horse's massive member. With a deep thrust, Carden fucked the horse in the mouth, while taking the horse's member in his own. The horse's skill on Carden's member immediately made him moan, as the horse pulled his lips back and forth over it. The tiger did the same thing, trying to call to mind the techniques his best trained slaves had used on him. The first one he thought of, that tongue swirl his favorite pet did just right, was able to summon a moan from the horse.

It was already taking an effort, if a minimal one, for Carden to hold his seed. He let out a murr as he felt himself, and then some minutes later, the horse, pre. Carden sped up his head-bobs, while if anything, Bolt seemed to be slowing them down. Carden could feel the tongue gliding over his cock, savoring its sensitive skin, as though it were a soft, warm popsicle, full and worthy of rever...

Carden fought himself back from the edge. He took deep breaths through his nose. That would be enough of that. He bobbed up and down like mad, horse cock routinely hitting the back of his throat. He felt another drop of pre enter him, and another five leak out of him. He seethed. I'll get you. Furiously, he bobbed to and fro, running his tongue over the horse's cock. The taste was wonderful, positively erotic. He moved faster, and faster, and faster, and faster and...

Carden's eyebrows furled at the pleasure that overcame him as he came. His moan was involuntary, and unearned. It wasn't even that good of a blowjob. And yet, it'd apparently been better than his.

"And the results are in!" the host screamed, a smirk running all across his beak. "And it looks like... Bolt is the winner!" There was a bit of celebration among the other team, all except for Thicket, who seemed bored.

Alpha was bored. They shouldn't have made him be bored. Being bored sucked. His tail flitted up and down, attracting the dragon's indignant stare, as though the sound of his tail hitting the couch rhythmically were more annoying than waiting for like half an hour with nothing but his own thoughts and some magazines with the horse on them. Alpha gave the dragon his "I'm going to fuck you" lip lick.

Then, much to Alpha's relief, the wheels next to the host reappeared. Bolt and Carden's wedges popped out of the wheels, with the others growing as appropriate to make two complete circles. Bolt's wedge moved to the upper right of his team's projection, while Carden's shattered. Alpha sighed. That was one point for the other team. It didn't matter too much, as he'd probably win his match, but still, it mattered a little.

"And now," the host said, "let's see who's up next!"

The wheels spun. As they did, Alpha thought about who he'd like to end up against. As much as he wanted to use the question to quell his own boredom, it was unfortunately not a very hard one. Berry. Gods did he want to thrash Berry. The rabbit was supposed to have a reputation, but he'd obviously never really been fucked in his life. When a real man uses a slave, well, that's a hardening experience. It builds up a tolerance that the little fluff ball didn't have.

A dinging sound interrupted Alpha's thoughts. His team's wheel had stopped, and it'd stopped on him. He smiled. Finally, his little buddy would get to play... though not too hard. He sighed. It would be so much easier for everyone if they just gave him the slaves. Like that little bunny. Alpha turned to Berry and gave him the most domineering stare he could muster, causing him to flinch backward, shaking, into the dragon's arms. Alpha let out a chuckle. He would have to get rid of that dragon pretty soon.

Another dinging sound. Alpha looked up at the board. He'd be going up against the otter.

He looked over at the creature, which immediately stood up and smiled at him. That's almost unfair! Alpha thought, as he stood up as well and walked over to the Lord's chamber. The otter immediately ran in front of him as, as though competing in a footrace. That thing would cum in seconds. He wouldn't finish his first lick before Alpha knocked him out.

The otter had already ran up onto the bed before Alpha entered the room to find him laying on it. "C'mon over!" he said. Alpha smirked. He walked over to the bed and lay down with his future slave. They were both hard.

"Begin," a speaker said from the other room. Alpha enveloped the otter's tiny little cock with his smirking muzzle. At the same time, he felt the creature's paws tap against his stomach. He looked down. He laughed. The otter was too short to go at him.

Alpha bent himself into the sharpest angle he could manage to allow the otter to reach his cock. He felt the creature try to wrap his mouth around his little buddy. He couldn't. Alpha swirled his tongue around the otter's cock. He didn't dare try to do anything elaborate. He risked having the thing slip out! Besides, it was working, or at least he thought so. The otter's moan was rattly, like the hum of an engine.

After a minute, the otter managed to get Alpha's head into his mouth. Alpha moaned as the otter's tongue began its work. Still, the otter was already reacting to him, even beginning to buck his hips a bit. Alpha swallowed pre as it splashed over his tongue.

After a few more minutes, the otter finally got Alpha's cock reasonably deep into his throat. Alpha hadn't accomplished the same task, as the otter's otterhood was shorter than his snout. Still, it signaled Alpha to take this a bit more seriously. He bobbed his head. The otter's mouth opened wide with a groan, causing Alpha's cock to slip out. Alpha fought back laughter until the third bob, he heard a shout from the otter, and tasted victory in his muzzle.

Berry saw the otter's wedge of the roulette shatter and the wolf's move to the other team's corner. There were five people left on each team.

Berry jumped as the bull laughed at something. He buried his face in Rynarth's torso. Despite being young for a dragon, Rynarth was ten feet tall, with more than enough chest for Berry to snuggle into and get lost in. That's what he did. He tuned out the sound of the wheel spinning and just focused on Rynarth, his master. The other day, Thicket had asked him how he managed to survive being a slave given how... how scared he was of everything. He'd stuttered for a while and said he didn't know but... the truth was that being a slave was how he survived. He was a courtesan, and he served countless clients. Some of them might have been scary but... between them were the big, strong ones, the ones Berry could get lost in serving. That was how he made it through everything. For him, Rynarth winning would be a dream come true. Winning himself scared him much more. He wouldn't know what to do with his life.

When he heard the wheel ding, he looked up and over it. It was his team's wheel, and it had landed on Rynarth. Berry's eyes widened. He looked up at his master. Rynarth smiled down at him. "Alright, get on off me," he said. "I need to go." A bead of sweat falling off his paw, Berry obeyed. He moved over to the unoccupied chair next to Rynarth as Rynarth stood up.

The other wheel stopped soon after, on the bat, Orion. Berry watched the two leave the room.

Orion walked down the hall, sizing up the dragon. The creature was twice his height, and likely weighed about a ton. He wondered if he'd even be able to fit his member in his mouth. He'd seen it during the last challenge, but only under the device, so he wasn't sure precisely how big it was.

When the two arrived in the room, they quickly undressed, and lay down on the bed. The dragon scanned Orion up and down, which struck Orion as a good sign. You're more likely to orgasm in someone you find attractive, right? That was Orion's one advantage, he supposed. Orion could recognize that the dragon had traits that were considered attractive, but just as with everyone else, he personally felt nothing when he looked at him.

"Begin," Orion heard, once the dragon had bent into an angle so that the two could suck each other properly.

The dragon's cock was on the larger side, as Orion had feared. While his own length went straight into the dragon's muzzle and was already being stimulated, Orion struggled to fit the dragon's head into his mouth. He felt tangy pleasure as the dragon's tongue slid over him.

As Orion swirled his own tongue around the dragon's cockhead, he was eventually able to get past it, and end up about two inches down. That was as far as he could go. Any more and the thing would choke him. He just head to do the best he could with what he had. He moved his lips up and down the portion he could fit inside him and worked it with his tongue. He tried different patterns he'd read about for a few minutes, until he found the one that seemed to set the dragon moaning. He stuck with it.

And then Orion let out a murr. He took a deep breath. Keeping erotic thoughts out of his brain was not the concern, as it was for the others. For him, it was a matter of simply holding back his autonomic nervous system. The dragon's moans grew louder and louder.

The dragon was pleasuring the bat quite well, though, and the bat was himself stuck in a constant moan muffled by the dragon's meat. There were five or six dimensions to the dragon's movement, and it was no use trying to parse it all out. All of the books had said that dragons were good in bed.

Orion decided to change strategies and go for the meditation after all. He closed his eyes and tried to lose himself in his pattern, the complex shape he was tracing over the dragon's scales. It fell mostly in the grooves between them, actually. Starting from the tip, he'd pick up a drop of pre and use it as extra lubricant to slip quickly over the whole underside of what he'd managed to get into his mouth. He'd then follow a path over the top and to the other side, before pulling back to the tip again and using the next drop, which would be there by then, to repeat the process.

He did this over and over again, his breathing growing more erratic, along with his opponent's. He was moaning, and clicking a bit too. His moans made the room seem blurry. Suddenly, he felt a geyser erupt within him.

Andro didn't remember posing for this scene, but there he was in the magazine in front of him. He lay splayed out on a space station with the planet Gazov visible out the window, naked but for a space helmet. "Support our space program," the headline read, followed by a spiel about why this ought to be done.

Andro put down the magazine as he heard the host speak. "And the results are in," he said. "And it looks like Rynarth has won the day!"

Andro had expected the dragon to win, but it didn't make him all that happy to see his team's little pie-slice-with-a-face-on-it shatter and the other team's move to the corner. The host said something, and the wheels spun again. Andro watched his own wheel, actually hoping he didn't get picked. Bored as everyone else looked, he didn't mind the old magazines, though that was likely only because he was in them.

The holographic wheel made a clicking sound as it spun around, as though it were a physical object with stoppers rather than a projection linked to a random number generator. His team's wheel started to slow down first. Alas, it landed on Andro. He immediately gave his best grin to the nearest camera. He looked over at the other wheel, which slowed down as well shortly after a few comments from the host, eventually landing on Ankur Cotton.

Andro's face lit up. Gods, this is almost unfair. This kid would be putty in his hands. Andro put on his client-serving face. This is going to be fun.

Ankur looked at the grinning face on his opponent. He tried to smile back as the other fur walked out the door. Ankur took a deep breath and followed him.

Ankur just saw Andro's tail flit into the room as he entered the hall. He raised an eyebrow. He walked down the hall himself, and looked into the room. He found Andro sprawled across the bed, smiling, his crotch showing, like something out of one of the magazines in the other room.

"Come over here, darling," Andro said, holding up one finger and motioning it toward himself.

Ankur's eyes widened a bit. He could feel his cathood stretching his pants. He blushed. "I... uh..." he stammered. He closed his eyes.

"Aww, are you hiding from me, kitty? There's no shame in admitting your true feelings. Now, come over here and let Andro give you a good time."

Ankur's face was bright red. As quickly as he could, he pulled down his pants and kicked them away. When he opened his eyes to walk over to the bed, he found Andro had shifted poses. Fuck, that one is better. Ankur ran over to the bed and lay down on it. He opened his mouth and closed his eyes again. He felt a flaccid, cold member enter him. He closed his mouth and swished his tongue across it.

"Oooh, someone looks excited," he heard. He tried to tune it out. He pictured his mother, hoping to remind himself what he was fighting for. When he conjured an image of her, the first thing that came to mind was her at home, bedridden. He tried to banish that as he felt Andro gently run his lips down his already drooling cock. He tried to picture her from before. He tried to picture how she was... and how she'd be again. He shed a tear. He held the image in his mind. Her face, smiling. Her red fur. Her golden eyes. He meditated on it.

He felt a cock thrust down his throat.

"Someone's forgetting to do their half," Ankur heard. His eyes widened. He was suddenly aware of the fox below him. He felt Andro swirl around him, gently but... gods, in just the right place. The fox's lips moved over him as his tongue sped up, not losing its skill. Ankur closed his eyes and took deep breaths to try to keep himself from the edge, but succeeded only in breathing in Andro's hot musk.

Ankur thought. Another tactic occurred to him. He imitated Andro's technique as best he could. He copied him bob for bob, swirl for swirl, lick for lick. It seemed to work at first. A drop of pre fell out of the fox. Ankur continued. After a few minutes, he heard Andro's voice again. "Aww, that's cute. You're copying off me, aren't you?" Ankur tried to keep the words out of his mind. It's just trash talk. He's trying to psych you out.

Ankur felt himself move closer and closer to the edge. He clinched his muscles. This was the most willpower he'd ever used on anything. Tears dripped down him. His face was bright red. Hold back. Hold back, he thought. He kept copying the fox. Just because he'd noticed didn't mean it wouldn't work. The Fox chuckled, and sped up his technique. His tongue's motions across Ankur's member became impossible to follow. Ankur tried as best he could for a while, before finally resorting to trying to imitate what the fox had done earlier. I've kept myself on the edge for five minutes, he thought. I can last a bit longer.

Ankur felt a surge of bliss as ropes of cum exploded out of him. He opened his mouth and gasped for air, even as he was worn out by afterglow. He felt a paw stroking his stomach. After a few more deep breaths, he looked up. He saw Andro, smiling down at him.

Urian lay back in his chair, fidgeting. This was more waiting than a noble... or really anyone, should have to endure! He put down his magazine as he heard the wheels finally come up again. The jaguar's pie-slice broke and the fox's moved to the corner. It was two to two now, a tie.

Urian took a deep breath. After the host spoke, the wheels spun again. He watched. The wheels spun at full speed for about thirty seconds. Urian's paw gripped the armrest on his chair. The other team's wheel was the first to slow down. Urian watched it, the holographic stopper clicking as it passed the holographic pegs.

It finally stopped on the Lizard, Achaeron.

Only a moment later, his own team's wheel started to slow.

The same clicking filled the air as it came to a stop. When, at last, it landed, it landed on Spartan.

Drat, Urian thought.

Achaeron stood, following the slave out of the room. The being's movements were deliberate, calculated. He moved like an automaton. What is the point of a slave like this? It was similar to one of the first questions he asked when he arrived in the imperium, finally seeing for the first time the cities the diplomat had spoken of when she presented her offer. "If you can make machines like this," he asked, when he first saw their 'robots,' "why do you keep so many slaves?"

It wasn't because they were useful. That was only a side benefit. It was a condition of the pact they made with their pair of gods. "The Imperium shall dominate the world, and all therein. Those nations and persons who submit to its rule shall be given the justice of full citizens, but all others must be conquered, and forever subjected to service." When one made a pact with the god of slaves and the masters, it seemed to be expected.

But that did not answer the question in front of him. What was the point of a slave like this? What was the point of a slave who was indistinguishable from a more useful automaton?

Achaeron stopped thinking about the question when he reached the room. Without missing a beat, the Rhino was already undressing. Achaeron realized he should do the same, and he did. The Rhino lay down. Even as Achaeron revealed his strong, scaled body, Spartan seemed uninterested in it. "Come lay," he said. "We must perform the challenge."

"Indeed..." Achaeron said. He walked over to the bed and lay down.

He and the Rhino took each other's cocks in their mouths.

The Rhino's meat was large, but flaccid. Even in that state, Achaeron was only just barely able to fit the whole of it into his mouth. He moved forward and backward, trying to stimulate it with his tongue. At the same time, the Rhino already had him hard. He let out a moan. Achaeron wasn't very experienced at this. He'd been sucked off before, but he'd done the sucking only... gods, perhaps twice? He'd done it for the other chief at that ceremony before his father passed, and again on a whim with that captive with the golden scales. However little experience he had, Achaeron tried to draw upon it now.

The lizard shuddered, as a drop of pre leaked out of him. Still, Achaeron did make some progress. After running over it a few times, the slave's cock hardened.

As Achaeron ran his tongue along it, it grew. Each time he ran forward and then back, he couldn't get as much of the member in as before. Finally, by the sixth or so cycle of his movement, the cock had fully hardened, and the lizard struggled to get half of the thing in.

Meanwhile, Spartan was showcasing his skill. Early into the act, he had grabbed Achaeron from behind and moved his hips forward, forcing him to thrust. A soft murr fell from Achaeron's mouth the whole time the cock was hardening. Well before it had finished, Achaeron struggled to keep himself together.

Sweat fell down Achaeron's face as he put his all into his technique. He was near the edge, he could feel it. His deep, warm breaths punctuated his efforts with the rhino. Achaeron's face was scrunched up as he tried to keep himself in. He smiled as a drop... by a certain value of drop, fell out of the rhino's member.

As Achaeron struggled to swallow it, he felt his own genitals go, and he spit the rhino's cock out of his mouth. He shouted as the orgasm filled him with its hot, tangy bliss. He was gasping for air, both due to his own pleasure and because he'd had that cock in his mouth until just now. That thing was massive. And even as he lay, he felt the rhino dutifully swallow his seed.

As Achaeron gasped, he felt a weight leave the bed. He looked up at the rhino as he walked away.

Berry sat, watching the Lizard shatter and the Rhino move to the corner. He shuttered. The rhino scared him. He covered his ears in anticipation of another speech by the host. When it was over, he uncovered them.

There were only two names on each disk now. His and Thicket's on his team, the lion and the... the b... the bull on the other's. That bull... Berry shivered thinking about him. Then, suddenly, another thought occurred to him. I have to win. The other team had three victories. If he or Thicket lost, that would be a fourth. That would give them the majority... they'd win... Berry squealed.

As he did, almost on que, the other team's wheel started to slow. That one needs to land on the lion and mine needs to land on me. Otherwise...

Berry watched the wheel spin, the blue and yellow from the bull and lion's icons blending together at first, into a nice green, but separating out until... until...

Berry smiled. It landed on Urian. The lion himself stood up, full of joy. "Finally!" he shouted.

Berry's attention turned toward his own wheel. He felt his paws sweat. A tear fell down his face as the teal of his wheel separated into the green and blue of his and the deer's icons. Berry watched as the wheel slowed. It was on him. It was on thicket. It was on him. It was on Thicket. It was on him...

It stopped on Thicket.

Berry shivered as he looked over at the bull. The bull grinned. "Looks like we'll be having some alone time, little bunny," he said. The bull licked his lips, and there was suddenly a small pee stain in Berry's undies.

Berry stared at the creature in a terrified stupor as the other two left, leaving him alone in the room with the bull... and the host, which he supposed helped some. Berry tried to pretend Rynarth was there with him... but he wasn't. Berry put his head down. The bull laughed.

Thicket walked into the Lord's chamber. I'd best start to figure out who to vote for, he thought. He wouldn't have doubted the rabbit's chances so strongly -- he was an experienced courtesan -- except that he'd gone pretty quickly in the last challenge.

Come to think of it, why had that been? Lasting was a necessary skill with a client. Loads of people born masters were bottoms... and nothing angered such people more than feeling that they'd been robbed some portion of their hour by your ejaculation. It couldn't be that Berry was incapable of holding it in. There has to be more to it.

Once Thicket and the lion were undressed, Thicket refocused his attention on his task. He looked over the lion's form. It was typical for his species... perhaps a tad more arousing. His toned muscles made Thicket think Lord Nocturn was a fencer or some other sort of pretend soldier. No lord was a real soldier, but they liked to play at it.

Still, Thicket thought as he lay down on the bed and got into his position, he can't be that accomplished at it. I'd have heard of him if he was. With that thought, Thicket wrapped his arms around the lion's waist and leaned forward.

While Thicket's length was still sheathed, Urian's was half out. Thicket passed his lips across what was exposed and sucked gently. He heard the lord moan. Thicket followed the newly exposed skin as it emerged from Urian's sheath. He kept his tongue focused on the front where it could be most active, but his lips went down farther, until he had the whole thing in him and his nose ran into the lion's sack.

From there, Thicket pulled back, his tongue following the contours of the lion's cock around to what he knew from years past to be the most sensitive points. Once his lips were about to come off of the cock, Thicket moved back forward. It was this motion he repeated, picking up speed with each stroke.

On occasion, Thicket would stay at the base for a while, giving up lip movement to do some complicated routine with his tongue. It wasn't long before he had the lion purring like a housecat.

Urian moaned. Gods this deer is good. Through deep breaths, he worked the slave's cock. While he learned to perform blowjobs in erotic arts classes as an adolescent, he remembered only the basics; certainly not more than an experienced agent of pleasure such as this would know.

Urian's movements were chaotic, a mess, he almost flailed his tongue around the deer's member. He didn't even try for some pattern. The only rule he followed was to keep the deer's meat away from his teeth.

Urian's cock was near bursting. He moaned. His paws were sweaty. The deer... the deer felt so good.

The chamber was a fog as Urian tried to hold himself back. Drat. Drat. Drat.

Thicket grinned as the lion came into his mouth. He took his mouth off of the cock and spit out the first rope, letting the rest leak onto the bed.

Thicket got off of the bed and put his clothing back on. Once his afterglow wore off, the lion looked up at him. "Hey..." he said, between deep breaths, "nice... nice job there."

Thicket didn't look back at him. "Yeah," he said. "Thanks," he choked out after a minute. The word tasted like poison. Thicket left the room and walked to the west wing of the mansion.

Berry sat in his chair, trying to tune out Zatus' taunts. None of it is true, he reminded himself. He can't hurt me. He isn't allowed to hurt me.

" AND WE'RE BACK FOLKS!" Berry heard. He jumped, hyperventilating for a moment. Berry covered his ears again. He looked up at the holographic wheels, and saw the lion's icon shatter. He smiled. That's good. Thicket won. If he won, his entire team would win.

Berry heard a chuckle. Before he could think about it, he turned toward its source. "Looks like it comes down to just the two of us, little bunny," he heard. He squeaked, evoking another laugh from the bull. The creature's grin was wide. "Now, come, little pet," the bull said as he stood up and left the room. Berry was curled up in his chair, shaking.

After the bull had been gone for a few moments, the host looked down at him. " You, eh, need to go, kid," he said. Berry looked up at him. He knew it was true. Still, he was frozen. " C'mon, get out there! There's a staff dinner in half an hour and I don't wanna miss it." He didn't move. " Get on up!" the host bellowed. He pushed Berry out of the chair with his wing.

Berry shivered. Everything was slow. He weighed a ton as he forced himself to his feet, his legs like noodles. He shuffled forward. The world spun around him. By Berry's judgement, it took him an hour to get out of the room, and four or five to walk down the hallway.

But then the world snapped back into focus when Berry heard a soothing voice behind him. "Berry?" he heard, and as he turned around, he saw his master.

"Master!" Berry cried. He ran over to Rynarth and embraced him. His scaly scent filled the rabbit's nostrils.

His master stroked his head. "I'm here," he said. He hugged him. "I heard everything."

"I'm scared, master," Berry said.

His master's strokes grew firmer. "It's okay," he said. "I'll be right outside."

"I..." tears fell from Berry's eyes. "I... don't know if I can do it, master."

Rynarth held Berry closer. "You can, my precious. You can." He loosened his grasp to look Berry in the eye. "Pretend that it's me."

"Pretend... that it's you?"

Rynarth nodded. "Pretend that it's me. Once his mouth is on your cock, he won't be able to say anything, so I want you to close your eyes and pretend that you're servicing me. You want to do that, don't you, and as well as you can?"

Berry nodded. "Of course, master."

"Then go in there and do it."

Berry looked up at his master, then down, at his feet. "But..."

"That's an order, Berry. I'm in that room. Pleasure me."

Berry gulped, but then took a deep breath. "You're in that room. I'm going to pleasure you."

"Good," Rynarth said.

Berry turned around and went into the room. He was still sweaty. He saw the bull sitting on the bed, still fully clothed. It's Rynarth, he thought. I've got to pretend it's Rynarth. He turned to face the wall. He stripped. Rynarth said he liked my body, he said. He and Rynarth couldn't actually mate by the rules of the contest, but the dragon could touch himself to Berry's image, and he had.

Berry turned around and walked over to the bed. His opponent hadn't undressed yet. In either case, Berry lay down.

Berry heard a chuckle. "You know," he said, "this reminds me very much of a... little experience I had a few years back. Would you mind if I share it?" Berry looked up at the bull dragon. He was barely undressing, removing his sock at a snail's pace. Berry closed his eyes again and covered his ears, squealing. It's my master. It's Rynarth.

"When I was about fifteen," Rynarth said, "I went out on the town for some game. I would've bought a type like you but... well, couldn't really afford it, and I didn't think any rental would do." The dragon chuckled. "Now, you know how boys are at that age, they're a third of the way through their first Erotic Arts class and they think they're gifts to furkind. I wasn't really any different. So, taking the money I had I went out to a bar, bought one drink so I'd not be loitering, and toured the place, looking for a conquest."

Berry curled into a ball.

"I must have tried for hours without any success. I took the rejection well, I suppose, by the standards of a calf. Then, late at night, I saw... him." The bull looked up, starry eyed. "He was a bunny, about my age, that is, my age back then, and about your size. He... well, he was the best piece of meat I ever saw. Even to this day, I've never felt quite the same quiver in my loins."

" THE CONTESTANTS WILL BEGIN THE CHALLENGE." Berry heard. He flinched, but was actually glad to hear what the voice said.

"Oh, terribly sorry," Zatus said. He finished undressing and lay down. Berry closed his eyes and wrapped his mouth right around the bull's member. The creature's musk was strong. It was still in sheath.

Now we can get to the challenge, Berry thought.

"So, as I was saying," Zatus began.

Berry's eyes widened. He closed them again. I know how to suck a cock, he thought. _This is Rynarth. _

_ _ "Anyways, this bunny, he was the most wonderful thing I'd ever seen. I had to have him." Zatus lay back, abruptly forcing Berry to lay on top of him. The bull stroked the bunny, coming nowhere near his cock. "So, I walked over to him. He was polite enough at first, a bit timid, actually. You'd like him. However, when I came all the way onto him, he told me he was busy and couldn't." The bull giggled. "Well, I'd have none of that!

"So, I brought him back home with me anyway. He kicked and screamed a bit as I made him follow me out of the bar, but I was able to get him away." Berry whimpered as he licked the cock, which had now emerged from the bull's sheath. "Aww, don't like my story?" the bull asked. "Feel free to leave. I'm happy to accept your concession of this contest." Berry shivered. This is RYNARTH. I have to service Rynarth!

"Now, where was I? I took the bunny home. My parents were out for the weekend, so there was no one to interfere with the two of us. I brought him down to the basement and closed the door. I explained to him that I was going to have sex with him. Now, he was in hysterics at this point, all screaming and crying and begging, he had the same whimper you're doing right now. But anyways, because he was in hysterics, it was easy to get him to agree to blow me if I promised to let him go."

The bull moaned as Berry's tears dripped over his cock. It was fully stiff and leaking pre. "And of course, he did blow me." The bull moaned again. "And boy did he do a good job, just like you are." Zatus smiled and patted Berry. He thrust his hips forward, his cock slamming against the back of Berry's throat. Berry clenched his eyes shut. _I can do this. He can't hurt me. This is Rynarth. _ "And, before too long, he finished me off. Now, the poor fool, and this is what endeared him to me more than anything, he actually thought I intended to release him! I didn't." Zatus chuckled. "Once his mouth was off of my cock, I held him against me and reached into a nearby drawer for my tools." Berry heard a drawer open and close. Zatus let out a loud, long exhale. "I had one arm wrapped around him as he wiggled," Berry felt the bull wrap an arm around his torso and press him against his stomach. He sobbed as he kept sucking. "And with my other arm, a saw in hand, I started removing pieces. I had to start with the legs of course. They were kicking every which way, and might have hurt me. So, using my spare arm, I grabbed one foot and put it in my mouth to hold it taut, then I cut it off."

Berry felt the bull grab his leg and hold his foot in his mouth. He tried to kick back against the arm that grabbed it. His heart raced. He clenched his fist as the bull's teeth, blunt as they were, bit down on his foot. His fight or flight reflexes started to activate and Berry's other leg kicked wildly. While he still sucked and gulped down globs of pre, all sense of technique was lost. This is Rynarth, he repeated to himself. This is Rynarth. This is Rynarth. This is Rynarth.

The bunny felt something hard and cold run across the base of his leg. He cringed. After a moment, he felt the leg spit out and kicked as the other one was brought into Zatus' mouth to have its foot crushed. Rynarth. Rynarth. RYNARTH.

_ _ "Now, when I'd done that, I knew I only had minutes left with my friend. How best to spend them? Well, I decided to really go for it on my first one, so I grabbed his balls like this," Berry's tears welled anew as he felt the bull grab his balls and squeeze. "I squeezed them, tighter and tighter, until I felt them burst like little balloons."

Berry's sucking was frantic. "Next, I grabbed his cock," Berry felt his cock grasped, "and I held it out, stretching it, flaccid as it was at this point, and I ran my knife across it until I was most of the way through it, then it snapped off.

"With that, I could tell he was losing consciousness, so I decided I would go for one big finale before he died and I moved on to the next bunny. With my one arm I hoisted him up." Berry felt himself being lifted, made to do a headstand on the bull's cock. "And I readied my saw, positioning myself to drag it across his stomach so his innards could leak out all over me, and he could die as a pile whose glory I bathed in. And so I lifted my arm and I... I... I..."

The bull's load exploded into Berry's mouth.

Berry stood up and ran out the door, into Rynarth's waiting arms. Rynarth hugged him as he burried his head into the creature's scales, weeping. "There, there," Rynarth said, rubbing his bunny's back. "It's okay. I'm here. I'll protect you."

"I... I... He... his story--"

"Was a lie."

Berry looked up. "Wha... what?"

"He made it up. His first victim was a female beaver, and he didn't do any of the things he described to you to her."

Berry looked up at his maser. He looked into the creature's loving eyes, before burying his face into his scaly chest once again. He closed his eyes and let himself get lost in his master's tight embrace.

Orion and his teammates sat around the fountain with their backs to one another. His chest was heavy. He went over the likely results in his mind. Everyone is picking between me, Strike, Nocturn and Gnayer. Zatus is awful. Other people won't like him. I should be safe... right? He couldn't convince himself completely, however. Despite his time in prison, Zatus was still more experienced than him, and physically, there was no contest. It wasn't as sure as Orion would like to think. I have studied well. I know as much as any of them... but will they see it that way?

"And we're back," the host shouted, "to Who Wants a Harem." His voice grew quiet...er. Orion wondered if his mic had some kind of technical problem, so that he had to shout like that for it to pick up his voice. "Furs, it is that time. Time to find out which of our contestants will be entering, a life of slavery after this week. The Crouching Courtesans lost this week, and therefore a member of their team must be eliminated. However, due to their winning their portion of the challenge and acquiring points for their team, Andro, Spartan, and Alpha Nightwalker will not be eligible for elimination this week.

"The party to be removed, therefore, will be either Urian Nocturn, our lordly lion, Zatus Gnayer, our killer bull, Carden Strike, our professional slaver, or Orion Tiberius, our bat." Orion sighed. I voted well. I have done everything I could do.

"Each member of the team has voted for one of those four contestants," the host continued. He picked up a stack of thin, transparent pads. "On my que, each of these screens will reveal one contestant's vote, though they will not reveal which contestant cast each one. Once all seven votes have been revealed, the new slave's identity will be clear."

Orion clenched his fist and grabbed a clump of grass with his toes. The host picked up a pad, pressed a button on it, and read it aloud. "Our first vote is for... Orion Tiberius." Orion's eyes widened. He took another deep breath. That's just one of seven.

The host picked up another pad. "For our second vote, Zatus Gnayer." Orion smiled. That was good. The host picked up another pad. "For the third vote, Carden Strike." Orion tilted his head, and he heard a confused gasp from Strike.

It's a three way tie so far. It could go any way.

The host picked up another pad. "The fourth vote goes to... Orion Tiberius." Orion gulped. That gives me the most so far. He took another deep breath.

"The fifth vote is for... Zatus Gnayer." They were tied now. The host picked up another pad. "For the sixth vote, Zatus Gnayer." Orion's eyes widened. He looked up at the host. As long as the next vote wasn't for him...

"And, the seventh and final vote is for... Zatus Gnayer."

Orion nearly fell forward off the fountain, his relief was so intense. His muscles all relaxed in turn and he let out a massive, audible sigh. He saw someone look over at him in response, but he didn't care who. As he sat, looking down at the ground, he heard the bull scream. Footsteps moved toward where the bull had been sitting, but other footsteps ran away, huffing. "Get off of me. GET OFF OF ME!" Orion heard. The bull grunted, and something hit the ground with a thud. A third set of footsteps ran into the yard as the other contestants walked into the mansion. The bull could be heard wrestling with one of the attendants, but then Orion heard a puff of air, and the bull went quiet. A moment later, something crossed Orion's field of vision and he finally looked up. He saw Zatus unconscious, slumped over the giraffe's arm, being carried away. He looked back down. He saw a ladybug in the grass. He smiled as he watched it climb to the top of a long blade.