Love means sacrifice, but for who?

Story by zidane on SoFurry

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An Idea I've had quite some time ago and finally decided to write it down

It was a quite warm summer night. Peter Turner was lying on his bad watching a movie. He was a quite muscular incineroar at the age of 26. He had well defined pecs and a six-pack and he was only wearing blue boxes to match his eyes. He lived alone at his house at a nice neighborhood.

He then heard his doorbell ring and then looked at the clock, which showed 9:20 pm. It was quite late for a visit and he wondered who might be this late. He hoped it weren't thieves.

He turned the TV off and walked to the front door and looked through the magic eye and saw a familiar machoke on the other side. This machoke was called Ethan Turner and he was Peter's adoptive father.

He was even bigger and muscular than peter and had green eyes. Ethan had adopted Peter when he was just one year old. He was the definition of super dad. He did everything he could to raise his son by himself. Peter loved his father so much that they even had sex occasionally.

It had started when Peter was 18 and got his admission for college. His father gave him quite the celebration on the bed. The incineroar still had a silly smile every time he remembered that night. The machoke was fully aware that his son liked men as well, because his father had seen his internet History. And, as for Peter, that particular night he had discovered why his dad never brought a girlfriend home.

But this visit seemed quite odd, especially at that hour. He opened the door and greeted his father who was wearing green shorts and a plain white t-shirt. "Hey, dad. What is it?"

His father smiled and got inside of the house kissing his son on the mouth. The cat-like pokemon blushed as he suddenly felt his father's big hands over his bare chest rubbing it. He loved the taste of his father so much.

But then he broke the kiss and said with a silly smile, "Better enter and let me close the door, dad. I don't want the neighbors to see us."

The machoke laughed and agreed to it. Once inside, Ethan already started taking off his shirt, revealing his bulging muscles. Both men were already hard, but Peter couldn't help but to ask, "Did you decide to come all the way here, at this hourjust for a booty call?"

The machoke approached him letting their chests touch and their still clothed groins rub on each other. Then he said, while raising his hand and slowly caressing his son's right cheek, "You've been on my mind lately. I'm growing old. You're already a man. It won't be long until we never be able to enjoy each other like this again."

This put a frown on Peter's face, "Dad, you're just fifty-eight. You still have a long time. Don't talk like this."

Ethan had a sad smile, "I know...but every time I think about it, I feel quite bad, you know. Do you blame me for wanting to enjoy my son?"

Peter was a little confused, but he just assumed his father might be entering a middle age crisis or something. "No. But it would be better if you called first. I could have prepared something for us."

Ethan kissed him passionately. He pretty much drew his breath away with the kiss. Peter had had his fair share of boyfriends and one night stands, but his father was the only one that managed to turn him on so much.

"Let's go to your bedroom." Ethan said when he broke the kiss. There was a small bridge of saliva connecting their tongues when he did so.

Both men walked to the bedroom and laid on it kissing and rubbing each other's body. Then each removed their own underwear and were fully naked. Ethan then turned round for a 69 position and started to suck his son's ten inches long cock. Ethan's dick was 8 inches long and a little thinner than Peter's, but the incineroar loved its taste to no end.

They bobbed their head faster and faster swallowing the entirety of each other's members. Until both came at the same time. Ethan then turned again and kissed his son once more. The could feel the taste of cum in their mouths and this made their cocks remain very hard.

Ethan made his son lay on the bed with his stomach up and then climbed over him to sit on the feline cock.

Peter moaned loudly as his father went up and down on his cock, slamming hard every time we went down to fit the whole cock inside of him. Ethan did all the work while he watched his son's closed eyes and said "Ohs" and "Ahs" a lot. He couldn't help but to chuckle a little. His son had always been a moaner.

Ethan did everything he could to hold back his own orgasm. His sons's cock was hitting his prostrate just right and this made him drip quite a lot over the yournger pokemon's firm belly. It didn't take long until Peter move his hips up going balls deep as he dumped his second load into his father's ass. Both were panting now, but Ethan wasn't done just yet.

Ethan got up and felt the jizz stream from his anus as he realized how much cum his son had. The machoke smiled and said, "Now it's my turn, boy."

The incineroar smiled as his father sat next to him. He knew what position he wanted to do and he also loved that one. The younger male picked some of his own cum and shoved inside of his ass to better lubrificate it.

He then got near his father and guided his dick into his entrance as he sat on it. Peter wrapped his legs and arms around his father as both were sitting, Ethan on the bed and Peter on the warm cock.

Ethan grabbed his son by the butt cheeks and moved him up and down. The pleasure, the warmth of their bodies so close of each other drove both near insane with pleasure. The kissed many times as he they made love.

After twenty minutes of pounding, Ethan suddenly asked, "Son, do you love me?"

Peter had to focus a little to be able to understand what his father was saying as he was 'crushing' his prostrate. "Of course I love you father."

"More than your own life?" Ethan said as he hit Peter's prostate again.

The incineroar moaned very loudly and he said, "Yes, father. I love you more than I love myself."

"Would you die for me?" Ethan pressed and he sped up the movement.

Peter could barely think. His father's stamina was very impressive. He often wondered if he ever would be like him when it came to endurance. But the younger man couldn't understand why his father was saying such things at that time. 'Maybe he's feeling a little lonely lately', Peter managed to think.

All he could say was the truth, "Yes, I would die for you, dad." And he said that almost screaming thanks for the pleasure.

"Thank you, son. I love you too. Never forget that." Ethan whispered as he pressed their bodies tighter. Peter's dick was being rubbed by both their bellies and soon both of them roared as they orgasmed once more.

Peter was nearly exhausted for cumming three times in such a short period of time. But before he could recover, he saw his father's mouth wide open in a manner he didn't even think it was possible. Before he could say anything Ethan shoved his son into his mouth as fast as he could. Peter couldn't understand what was going on as his body was being swallowed. He thought this might be some kind of dream, a very realistic one. His body was covered by saliva and was going down his father's esophagus. It was quite warm and the pressure against his body felt nice, but it was quite hard to breath.

Ethan, on the other hand tried to push his son shoulders and arms into him as he could to prevent any escape. Once he got to the waist, he couldn't help but to enjoy the flavor a little bit slower. There was still cum over Peter's belly and cock and he loved the taste of it more than he would have liked.

The legs were still kicking in the air, but they also went inside of him and once the entire incineroar was inside of the belly, Ethan did his best to purp as much as possible to remove all the air form his stomach. He didn't want his son to suffer for long.

Peter was scared, he tried to move but he couldn't. It was dark and he felt a liquid over him that burned quite a lot and it was getting harder and harder to breath. "Dad, please let me out!" he tried to yell.

Ethan heard that and he rubbed his bulging stomach trying to calm his son down, "Shhhhh. It's okay son. Go to sleep. Daddy knows what's best for you. Rest my son. Close your eyes and go to sleep."

He didn't know if Peter was able to hear him or not but the movement stopped after a while and his belly was making some sounds, getting ready to digest the meal. Ethan's eyes watered up a bit but he shoved the thoughts away and tried to get some sleep. He was so tired and the huge meal inside of him made him fall asleep in a few minutes.

At 4 am, Peter had been fully digested and Ethan's body started to convulse a little. His skin started to crack and he looked like to be molting. When he finally woke up he was sweating. He raised his hands and saw that it had worked. He was no longer a machoke. He was an incineroar.

But the one who was lying on the bed wasn't Peter. It wasn't Ethan either. His true name was Alexander and he was 346 years old. He was originally a Gengar. Back then, when he was around sixty years old he finally realized that his body wasn't as good as before. He was growing old and weak, but he didn't want to die. This thought consumed him and he searched everywhere until he had heard of a book that contained many spells.

It was being well kept at a rich man's house. But he managed to sneak in and steal said book. There, he learned of a particular spell. One that would allow him to live forever, but not on his own body.

He had to perform a ritual and then consume another person. In another words, eat him or her whole. Once he did it his body would become identical to the person he had eaten.

But in order for such spell to work he had to eat someone who loved him. Someone who was willing to die for him. That's why his very first victim had been his youngest son, Mathew, a young Kirlia boy barely nineteen years old. His wife, a gardevoir, had died around ten years before he did the first ritual.

Alexander had had three sons and two daughters. He wasn't willing to become a girl and of his boys, only Mathew was still close to him. The others had moved on with their lives and new families. Mathew was still single and he knew his boy was gay. He had seen him being fucked like a whore by a bunch of men one time.

This gave him the idea of how he would do the deed. One night, he performed the ritual and called his son into his room and had a night of passion with him right there. That had been Alexander's first time with another male. He remembered his son's delighted face. During the afterglow, Mathew confessed he had a crush on his father for a long time and that was when Alexander made the questions part of the ritual demanded him to do. After getting the same answers Pete gave, Alexander ate Mathew.

Mathew was quite effeminate and Alexander felt very confused at first by using a body that wasn't his. Alexander managed to trick everyone by saying that "he" left for drinking, which was something he often did, and never returned home.

But he couldn't stop feeling sad for the death of his son. He died to give him more time on Earth. But the deed was done and he couldn't take it back. He loved his son, but he feared death more.

After that, he tried to reshape his son's body to resemble his old body, but the boy's genes couldn't allow him to put on much muscle. Then he had the idea of raising a boy to be able to transfer his soul. It was pointless to eat a lover at the same age as him. He also needed to learn everything about his future sons life in order to be able to impersonate them properly.

After a few more years, he adopted a young rockruff and he became was his third body and he did it again and again until he reached Peter. Not all his sons liked men, that's why he only had sexual relationships with the ones who were willing to do so.

Alexander had read the entire book several times in order to find a better way to prolong his life without killing those he loved. Many times, he hesitated and even cursed himself for what he was doing. He sighed as he accepted that Peter would probably join the nightmares he often had when he performed the ritual.

He was also saddened by the fact that he would have to adopt another boy soon.