Round two part 1; Dragons VS Ancient Gears

Story by Battle-Panther on SoFurry

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#9 of Let's Duel

Round two has begun, Angel, Sage, and Singe. Belong to their owners, the characters I own, Smith, Trayvon, and others. Enjoy

    • * The next day, all the remaining duelist headed back to the arena for round two. All various species found their seats to watch the next round get underway. "Welcome ladies and gentlemen, for another round in the tournament. To start off round two, Smith Johnson going up against Trayvon Miller." They both made their way to the arena, and the crowd went wild. They activated their duel disks, life point counters set, and drew their five cards. Smith LP:4000 Trayvon LP:4000 "Let's duel." They both said "If you don't mind, I'll start." Trayvon drew his card, "I play Ancient Gear Castle." I castle hologram appeared behind him. "Every Ancient Gear monster gains three hundred attack points, I summon Ancient Gear Soldier (ATK/1300 DEF/1300 Castle effect ATK/1600) and end my turn." Smith drew his card, "I summon Luster Dragon (ATK/1900 DEF/1600) attack his soldier." Smith's dragon attack landed destroying Trayvon's soldier. Smith LP:4000 Trayvon LP:3700 "I set this card face down and end my turn." Smith put a card in the slot. Trayvon drew his card, "I tribute my castle to summon Ancient Gear Golem (ATK/3000 DEF/3000) attack his dragon with Mechonized Melee." Trayvon attack landed Smith LP:2900 Trayvon LP;3700 "I set this card face down and end my turn." Smith drew his card, 'I can't lose now, not like this.' "How does it feel, Smith? To know defeat is knocking at your door." Trayvon said intimidatingly. "That's what you think, Miller. Now I play polymerization to fuse my Red-Eyes with my Meteor dragon. To create Meteor Black Dragon (ATK/3500 DEF/2000) and activate Qulck Attack. Attack his Golem now." Smith's new dragon attacked and destroyed Trayvon Golem. Smith LP:2900 Trayvon LP:3200 "I end my turn." Trayvon drew his card, "I play the field spell Gear Town, and I play Ancient Gear Drill. I discard one card to play one spell card face down from my deck." A card appeared face down "I end my turn." 'What? He didn't play a monster, oh well, his loss is my victory.' Smith thought as he drew his card, "Meteor Black Dragon attack him directly and finish this duel." Smith dragon attacked "Go Negate Attack." Trayvon trap card revealed itself, and the dragon attack disappeared Smith growled, "I end my turn." Trayvon drew his card, "This plan is full-proof, I use Mystical Space Typhoon, to destroy my field spell." A gust of wind destroyed the background, and his Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon (ATK/3000 DEF/2000) then I activate my other face down card Ancient Gear Explosive." His card revealed itself, but it was destroyed. "What the?" "Magic Jammer, by discarding one card from my hand I can destroy a spell card you activate." Smith said as he discarded his card. "I set this card face down and this monster face down, and end my turn." Two cards appeared face down Smith drew his card, "Now how does it feel 'defeat' knocking on your door, Tray? I set this card face down and attack his Dragon." His dragon was about to attack, until Trayvon interupted. "You know the one thing, I love about machines, Smith?" Trayvon asked "What's that?" Smith said not really knowing the answer "They can upgrade. Go Rare Metalmorph." Trayvon's card revealed itself. "Thank's to this card my machine monster gains five hundred attack points (ATK/3500) Gadjiltron Dragon counter attack." Both monsters destroyed each other. "I set this monster face down and end my turn." Trayvon drew his card, "Funny how the tables can turn, huh, Smith? I tribute my face down monster to summon Ancient Gear Beast (ATK/2000 DEF/2000)" His face down monster shattered. Taking its place a robot dog. "Attack his face down monster." His monster pounced. Smith dragon revealed itself to be 'The Dragon Dwelling in the Cave (ATK/1300 DEF/2000) "Your attack is canceled out. To bad." Smith said "I set this card face down and end my turn." Smith drew his card, "I tribute my dragon, to summon Luster Dragon 2 (ATK/2400 DEF/1400) attack his Beast, now." The attack landed. Smith LP:2900 Trayvon LP:2800 "I end my turn." Trayvon drew his card, and started to laugh. "What's so funny, Miller?" Smith asked "Your defeat. For I will summon one of the strongest machine-type monster, with this Polymerization. I fuse my three Cyber Dragons together, to make Cyber End Dragon (ATK/4000 DEF/2800)" His three monsters fuse together into one. "Attack his Luster Dragon." The attack landed Smith LP;1300 Trayvon LP:2800 "I did enough for now, it's your turn, Smith." Smith drew his card, "I activate Monster Reborn, to bring back, my Red-Eyes Black Dragon, then I tribute my reborn Red-Eyes. To summon my Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon (ATK/2400 DEF/2000)" Fire fell from the ceiling, and a black dragon descended and landed in front of Smith. "He gains three hundred attack points for every dragon in my gaveyard and I count seven. Making him four thousand five hundred (ATK/4500)" "Oh, no. Not good, nightmare, nightmare." Trayvon was getting hysterical "Your right its a nightmare, attack." The attack landed destroying Trayvon strongest monster. Smith LP;1300 Trayvon LP:2300 "I set this card face down and end my turn." A card appeared face down Trayvon hesitantly reached for his top card, 'It's to late to win now.' "I set this monster face down and that's it." "Just as I thought, Miller. You were no match for me, so I'll do you a favor and put you out of your misery." Smith said as he drew his card. "Attack his face down monster." His Red-Eyes attack landed, destroying an Ancient Gear (ATK/100 DEF/200) "Activate Dragons Rage, whenever one my dragons destroys a monster in defense mode, you still take damage." "Bringing my life point's to zero." Trayvon sighed and continued, "I'm finished." The holograms turned off, they deactivated their duel disks. Trayvon walked out of the arena, and Smith walked to the back. He saw Jackie watching the replays with his sister, and walked towards him. Jackie heard walking and looked to his left and saw Smith walking towards him, "What do you want, Smith?" "To be number one again. I came over here to tell you, that's how you win a duel with my superior skills." Said Smith strongly "I got skills you never even dreamed of, Smith. I'll show you, you'll see." Jackie said trying to show one up on Smith. "Well this conversation is over, good luck, Jackie boy. Till next time we meet." Smith turned and left his white trench coat swishing behind him.
    • * That's the end of another good chapter by yours truly, Battle-Panther. Please leave a comment

Round two part 2; This Fire Burns

Round two comes to a close Characters in here belong to me, except for Angel, and Singe, They belong to their owners. Enjoy. * * * Smith Johnson, me, Angel, Mayra, Josh Matthew, Nancy Cypress, and Jackie Cypress. Had already made it to the...

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Round one Part 2; Reptile Madness

I hope you enjoy. Characters are mine. Sage, Angel, Singe belong to their owners. * * * I'll start where I left off, Jackie. Was about to duel, Leon Pewo. Where the winner will advance to the next round and after that I have another duel, but...

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Round One; Crystal's VS Heros part 1

Sorry for the long delay folks, I've been busy, but I'm back and better than ever. As usual the characters in this chapter are owned by me, but not Angel, and Sage. They belong to their owners, so enjoy. * * * Today's the day the tournament...

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