The exciting life of a virgin porn star #3

Story by Ajinx on SoFurry

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To find where the end of the teaser ended use control F to look up (End of teaser) or just look for it, its roughly half way through.

Hi everyone I'm going to say now, I'm sorry for the non virgin breaking sex scene. I wanted to keep this as an actual story and not just you know, sex(also I wanted to keep this under 60+ pages). Also, if you can find all of the Easter eggs props go out to you!

ALSO, if you know any writing app other than Microsoft word or google docs please dm me or comment below, I'm having issues transferring the story from docs to here. It seems that words or the format always get messed up or spliced together.

With all that out of the way I present to you the beginning of the end(?) of my series!

"So, how do you like being the center of attention? And how was it getting some attention?" Sal cooed at his smiling friend who couldn't sit still.

"It was. I-I can't even put it into words, it was so. Invigorating!" Peter started clutching at his chest to stop his hands from shaking. He leaned back into the passenger seat and watched his reflection in the car's window.

"I won't lie, I'm surprised you didn't wuss out or you know, freak out when everyone started walking into the room. Gerry told me you looked like you were about to be executed when you finally noticed everyone." Sal started chuckling at the memory.

"Well screw Gary!" Peter jumped up in his seat.


"Whatever, I feel like I'm on top of the world." Peter leaned his head against the window.

"Easy there lover boy. Forget topping the world when you haven't even topped, or been topped for that matter. " Sal pointed out to him with a challenging smile.

"Small victories." Peter sighed, fogging up the window. "How was your shoot?"

"Nothing compared to yours, I topped some mouse. Not really my type though, had a little too much meat on his bones for my liking ." The otter shifted in his seat and shuddered at his new thought."Aaand his breath smelt like a pack of cigarettes laced with pot! Yuck." Sal stuck out his stubby tongue.

" Yikes, hope that won't happen to me." Sal spun his head over to face him.

"You shouldn't have said that, now that you did it will happen."

"Oh shut it...Hey eyes on the road!" The cat slapped Sal on the arm. "What?" He added when he noticed the face Sal was making.

"You're actually sticking to this?" Sal turned his focus back to the road.

"Well. Yeah. Shouldn't I?" Peter lifted his head from the window and tilted it at the question.

"Well, not even twelve hours ago you couldn't even stop shaking. You would have made a chihuahua jealous. Because they shake a lot, get it?" Sal quickly explained his terrible joke.

" Har-har, well things change. I have seven hundred dollars in my wallet now and I guess I like the attention?" Peter asked himself." I mean I've always been the loser, queer, nerd, fag yadda yadda. Now I'm like." He tried to think of an analogy but couldn't think of anything that related to being a gay porn soon to be star.

" Now you're the cheerleader that everyone want's to sleep with." Sal finished." At least you're happy." He let out a deep breath." You're right, I really am happy for you. Sorry to rain on your parade. Just worried about you is all." Sal revealed his friend.

"Awwww, I worry about you too." Peter teased. Sal started mumbling to himself but otherwise stayed quiet.

The car stayed silent for the last few minutes of their trip back to student parking. Once they arrived, they happily exited the car to stretch.

"So are you going back to your place oooor?" Sal let the question hang.

"I should get back to my place" Peter felt his tail and ears droop at the thought of going back to his dorm.

Sal let out a loud and obnoxious sigh. Which was clearly sarcastic. "Grab some clothes and come back to my place, I would never let a friend go back to a dick he doesn't like." Peter threw his fluffy snow furred arms around Sal and embraced him in a hug, almost knocking him over in the process.

"I knew becoming friends with you was a good idea." Sal pulled his cocky friend off of him and started walking back to where his dorm was.

"Yeah and so far I gave you a home, job, and a free chance to ogle my junk. Don't expect that to stop by the way." Peter let out a laugh as he turned around and hurried home. He called out behind him. "I definitely owe you." He didn't get a response so he started to walk at a quicker pace back to his personal hell.

Luckily, the college campus was fairly empty except for the occasional straggler walking to and fro. Peter pulled his phone from his pocket to check the time. 17:46 brightly shone on the clear glass screen. It was just late enough for afternoon classes to be over but not early enough for night classes to start. He kicked a lone pebble that was lying on the cement path he was on, it skipped a good amount of times before sliding to a halt.

His beautiful threatening dorm finally popped into view at the end of his silent stroll, even more lucky it was too early for his roommates to start a party. He padded his way up the white steps and through the heavy wooden door, a few of his 'peers' were relaxing on the couch sharing a joint and watching a cartoon channel. They didn't turn to greet him, then again even if he was an entire swat team ready to bust them they probably still wouldn't care.

Peter hopped up the stairs that led to the second floor two at a time and strode to his plain bedroom. He clicked the door open and walked to his bed, pushing the door closed behind him. Peter dropped to his knees and started to reach under his bed for the travel bag he kept there. "Still at Sal's." He mumbled to himself as he rose up and let his head fall onto his cot. He allowed himself to close his eyes for a moment to rest and think of what to grab

His nose was instantly bathed in his scent and musk that stained his bed sheets. "Oof, I really need to wash these." He liked the smell, which he would never admit of course. But he knew that he wouldn't be able to fall asleep on that bed again until he washed the scent of his arousal and left over stains of cum out of the sheets.

Breaking himself from his trance, he forced himself to stand and made his way to his dresser. He opened a few of the drawers and started pulling clothes out of them. Shirts first, then pants, and underwear last. Once he had a size able mountain of clothes in his arms, he plopped them onto the bed,"This should last me about a week." He reached for his sleek black messenger bag that held his laptop on his night stand and fluidly slid it over his shoulder. It's red dragon mascot stood pronounced at it's center.

He opened the main compartment of his travel bag and started to stuff as much of his clothes in as possible. Even when it was overflowing he still had to carry a few pairs of shorts and his hoodie. He glanced around his room trying to spot anything that he missed, his eyes settled back to his night stand. He pulled his eyes away from it but they immediately drifted back. Peter reached into his back pocket and pulled out his 'recently filled' wallet to retrieve a small silver key.

Peter strolled to the wooden compartment and bent over to reach it's lowest drawer. He slid the key into the keyhole and pulled the drawer open, a plain long rectangular box filled the space. He lifted one of the flaps with his finger to check his cargo, two bottles of lube, two bottles of cleaner, and five different sized and types of silicone toys. Most held knots, others held ridges, some had both. He dropped the flap and slid the box under his arm, using his leftover clothes to cover it. He hastily pushed the drawer shut and turned the key before placing it back into his wallet and into his back pocket.

A heated blush covered his face, turning the inside of his ears into a bright red. Not that he would know of course. The snow leopard made his way back to the door and slowly pulled it open, expecting someone to be waiting for him. There was no one, he swiveled his head left and right checking to see if the coast was clear before stepping out of his room and shutting the door with a click.

Peter padded down the stairs, the entire time thinking. "Don't trip don't trip don't trip," and reached the first floor without incident before rushing out the main door. He quickly started to make his way back to Sal's place, something about holding a box of dildo's makes for a good way to get to places quicker.


Not soon enough, he was walking through the hallway that led to Sal's room. He let his paw make a short rhythm on Sal's door. "It's unlocked." Sal's voice seeped through the door. Peter griped the knob and pushed his way into the room. Sal was on the computer again, this time his shorts weren't down to his ankles however. Why did Peter feel disappointed?

"Just leave everything where you want." Sal spoke while keeping his attention on his computer. From what Peter could see it looked like he was on a school document.

"What'cha workin' on?" Peter childy asked as he dropped his stuff next to the couch and started to sort through his mess.

"Italiano." Sal quietly responded, his attention was stuck to the screen

"Hai bisogno d'aiuto? Io sono molto bene a italiano." The cat shot at Sal, fluidly speaking the foreign language.

"No, stronzo." Sal briefly let his eyes flick to his friend before going back to work.

"I'm not an asshole! Asshole." Peter mumbled as he started to pull out the couch. He let his friend get back to studying as he plopped onto his bed with a loud squeal of protest from the springs. He slid the bag off his shoulder and carefully placed it on his criss crossed legs, pulling his computer out in the process to do some studying of his own. Being busy the past two days has really put him behind schedule well, _his _work schedule anyway. He liked to finish projects and papers ASAP so not to worry about them. With the two days off he could already feel the pressure weighing down on him. Even though he still has a week to complete a two day assignment.

The first assignment he started to work on was editing a video he shot last week at the main plaza of the campus, then came his English paper and finally a schedule for next week.

That's what their next few days consisted of, doing school work, finishing any overdue papers(In Sal's case), and focusing on anything school. By the time next week came around it seemed as if everything went back to normal for Peter.

They were back in Sal's room when Peter got a nice surprise. Sal was busy on his chemistry paper as Peter started to wrap up his work and put it back into his backpack. When it was away, he pulled out his phone and started to kill the time with a few random apps. First came muzzle-book then the weekly zoogle searches. Lastly, the monthly emptying of spam on his email.

"Would you like to be a contestant on."Delete, "The prince of." Delete" Congrats your the lucky winner of." Delete. "Schedule date for next filming." Delete. Wait! His finger was right over the trash icon as he caught himself from deleting it in time. He clicked on the white box that lead to the email.

Sender<<All Fur inc. Operator-Blake W.>>

To <<[email protected]

"Hey kid! So, from what you've probably seen on our website you should know by now that you've made a sizable splash in the industry in the past week, on one shooting alone! So, before the initial hype dies down we want to get you in for filming soon so that we could have a video out by the end of next week. If you are alright with it, we would like you to bottom for this vid. I promise not to pair you up with someone who will be 'too' rough with you ;). If you could please respond back to me by either email or though the number below. I'd appreciate it.


P.S (I'd start practicing at home if I were you.)

P.P.S( make sure your clean and ready for filming before you arrive)


Wait a second, what did he mean by on their website? Peter fingers quickly tapped the screen to get on the internet and typed out The first image that greeted him was of a thin busty tigress with a familiar white substance laid all over her muzzle and chest, she was winking at the screen as she let her tongue gather the fluid in her mouth. There wasn't even an age check was the first thought that went through his head. Peter let out gulp.

Not even two scrolls down the black prefaced website, his jaw dropped. There he was, his rump raised at the camera, his tail was flagged high in the air showing off his virgin tailhole. His head was exposed just enough for a worried smirk to show on his lips and for his bright white ears to be seen bending backwards in submission. His eyes clearly read "Come and get me I dare you! Just be gentle." How did they even get that picture! He didn't do that during the shoot, did he?

He clicked on his image, he could feel a blush start on his muzzle and run along his ear tips. There was a frozen picture of him sucking off the lion. The title read "Shy bitches first blowjob" wow, what a lovely title. He clicked on the video but a message popped up that he needed to be a member to access it. He harrumphed and exited the message, his eyes got level with a very surprising set of numbers.

Downloads- 557,980


Thumbs up-2,200,456

Score- Five stars

He could feel his jaw drop. "S-Sal, how many views do you usually get per video?"

"What?" Sal turned away from his studies.

"On the All fur website, how many views do your videos get?" He repeated.

"I don't know, on a good week sometimes a little under a mil. Why do you ask?" Sal swiveled his body to see the crazy look on the snow leopard.

"How many does Bri-Jean I mean, get?"

"I don't know I don't watch him, he's a dick to me. I heard him bragging about getting over a million and a half once." Sal cocked an eyebrow at the hysterical feline.

"Ohmygodohmygodohmygod." Peter started to stammer as he started to jump up and down on the couch."I have almost three million!"

Sal gruffly laughed "Bullshiiiit," as he turned around to get back to work. Peter jumped off of the couch, falling over in the process, and thrust his phone in his friend's face.

"As much as I'd love to see your cute rump I have to get back to work." He threw his paw over the phone and pushed it aside. Peter felt himself blushing at the comment but stayed determined as he pulled the phone over Sal's eyes. Sal let out an aggravated sigh as he took the phone out of his paw and started to read.

"Wow, what a nice title." His eyes skimmed over the screen, then stopped dead. He tilted his head up to peter and back down at the phone, then back up. "Bullshit, how?" He exclaimed as he handed back the phone.

"I don't know." Peter mumbled," But Blake sent me an email earlier about setting up my next shoot."

"Is it what I think it is?" The otter teased, causing Peter to blush even more and flick his ears down.

"He said I should start practicing at home." Peter informed him.

"I know you're a virgin but have you ever..." Sal trailed on with his question. Peter answered him with a small nod.

"With what?"

"Well, I have some toys I got online." The cat hesitantly responded.

"You're going to have to get them from your dorm then, I don't mind you 'practicing' here." Sal Annunciated with his fingers.

"Of course you wouldn't, too bad you're going to have to stay outside when I do it." Peter huffed and crossed his arms.

"C'mon, I'm going to see the video anyway." He pleaded.

"Good, save it for online so I can get paid from you watching it." Peter turned around and made his way back to the couch. Sal ignored him.

"You want to get them today or tomorrow?"

"It's fine I have-I mean." Peter tried to stop his words but Sal already understood. His lips parted in a savage smile.

"Show me."

"No, you have work to do." Peter blurted out.

" Nu-uh. We're not going to just breeze by this Mr. Innocent, you owe me." Sal kept the smile and walked over to Peter who let out an audible gulp and backed up to the couch. Sal made his way in front of Peter and placed his paws on the felines shoulder's, lightly pushing him back and causing him to fall onto the couch. Sal crawled ontop of him and started to straddle his waist while putting his muzzle next to Peter's ear, he let out a provocative breath into it.

"I promise you won't regret it." Sal seductively breathed into his ear and started to teasingly grind his rump on Peter's crotch.

"Oh god." Peter yelped out as Sal started to drag his muzzle down his neck, giving a few tempting licks along the way. Peter could feel his pants starting to get tighter ."If I do will you stop?" He quickly spoke so Sal wouldn't notice his predicament.

"Maybe." He started to drag his paws down peter's skinny sides, continuing the erotic dance on Peter's lap. When he started to feel him start prodding his rear he teased." Ooo, what's this." He pulled his muzzle off Peter and settled more weight on his lap, tightening his legs grip Peter.

"I'll show you!" He exclaimed.

Sal instantly lost his husky act and let out an excited "Great," as he pulled himself off Peter and kneeled on the floor, resting his head on his arms that were on the couch.

"Didn't think you would rape me for it." Peter stumbled off the couch and and tried to casually adjust himself, ignoring the sudden change.

"It's not rape if you like it." Sal chimed.

"That's fucked up, I haven't heard that since middle school." Peter announced as he reached under his bag and pulled out the smallish sized cardboard box, placing it on the couch.

"How many do you have!?" Sal exclaimed as the box came into view.

"Five." He answered embarrassed.

When Peter didn't make a move at the box Sal finally piped up and motioned to the box."Well? Hurry up, the suspense is killing me!"

"They're... silicon peni, what's suspenseful about that?" Peter questioned to stall.

"I've known you for almost an entire year now and not until a few days ago did I know you were this kinky. I want to see what your into, and peni? Seriously?"

"Kinky? How is this kinky a lot of people have, dicks in a box."Peter pouted.

"I'm going to pretend you didn't say that, and to prove my point. For one, you're paid to have sex on camera so millions of people can watch, two don't think I forgot about what you said about the kink test, three you. Have. A. Box. Of. Dildo's." Sal drew out.

"Okay fine, so I may be somewhat non-vanilla. You happy?" Peter acknowledged his defeat.

"Not until you open the box....What's in the-"

"Don't you dare finish that reference!" Peter thrust a finger at Sal. In turn, Sal clamped his muzzle shut.

Peter let out a deep breath and brought his paws to the box's flaps, slowly pulling them open. A thin red paper sheet covered his treats, he pulled it back and another black one laid underneath.

"It's like Christmas." Sal giggled. Peter finally pulled out five different sized packages and placed them on the bed.

"Done you've seen them, putting them away now." Peter picked one up but Sal quickly grabbed his wrist.

"Don't even think about it." Peter sighed and tossed it to Sal, who caught it no problem.

"Wow, why's it so heavy? And...long?" Sal started to unwrap the toy, a goofy grin spread across his face,"Are you a size queen?"

"Sal I swear to god." Peter stammered out in warning.

"I don't think you'll need too much practice, look at the knot on this thing! How are you not walking funny?" He started to flop the bright red toy around, eliciting a few giggles from himself. Peter on the other hand, stayed quiet and tried to not let his embarrassment get any worse.

"I think I need to call Blake and tell him to get a rhino, or a fucking elephant!"

"Don't you dare! This," Peter motioned to the flopping thing in Sal's paw "Is one thing, a real one is completely different, I think. A real person is, you know real. Nick though is-fuck." Peter groaned at the now hysterical otter.

"Y-y-you named it!" Sal was clutching his stomach and rolling on his back, deafening whoops of laughter filled the room. Peter brought his paw to his face and rubbed his muzzle in aggravation.

"I'm gonna call Blake before I regret my life decisions." Peter hopped off the couch and started walking to the door, phone in hand.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. Or Nicks! Is he named after that fo-."His voice was cut off by the slamming door.

Peter let out a deep breathe, along with a small chuckle. "I think I just made his night, even if he ruined mine." He spoke to himself as he started putting in the number from the email onto his phone. He pressed call and brought the speaker to his ear. Three rings wafted through the speaker until a voice, much huskier than Sal's, swam into his eardrum.

"Hello, you have reached Allfur enterprises please state your name and reason for calling." The voice reminded Peter of Claire's.

"Um- Peter, I work here. Uhhh, Blake told me to get in contact with him and gave me this number."

The same voice now rocketed into his ear almost deafening the poor feline, yep definitely Claire

"PETER! Hi, so nice of you to call finally! How was your first shoot?" The Doe didn't even bother to restrain her voice and excitement, Peter pulled the phone a little further away from his ear.

"It was very...Insightful." He responded hesitantly. She was quiet for a few seconds.

"That's it?" Her now bland voice came out. Peter thought of what to say in return before his mind answered for him

"It was fantastic, I didn't know something could ever feel so good! Jean was an absolute dream." He purred out, much to Claire's appeasement as he showed his true feelings.

"That's more like it. Oh that Jean, he's such a sweet thing when you get to know him. He's kind of like you in some ways, anyway I'll let you get back to business. I'll connect you with Blake now, please stay on the line." She returned to her seductive voice for the last bit. Some boring elevator music came to life as he waited to connect to his boss.

"Peter baby how are you!" His voice, much like Claire's, rang into his ear.

"I'm fine thanks."

"Good, so I take it you read my email?" Blake's pitch started to rise.

"I uh, yes I did." Peter blurted timidly.

"How do you think the video came out?"

"I don't have a membership to see it." Blake let out a very over the top gasp.

"I'll send you a code for it immediately, send me an email after you watch it." A quiet rustling came through the speaker, "So, will you be free any day this week?"

"Um, I have a test for my class on Wednesday and I can't be ready for tomorrow so how about Thursday?" Peter wracked his brain for his schedule

A quiet mumble came through the phone"Thursday, Thursday, Thursday. Yes! Justin will be free from twelve to seven, what we plan to do will take roughly four hours of your time."

"Um, what do you plan to do?" Peter asked unsure.

"Well, make up for thirty, you and your partner bonding for a few, pics for an hour, film for another hour, and end with cleaner shots of the hard core scenes." Blake responded nonchalantly.

"I meant what will I be doing?"

"Oh, you'll be posing for pics, getting barebacked don't worry everyone's blood work is clean, and to put it simply, you're just gonna be taking it."

"Who will I be working with?" Peter started to lean against the wall.

"Either a roo named Hunter or Grant who's a wolf. Sal sent me a text suggested Buck but he may be a little much."

"Why's that?" Peter felt a little offended by the response.

"He's a rhino kid. He will literally tear you a new one." He dead panned.

"Oh," That little, "how about...Hunter? I've always had a soft spot for kangaroos." He answered abashed at having to choose.

"Like the exotic ones ay?" Blake started to do a bad 'Aussie' impression.

"No, it's just." He was cut off.

" I'm teasing ya kid, he is going to lo-uh-ve you." Blake started to talk to himself for a moment. " Anyway, what time will work for you?"

" 3." Peter clipped.

" Great, remember to stretch yourself out for Thursday. If you're rolling around in pain and crying out we can't shoot. If you need any help or have any questions either ask Sal or call Claire." Blake started to finish.

" Ask for help?" The cat questioned in disbelief.

" Well, it may be good for you to get used to another hand helping you out down there." The voice responded.

" Yeah I'll be fine on my own. For now anyway." Peter ran a paw over his face in annoyance.

" Sal will be disappointed."

" I bet he will."

Blake let out a laugh," Nice talking to you Pete."

"I'll see you Thursday." A dull bleep announced the end of the call.

Peter slid the phone into his pocket and leaned his head against the wall. "What a day job you've earned yourself." He mumbled to himself, a small smirk split his lips.

He pushed himself off the wall and opened the door to Sal's room, quite a spectacle awaited him.

All of his toys circled the entrance of the door, standing at attention as they were suctioned to floor. Sal was lying right behind them with plastic syringe in his paw, he had on a helmet that he had stuck Nick onto. "Fire!" Sal yelled at the stunned feline and pressed down on the tube. A white streak shot from the mounted toy and at Peter.

"What the hell!?" Peter jumped back as the lube shot toward him. Sal was dying of laughter on the floor, Peter was almost dying of a heart attack.

"T-th-that was amazing! That went like ten feet!"Sal was barely able to spit out over his laughter.

"That spot on the floor will forever be slick just to let you know." Peter scolded as he crossed his arms.

"You almost put a hole in the ceiling" The otter continued to tease.

"You owe me another bottle." Peter stepped over his 'buddies' and sat on the couch, arms still crossed.

"What why!?" Sal was finally able to contain himself.

"That was an entire 60 milliliters!" Peter threw a pillow at him. Sal was able to duck but not low enough for it to miss poor nick. The pillow flopped off him, causing the toy to spring back and forth like a floppy unicorn horn.

"Okay okay." Sal threw up his arms in defeat and wiped the dirt off his knees before walking over to his desk. Peter let out a loud cough. "Bless you." He let out another one causing Sal to turn around.

Peter pointed at the army surrounding the door.

" Oooh duh." Sal began to return them to their packaging and placed them back into the box, he went back to his desk and started typing on his computer. Peter kept staring at him, Sal could feel holes starting to burn into him."What?" Peter kept staring at him.

The bobbing rod finally came into view "Ha, almost forgot." He pulled Nick by the knot, causing it to come off with a loud pop. He tossed it to Peter who caught it and stuffed it back into the box, placing it under the couch again.

They stayed quiet for a few moments." So, you never answered my question." Peter cocked his head to the side." Are you a size queen?"

Peter flipped him the bird and pulled out his phone to start scrolling through the website that he now had access to, leaving the otter to laugh in peace.

"Such a child." He grumbled. Peter grabbed his headphones from his bag and plopped them into his ears. He clicked onto his video and the film started to play.

After the first minute he could feel himself starting to get hard, after the next minute Sal finally spoke up." I can smell you you know."

"S-sorry, just seeing how the shoot came out." Peter clicked his phone off and laid it on the bed, the dull clicking of Sal's keyboard filed into his ears. He started to play with his tail tip, flicking it back and forth in his paw.

After a full thirty seconds, Peter couldn't help it. He snatched his phone back up and put his headphones back into his ears to continue the video. There he was, getting a mouthful of lion in his muzzle. Peter could remember the musk and spice that filled his tongue and nose clearly. The way that Jean's cum hit the back of his throat, unforgettable.

"You know, you should post a pic on the website, you'll probably gain a few followers." Sal announced.

"What do you mean?"

"You can post pictures on the website to gain a little extra moola and followers. If you take a pic of your 'situation' and upload it you may get something out of it." Sal answered.

Peter thought it over for a moment." How?" Sal got up from his seat and walked over to Peter. He laid down next to him and started tapping his screen, next thing he knew there was his camera pointing at them.

"Smile." Sal whispered into his ear as the screen clicked. He submitted the photo and the camera came back up again. "Ready?"

"What?! No." Peter blurted.

"Pete, everyone on this website has already seen it. Ten minutes of it if that sweetens the deal." Sal deadpanned.

"I don't even know any poses."

"Pete, your 'peter' is the focus of this. Just smile at the camera, and I don't know. Raise your tail for me for a booty shot?" He raised the phone again and pointed it at the cat. "Just model, let me do the rest."

" You're a Picasso with words aren't you." Peter broke eye contact with Sal.

"C'mon, I've seen it twice already, four if you count your video."

"You're not helping! Wait, what do you mean four?" He mewled out.

"Saw it when they were editing, when you were looking at my peep show, once during the video, and I may have snuck a peek when you got hard in your sleep. You gonna do this or what?" Sal rushed out now that he was getting impatient.

" Yeah yeah, I am I think." Peter reached for his waistband, but his paws stopped moving when his fingers got caught between his fur and the fabric. Sal got up started to kneel and aim the phone at Peter's waist.

Peter's breath got caught in his lungs, why did getting naked have to be so stressful? Oh yeah, he was in front of a camera and his only friend, who was currently greedily watching him. He closed his eyes as he pulled his shorts down and slid them off his legs. All he had on now were his boxers and tank top, which were both doing very little to hide his arousal. A small dark bead stained the front of his briefs which Sal was quick to zoom in on. Peter quickly covered himself with his paws when he started to get 'stage fright'.

Sal gave him an encouraging shake with his free paw, Peter took a deep breath and removed his paws. Without thinking he slid his restrictor off and flung it on the floor, leaving his barbed member to stand at attention for the phone. A nervous excitement coursed through him, causing a small smile to form on his lips and for his length quiver from the exposure. He turned his head to the phone and made eye contact with the small black lens on it's corner. While keeping eye contact, he teasingly went on his hands and knees and started crawling to Sal. He lowered his upper body and raised his rump into the air, tilting his head as he did so.

Although nothing was showing, Peter knew that this shot would be a heavy hitter due to the imagination that the viewer was left with. He cocked his head to both sides, after a few moments he rolled onto his back. His cock shot straight up into the air, which he instantly covered with his tank top. He started to feel a little flustered at the thought of what he was doing but the enjoyment of it outweighed its negatives.

He tentatively moved his shirt out of the way and moved his paws to his face which he was now trying to cover. Sal switched positions and moved over to his side, panning the phone up and down his body. Peter moved his paws down to his chest and gripped his tank top, the only clothing that was left on his body. He decided to keep it on, he was a little conscious about his lack of abs and with all the focus on him he felt better with it on.

He shifted to his side rear facing the camera and curled his ropy tail over his hip. He turned his muzzle toward Sal, he saw this pose on an image online before. Sal shuffled behind him but otherwise stayed quiet. Peter then went to his final position, the always beloved doggy style. He kept his tail high and inviting in the air, spreading his legs enough for the camera to see his furry pouch and some of his arousal hanging in front of it. Peter kept his face pushed into the couch with the thought of "Why am I doing this?"

Suddenly a warm furry paw gripped the left curve of his butt. Peter instantly jumped but still stayed in position due to being frozen in shock. Sal's paw started to gently knead the muscle before gripping and pulling it to the side, spreading his cheeks even more. Peter let out a quiet mewl of protest and pleasure. He could feel the heat of Sal's breath setting onto his rump. With a not so hard not so soft SLAP Sal let go of Peters now reddened cheek. What he did next surprised him even more.

The same paw now wrapped itself on his hard member, his balls were now resting on the otters wrist. Sal started to tug the naturally lubricated cock downward, much too slowly for Peters comfort. Sal kept a firm grip on the barbed cock, teasingly going up and down at a leisurely pace. Peter pressed his muzzle even harder into the sheets, a quiet moan was muffled against them. Sal transferred his paw from Peter's cock to his un-pleasured balls. He started to roll each of them in his paw, as if churning them to get produce more kitty cum.

He would focus on one then move to the other never leaving one unattended for too long, which turned his 'friend' into absolute goo. He gripped both of them for one last small squeeze before returning back to Peter's dripping cock. Peter started to move his paws under his head to stop them from shaking. From this position, Peter could see Sal behind him wearing a sadistic grin. Sal started to jerk his paw faster, an almost constant stream of pre was leaking from Peter now which Sal greedily spread around the length of Peter's member. A 'shlick shlick' noise was made each time Sal dragged his paw up and down as well as the whimpers and moans of pleasure that was coming from the feline as his barbs raked through Sal's paw.

Sal continued to go at a faster rate, edging Peter more and more until it was finally too much.

"I-I'm going to cum!" Peter announced. The camera got a clear view of his tailhole clenching, his balls slowly starting to shudder, and the lashing of his tail. Stars filled Peter's vision as he shot spurt after spurt of his seed onto the sheets. A loud pattering was made each time a rope shot out and hit them. Sal kept milking him for all he was worth even after he started to get over sensitive. Spasms wracked his body as his arms gave out causing him to fall into his own mess.

He could feel his seed seeping into the fur around his crotch and naval. A few last shudders left his muscles before he finally realized that he was moaning throughout his entire orgasm. "Ymph ghp it?" Peter groaned into the sheets.

"Oooh yes I did." Sal deviously responded. Peter heard a few more clicks on his phone before Sal tossed it next to him. Peter felt it fly next to his ear but he made no move to get it. Sal let out a series of quiet chortles as he gave Peter one last grope to his butt. He got up and walked to his bed, Peter heard the springs creak under his weight.

" You're not going to, you know...?" Peter lifted his head and turned it towards Sal, looking at him through his half lidded eyes.

"Nope, saving up for tomorrow."

Peter took his time to get up, he lifted off of his chest and onto his back, his cock had already returned back into his sheathe. "Yuck," he stated as he started to feel the fur around his sheathe starting to stick to his shirt.

When he sat up he started to look around for his shorts, which were hidden under the bed. He slipped them on as he reached for his phone. Peter laid back down, ignoring the wet spot on the sheets and his fur. When he unlocked his phone he saw that Sal already uploaded it and put it as an album, or so he thought, there was only one image named modeling session.

When he clicked on it a six minute video popped up, no pictures. " I thought you said pictures!" Peter squeaked to Sal who was on his own phone.

" Yeah those are pictures, just billions of moving one's." Sal pointed out with what now seemed his signature smirk of ' haha got you'.

" I am so getting you for this." Peter shot out.

" You're welcome." The otter called back. A new logo popped up under the title that read, _liked by Ty. _Ty? Peter clicked on the link that was attached to his name. A picture of Sal showed up.

"Did you just like the" Peter questioned.

"Why yes I did sweet cheeks." He teased.

" Oh my god." Peter spoke out as he started scrolling through his friends profile, Sal misinterpreted his words.

" just speaking the truth."

Showing an otter his place, Down the otter's hole, Showing a 'dom' his place."You have quite the collection of videos Sal. Is that the bear you had to film with last week?" Peter started to fight back.

" Get out of there!" Sal yelled out.

"Looks like you're not much as much a top as you make yourself out to be."

"Go to page two if you don't think I am, wait don't! give me your phone." Sal demanded as he sprung up from his bed.

"Okay I will, after I see page three." Peter flung himself under his blankets so that Sal couldn't reach for his phone. Sal pounced on him anyway, landing on his legs.

" Don't make me have to start grinding on you again !" Sal threatened the snow leopard.

" If you do that I think you might cum in your pants." Peter's voice was muffled from being under the cloth.

" I'll kick you out!"

"Suuuure you will." Peter giggled as he got to Sal's final page." You had to be a pizza guy!?"

" They were just starting out." Sal tried to find peter's head but couldn't find it due to his constant wiggling.

"Okay I'm done I'll stop." Peter finally let up, he pulled himself out from the covers to face a very annoyed otter." Looks like I'm not the only camera shy person."

"It's not that, I just didn't want your mind to explode from so much sexy." Sal quickly thought of as an excuse.

" Dork." Peter giggled as he slipped his phone onto the dresser next the couch.

Sal slid off of peter's legs and made his way back to his bed. "I think I'm going to go to bed now, I'm all tuckered out." Peter told him.

"Same here, need an alarm or anything? I have to get up for ten." He asked.

"No, I only have a class at three tomorrow."

"M'kay. I have a shoot at ten" Sal stripped off everything but his underwear and flicked off the lights before going to his bed. "Make sure you wash the jizz out of those sheets tomorrow, I don't want them to stain."

"Sal, they're already stained."

"Right." Sal realized.


"Goodnight." Sal plugged in his phone and pulled his blankets around him while trying to ignore the constant throb that his cock provided. He was relieved that Peter didn't click on any of older videos. Unlike his counterpart, he wasn't lucky when he got into the business. He wasn't the hot species or the twink boy everyone wanted, he was just a decently attractive guy. The only way for him to spread his name at the time was to do video after video, most of which contained some very taboo kinks that Sal only participated in just to gain a few a bigger spotlight.

Sal shuddered at the thought of some of the things he had to do. He doesn't have to do those any more luckily, now he only has to do what he's happy to be doing. Bdsm, bondage, group stuff, things that actually turned him on. Before however, he was happy that they never ran out of a certain erection sustaining pill. 'Nope nope nope, it's time for bed, sleeeep, sleeep.' Sal thought to himself.

Peter could hear that Sal constantly shifting and having a hard time falling asleep. He decided to say something. "You okay?"

"Y-yeah, just can't get comfortable." Sal lied, he stopped shuffling.

" You want me to come snuggle with you?" Peter asked.

"Ha ha I wouldn't say no." He responded.

Sal saw Peter starting to get up." Wait I thought you were kidding." Sal spoke up.

"Were you?"

"Well, no but..." Peter walked over to him and softly laid down next to him on the confined bed, pulling the sheets over his body.

"Better?" Sal nodded unsure at what Peter was doing. Peter turned his back to him, Sal wrapped an arm around his waist and started to spoon him. Accidentally poking his pride into Peter's rump.

"You're still hard."Peter gasped out in surprise.

" What can I say, you put on quite a show." Sal played along.

"That I did." Peter started to push back to get closer to Sal, he could feels the otter's breath on his neck.

"Goodnight." Peter told him again. Sal whispered the same response into his ear before pushing his muzzle into the downy fur of Peter's neck, inhaling his scent which soon lulled him into a deep sleep.


A series of blaring guitar chords came from Sal's floor. Sal tiredly opened his eyes and turned over, groping for his phone to turn off the alarm. Which was much harder to do with only one arm. His other one was resting under Peter, previously clutching the cat to him. Sal let out a quiet sigh, wanting to go back to sleep. He turned his gaze back to the other body on his bed. Peter was still facing away from him, Sal could see his sides rising and falling with each breath.

Sal slowly started to slide his arm out from under Peter, which soon got the pins and needles feeling from his previously restricted blood flow. Once his arm was free Sal stood up and made his way over to his dresser, he looked back as he started to hear Peter shuffling. He seemed to still be asleep.

Sal started pulling clothes from his drawers and put them on. A simple pair of cargo shorts and a plaid button up, he left the two buttons at the top undone.

He looked around his room to check for his things, he grabbed his backpack and his phone. As he was looking for his sunglasses an idea came to him, he briefly looked at Peter before going to the couch. He bent over and reached for the familiar cardboard box, he soon had Nick flopping in his paws. He let out a quiet snicker.

He tiptoed his way over to the sleeping feline. Sneakily, he climbed over Peter and rested a paw against the wall next to the bed. He was only inches away from the cats face. With the patience of a cat stalking his prey, he moved his other paw to the wall and pushed the sizable toy onto it making sure that it suctioned on and would stay. He gave it a gentle tug from it's knot.

"Damn things bigger than my fist." Sal whispered to Peter. He gave him a quick kiss on the forehead and slid off the bed and out the door.


A bright light filled Peter's eyes as he woke up, he quickly closed them in response. He let out a content groan of pleasure as he started to stretch his back. His tail curled around his leg in reflex, causing its joints to let out a few inaudible pops. This has been the most refreshing sleep he's had in forever it seemed. The couch seemed almost cloud like compared to what it has been like in the past week.

He returned back to his side and cuddled his blankets up to him. Weird, they smelled as if Sal has been rolling around in them. He jumped forward and opened his ocean blue eyes to check if he was snuggling with Sal's cum covered one he leaves under his bed.

As soon as he did however, he was poked in the eye by something in front of him. Peter mewled out pain as he covered his eye with a paw, once he regained focus he saw the culprit dangling in front of him.

"Dammit Nick! I mean Sal!" He stuttered out his correction. He sat up and started to prod his closed eye, he stopped when he realized where he was sitting. " Why am I in Sal's be...oh, right." Peter could feel his cheeks heating up as he started to blush.

He calmly kicked the blankets off his and sat up, pulling his paw away from his eye. He looked down to see that he was still in his underwear and tank top. He pulled them both off and tossed them on his bed. "Errrg." He growled out as his paw met the sticky and crusted fur around his waist. "Should have showered, still worth it though." He gave his sheathe a quick rub down to get his blood flowing.

He pulled on some of his dirty clothes, remaining underwear-less, and grabbed his showering bag. This must be the fourth bag he has here. He zombie walked his way out Sal's door and to the showers, wearing a content smile on his muzzle the entire way.

By the time he got back to Sal's room it was already 11:00 am, Sal's shoot started at 10 so he still roughly had a few hours to kill. The first thing he did to kill the time was to pull Nick off of Sal's wall and back into his box after that, he started planning what they could do.

"Movies, no nothing good's out. Mall? Possibly, bowling? Boring with two people, sex? Funny." He began talking to himself.

" Studying? Bingo, the mall would be fun." He fell back and started to recline on Sal's couch.

"I need friends? Yes, yes I do voice in my head."

This went back and forth for thirty minutes before he started to play a game on his computer. When Sal finally returned a few hours later, he seemed to have plans of his own already. "Hey Peter, there is a deal at the mall where if you buy forty bucks or more of clothes you eat free. Want to go?" Wow, that was easy.

"Sure, I was going to ask you the same. Didn't know they had that deal though." Peter hopped off the couch and bounded to his friend, before they knew it they were off enjoying the little time they had together.

(End of teaser)


One day before shoot

Peter and Sal were just driving back from lunch when Peter playfully asked, " Sooo, how'd you like it?"

"It was alright I guess, could've been better though. He took way too long to finish it and he couldn't even put it in right." Sal responded.

"What did you expect! It was his first day, you probably weren't good for your first either."

" No excuse, he probably does it all the time at home."

"Yeah but I bet he's also never been paid to do it either." Peter pointed out.

" Peter, he's making a sandwich. There's not too much to worry about."

"I'll agree with you that it was funny that he couldn't even get your foot long into the oven, and that he even put the ham in your sandwich wrong." The feline admitted.

" He probably could have taken my other footling better." Sal shot out.

" There you go again, making everything dirty. Besides, the type you meant to say was a six inch." He returned.

" last time I'm taking you too lunch." Sal mumbled.

" What!? You can't handle the truth? Peter threw a soft punch into Sal's shoulder.

"Pffft, you can't handle a my..."Sal's phone started to ring. He didn't make a move for it.

"You going to get that?" Peter asked.

" Can't, have to keep both paws on the wheel. However, if you want you could take it out of my pocket for me." Sal smirked.

"You just want me to touch your junk." He scolded his friend.

" Eh, partially." Sal admitted. Peter rolled his eyes and reached over to sal, stuffing a paw into his closest pocket, nothing. He reached to the other Pocket and grabbed the vibrating device, without thinking he tossed the phone to his free paw and gave the center of Sal's pants a generous squeeze. Sal let out a very high pitched yelp of surprise.

Peter clicked the answer button and handed it back to Sal as he took his paw off of the new bulge.

" Hello?" Sal just barely avoided whimpering.

"Hey Sal! I know it's late notice but Tj and I are heading to Little Rhodies, you want to join us?" Brenden questioned through the phone.

" I'm with Peter right now, would you mind if he came with me?"

"Peter! Omg bring him!" Peter could hear a loud flamboyant voice float through the phone's speaker.

"Hold on let me ask."Sal muted his microphone. " Hey uh, you can say no if you want but a few guys from work are heading over to Little Rhodies. It's an ice cream place. Would you want to go?"

"I don't know Sal, I mean, you can go I'm just going to be awkward. I don't like meeting new people." Peter quietly whispered out, disappointed in letting Sal down.

" Please Pete, I think you'd really like these guys. You already know Tj after all, how 'bout this. We go buuut if you're not enjoying yourself after twenty minutes we can say we forgot I had a test and leave? Please try it, for me?" Sal gently placed a paw on Peter's forearm.

Peter let out a small sigh," Both paws on the wheel stronzo, fine I'll go."

"Yes!" The otter steamed out." Hey, yeah we can go. See you in ten. Uh huh, I'll tell him. Bye." Sal placed his phone in the cup holder and stayed silent.

"Tell him what?"Peter groaned out at what could have possibly been said.

"They both said you had a cute butt and love your work." Sal barely stifled a laugh from hearing Peters chokes of embarrassment. " And Tj said your sheathe color works perfectly with the lighting." Peter hunched over and pushed his face into his lap, groaning into it. " I agree with him." The groaning next to him got louder.

Sal took a sharp u-turn to turn them around, a quiet bang next to him was brought to his attention. Peter was rubbing his head.

"You know what they say about a warning tap right?"

"Sorry, the only way I know how to do that is with clothes off....Did you actually hit your head on the window?" Sal chuckled.

"Yes, cazzo." He mumbled.

"And you say I Have a dirty mouth."

"You do have a dirty mouth."

"Shut it or I'm not buying you ice cream." Peter stayed silent. "Friend to sugar daddy in the span of a week, oh what a world we live in." Peter broke his temporary silence with a muffled laugh. Sal reached for the radio and turned the volume dial up, letting music fill the car for the remainder of the drive.

Before they could even see the small shop they could smell a mouth watering amount of scents, the one that caught Peter's attention was cotton candy.

"They have cotton candy?" He gasped out in a mystical wonder.

"As an ice cream flavor yes. You know," Sal paused as Peter scooched closer to him to hear better, "If you leave your ice cream in here with me for a few minutes I can give you a special syrup for it."

"Your fuckin' nasty you know that." Peter broke his usual swear free demeanor at the joke.

"What? I swear I was jok- okay only partially joking." Sal admitted with a snicker as he found a parking space.

Peter undid his seat belt and gently slammed his door closed.

"Kids." Sal chuckled to himself. Peter walked to the front of the car and started admiring the building. Windows took up almost all of the wall space, it could have been a retro diner if there wasn't a huge ice cream cone construction on top of the building. The shop seemed fairly empty, save for a few families and cubs.

" Are they here yet?" Peter called behind him as he heard Sal's door close.

"Yeah, they should be a corner booth. That's where we always sit anyway." Sal put his paws in his pockets and started walking to the diners door, Peter quickly dashed forward to stay with him.

As they entered the 'diner' old timey music started to ring through Peter's ears. "You sure this is an ice cream place?" He questioned.

"Yeah, I mean, they have burgers and fries and things like that but people come here for the shakes and ice cream." Sal answered as he started looking throughout the room for his two friends. He spotted a blue feathered head." Found 'im." They started to stroll to them, Peter was a little bit more leisurely with his stride than Sal was. He was quick to spot that they had the most secluded table.

"Hey guys," the otter spoke up as he reached the head of the red squared table. A black rabbit jumped up and pounced Sal, pulling him into a jug.

"Sal! It's so good to see you!" The rabbit pulled off him and gave him a peck on the check, he turned to look at Peter. The cat's jaw dropped.

"Brenden?" He stammered.

"The one and only." The black gold trimmed rabbit rabbit took an exaggerated curtsy.

"Hi Peter, it's nice to see you." Tj snuck a paw over Brenden's lowered head to shake. Peter gently took it and kept a weak grip.

"Y-you too." He stammered out.

"Calm down Pete, you've got nothing to fear. We're just friends getting a snack together, yuck. I felt like a sophomore when I said that." Tj joked to Sal as the otter started to sneak into his side of the booth, leaving Peter to sit next to Brenden. The rabbit straightened up and slid into his seat..

"How you guys been, I haven't talked with you in forever." Sal rubbed his paws together in excitement.

"Pretty well, I landed a spot in a movie. I get to be the lead makeup artist." Tj squawked gleefully. Their table got a bit noisy as everyone congratulated the blue jay for the step up in his career. "Sadly I don't see as many attractive bodies and snow leopards as I do at work but still, it pays well." Tj winked at Peter who's face reddened as soon as the words left his beak.

"Why bother taking the job then?" Sal chortled in response as he started flexing his arms for the table to see.

"Easy killer, don't misfire your popguns in here." Brenden shot out at the now glaring otter.

"If looks could kill." Peter quietly mumbled to himself with a small smile on his muzzle. Brenden's ears turned to him before his head did.

"What was that?"

"Oh what, nothing." Peter stammered out.

"I see how it is, as soon as a cute bunny asks you a question you clam up. You need me to get you a paper bag again?" Brenden teased and brought up their first encounter. "This cutie was like this when I first met him."

"As much as we'd love to hear the story bunny cunny, I think Peter might break if you do." Tj glanced at Peter, a big smile still on his beak.

"Bunny cunny? Ooo, I like that."Brenden started to mouth the words. "What do you think?" He gently elbowed Peter.

" I-it's cute I guess."Peter answered him, blush still evident in his face.

"As cute as me?" Brenden slid into Peter and started to nuzzle his neck, Peter locked up instantly.

"Your such a queen." Sal and Tj simultaneously spoke.

" Duuuh." Brenden drew out as he pushed off Peter. The cat regained his composure soon after.

"So, what are you guys gonna get?" Tj asked.

"Vanilla!" "Chocolate." " strawberry!!!"...."Cotton candy."

Everyone except Sal looked at him. Peter sank into his seat. Tj and Brenden looked at each other and then back at Peter." Cotton candy!" "Cotton candy with strawberries!!" They jumped up at the ill forgotten childhood flavor.

"Look what you started cat!" Sal groaned to Peter. A waitress came around just then, a short female corgi who looked to still be in high school.

"Hello everyone, would any of you be interested in today's special? It's a banana split with a limited gelato and deep fried chocolate ice cream base to compliment your meal." She spoke in an obvious, 'I'm acting happy because I'm at work voice'. A chorus of no's rang from the table

"What would you like?" An instant reply of cotton candy came from the table, a lone response of chocolate came from Sal.

"Could you put strawberries on mine please?" Brenden asked her.

"Of course. Sizes?"

"Extra large, oh for ice cream? medium." She ignored his first comment, the others on the other paw started to snicker while they told her the what they wanted. Once she walked away they returned to their regular conversation. "I thought she was talking about the banana." Brenden joked.

"How's work going for you?" Sal asked no one in particular. Tj answered first.

"Have to work tomorrow. I'm working with Brice and Lukas." Peter stayed quiet at the thought of Brice, Brenden however...

"Ooo Peeeteeer." He cooed, bumping the cat with his elbow. "Speaking of, how was it being with the stud of the jungle?"

He gulped at the Rabbit,"O-oh you know, it was. Fun." Brenden cocked an eye at him." He uh, tasted good?" He could feel himself start to tense up.

"Damn, I've been wanting to catch a ride with him for months now. I'm jealous." Brenden grumbled.

"I can do without, he's not my type." Sal announced to the now awestruck group.

"How he's like. Hot!?" Tj yelled, taking the rabbits words out of his muzzle.

Sal pointed at each one of them."Bottom, bottom, bottom, top." He pointed to himself.

"Wannabe top." Peter quickly coughed out as he quickly took a sip of his water to cover it up. Sal glared at him while the others laughed.

"Oh Sal we still love you. Even if you're inferior ." Brenden teased as he rested his head on his paws and inched closer to the otter.

"I was gonna take the bill when we left but not anymore, that includes you Peter!" Sal groaned out.

"I don't have my wallet!" He yelled out.

"I have another way you could pay me. You could always finish what you started." Sal smirked at the wide eyed feline.

"So that was Sal in the video." Tj chirped out.

"You guys watched?" Peter choked out.

"Every. Minute. Thrice." Brenden annunciated, now leaning closer to the red faced snow leopard. Yet again, the corgi came in time to save the day with a silver tray In paw.

"Here you are." She placed each bowl in front of the respective customer. "Enjoy."

All of them instantly dove towards their bowls, attacking their meal with their spoons as if they were hunting like their ancestors. On a few occasions Sal decided to bend his spoon back and fling his cream at anyone who wasn't paying attention. Of course the other person retaliated, most of the time hitting someone who was not their target.

Peter was smart enough to take cover behind the napkin container and not waste his meal. "So Peter, Blake's been telling us that you're having a shoot tomorrow."

Peter answered with a quick yep. "Care to inform us? Or at least me and Tj, Sal must know already."

"It's uh, you know." Peter stammered out as he put down his spoon.

Brenden gasped," It's finally happening!?" Now knowing what it was. Peter nodded.

"Blake told him he needed to 'stretch' and 'practice' " Sal informed the others, much to Peter's disagreement. Brenden shot his head up, the black of his muzzle was stained with blue and pink.

"So Peter we've been friends for a like a day, so you want some help with that?"

"N-no! I'm just fine on my own." He stammered out.

"And with Nick."Sal murmured, in retaliation to Peters former 'wannabe top comment'. Everyone's ears weren't sensitive enough to hear it, that is all except for Brenden. His ears twisted towards Sal as he spoke.

"You have a boyfriend?" The rabbit yelped out in disappointment, gaining a few unwanted stares from the other families. Peter lightly slammed his head into the table, Sal snickered.

"Not his boyfriend bud." The otter spoke between laughs.

"Then who's Nick?"

"Sal, keep your muzzle shut." Peter the table blurred his words together.

"He's a close friend isn't he, or is he a friend with benefits? I think he's a friend with benefits." Brenden settled on his answer and went back to eating, much to Peter's pleasure.

"Guys keep it pg, we're in a restaurant." Tj quietly reminded them.

"And we're also surrounded by no one." Brenden challenged. His lips turned into a smile, revealing his buck teeth.

"Bet this is the most fun you've had without others watching." Tj retorted, earning him a volley of ice cream to be shot at him. Peter started to laugh at their small war. "Same goes for you virg!" The blue jay squawked as he took Peter's cover from in front of him and placed it closer to himself.

Brenden rubbed a finger in his bowl before turning to Peter and rubbing across his moist nose. His entire body stiffened up at the cold feeling that enveloped his head. Peter reached for a napkin but Brenden interrupted him again.

"Got it." He jumped towards Peter and let his tongue drag across his nose, and maybe a little of his lips. A few wolf whistles came from Tj, Sal just shook his head.

"Stop trying to French the poor kid, don't you see he's tense enough?" Sal blurted out for Peter.

"Should I check if he's tense in others places as well?" Brenden huskily breathed out at Peter.

"Why is it that whenever I'm with you I get grinded on?" Peter asked Sal as the rabbit casually started to lean up and nuzzle against him.

"Oh Peter, if you really want that type of party we'll have to go back to my place. Or get a table cloth to cover what I can do under the table." The rabbit dared.

"I mean I'll go if you do." Sal 'joked' with Peter.


"Well guys I think it's time I head out, I've got to get back and feed Harley." Tj pulled out a ten and placed it on the table, trying to do Peter a solid.

"He just wants to get screwed by the pooch." Brenden whispered into Peter's ear again, causing him to jump in surprise.

"Says the one who," Peter cut Tj off.

"I think I need to get back, nice talking to you guys. See you later." Peter hurdled over Brenden and speedily made his way to the door.

"Shoot, I didn't mean to," Brenden called out but Peter was already out the door.

"Told you to be easy with him." Sal sighed and glared at Brenden.

"I was." Sal cocked an ear at him."For my standards anyway." He shied away. Sal placed a twenty on the table but Tj gave him a ten." It was nice hanging with you, I'm gonna go try calm him down."

As sal walked away he could hear a quiet discussion starting from them. "I feel bad now, he was such a cutie too!"

"That why you couldn't stop rubbing against him?"

Sal pushed the glass for open, the bells above him rang to announce his departure.

Peter was leaning against the hood of the car looking glum. He had his paws in his pockets."You alright?" Sal copied his position but crossed his arms instead.

"I'm sorry I ruined your get together." Peter mumbled.

"Are you joking? They loved you." Sal informed.

"They probably think I'm a loser now."

"Peter, They think the total opposite. Hell, brenden wants to screw you. Tj, he. Well, he just wants you to be comfortable around him." Peter leaned into sal and rested his head on his friend's shoulder.

"You're just saying that." Peter groaned unsure now.

"Nope, Tj even paid for you." Peter's ears shot up instantly and his eyes widened.

"I forgot to pay I need to pay him back!" He started to push off Sal but Sal wrapped his arms around him to keep him in place.

"No it's fine. If you really want to, wait until tomorrow. I'm telling though he won't take it, won't take the money I mean." Sal attempted to get a laughout of Peter. He succeeded.

"Weirdo." Peter teased.

"Nerd." Sal kept him in his embrace until he realized he was actually hugging him. " We should uh, get back." Sal let him go and scratched at the back of his neck before walking to the driver's side and unlocking the doors.

"Lets." Peter gave him a smile and got in the passenger seat. Sal could feel butterflies starting to float in his stomach when Peter did that.

"Oh no." Sal whined.


"I think I'm catching a cold, my stomach is acting up." Sal pulled out of the parking lot and started driving back to his campus.

"Should we stop at a drugstore?" Peter asked him, a small amount of worry started to grow in him.

"Nah, I'll just stop at the nurse if I'm still feeling bad later."

"If you say so," Peter leaned back into his seat and stared out the window for the rest of the ride.


"So, you gonna do it?"

"Of course I am. Just spent the past hour and a half getting ready.

"You want help?"

"N-no! I don't want help."

"Can I at least record it?" Peter thought for a moment.

"No, not this time."

"But I've-"

"Not gonna work this time, go get dinner or something. See a movie." Peter thought of ways to keep Sal occupied.

" It's ten o'clock. I could be watching you not, napping in my car.." Sal started stomping out the door dramatically. He took one last look at Peter before he opened his door and left the room. Peter closed the door behind him, making sure that he locked it.

" I swear if he uses his key." Peter mumbled to himself as he went back to his couch and inspected his layout. Towel, check. Napkins, check. Lube, check. Duke and Nick? Check. His two toys stood side by side with each other. The girthier Nick almost made the purple knot of Duke look small. Along with his fist.

Peter slid off his shirt and pants, his boxers trailed behind them soon enough. Peter took a few shaky breaths." Relax, relax. How in the hell am I able to take them again?" Peter crawled his way up the couch and laid down on his towel.

He spread his legs and pulled his knees up, his furry pouch rested between his cheeks.

Peter reached over for the lube and applied a generous amount of the liquid onto his paw. He slicked it around for a moment, making sure everything was covered before he placed it near his rump. He extended a digit and calmly started to massage his tail star. The coldness of the lube made him shiver and have a small shudder flow throughout his body. He rubbed the ring of muscle until he could feel it start to give way. Slowly, he inserted it up his knuckle. He prodded over and over, going deeper each time.

When he finally got the entire finger in he added a second, then a third. He let out a few low groans as he started to feel that stretching feeling, always backing off before it started to burn. He reached deeper and finally found the spot he was looking for. The small bump hidden in his tunnel made contact with his fingers. Almost instantly causing his shaft to jump up. Unlike what he saw in the videos and movies, pressing it didn't cause him to spasm out in pleasure or instantly erupt it simply just got him hard.

Later, he found out that pressing while cumming however, that was the magic part. He heard a noise outside his door causing him to tense up and trap his fingers. He listened for a few seconds before returning back to his fun. He added a fourth finger when he was able, and finally his fifth. He was able to get down to his knuckles but no further, he wouldn't be able to do that until later. If sal was here he could get an entire paw, but definitely not by himself.

"Dammit Sal." He groaned in pleasure as he imagined that Sal was the one stretching him out, not himself.

He thrusted his paw back and forth until he finally felt confident enough to take Duke. He sat up and took a squatting position, which he found was the easiest way to get a knot in.

The snow leopard pulled his paw out and reached for the toy and the lube. He quickly covered it in the white substance and placed it at his entrance. To tease himself, he slowly started to slip in its head before pulling out, he then let his body fall down. Half of the entire length slid into him. Chills enveloped his body, causing him to freeze temporarily. His toes curled along with his tail when he was finally able to gain control of his body. Peter calmly exhaled as he pulled himself of the toy with a loud pop. His tailhole clenched at the feeling of emptiness, craving for the filling feeling again.

He impaled himself all the way up toy the toy's knot. The head slid against his prostate, causing his member to jump in response. Pre was starting to leak from him, slowing dripping down onto the towel. Peter wouldn't reward himself by pleasuring his cock until the knot went into him. He rose up again, feeling the tiny barbs of the toy scrape and pleasure his insides.

A few shaky breaths left him as he started a gradual pace of humping the toy into his passage. An audible squelch of his antics filled the small room. He started to press the knot into him, only able to get the top quarter of it in before having to pull off. He continued pressing down against the almost un-takeable knot, battering it against his tailhole's ring of muscles.

He jumped as the left gland of the knot slid into him, the right side was still hanging outside his body. The cat took shaky exhales as he tensed against the half-knot to tire out his muscle. He pulled it out until only the head was in him, then slammed it back in. Half of the knot popped into him, a burning started to pulse through his tail star. He pressed and leaned harder onto the toy before the knot popped into him. Yet again he could feel his toes curl. A hiss escaped him through his clenched teeth, pain and pleasure tingled through him as he went limp.

The knot went even further into him as he collapsed on the bed, he started to pant as he realized what had happened. He pushed off the bed but his shaky arms gave out, he tried again with the opposite result. He was finally able to squat again without his limbs giving out from under him. He clenched around the toy again, the mass was evident in each pull of his muscles. His body was no longer trying to keep it out, but rather trying to pull it in deeper. The only thing saving Duke from going inside Peter was it's wide base.

Peter gripped the base of the toy and attempted to pull the toy out. As the knot slipped out of him, he held the toy at it's widest spot at his entrance. A dull pain flared through his tailhole but soon went away after it relented against the knot. He slid the knot back in with much less resistance multiple times. Hungrily, he gripped his own gripping shaft. He grabbed the base of his cock and started to pull up and down, paying attention to his sensitive barbs. His groans returned to him as pleasure spilled into his nerves.

He was sure he was dripping like a faucet by now, and his night was only halfway done! He gripped Nick and poured the lube onto him. Quickly, he aimed the toy at his entrance. As soon as he pulled Duke out, Nick was shoved in to take it's place. The ridges teased every nerve inside his rump, he could feel the fake veins pushing into his sensitive inner skin. His heartbeat shook through the toy, causing it to feel as if it had it's own.

Peter made it all the way down to the knot before he was stopped. He reluctantly pulled his paw off his quivering shaft and placed it back to the base of the toy. He tried forcing in it's knot but he still wasn't loose enough to take it. He pushed until the top half of the glands were in before pulling it out. He wasted no time in trying to shove it right back in.

" Ooh, come on,come on." He moaned to himself. Peter pulled off one last time and pushed until he heard and felt a quick 'POP'. Nick's knot slipped into Peter's tailhole. A constant pressure plastered his insides, his cock jumped into the air almost shooting his seed across his belly. Peter could feel his balls tightening each second the knot was in him. shakily , he gripped his member and started thrusting into his hand, causing the toy to copy his motions. Each thrust caused his toy to jab into his prostate, milking him for all he was worth.

He could feel his every muscle under his waist tense up as he started jerking his cock again, his mouth gaped as stars danced across his eyes. His tailhole clamped around Nick, almost pushing the toy out of his body. He dropped to his rump, causing all of his weight to fall onto it as he shot his load across the room, four long white spurts shot onto the well placed towel before his load started to dribble to a stop. He fell forward as his climax came to an end and landed in his mess. Too tired and pleased to be annoyed, he simply groaned with mixed emotions.

His tail continuously twitched against his will. Somehow, he was able to roll onto his back wincing as Nick jostled around in him. He gave it a few loving squeezes and imagined that he could see the bulge that the knot was causing. Shakily, he gripped its base and started to pull. He winced as the knot resisted his tugs. Peter took a few calming breaths and pushed as hard as he could while also pulling on it with his paw. A very unattractive noise followed as the toy knot was expelled from his body.

Peter could care less though, he was still coming down from cloud nine. The lube spilled out of his gaping tailhole and onto the towel. He reached between his legs and started to finger his abused hole, easily fitting his entire fist into himself.

He pulled out his now soaked paw and gripped his leaking member. His legs sprawled out as his cock became too sensitive to grip.

Peter laid still for countless minutes, regaining his composure. A dull click jumped him out of his trance. Peter's head shot towards the door, his blurred vision could make out the familiar brown head.

"Holy cow Pete!" Sal amazed as he shut the door.

"Do what you will." Peter mumbled out, lust still clouded his mind.

Peter gaped at him for a moment but quickly broke out of his trance and grabbed his phone. The shutter of the camera filled Peter's ears. Sal positioned himself near Peter's spread legs and went to work. Peter on the other hand started to drift off. Which in Sal's opinion made for a very cute cover photo (and wallscreen).

Peter broke out of his dozing when he felt himself being tucked in. "Mhm, wha?"

"Shh, everything is put away and cleaned."Sal whispered into his ear.

"Okay." Peter started to snuggle into the blanket and into the couch. Sal finished tucking him in and walked to his respective bed.

" Can I?" Peter cut off, thinking that Sal couldn't hear him.


"Could I, uh sleep...With you tonight?" Peter tiredly stammered out. Sal quietly walked back over to him and picked him up, still in his blanket cocoon and gently placed him on his bed.

"You know what the cost is right?" Sal teased.

"And what's that?" Peter mumbled out, small smile brightening his face.

"It's only fair that I get to sleep naked too." Sal pulled off his shirt, secretly trying to make it as sexy as possible.

"It's only fair." Peter opened his eyes further to stare at the undressing figure. Sal threw his pants to the side and whipped his underwear off. Keeping it in his paw. He crawled over Peter and started to spoon him. The snow leopard closed his eyes and stares to doze off again. Before he did, Sal reached up to his muzzle and pressed his underwear to his nose.

"You're sleeping with this on you tonight." Sal growled into Peter's ear, giving it a quick nip.

"O-okay." Peter could feel himself starting to get hard again as Sal's attractive musk filled his nose and brain. Peter could only smell Sal's arousal and pure musk coming from his new sleepwear.

Sal removed his paw from his nose returned it to Peter's front, making sure to grip the felines arousal through the blankets. "Night cub."

"G-g-goodnight." Peter moaned through the underwear. Every breath he took caused his cock to jump in pleasure, which Sal easily felt. What was worse, was that his arms were trapped under the blanket and pinned to his sides.

Later in the night, Peter could feel Sal's calm breathing caressing his neck yet here he was pressing his hard cock into Peter's covered backside while his own member was gripped in an iron hold.

This is going to be a very, very long unforgettable night.