Chapter 7: Monster

Story by Charem on SoFurry

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#8 of The 'Unwanted' Adventures of Biscuit the Srothar

Biscuit the Srothar was a feline with a goal in life: to live far more civilized than his species normally did, and cast off many of his roots in the process. Of course, one can't escape their own instincts...

Story/Characters by Charem

Srothar Species by Cyril

(This is an ongoing story; further chapters will be added over time. :3 So please bookmark and check back from time to time if you enjoy what you read!)

And one more short chapter to round out events before I take another bit of a break! (17 hrs of writing in one week is a bit draining, I think~) I wouldn't be so mean as to leave everyone on such a big cliffhanger, after all... Lots of character development in this one...I'm really eager to see where I can take things after this, eventually!

The feline awoke, after some time. How much time...that was hard to say. He shifted, heavily rolling onto his back and peering towards a curtained window. It was still dark out...and... The big cat licked his chops, tasting that sweet ottery flavor still in his jaws...

Biscuit's eyes went wide as his just-roused mind finally caught up, an immediate spark of sobriety hitting him like a ton of bricks. His hands, idly squishing and kneading at his big, bloated gut - he stopped their movements immediately, gazing down at his bulged stomach.

"No...! No, no no! Griffy...!"

He bolted to his feet in an instant, leaping off the bed and crashing against one of the bedroom's walls briefly as his newfound weight threw him entirely off-balance. Stumbling back to his feet, the Srothar's racing mind directed him to the bathroom, the feline's eyes tearing up as he collapsed onto his knees at the tub, leaning over it and tensing himself.

"...Urrrk...hurrrk!" he began to force himself to gag, coughing and tensing his muscles as strongly as he could! His shivering hands went back to his gut, this time not to knead but to PUSH upwards. He winced in pain, but as the otter slowly began to shift, his throat beginning to fill out again...well, he didn't care about the pain whatsoever. The cat kept his eyes closed through the effort, feeling the slick-furred body of his friend fill out his jaws. He lowered his head best he could into the tub's basin, letting the mustelid slide out gently rather than make any sort of fall from his jaws. Biscuit's hand just kept pushing up behind the otter's feet in his throat, partially strangling himself in the process with the intensity. Again, he hardly cared about how HE felt right now; he wanted his friend out of his...terrible stomach as fast as possible!

The cat got his wish. Griffy's body was soon flopped fully in the tub, slime dripping out of the Srothar's jaws for a moment more as he coughed a bit, settling his muscles. Though Biscuit had not opened his eyes quite yet; he afforded himself a moment to catch his haggard breath as he...steeled himself. He idea what state his friend was in, what sort of scene he would open his eyes to. He...had to though. He had to...find out.

He gazed down at the otter. The little guy was intact...though absolutely coated in slime, with bits of his fish still sticking into his fur. The otter...was laying there, very...very still. But not...not entirely. Griffy was still breathing, gently...the slow heave of the otter's chest was notable. He wasn't...he wasn't dead.

The Srothar leaned down with his hands, stopping their trembling before wiping some of that sticky slime off of the otter's face and away from his mouth, to better help that breathing. "G....Griff...?" he struggled to speak; tears...made that rather hard. "Please...please be okay..."

The otter's right ear made a weak flop, noting the noise. Griffy shifted...his arms and legs stretching out slowly. His eyes...opening sleepily, and looking up at the feline above him. "Biscuit...? let me out..." The mustelid...was really rather calm. Waking up from a warm nap like he had... Though, to see the Srothar...crying? Biscuit never did that...

"A-are you... Urk..." the feline began, before slumping against the rim of the tub. Relief; he surrendered to it for a moment, wiping his eyes briefly. "Are you hurt?..."

"...Ooh? Tingly...a bit light-headed..." the otter took his time pondering this question. "But you kept swallowing air for me, I think. Otherwise...I don't think I'd be quite as okay."

The possibilities darkened Biscuit's thoughts. What horrible thing had he done here?... But no, that wasn't important right now... He looked over the otter, briefly standing to his feet and getting a towel from the shelf. " acid, I need to wipe it off you..." he remarked weakly. "That's why there's...tingling."

"Oh...dear, it's pretty deep in my fur. Could the bath for me? And wash me up, perhaps? I'd do it myself but I'm..." the otter slowly tested his strength, managing to ease onto all fours...but feeling too dis-balanced to literally stand on his own two feet right now. "A little...woo... Yes, just run a shallow bath for me..."

The Srothar nodded quickly, reaching over to turn the tub's faucet to a nice warm temperature before stopping the drain. He gathered up a good shampoo - one that said 'deep-cleaning', that should do...and waited for the tub to fill a bit. Frankly, he didn't care what the otter asked right now, if it was a little odd to him or not; he'd do it. He owed his friend much more than that...

"Ahh...that should be good." the mustelid remarked as the water climbed just over his back, swaying his four-legged stance to filter off some of the acids as the Srothar stopped the flow. "Mmm...alright, you can wash me up now..." Griffy remarked, spreading his stance so the cat could reach every which-place on him.

Biscuit had never owned a pet. But, he realized, with Griffy's position, this was something like washing up a pet dog, and he had seen that done before... He grabbed the shampoo, turning it upside-down over the otter and squirting a line of the stuff down the otter's back. Freeing his hands, he rubbed the line gently into the mustelid's short fur, petting up and down the otter's back, along his tail, up to his neck, and down his sides... More shampoo squirted into his palms, he went under, across the otter's chest and belly...down those submerged legs, and carefully rubbing it in between each toe. The Srothar was relieved to see not even the otter's thin webbing had been notably harmed by the acid, somehow...

Admittedly, rubbing across his friend's body - and making sure to do it well and really work in that soap - was definitely a weird amount of touching for the Srothar. That said, he didn't care about HIS feelings at the moment; and he'd done even more awkward...touching...earlier... Still, he took a bit more time as he rubbed soap into the otter's inner-thighs, sliding it along those plump thigh-cracks, and...then...gently across the mustelid's crotch, across his rear, under that thick tail. All the while the feline couldn't shake the feeling of 'bad touch!', but the otter didn't mind... All Griffy had been doing was gently humming and mmm'ing through the bath, though a few more groans sounded out as he went across such...sensitive spots. Though gay as the otter was, it seemed to be simple enjoyment of the full-body rub...and, Biscuit knew how one of those felt by now.

The cat was quite careful at the last part, shampooing over the otter's face. He could feel Griffy's snout turned up in a grin the whole time he rubbed along that snout and across those cheeks, under that neck... Avoiding the eyes of course; shampoo in the eyes was never a pleasant thing. Finally Biscuit was quite sure that he'd scrubbed the otter clean, setting the shampoo aside and using his hands to swish and rub the water thoroughly through his friend's fur, washing all of that soap out bit by bit... Griffy seemed a bit stronger now, the otter actively stretching as his back was rubbed, arching his back as his underbelly was petted, lifting up each foot and hand as they were cleaned, and raising his tush as his behind was washed off. The feline...was still smitten by that otter's cuteness.

Griffy stood to two feet at last as the soap was fully washed from his form, practically feeling some of that fatigue and weakness wash off with it. He felt like a new otter now~ Though, Biscuit... He looked over to the cat again, seeing the disdain in the feline's face. That disdain was self-directed, wasn't it...? "Biscuit? Would you please lay down on the bed and wait for me while I clean up here? I'm feeling well enough to."

The Srothar blinked, seeming a bit surprised by the command; the otter had almost used his 'boss tone'. "U-um, yes." He was wanting to just...leave, now that Griffy was seeming okay. To get away and ensure he didn't hurt his friend again. ...Maybe the otter knew that's just what he'd do. "I'll...wait on the bed." He didn't want to, but he...would do what was asked of him, at this point.

The mustelid collected his own thoughts after his feline friend had padded back to the bathroom, taking his time to drain the bath and dry himself with a towel. Griffy wasn't feeling bad at all; a little out-of-sorts, but being prey and facing one's mortality would do that to a person, he figured! Many would think he should feel worse but...well, he simply didn't~ He wasn't that sort of otter; perhaps that made him a really odd sort of otter, but he was who he was~ ...But that lovable Srothar was having a far-worse time with all of this... The otter easily understood why, but...oh, how could he show him...?

The otter returned to the bedroom after a time, seeing the Srothar curled up on the bed as he asked. He frowned... The feline was tensed up, shivering, and he could hear the dear quietly sobbing. Oh, this wouldn't do, the poor thing... Griffy gently hopped up on the bed, padding around to the side Biscuit had curled towards. The Srothar had covered his face with his paws, hiding his tears... The otter placed his webbed hand against the Srothar's hand, having a comfortable sit next to his friend's face. "Hon? Could you please, look at me?"

The Srothar clearly did not desire to show his shame, but slowly complied. His fuzzy face was matted with tears as this point, the hard angle to his brow further showing how angry he was at himself. He had nearly killed somebody he felt quite close to - there was no way around that. Why wasn't Griffy - even MORE upset than him?

But otters are clever creatures, and Griffy could read him like a book. "I DON'T hate you, hun. I never did, and I never will."

The feline wiped a few tears away, catching his short breath to speak. "Why...? I'm a monster..."

"You're you." the otter simply put forth. "I care about you. Even if it meant you ate me...for good."

"But you would have DIED." Biscuit growled that last word, dripping anger at himself before...letting out a sigh. "You...don't deserve that. You're...too good a boss...a friend. To everyone in your life... It would have hurt so many, hurt your restaurant..."

Griffy had to admit some of those points. He nodded. "I admit. As your prey...I wasn't thinking completely straight. It would have had a lot of repercussions... But...I was genuine in wanting, what YOU wanted. And you chose, you know."


"Chose to go on this date. Chose to open up to me. Chose to...devour me. And then...chose to let me out." the otter spoke straightly, dropping his usual playfulness entirely now...but still being as genuine and warm as he naturally was. "You were in charge, this whole time. And you decided what was best for you, and for me."

"Endangering you was...BEST...?" the Srothar shook his head sadly.

"Was I really in any danger? Even while you slept, and I slept...I would have died from lack of air. Yet you swallowed; I felt it. Random, unnecessary give me air. You did it without thinking...because, you weren't eating me for good." Griffy leaned in, helping wipe some of the Srothar's still-forming tears. "I was fine with any choice you made, because I love you. But you chose what was in your heart, Biscuit the Srothar. You have a wonderful heart..."

The feline paused...nosing into the otter's hands. He...did do all that... He would like to believe all of that...all of what his friend was saying, but... "How was any of what I did a good thing...?"

"You enjoy food; I can see that every time I see you eat your lunch at work, or the seafood I made earlier tonight. I was so happy to cook that for you, you know; because I can see what joy you feel when you eat! For a chef, there's no greater pleasure than for their food to be enjoyed." The mustelid nuzzled closer to his portly friend, hugging against the Srothar's face. "And you enjoyed eating me - enjoyed the fullness I brought. Enjoyed how much I squirmed and wobbled your belly! That was all too adorable, and made me as a chef - and your friend - feel very fulfilled too."

Biscuit let out a few tears against that fuzzy otter tummy. "But you had to endure such a gross thing... Even...even if I liked it all...even IF I never would have hurt was at your expense."

"Ohhh. Well, you really haven't learned everything there is to know about me, dear. It's alright... Let me tell you something." the mustelid leaned over the cat's head, whispering up to one of those big, fluffy ears. "Sliding past your drooling, glistening jaws...sinking down your slick, rippling throat...and stewing in your sloppy, gurgling belly...was one of the hottest things I've ever done~"

Those big ears tucked tightly against Biscuit's head in embarrassment as he was given this revelation, slowly moving his head away from the mustelid and staring at the otter. This was no tease; the solid, warm expression on the little guy's face made it clear every word was meant in full. The Srothar's face blushed red. "But you...never...talked about my...species. Never brought it up..."

"Because you never wanted to dwell on your Srothar nature, dear. You didn't like vore, you didn't do vore, and I was more than happy to respect that. Even if I had...thoughts, sometimes. About what you could do to me..." the otter giggled, lazing his body across the cat's prone hands. "But then you decided more who you really are...and I was happy to encourage it. I had no idea it would lead to...what we've done tonight!... But I can say it was the experience of a lifetime...even IF it had a chance of ending that lifetime for me. Call me a thrill-seeker...!"

"So...I'm of your flings?" the Srothar noted, thinking about how the otter never settled down, and had a new guy to date every week... Not something he ever pried about for obvious reasons, but he picked up on it, after a while of working under the mustelid.

The otter smiled a bit softer...shaking his head. "No, no... I do like to date plenty of guys. But it's always just for a bit of fun... It never lasts; I never have any intention of making it last. A few have asked, but...I always turn them down. I...never cared for that sort of love after my wife left me." Griffy gave a little 'oh well' shrug. "I've felt closer to my employees than my flings - after all, I have to spend a fair amount of time around you guys, like it or not! Hee~ I'm privileged to have a great team under me...and I've been particularly privileged to have you around for the last year. And as much as I don't consider relationships much these days..." The otter gently rubbed the side of the Srothar's snout, pausing a moment. "I've felt a lot of things about you, hon. You...took a bit of my heart, I think~"

Biscuit widened his eyes, his snout parting accidentally. "M-mrow..." he uttered, gasping a feline gasp at the otter's transparency. He never knew his boss...cared this much about him. He'd...never had anyone care about him quite like this. He...cared about Griffy, too. Now that he thought about it... Maybe tonight had not...been such a disaster.

But that other night...

"G-Griffy. I." the cat swallowed hard, finding it difficult to for once. "I ate someone else. And they're...gone."

"...Hon?" The otter was a bit taken aback. Not that he was surprised it could have happened before, but after this night's events... ""

"I...the new complimented me about... All this weight..." the feline wobbled his frame a bit in his point. "There was...a guy, working at a diner...a mouse..."

"Oh, dear... I think I remember a news report about that when I was driving to work..." the otter stood up, arms crossed as he thought about it...not angry, but contemplative. "That seems...unlike you. How did this happen, hun?"

"I don't know. I...remember sleeping. I remember a dream...eating... And then I woke up...all fat." the Srothar slowly sat him himself, nervously swallowing again. "It wasn't like tonight..."

"...You were aware, tonight. A bit...hazy, but aware. You didn't even eat me, until..."

"...Until you gave permission. Yeah...I was a little out of it but I remember everything clearly. I remember every bit of tasting you, swallowing you..." the cat blushed a bit harder, tailing off for a moment as he recollected eating the fond detail, he had to admit. "...But the other time, it was like I wasn't in control. I remember so little..."

"...Oh, dear...this is why you were so upset." the otter concluded, realization setting in. "You thought you'd do it again, with me...without any control."

"It's...yeah. a monster. I can't...I can't trust myself." Biscuit hung his head. "Even if...tonight was can't trust me."

Griffy thought about that a moment. He didn't want to answer that until he was certain. But...looking over the lovely feline, clearly distraught and nervous to even tell all this to him... The ott slowly slipped into his lap, his big black nose booping under the cat's lowered chin, raising it back up. "It wasn't you, dear, that was the monster."

Biscuit looked down, surrendering to the motion and raising his head back up. The fuzzy, bath-warmed otter nestling against his belly and lap made him feel a little bit, he admitted... "It didn't feel like me...but... Then, what was the monster?..."

"Oof. I wish I knew hon. But you AREN'T a monster. Whatever controlled you that night...if it's playing off of your Srothar nature like that... Perhaps you took a step in the right direction tonight."

"Eating you...?" the cat concluded.

"Without harming me, dear. Shows that you were in control...not this 'monster', like last time." Griffy's tail swished and squished the scaly fat behind him, a slow sway to relax his friend. "You'll have to learn where the monster came from, all of a sudden. How to control it, and defeat it. ...It is sad to hear about that mouse, but I'm not going to hold it against you. And I don't want you holding it against yourself either."

Where it came from...all of a sudden? The feline's ears flicked at the if starting to realize something, but he was too fatigued to dwell on it for now. But, the mouse... "I...I can't promise that, Griffy. All this flab is due to me...or, that monster...killing him. A constant reminder..."

"...Don't you like the flab, dear?" the otter rightfully asked, noting the feline was letting out another little purr just from his tail-rubs.

"I... I do... But it's not right to..." Biscuit rumbled, really not sure what was right in this situation. Maybe it wasn't his fault, but...

"Maybe you should move forward,...and appreciate what the mouse has given you. What's done is done, so...honor your prey. Take care of that weight." the mustelid spoke simply but slowly. It was a difficult situation, on a moral level...and he wanted to make sure he said the right thing. "One thing about monsters, hun - they like to use your weaknesses against you. It would love for you to hate yourself over something IT did."

The feline was wordless for a time, simply thinking about the otter's words. Would Griffy just speak to him falsely to make him feel better?

...No. Hell, of course not. The otter was a lot wiser than that...and wiser than him.

His hands went down to the mustelid's sides, gently clutching and pulling the little fella back, squishing him into his soft gut. "Mmph..." he expressed, rubbing his friend's chest and kneading his own belly via the otter... Of course, Griffy simply let out a giggle and went with it, squirming back against the scaly Srothar stomach with nary a complaint. "I don't want this 'monster' to win. I don't be unhappy. So I'll...try that. I'll enjoy...and appreciate, the mouse."

"You don't have to try very hard to succeed at that I think, hun~" the otter noted cheerily, flipping around to hug belly-to-belly with that yellow stomach. "Your body already knew the right way of thinking a lot time ago; your heart just...needed a bit of confidence to agree."

The Srothar clenched his socked toes and fingers in a deeper purrrrumbling as the otter squished more intimately against his gut, letting out a big, long, stress-escaping siiiiiigh. Pred honoring prey... That was the role he took tonight too; honoring Griffy's life and keeping him from true harm. The monster would not have done that; ergo, he was no monster...

The two found themselves gently out of words as they settled down once more; there simply wasn't much more than had to be said. The cat curled around his smaller friend, keeping the ott quite snug to his gut. It was so very late, and a mere nap didn't account for all that energy they spent this evening...even silently, they both knew of their mutual sleepiness. Griffy happily rubbed against that billowing cat-gut, more than happy to nap on the outside of it as well as the inside... And Biscuit rubbed down the otter's body with a long, low purr, feeling at last at peace about what happened a couple nights well as, his actions tonight.

Maybe there was a difference between a Srothar and a monster, after all...

Chapter 6: Loosening Up

The otter's bedroom was, in a word, lavish. It was easily the biggest room in the modest-sized home, and clearly had the most expense put into it. The king-sized bed easily captured Biscuit's eye first, with its soft silk bedding and billowing pillows...

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Chapter 5: You 'Oughter Date an Otter~

Biscuit was up a bit early the next morning, shielding his eyes sleepily with one paw as the late-rising sun poked its rays through his window. Squinting through the light, he could barely read his alarm: 8:45 am. He stretched out, his purple-covered...

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Chapter 2: More Than Peckish

A gentle breeze wafted into Aspen's tent bright and early the next morning, rustling his leaves until the sound awoke him. The ex-human sat up, slowly brushing at his tail-leaf, wondering why there were leaves in his tent...until his grogginess wore...

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