A Mother's Love

Story by StrangeBreed on SoFurry

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#7 of The Other Half

Part seven of the big centaur storyline is here. As usual brought to you by Frostpuppi This time it ends with the birth of the new foals each of the main cast has made. There's some fun kinky stuff in this one, so hope you all enjoy :) Update: Forgot the original intended title so fixed it to the right one.

All characters depicted in this work are purely fictional and over the age of consent. Any situation is meant as parody and does not represent any child, living or otherwise.


Blake slowly opened his eyes as he stretched out, letting out a big, long yawn as he slowly awoke. It had been a couple weeks since their whole breeding experience, the first half of their monthly long camp trip proving quite successful. Blake turned over slowly, careful not to put too much pressure on his belly as it had grown quite big and round with the young foal growing inside him. He had successfully been bred by Zeus, and with the increased speed in which centaurs were able to properly mate with feral horses, there was only a few days left before he would be ready to give birth.

He looked around his cabin, smiling as he looked at April's also full belly, both of them having been bred quite properly. Daisy and Orion looked the same as normal, but had been just as successful as the other two. Their mates were back in the stables sporting full bellies themselves. All four members of their social group had mated well and good with the feral mates they had chosen and now were each beyond excited to meet their new little fillies of colts. "Oh, good morning little one" Blake said aloud as he felt a little kick in his belly, his young one clearly stirring inside him.

His words had stirred April awake and she let out a long yawn, the red headed centaur grinning back at her friend. "Busy little baby huh?" she asked Blake with a grin, patting her own round tummy.

Blake nodded with a chuckle, "Yeah, they're certainly quite active, sorry if I woke you."

April shrugged, "Well I was bound to get up soon anyways, it's no biggie." She let out a big yawn as she stretched, getting to her hooves slowly, "Do you wanna go get some breakfast?"

Blake looked over to their other friends, hearing them still yawning a tad, "Heh, yeah, looks like these two sleepy heads are gonna be in bed for a while anyways!" He joined the mare as they quietly exited the cabin, doing their best to not wake their two friends.

It was a short trip to the dining hall, the two realizing they were a bit earlier awaking than normal as only a few of the campers sat amongst the rows of benches. Michelle was sitting with a couple other counsellors at the front row, the head counsellor waving over to the pair as they entered, "Blake, April, you two are up early."

"Yeah, figured we'd get a head start," April said with a smile and a shrug, "Been having trouble sleeping in that long lately, been in bed earlier too."

Michelle nodded, "That's not uncommon with pregnancy, some of your habits will change on and off as your body adjust to housing another... though you two are quite well along, don't think there will be much of a wait left now."

"Nope," Blake said confidently, "My little one's been stirring more and more in my belly, I'm sure they're just anxious to get out and see the world!"

Michelle's grin widened, a big warm smile filling her expression, "I'm sure he or she is, this is always my favourite part of working here, getting to see all the new little foals enter the world." She sipped more of her coffee, "So, did you two wanna grab something to eat?"

"Yes please," April chuckled as her tummy rumbled, "The four of us are starving!"


Some time had passed before Daisy and Orion stirred awake, the two centaurs yawning and stretching before pulling themselves out of the comfortable bunks. "How did you sleep?" Orion asked his friend, the darker furred centaur stepping towards the door to the cabin.

"Very well!" Daisy replied with a stretch, looking at Orion funny as she noticed where his gaze was pointed.

"Someone's got some morning wood" he chuckled, Daisy looking between her legs to see her hard cock.

She then looked between Orion's cock, noticing the heavy shaft underneath his own set of firm balls, "Well, I'm not the only one mister!"

Orion laughed as he shrugged, "What can I say? Sometimes I just can't help it."

Daisy thought for a moment, feeling her shaft twitch as a few rather lewd ideas flooded her mind, "You thinking what I'm thinking?"

Orion grinned back to the mare with a nod, "Go give our lovely mates a quick visit before lunch?"

"Hell yeah!" Daisy cheered back, the two making a quick exit out of the cabin.


Blake and April already found themselves in the stables as they had finished a rather enjoyable breakfast, their bellies full of more sausages and eggs and bacon than their bodies could ever fit had they not been eating for two. They made their way to two separate stables as they decided to visit their mates, wanting to spend more quality time with their feral counterparts. April was already with Midnight, holding his head in a gentle hug as he pushed and poked the mare's belly gently, making cute gentle whinnies as he could sense his own offspring growing inside her. "Yeah, that's yours" April said gently as she hugged the stallion, chuckling as it gave her the odd lick on her belly.

Blake was just down the other hall, slowly approaching his powerful, dominant partner. Zeus was already standing at the ready when Blake arrived, having heard the boy long before he reached the proud stallion. It looked down at him with its powerful piercing eyes, its strong, large palomino form towering over the young centaur. "H-hello sir" Blake said with a blush, always seeming to be shy all over again every time he approached his wild mate. The stallion reached out and rubbed its head against him for just a moment, reaching down to sniff at his belly. Blake chuckled as he reached out to hug his mate, whispering in his ear, "That's right Zeus, it's yours." He kept his arms wrapped around the stallion's muzzle until it pulled back a bit, letting out an impatient snort. Blake looked around with a blush as he realized what his mate was doing, the large horse stomping its hooves on the ground a little bit. "R-right now sir?" he asked with a blush, feeling his pussy lips start to moisten. The stallion only let out more snarled noises of impatience, until the young centaur entered the stable.

The boy knelled his equine form down carefully, resting his belly in the hay for the safety of the unborn foal. He nuzzled between Zeus's legs and grasped his long shaft with both hands, rubbing it softly as he inhaled its strong, masculine scent. He place a single kiss on its tip, the thick head flaring just a tad as he suckled it smoothly. The slightest trickle of precum touched Blake's lips and his mouth began to water endlessly, the young centaur soon gulping the thick length down in smooth slurps as he got wetter with each passing second. "I love to please you sir!" he moaned softly as he kept gulping the heavy shaft down, using both hands to stroke the saliva soaked cock as more of the stallion's salty pre emptied down Blake's throat.

Zeus let out more of his growled noises, getting more worked up by each pleasing touch the boy gave him. "Sir, you taste so good," Blake moaned as he lapped at the heavy head, his lips turning sticky as he kept grasping the thick rod of flesh, "I love to worship you!" His tongue slid down the length of the stallion's shaft and rested at his balls, Blake suckling them as Zeus let out more grumbled sounds of need. "You want my pussy don't you sir?" the young centaur sighed lovingly, lips still pressed to the firm orbs. He got up and slinked over to the stallion's front as he let out one more snort, raising his rump to the air as he requested softly, "Don't be too rough now, we have a baby on board."

Zeus seemed to know instinctually that his offspring was resting in Blake's belly, so he moved very slowly, at first just pressing his thick head to the boy's pussy. Blake gasped as the heavy shaft slowly began to sink in, whimpering as his body was forced to stretch out to accommodate the horse's length. "God you're huge!" Blake complimented with a moan, relaxing as best he could as his mate buried his entire length into him, "I keep forgetting how good this feels!" He nipped his lip a little as the shaft plunged even deeper, the stallion starting to rock back and forth a bit as he started to thrust quite hard into the centaur. "Don't stop sir, d-don't-ahh!" Blake whimpered out as the stallion really started thrusting fast, its entire length pounding in heavily with wild thrusts. Blake's pussy was quickly leaving the heavy pole of flesh quite soaked, Zeus growling louder with each pound into its mate.

Blake's breath was shrill and heavy as he felt lunge after lunge from his stallion, his body shaking as he felt climax slowly approaching. There was a few more lumbering slides from the large animal before Blake finally whimpered out, his gasping breaths followed by a sticky release as the stallion's cockhead flare, also filling the boy's womb in thick, creamy white. Zeus slowly lowered himself as he had finished, resting with his pregnant partner. Blake let out a low sigh of contentment as he rested with the beast, whispering gently, "That was wonderful."

Elsewhere in another stable, April had her lips softly wrapped around Midnight's shaft, relaxing herself as she buried more and more of its sizable length down her throat. She let out happy murmurs as the stallion neighed gently, April gulping more and more of it down as precum coated her tongue. Small droplets of its eager seed trickled down as she added pressure to the head, feeling gentle flares around her lips as she gave it smooth slurps. She gripped its balls with one hand and stroked the length she couldn't swallow with the other, still choking down half of it in a desperate deep throat. She kept sucking on the stallion teasingly until it finally let out an impatient growl, April chuckling as she pulled back, lapping the slit of its cockhead clean of any and all salty release.

"You want more, huh baby?" April asked the stallion teasingly, winking to it as she turned slowly. She lifted her rump up and pushed her pussy against its cockhead, the slick warmth of her arousal soon radiating over it. "Is this what you want Midnight?" she teased again, leaning back so the head could plunge into her, "Mmm, yeah, c'mon let me help you out baby!" The stallion let out an almost growly whinny, raising its legs to carefully mount the centaur as it buried its entire length into her warm pussy. The centaur's sex grew slicker with each passing slide, its invading member making the girl pleasantly slippery. Midnight's breath grew rather heavy as he slammed harder into her, April herself also quite loud in her moans. "Oh sh-shit, right there!" she cried as the beast had inadvertently found her g-spot, the centaur trying her best to keep the pair locked in place so its thick, heavy shaft could slide over the most sensitive spot inside of her over and over.

"That's it, yes, oh my god don't stop Midnight!" April cried as she clutched the legs that mounted her, feeling the stallion's cockhead mildly flare as he pounded quite deep. "Holy shit, right there, right there!" she had managed to keep the beast roughly locked in place, hitting her g-spot with every slide it made into her, "That's it, I'm gonna f-fuck!" April's legs tightened as her pussy clenched, nearly milking the stallion shaft inside her as she released a wet orgasm, the stallion's cock only making more audible sounds as it plunged inside her again. April could only gasp out as she lay in a pile of satisfaction, her whole body shaking as the stallion kept rutting into her in her post-orgasmic state. She tried to speak but was reduced to whimpers as Midnight kept pounding into her, letting out a desperate whinny as it prepared to finally give her its heavy release. It was thick, and seemingly endless when it finally came, filling her entire pussy in thick strands of white.

After a short reprieve, Midnight pulled its shaft out, the flared head popping out quite audibly and leaving a trail of cum between itself and April's pussy. The mare sighed as she rested on the hay, her mate curling up with her as it made a satisfied little grumble. "Thank you Midnight," the centaur sighed as she wiggled her rump, feeling the slow trickle of cum that dripped from her pussy, "That was amazing as always!" She reached back as far as she could with her hand, gently rubbing at her freshly used folds. She felt the warm sticky mess as it slowly trailed down her legs, its thick consistency feeling funny on her fingertips. She then moved it to her lips, sucking the digits clean with a sigh, enjoying the creamy salty quality to her mate's seed. The rest started to run down her legs, causing them to shake a tad from the tickle, causing April to giggle. With a sigh she reached out for her mate, clutching the stallion in a tight, warm hug. She lay there with him for a while, soon finding herself lost in a nice afternoon nap.


Days passed before the group found the big day upon them, all gathered in the stables as several aids lined each stall. Both centaur mothers and feral mothers were all cared for delicately by the visiting centaurs, each taking their time as one after one, they brought a newborn foal into the world. The group of four friends had made sure they were placed together, wanting to support each other every step of the way. Daisy stood next to Blake with a hand clutching his, Orion holding April's as the group of friend's supported each other. Snowflake and Angel were nearby them with a few of the camp counsellors guiding the feral's births, all four expectant mothers all gathered in the same room as they prepared for the birth of their new foals. Blake's breath was getting quite heavy as he clenched with pain, his eyes squinting as he felt more and more movement deep inside him. "It's ok Blake," Daisy said softly as she pat her palm on her closest friend's forehead, giving him a soft supporting look, "Just breathe."

Blake nodded as he did so, face turning red as more pain welled up inside him. He could tell from the stretching stings that his new foal was well on its way, his legs shaking as he started to push, "D-Daisy, I-I think it's time!"

"Alright," Daisy said calmly as she clutched her friend's hand, patting the back of it as she tried to calm him a little, "Just keep breathing, you can do this Blake, you can do this."

Blake nodded again with another short yelp of pain, clenching as his pussy began to stretch. "There we go," one of the aids said as they reached between the boy's legs with their gloved hands, "Keep pushing, you almost have it!" They could already see the head of the newborn as it made its way out, getting a gentle hold on it as it started to leave its mother, "Very good, very good, that's it!" There was a small round of claps from Blake's friends as the pressure let up, the teary eyed colt panting sighs of relief as all the painful pressure had let up all of a sudden. The centaur helping him give birth soon was returning to his side, slowly passing the cutest colt to him. He cradled it gently with teary eyes, looking upon what seemed to be almost a miniaturized version of Zeus himself. The helper gave the boy a big smile as she looked at both him and his newborn, "What would you like to name him dear?"

Blake thought for a moment as he snuggled his new colt, chuckling as he spoke the name he had decided aloud, "Apollo."

Orion let out a short laugh himself, "Very poetic."

"I think it's a lovely name," Daisy said with a smile, "A lovely name, for a lovely young man." The group could suddenly tell from the pained whinny nearby that Snowflake was next, the gentlest mare barely able to stand as it started to give birth to its own healthy foal. "Sorry Blake, gotta go!" the centaur quickly dashed towards her mate, rubbing her mane gently as the aids around the mare aided in her birth. After a few, hard to handle squeals, the weak mare gave birth to a surprisingly sturdy and strong looking filly, her mane white as snow, just like her mother and aunt. "Oh my stars, she is just so beautiful!" Daisy sighed happily as she was handed her quickly cleaned foal, the centaur clutching it tightly but carefully as she gave it a name, "I wanna name her Lily."

As if by design, the next of the four was ready to give birth, a loud yelp of pain coming from April. The red headed centaur gripped Orion's hand near painfully as her legs kicked out, the centaur screaming anxiously, "Holy shit this hurts!"

The darker furred centaur rubbed her hand gently as Daisy reached for her other hand, both gripping and rubbing them calmingly as she continued to pant out in pain. "It's ok, we know you can do this," Orion said in support, "Just breathe, push, and breathe!"

"You got this!" Daisy said cheerfully, "I know you do girl!"

The aid under the filly had her hands carefully place around the form of another young foal as it slowly left Daisy, the aid making soft coos to both mother and foal as she began to say, "Almost there, almost there, push now, push." April let out one more, loud cry, her breath soon heaving in quick relief as the cutest little filly left her body. It was small and dark, looking almost like the mare version of Midnight. The aids quickly cleaned it up before passing it to her, the red headed centaur having the warmest look as she held her new born foal.

"She's so beautiful," the mare said joyfully, clutching it tightly as it made little mews, "What should I name you?" She thought of the colour, the dark little mare wearing some lighter tones that were not seen in Midnight. She thought of her mate's name and grinned, "I hope it's not too cheesy, but I'd love to name her Dawn."

Orion grinned as he rubbed April's palm in support, "Dawn is a lovely name April!" He looked down as he chuckled, "You'll find my choice weird."

"No I won't," April said as she held her baby tightly, "What is it?"

"Afriel," Orion replied, chuckling at April's face, "It's the angel of youth. My family is very old, if my name doesn't show that, and with my mate's name already being Angel..."

"I get it," April said with a smile, "It's a very nice name, and totally suits your bloodline."

Orion nodded with a grin, "Speaking of, now that you three are done, I should go wait with her, should be any time now!" The centaur rushed off to be by Angel's side, the mare looking up with a please whinny to see its mate. She was laying on the hay looking tired as two aids stood by her side, the mare whimpering out as they assisted her. "How is she doing?" Orion asked the pair of centaurs with concern.

"She's doing well, the baby is almost here!"

"Good," Orion said as he nestled down with the trio, "I wouldn't have forgiven myself had a missed it."

The second of the two aids smiled, "Don't worry Orion, we would have come and fetched you."

The centaur nodded as he smiled, rubbing Angel's back gently as she let out her little whimpering whinnies. "I appreciate that guys," he looked to his mate, still rubbing her fur gently, "It's alright girl, you're almost through it."

"I can see the head" the female centaur said to her colleague as the pair worked tirelessly at assisting the newborn's birth.

"Alright, almost there, just a little more darling" the male aid said to the mare, nodding to Orion as he kept patting her in support. "We're getting there, almost, alm-almost, here we are!" he finally exclaimed as the newborn horse had entered the world, the pair quickly cleaning it as Orion clutched and hugged the head of his mare.

"Good girl," he whispered to the mare, planting a soft kiss atop her head, "I knew you could do it!"

A moment later the aid had brought Orion a very healthy looking and adorable little jet black colt. "Here is your new son," the male centaur said with a wide grin, chuckling happily as Orion looked a tad teary with the newborn in his arms, "Any idea what you'd like to name him?"

Orion nodded as he wore a warm grin, looking over his newborn son and saying proudly, "Afriel."

The aid nodded with a chuckle, "Interesting name, Afriel it is!"

Orion held his newborn son in his arms and his pride swelled, the centaur wearing the biggest grin as he said to the little foal, "Welcome to the world Afriel."


Life had become quite gentle for the four centaurs and their kin after that, each member of the little herd spending time with their newborn foals. They had been spending a lot of time in the stables with both mate and newborn, and even Zeus seemed to be behaving a little better, save the occasional act of aggression he would show towards Orion or Midnight when feeling territorial. He even seemed a tad vicious towards Daisy the odd time, the scent of her stallion bits causing him to challenge. Blake was always able to coax his mate into a healthy medium, the stallion still not very social, but at least able to cohabitate with the others to a degree.

Blake and April had discovered a new joy in feeding their young fools with their natural milk, both of their teats now quite swollen as they were used near constantly for feeding. They had found such joy in the act, and even a side of seductive pleasure that they chose to keep to themselves for now, feeling a tad guilty for it. All four centaurs found endless joy in caring for their young, the little fillies and colts a lot more playful as the days passed. The counsellors and aids were right in their previous explanations, it becoming more and more clear to the group that their age was at a much faster progression due to their centaur genes.

They seemed to require a great deal of milk though, even in their older state, still foals by consideration but now roughly half the size of their centaur parents. On one particular afternoon Blake and April had found that their young ones were rather ravenous at feeding, the two unable to hold back their moaning sighs as their teats were gently suckled and nibbled on. "Mmm, Apollo slow down," Blake whimpered as the young colt kept slurping, "That's making me feel, a-all funny!"

April whimpered as she felt much the same, her legs wiggling as she sighed out, "I f-feel the same way..." Her legs shook as her body nearly scrunched up, the young centaur panting as her filly kept suckling on her teat, leaving her wetter by each passing second. "Sl-slow down Dawn," she gasped as she began to pant, "The milk's not going anywhere."

"I c-could say the same to you Apollo!" Blake nearly growled as the constant suckling left his pussy soaked, groaning as the colt nipped a little. Blake closed his eyes as his face went flush, the centaur's teats dripping sweet milk as they were tugged and slurped at. The colt kept lapping until its tongue ventured elsewhere curiously, Blake whimpering in surprise as he felt his son's tongue suddenly glide over his folds, "Ahh, n-n-no that's mommy's, mommy's, oh shit!"

April watched with a blush as the colt had begun licking Blake's pussy, long, slow licks making the boy shudder and shake in pleasure. "That's s-so... naughty..." April muttered under her breath as her own cheeks turned scarlet, not happy with herself as she looked curiously to her own daughter. The young filly's nose seemed to be sniffing about curiously as well, April's arousal clearly noticeable in the air to the young equine. She looked back to Blake, the centaur nearly dropping to the ground as he panted and whimpered. She looked between Apollo's legs and giggled, speaking suddenly to Blake, "He's definitely his father's son."

Blake looked to April as she spoke before turning around, moving away from the curious colt to see what was between its legs. It had gotten very hard, its marbled shaft big even for its age. "H-Holy shit!" he gasped as he looked over the very pleasing shape, looking up to the colt just as it jumped up on its hind legs, nearly mounting the centaur's face. "A-Apollo, I'm your mommy, do-do you really wanna?"

April gulped as she moved forward, hoping curiosity might finally win over her own filly, "I was talking to Michelle the other day and, well, she says it's normal for particularly strong offspring of horses and centaurs to well, claim territory, even with its own family."

Blake whimpered as the choice was clearly weighing heavily on him, the colt's cock shoved in his face. He sniffed at it for a moment before giving it a little kiss, sighing as its masculine musk only got him wetter, "But he's my son, is, is this really ok?"

April whimpered as her own daughter had stepped around behind her, now sniffing curiously at her folds, "I think so, I mean, Michelle says incest is common amongst mixed breeds, sometimes even more so than around centaurs. It's only really taboo for regular humans."

Blake was about to whimper out another 'But' before the colt let out an inpatient whinny with a growl-like quality, clearly not having trouble making the decision itself. "Goodness, you're just like your father" Blake chuckled, still sniffing the hungry length that was placed over his face.

"I-I, ahh," April cried out, panting as she felt her own filly start to lap at her folds curiously, "I don't think you wanna keep him waiting Blake."

Blake made the faintest squeak as he pressed his lips to the side of the colt's shaft, April's encouragement being the last push he needed to go through with it. He slowly rubbed his lips up and down the side of the horse's length, sampling its musky quality as he slowly painted the side of it in his saliva. Slowly his tongue slithered up towards the thick head, lapping some dripping precum clean from its slit as he listened to April moan out nearby. He could not see what was happening, but it was easy to venture a guess. He kept an ear out for the lewd sounds as he kept lapping at his son's length, whispering sweet nothings to him as he grumbled in satisfaction, "Mmm, you taste so good Apollo. Such a nice cock!"

April's hooves hit the floor a couple of times as she wiggled in place, feeling her daughter's tongue slide gently over her wet folds slowly and teasingly, "Dawn, ahh, mmm, that feels so good!"

Blake eventually moved his lips back to the head of his son's cock and covered the head in the damp warmth of his mouth, sighing as he breathed through his nose and let the cock travel down his throat nice and slow. He let out low sighs as he fit the colt's gifted length all the way down his throat, covering it in saliva as more of its precum continued to empty out down his throat. "Good boy" he whispered when he had a chance, sucking on the colt's firm balls before wrapping his lips around the shaft again. He was taken by surprise as his son suddenly started to thrust forward, riding its own mother's throat. Blake felt his folds getting wetter by the second, each passing slide of the colt's cock only turning him on more and more. The colt made a lot of hungry snorts and whinnies as it started to thrash its body wildly, burying its length deep inside of Blake's throat.

Meanwhile April was still moaning out quite heavily, her body shaking as the filly behind her kept lapping gently at her wet folds. "This is so-so naughty!" she whimpered out as her shaky legs could barely keep her upright, each passing slide of the filly's tongue making it that much harder to stand. "Please Dawn, d-don't stop!" the naughty mother whimpered out to her young filly as she felt the tongue continue to slide all over her, the slippery muscle digging deeper and deeper with each passing second. Her breaths were growing heavier, like desperate pants as she moaned aloud, coating her filly's muzzle in her drippy juices.

She looked over as she heard Blake near choking, the centaur gulping and coughing as the colt drove its cock deep, little trickles of white escaping the boy's lips as lumps travelled down his throat. He let out a deep gasp as the colt's cock slipped out of his mouth, sticky streams of horse seed still connecting his lips to his son's cockhead. "Oh my god, Apollo, that tasted so g-good!" he moaned, eyes going wide as the young horse clopped around to his backside, mounting him as its still flared cockhead pressed to his wet folds. "Y-you still have more left in you? Oh my g-god!" his words stuttered out as the colt began to hump at him, suddenly driving its heavy length up its own mother's pussy. Blake moaned out near painfully as it began to thrust relentlessly, pounding down nice and deep, "Th-that's it, fuck mommy hard!"

April was almost whimpering herself as she grinded her rump against her daughter's lips, using her as a masturbation tool. "That's it Blake, t-take it..." she whispered more to herself than anything as she enjoyed the view, her friend moaning quite loudly as his son kept pounding deep inside him.

Blake turned ever so slightly before letting out an ear-piercing squeal of pleasure, inadvertently finding the perfect way for Apollo to hit his g-spot. The thick, flared cockhead pounded over Blake's most sensitive spots over and over as the colt continued to ravage him hungrily. He bit his bottom lip as his legs struggled to keep him planted in place, each thrust forward by his son causing him to slide a little bit on the floor of the stable, "Oh f-fuck!"

"Oh my gosh, Dawn, Dawn!" April was panting out as the filly kept lapping curiously, April feeling a strong climax coming on. She kept watching Blake's son ravage him and hope silently, that she would one day get a turn with him as well.

Blake was left with little more to do than pant and whimper as the colt kept pounding away, deeper and deeper with each thrust. His breaths were low gasps, heavy and weak as the horse increased its already fast pace. He could tell by its own staggering that there was little time left before its next orgasm, the centaur tightening himself up on purpose as he squirted all over its shaft. Blake let out a loud "Fuck!" as he came, the colt rutting into him only a few more times before firing its own load, a heavy amount of young stallion seed filling the boy up to the brim.

In short follow up, the mare spying on the pair was soon crying out as well, her whole body shaking as she covered her own daughter's lips in thick, sticky nectar. She dropped to the floor as Dawn kept lapping curiously, cleaning her mother of any leftover traces as she, like Blake was left reeling in orgasm. "Good girl, oh god," she sighed as the filly stepped away in search of food, "You made mommy feel so good!"

Blake was barely able to speak as he was left panting on the floor, Apollo pulling out with a firm pop, leaving more cum dripping out of the boy's pussy. April looked on hungrily as she viewed the sticky pool of white trail from her friend's folds, slowly approaching him to look at it. It was thick, creamy and sticky, the trail of seed sliding everywhere. "H-hey April," Blake chuckled as he looked at her, blushing a tad, "He left a mess didn't he?"

April nodded as she grinned to her friend, "That he did... but that's alright, let me help you with it." The mare slowly lowered her lips down, her tongue sliding gently over Blake's pussy, slurping up as much of the sticky seed as she could gather. It dripped out over her face as she dragged her tongue slowly over Blake's folds, the centaur shaking as each slide of her tongue only made him shake more.

He let out heavy whimpers as he felt his pleasure quickly raising again, the rough lapping of his friend making his legs shake and breath pant, "April, oh my god, that feels so good!" He kept shaking as her tongue kept slurping up more and more of his son's seed, the cum dripping out in a thick and creamy pool. April's tongue kept slithering in with no signs of stopping, the mare moaning happily as she swallowed down as much of the salty treat as she could gather.

She sighed happily when she finally moved her head away, letting out a comfortable exhale as she smacked her lips with a big grin, "Delicious!"

Blake's forehead was covered in sweat by the time she was finished, the mare having successfully pushed him over the edge into another short climax. "That felt so good!" he sighed as he wiggled his nose against hers cutely. A moment later he was blushing as he thought back to what they had done, guilt once again tickling the back of his mind, "Umm, what we just did? I-uh, that was..."

"Really hot?" April was also fiercely blushing as she thought back to her daughter's tongue.

"Well... y-yeah, it really was..."

April nodded back, nudging Blake's cheek softly, "Don't sweat it, like I said, Michelle said it was only natural. I know we gave birth to them, but it's different with our kind, it's not that big a deal. The red headed mare looked over to her filly, the young horse seemingly trotting around with Apollo playfully, "Dawn sort of has a magic tongue... I know if she tries that again, I won't be stopping her."

Blake blushed as he looked at Apollo, the young colt looking more and more like Zeus every day, "Yeah, I can bet I'll soon be the play thing for two stallions now."

April giggled as she looked at the dazed look of joy on the boy's face, "You don't seem to have much of a problem with that."

Blake chuckled in return, "Oh trust me, the spirit is willing, but the body..." he thought of both their cocks once they would be the same size, "Let's just say we'll have to see how strong the body actually is." The two shared a long laugh, soon treated to the bright surprise of their other two friends. Orion and Daisy seemed to be wearing a slight frown as they approached the pair, Blake cocking his head to the side as he asked curiously, "What's wrong you guys?"

Orion was the first to speak, rubbing the back of his head as he fumbled with the words, "Umm, it's kinda hard to say, but umm... Me, Daisy... Afriel... Lily..."

April chuckled as she nudged Blake's side, "Don't worry Orion, I think we catch your drift." She gently sat down on the stable floor, "Take a seat guys... let's have a chat."

A Heart of Stone

_All characters depicted in this work are purely fictional and over the age of consent. Any situation is meant as parody and does not represent any child, living or otherwise._ _..._ **March 14 2014** Corey sat with Collet in her room working on...

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To Good Pet Owners

_All characters depicted in this work are purely fictional and over the age of consent. Any situation is meant as parody and does not represent any child, living or otherwise._ _..._ **Beta:** "Wow, your dog is really well behaved... good job on the...

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The Reporter's Roulette - Part Three - Asmodeus

_All characters depicted in this work are purely fictional and over the age of consent. Any situation is meant as parody and does not represent any child, living or otherwise._ _..._ **February 22 2014** An older jaguar inhaled the smoke of his...

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