Scowls and Grins
The praise paired with that scowling face of his left gage more confused than flattered. was the tiger being sarcastic? the tone wasn't mocking, but there was no effort in seeming pleasant.
A Cup of Collet
The crossbreed clicked the end button and resumed her scowl, staring up at the bat as she grumbled, "there's a white out, my mother will be here in about 40 minutes." "40 minutes?!"
That Lingering Feeling
Collet had regained her composure, able to look at the teacher head on again with her signature scowl.
A Smile to Come Home To
Collet replied, her scowl like ice cold daggers, "what a pleasant surprise!" she reached up to grab corey by the collar, hissing into his ear, "mention this to anyone... anyone at school, and you're dead!"
A Heart of Stone
Collet scowled, a scathing deep scowl, "that's different, you fucked my own mother!" "collet i'm sorry, i didn't mean for it to happen!" "yeah, but you also didn't stop it" collet looked hurt.
The Sour Scout
The younger girl still held her little scowl but her cheeks had the slightest hew of pink, displaying a small fraction of how she felt deep down.
A Taste of Spring - Part Three
She looked at him and scowled, his older canine form the opposite of what she wanted to think about at the moment, "i doubt you can help."
A Taste of Spring - Part Two
_All characters depicted in this work are purely fictional and over the age of consent. Any situation is meant as parody and does not represent any child, living or otherwise._ _..._ **March 15 2014** Light poured in through the window of the cabin,...
A Taste of Spring - Part One
_All characters depicted in this work are purely fictional and over the age of consent. Any situation is meant as parody and does not represent any child, living or otherwise._ _..._ **March 10 2014** Allison sat next to Chelsea on her bed as they...
A Taste of Spring - Part Four
She retorted with a scowl. jorun rolled his eyes as he got up, quickly putting his shoes on, "no, it's just late and dark and-hey, wait up!"
The Girls' Gambit
She still wore her trademark scowl as he went up to her, reaching with her paws to grasp the wolf's shaft. jorun smiled at her as she sniffed at his length, closing her eyes as she slowly gulped it down, ignoring the taste of herself. "mmm that's nice!"
The Laws of Attraction
_All characters depicted in this work are purely fictional and over the age of consent. Any situation is meant as parody and does not represent any child, living or otherwise._ _..._ _ **March 4 2014** _ Jeffy sat in his seat with slightly puffy...