Say What You Mean

Story by Icanade on SoFurry

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Vann has always been shy and he had long since given up trying to find a mate, but as he will soon learn, sometimes you just need to speak your mind.

It was late but Vann, a 21-year-old skunk, was wide awake. He was lying on his bed with one hand on his laptop's trackpad and the other at his crotch. Around his bed were dozens of discarded tissues and socks. He was browsing his favorite websites as he went through his nightly ritual. However, he soon found himself bored not finding anything new for him to watch or view, and it was not for a lack of trying either since he had already been at it for an hour. Vann had a plethora of kinks to draw from too so he wasn't suffering from a lack of variety, whether it was feet, bondage or just about any other fetish imaginable, he had probably fapped to it. But tonight he couldn't find anything he wanted, so he decided to call it quits as he shut off the laptop and turned off the lights.

Sleep didn't come quickly as he stared at the ceiling. He was thinking about how exciting it would be to actually do some of the things he fantasized about, "I wish I could do those kinds of things... if only I could just say it to someone," he said aloud as he talked to himself blushing. He knew it would never happen though; he was far too shy. He had tried in the past, but he could never seem to get the words out, so after a while he just accepted the fact that he was doomed to going it solo for the rest of his life. After a while he finally fell asleep, a smile plastered on his face as he dreamt about the wolf who worked at the grocery store.


Vann's alarm blared, although it was soon silenced as he slammed his fist on it. He groaned in disappointment, he had been having the most wonderful dream where he was being taken by a sexy wolf who had caught Vann sifting through his gym bag. The dream had left him with quite an erection too, but he knew he didn't have time to worry about it as he got dressed, pulling out his last clean pair of socks. He had a busy day of errands to take care of and he wanted to get them done sooner rather than later so he was soon out the door, walking to his first destination. When he stepped outside it felt as if he had stepped into a sauna. It had rained the day before and it was the middle of summer so it was ridiculously hot and humid, and his black fur didn't help to make it any cooler.

Eventually Vann made it to his first stop, the grocery store. As he walked inside he let out a sigh of relief now that he was in the cool, air conditioned building. "Hot day out ain't it?" one of the greeters, a wolf named Talren, said. "Yeah, you sure are hot," Vann immediately replied causing him to pause, realizing what he had just said. "I-I mean yeah it sure is hot," he corrected himself blushing, the wolf now giving him a queer look as he grabbed a basket and quickly walked further into the store. It took a few minutes but he finally got almost everything he needed and began to approach the deli for some lunchmeat.

Behind the counter was a tall stallion named Chase, who had been a part of many of Vann's dreams and fantasies. "What kind of meat would you like today, Vann?" the horse asked with a smile on his face. Vann took a few seconds to look at the selection before finally answering, "Yours." Chase stared at Vann for a couple of seconds, not quite sure he had heard right, "Come again?" he asked with a perplexed look. And again the skunk replied almost immediately, "Oh I'd love t-... I mean ham and a pounding- er pound of sausage." Vann's face turned red as he struggled with his answer, which felt like a Freudian nightmare as he found it difficult to filter the words coming out of his mouth. A moment later Chase handed him a brownbag containing the meats and bid Vann farewell, "Have a good one," he said with an awkward smile. Vann quickly nodded, not wanting to chance another verbal slip, and began to hurry to a self-checkout line.

"That dream really must have worked me up," he thought to himself as he finished paying for his groceries and started heading for the exit. As Vann reached for the door Talren stopped him before he could leave, "We're taking a survey about customer satisfaction, please feel free to leave any tips or suggestions," the wolf said as he handed Vann a sheet of paper. Vann stopped to take a few minutes to read over and answer the survey and then handed back the survey, "I left a few tips, although I wouldn't mind taking yours."

Both Vann and Talren paused, a blush visible on both their faces as the wolf took the survey back and then began to rummage around in his pockets for something. After a second he pulled out a coupon and scribbled something on the back before handing it to Vann, "Have a nice day, sir." Vann took the coupon, stuffing it into his pocket, but didn't hear the farewell as he bolted out of the store, his cheeks a deep shade of red. He couldn't believe what he had just said. His heart was racing, and not just from running in the heat, but also from embarrassment as he replayed those last moments in his head over and over.

By the time Vann got home he was a sweaty mess and he was pretty sure he had broken a few eggs as well. And after he had finished putting the groceries away he felt pretty gross, the sweat having dried, so he decided to take a shower. And as he took off his pants to step inside the tub he remembered the coupon Talren had given him as he pulled it back out. It was a 10% off coupon for an item he would never buy, but when he turned it over to see what the wolf had written he felt his heart skip a beat as he saw a phone number written down and a message written underneath it.

"You're pretty cute. Give me a call some time and maybe I can give you a tip ;3"