The Prince of the Wilds: Bonds

Story by dog455 on SoFurry

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Hello everyone; long time no see. I have a nice story for you guys here. It's one I wrote with a very good friend, writer, and collaborator Kybal_Lutra. Super nice and awesome guy! If you haven't checked out his stories yet, go give him a watch! He's working on something super cool involving werewolves! The Prince of the Wilds series has been a favorite of mine and I decided to revisit the universe with a couple of bros deciding to go hiking in the woods....

What could possibly go wrong?

I'm on a Gorillaz binge!

Music I listened to: (Gorillaz-Stylo) (Gorillaz-Doncamatic) (Gorillaz-Clint Eastwood) (Gorillaz-Do Ya' Thing)

The forest was a bustle of activity. Squirrels scurried over tree trunks and birds chirped happily in the canopy of the half-bare branches. A handful of deer walked around the forest, wandering through thickets and meadows in search of food. Brightly colored leaves sprawled out from the trees in beautiful reds, oranges, and yellows, creating a kaleidoscope of warmth that softly lit the forest floor. A cool, gentle breeze snaked its way around the woods, rustling the foliage on the ground and the few leaves still hanging overhead. A well-worn trail cut its way around the forest, the dirt covered in fallen fronds and needles. Some of the trees were already barren; their leaves stripped from their branches in preparation for the long, cold winter months.

As Kyle and Andrew made their way through the forest, their feet crunched against the leaves underneath with each step, the sound echoing softly around them. The wildlife didn't seem to mind their presence and continued going about their business. Drew's chocolate brown eyes scanned the forest and took in every detail, from the way the leaves danced in the breeze down to the crisp autumn air that filled his lungs. He truly felt alive as he made his way down the trail. Adjusting his backwards facing snapback and pulling his pack up into a more comfortable position on his shoulders, Drew looked back at Kyle with a dopey smile.

"Bro, I told you this trail would be great," Andrew said with a bright smile, his enthusiasm for the hike showing through his expression.

Kyle grinned and nodded in agreement, his deep blue eyes shining against the light of the forest as he kept pace with his best friend, "Yeah, you totally did! It's beautiful around here too. Can't get over all the colors. I'm really glad I grabbed my camera before we left because this whole area is just... insanely picturesque."

He wrapped his hand around the chunky DSLR camera hanging around his neck and pulled it up to his eye, looking through the viewfinder as he stopped to frame up a shot of his friend standing next to him. Checking the focus, Kyle twisted the lens with his fingers, softly blurring out the background as Andrew stuck his tongue out at him. He pressed a button with his index finger and heard the shutter click as the image was captured, then he looked down at the viewfinder as the screen lit up with his shot. He snorted lightly as he flipped the camera around to show his friend.

"Real classy, Drew" he said sarcastically while he let the camera hang down against his stomach again. He looked around the area with wide eyes, still grinning at the sight, "But yeah, it's like we're in Narnia or something, dude. Absolutely crazy."

"Yeah and right under everyone's nose," Drew said with a grin as he looked over the picture. "Also, you're just jealous; everyone likes a little bit of tongue." Drew gave a small chuckle at his lewd joke. The colors in the photo really popped and the trees almost looked as if they moved even though they were captured, frozen in time. "I swear that this photography thing will get you somewhere." Drew noticed that towards the back right of the picture: a group of deer were looking back at the camera almost as if they were watching them closely. He stared back at them for a few seconds before looking up towards where they would be standing in the forest. The herd seemed to have run off.

"Man, for some reason I always feel like I'm being watched whenever we hike, dude," Drew said as he felt a shiver down his spine. Pulling his hat off his head to let out his dirty blond hair, the 21-year old gave a shrug as he ran his fingers through the thick mane before placing the hat back on his head, his dopey grin returning. A silver ring was through his left ear, the metal glimmering in the sunlight that managed to leak through the trees.

"Yeah, I get that too." Kyle said as he looked around, eyes scanning for anything that looked like another hiker or camper. It wasn't often that they ran into other people on their excursions, as they usually ventured much further into the woods than the casual wanderer did. He squinted as he thought he saw a figure far off in the distance, but shook his head as he realized it was just a tree trunk. Looking back at Drew, he cocked his head to the side, "I think it's safe to say that we're the only ones around here right now though, other than a few squirrels and deer. Whaddya say we head in a little further? Could be some pretty cool sights we haven't seen before."

"I agree. I think this might be the furthest we've ever gone," Drew mentioned as he looked ahead to see the trail zigzagging deeper into the forest. "I got some snacks in my backpack, though. Protein bars and stuff. Gotta carb up if we wanna keep all our muscle." Drew cockily flexed his right bicep, his black shirt filling out as his muscles in his toned body tensed, before he turned around and began to cheerfully walk forward along the trail. Hiking was one of Drew's favorite past times. It also allowed him to skip leg day.

Reaching back towards his backpack, Drew began to grope for the water bottle in the side holder of his backpack. His hand searched around for the metal bottle, but he came up short. Drew looked over his shoulder, his eyes scrunched in concentration as he tried to grasp the bottle.

"Oh my god, just let me get it, dude." Kyle groaned as he reached forward and grasped the cool metallic bottle that was nestled just out of reach of Drew's hand in the mesh holder. He screwed off the twist top and took a quick swig of the refreshingly cold water before handing it back to his friend with a chuckle, "Am I gonna have to do everything for you on this hike? I already saved your ass from falling into that huge puddle when we started... oh! And then I seem to remember grabbing you just before you fractured your ankle tryin' to hop over that broken log."

He grinned at Drew as held out the bottle, shaking it in front of the slightly taller man. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you _wanted_my hands all over you. And I thought _I_was the gay one, bro."

Drew snorted as he grabbed his metal jug out of his best friend's hand and took of drink himself, wiping some of the cool water out of thick, blonde beard. "You're something else, Kyle. I swear that you're helping me find a... weakness in my straightness. You flirtin' with me or something?" Giving a chuckle before blushing a bit, Drew continued walking down the trail with a kick in his step.

With a coy smile, Kyle simply shrugged in response, walking faster until he was side by side with his friend. Drew turned to look at him slightly, glancing up and down the other man's muscular form, his eyes trailing over his friend attire. The dark jeans added a nice contrast to the classic dark red and black flannel shirt that he wore. Drew felt a tinge of jealously as he looked over his best friend's body for a second, his eyes focusing in on just how bulky and broad his buddy looked in the nicely fitting clothing.

Kyle was built like a brick wall from the ground up and reminded Drew of a linebacker on a football team, while he himself had always had the body of a running back; tall, fast, and nimble, but still muscular. Not lean, but not as broad shouldered as the other man. Kyle really broke the stereotype that all gay people were slender and breakable for Drew, especially the way he looked right now, which was more akin to a lumberjack than anything else.

"Come on, we got more of the mountains to cover if we wanna be back to our tent by dusk." It was obvious Drew was trying to change the subject, and laughed off Kyle's teasing. The sparkling blue eyes of his friend mischievously twinkled as they looked for a reaction.

"Oh and I'm not TOTALLY helpless," Drew added as he placed the bottle snugly back into the mesh side pouch of his backpack. "I mean...I did cook a pretty mean breakfast with only a frying pan and a small fire, bro." Licking his lips, Drew could imagine the taste of the egg and bacon from earlier this morning. 9AM bacon was the best time to have bacon in Drew's opinion.

Kyle's gaze lingered on his friend for a moment longer, looking the other man over, as if he was searching for something he wasn't sure was even there. Then with a small smile and a nod, he stepped forward and continued down the trail with a sigh, "Can't deny your cooking skills, that's for sure. I'm pumped to see what you come up with for dinner, not that there's much in the way of variety. But... yeah, you're right. Let's get going, bro." His voice was soft as he walked, hands gripping the camera slightly as he looked around and searched for anything that he could take a picture of.

Making their way down the trail, Kyle and Drew took their time while soaking in the atmosphere. The trail began to increase in steepness and Kyle took many pictures of the surrounding bluffs that began to appear in earnest. Looking behind him, Drew was amused by the amount of clicks that rang out from the camera and he just smiled at his friend. He was happy that Kyle had found a passion that he enjoyed. Most of the time, Drew lived too much in his own head to really focus on capturing an image the way Kyle seemed to be able to.

As the two made their way up a steep incline, they could hear the sound of a trickling stream hitting a rocky river bed. A cool breeze flowed across the trail and brought with it the smell of fresh water. Drew's frown turned into a smile as he looked at Kyle, wiping his brow which was dotted with sweat. "Hey bro, I think there is a stream nearby. Want to take a bit of a detour?" Drew's eyes lit up in excitement at the thought of stumbling upon a hidden cliffside vista, or even getting to see some wildlife besides deer or squirrels. They were starting to ascend the lower part of the Smoky Mountains, and Drew always wanted to see a bighorn ram in its natural habitat.

"Hell yeah, dude! Let's go see what we can find!" Kyle said enthusiastically as he followed Drew off of the beaten path and along one of the lesser traveled trails that led deeper into the forest. The two were walking for about ten minutes or so, listening intently as the sound of the stream grew steadily louder and more clear to them. While they walked, Drew had to duck under branches to keep from being slapped across the face while Kyle simply bent the small ones out of the way of his larger frame.

The area they were walking through was full of massive boulders and bluffs that they had to circumnavigate, and as they headed further and further into the forest, they also found themselves jumping off of some of the smaller rocks, landing on the ground and scattering the leaves around them. Finally, the trees opened up, revealing an embankment of smooth pebbles and stones, over which flowed a wide stream of the clearest water either of them had ever seen. They stood there in awe of the sight, watching silently as the crystal clear liquid rushed from their left and away to their right. Kyle was wide eyed as he brought his camera up after a moment and snapped a few shots while Drew looked on, following the path of the steam as it cut through the forest.

"This is... incredible. I've don't know if I've ever seen anything this beautiful outside of a painting before." Kyle said as he snapped a few more pictures, checking the images as they flashed on the tiny screen in his hands.

Walking forward towards the stream, Drew took off his backpack and leaned forward to check out his reflection in the crystal clear water. His right cheek was a bit scuffed from a tree branch that managed to cut across his smooth skin. Rubbing his beard, Drew reached forward with his other hand to feel how cold the water was. It wasn't freezing by any means, but it definitely wasn't warm for the somewhat mild fall temperature.

"Yeah, man. This is awesome. I think this water comes from deeper in the mountains. It's still smells so fresh," Drew mentioned before noticing something glistening in between the rocks of the riverbed. Getting on his knees, he blinked and rubbed his eyes before glancing at the object more intently. Wedged against two rocks, something that was a dark shade of blue was lodged tightly in place. It had a crystal like structure and Drew couldn't help but let his curiosity get the best of him. Pulling up his overshirt until it showed bare skin and was far enough up his shoulder to not get wet, he began to put his arm into the water.

The coolness of the water bit at his skin, but it was refreshing in its own way. Throughout his arm's decent, Drew could see everything through the crystal clear water and he brought his arm further towards the smooth rocks.

"Kyle, get over here man, you have to see this! There is something in the water I think. It looks like some sort of gem, bro!" Noticing his hat beginning to fall of his head, Drew began to panic a bit and said, "Also, hurry because my damn hat's fallin' off of my head!"

"I got ya, bro." Kyle said as he stepped close to Drew and grabbed the cap just before it slipped off of his friend's head, curling his fingers around the brim. He held it in his hand as he followed Drew's gaze downward to the riverbed, catching something glinting brightly in the depths of the flowing water. Squinting a bit, he tried to get a better look at the object, leaning over next to Drew as he watched him try to grab it. "You almost got it, dude. Maybe it's a diamond or something? A ring someone lost up here?"

Drew shook his head as he grunted, reaching as far as he could and just managing to wrap his fingers around the object before he quickly pulled back from the water's edge, shaking his arm to get most of the cold water off of his skin. He held his hand out in between himself and Kyle, uncurling his fingers and looking down to see what he'd grabbed. Sitting in his upright palm were two small stones that didn't look like anything either of the men had seen before, their surfaces seemingly rough and jagged, but both giving off a kind of aura of almost mystical blue light as the setting sun's rays lit them softly through the trees.

Reaching down, Kyle plucked one of the stones from Drew's hand and held it up, examining it closely. There were tiny swirls that glinted the sunlight and glowed blue within the gemstone, although it looked like no other gem or diamond that Kyle had ever held before. It was oddly warm to his touch, like it had a certain energy about it that warmed the skin of his palm lightly.

"I... have no idea what this is, Drew. Seems like it definitely came from somewhere else. Maybe some place upriver?" Kyle said as he looked over at the other man standing next to him, looking at the other stone.

Drew thought for a moment and looked at the water before looking at the stone. Thinking for a moment, Drew nodded in agreement before standing up on his feet, wiping off the dirt off of his knees. "Yeah, man. I think it had to be. Look at the water, bro."

Looking where Drew's hand was pointing, Kyle looked over at the water with a puzzled look on his face. When Drew noticed Kyle was not getting what he was saying, Drew said, "Sorry, I should have added some context."

Clearing his throat as if giving a lecture, Drew said, "Water this clear is being filtered through something or has run off from a spring. I think there might be some sort of formation that this stream goes through."

Surprised by Drew's seemingly random knowledge, Kyle raised his eyebrow and asked, "How the heck do you know this?"

Drew gave a smirk and said, "The one time I wasn't asleep in Geology 101; or as I affectionately called it: Rocks 101. I bet there'll be something massive up ahead that the stream runs through to filter out the water and that crystal got caught by the stream." Drew actually could not hold his excitement as he looked over the crystal in Kyle's hands.

"We can take one as a souvenir if we find a bed of them," Kyle said with a smile and a wink. "I vote we don't tell anyone though..."

Walking forward and placing a hand on Kyle's shoulder, Drew replied with a thrill in his voice, "Of course not! I wouldn't want someone else to find out about this. It's too cool to share with anyone but you. Let's just enjoy the adventure whether we find a trove of these things or not!"

Kyle's smile seemed to widen as he grew more excited before he straightened up, and pulled his heavy backpack into a more comfortable position on his shoulders. He had a new fire in his eyes as he looked over the crystal once again. The inside looked as if it was burning as much as he was to continue exploring.

"OK. Let's do it." Kyle said with confidence, cocking his head upstream, "Lead the way. And keep a lookout for any more of these things just in case." He smiled at Drew's wide grin and then followed the other man up to the edge of the stream's bank, walking next to each other as they made their way towards where they hoped the source of the water was.

They walked for nearly an hour and watched as the stream grew ever wider, it's rushing water gaining speed and power as it flowed past them, heading back down the mountain. Drew and Kyle found themselves walking in silence most of the time. Not because they didn't want to talk to each other, but because the area around them was stunning. Kyle was busy taking pictures while Drew admired everything with glittery eyed wonder. The forest was as energetic as ever on the outskirts of the trails. Fish swam downstream while deer skipped around the forest without a care in the world. All the while, both men clutched the oddly warm stones in their hands as they trekked up the side of the slope, winding their way towards the unknown source.

Suddenly, Drew stopped in his tracks and squinted at something in the distance as Kyle stepped closer to him and scanned the area in front of them.

"What is it?" he whispered to Drew.

"I think it's a... cave. Up ahead. Right there." He pointed to the curve of the stream several hundred feet ahead of them. The ground seemed to rise up higher near that area and there were several large rocks scattered around the side of the water's edge now, each slate black in color, almost looking like some sort of volcanic stone left behind from an ancient eruption. Drew took a breath and then looked at Kyle with a grin, "Let's go!"

The two men hurried along the side of the stream, the water rushing past them as they made their way up to the spot where Drew had been pointing. As they approached it, Drew smiled widely and looked back at Kyle who was a few feet behind him, "See? Told you it was a cave. How awesome is this, bro?! I bet not many people have been this far out here. Maybe we're even the first!"

The cave entrance was wide and tall, lit well by the slowly setting sun which spread a slightly golden light overtop of the black rocks lining the walls of the cavern. Water from the stream was flowing powerfully out of the mouth of the cave, the rushing sound echoing off of the arched walls and out into the forest. Drew and Kyle stood in front of the hollow hole in the mountain for a few moments, marveling at how massive the space was. Kyle too a few pictures with his camera and then slung it to his side before turning to face Drew.

"Good eye, dude!" he said excitedly as he gave Drew friendly slap on the shoulder, "You wanna look around inside? See how far it goes? I think we've got about twenty minutes before we need to head back if we wanna make it to our tent before it get's too dark."

"Hell yes!" Drew said, practically jumping up and down next to Kyle as he swung his pack off of his shoulders and unzipped one of the pockets, reaching in and pulling out a large LED flashlight. He hooked onto his belt strap, letting it hang there facing forward and illuminating the ground dimly in front of him, even through the golden rays of the sun.

Looking further into the pitch black cave that was only illuminated by the blue circle of the flashlight, Drew felt his enthusiasm dim a bit. Kyle seemed to have caught a bit of Drew's own fear and he looked over at his friend with a reassuring smile. Pushing back his nerves, Drew took a deep breath and began to walk into the cave with Kyle at his side.

Right as they walked inside, the cool and damp atmosphere of the cave stuck to their skin. The air had a chill in it, much more so than outside and especially without the sun giving them any extra warmth. Both of them walked further in hesitantly, following around the corner that the cave made and heading deeper and deeper into the darkness. Tips of stalagmites on the roof in the back of the cave glistened with water and both Kyle and Drew could feel the occasional wet drop fall onto them from the ceiling when they made their way further into the cave. Looking around with an awestruck expression on his face, Drew reached forward to feel the smooth rock of the wall to their left. Inhaling, he could smell the wet, fresh scent of the stream as it barreled down through the cave.

"Dude, this is incredible," Drew said and jumping when he heard his voice echo and reverberate through the cave as he gave Kyle a stupid grin. "I've only seen this kind of stuff on youtube!"

Nodding, Kyle clutched tightly to the stone in his hand as he began to explore the room of the cave they were in with interest. The strange gem felt as if it was growing warmer in his palm, but he blamed the sensation on his own nerves and the blood pumping quickly through his system; exploring the cave was exciting and a little scary at the same time. He spoke aloud to Drew, "I've never been anywhere like this before, bro. This is... it's freaking amazing!"

Drew laughed as he heard Kyle's voice bounced around the walls of the cave. "I think we might've found something here, man! Imagine if we find more of the cryst-..."

Feeling his foot slip on an errant, wet rock, Drew suddenly found himself going horizontal as he tumbled forward. His flashlight managed to fling off of his belt loop and roll down deeper into the cave, the blue, artificial light like a beacon as it rolled down towards a small opening in the side of the cave.

Kyle heard the sound of rubber slipping just before a loud "umpf" echoed around the cavern. Quickly, he ran over to his friend, squinting through the pitch black darkness to try and see Drew's form on the ground.

"Dude, you okay?" Kyle asked, concerned that hit friend might have hit his head or broken a bone. A groan sounded out in the darkness and Kyle walked towards it, reaching down with his hands to grope along the ground, trying to find where his best friend had fallen.

Suddenly, his fingers ran over the warm skin of a leg and he smiled in spite of himself, moving forward to find Drew's arm. If it had been anyone else, Drew would have shrugged them off and gotten up himself, but he couldn't help but smile at his friend's instant reaction to help him up after falling. Feeling Kyle's hands grip his arm before hoisting him up, he could feel the other man's breath brush against his cheek. He blushed awkwardly before stepping away a bit.

"Ugh... yeah, yeah, I'm fine man. Now where's that damn flashlight?"

Turning towards the beam of blue light, Drew noticed it was pointing inside a small opening in the side of the cave where a mixture of colors were streaming out like a technicolored disco ball. Brilliant shades of red, blue, orange, green, pink, and purple lit up along with the flashlight's beam. Walking towards the strange lights, Drew bent down to pick up the flashlight before stopping dead in his tracks.

"Dude, you have to come see this..."

"What is it?" Kyle asked with excitement as he walked towards Drew quickly. "Whoa. Is... is that what I think it is?"

"Even better," Drew said as he walked forward into the small, circular room, his eyes glistening as they sparkled along with the hundreds and hundreds of crystals that filled the rounded space. The wall and most of the floor were covered in crystals of various colors, shapes, and sizes, growing in a tight formation from every angle. The gems ranged from the deepest of blues to the brightest of pinks, and each crystal looked exactly the same as the ones found in the river, with the exception of their sizes and unique, brilliant shades of glowing pigments that each seemed to exude.

Drew and Kyle began to walk around the cave, spell bound by the assorted colors sparkling around the room. The duo's eyes glimmered with the different glowing reflections, their hands curiously moving across the assorted gems. Pulling out his own, Kyle glanced at the crystal before looking at the walls of the cave. His eyes focused on the dark blue stone that glistened due to the flashlight and he started to ponder for a moment.

"Bro, I think the gems we found were... swept down by the stream," Kyle said as he walked forward to inspect the cluster of dark blue crystals. Holding up the one in his hand to the dark blue grouping, Kyle verified his hypothesis before looking over his shoulder and seeing the stream snaking through the cave. Looking back at them, Kyle could swear that they were starting to get brighter as he approached with his blue gem.

"Drew, turn your light off for a second..."

Transfixed by a brilliant, light blue crystal, Drew had to shake his head and blink a few times before saying foolishly, "W-what?"

Kyle chuckled when he saw his friend's left hand feeling the gem as if it was calling out to him. Strangely enough, Kyle could swear that the hunter green crystals to his right were doing the same.

"Turn your light off. I wanna see something..."

Drew nodded, and clicked off the light. The two were spellbound by the fact that the cave was nearly just as bright with the flashlight off as it was with it on, and the gems twinkled brilliantly like tiny lanterns inside the room. It was as if the crystals all had a fire burning inside of their cores, each one glowing as if by some magic. Drew walked forward and began to touch the light blue one, his hand feeling strangely warm as he clutched the jewels in his hand.

"W-wow, bro...this is incredible," Drew said as he his eyes twinkled like the gem he was transfixed with. Gripping the smooth crystal, a strange thought occurred to him to pull on the gem, as if he could rip it out of the wall itself. Giving it a firm tug, Drew felt a slight resistance, but was surprised when the light blue gem actually popped out of the wall all at once, like it was a plug in a socket. He felt like King Arthur pulling out Excalibur as he clutched the gem in his right hand, feeling the unnatural warmth radiating through his skin and pulsing like his heart. Oddly, he didn't find the sensation eerie or peculiar, but natural; as if the stone chose him. He didn't even realize that he had replaced the gem he'd taken with the one he'd found in the river, like a subconscious trade with nature.

Kyle was transfixed by the green stone on the opposite side of the room, the glinting crystal now clearly flaring with a bright light at its base as he approached it. Slowly reaching out, he wound his fingers around the smooth surface and felt the heat inside of it spread across his palm. Without thinking, he yanked on the stone, pulling it right out of its place on the wall as a slight pulsing jolt burst through his body, matching with his heartbeat. He stared down at the gem for several moments, his eyes lost in the flickering light deep within its crystalline base. On instinct, he reached up with his other hand placed the stone he'd carried with him the past hour or so into the empty space on the wall, feeling it slide in effortlessly as he let go and grasped the glowing gem in his other hand.

All at once, the large, circular room glowed brighter and brighter, each of the gems flaring up with a brilliant fire inside their structures that cast a mystical glow around the entire space. Kyle turned suddenly to Drew and found his best friend was looking back at him a few feet away, clutching his own bright blue gem that was flaring with the others around the room. The light grew in intensity and both men squinted and covered their eyes as it built up around them, illuminating their forms against the thick walls of the cave. A ringing sound filled the room, like some sort of high pitched frequency that cut through the light, buzzing through both of their bodies while the crystal cavern pulsed with a light that seemed brighter than the sun.

Then suddenly, the light vanished entirely, leaving them in complete and utter darkness. Kyle was breathing heavily from the adrenaline pumping through his body, and he clutched the green crystal tightly in his hand, its heat still pulsing along with his heart. He heard Drew's breaths coming steadily from just a few feet away, and could recognize Drew from his own light blue crystal he still clutched in his hands. Kyle moved towards him in the dark until he was able to reach out and touch the other man, feeling his way along his arm until he landed on his broad shoulder.

"Drew... what... the fuck was that?" Kyle hissed in the darkness, feeling Drew fumbling for his flashlight.

Suddenly, the beam from the flashlight erupted into the darkness, cutting a harsh line into the ceiling of the room and causing Kyle to squint and glance away for a moment, clutching onto Drew's shoulder for balance.

"Ahh sorry, bro. I didn't--oh, shit. I have no idea what the hell just happened, dude." Drew said, his voice shaking slightly as he let out a pent up breath of air, "I've... I've never seen or heard of anything like that happening to anyone before. I don't think we should stay here though. We need to leave, Kyle. Now."

"Y-yeah, I agree!" Kyle said as he tried to get the ringing out of his ears to subside. His mouth felt dry and he could feel his heart beating in his chest. It sounded like a massive drum as he panted and tried to regain the control on his composure. "Let's get the hell out of here, bro! Head back the way we came!"

Tearing through the cave like two bats out of hell, the duo ran from the crystal cavern back to the winding pathway on the side of stream's bank, careful not to slip and fall as they scrambled back outside, still holding the crystals in their hands. Both of them were panting heavily, sweat staining their skin as they spilled out of the cave's entrance into the slowly darkening world outside.

"Holy shit, bro," Kyle said as he looked at Drew with an expression of worry plastered across his face. "What if we... we set something off, o-or that was some sort of trap made by someone?! I just... fuck, I've never seen anything like that in my life."

Drew nodded vigorously, his breathing still coming in long, drawn out sighs now as he stood with his hands on his knees. "Yeah! Did you see how bright that was?! I'm still seeing stars because of it!"

Whenever Drew blinked, he still had spots in his vision from how blinding the crystal's glow was and he found himself reaching up to rub both of his eyes to try to clear his vision. Looking around for a moment, Drew noticed that the sun was beginning to set. The bright blue sky was starting to change into a fierce orange as the sun made its descent towards the horizon. The wilderness around them was already full of the sounds of waking animals, each starting to prepare for their nocturnal hunting. And yet, everything had a much more melancholy sound; even the chirping of the birds seemed somehow subdued to them.

"Dude... how long were we in that cave?" Drew asked as he looked over to Kyle to see the dark green color of the gem still glowing warmly in Kyle's right hand. For some reason, the crystal brought a sense of calm to the situation and Drew found his heart rate begin to slow and his posture relax.

"Honestly, I have no idea, bro." Kyle said as his own muscles begin to relax as he looked at the light blue stone in Drew's own right hand. "It took about... what, an hour to walk here? And I thought we were barely in that cave for very long. Maybe ten, fifteen minutes tops."

Kyle shivered as he remembered how long he'd been staring at the green gem in the cave, and even now, he couldn't help but hold it up in front of himself to gaze at it. Although he still felt that familiar pull he'd felt in the cave, it was not nearly as strong as it had been, and he found that he could look away from the crystal without much mental willpower now.

"Whatever these things are, I think we stumbled into something really fucking strange, bro," Drew said with a bit of a smile. "I'd say we just found our own little adventure!" All of a sudden, Drew started to get really excited. "Dude, what do you think caused that?!" He could feel the energy rushing through his as his adrenaline began to ramp up again, his heart starting to thump in his chest.

Shaking his head, Kyle chuckled and replied, "Aren't you at least a little bit scared? You have no idea why those crystals just decided to all glow simultaneously when we pulled out these..." Holding up his hunter green crystal in his hand, Kyle could still feel the warmth pulsing outward, washing his hand over with an almost tingly sensation. "There is something really weird going on here, dude..."

"Yeah, but that's the adventure, man! Let's go back to camp and grab some supplies! I kind of want to see if the crystals glow again when we come back. Imagine what this place looks at night!" Drew said excitedly as he squeezed his hand around the light blue crystal in his hands to feel it throb with energy as if it were alive.

Kyle frowned over at his best friend and shook his head, "Nah, I'm not really feeling coming back here tonight. I just wanna get back, eat, and then sleep. Kinda feeling funny now that I think about it. I... fuck, I hope that light didn't do anything to us."

"Alright, bro. No worries. But let's definitely come back here after we wake up tomorrow! I wanna explore more, see if there's more caves around or something," Drew said excitedly as he started back down the way they'd originally come. Kyle followed close behind, reaching over to scratch as his arm through his flannel shirt. He felt really itchy all over suddenly, and sighed as he scratched at the skin of his arm, digging his fingernails into the muscle to ease the sensation.

The pair of them made their way back down the sloping mountain, following the stream as it wound around boulders and outcroppings of trees on the way. The sun continued its slow descent towards the horizon, painting more of the sky with brilliant pinks, reds and oranges. When night finally began to fall in earnest, most of the blue sky began to scatter to be replaced with darkness and the small pinpricks of distant stars. As Drew and Kyle looked up at the stars, they couldn't help but think of the crystals throbbing in their hands.

Kyle continued to scratch at his arm, feeling the itching sensation creeping up past his shoulder and down his back. It was a pain to reach around constantly to rub himself, but the relief it brought was good enough to work for. Eventually, he pocketed the dark green gem he'd been holding into his pack so that he could use both hands to scratch himself all over constantly.

In front of him, he didn't notice that Drew was also running his hands overtop of his clothes, rubbing his fingers hard into the skin beneath as he walked forward, and trying to ignore the itching sensation as best he could. His clothes were starting to feel a bit too tight on his entire body, like he was swelling up because of a reaction to something. He screwed his eyes up slightly as he stepped over a massive fallen tree, a sudden pang of a migraine shooting through his skull once his foot landed on the ground.

"Ahh shit. Drew, you didn't happen to pack any poison ivy salve did you? I must've ran into some when we were making our way up here earlier. It's... ugh, it's really, really annoying." Kyle said desperately as he scratched away at his skin through his clothes. He took a breath as he reached up and massaged the sides of his head, grumbling, "Got a headache too. Think I left my meds in the tent though. Stupid me."

"Dude, I was totally about to ask you the same question," Drew said as he gave a small grunt as he scratched at his chest. "Feels like I'm burning up in my clothes! Maybe we shouldn't go back in that cave if it makes us itch like this...Christ!"

Drew could feel his own head throbbing and it felt as if the headache was starting on the top of his head as if something was trying to barge out of the top. Giving another groan, Drew felt the heat beginning to get worse on his body and he could feel sweat start to drip down his skin. The campsite was nearly fifteen minutes away. If they could last a little while longer, they could grab their medkits in their car for some relief.

"I think this came from the river water, dude," Kyle said as his head throbbed. "I can't think of anything that would make us this sick this fast."

Ducking underneath a branch, Drew accidently rubbed the top of his head against the bottom of the branch and practically moaned at the sensation of feeling something rub up against his aching skull. It was strange to feel relief just by applying a bit of pressure. It was as if his own pain wanted him to fight back. "Christ, I really hope we didn't catch some weird parasite. I really want to go back to the cave..."

"I think the cave should be the least of your worries now, bro," Kyle said as he began to itch himself. "God, my head is throbbing something fierce."

With every step, Kyle found his feet were now starting to hurt in his shoes. He grimaced at each footfall, his toes throbbing with a dull pain as they pressed up against the soles of his shoes. Continuing to walk through the pain, he tried his best to step as gingerly as he could, but still, the throbbing persisted and his moaned a bit with each step, his feet feeling like they were on fire. Kyle seemed to be having the same sensation and could tell his friend was trying to avoid walking on his heel.

Kyle squinted while he looked forward, realizing that he could see the features of the branches overhead in surprising detail, as well as a lot of other objects scattered around the area. He spotted individual leaves incredibly high up in the branches whenever he looked up, and even the tiny blades of dew covered grass stood out to him. Drew was finding that his eyesight was becoming very much the same, although he simply attributed that to the fact that his heart was racing in his chest and his body was still pumping out adrenaline at a rapid pace. Looking forward, he felt himself wincing every time he looked at the blue light of the flashlight, as it made his headache magnify in intensity.

Drew said, "Hey man, the flashlight is starting to make my headache worse. Mind if I turn it off?"

Shaking his head, Kyle said, "Not at all. My migraine seems to be getting worse whenever I look at it anyway."

Nodding, Drew clicked off the flashlight and felt his eyes begin to relax. He rubbed them with the back of his hand and then inhaled deeply. The smell of sweat and musk on his body were surrounding him now, and he somehow recognized his own distinct scent that was filling his nose, unable to help but let it linger in his lungs. He caught a much different scent coming from behind him and he looked back only to smell Kyle's own musk and he shook his head as the scent nearly overpowered his senses, setting his skin tingling with... something strange. A sort of heat he'd never felt before. Shaking his head, he made a mental not to remind himself to put on deodorant when he came back to the camp, then tried his best to push Kyle's scent out of his mind, despite it filling it lungs with almost every breath.

However, when the more breaths he took, the more he could smell the freshness of the autumn air filling his lungs along with Kyle's heady scent. Drew managed to somewhat ignore the pungent smell and realign his focus on the environment around him. He could tell that the dew that was starting to form on the grass, the crisp and distinct scent sending a shiver roll down his spine.

Kyle was also finding it difficult to smell anything but the myriad of odors and fragrances that were floating about around him now. He sniffed every few seconds as he walked before Drew, his lungs pumping his system full of new information and identifiers. He could almost taste the night air on his tongue, and there was an almost spicy musk that seemed to flow off of Drew as he walked in front of Kyle. He couldn't help but gaze at his best friend's ass as he walked, the shapely muscles swayed with every step in his tight, slightly dirty jeans. The smell coming off of it was intoxicating, and somehow he knew it was pure... Drew. It fit him so well, and Kyle loved being able to smell it now. He shook his head after a full minute of staring at his friend's rear, trying his best to find anything else to look at in the meantime.

The two made their way towards the campsite, itching and scratching themselves as well as trying to not think of their splitting headaches. The clearing they'd made camp in was covered by massive trees that stretched up towards the sky. Four poles were jabbed into the ground, and several tools had been left scattered about in their eagerness to start their hike several hours ago. A white tent with orange corners laid in the middle of the clearing, the shelter sending a sense of relief through the two as they made their way towards it. Drew and Kyle had both figured that their hike would only last until the late afternoon, but they never thought they would arrive back so late in the evening. The sounds of the forest were almost overpowering to them now, and each step they took as they walked up to their tent felt like a crash against the ground.

Placing their packs just outside the tent's zipped up entrance, the two sighed in relief as they stretched out their aching muscles. Drew could feel his body lock up a bit as he flexed, and he found his gaze lingering over Kyle's larger frame. For some reason, he could feel a heat rush through his body when he looked at his friend. It wasn't necessarily arousal, but more relief that he had his friend by his side to experience this moment with. At least, that's what he told himself.

Walking to the edge of the campsite, Drew began to fish through his pockets until he grabbed his car keys. He clicked the unlock button and looked over at Kyle, who was still itching himself, before he said, "Listen, I'm going to grab some ointment to apply as well as some pills for our headaches. Sit down and rest, bro. I got you."

"Thanks, dude. You're the greatest." Kyle said with a sigh as he slowly lowered himself down to the ground and crawled inside their shared tent. He winced as his tailbone throbbed at the contact with the hard surface, but once he turned and laid down on his massive sleeping bag, he groaned with relief now that he was finally off of his aching feet. Pulling one foot back, he applied pressure to the opposite shoe, forcing the now too-tight hiking style shoe off of his sensitive foot. He quickly did the same with the other.

Rolling over to lay on his back, Kyle took a deep breath and then let it out, still scratching lightly across his thighs with both hands. He heard Drew rummaging around outside, and chuckled as his friend cursed while opening up the car doors, hurriedly looking for the med-kits they'd brought. Wincing as he moved, Kyle sat back up and brought one of his feet up to rest on his thigh, then took his hands and rubbed them all over the sensitive skin. His toes felt... odd to the touch, like they were swollen and hard to move almost. Kyle glanced downward and gazed at his foot, eyes widening at the sight.

Somehow, his toenails had turned from a light pink to a glossy black color, and the toes themselves were almost shrunken and deformed looking. His entire foot looked like it had reshaped itself inside of his shoe while he was walking.

"What the... fuck...?" he whispered to himself as he ran his fingers over the still sensitive skin, his heart starting to race at the shocking transformation.

Suddenly, his temples exploded with an intense pressure as he reeled back onto the sleeping bag, clutching the down-filled fabric with his hands as he moaned low in his throat. Something was growing out of the sides of his head now, and he could feel it creaking outward slightly with each passing second. He groaned and reached up with his hands, pressing down on the sides of his head against the pressure, only what he felt was something totally alien to him.

Two smooth, large, bone-like structures were growing out of his temples, each slightly rounded and tapered with a pointed tip on each end, exactly like a pair of horns. Kyle's breath came in short bursts as he fought against the intense pressure along his skull, feeling the horns pushing outward and turning slightly, pointing upwards.

"Gnnnnnghhh... Drew! Fuck... Drew! Are you--" Kyle arched his back as the pressure built to an extreme, feeling the horns slide up his head further as he gasped at the sensation. Amidst his own transformation, he could pick out the telltale sounds of his best friend groaning loudly, just a few steps away from the tent.

Outside, Kyle could hear shuffling before there was a loud thump and a rattle as a pill bottle was flung into the tent with the lid off, the tiny capsules raining down upon his body as Drew screamed out, "Kyle! There are literally fucking antlers...annnghh! There are fucking _antlers_growing out of....out of my skull!" Drew let out a loud groan as he felt the intense pressure in his own head begin to reach its peak.

Feeling his now much too tight shirt starting to rip, Drew looked down at his upper body to see fur begin to peek through the small tears that were starting to form in his clothes. "S-shit! Kyle, we were itching before...because of...ahh!" Drew felt the antlers extend outward, the bone structures pointed and deadly. The fur that was starting to spread across Drew's body was a light tan color, the heat from the transformation and fur forming making the human's face flush red and his breaths come in quick successions. Drew's feet felt as if they were on fire and he managed to kick them out of his shoes just in time to see his socks were starting to rip as well. His nails were beginning to turn a dark brown, and his bones were already beginning to rearrange themselves.

"What..what in the hell is going...uuuurgh!" Drew shouted as his antlers reached the pinnacle of their height; about 18 inches long and broad. Drew's headache was the least of his worries now as his muscles began to expand. It was as if there was a warmth flowing through him that turned into an intense pressure just like when his antlers were growing. The fur that was spreading across his body and starting to expand his shirt until there was a loud rip and the shirt began to tear down the middle, leaving Drew's torso exposed. The tan fur completely covered Drew's broad chest and pecs and was beginning to crawl up his neck.

His heart pounded in his chest as all this happened, body twitching and flexing as sweat rained down like bullets. His breathing was long and labored as if he was running a marathon and his toned body flexed more. Suddenly, he felt another burst of pressure as his muscles expanded. Drew's hat fell on the ground as he doubled over, clutching his stomach as his nose began to extend outwards into more of a muzzle. Letting out a moan, Drew could feel the fur start to cover his face. The hair was soft and he found himself concentrating on the shape expanding in front of his eyes as his muscles continued to grow and broaden. Drew could feel his own teeth beginning to reshape themselves to fit inside of his muzzle, his canines dulling themselves into teeth used more for grinding.

Kyle could hear Drew's voice as he yelled, thrashing about in front of him on the ground just outside the tent. But he found that he couldn't concentrate on anything other than what was happening to his own body as a wave of changes erupted from inside. The itching that he'd been feeling ever since their time in the cave had intensified to a peak, and now tiny pinpricks of fur were sprouting all over his body. The thick, dark brown hair grew at an incredible rate overtop of his skin, going from the tips of his fingers and rushing down his arms like a warm wave. As the skin over his shoulders was covered, he felt himself... expanding, filling out as his muscles rapidly grew from their already bulky size to an even larger one. His shirt was pulled tight over his torso and then with an audible tearing sound, the fabric ripped open across his back as more of the thick brown fur spread over the broad curves of his shoulders and neck.

"What--what the fuck is going oahhhnn!" Kyle grunted out as he felt his mouth tingling while the changes continued to sweep across his body, his voice deepening slightly as he spoke. The tongue in his mouth felt thicker and longer as he took several shuddering breaths, trying to steady himself as the adrenaline rushed through his system . And then all at once, with a creaking noise and a sudden pressure pushing against the inside of his nose and mouth, his face began to force itself outward into a broad muzzle as fur quickly grew along its widening length. Kyle could feel his teeth shifting around inside his maw, flattening and growing and reshaping themselves to fill the larger space created by his new muzzle. His tongue lashed out as he groaned, thickening and lengthening along with the other changes taking place.

The horns on his head seemed to have finished the transformation, proudly pointing upwards and slightly forward as Kyle's now bovine looking head took shape. Everything about it was larger, from his fur-covered brow to his new, rounded, almost tube-like ears sticking out behind his temples. Even the voice that now came from his thick, corded throat was deeper, it's resonating tone filling the air like a horn as Kyle moaned.

Suddenly, a sharp pulse of intensity focused in on the base of his spine which he felt pushing outward, a long, thick tail quickly forming just about his ass. It flicked and twitched as it grew in length, the hairless skin rapidly being covered this more of his deep, soft fur. As his new tail finished growing, the swishing length just overtop of his waistband, Kyle felt his pants practically explode along their seams, the pressure too much for the fabric to handle as his body grew to almost twice its previous size. His legs also began to shift as he rolled around overtop of his sleeping back, taking on a more unguligrade stance while his feet pulsed and pulled back into themselves, forming a solid hoof of shiny, black keratin.

As his hooves and legs finished their transformation, Kyle tried to sit up to get a better look at himself, only to roll back onto the ground as his crotch was suddenly overcome with sensation and pressure. His eyes rolled back into his head as he felt a warmth flood into his nether regions, fur and skin and organs shifting around and growing along with each beat of his heart. Finally, the changes seemed to lessen and he sighed with relief, taking deep, steadying breaths through his muzzle as his grey tongue licked slightly along his blackened lips.

While Kyle tried to figure out his orientation, Drew was still busy trying to make it through his own changes. As he opened his mouth to let out a groan, his ear drums vibrated with the sound of his suddenly lower pitched voice. He could feel his ears stretching outwards and upwards, shifting into a much larger and flatter appearance. At the same time, he felt new muscles forming all over his body, bulging out with definition underneath the fur that now covered his entire body. As a muzzle fully formed, complete with a black, wet nose, Drew could feel the transformation beginning to slowly wind down. Looking down at himself, he noticed his feet were now shiny and he gave a groan as he felt a warm sensation begin to spread up his legs and towards his groin.

"Mmmmf," Drew said through clenched teeth as he felt a pressure built up across his stretched pants release itself with a loud rip. Drew gave a small bleat as the zipper on his jeans broke off and he felt himself reaching for the button to try to save at least one article of clothing. Luckily, he managed to pull the jeans off of his now fully changed legs and hooves, saving some of the clothes he's been wearing. The backside of the pants weren't so lucky however; a large tear was just above where the tailbone would lay. He gave a long sigh of relief as he felt a momentary absence of the pressure. He looked down at himself, holding his hands out in front of him to get a good look, gasping as he realized that his fingernails were now a dark black. Drew felt over them with his other hand, tracing his now fur-covered fingers overtop of the hard surfaces, the soft pads on the bottom of his hands adding an interesting and strange texture to his touch.

Suddenly, the pressure and intensity returned to his groin and with a sharp gasp, Drew could feel a warmth spreading across his groin much, and reached down to feel around the area as his shaft and orbs began to expand in his palm. He tried to ignore the fact that he was practically naked with the remnants of his underwear scattered across the ground, but he could still feel a slight blush heating his cheeks as his changes continued.

The waistband of his briefs were broken and lying amongst the tattered clothes which showed just how much Drew had grown in body size and mass. Drew felt a sharp jab just above his tailbone and looked over his shoulder to see that he had a small diamond tail just sticking out above his backside. He could feel the new muscles of his back rippling and matted with sweat as he tried to process just how much he had changed and what he had changed into. He could feel the new power in his body throbbing to life as he flexed each limb in turn, and he lifted his tail to see a flash of creamy white fur underneath.

Blushing in spite of himself, Drew said, "Bro, you're not going to believe this, but I think I might be...I think I might be a deer," He looked over at Kyle and his eyes went extraordinarily wide at the sight in front of him. Drew hadn't gotten a chance to look over Kyle's fully transformed self, but now that he finally was, he was utterly thrown by how large his friend had become.

Although he just transformed, Drew felt his muscles throbbing with new energy as he stood, wobbling slightly as he slowly got used to his new legs and center of gravity. With every breath Drew took, he could smell Kyle's scent on the air. But there were also other smells combined with his natural scent; the smell of... fear, of uncertainty--coming from both of them. Underneath everything else though, there was a hint of something he'd never been aware of before: arousal. The scent was masculine, raw, and powerful and Drew could feel his new body reacting to it automatically, a strange tingling rushing through his lower regions like a fire. His cheeks flushed as the warm sensation spread throughout his body while he made his way over to his friend, who was still lying inside the tent. He bent into an awkward crouch to avoid jabbing his newly acquired antlers through the thin material of the tent, craning his neck to look through the now too small opening.

Inside, Kyle was laying on his back above the sleeping bags, his legs splayed out in front of him and his clothes ripped and torn all around the tiny space. A slight sheen of sweat matted down his thick, wooly fur that now covered his entire body, and a long, fluffy tail was flicking about between his legs. Drew's eyes were immediately drawn to the movement and then slightly upwards as he spied the massive set of testicles that were now nestled in a thick, furry sack. A tuft of dark brown hair went just between his two orbs, accentuating Kyle's masculinity. Just above them was an even thicker fur-covered sheath that he knew had to house his best friend's member. Drew blinked a few times and tried to look away from Kyle's groin, managing to trail his gaze upwards to look at the rest of his friend's enormous, changed body. The massive form of the beast in front of him was impressive to say the least; thick, corded muscles lay underneath a cover of fur, darkened further by the sweat beneath it.

Kyle groaned and slowly tried to sit up inside the tent, his massive horns hitting against the fabric over his head and poking through it with an audible rip. Groaning, he reached up and pushed the taut nylon up and away from his head. As he leaned forward and tried to crawl through the unzipped opening, he realized that Drew face--or whatever his face had become--was staring back at him with big, soulful, amber eyes in the darkness. He found he could see perfectly well in spite of the pitch black night that was surrounding them both.

"I...." Kyle shook his head and blinked hard, trying to logically explain to himself what had just happened to the two of them in the last few minutes. He crawled out of the confining space of the tent and stood up unsteadily, feeling Drew's soft hands instantly come up to hold him in place assuredly. Looking back over to the strange new form of his friend, he was amazed and slightly awed at his appearance. It looked like Drew had become some sort of deer or stag, only with human features to enhance his form. Leaning into his friend's furry, solid body and feeling the intense warmth that was coming off of it, Kyle took several deep breaths of fresh air, his lungs filling with both their scents and the smells of the woods around them.

"Drew." Kyle said finally, his voice sounding like gravel as he spoke slowly, considering each word, "What the fuck just happened to us? And... how the fuck did this just happen to us?"

Drew felt his hands beginning to explore Kyle's new body curiously, his hands feeling over the thick layer of fur. "Dude, I have no_idea. But I think you might be a bison! I remember something from my biology classes about bison going extinct or--or something like that, and I remember the fur. Yours looks _exactly like from the documentaries we watched. Can't say I've ever seen one on like, two legs before though."

Drew began to rub the bison's fur between his index finger and thumb, feeling at how soft it is. Being this close to Kyle felt so intimate and the bison could feel Drew's arm wrap around his shoulder. The wildlife around them seemed more alive now somehow, even in the late hours of the night. The stars twinkled above the two like glittering diamonds in the sky. The moon was also rising slowly above the trees, its rays beaming down and giving the forest a bit of light. In a strange way to the duo, it was oddly tranquil compared to the intense change of events the two had just been through.

"Do you think this has something to do with the cave? And all those weird crystals?" Drew said as he rested his head against Kyle's left shoulder. Grimacing a bit as Drew's antlers nudged at his cheek, Kyle looked at his best friend apologetically before pushing his head away a bit to adjust their posture. Kyle was thankful when the antlers weren't threatening to jab him in the eye and Drew was happy for someone strong to rest against. "What if we stumbled upon something radioactive!? Maybe...maybe this is a disease no one has heard about or something, some weird ancient bacteria or some shit like that."

Kyle shivered a bit at Drew's touch and said in his rumbling voice, "No...well...fuck I just don't know, man. Animals aren't supposed to... to talk like humans or look anything like we do. We shouldn't even exist!" A bit frantically, Kyle said, "We'd probably be shot if we ran back, or experimented on like by the government or something! How're we... oh fuck, dude. How are we supposed to live like this?"

Drew gave a bit of a chuckle, "Think about it this way, bro; we'll be something new! Something exciting! And--oh man. What if... we have superpowers now?!" When Kyle gave him a frown in response, Drew gave a long sigh. "We'll be fine, bro. If this is a disease or something, there are probably people who can treat... whatever this is." Drew gestured down at his body, his fingers trailing across his chest fur which felt incredibly soft to the touch.

"What if this is just like a hallucination, or something, bro? What if the river water had something floating in it that did this to us?" Kyle retorted as he looked over at Drew, his chocolate brown eyes twinkling in the moonlight. "What if none if this ever even happened and we're just dreaming or... or--"

Drew interrupted him, "Then we'll figure it out, dude! Just--OK, look. I know this sounds fucking insane, but something tells me that this happened for a reason. Maybe we were meant to find that cave and grab those crystals! I just don't--" he shook his head, curling his fingers tightly through Kyle's wooly fur as he sighed, "I don't think this is something we can try and like, rationalize dude. It's fuckin' strange as hell. I mean, you're a goddamn bison and I'm a fucking deer. With fingers. No amount of science in the world can explain that." Stopping for a moment and feeling the bison's left bicep flex against his body, the deer shook his head and said, "And... you feel pretty real to me, bro. And you can't tell me this isn't real...."

Leaning forward into Kyle's form, Drew nuzzled into the scruff of Kyle's neck and inhaled deeply. The musk that flooded his senses was so rich and masculine that Drew could not stifle a groan that left his lips.

"These smells... the sounds... the way we look. It's like, way more real to me than anything else I've ever felt," the smaller deer said softly as he leaned himself into the bison's chest, careful to move his antlers out of the way of Kyle's horns as he nuzzled against the warmth his massive friend offered.

Kyle was stunned at how close Drew was being, and he instinctively wrapped his large arms around the broad back of the deer, leaning into the tight embrace. He breathed in a large whiff of his best friend's changed, enticing scent and let it linger in his nose, setting his body tingling with new sensations.

Up until now, Kyle had always purposefully kept some semblance of distance between them both. He knew that Drew wasn't gay, or at least, that he wasn't openly gay with him.... Only now, he wasn't so certain anymore. The way Drew was being with him right now was so intimate, so warm and loving. Maybe it was just because of the shared experience of going through the insane transformation they just went through. And maybe... it was something more.

Letting out a sigh, Kyle continued to hold onto the slightly smaller deer, rubbing his massive hands over Drew's shapely back, "Fuck bro... I know I'm freaking out and I'm--I'm sorry, Drew. I'm just scared about what's gonna happen to us both, you know? I don't wanna lose you."

"You're not gonna lose me, Kyle." Drew said softly as he looked up at the bison, standing a good foot and a half above him, "Promise."

Kyle snorted and shook his head with a rumbling chuckle, "Good. Not that either of us have any idea why the hell this happened or what caused it but... good. There's no one else I'd rather be beside through something like this, bro. I--shit man, maybe this is just the adrenaline talking but I love you, dude. A lot."

"I...I love you, too, bro," Drew managed to whisper as he leaned against Kyle. Although he felt the sentence did sound a, for lack of a better term, his heart began to beat in his chest and his eyes fluttered. Drew never actually thought about how much Kyle cared for him and the sentence made him feel something he never realized he was capable of feeling before.

"And...and I really like hearing that from you." It was almost as if the words unlocked some hidden feelings inside of him that he never had a chance to think through before. He had always sworn to himself he was not gay, but there was something about Kyle that was different and perhaps this transformation was not just something physical, but unlocked something within himself that he had ignored.

Kyle let out a pleased, animalistic growl that seemed to vibrate through Drew's being. The deer chuckled before reaching forward and hesitantly gripped the back of the bison's larger hands with his own, smaller ones. His hand was not even close to overshadowing Kyle's larger mits, but Drew felt the pleasant rumble grow deeper.

"I don't know, smell so good," Drew said in an almost sensual tone as he continued to feel up the rest of Kyle's changed body. Although Drew was just as confused as Kyle about their changed forms, the once human's mind was clouded with thoughts that he'd never had before. He felt across the expanse of the bison's broad, massive chest, his hand feeling each valley and peak of the muscle as it caressed across it softly.

Kyle breathed in, his chest expanding as he concentrated on the buck's scent. Drew smelled earthy, rich, and natural. Kyle leaned close to Drew, the buck's breath brushing up against his left ear, making it flick softly. The bison's own breath was beginning to grow slow and long, his breath coming out in puffs of condensation in the cool night air. Neither could not even tell that it was cold at all; their thick, heavy fur coats gave them both a substantial amount of warmth.

"Drew..." Kyle whispered as he heard the buck's breathing ever so close to his ear. The word almost sounded longing and Drew's ears flicked in response. The emotions that were ignored for so long started to scratch at him, and Drew found himself feeling weightless as he looked up at Kyle intensely, his amber eyes glowing in the dark.

Shying away a bit, Kyle moved his head away ever so slightly to feel Drew hesitantly move forward to follow. "Drew..." Kyle repeated even quieter, but not moving away this time when he felt Drew's muzzle follow the scruff of his neck.

"Kyle, I don't--" Drew started and then stopped, frozen in place as he looked up at his best friend, their bodies touching each other in ways that would be considered slightly more than friendly. He chuckled and shook his head slightly, thinking for a moment before continuing, "Look, I uh... I'm not used to all... this." He gestured back and forth between the two of them, "I know you've been out for years and I... haven't really tried to talk to you about it that much. And maybe that was wrong of me. But I can smell you now. Feel you close. And fuck if I don't love it, bro. I really do. I don't know what that makes me, but... I really like this, Kyle. And I really like you. I always have. Just don't think I realized how much until right now."

Drew turned his head away slightly, his powerful neck carrying the weight of his tall, proud antlers easily. Kyle looked down at his friend with shock and awe and... a profound sense of love. He knew that Drew had never been this open with him before, and that the man--or beast--before him now was being as honest with him as he was with himself in this moment. Reaching up, Kyle took one of his large hands and placed it on the side of Drew's muzzle, turning his head back towards him to gaze down at his best friend.

"You... you really feel that way, Drew?" Kyle said softly, his deep rumbling voice almost a whisper as the trees swayed gently in the wind around them.

Drew looked up slowly at Kyle towering above him, his massive, furry body like a pillar of strength that he was still clinging to. As he locked eyes with the bison, Drew nodded and answered.

"Yeah, I do Kyle," he said just as softly, letting the words linger between them both.

A gust of wind blew between them and Drew found himself still locked on Kyle's deep brown eyes. They sparkled with desire as they looked down at Drew's own amber blue eyes. Leaning forward ever so slightly, Drew's heart began to race as he felt the bison's warm breath caress his cheek. The buck's ears drooped low, his own warm breath making Kyle's ears flick.

Drew had no idea what the foreign heat running through his body was. It felt like he was buzzing from his core before spreading outwards and through his limbs. It was almost like his body was constantly in this pleasant warmth.

Kyle could see the glazed look across his friend's face before he felt something pulse up against his thigh. Giving a small blush, Kyle reached forward and began to stroke across Drew's right cheek, the back of his hand rubbing against Drew's soft fur. The buck gave a tremble, bringing his lips almost millimeters away from Kyle's and breathing in the bison's scent.


With a nervous chuckle, Kyle suddenly glanced away from the shorter buck in front of him, shaking his shagged, horned head back and forth, "This is... sorry. This is just the weirdest fucking day of my life, Drew. I feel like I should be freaking out more than I am, but somehow I'm holding it together. And now..." He ran his hands up and down the sides of Drew's newly transformed body, feeling the soft fur against the padded bottom of his palms, "... Now you're saying things I've wanted you to say to me for years, but never thought you would. And I just--god, it's like I'm more surprised at those words than what just happened to the both of us. Is that... wrong? Is that OK?"

Kyle continued to caress Drew's sides, pulling the deer closer to him and breathing in his rich, musky scent in the silence of the night. It was almost like there was a magnet between the two, bringing them ever slowly together. Drew's ears twitched in anticipation as the heat from their bodies began to blend together. The two could feel their muscles and fur pushing together, and the buck shivered as he felt the bison's lips brush against his ever so softly. Drew nearly melted when the tension that was building between them started to release as the two pushed their muzzles against one another's.

The heat in the stag's body flared up as Kyle's lips pressed needfully against his, the sound of their kissing starting to become much more audible. Drew felt the giant hand that was stroking his cheek move towards his chest, feeling up the new, powerful muscles and letting the stag's chest expand under his fingers with each breath. Kyle trailed them down further, letting them linger around Drew's nipples as they brushed against the sensitive nubs. He enjoyed the way Drew quivered from the pleasure he was causing and leaned down, pressing his wide muzzle into the crook of his friend's neck, kissing it gently.

Moaning softly, Drew wrapped his hands around Kyle's broad, massive back as he felt more and more of the warmth flooding through him, filling him up and setting his nerves on fire with pleasure. Kyle leaned back up and returned to his friend's mouth, both of them working their muzzles into more comfortable positions as they slowly grew more accustomed to the odd positioning. Pulling back, Kyle took a breath to steady himself while he looked down at Drew, whose stunned-yet-pleased expression spoke volumes.

"So uh, how... was that good? Did you like that?" Kyle said hesitantly, his chocolate brown eyes gazing down into Drew's brilliant amber ones.

Slowly, Drew nodded in answer, tilting his head up to look at Kyle with a slowly growing smile that showed off his larger teeth and blackened lips.

"I--yeah, bro. I did. I liked it a lot. Way more than anyone else I've ever kissed... not that I've ever kissed a giant bison before," he added sarcastically with a chuckle. Stepping forward with his hooved feet, he pressed himself against Kyle's torso and ran his hands over the thick, wooly fur that coated the bison's skin, "Is it weird that I'm really, really turned on by you? Like, I'm not saying it's just because of the kiss--but like... you're fucking sexy, bro. No homo."

He paused for a moment and then continued, "That was a joke. I'm probably pretty homo. Like... really, very homo."

Kyle rolled his eyes and snorted through his nose as he shook his head, "Well, yeah. You're feeling me up and I practically had my tongue in your throat a few seconds ago. And we're both naked, dude. Not that I'm complaining. At all."

Drew nodded, "Hey, I'm not complaining either. I like the way you look. All big and muscled and furry. And I like the way _I_look, actually. Although my dad always had a thing for hunting, so I'm not sure what he'd say about his son turning into a stag."

"Hah! And you've got..." Kyle looked over Drew's antlers, counting in his head for a few seconds, "...10 points. You'd be a pretty awesome catch."

Suddenly, he leaned down and pressed his lips against Drew's again, snaking his tongue into the stag's muzzle and tasting his friend. Drew could feel the broad appendage laying claim to his mouth as it explored. Kyle wasn't trying to gag Drew, but was definitely testing the waters. Then just as suddenly, he pulled back again with a wide grin, the bison's tongue leaving the buck's mouth with a wet scholomp. Drew instinctively sucked on the tongue as it left his muzzle.

"Too bad I already caught you, bro," Kyle whispered into the stag's ears.

Drew's eyes lit up with a sudden fire at those words and he practically threw himself at Kyle, desperately kissing his best friend and working his longer, thicker tongue into the bison's much larger muzzle. Kyle returned the kiss, pushing further into the stag's mouth, their warm, wet muscles sliding over each other effortlessly.

Drew could feel the hand around his chest begin to explore lower, brushing over his treasure trail and groin before snaking its way back up and teasing his nipples. Drew's moaned into the kiss as their lips smacked together audibly, their bodies rubbing together and making the stag's legs feel heavy as he lustfully felt over Kyle's back.

Kyle never dreamed of having his once friend turn into his lover. Even in their most intimate moments, the thought never crossed his mind that they would become something more than friends. Although he'd had dreams about Drew's body up against his, he choked it up to idle fantasies. Now though, they were truly enjoying one another's embrace.

Drew could feel Kyle begin to dip towards his member, the bison's paws trailing curiously lower almost naturally. The stag rolled his hips and could feel the bison's fingers brushing against his skin. The touch sent a fire throughout his body and Drew nearly melted when he felt Kyle's right hand wrap itself around his member. Kyle gave an approving stroke before feeling around the stag's plump sheath.

"You...feel different, bro," Kyle said almost breathily as he trailed his hand across the stag's sheath. Dipping his hands in between the stag's thighs, Kyle grasped Drew's orbs gently in his hands. He could feel the weight of them in his palm as he massaged them carefully; almost analytically.

Shivering due to the stimulus, Drew let out a pent-up huff and his tail flicked. Standing up straight and proud, Drew watched in surprise as Kyle began to drop to his knees. There was something so erotic about seeing a bigger alpha male admire him in such a way and the thought played along inside the primal part of his mind pleasantly. Taking his right hand, Drew placed it on the back of his friend's head encouragingly.

Leaning forward and nuzzling Drew's orbs, Kyle gave a low rumble. "You much more masculine..." The stag could see the bison's cheeks flush as he took another long inhale. Drew felt a grin cross his muzzle when Kyle's body trembled. Although all this was new to Drew, it felt so right to have Kyle below him; worshipping him. The stag knew that the tables could be turned quickly into Kyle's favor, but he savored the attention he was getting from his friend turned lover at the moment. He never experienced anything so...primal, especially when the bison gave a tentative lick along his balls.

Kyle ran his tongue over the stag's large, full package, feeling it twitch and jump as he breathed softly over the now wet fur of his friend. The taste was unlike anything he'd ever experienced before; it was entirely masculine and raw and powerful as he swirled his tongue up and around the sheath, breathing in the stag's potent scent. Kyle nuzzled the package softly, letting each huff of his breathing roll over the sensitive skin and fur, causing Drew to moan and stomp his hooves as his now massive, leaking member was fully on display.

While the rest of his friend's body had drastically changed, his manhood had remained relatively human, aside from being encased in a plump, furred sheath. The skin on the wet, naturally lubricated member was a deep, dark red and it had grown longer and wider, topping out at about nine or so inches in length as Kyle watched it bob and twitch in the moonlight. The trees were rustling softly around them while he stared up at his friend's incredible shaft, precum leaking from the flared tip like a clear river.

"D'you mind if I...?" Kyle asked tentatively, looking up at Drew as he nodded rapidly down at him. He could feel the stag's hands tighten their grip on the fur along the back of his head and without hesitation, he took the member into his muzzle, letting his tongue explore. The taste of Drew's raw essence was unmistakable and Kyle eagerly sucked and bobbed his large muzzle along the meaty length, dropping further and further along the shaft until he felt it poking the back of his throat as the stag's crotch fur made contact with his own wet nose.

"Holy fuuuuuuuck--" Drew moaned out loudly, moving his hands along Kyle's head as he began to bob up and down, sucking gently as he swirled his tongue over his length. As the bison drew his muzzle back up and off of his length with a soft pop, Drew grabbed his two massive horns and held on as he dove back down, the warm, inviting muzzle, sucking and slurping instantly returning and drawing even more pleasure from his body.

Kyle continued to work up and down the stag's member, fondling his ample orbs with one meaty hand and reaching around with the other, gently running each finger closer and closer along the rim of Drew's virgin hole. The stag was now practically writhing with pleasure and it seemed like the more he played with his friend's tight hole, the more and more he shuddered and moaned. Driven wild by this newfound interest, Kyle redoubled his efforts and bobbed his muzzle up and down Drew's length at a nearly inhuman pace, sucking harder and harder with each pass. He was practically milking the stag's length while he fingered his hole, pushing his wider index finger lightly against the incredibly tight entrance.

"Oh fuck, bro. I can--I don't--goddamn, you're fucking incredible, Kyle!" Drew cried out as he thrust uncontrollably into the bison's sucking, slurping maw. Still hanging onto the curling horns of his lover, Drew moaned out lewdly as his friend brought him closer and closer to climax, "Ahh--ahh--ahhhh! Fuck dude, I'm gonna blow!"

Kyle heard Drew's cry and felt his shaft swell up inside his muzzle as he ran his tongue around the widening length. As the stag's climax finally reached its tipping point, Kyle wiggled his finger deeper into Drew's ass, taking him over the edge. Drew's balls tensed up in their sack as they forced a veritable river of cum up and out of his flaring shaft, shot after shot of thick, creamy seed came rushing over Kyle's tongue and down his throat.

Drew felt his muscles tense and relax with each shot and Drew pulled his member back until it was resting on Kyle's broad tongue. Kyle could taste the salty flavor of Drew's climax on his tongue and gulped it down hungrily. The bison was surprised that the buck was still shooting into his maw, even after thirty seconds on non-stop cumming. After feeling the thick strands on his tongue reduce down to a small dribble, Kyle began to slowly pull himself off of Drew's throbbing member.

"F-fuck, man..." Drew said as he clenched his muscles to feel Kyle's index finger still lodged snugly inside of him. The realization that Kyle was still inside of him brought a fresh jet of warm seed to release from the head of his member and splatter against Kyle's face. His friend just chuckled, wiggling his finger inside of Drew to make the stag's member pulse, throb, and dribble in front of him. Leaning back with his finger still inside of his lover, Kyle gave a mischievous smirk as Drew followed him onto the ground. Although the stag felt like he was the alpha in this situation, Kyle still had Drew around his finger; literally.

Slumping forward, Drew felt the bison's massive weight below him as he wrapped his arms around Kyle's neck. He could feel the bison's panting in his ear as his heart raced in his chest and began to fall down from his orgasmic high. Although the unmistakable heat was still rushing through his body like a simmering water, Drew felt immensely satisfied for the time being.

"That was the most intense...most intense blowjob I've ever had, bro!" Drew's maleness was still hard between his legs, dribbling almost constantly over Kyle's broad chest.

Kyle gave a weary smile, licking his lips to still taste Drew's essence on them. "Mmm, that was just too good to pass up, bro. You taste better than any of the other guys I've sucked off."

Drew gave a chuckle, his chest and abs brushing up against Kyle's broader upper body. The stag nuzzled into his lover's neck as he spread out across the expanse of the bison's large, warm body and his member gave a jump when he felt Kyle's finger brush against his prostate.

"Glad that you have a thing for...venison," Drew said with a lewd smirk before leaning in to kiss Kyle on the lips. The bison went for more than what Drew bargained for and the stag felt Kyle's large tongue begin to explore his mouth once again. When they pulled away, Kyle's head fell back against the ground panting while Drew continued to inhale the bison's masculine scent.

"I do feel bad though," Drew said as he rested his body on his broad lover's chest. The deer's rock hard member throbbed against Kyle's abs, and the steady up-down motion of the bison's chest wasn't helping to stifle his arousal.

"Why?" Kyle said curiously, his arm reaching around to rub against the stag's back. He could feel the lean muscle tense for a mere moment as his fingers brushed against the fur. Kyle found himself beginning to admire the curve of Drew's body once again, his finger starting to slowly pivot in and out. The bison could see Drew's features twitch ever so slightly with each movement, and he let out a low rumble when he felt Drew's tail flick against the back of his hand.

"It's just...I can tell how hard you are back there, bro... and the way you're working on my back door tells me that...urgh...tells me how much you'd like too..." Drew said as his ears fell low as he felt the bison quicken his movements. Drew could feel Kyle's massive maleness rubbing against his backside, the hot, leaking spire of flesh pulsing against his most intimate of areas.

"I got to code, you know?" Drew said with a devious smile. Kyle knew what the buck was getting at, and it was obvious from the way Drew pushed back against his finger that he wanted a little bit more than a blowjob to get him off.

Kyle looked into Drew's eyes intensely, a smile crossing his face as he reached upward to stroke Drew's right cheek with the back of his massive hand. "You really...don't have to if you don't want to..."

Leaning forward to bump against Kyle's nose, Drew replied, "I want you more than you know. I just...don't know how to describe it..."

Shaking his head, Drew continued, "You know that I've never cared that you were into dudes. I just... I never considered the fact that I was into you as much as I am now. You made me feel something that I never thought I would never experience...much less enjoy, but I'm right now just from being with you that I want to experience what else you can do to me. Does... does that make any sense?"

Kyle was taken aback by what Drew was saying as he moved his hand across the deer's tail to feel it flutter against his open hand. Reaching down towards Drew's rump, Kyle felt the left mound of muscle in his hand and he felt the stag almost push back against his palm needfully.

Kyle leaned upward, his lips close to Drew's once again and he said, "Are you sure you want to give that to me?"

Drew nodded and said, "I need you, Kyle. it."

At that, Kyle began to lean upward until the stag fell onto the ground and his legs were hoisted onto the bison's shoulders. Drew could feel the cool ground rub against him, and his tail flicked apprehensively as Kyle withdrew his fingers and pushed his pulsing, throbbing member up into the cleft of his backside. Kyle rolled his hips, feeling the tight muscle of Drew's backside rub against his maleness and gave a huff. A burst of cold air left his muzzle in a puff as it was released into the cold, night air.

The bison began to line up his target, and Drew prepared himself for being penetrated by a foot of thick bovine shaft. Kyle's member shimmered in the moonlight, the intimidating member slick with natural lubricant. Drew felt a hand reach down to rub across his chest in a soothing motion and could feel the bison's massive weight pinning him. Drew was completely at Kyle's mercy.

Both of them were completely lost in the moment when a deep, rumbling voice cut through their sexual reverie like a knife, "You two enjoying your new bodies?"

Startled, the two looked towards the source of the voice: a bear gazing down at them... only it wasn't a normal bear. This one stood upright on two large paws, his brown fur glistening with sweat, and his gaze slightly amused as he stared down at the two college-aged men in front of him. A hand was around his deep red and leaking shaft, stroking it slowly while his other hand was busy pinching his right nipple playfully. A scar was on his right pectoral, the brown fur nonexistent there, and the bear's arms flexed powerfully as he played with himself. He rivaled the bison in musculature, but he was about Drew's height in size.

"Well?" asked the massive bear as he stood tall and gazed down at them, putting his large, furry hands on his hips as he waited for an answer, his leaking cock now bobbing and twitching in front of him.

Kyle looked up at the huge, imposing figure of the bear with a mixture of shock and awe as he tried his best to come up with an answer, "I... we--yes?" Drew shifted awkwardly in Kyle's grasp, and the bison readjusted the posture to allow the stag to wrap his legs securely around his bulky waist.

"Hmmph. Well, you'd better be. The Prince doesn't give just any two wandering souls in his domain such a gift. You two must've done something pretty impressive to get his attention, let alone some of his power." the bear rumbled out as he stepped forward, his massive figure even more impressive as he closed the gap between them. He looked down at them with a sudden smirk as he tilted his furry head and spoke, "Must've gotten some of his libido too. I remember just how insatiable I was when he changed me. Couldn't go five minutes without needing to--er, well, you get the picture. Anyway, as much fun as it would be to watch you two screw each other's brains out all night, the Prince is waiting to meet you both. So... let's go."

The bear turned around and took a few steps towards the edge of their campsite. But Drew still sat on the ground with his legs around Kyle's body, his mind shocked at the sudden appearance of the other beast.

"The...prince?" Drew said questioningly before looking up at Kyle to see he had just as a confused look on his face as he did. "And I guess you mean...he was the one that changed us."

Drew put two and two together out loud. Although he still had a bobbing erection between his legs, the stag was more curious than he was aroused and he unwrapped his legs from Kyle's waist and stood up, still a little unsteady on his new hooves.

The bear had turned to look over his shoulder at them both again, and Drew couldn't help but stare straight at the sight of his plump and furry rump, although he managed to keep his arousal in check for the moment. Kyle followed suit, his lumbering body still a bit hard for him to control, but he got up off the ground with a grunt and a bit of a wobble. Kyle's huge bovine member slapped his broad, furred abs as he stood up to his towering height and wrapped his arms around Drew's back protectively, as if by instinct. At the same time, the stag found himself leaning against Kyle's bulky form for support and a sense of security.

Still staring at them both, the bear's expression seemed to soften somewhat as he let out a deep sigh and spoke, "The Prince of the Wilds. He's the ruler of these woods--well, a lot of woods, actually. And yes, he's the one who changed you into what you are now. It wasn't an accident that you two happened upon that cave, and it's certainly not an accident that I'm standing here in front now. He wanted to see you, so he sent me to come and fetch you. I'm his personal guardian and protector of his domain, among... other things. You can call me Ivan."

"I-Ivan?" Kyle asked incredulously as he absentmindedly brushed his fingers along Drew's soft fur; feeling the smaller deer's warmth made him feel more at ease. "Not gonna lie, I kinda expected your name to be... well, not 'Ivan'.

"Pfft. How many talking bear-men have you ever met, kid?" Ivan said sarcastically as he cocked his head at the two of them, "Like I said, I wasn't always like this. I grew up in California, so it's not like I'm from ancient Greece or anything. Just happened to be in the right place at the right time, like you two." The bear looked up at the sky for a few seconds, sniffing lightly as a sudden breeze picked up through the cold night air of the woods. Ivan scowled and turned back towards the edge of the campsite, "C'mon. Prince is gettin' impatient. He's not far but you don't wanna keep him waiting."

As the trio made their way through the forest, the bison and buck felt another quick gust of wind blow through the forest. The leaves over top of them rustled as they walked and the branches beneath their feet cracked. The two could sense a presence nearby, almost like an energy and they looked upward almost at once when a blue flickering caught their eyes. Several tiny crystals hung from the trees, tied by spider webs and sparkling in the night sky along with the stars. The stones were the same as the ones from inside of the cave, and the different colors glittered in the moonlight. Drew was hypnotized by the sparkling of the jewels, his gaze drawn towards the different shades of glowing and pulsing lights. Ivan looked over his shoulder and could see the gems reflecting in the deer's eyes.

Blue puffs of what appeared to be air circled around them and left a pulsing energy in their wake. The small wisps were spellbinding; their energy infectious, causing both Drew and Kyle felt a renewed vigor as they followed Ivan.

The blue wisps began to circle around the trio, as if guiding them forward. The stag found himself brushing off the wisps that got a bit too close for comfort on his shoulders while Kyle was amused by the strange puffs of magical energy. Ivan looked over his shoulder at the two again, his broad, furred body shimmering with a fresh layer of sweat. His muscles flexed as he walked and Drew found himself moving his fascination from the environment back to Ivan. The deer was shamelessly hard as he walked, his erection still bobbing proudly between his legs as his eyes traced over Ivan's form.

"Curious creatures, aren't they?" Ivan said with a low rumble that Kyle and Drew identified as a chuckle. "They like newcomers quite a bit."

Drew glanced at a wisp on his shoulder before blowing lightly and, like loose tufts of grass, the wisp broke apart with a quick burst of blue smoke. The buck was just as bemused as Kyle when it began to coalesce and regain its shape.

"This is so weird, bro," Drew whispered as he looked up towards Kyle, the towering behemoth of a male still wrapping an arm around him protectively. He felt the bison's wooly fur brush warmly against his own as they followed Ivan further into the forest, the wisps seeming to grow in number with every step.

"They seem harmless to me, dude." Kyle rumbled deeply as he smiled lightly while looking around them, eyeing several of the glowing, floating orbs that were now keeping pace with them. They seemed to be guiding them along now, their luminous forms like tiny torches in the pale moonlight that shone throughout the woods. Tilting his head slightly and looking at the enormous bear just a few steps in front of them, Kyle spoke up, "Hey, Ivan... you said you used to be human, but that you were in the right place at the right time and now... you're not. What exactly happened to you? Is it what happened to us?"

Ivan slowed his pace slightly as he glanced back at them before he spoke, "I won't presume to know what the Prince's reasons were for changing you two, suffice it to say that he obviously has quite a lot of interest in you. As for me... well, I guess you could say he took a lot of interest in me as well. Short version is that I used to be a park ranger out in California. One day, on a routine sweep through my sector, I found a glowing crystal I'd never seen before on the edge of a lake. Then these guys--" he pointed to the wisps floating around beside them, now numbering near twenty or so, "--showed up and lead me to the Prince. I won't bore you with the details now, but... he changed me into this form which, as I'm sure you've realized by now, comes with a lot of perks. He made me his personal guardian and then... well, I won't spoil the surprise just yet."

The massive brown bear-man stopped and gestured ahead to where the wisps were gathering together, their glowing forms seemingly pulsing with excitement at the trio's arrival.

"We're here. The Prince is just ahead." Ivan gazed back at the two younger men behind him, their apprehension and excitement showing clearly against the dim glow of the wisps. He smiled at them gently, "Don't worry. You have nothing to fear from him. You two wouldn't be here if he didn't want you to be here. But as a general rule, he can be a bit unpredictable, sometimes in the best of ways. He is a demi-god, after all." Ivan smirked at the two of them before heading into the opening in front of them with a confident stride.

Kyle and Drew both took deep breaths before following the bear, Kyle's arm still wrapped around Drew's smaller form protectively. The clearing was massive and surrounded by thick foliage that seemed to breathe and move with a life of its own. The broad, tall trees shot towards the sky like swords from the earth, and their canopy was thick with leaves yet still managed to let in several shafts of moonlight, the largest of which was beaming down on what looked like something out of a fairy tale. A magnificent wooden throne shaped out of the roots of the tree itself sat at the base of the largest oak tree. And upon the throne sat a figure--a stag, much like Drew, they both realized as they neared the massive structure, sat on the throne, completely naked and bare to the wilderness.

He had an almost bored pose, his hand was on his cheek as he gazed out towards the three with a twinkling in his hunter green eyes. Whether that shimmer was from the gems, or some devious plotting was unknown. A mischievous grin was spreading across his face, and one leg was propped up unabashedly over the side of the throne as his maleness hung between them like it was on display. The branches that grew out from the tree looked as if they were wrapped around him, seemingly pulling him into an embrace with nature itself. The stag's form was bulky, yet had a certain limberness to it. A fine, darker patch of fur trailed down from his pectorals towards his crotch, accentuating his masculine form even more. His antlers were large and looming on top of his head, the jagged bones sharpened to rounded points, giving off a certain regalness to his appearance.

"Ahh, you made it, Ivan," the stag practically purred, his voice deep and rumbling. "I was starting to get lonely."

The stag got up off of the throne with an almost eerie gracefulness, the branches unwrapping themselves from his body as he walked forward. He sauntered up to the three, his hunter green eyes looking over the bison and the other stag with great interest. When he noticed that Kyle pulled Drew close to him, his grin got wider.

"I see you made some new friend's Ivan," the Prince said as he walked ever-so-slightly forward and reached out to lightly brush his fingers against Kyle's broad chest. "And I see that the transformation is complete. This... pleases me."

Ivan did not bow, but merely nodded. "Nature chooses the best vessels."

"Indeed," the Prince replied as he moved his hand across Kyle's left pectoral and towards Drew's shoulder. "Such studs as well."

Meanwhile, as the casual groping continued, Kyle and Drew were still slowly processing everything that was happening. Although their brains were working, their bodies were a step ahead of them. The Prince's touch was almost electric as it moved across their bodies and their tails and ears flicked in anticipation as well as a tinge of fear.

"Hmm...such figures of raw masculinity and strength," the Prince said as he continued to feel up both of the males. Drew and Kyle both trembled as the Prince's hands worked across their sensitive bodies, feeling his gentle yet precise touches flowing over their furred muscles. The Prince's eyes were mostly focused on the lower areas of their bodies; especially on the low hanging orbs in between their legs. A slight smile tugged along the sides of his muzzle, "I see the magic choose wisely for both of you; such beautiful bodies to add to my ranks."

Drew and Kyle looked at one another with a mix of curiosity, lust, and concern in their eyes as the Prince continued to grope both of them, his hands trailing lower until the fingers brushed against the top of their hips and teasingly worked their way around the duo's crotches. Drew and Kyle could feel the magic pulsing in the Prince's fingers, creating an almost electric tingle that shot through their bodies. Drew's ears fell to his head submissively as he felt the hand wrap around his erect and leaking member, and the deer looked over at Kyle with a needful look in his eyes.

Although Drew had several questions, the Prince's fingers were working him like an instrument. Kyle found himself under the same influence, his eyes glazed over in a mixture of confusion and lust. However, the bison was courageous enough to find his voice. "What do you mean by adding us to your ranks?" Kyle said, his voice deep and rumbling.

Before they could get fully into their desires, Kyle's mind suddenly seemed to snap back to reality and he pushed Ivan away from him lightly and he pulled Drew away as well. "What the h-hell is going on?" Kyle said before looking from Ivan and back to the Prince with a deep blush across his face.

With the momentum broken, the Prince gave a tired sigh as if his intentions should have been clear the whole time. "What do you mean?"

With Kyle pulling him away, Drew found himself finding his voice once again and he said, "The transformations, these...feelings. Everything! The cave...the crystals."

"Magic. Ancient, but magic. Everything you see here as well as what was in those caves was created by me," the Prince stated casually as he moved forward cautiously. Ivan had his arms crossed again; the mischievous smirk now replaced with a bored frown.

"Are you some kind of...some kind of god...thing?" Kyle asked, the questions bubbling up from the lust.

"Demi-god," the Prince corrected, "And you may refer to me as your Prince."

"And if we don't?" Kyle said with a bit of a glare over at the stag.

"Then you walk away from this truly unharmed and I was wrong in the magic's choice," the Prince replied while holding up his hands innocently. "But the magic embedded in these crystals chose you as its hosts."

"And what? We turned into your personal...slaves?" Drew said, a bit of anger bubbling behind the words. Kyle placed a hand on Drew's shoulder to keep the anger from boiling over as the deer stepped forward to look Drew in the eyes. There was a strange, hypnotic gaze to the hunter green eyes and like in the forest earlier, Drew seemed to get lost in them.

"Slaves?" the Prince said with an amused chuckle. "You are in nature. There is no form of slavery. There is only the weak and the mighty. I am the Prince of the wilderness; not a Prince over you. If you walk away from here, you will be reverted back to normal, you have my word. However..."

Like a gust of wind, the Prince moved forward towards the duo. "Who would believe you if you told them you were transformed? As soon as you walk out of this forest, you will appear human once again."

"So...we will never be the same again no matter what we choose?" Kyle said quietly.

"Precisely," the Prince said simply.

There was a long, awkward pause as Kyle and Drew looked at one another questioningly, their gazes concerned, but at the same time there was a strange curiosity to about everything they were experiencing. The whole place was magical, otherworldly; an adventure that was only available in fantasy. There was a whole different world and the fact that they had the opportunity to step into it was...exciting to them.

The Prince gave a sigh and put his fingers on the bridge of his muzzle before mumbling, "You seem like you have something to say to me."

"What are we?" Kyle asked, speaking for Drew who nodded in agreement. Ivan gave a chuckle in the background at the question; it reminded him of when he first transformed.

The Prince gave a small smile. "You are your inner desires made real; your most primal of qualities taken into physical form. The magic brings out the most carnal and primal of things within whoever touches them."

"So, we are our Id?" Drew asked, his baseline knowledge of psychology spurring him on.

"I'm sorry?" the Prince said with a confused expression on his face.

"You know, your Id. The beastly part of every person...the Id, Ego, and Superego?"

The Prince blinked and shook his head, looking over to Ivan as he asked, "Is this a human thing?"

"Freudian psychology," Ivan replied with grunt.

"Is that some sort of magic?" the Prince asked, still confused.

Drew chuckled and shook his head. "Nevermind. that why I'm so horny?"

Kyle looked at the Prince accusingly and then at his own bobbing cock. "Yeah, seriously. I literally feel like my veins are on fire."

"Ahh, yes that," the Prince said with a grin. "Something I understand more than anyone else." Walking forward, the Prince was keeping his hands off of Drew, but was close enough that Drew could feel the heat radiating off of the other stag. "That is a side effect. Stags are known for getting into rut...and bison are just large producers. So, welcome to the mating season."

Walking forward with a more confident swagger, the two felt themselves calm a bit. The Prince might have played aloof, but for everything they'd asked of him, his answered seemed satisfactory to them both. The heat that was swimming through their bodies intensified as the Prince stepped closer, as if he was a beacon for their more carnal desires to feed upon.

The magical stag gave a grin and beckoned over to Ivan who walked to him, the bear's thick erection unabashedly sticking up and out of his crotch. The spire of flesh throbbed as the Prince moved his hand away from Drew and towards the bear, his fingers trailing down Ivan's broad chest and towards his cock. There was no hesitation when the Prince wrapped his hand around the member and grasped it firmly, but lovingly.

"The power of nature must be respected, and I need ambassadors for my...callings. People who were once human to spread the power and might of my presence in their world. Without followers, I'm merely a mortal with a few special gifts."

Reaching down with his left hand, the Prince grasped Kyle's balls. He could feel their weight in his palm and gave a chuckle when the bison gave a small gasp. "And I treat my loyal servants_well_. Very well. You will submit to me, but you will also be by my side. Nature knows nothing but power, pleasure, and justice. I'm merely its extended hand. Before you two came along, I was going to hunt for some warm bodies later, but the fact that you both stumbled into my cave turned out to be rather convenient."

"W-we didn't know we were trespassing." Kyle rumbled out shakily as he gazed down at Drew while the Prince continued to stroke and pleasure them both, "Sorry ab--oh fuck!--about that, bro." He gasped out as the Prince squeeze tightly around his extremely hard bovine shaft, droplets of pre falling from the massively flared tip and onto the grass and leaves below.

"Mmm... no one ever does. That's what makes it so much fun," The Prince smirked as he turned and slid his hand off of Drew's thick, mostly human shaft, stepping over to Kyle's humongous form and pressing himself against the big, wooly bison-man. "I trust you both understand exactly what this makes you now. You're no longer human, although that should be perfectly clear to you. Does your new form please you... bro?" The Price grinned up at Kyle as he thrusted his hips lightly against the big bison before he looked over at Drew's trembling form standing next to him, the scent of arousal and heat floating like a heady incense in the air.

Kyle moaned lightly as the Prince moved and grinded his smaller form against him, setting each and every follicle of his fur on fire. He nodded in affirmation, "Yeah, dude. Can't speak for Drew but... I've never felt this good before in my life. And it'll take some getting used to but, I kinda dig the fur. And the horns. And--well, the dick."

"Mm. As do I," mumbled the stag as he continued to rub himself over the massive bison. He glanced over to his fellow deer and cocked an eyebrow, "And you, Andrew? What do you think of your new form?"

Drew felt himself tense as Kyle's hand brushed against his thigh, the caress soft and gentle. The stag blushed slightly under his fur as he felt the heat inside of his body reached a crescendo. "F-fuck, I just feel so my body is screaming at me hump something. I think I could get used to feels so good."

Ivan watched quietly, his arms crossed as his member throbbed. There was no hint of jealousy in his eyes; a carnal smile was across his face as he watched Kyle and Drew fall into their more primal desires. He could tell the Prince was feeding off of it and he watched as the stag leaned forward to nuzzle against Kyle's broad chest and inhale the bison's musk deeply, a low rumble coursing through his body.

Drew couldn't take his large eyes off of the Prince, who was practically humping against his best friend, their leaking members frotting against one another. He took a breath, practically tasting the heat and the sexual fire on the air as it played over his tongue. Kyle looked back down at his friend and met his gaze, their eyes locking as an indescribable lust started to completely overtake them both, stronger than either had ever felt before.

"Well, based on just how... excited you both seem, why don't we have some fun together?" the Prince whispered with a wink as he gently pushed off of Kyle's form and stepped back towards Ivan, running a hand down his guardian's thickly built body, "I wouldn't want to impose but you two did trespass on my lands, so I think some reparations are in order, wouldn't you say?" He looked over at the bear with a smirk as he freely groped the thick shaft that was pointing proudly out from between his massive legs.

Ivan gave a groan as he felt the Prince's familiar fingers dance across the bottom of his shaft before wrapping firmly around his member. The bear walked closer to the group, pushing up against Kyle and the Prince as he squeezed into the close, intimate circle that the four men made. Ivan gave a hiss when he felt the Prince begin to move his fingers from his shaft over to the back of his rump and grip it firmly. Ivan humped forward against Kyle's long, thick maleness to feel its thickness against his own.

"Yes...I feel they must be...punished, my Prince," Ivan stated through his panting as the bear reached forward to grasp Drew's member while the Prince worked on Kyle's flared shaft. A clear sheen of sweat was on each of their bodies and their small groans filled the forest as they continued to grope one another. Drew felt himself reaching out towards the Prince, his hand brushing against the creamy tan fur which felt incredibly soft to the touch. His hand brushed against the cotton white fur of the stag's chest and abs as well as trailed downward until feeling across the Prince's shaft.

"Go on, Drew," the Prince said, the other stag's eyes widening at how natural this felt to him, and how close he felt to the Prince. However, with everything that was going on, from he and Kyle's transformation, to their experience in the cave, to the revelations that the Prince had revealed to them both, Drew couldn't help but hesitate. His body was sending signals of immense pleasure to his brain, but something about his former human self was lingering in his mind, causing him to question everything he was doing.

When the Prince noticed Drew's hesitation, he reached forward and grasped Drew's wrist softly and guided him forward. The other stag gasped as the Prince's fingers lightly grazed across the top of the sensitive fur. Looking over to Kyle for reassurance that what he was doing wasn't somehow unloyal or wrong, Drew noticed that Ivan was now openly touching Kyle, the bison's eyes glazed over with lust and desire. Seeing his best friend so lost to his own experience gave the newly made stag the courage to give into the Prince's touch, to let himself loose as the lust and heat of arousal finally started to overwhelm him.

Feeling the Prince's hands suddenly running over his furred body set his senses ablaze with pleasure, and he stepped forward and leaned into the other stag, feeling the heat that the demi-god's body was giving off in the cool night air. Reaching up with his own hands, he gently traced his fingers over the Prince's chest, stroking the incredibly soft, white fur that covered his taut muscles underneath.

Drew heard the Prince chuckled deeply as he felt the other stag's touch wandering lower and lower, "Don't be so shy, Andrew. You're here to pleasure me as much as I'm here to pleasure you. Do what comes naturally."

"A-alright, bro." Drew practically whispered out as he leaned forward and sniffed deeply at the Prince's neck, trailing his nose through the soft fur and letting his potent, intoxicating scent fill his lungs. As he moved forward, he felt the hot, wet length of the Prince's cock rub up against his own impressive tool, drawing a moan from both of them as they gently started to frot them together. The Prince reached down and grabbed a handful of Drew's backside, lightly massaging it with his fingers as he maneuvered his muzzle next to the other stag's, and then without warning, dove in for a kiss. Drew was taken aback by the sudden feeling of a tongue invading his maw, but the fiery pleasure that followed was nearly indescribable as he returned the kiss, eagerly sliding his own tongue against the Prince's well-practiced one.

Kyle watched from a few feet away as his best friend and the Prince began to furious make out, instantly wanting to join them both. But before he could even take a step, his attention was suddenly pulled back to Ivan as the massive bear gave him a kiss of his own. The bison felt his cock jump and twitch between his thighs as the bear made out with him, feeling his hot tongue swirling and sliding against his own. The experience was overwhelming and all Kyle could think to do was to give into the pleasure. Easily returning the kiss, the large bison wrapped his arms around the slightly smaller form of the bear, running his hands down Ivan's broad, muscled back and until he found his fingers brushing over his ass.

"Mmm... there'll be plenty of time for you and I to have fun together, kid," rumbled the big bear as he felt Kyle's fingers tracing over the rim of his hole, teasing it ever so lightly. He glanced over at the Prince who was now leading Drew towards his throne, and looking back at the two of them with an expression of pure lust and need. "But I think the Prince wants you two all to himself tonight. Sound good to you, big guy?"

Kyle couldn't help but thrust his hips lightly against the bear at the thought of what was to come, and he nodded eagerly as his huge bovine member slid hotly against Ivan's, "Absolutely."

Ivan chuckled and leaned forward, giving the bison another kiss before he reached down and took his hand, wrapping his fingers around Kyle's and pulling him towards the other throne himself.

As Kyle and Ivan made their way towards the throne, Kyle was spellbound by the scenery around him. The massive oak tree that the throne was carved into had many of the different leaves of the seasons; green, full leaves for spring on the left, dry but still healthy leaves for summer in the top left, brilliant oranges and reds on the top right, and finally naked branches on the bottom right. It was a wondrous spectacle and the bison could not help, but admire the handiwork as he walked forward.

Ivan and Kyle made their way to the throne, where the bear led the massive bison forward until they stood just off to the right of the wooden structure, watching the two stags through lust-clouded vision. Kyle felt his member throb approvingly as the Prince leaned forward and braced himself against the throne, his tail flicking upwards enticingly as the same devious smile he'd worn before began to spread across his features. Kyle was struck mute when the Prince reached behind him and spread his right cheek with his right hand. He wiggled his rump teasingly at Drew and said, "Come, prepare me for your rutting..."

It was almost as if Drew was on autopilot and kneeled to be face to face with the Prince's hole, the pink muscle winking at him enticingly. Drew could smell the earthy, natural musk from the Prince and his impressive member throbbed between his legs. It was clean, yet natural and the newly transformed stag reached forward to place both of his hands on the Prince's firm yet yielding rump.

Kyle felt a hand trail down to his member and give a couple teasing strokes before patting his ass approvingly. "Go to them. I think your stag may need a little bit more motivation before--"

Ivan's and Kyle's ears flicked when they started to hear the slobbery sounds of Drew's slick tongue sliding across the Prince's taint before making its way cautiously to his hole. Drew recoiled at first at the strong, masculine taste, but then found himself enjoying the unfamiliar flavor the more he lapped at the Prince's star. Next thing the Prince knew, he had a muzzle ramming up against his hole with a tongue nearly worming its way inside of him, causing the demi-god to moan out loud with abandon as Drew's nimble yet inexperienced muscle played around the entrance to his hole.

"Well, or not," Ivan chuckled before giving Kyle another kiss on the lips. "You should prepare Drew."

Kyle was confused with the statement as he looked at Drew's leaned over form. Sweat made the stag's fur glisten in the moonlight and the bison found himself staring at Drew's own rump. The two globes looked to be the perfect combination of muscle and fat and the bison found his own mouth watering at what previously straight male ass would taste like. "What do you mean prepare Drew? I don't know if he's... willing to bottom."

Ivan shook his head and said, "Look, you're both in the middle of an intense heat right now; comparable to the rut, like the Prince said. The transformation sped you two through several mating seasons. You're both full, virile males that are ready to mate. Trust me on the fact that Drew will be begging to be taken by one of us by the end of the night. I saw what you two were about to do before I introduced myself...."

Ivan gave a knowing smirk. "So go prepare him. What he lacks in experience, you'll make up for with talent. And if your kissing is any indication, I think your friend is in for quite a ride tonight."

"And what about you?" Kyle said as he glanced back at the bear, feeling his heart beating faster and faster as their heated arousal swirled around the throne like a heady perfume, "I wouldn't want us to have all the fun."

The bear chuckled as he wrapped a hand around his own shaft and slid it up and down, causing a river of precum to pool around his tip, "Oh, don't you worry about me, kid. The Prince is more than capable of pleasuring me at the same time." With a wink, Ivan stepped towards the two stags, leaving Kyle alone on the side of the throne, watching his best friend thrust his tongue deep into the moaning Prince's spread hole. The Prince pushed back against Drew needfully, his lustful moaning echoing throughout the forest.

That sight alone was enough to cause an intense heat to flow through the bison's entire body, and he suddenly found himself walking towards Drew's bent over form. He towered above the stags for a few moments, watching how eager and addicted his friend had become to the taste of the Prince's hole. He glanced to his right and spotted Ivan, who was on his knees now, leaning forward and kissing the Prince deeply. Kyle looked back down at Drew and sunk to his knees beside him, reaching out with a hand and rubbing behind his friend's ears gently. The stag stiffened at the touch and slowly pulled his muzzle out from behind the Prince, looking up at the bison with a wet, slobbery muzzle.

Kyle placed his hand on Drew's shoulder and leaned in, taking the stag's wet muzzle against his own for a deep, tongue diving kiss. The taste of the Prince's musky, masculine essence was all over the stag's tongue as Kyle brushed his against it, sharing the flavor with his friend as they kissed. After a few more moments, they pulled away from each other, both panting heavily from exertion.

"You taste nice, bro." Kyle said with a smirk as he licked the side of Drew's muzzle, making the stag's slight whiskers twitch as he brushed over them. "Huh. That's something I never thought I'd get to say."

Drew grinned up at the bison, still towering over him even on his knees, "I could say the same thing, bro. Although I never wouldn't thought I'd enjoy eating out someone's ass quite this much either. 'Specially with a dude."

"And you've got quite the talent for it, I must say, Drew," came a lewd reply from the Prince as he looked over his shoulder at the two of them, "And not that I'm getting impatient, but I did quite enjoy what you were doing back there. I have a feeling that my mouth is going to be occupied for a bit though, so whenever you're ready--" he flicked his fluffy tail around and wiggled his ass eagerly, "--I'll be waiting." The Prince turned back and reached up slightly, grabbing onto Ivan's incredibly thick bear cock with his hands before he plunged his muzzled around the tip, drawing a low moan from the bear.

Kyle turned back to Drew and saw his eager, lust-filled eyes looking him up and down. With a smile, he leaned in and kissed the stag again before he pulled back slightly and whispered, "You mind if I uh... get you prepped before the main event, bro?"

Drew paused for a moment, realizing what Kyle meant by "main event" and looked forward at the Prince's star. He gave it a small kiss before sticking his tongue into it to make the Prince give a load moan around Ivan's member. Drew pulled away, a string of saliva connecting his muzzle to the Prince's hole and gave a smirk. "Why the hell not, bro?"

The bison gave a warm smile down at Drew and scratched the bottom of his chin. "Alright....I'll umm...go easy on you since you are new to this and...uhhh...all, okay bro?"

Kyle's concern was heartwarming and Drew found himself relaxing as he watched Kyle shuffle around to his backside. Drew stuck his rump outward, trusting Kyle as the bison brought his hands gently onto his rump. The bison could feel the lean muscle adding a firmness while the fat added a nice jiggle whenever he kneaded the buck's rump. Drew's tail flicked upward and the once straight male dived forward back into the Prince's rump to begin eating it out once again; however, his nerves were still there whispering in his ears as he felt Kyle's warm breath on his tailhole no matter how much lust shot through his system like liquid fire.

The bison gazed at the perfect rump of his best friend as he leaned his muzzle forward, taking in the heady, woodsy scent with his much more sensitive nose. The smell itself was like an aphrodisiac to Kyle, setting his nerves on fire as they tingled with pleasure and anticipation. Tentatively, he pushed forward further until his muzzle was snugly buried between the stag's perfect ass, the simple motion drawing a great shudder and moan from Drew. Kyle smirked to himself and then slowly snaked his tongue out, working the now broader, thicker organ over Drew's musky taint, lapping hard at the sensitive spot which drove more and more shudders from the stag.

Finally, the bison licked his way upwards towards the winking, virgin hole of his best friend. He toyed with the rim of the star, licking every which way he could until his saliva was coating every wrinkle. Licking a bit higher, the bison took hold of the base of Drew's tail and huffed deeply against the sensitive flesh before licking his way back down to his waiting hole. And then without warning, he plunged the tip of his tongue inside, working it further and further into his stag and feeling the tunnel of flesh convulse and twitch around him.

Drew pulled away from the Prince's rump and gave a loud groan as he felt Kyle's flexible appendage wiggle its way inside of him. The sensation was too much for his body to take with the combination of hormones and endorphins pumping through his body and the stag ended up leaning forward until his back was arched and his head was up against the ground. When the Prince wiggled his rump again, Drew managed to pull himself back upward to begin rimming at the Prince's hole once more, working his cervine tongue deep into the crevasse.

The Prince momentarily stopped worshipping Ivan's cock for a moment to look over his shoulder, spotting Kyle's tail flicking excitingly and heard the slurping sounds of the bison eating Drew out enthusiastically. The Prince chuckled before massaging Ivan's sack and then taking the bear to the hilt once again. The bear placed a palm securely on the Prince's head and watched as with desire as his master bobbed up and down along Ivan's member, feeling the stag starting to finger his hole gently while he sucked him off.

As Kyle plunged his tongue back and forth inside Drew's hole, he reached around and placed his hands on his stag's cock, working the thick shaft with one hand and rolling his ample balls around with his others. The sounds Drew was making were incredible, and Kyle never thought that he'd be the one causing them. That simple realization that he was giving Drew so much pleasure sent of jolt of pleasure through him and he redoubled his efforts, eagerly prepping the stag's passage for his own leaking and aching member. The taste of his stag was hot on his tongue like cinnamon, the scent of sex in the air causing all four of them to revel in their own ecstasy.

The bison pulled his tongue out of the stag slowly, gently licking and kissing at the hypersensitive bundle of nerves around the rim of his hole before he gave Drew's cock a few more strokes. The stag was a sweaty mess of lust and exertion and pleasure as he pulled back from the Prince's hole himself and looked back at Kyle standing behind him, his proud bovine cock jutting up from between his thighs and leaking droplets of pre onto his waiting ass. Drew could feel the small, slick drops sliding down his crack and around his newly prepped entrance, his hole twitching eagerly and waiting to be filled.

He turned back around and slowly moved forward until he was leaning fully on the Prince's back, and he began to gently thrust his aching member over his perfect backside, letting the slick skin of his cock tickle and rush past the furred cheeks of the Prince's ass.

The Prince groaned around Ivan's cock, letting the bear push him down onto his member until his nose was brushing up against Ivan's groin. Drew felt arms wrap around his waist and felt a massive weight push in between his own cheeks, his ears folding downward in submission as Kyle rolled his hips to sandwich his maleness in between Drew's cheeks. Drew groaned and let the bison roll his hips against him; the stag's own lusts taking over his actions.The Prince merely pushing back against Drew's wet member approvingly as if giving the buck the right of way to stick it inside the warm confines of his rump.

Ivan looked at Drew and nodded before saying, "Go ahead; he understands your need. Take him as nature intended. Make him yours." The last bit from Ivan came out as more of a bestial growl which made Drew shudder.

Drew felt his heart skip a beat at Ivan's words and looked down at the Prince's dripping, slick hole. He lined up his cock with the entrance and began to roll his hips to slowly push inside of the Prince. The heat was intense along with the tightness that seemed to suck around his member. Drew kept pushing further and deeper into the Prince, his member sinking inside as the tight muscles squeezed around the head and base of his cock. Drew bleated out, the sound a mating call to anyone in the forest that he has just found a willing partner to breed in full.

The hot weight that was pressing at his backside suddenly moved lower until it was pressing up against his own hole, causing the buck to prepare himself as Kyle slowly began to thrust his member ever so gently into him. Drew quickly realized that Ivan's previous statement was not just directed to him, but also to Kyle.

"A-ah...f-fuck me, bro..." Drew cooed softly, his face red under his fur at the remark as he felt the bison's large member fill him as Kyle began to push inside of him. The bison's arms were still wrapped protectively around him and the stag shivered as Kyle's warmth enveloped his body from all sides. Drew could feel every inch of Kyle's maleness push deeper into him and he yelled out when Kyle gave a powerful thrust to hilt inside of him fully. Drew could feel his own balls nestled up against the Prince's while Kyle's larger, fuller orbs kissed his own.

Tail thrashing excitedly behind him, Kyle shuddered and pulled his hips back slightly, feeling the impossibly tight hole around his cock slip around his aching member, the flared tip catching the rim of Drew's hole before he thrust back in and buried himself to the hilt. He gasped out as a wave of sensation and pleasure rolled through him, though it sounded less like a gasp and more like a beasital growl as his large tongue flicked out of his muzzle. Underneath him, Drew's passage was clenching and tightening rapidly around his member with each movement, and the smaller stag was being wracked with pleasures of his own while the Prince's hole did the same to his cock.

Drew had never known the feeling of having another man inside of himself, let alone that man being his best friend. But to feel his bison's cock plunging in and out of his body while he was matching pace with him as he did the same to the Prince was unlike anything he could have ever imagined. The duel pleasure of having a cock impaling him while fucking someone else was nothing short of incredible and he never wanted the the experience to end, letting himself become lost in the reverie.

In front of the Prince, Ivan looked past the stag that was sucking him off so perfectly and watched his two new charges fucking. They were beautiful additions to the forest, and he knew that the Prince had chosen well. He gasped as the stag beneath him swirled his tongue over his cocktip at the same time he thrust two fingers deep into his ass, and then he grinned and thrust hard into the Prince's maw, his full balls swinging freely as he felt his orgasm fast approaching.

Drew was thrusting harder into the Prince. As his speed increased, so did the tingling in his groin to release his pent up load. Everything was screaming at him to breed the Prince harder and faster and Drew felt his resolve slipping. With each thrust into the Prince, Drew found himself pushing back against Kyle to feel himself speared onto the bison's massive member. Drew could feel everything; from the flare all the way down to the bison's balls slapping against his own. The sound of his lover's member plunging itself back inside him made him quiver with lust as he continued to thrust inside the Prince.

Kyle was fighting a losing battle with his own arousal, knowing that he was close to exploding with his seed as he continued to fuck Drew's ass harder and harder. For the first time, he truly felt like an animal, wild and beastial and inhumanly powerful. His breath came harder as his hips crashed against Drew's backside over and over again which made the buck's rump jiggle with each slap of the bison's hips. His tail continued to whip around behind him uncontrollably and he couldn't help but reach forward and grab onto Drew's antlers with both hands as he felt his balls churning excitedly with his seed, nearly ready to release.

Drew felt hands wrap around his antlers and pull back slightly, causing him to arch his back and changing the angle of Kyle's thrusting member. Instantly, a rocket of pleasure pulsed through his entire body as the bison speared his prostate over and over and over again, rapidly hitting his never before touched g-spot and driving him over the edge.

"F-fuck, bro!" Drew said as he grunted and pushed back against Kyle more than he thrusted against the Prince. "I'm...I'm cumming!"

Kyle gave a feral snarl in response before leaning over his mate and began giving long and deep thrusts while still holding onto Drew's antlers as Drew sprayed jet after jet of warm, thick seed into the Prince below him. The Prince moaned in delight around Ivan's member, his own cock throbbing upward to slap against his chest as he shot his release. Streams of pearly white jizz flew out of the stag's member and painted the throne and the Prince moaned happily as Drew grit his teeth and plunged himself all way into the Prince's tight hole to deposit his load.

Kyle grabbed Drew's hips and roughly thrusted himself forward to make sure he was hilted fully inside Drew before giving a loud roar. Drew felt wave after wave of fresh bison seed fill up his rump and as he continued to cum into the Prince, and he could even feel his load leaking out of the other stag's hole, some of it splattering against his groin. As Kyle's orgasm wracked his body, the bison felt the same sensation; the overflow of his seed pooling inside of Drew before splattering against his groin. Ivan chuckled from above and stated with a harsh grunt, "Mmm, yeah. Fill up your mates."

Kyle's flared head of his cock stretched him further and Drew felt as if he was being claimed by the bison as he thrusted against him again and again while he was still cumming. With each thrust, Drew's own cock jumped inside of the Prince and sprayed a fresh string of cum inside the Prince's tight hole.

Ivan's thrusting sped up to match Drew's and a few moments later, he was cumming too, shooting blast after blast of his thick seed down his master's throat. The Prince relished the taste of his guardian's essence and easily swallowed the first few waves before he suddenly pulled off the thick bear cock and grabbed onto the spurting member himself. Opening his muzzle and letting his already cum-covered tongue hang out while his bear shot the rest of his load all over his muzzle, coating his soft fur with the warm juices. Ivan grasped the Prince's right antler and gently nudged the Prince towards his member to rub his messy cock against the Prince's cheeks with a low, pleased rumble.

Behind Drew, Kyle was still thrusting softly into the now well-used hole of his mate, feeling his cock pushing his cum further and further into Drew's tunnel, loving the hot tingling feeling his movements were causing. The dirty, messy squelching sound that followed made the buck's ears twitch and the warm heat that followed through his body made the deer achingly hard once again. Drew himself was laying on top of the Prince's strong back, snaking kisses across his sweaty fur while he reached under him with one hand and grabbed his still leaking dick and stroked a few more spurts of cum out of it. He gently thrusted into the other stag, following Kyle's thrusts into his own hole, their passion dying down slightly, at least for the moment.

Finally, the bison managed to slowly pull out of his mate's rear with a slight pop as his flared tip finally exited. Kyle looked down with half-lidded eyes at the cum coated hole he'd just been in and before he could even think, he leaned down and pressed his muzzle into it, lapping up his own spent seed and cleaning his mate at the same time. His broad, thick tongue flowed over Drew's abused hole lovingly, and the taste of his own cum was unlike anything he'd ever tasted before; fresh and earthy, with a salty aftertaste.

"Mmm, fuck wrecked me, bro..." Drew said with a groan as he stayed hilted in the Prince and wiggled his hips to feel the thick tongue still lapping up his cum. Drew slowly began to pull him out of the Prince, his still erect member moving out of the Prince's hole with a messy pop. The Prince chuckled and shook his rump saying, "Speak for yourself. Mmm, such a hot fuck and the night isn't even over."

The stag moaned as he reached forward to spread the Prince's cheeks to see his handiwork. Streaks of cum was all around the Prince's hole and Drew merely admired his thorough breeding as Kyle continued to lap at his hole. Drew pushed back against Kyle, his rump almost completely covering the bison's face as the cool saliva soothed Drew's rear. Ivan looked out at the two and began to stroke his cum and spit covered cock as he walked over towards Kyle and kneeled to his side. The bear reached forward to knead at the bison's rump, his spit covered fingers teasing the outside of the bison's hole.

Kyle took a long breath before moving away from Drew's entrance, licking his cum-covered lips and reaching down to fondle his balls. "I'm still hard, dude..." Kyle looked over to Drew to see him moving away and towards the Prince who sat on the throne with his legs spread wide and cum spotting his face. His erection stood upward proudly and he stroked himself with abandon as Drew walked forward almost in a trance and kneeled down to begin to worship the Prince's jewels. Drew's rump was still covered in cum and saliva, but it did not seem that the stag cared. Neither did the Prince when he beckoned Drew to stand and stuck two fingers deep into Drew's entrance, his digits sliding in with ease. There was a squelching as the Prince pushed some of Kyle's cum around his fingers and it dribbled down from Drew's entrance.

Ivan chuckled at the two before looking at Kyle and kneeling down in front of the bison, his own erection pulsing and throbbing in front of the bison's muzzle. "Then let's continue..." Ivan said with a grin, his eyes mischievously twinkling.

Kyle looked up and watched as the Prince kissed his mate once more, then looked down at Ivan's fully erect member bobbing before his muzzle.

"Yeah, bro. Let's fuckin' go."


The university was abuzz with activity are students and administrators walked from building to building across the wide quad of the campus, most heading to classes or their dormitories, all while the bright autumn sun shone down on them from up high.

But to Kyle and Drew, the place seemed incredibly different than when they'd last seen it. Of course, back then, they'd only been human. Now, their senses had been super charged and everything seemed more real to them somehow. The smells of every person who passed them both as they sat on one of the benches at the north end of the quad told them stories--what they had to eat for lunch, if they'd recently been to the gym, who they were fucking--it all read like a book to them now, without either of them having to do anything other than sniff. Their sight was similarly enhanced, both of them now able to make out details with clarity they'd never imaged before as they looked out at the rest of the quad.

"You think we'll find anyone here that's ready for the Prince, babe?" Kyle asked softly as he felt Drew tilt his head onto his broad shoulder. He leaned over slightly and pressed his lips to the top of his mate's head, already missing the sight of the stag's antlers. The Prince had gifted them both glimours to hide their true forms to the world, much like he had with Ivan, although now, they both slightly resembled their newer forms in terms of height and weight and musculature.

Drew smiled as he toyed with the new necklace he was wearing, brushing his fingers over the tips of the green crystal that hung from the woven leather strap, the gem glowing ever so lightly in the sunlight. "Mmm. I've got a feeling that someone'll come along soon enough. But, in the meantime...."

He raised his head and Kyle turned his in response, both of them leaning forward to meet for a soft kiss, their beards brushing against each other as they tasted the other's lips.

"I know a way we can keep ourselves busy," Drew said with a sly smile.

"Oh really now?" Kyle stated with an equally devilish grin. "In the quad? I don't think that is a very good idea, babe."

Drew chuckled and shook his head. "No, you thick bison. I mean I know of some private rooms in the music hall for practice...put on a recording of music that sounds like someone practicing piano and no one will hear us, bro..."

Kyle shook his head as he felt Drew's index finger trail down his chest and playing with some of the black hair that curled out of the flannel shirt. Drew could smell the musk radiating off of it along with the mix of products that his mate enjoyed putting on his hair. It smelled heavenly in the heat of things.

"You really have turned into a monster for cock ever since the transformation, dude," Kyle said with a chuckle. "But I would be glad to pound your keys."

"That was fucking lame, bro," Drew said with a laugh before pushing Kyle's face playfully away from his. "Now I'm-"

"Hey, uh, where did you guys get those crystals?"

Kyle and Drew stopped fiddling with one another for a moment and looked towards the source of the question. A jock stood tall, his eyes glimmering as they looked over the crystals with interest; flipping back between each of the brilliant colors. The male had dark black hair along with baby blue eyes that shined like a frozen fire. His posture was casual and he wore gym shorts around his hips along with a muscle shirt. Kyle and Drew looked at one another grinning and both of them reached up to their neck to take off their necklaces and hold them in their hands.

"Naturally made, bro. Campgrounds are about an hour away from here. Name's Drew, and this is Kyle. We're presidents of the Camping and Outdoors Club here on campus. If you join, we can totally show you next meetup."

Drew looked over at Kyle with a twinkle in his eyes. It was their fifth bite today and Kyle was already digging through his backpack for a flier. The jock looked a bit surprised at being offered to join a club so quickly and faltered a little bit when Kyle brought out a pen and a flier.

"Oh...uhh...I'm not really interested in...," said the jock, holding up his hands at the offered flier.

Kyle stated quickly, "Oh don't worry. You aren't obligated to join. This is just a signup sheet for people who are interested. You just put your name, campus I.D number, and email. It's just a massive email list, really. No money is required up front. Just ten dollars if you do join for camping stuff so we can go on trips to get crystals."


The jock looked from the crystals to the two charismatic young men who seemed to be radiating with energy. The jock took the pin, tapped his foot for a moment as if pondering something, and then grabbed the flier and put it against the tree. He signed his name as "Mark Yuler", campus I.D, and email before handing it back to Kyle. Kyle put the flier back into his backpack.

"We'll contact you during our next meetup. We are planning to go out to the camp grounds sometime before winter hits. It'll be a good time. Thanks for your interest, Mark," Kyle said with a warm smile.

Mark nodded and the smile seemed to be contagious. "Y-yeah. I've always wanted to get more involved outdoors so..."

"Well, welcome aboard," Drew answered with a smile.

"Yeah, thanks guys. What was your names again?"

"I'm Kyle and this is Drew."

"Alright, well I'll definitely be looking out for your email!" Mark said with a warm smile before he waved goodbye, then turned and walked away, a duffel bag over his shoulder before he took his hand through his hair casually.

"Mmm, did you see his ass in those shorts?" Drew said with a perverted grin as he watched Mark's hips swaying while he walked towards the opposite end of the quad.

"Shit, if he joins us, what do you think he'd be, bro?" Kyle said with an equally sultry smile.

"I'm thinking something... beefy. Like you."

"Oh really now?" Kyle said with a chuckle before wrapping an arm around Drew's shoulder and pulling him close. "Beefier than me?"

"Fuck no, bro," Drew said with a smirk. The two leaned forward and began to kiss once again, their lips softly brushing against one another.

Drew and Kyle both secretly wondered what the others would turn into if they ended joining as they pulled away from one another each with knowing grins on their faces.

On the other side of the quad, practically sitting opposite the two kissing men on the bench across from them, were two other men. There seemed to be a strange, otherworldly air about them, but no one seemed to notice as they set together and watched openly. They gazed proudly at their new charges as the younger couple made out once more, and then watched as they got up and walked slowly away together, their arms around each other's waists.

"I think they're doing quite well, don't you?" asked the Prince, grinning as his eyes followed his most recent conquests down the sidewalk. Next to him, Ivan nodded in agreement and leaned back on their bench, throwing an arm around the slimmer man, looking down at his bright, hunter green eyes.

"I do, indeed, my Prince," said the guardian to his master, playfully twirling his fingers through the other man's long, thick locks of brown hair as they sat together and watched the sun slowly begin to set, knowing that their efforts would soon come to fruition.