Gym Membership

Story by Foreverwolf on SoFurry

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"Come on, come on, come on" Kale chanted to himself as he waited for the light to change. He was late getting to the gym because of a wreck on the freeway. Idiotic people just had to slow to a crawl to get a look at the crash. He had only joined this gym a month or so ago, but he had forced himself to go at least every other day. He had decided to start going after his dad had a heart attack that had landed him a long stay in the hospital. His dad was fine now, but he wasn't getting any younger, and grey had begun to form around his muzzle a few years ago. The shock had motivated Kale into leading a more active life.

Kale enjoyed his morning runs. Yes it was a stereotype for dogs to go for runs, but it really was helping. Those runs and his gym membership were helping him shed some of those pounds he had been meaning to get rid of for a while. He was a yellow lab with dark brown eyes in his late twenties, and in pretty good condition for the amount of junk food consumed.

The light finally turned green. He was cutting it close, as it was he would not have more than ten minutes to work out unless someone else was staying late. Kale found an empty parking spot right outside. He ran inside, glad that they had not locked up early. There was no one at the front desk, but he payed no attention to that as he used his membership card to open the door to the locker rooms.

He opened his usual locker in the back and shoved his stuff inside before getting undressed. Kale was just pulling up his shorts when the lights went out. "Fuck!" He cursed as he shut the locker and moved toward the door. He peered out into the hallway there were no lights on toward the front entrance, but he could see a faint light coming from one of the workout rooms. Good, someone was staying late. Maybe he could convince them to let him stay as well.

Moving quietly as he could so as not to disturb whoever was in the room Kale opened the door and stepped inside. He could instantly smell everyone who had worked out in there today, but overpowering the older scents was a musk that Kale had never encountered before. It was mostly canine, but with a odd twist to it. No matter how hard he thought he could not fathom what the could be, but from the freshness of it, and the lack of other fresh scents, it had to be coming from the one on the weights over in the corner. Going over to get a better look he saw a white wolf with his eyes closed in concentration while he lifted the weighted bar while laying on the bench. Kale could not place what the scent was, the wolf looked pretty normal. Except, Kale thought with a flush, that he was completely naked.

The wolf had a nice body, he was not overly muscled, but he was slim with a six-pack under the pure white fur covering his body. Kale had to turn his head before his gaze traveled much lower. "Need something?" he turned his head to see the wolf staring at him, now straddling the bench between his legs.

"I was late getting in and I was wondering if I could stay since you're here" Kale said before he got a good look at the strange wolf's eyes. Kale's own eyes widened a little when he saw the color of the wolf's eyes, or lack of color. His eyes were as while as the rest of him, except for the pupils which were the normal black, but they were slitted like a cat's. No cat, however, ever had white eyes.

The wolf looked amused when he saw Kale's reaction. "Still want to stay?" he asked, fully expecting him to make some excuse to leave. Not many liked being around him after they saw his eyes.

"Of course" Kale said quickly, "Just..." He wondered if it would be rude to ask.

The wolf laughed before saying, "go ahead and ask."

"What is that scent?"

"Scent? That's not what people usually ask first, but they both have the same answer. My great great, many times great, grandfather was a white dragon." Now the hurried excuses followed by the quick exit would come.

"Oh, my name is Kale." The lab extended his paw toward the wolf-dragon.

The wolf looked surprised before tentatively extending his own paw to shake hands with Kale. "I'm Ty."

"So why are you here so late?" Kale asked.

"It's more comfortable with less people around. Not many people are comfortable around me." Ty looked down a bit as he said this.

"People can't seriously believe that crap about dragons being evil can they?" Kale sighed before continuing. "That's ridiculous, not only is the prejudice stupid, but you are only how small a part dragon? Though that is what happens when there is that small a population, people don't get used to them so they don't understand them." Looking back with a small smile on his face he said, "though it looks to be more comfortable in another way too. Don't work up as much of a sweat without clothes on huh? Should have thought of that myself, would have saved me so much trouble on laundry day."

"Oh right, I can go put on some clothes if you want." Ty said shyly. Inwardly he was happy, there was finally another person who would not hate him because of his ancestry. Looking up at the dog to look him over for the first time he liked what he saw. Kale did not have as toned a body as Ty, but he was on his way to proper fitness. Ty felt better when he saw that Kale was minus a few articles of clothing as well, he only wore a pair of white shorts.

"It's okay, I don't mind. Although if you don't mind I'd like to try how much easier it is without clothing." Kale hoped he would be fine with it.

Ty barely suppressed a grin as he thought of working out side-by-side with Kale, minus the clothing restricting his view. "Of course, go ahead. I already locked up, so no one else should be walking in."

Kale tossed his shorts over by the door before he started up the stair-master. Glancing every once in a while over at Ty who had moved onto a nearby treadmill. Kale had to keep reminding himself that he wasn't wearing anything, it would be awkward if he gave in to the fantasies playing in his head and let his member out as he watched that tail swaying in front of him.

Ty was glad there were floor to ceiling mirrors in front of the room, he could distract himself with what was bouncing along behind him. He was aware of Kale's frequent glances over at him, and he hoped he could read him well enough to see the interest there correctly.

After they were both out of breath and panting against a wall, Ty suggested that they go cool of in the pool. Kale agreed quickly and followed Ty down to the swimming room.

After a few minutes of floating around to rest Kale swam over to Ty to talk to him. "How long have you been working out here?"

Ty looked up from floating on his back to answer. "Long enough that the owners trust me to lock up when I'm done," He joked. "What about you?"

"Just a month or so, my dad had a health scare and it woke me up to how sedentary my own life was. I'm not able to come in as much as I would like though. By the time I get off work I only have an hour to work out before this place closes. And this gym stay open longer then any others in town." Kale said.

Ty barely had to consider it before he offered, "I'm in here almost everyday after hours. You can come in with me when I'm in." Ty would be happy to have someone to talk to that did not mind his ancestry while he exercised. Especially this one.

All alone with such a hot wolf-dragon that liked to work out naked? This was getting better and better! Kale could not keep the grin off his face as he answered, "Thank you! That would be great! Even with everyone around, there are to many people around to actually talk to someone. You get better company around less people."

"Right, but this pool is getting cold. We should get into the hot tub, they know I like to rest in one after so they leave one on. I just have to shut it off before we leave." Ty said.

"That sounds great!" Kale said as he began to head toward the stairs with Ty close behind.

As they left the pool the cold air hit them, causing them to hurry over to the hot tubs. Ty saw the wet spot just before Kale reached it and tried to warn him, "watch out for..." It was too late, Kale hit the wet spot on the floor and his feet flew out from under him. His head fell back and banged into Ty's knees, knocking him on top of Kale. They found out the hard way that Kale was slightly taller in torso than Ty. As Kale's head hit the floor his mouth fell open letting in Ty's furry sac. Kale was greatly enjoying this new development, even though he could feel a bump forming on his skull.

Ty's head however was buried in Kale's groin fur, proving that he was slightly shorter. He took a deep breath in to get all the musk he could before they had to get up. After drawing in as much of the wonderful scent as he could he realized where his balls were currently residing. Ty felt a tongue playing lightly along his sac.

Kale was about to stop himself when he felt something warm and insistent prodding his chest. It was then that he realized that instead of moving to get off him, Ty was pressing his muzzle deeper into his groin fur. Kale began to suckle and caress with his mouth in earnest, coating Ty's sac in saliva.

Ty cried out in pleasure as Kale's experienced mouth massaged his flesh. "Wait, stop!" He said before his mind was to lost in the ministrations of the dog's tongue.

Kale pulled back confused, his own saliva dripping onto his muzzle from the furry white sac above him. "What's wrong?"

"Let's move this to the hot tub so I can help you too" Ty said with a grin. "Anyway, I've always wanted to try it in a hot tub."

Kale grinned himself as Ty got up and he got a full view of his exposed member. It was large, larger than most wolves' cocks could become. He thanked his lucky stars that he found someone with dragon's blood running through their veins. They moved over to the steaming pool and sunk happily in. Kale laid back for a moment to let his still sore head be helped by the hot water loosening his muscles.

They both had completely different reactions to the warmth in regards to readiness. Kale grew to almost his full thickness under the gentle currents, while the heat made Ty's shaft retreat back into hiding. Noticing this Kale said to Ty, "can we try something?" He moved over to the wolf when he made no attempt to object. Angling his shaft correctly, Kale opened up Ty's sheath under the water and pushed gently in. They groaned together as they felt the new pressure against their cocks. Neither of them had tried this before, but were obviously enjoying it as they ground their hips together to force the shaft farther in as Ty's own grew larger. There was quickly very little room to maneuver inside the furry sheath, but Kale was almost completely enveloped already. They moved together, rubbing their cocks together inside the sheath.

Kale through his head back and howled as his seed was released into Ty. They were able to move faster as Kale's member throbbed its orgasm against Ty's, semen acting as a lubricant inside the sheath. Kale pulled out and turned around to press himself up against Ty. "Now you do me," he said, lifting his tail to give better access.

"Are you sure? The water washes away all lubricant, so it might hurt." Ty so wanted this, but he also did not want to hurt one of the only people willing to accept him.

"But the warm water works wonders in loosening muscles, I'll be fine." Kale assured him as he began to press harder against Ty's erection.

Ty took his word for it and began to push his way into Kale's tail-hole. Kale was right, the water had loosened his insides just enough for Ty to make his way in. Ty drew Kale back to sit on one of the underwater ledges. This gave Kale more control over the speed of entry, and made it possible to go deeper then if they were standing. Before long Kale was sitting directly upon Ty's knot, pushing himself harder and harder against the warm cock until, with a little help from the pre-cum flowing out of the phallus inside him lubing him slightly before it was washed away, the knot slipped in. Ty bucked harder into Kale as his opening enveloped him entirely.

Kale had never felt so completely filled, it caused him to lose his control and have another orgasm. As he pumped his warm fluids out, his muscles contracted against the intruder in his tail-hole.

Ty bit down onto Kale's shoulder as the tightened muscles milked his own seed into Kale. Kale gasped as he felt the seed pour into him, filling him more and more until every blast, accompanied by a thrust from the cock residing in him, gave him another mini-orgasm.

They were exhuasted when the bliss finally ended, so exhuasted that they could not move to disconnect themselves. They sat there panting in the water as they waited to regain their energy. Eventually Ty's shaft slipped out from inside Kale to return to its resting place. "We really should get up before we pass out from the steam" Ty said regretfully.

"You're right, and a cold shower right now is just what we need. Though I hope they have a good filter on this hot tub" Kale replied.

"Don't worry, they do. I'll turn the heat off but leave the filter on, by morning everything will be back to normal" Ty said.

They hit the showers, and Kale was certain that he would be fit in no time. He had a good motivator to go to the gym.