Tails of Perverted Youth III
#3 of Tails of Perverted Youth
Title: Tails Of Perverted Youth III
Copyright laws protect all characters and material used in
this story. No portion of this or any following stories may
be copied, reproduced or used by anyone in any way without
the author's written permission.
This story is intended for adult viewing only. You must be
of legal age to look at this material. If you are not an
adult, or if material of an adult nature offends you, do not
read any further. It is up to you to be aware of your local
laws concerning the viewing of this material. This story
concerns acts of a sexual nature between underage (to us)
fictitious beings and characters, which as far as I know, do
not exist in the real world, as we know it.
Main characters at start:
Wer-a gray wolf, light color, 14 years old.
Arru---a gray wolf, darker color, 13 years old.
Sim---a golden colored lion with a darker mane, 15 years
Kye---an orange and black-stripped tiger, 14 years old.
New characters added chapter II:
Ho-a black panther, solid black color, 13 years old.
Giy---a white Siberian tiger, white with black stripes, 14
years old.
New characters added chapter III:
Murr---a black wolf, 14 years old.
Ruff---a brown lion, smaller, 14 years old.
Sunday morning:
At breakfast we discussed what to do and came up with a
plan. We wanted to stay together as best as possible, and
would have to consider two new members. Now we would be on
the hunt. After breakfast, we went to our rooms and talked
about our problem in more detail. We had to be careful, and
we had to talk with the dorm admin to be sure what we could
arrange. Sim went to talk to the dorm admin about two rooms
in a row for us in two groups of four.
The dormitory administrator told Sim that we could have the
two rooms as we were now, but we would have to be at least
three to a room now, and get a fourth in each room as soon
as possible. He was a pretty good old cheetah that was easy
to get along with. He didn't care what anyone did, as long
as there was no trouble in his dorm area. But he did have
his paperwork to keep in order, and we would have to follow
the rules.
The rooms were large and four fit comfortably in each when
the bunk beds were put in and the extra bookcases were taken
out. We only used one in each room anyway, so the other one
was no loss or inconvenience. The bunk beds were a little
wider than the old single beds and more comfortable. Two
fursons could cuddle very nicely together without crowding,
even when sleeping with the other. Behind the bookcases, we
found pass doors between the rooms. We never knew they were
there before. There were keys in both sides of the locks so
the doors could not be opened without the other furson's
permission, so we locked our rooms off from the others, and
opened the doors between our rooms only. This was like
having a really large room to ourselves. Also, the rooms on
either side of ours were empty yet and we had no neighbors
on the other sides of us, either Sim's or our room.
Ho, Arru, and I went to the pool to look around for likely
candidates. There were a lot of them. We had to find the
right ones. I spotted one I thought would be likely, a nice
looking wolf about our age and black as coal. He had a very
good-looking figure; lean, smooth, and well proportioned in
the right places under his trunks. He could swim
beautifully, with grace and style. As he was resting on the
side of the pool, I swam over to him and introduced myself
as Wer. He was a little timid at first and was wary for some
reason, as though I was going to give him some trouble.
After a few minutes of talking, he calmed down and we were
able to talk normally. He had just transferred into this
school from another, and was looking for a room mate and
make some friends. He was in a temporary room alone for now,
so he was having trouble getting acquainted with others. I
assured him that I would like to be his friend and had other
friends that would be happy to make his acquaintance and
possibly find him a roomie. He liked that and asked when he
might meet us for a get together.
I said, "How about lunch, we usually meet and eat at one
table, and you would be welcome to meet us there, and decide
if you would like us, and go on from there."
"That sounds real good to me, if your friends wouldn't
mind," he said.
I said, "I am sure that they will be happy to meet you, by
the way, what is your name, if you don't mind my asking?"
"My name is Murr," he said.
I swam back to the others, and told them about my
conversation with the black wolf. It was agreed that I
handled that well and we would see what happens at lunch.
We followed him to the locker room after swimming, and
carefully watched from a distance as he changed from trunks
to clothes. He was semi erect as we watched, and this gave
us the idea he might fit our needs. We all headed for lunch.
And he sat at a table near ours, but alone. He seemed down,
and maybe lost for company. The others went on to our table,
and I approached him and asked if he were alone, would he
like to join us at our table for lunch. He said he was
sorry, that he was so used to eating alone he forgot the
invitation to be with us, and hurried right over with me to
our table. Sim asked if he had eaten already, and he jumped
up and said, "No, I'll be right back," and ran to the line
to get his lunch and returned to us right away.
As he sat down, he said, "I'm sorry, I forgot your
invitation, I had something on my mind, and it distracted me
from what I was doing. It shouldn't happen again." He
appeared scared of something. We asked if there was anything
we could help him with, to make him feel better, and he
replied that he didn't think there was anything anyone could
do to help. We said that there was always something that
could be done among friends, and we would like to be his
friends, and help in some way if possible. He appeared to be
very moved by this show of concern, and asked if we would
keep a secret if he asked us to.
I said, "Of course, secrets can always be kept between
friends, and we will share some of ours with you if you will
share with us. We have a few of our own that we can let you
in on, but no one outside our group must ever know. Is that
all right with you? But you must decide if you want to be a
member of our group. We can still be friends if you don't
want to join, but the secrets part is up to you."
"Well, I don't want to say anything about it down here in
the lunchroom, where someone might overhear, is there
someplace we can go to talk privately?" Murr asked.
Sim said, "Sure, up in our rooms, we can say anything
without interruption, and no one will be wiser."
We were finished eating then, and we told him where our
rooms were. He said he would meet us shortly upstairs. We
all went our separate ways, and after a while in Sim and
Kye's room, there was a knock on the door and there was
Murr, dressed in jeans and shirt, and his fur looking fine
and glossy. He apologized again for bothering us, and we
told him that there was no need for apology among friends.
Sim invited Murr inside, and the door closed, Murr began to
pour out his problem to us.
It took us completely by surprise that he admitted to liking
to be with other male furs and watching them in the showers
and changing in the locker rooms. He felt ashamed to admit
this to us, and he asked if we still wanted him as a friend.
"Of course," we said, "You're not alone you know. Anyone
that says they don't do this is a liar. Everyone does it
sometime, just some of us do it all the time, and now you
are not alone by yourself. You are with us, and can do all
you want. This is what we want for you to keep secret from
others for the same reasons you did."
This really took Murr by surprise as he said, "You mean that
you do the same things, and I can really be with your group?
I felt so miserable being alone all this time and afraid of
being caught and getting beaten by someone or thrown out of
school." Murr was deeply moved, as were all of us in sharing
these feelings. I wondered how many others were in the same
predicament as Murr. I am sure there are a lot in the same
situation that will never admit to what we consider
acceptable behavior. That is, that we all do it at one time
or another.
Then Sim said, "Well since we admit to our feelings so
openly, we come to the final decision. Murr, do you wish to
join our group for sure and participate in some of our
activities? These will include more than just taking a look
at each other. There will be physical contact, but no harm,
only pleasure. You decide if you want to, or not, and no one
will force you one way or another. We have a lot of fun, and
you are invited. Do you accept, and want to join in? If not,
we will still be friends and keep your secret."
"Yes," Murr said, "I would like to remain in your group and
take part in the fun. But what will I do for a roomie? I
still am only in a temporary room."
I said, "That is settled, you can move in with Arru and I
today, if you wish. It is all arranged. Ho, Sim, Giy and Kye
will be in this room, we will be next door. Is that all
right with you? Also, the connecting door will always be
open and we can pass freely between the rooms without going
into the hallway and being seen by others. And, you can look
at all you please and no one will worry about it."
"I will sure like that," said Murr. "I will bring my stuff
right away." And he left to get his things while we got
everything ready in the rooms for him.
Now we needed only one more furson for our group to be
complete. For now that is.
When Murr returned, we got his stuff settled in Arru's room
and mine, and asked Murr to join with us in Sim and the
others room. We only had to walk through a door, which we
kept open anyway. When we were all together, Sim did the
honors by asking once more if Murr really wanted to join us,
and Murr said yes.
"Ok," Sim said, "Now we all strip down, all of us together."
Murr looked flustered at first, then smiled a little, as
though it might be a joke about him. We told him it was no
joke and that this is what we were all about in our group.
He seemed hesitant, and we assured him it would be all right
if he just wanted to watch at first, until he got used to us
together this way.
Murr said, "Are you sure you want to let me see you this
way? This is not a joke, is it?"
"No, no joke. This is the way we will act when guests are
not present, or except outside the rooms, where we always
dress normally." We said among us.
So, we all stripped and Murr did too. He was fully erect as
he took off his jeans, and we could see he was ready to join
in the fun. I asked if he had any prior experience with
anyone other than a quick look at times, and he said that
was the only thing he had ever done before. He didn't know
what to do now that he was as naked as the rest of us. We
didn't laugh, or make any fun of him because of this. We all
were at this point at one time in the past, and we knew the
feeling. I said that Arru and I would be glad to get him
acquainted with the various routines and let him know what
to expect as we did. Sim, Ho, Kye, and Giy also said they
would be ready to help in any way they could. Murr said Ok,
and what should he do first.
I took Murr to one of the beds, which were larger than
before, and Arru came over too. We three lay down together
with Murr in the middle. With our bodies pressed close, it
was quite pleasant. We would initiate Murr into some great
feelings as time went by. We started by stroking his fur, me
at the front, and Arru at the back. Murr was shivering as we
gently ran our paws through the sleek smooth fur on his
body. I began to lick his muzzle, and he settled down and
licked me back. I was expecting Murr to shoot off right away
since he had not had this treatment before. Murr held off
though and we continued to groom him until I was fully
erect, and Arru was too. We wanted to go slow at first so as
not to frighten Murr. He took to our actions very well,
growling softly with pleasure. Soon he was giving a little
howl as I got to licking him on the throat and chest fur.
Arru was working on down his back and was down to his hips.
I was catching up as I went to Murr's sheath, and tasted his
member near the base. He had a musky scent, but sweet, and
his member had a slight salty flavor to it as I ran my
tongue around it. His knot was formed, and he was now
growing more excited with the attention I was giving his
dick. I was licking him more and more as Arru was getting to
his tailhole. Murr was grunting and groaning by this time
and his member was beginning to twitch and he was leaking
some juice. He gave a strong push and was shooting his
juices into my muzzle and I was eagerly lapping it up as he
held on to me with his paws. He hugged me tightly as he
shot, and whined with pleasure, which made me feel good,
knowing I was the first to do this for him. I was shooting
my juices too as he did. Arru was shooting off behind and
getting it on the covers as he didn't want to shock Murr by
entering him too soon. Arru was holding him by the hips as
his tongue was still working on his tailhole. Murr was
shaking and squirming as he shot off, and it was all we
could do to keep him on the bed. We held Murr tightly until
he calmed down and as we lay there in the bed, Murr thanked
us both for the greatest feeling he had ever had in his
life. He seemed eager to find out more as we rested, and was
asking questions at a fast rate. He wanted to know, all at
once, what we had learned over a period of months. We told
him there was more to come and he would find even better
things out in the near future. We cuddled for a while and
then explained some things to him so he would be prepared
for the next time. I didn't want him to panic as I had in
the past, and Arru felt the same. Arru explained what the
knot did, and how, and why. He also warned Murr that it
could hurt at first, so we would be careful how we
introduced him to it. Murr was surprised by all this
information, and was pleased that we were considerate enough
to warn him beforehand so he was not taken by surprise, and
might think we were hurting him for fun. I also told him
about shooting off and what to expect when the juices flowed
into his muzzle. He had the choice to stop, or lick it up as
he wished. No one would be offended if he didn't want it. To
each his own. Murr said he would try anything at least once,
and what would we do next. He was getting hot now, and
wanted more fun.
Arru suggested a three-way between us, with Murr and I, and
Arru coming in the rear. Arru said he would do it easy and
gentle to Murr and explained it so Murr would not be scared.
He told Murr to just relax as he entered, and it would not
hurt, except for a little discomfort at first, but it would
pass, and feel good. Murr agreed and we lay down again with
Murr and I head to sheath and Arru at the rear. Murr and I
were lapping at each other's sheaths and as our shafts
emerged, we both were whining softly, and Arru was working
on Murr's tailhole with his tongue. Soon, we were all fully
erect and as Murr and I were licking each other's shafts
from the knot to the tips, Arru was slicking Murr's hole
with the cream and working his finger inside for the first
time. Murr was definitely enjoying this as he whined and
softly growled in pleasure. I was running my paws through
his fur as he was doing to mine and keeping him relaxed.
When Arru had two fingers worked all the way up Murr's hole,
he asked if he was ready for him to enter, and Murr said,
"Yes, yes, I want you to do it." Murr was quite excited at
the thought of being entered. I was keeping him busy in
front with my sucking and lapping with my tongue wrapped
around his dick. Murr was doing the same for me, as I was
getting fully aroused by now too.
Arru had his paws around Murr's hips, holding him still as
he was thrusting gently in and out, and I was working Murr's
dick in my muzzle. Arru said he was about to shoot, as Murr
did shoot in my muzzle and I shot off in his. Arru went also
at the same time when Murr's muscle clamped on Arru's dick
as he shot off. Arru filled Murr's hole with his juices. I
was sucking Murr dry. I found the taste sweet and slightly
musky, but good. Murr gurgled at first, and then I felt him
swallowing and sucking harder. Arru asked if everything was
all right, and Murr just growled softly, so I guess it was.
When we were done this time, we cleaned each other up and
Murr asked if he could try mounting Arru or me. We agreed it
would be Arru first, and Arru told Murr that he could give
him the knot to feel what it was like. I would stand by if
there were any problem.
Arru got on his paws and knees with his rear in the air, and
Murr was licking at his tailhole right away. He was quick on
the lessons and soon asked for some cream, but Arru said he
didn't need it and Murr could come right in as he wanted.
Murr was good sized, and as he put the tip into Arru, Arru
gave a grunt, but said to go ahead. Murr went a little
further in and Arru whined and growled softly. Murr then
pushed more deeply and soon was in fully except for the
knot. I told him to reach around Arru and grasp his member
with his paws and stroke him as he was thrusting in and out.
Murr did this and was smiling broadly as he did. This was
the first time Murr was actually touching another this way,
and able to enjoy it without any fears. Murr soon said he
was about to shoot, and Arru said to push the knot all the
way in, so Murr pushed a few times more and as the knot slid
inside, he shot off and Arru did too. Now they were tied and
both had to lie down on their sides until the knot shrank.
Murr realized this from our warnings, and I helped them get
comfortable, Arru cuddled up in Murr's paws. As I did this,
I shot off from the pleasure of watching and holding their
bodies as they got in position. We all rested for a while
until his knot shrank and popped out. We cleaned up the mess
we made and got ready for the next time. Now my turn would
come next. I wanted to feel that black wolf's dick in my
rear too.
After resting, I asked if Murr wanted to try me out, and he
readily agreed to it. I got into position and after the
preliminary licking; he was ready to enter me. He placed the
tip into my hole and I moved back a little to encourage him.
He thrust forward and I was pleased to find him inside fast
with no pain, just pure pleasure at feeling full of him. He
thrusted vigorously and yet gently, giving me a thorough
massage inside my hole. He grasped my dick in his paws and
stroked gently too. This was so good; I felt tingling all
over my body. He was learning fast for someone who never did
this before today. Arru was hovering around us watching and
giving him some advice at times, and pawing himself off at
the same time. I know Arru wanted to get into Murr's rear
soon. Murr asked if I wanted his knot, and I told him "Yes."
And as he gave a few more thrusts, I started to shoot, and
the knot went in and I felt his juices spurting inside my
hole as I shot off my load. He felt warm and pleasant inside
me, and we lay slowly on our sides with Murr cuddling me in
his paws like a cub. He was so gentle and soft as we lay in
each other's paws. I think we had found another brother for
Arru and me. After we rested and Murr cleaned my tailhole
and my juice from his paws, he said I tasted good. Now it
would be my turn at Murr's tail.
Murr got on the bed on his paws and knees, and I got behind
him Arru was going to work on Murr from the front side while
I was busy at the rear. Murr was going to work on Arru at
the same time as I did at first. As Murr and Arru were
licking their sheaths, I worked at slicking Murr's hole with
my fingers. Soon I had two in his hole up to the hilt and he
was ready to receive me. His muzzle was full of Arru, so I
just pushed gently inside a little at a time. I soon was all
the way in and working gently in and out, and rubbing his
fur along his back. He was growling gently and whining as I
was doing this for him. He was starting to climax with Arru,
and I was getting my member squeezed by his muscles. I
started to shoot, but held off giving him the knot so as not
to hurt him. He had no experience with the knot yet. After
we all came, we lay together, cuddling and resting. It was
near suppertime, and we needed something to eat after this
activity all afternoon. We all got cleaned up ready to go
down for supper. There was always the evening.
It was time now, and we went down for supper. At the table,
there was a noticeable change in Murr. He was a lot more
open and talkative than before. He was having a lot of fun
with us. And he no longer had that sad look of being alone.
Now he was with friends and those who would always be loyal,
no matter what. We were all acting as a family. We all felt
at ease within the group, and confident anywhere else. This
was the difference between night and day for Murr, and the
rest of us. But we would need one more furson to fill out
our group for the rooms, or we might have to accept one who
we didn't know about. We wanted to be the ones to make that
choice. We discussed this among ourselves as we ate, and
figured we would watch in Phys Ed class, swimming, and the
showers and locker rooms. Somehow, we would find the right
one. It worked out before, and maybe it would work again.
Little did we know how, or how soon?
After supper, we went back upstairs to our rooms and relaxed
a while deciding how to pair off for the evening. Murr was
anxious as to who would want him. We reminded him that he
was free to choose whoever he wanted, or no one as he
wished. There were no claims or hurt feelings about who did
what or not with whoever. We all wanted to play with Murr,
but we wanted him to make his own choices for now, until he
felt more at ease in the group. Then, I am sure he would be
more open with requests, or for requests.
Murr asked, "Ho, would you partner with me? I never got a
good look at a feline before, and you look so good, I hope
you don't mind my asking you?"
Ho said, "Murr, I would be happy to play with you this
evening. I liked the way you went with Arru and Wer this
afternoon. You were very handsome to look at and you seemed
to like what you did together, I was impressed with your
actions. I do want to warn you that I have barbs on my
shaft, and they will spread out as I shoot, but they are not
sharp, and if you don't want to keep me in you, I won't feel
bad about it. It takes some getting used to. I will give you
warning when they are about to spread, so you can back off
if you want. It could be a surprise at first if you didn't
know about it."
Murr said, "Ok, the others already told me about them and I
was wondering what it was about. I think I can do it, and I
will try. I want to do everything you want to do."
Sim said, "Don't think we want you to do everything. You
don't have to. We respect your feelings and you can decide
what you will or won't do for anyone. There are no demands.
If you do not like the barbs, say so, and no one will feel
put out about it. You have to be comfortable with it
yourself. And, don't feel you have to tie with Arru or Wer,
concerning the knot. It does hurt the first few times, but
you get used to it. We will never demand you do anything
that may hurt you. If you want to try, Ok, but let us know
the moment you feel hurt, and we will do all to help you."
"All right, I will give it a try," said Murr. "Let's get
going, Ho."
We all got undressed and were ready to have more
entertainment for the evening. Murr was the first to get all
his clothes off, and he was already getting stiff and out of
his sheath. All the rest of us had our clothes off by now,
and paired off, but I was going to watch Ho and Murr for a
while. Ho was always a great furson to watch in action.
Ho and Murr went to the nearest bed and lay down head to
head, and began stroking their furs. They made a fine pair.
Both were black and blended well with the other laying
there. As they stroked the others fur, they worked their way
down to the hips, and their sheaths. Now they were getting
aroused and emerging from their sheaths. They turned around
and put their muzzles on each others shaft, and were licking
with much tenderness. It was fun to watch. All the rest of
us did for a while. Soon, Sim paired with Giy, and Arru
paired with Kye, leaving me the odd fur. So I watched Ho and
Murr in case they needed anything. I didn't think they would
need anything, but as this was the first time for Murr with
a feline, I thought he might feel better if someone was
watching out for him. And I did want to watch them both. I
was getting aroused, and would start to paw off soon,
Ho took the lead and was licking slowly from the knot to the
tip of Murr's shaft. Murr was whining and groaning with
delight. Murr was sucking and wrapping his tongue around
Ho's shaft and running it up and down the length. Ho was
purring loudly, and this was really turning me on. Soon they
were both fully erect and getting close to unloading in each
other's muzzles. I was ready to unload any minute too. Just
from watching the two of them so hot. Between the whining,
groaning and purring, I could feel the vibrations in the
chair next to the bed. I could also get a good smell of
their scents as they worked. It was glorious to see, and
smell them. I was now shooting my juices all over my paws.
Then Ho started to let go into Murr's muzzle, and Murr did
the same to Ho. They were eagerly licking the other's juices
and keeping clean. After they were through, they lay
together on the bed running their paws over the other's fur.
This was usually an excellent way to relax and calm down
after such activity. They rested this way for a while, and
then Ho asked Murr to mount him. Murr wanted to very much,
and said so.
Ho put his rear in the high position for Murr, and invited
him in. Murr was already emerging from his sheath and placed
the tip of his erection in Ho's hole. As he did, Ho pushed
back and Murr went deeper, causing Murr to gasp with
pleasure at the warmth of Ho's insides. Murr grasped Ho's
member with both his paws, and held on, and drove deeper
into Ho, while rubbing him gently along the length of Ho's
shaft. Ho was again purring with delight, and Murr was
thrusting faster and faster into Ho. Murr was groaning
again, and whining as usual. They were both in a state of
ecstasy. I was there too, as I was pawing off myself, and
ready to shoot off. The pair of them was fun to watch as
they kept going. Ho was spurting in Murr's paws, and his
barbs were standing out. Murr could feel them in his paws as
he slid his paws back and forth on Ho's shaft. Then Ho told
Murr to get the knot in, and Murr did ram it home. Ho sighed
in pleasure, and as his muscles clamped on Murr's dick, Murr
shot off inside Ho. Now, they were locked together in a tie
for a while, and lay down waiting for it to shrink. All the
while, they were stroking their fur in relaxation. I was
tired too, from just watching them.
Soon, they exchanged places and Murr got into position for
Ho. Ho again warned Murr about his barbs, and Murr wanted
for Ho to go all the way with him. Ho agreed, and told him
that it was like a tie, and not to pull away from Ho. It
would be uncomfortable for Murr. Murr insisted that Ho do it
anyway, and Ho licked Murr's tailhole for a while to get him
slicked up. Then Ho was ready and erect, and so was Murr. Ho
entered slowly and Murr pushed back this time to have a
faster entry. He loved it. He gave a soft howl as Ho slid
inside him. Murr was having the most fun he had ever had in
his life. Ho kept the pace slow and Murr enjoyed it. I was
enjoying it too as I watched. I was fascinated. I loved
watching that black panther in action. Murr was fun to watch
too. As he was thrusting slowly in and out, Ho had Murr's
erection in his paws and was massaging it from the knot to
the tip with every thrust. Murr was howling softly and
whining, and groaning as this went on. Ho was purring loudly
and mewing too. Both were getting more vocal in their
passion. Then Murr was shooting off in Ho's paws, and his
muscles clenched on Ho's dick, and this made Ho shoot too.
Murr gave a louder howl and Ho told him again not to pull
Murr said, "It doesn't hurt, I'm enjoying this, it feels
good inside me. I want to do it again soon. I never felt
anything so good before. This is great fun and feels good. I
want as much as I can get."
Ho was very pleased, and smiled broadly and Murr was smiling
too. I felt as good as both of them, as I had enjoyed the
same feelings as they did in the past. Only I had done it
many more times than Murr had. He would eventually catch up
with the rest of us. He had the others to experience yet,
and every one was different in practice.
We finished the evening with our usual cuddle on the pillows
and cushions on the floor, until just before lights out.
Then we went back to our rooms, leaving the pass door open.
Now, Murr was going to take a shower, and Arru and I waited
for him to get in and the water running. Arru asked if Murr
would let him join in the shower, and Murr said, "Yes, it's
all right, I don't mind." He didn't know that Arru was going
to join him in the shower stall. Arru did, and Murr was
startled, and almost slipped, but then Arru explained and
they worked on each other, soaping, and washing. I asked if
there was room for one more in there, and they said, "Sure,
come on in." There was just enough room for all three of us
to fit and wash each other's fur, with a little room to
spare. All three of us were washing each other's fur and
having a lot of fun. During this time, we all rinsed off,
and then we rubbed the other dry and as we did, we had more
great sensations. After our three-way shower, we lay down on
one bed and cuddled together until we all fell asleep in our
paws in a group. This was very warm and tender to do, and I
hoped we would do it all the time. But what would happen
when we got a fourth? Four in one bed would not fit. It was
very cozy with only three. Two was perfect, but for the time
being, it would have to be three at once.
Well, tomorrow was Monday and back to school. I hope we will
find someone soon as we don't want to get the wrong furson
into our wonderful group as it is now.
Friday afternoon, after Phys Ed.
It was just after our phys ed class; Sim, Arru, Ho, Kye and
I had showered, and were drying ourselves, when there was a
commotion down the way in the shower area. We heard a loud
growl, a loud smack, and a shriek, then another smack,
followed by another shriek, which turned, into a sobbing
moan. We all rushed down there to find one of the bigger
lion jocks standing over a smaller lion cub, laying in the
shower water on the floor washing around him, blood running
from his head, and muzzle.
We all shouted, " What happened, what's going on here?" as
we came to a stop.
The big lion jock said, " Get out of here, this is none of
your business, I'm going to whip the hell out of this little
beast for watching me shower, and if you stick around,
you'll get the same thing."
Ho said, "I'll get the coach to settle this." And he turned
to leave.
The jock said, "All right, you get this kid away from me and
I'll let it go this time."
He sure would, if the coach came and saw the blood dripping
from the small cub, he would show the jock what the claws of
a fully grown bear could do to the lion. First and Primary
rule in the school: all claws to be dulled, no claws ever to
be used for any reason except in defense of life.
We told the jock that if anything happened to this cub in
the future, we all would go to the coach and tell him what
happened here, and if the cub were badly injured now, we
would tell him anyway. The jock grabbed a towel and stalked
away, cursing.
The cub still lay in the water sobbing, and moaning, and we
helped him get up and asked if he were hurt badly, other
than the cuts from the jock's claws. The cub appeared to be
all right, except for the claw marks, but he was still
bleeding a little and still shocked from what was done to
him by the bigger lion. He also seemed to think we were mad
at him too. He calmed down as we were talking to him, and
drying him with a couple of towels. The claw marks were
still there, but had stopped bleeding, and he seemed all
right now, except for the tension. None of us realized that
we were all naked as we did this. We ran to see what was the
matter before we got dressed in the excitement, and didn't
think about it. We all grabbed some towels and covered up
and sat with the cub until he was calm and collected. We
still didn't know his side of the story about what happened
just before. I asked him what it was all about.
The cub said, "I was walking back to my locker, and saw him,
so I stopped. I was just standing there looking at him and
thinking what a big body he had and he turned around
suddenly, and saw me, then started hitting me. I didn't mean
to do wrong, I just looked at him."
I said, "Well, you have to be careful in the showers and
locker room. Some furs get upset when others look at them.
You should just sneak a peek and get going, don't stay
around. Will you be all right, now? Or would you want us to
wait for you in case he comes back when we go?"
The cub said, "I would feel a lot better if you would wait
for me and help me get to the lunch room so he won't bother
me. I think it'll be all right after that. I'll be a lot
more careful in the future. Thanks for your help."
We all went to our lockers and got dressed, and he was
waiting at the end of the row. I thought he was watching us
as we dressed, but wasn't sure, and didn't care anyway. So
we all walked to the lunchroom together. As the cub went to
get his supper, we had gotten ours and sat down at our usual
table and were talking. I looked around, as usual, and saw
the cub eating alone at a table across the room. He looked
miserable, and I felt sorry for him after what happened. I
asked the others if I could invite him over, and they
agreed. I went over to the cub, and asked him to join us at
our table. He was cleaned up now, and looked pretty nice.
"Gee, do you really want me to sit with you," he asked.
"Sure, why not, unless you want to be alone by yourself."
"No, I'm lonely and no one wants to have anything to do with
me, and I wish I had some friends."
I said, "Come with me, and you will now have some friends,
at least, for eating with."
As we sat down at our table, he looked at Sim, and cringed a
little as though afraid of him.
Sim asked, "What is the matter, you look as though I might
bite you. Are you afraid of me, or just still nervous about
this earlier incident?"
"Well, I thought you might be mad at me about my looking at
that other lion, and you all might not want me around,
bothering you because of that. I thought you would be making
fun of me too, because of it. If you want me to leave, I
will, I don't want to be in the way." The cub said softly,
as he began to shed tears once more.
Arru said, "Now what ever made you think that? If we didn't
want you, we wouldn't have asked you to join us here, or
anywhere else. You are free to leave if you wish, you don't
have to stay with us, but you are welcome to stay as long as
you wish, and we won't make any fun of you or laugh at you
for any reason."
Kye asked, "Do we all feel the same about this cub?"
Ho said, "I think we all do, he seems all right to me, and
he could do well if we can trust him. By the way, what is
your name, if we might ask?"
"My name is Ruff," He said, "And I'm 14 years old."
I said, "Ok Ruff, can you be trusted to keep secrets? Will
you promise that anything we talked about at this table now
or in the future will not be told to anyone else, whoever?
And if we tell or show you anything else, will you keep that
between us also, and never tell about it?"
"Yes, I can keep secrets, I have a few of my own that I will
share with you also, to show that I mean what I say." Ruff
said with eagerness in his tone.
I asked the others at the table, "What do you all think?"
Everyone said together, "We all agree." Nodding their heads
all at the same time.
"Ok Ruff, come up to our rooms after supper, and we will let
you in on some of our games if you want and you can make up
your mind if you want to stay. We will be there in a short
while after cleanup."
Ruff said, "Fine, I'll be there right after I get my books
in my room and come up, Ok?"
"Fine, we will be waiting." And we told him where we were
at, upstairs.
We got to our rooms and squared away any mess, and waited
for Ruff to arrive. We all had just sat down in our regular
chairs when there was a knock at the door. It was Ruff and
we invited him inside, and closed the door. He looked around
and remarked that this was better than his room downstairs.
We had so much more room than he had with only one roommate.
Then he saw the pass door, and he realized what we really
had here. He was more impressed at that too.
"Wow, what a great set of rooms you have here. Between the
two, it's really a big area." Ruff said.
Sim said, "We just have a little less furniture in here, is
why it looks so large, but all the rooms are the same
individual size for the most part. We have one more
formality for you to pass before you are allowed to join us
permanently. We have to ask you one more time if you really
can keep quiet about us, and if you really want to be with
Ruff said, "Yeah, yes, I want to stay and I can keep my
muzzle shut about us."
"Ok, then get all your clothes off, right now, no more
questions, or you may leave, and we will still be friends
We all were shedding our clothing, and after a moment, Ruff
did too, asking, "Does this happen all the time, or is this
some kind of test, too?"
"This was the final test. If you want to stay, welcome, but
if you want to leave, that's all right too."
"I want to stay, if you will have me."
Sim said, "Ok, you are in the group, and if you want, you
can move in here with us tomorrow. We need a fourth for the
other room, and you can be the one."
"Fine, I will be here with my things just before lunch, it
will take a little time to get all my stuff together."
We all told Ruff that we would help him move and he
Ruff had a full erection, and was watching Sim intently. He
saw that we noticed, and quickly looked away. Sim asked Ruff
if he liked what he was looking at, and Ruff looked
embarrassed, and said that Sim looked almost as good as the
jock, but had a nicer gentle shaped body and voice. He
didn't look so ready to get into a fight with someone.
"We don't do any rough stuff here. If you don't want to do
something any one of us suggests, you don't have to do it.
It's your choice all the time. We won't complain if you
refuse. We also help each other if there is some problem,
and we will warn you if there might be something you haven't
done before. We don't want there to be any surprises, except
fun." Said Kye.
Sim said, "How would you like to get to know me better right
"Sure," said Ruff, "Can we really do something right now?"
Sim took Ruff by the paw and went to the bed, and asked him
to lie down and they began to cuddle. Sim was gentle and
stroked Ruff's fur and talked softly to him, and Ruff was
doing the same to Sim. In a few minutes, Sim was licking and
sucking Ruff the entire length of his member. Ruff was
purring and mewing with delight at this new experience. It
was evident he had not done this before. Sim was having fun
and so was Ruff. It wasn't long and Ruff shot his load in
Sim's muzzle. Sim licked it all and cleaned up. Ruff asked
if he could try that with Sim, and Sim said he could, but he
might not like the taste, and he could just pull back if
that were so. Ruff dove on to Sim's erection and licked away
with glee and soon Sim was purring and mewing as Ruff had
done. Ruff learned a lesson fast, and did a good job on Sim.
We were all watching this first time with our own erections
and pawing ourselves off in time with Ruff and Sim. Then Sim
was spurting into Ruff's muzzle, and Ruff was slurping it
all down as it came out. Ruff cleaned Sim up completely, and
looked satisfied. So did Sim. Ruff said Sim tasted good and
he had no trouble, and we all just wondered what background
this little lion had. He was as old as the rest of us, but
smaller stature. He didn't look 14 years old, but he said he
was, and he was in this school, so it must be true. We asked
him to tell us a little about himself when he was rested a
Ruff then told us his story: "I was always small for my age.
Even my mother and father called me a runt. No one wanted to
have much to do with me. I was picked on a lot, by most
everybody in the rest of the family. Only one furson had
some concern for me and that was a neighbor lion that was
older. I didn't know why at the time, but now I do. He and I
played around a lot. We would wrestle and he sometimes let
me get a better hold on him, as though I was stronger. He
was a good friend, and one day we wrestled, and he got me in
a hold and my pants slipped off, and before I knew it, he
was licking and sucking my dick. It felt good, and I let him
do it all he wanted. Then I did it to him. That was fun too.
We didn't do anything else, but I guess someone found out
what was going on, and I didn't see him anymore. No one said
anything to me. I didn't know much better then, but I do
now. And I like it much more now, too. So, that's my secret,
and I share it with you. Will you still like me now?"
"Of course," Sim said, "We were just wondering how you
seemed to know what to do and how to do it. The fact that
you are smaller is all right, it doesn't matter what size
you are, as long as you like the same things we do."
After this, we all felt a lot better, knowing how Ruff felt.
He was definitely one of our group. Ruff asked if we could
do more, and we said we would do some now. He wanted to pair
with Sim again, and Sim agreed. Sim asked him what he wanted
to do, and Ruff wanted to try to mount Sim. Sim said it was
all right, and got on the bed on his paws and knees, with
his rear up for Ruff to work on. Ruff started licking Sim's
tailhole, and appeared to know what to do, as Sim began to
purr and groan. Ruff had a good-sized erection now, and
asked if he could enter. Again, Sim agreed, and as Ruff put
the tip of his member into the hole, Sim gave a great sigh
and moved back to get it in as far as possible. Even though
he was smaller than us, he had a good-sized length for Sim
to enjoy. Ruff was thrusting slowly at first, then faster as
he was working to a climax. Ruff reached around Sim to get
his shaft in his paws and rub it in time with thrusting in
and out. Sim was getting close too, and as we watched, Sim's
shaft was spurting his juices and Ruff was shooting into
Sim's hole. They were both purring and mewing softly as they
kept moving until they were both finished. They lay side-by-
side licking and grooming as they were resting. They looked
like older and younger siblings. The rest of us were so busy
watching them, and pawing off, we were all tired now. It was
getting late, and soon the lights out bell would sound, so
we piled all the pillows and cushions on the floor and
cuddled as usual with Ruff in the middle. In no time at all,
Ruff was sound asleep and we had to carry him to a bed for
the night. Tomorrow, Saturday, we would move him in with us,
and he would have a good family here with us. We all would
be one family. Sim, Kye, Giy, and Ho would be in one room,
and Arru, Murr, Ruff, and I would be in the other. And the
pass door would always be open between us.
Watch for chapter IV