The Blakes and The Greys Chapter 9: A Wolf in her Bedroom

Story by hyenafur on SoFurry

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#9 of The Blakes and The Greys

Jo huffed deeply as she tugged Hubert into the small bedroom. There was a queen sized bed in the middle of the very square space that was set in an old wood frame, the head board pressed snugly against the wall. That's where the fox was leading the much larger wolf.

Slowly the vixen eased herself down. The height difference between her and the canine was already noticeable when they walked down the street, her head only coming up to his mid forearm, but with her sitting down, her muzzle was squarely halfway between the wolf's sternum and where his belly button would be if he had one.

Gently, Jo's hands moved to run down Huber's chest and slide over his belly, teasing him through his shirt before her fingers danced over his pants. The vixen went to work unbuttoning the top button before pulling down his zipper. The wolf kept blushing and a-hyucking all the time as he stared down at the smaller female. "Yew is much slower den Penelope er even Bill," he blurted out, not even thinking about what he was saying.

Jo giggled softly. Part of her wasn't surprised about the last bit for some reason. The whole town knew he was gay, and it wasn't uncommon to hear that cousins fooled around. His words did make her pause for a moment, as she stared at the curve of his bulging length, easily visible from the now exposed white briefs. It was now or never.

The fox began pulling down Hubert's underwear along with his jeans, leaning in to see if she could get a good look at what he was packing. Jo hadn't expected what happened next. When she'd pulled the pure white fabric down almost half way between Hubert's kneecap and hip, the wolf's member sprang up, moving at an angle to lightly slap her in the side of her muzzle.

The vixen let out a yip in shock as Hubert's face turned beat red. "I... Iz sorry, Jo-sef-een," the wolf whimpered as he reached down to try and pull his pants and underwear back up, but the fox stopped him. A hand reached up to wrap her fingers around his length as her other hand moved to gently cup the canine's low hanging orb.

Hubert was taken by surprise. He thought she would be angry, but instead, she was stroking him, rolling his family jewels around in her paw. The wolf couldn't help but moan even more as her small wet nose pressed against his thick pubic pelt, drinking in his scent. "J... Jo-se... Jo-sef-een," the canine moaned out as his tip began to ooze and leak long strands of pre.

In truth, Jo had never done anything like this before, but in her lonely nights, she had watched several adult films she'd picked up in Zootopia. In the end, she was glad she'd gotten them. She'd learned a great deal from them, things that she had practiced on her toys. Slowly, the vixen dragged her tongue along the male's length, tasting over his every throbbing inch before lightly lapping over the glands on his tip.

Hubert let out a moaning howl, as his chest heaved up and down. "J.... Jo... Jo-sef-een," he called out, jaws opening wide as he began to throb more and more. His mind was awash in pleasure as he felt something slick and warm wrap around his member, a moaning suckling sound echoing in the room.

Jo began to bob her head up and down the wolf's length, or as much as she could. She'd never gotten that one toy all the way down into her throat, and she wasn't exactly expecting to get Hubert's in there either. Both hands moved to grip that pulsing, leaking lance, the vixen's head twisting with every rock of her muzzle. He was much bigger than her toy, the fox realized.

Hubert's tail flicked around behind him as he started to lean over her, his shaking hands moving to rest on the top of her head. Her fur was soft, velvety to the touch as he encouraged her to take a little more of him inside her muzzle, something the fox did with hesitation. He could feel his tip slipping down into the back of her throat, making her cough and gag before she pulled off.

"W... why'd ya stop, Jo-sef-een," The wolf asked, his chest still heaving up and down, "Iz s'close."

Jo panted softly, her own tail flicking and flopping around behind her. "I... I don't want you to fill my muzzle, Hubert," the vixen replied with a murring smile. The wolf tilted his head as the fox leaned back, her hands moving to lift up the hem of her sun dress. She wasn't wearing anything under them.

The canine blinked several times as he spotted something warm and slick and soft and pink between those supple legs. Hubert started to drool as he stared at Jo's peach while the fox pulled the yellow dress up to the middle of her belly. The vixen smiled as a hand moved down to spread the petals of her rose. "I wants a ya t'fill this up," she cooed at him, fingers sliding up and down as she felt her own flesh.

Hubert didn't let out another a-hyuck. The wolf just stared at Jo hungrily as nature began to take over. The gigantic wolf slipped between the vixen's thighs, his tip poking and prodding over her folds before one strong hand gripped that pulsating length. The canine guided himself into the moaning gasping vulpine, massive strong hands pressing down into the bed as his weight pushed her into the mattress.

Long legs wrapped around Hubert's hips, hands gripped and groped over the scruff of his neck and his shoulders. Jo was getting everything she wanted right then and there as the wolf pumped her into the bed, her jaws letting out heated, gasping moans and yips of pleasure. "Yes! Oh Gawd! Yes! Oh Hubert," the vixen howled and screamed out, her walls gripping the wolf snugly, milking him firmly as his hips crashed into hers.

"J.... J.... Jo-sef-een," the wolf howled back, his head arching as he slammed in as deep as he could. The fox had already gotten him so riled up that he couldn't hold it in any longer. If the two had been younger, there may have been a risk of pregnancy as Hubert gave Jo every drop of his seed in a thick burst, but the pair in their mid-fourties had nothing to fear.

When the last shot was fired, the gigantic wolf flopped down on the smaller vixen, his big burly arms wrapping around her tightly. "Oh Jo-sef-een," he moaned out as his tongue flopped from his muzzle. The vixen had a slightly hard time breathing at first due to his weight and the tightness of his grip, but she managed to say, "Mmm... N... Not s'tight, sugar wolf."

Hubert blushed softly, his grip loosening as the fox's paws began to roam up and down his back. "Ya feels s'good, Jo-sef-een," the wolf moaned softly, "I don'ts want t'leave."

The vixen giggled as she leaned up to lick over his throat, "Ya don't have t', Hubert." The canine's face seem to light up more, his member magically springing back to life, making the vulpine let out a long moan. "But yer gonna have't pull out," Jo gasped.

"Do I has t'" Hubert pouted as the fox moved her hand up to caress his cheek, "Unless ya don'ts wants t' see me nekkid."

The wolf grinned happily as he yanked himself out of Jo, the feeling of his girthy member leaving her body making the vixen moan and gasp. She couldn't help feel something warm and sticky ooze from between her thighs, something that made the fox smile as she slowly sat back up.

Her fingers gripped the hem of her sundress, yanking the light yellow fabric over her head. Her breasts drooped softly like two overly ripe grapefruits with firm pink nubs poking out of the fur. Hubert just seemed to grin even more as he just about ripped every button off his shirt before stepping out of his pants. "Youz even purdier when yer nekkid, Jo-sef-een," he called out before shoving his face into her chest, warmly nuzzling over her tits.

Jo giggled softly as one her of her hands moved to warmly stroke over the top of his head, eyes moving between those flicking ears and that wagging tail, "Ya want t'go again, sugar wolf?"

Hubert's head bobbed up and down so quickly that he was basically motorboating her breasts, making the fox giggle more. "Well, ya gonna have to let go of me, shoog," she cooed into one ear. Pouting, the wolf pulled himself way, allowing the vixen to slowly roll over onto her belly before she slipped onto her knees.

Jo raised her rump high into the air, her tail flicking away as she spread her legs. Some of the wolf's seed was still oozing out of her, covering her supple rose in a warm white frosting. Hubert gave her a lusty, hungry look again as he slipped in behind her. Strong shaky hands reached up to grip the vixen's hips as the canine began to pant. "I... I loves ya, Jo-sef-een," he moaned out as he slipped back inside her.

The wolf didn't know his own strength as he began to buck and thrust wildly, but the fox could have cared less. She was far too lost in the feeling of Hubert inside her, feeling a male slowly move upon her back and mate her as if she was in heat again. For as much as she had hated Chris for using her, she had actually enjoyed the feeling of him inside her, even if it had only been for one night. There was something about feeling a male atop her, claiming her, that drove the vixen wild, and being under this wolf made her feel twenty years younger.

Howls and yips filled the bedroom as hips clapped against each other, bodies pressed together, hands caressed, groped, and held onto one another. Hubert claimed Jo over and over again, moving from one position to the next; cowgirl, canine, missionary, reverse cowgirl, and on and on as the wolf filled the vixen's body full of his seed again and again until the two exhaustedly fell asleep in each other's arms, their juices pooling around their own thighs and soaking into the sheets.

Bill Blake slowly rolled out of bed, his hand moving to scratch over his wide belly while his jaws let out a mighty yawn. The wolf lapped his lips as he slowly eyed the time. It was only six, but he needed to be at the Sheriff's office by seven. Groggily, the canine wandered naked through his house, heading straight for the kitchen for a cup of coffee.

Only half awake, Bill walked past the spare bedroom where Hubert had packed up his things. At first, he didn't notice his cousin's absence, not until the second cup of at least. Slowly, Bill came to the realization that the other wolf had spent the rest of the night over at Josephine Grey's house. The fat wolf started to slowly chuckle as a smirk formed on his muzzle.

"I shudda known it might lead t'that," he said before taking a sip of the steamy light brown liquid, "Theys fell head over tails fer eachudder th'minute theys spotted one 'nother."

Bill figured it would be rude to call over there right now. The two were probably still passed out asleep. "I wunder how Aunt Evie'll r'act t' this, hell, I wunder whut Kody and Gideon will think," he mumbled to himself before making his way into his bathroom to turn on the shower.

The wolf waited to call Josephine until around nine that morning, though she didn't answer her phone until almost ten. Bill had a guess at what the vixen and his cousin were up to. It wasn't like he hadn't partaken in any morning delight before with Gideon or any of his previous beaus. He couldn't help but let out a slight chuckle when she finally picked up. "Hey Bill," the chipper sounding fox cooed over the phone.

"Iz Hubert thar withcha," the wolf inquired with a chuckle, "I ain't sees him atall t'day."

There was a long pause and a giggle before she replied, "He sure is. Ya wants'm t'cum home?"

Bill swore he heard a cute little whimper come from behind her, but he just laughed, "Naw. He don't have t'. In fact, if he wants t' stay witcha, I don't mind."

There as another long, silent pause on the other end. "Ya sure bout that, Bill," Jo asked, a hint of happiness in her voice. The wolf nodded his head, "Iz sure. Ya c'n c'mover 'n pick up his thangs at lunch if ya wants."

There was some giggling on the other end of the line before the vixen replied, "We'll b'over at elevn."

"I'll sees ya then," Bill said before hanging up the phone to chuckle, "Thems to luv birds is in fer a rull treat once theys meets Aunt Evie."

The wolf shook his head as he started to shuffle some paperwork back and forth to look like he was doing something on yet another slow day. Part of him wondered how his aunt would react to Hubert and Jo. Something told him that she wouldn't take to kindly to it, at least not at first. Evie was a little bit backwards thinking, being an alpha bitch she still had a bit of a pack mentality left over from way back when. Truth be told, Bill's mother was the same way, though, not to the level of her sister. The canine just shrugged his shoulders as he tried to kill time.