A Matter of Convenience

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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Two brothers share a moment of relief, thinking that they're alone and undisturbed.

This story was written for HandofBlades as part of my Patron only request days for November! It contains incestuous M/M sex between consenting adults. :3

A Matter of Convenience

Trey shuddered as he dropped to his knees, feeling hands already running though the lion's dark mane while he fumbled with the belt now visible before him. He pulled the leather length out through each and every loop in the jeans it held tight in place, before putting his fingers to work loosening the button and zipper that remained holding the trousers up. Beneath the fabric he could feel his end goal already throbbing. Straining. He growled. Moaned. His brother moaned back, and tightened his grip on the older lion's hair, almost pulling him nose first into his still clothed crotch. With a helpless, needy whimper, Trey licked it. At the denim clad bulge, he licked, he nuzzled. He growled in desperation.


His fingers fought their way back between his face and the fabric in question, and after just a few seconds longer he was pulling down the dark denim and revealing the stony, grey-blue boxers beneath. Boxers that were not only tented, but stained. He needed no encouragement to push his face into that patch of slightly off-colour fabric, and inhale, and nuzzle, and thrust forth his tongue to lick at the spot where Charles had stained his own underwear with cum likely earlier that day.

His hands practically clawed at the waistband of the younger, lean and spritely lion's underwear, dragging them down and reacting with a strangled snarl as Charles' cock sprang free. Thick, erect, uncut. The pink flesh of the member itself was covered in a slightly more pale foreskin, and it was that which his hands now flew to draw back. Now both his brother's hands were on is head, dug into his mane and holding him tight in place. The older lion grunted and gurgled, feeling his own cock aching within his jeans as he stretched out his tongue, begging for the chance to be allowed close enough to get to work as he pulled back his brother's foreskin and exposed the swollen, already drooling head of his hard-on. It was bigger than his own by several inches, but that wasn't what made it so irresistible to Trey. Nor indeed was it so delectable because of who it belonged to. Charles made use of his brother's desire for cock, but really his brother's presence was just a matter of convenience. Any cock would do. Any cock so long as it was hard, and willing to take up residence within Trey's maw.

"Mm-nnhaah... ahhhh..."

Opening his muzzle wide, Trey grunted as he was suddenly released from his brother's grip on his mane. His head catapulted forward, and he gagged as he speared himself with the throbbing tip of his brother's member suddenly jabbing at the back of his throat. He recovered quickly though, and set to work before Charles tried to tease and deny him any more. He sucked. He licked. He worshipped that cock. He revelled in the scent of his brother's pubic fur as the lion now more purposefully and successfully took every last inch of the cock he had been offered, nuzzling at its base with deep and sloppy gurgles. Drawing back, he kissed and suckled more purposefully on the very tip of Charles' member, grinning as the younger lion's tough exterior broke for a moment, and he gave a bashful whimper.

"O-ohh... brother..."

His tongue went to work after that, teasing Charles as he licked at the lion's balls, wondering when the last time was that Charles' collage roommate had done the very same thing. They weren't nearly as musky as they could have been, but all over the lion's crotch was the scent of sex, further proof that the stains on his underwear were more than just some dried pre, but rather evidence of a subtle and lewdly clothed fap session at some point earlier that day. The mere thought of it made Trey growl hungrily, anguished at the thought of his brother resorting to masturbation while at home for the holidays. Did he not know that with both of them around, Trey would oblige his urges at the drop of a hat? The drop of a pin. Hell, all Charles ever needed to drop were his trousers, and his big brother would be there for him... just as he would for any willing and eager cock and thus any man to whom such a cock was attached.

Moaning to himself at the thought of it... not just any cock, but all the cocks, laid out before him ready to be suckled and nuzzled and set loose all over his face and down his throat over and over again, Trey longed to touch himself. But he didn't. His hands took over attending to Charles' balls, and as he took his brother's cock in his mouth once again, he moaned happily as the younger lion began to hump his muzzle. He slurped and sucked loudly at the cock as it was pumped more and more rapidly in and out of his maw, eyes rolling in their sockets in overwhelmed euphoria. He loved being muzzlefucked. He loved it when his brother couldn't hold back, when he was doing such a good job that any semblance of cool, calm disconnection went right out of the window. Yeah, they might only have been doing this because it got them off, not because they had some deeply incestuous romantic connection. But Trey could suck one hell of a cock... and he loved it when his brother could no longer help but revel in that fact.

"C'mon... aah... suck me. Yeah. Yeah, Trey. Fuck. Oh god... take it... t-take... ah!"

Trey could feel the length of his brother's cock flexing and throbbing within his mouth. Against his tongue. He could feel every pulsing wave of pleasure that escaped his brother as a gasp or cry or roar of excitement. He could even feel the lion's balls trembling within his grasp, muscles in his crotch tugging and teasing at the interior of his fuzzy testes as he was brought closer and closer to the edge of glorious rapture. Trey closed his eyes, and tried to focus in even more single-mindedly on those motions. Those little twitches and involuntary spasms that were brought about by his touch, by his muzzle sucking and his fingers teasing so skillfully. The sound of his brother's moans filled his ears alongside the rhythmic slapping and slurping of Charles' cock being thrust into his waiting maw, so much so he barely even noticed his own giddy gurgles as he tasted more and more of Charles' rich, slightly tangy pre-cum rolling its way down the back of his throat.

"Gonna. G-gonna... oh. _Oh, fuck _!"

Charles tried to pull back, tried to save his brother from having to choke and gulp down all of his cum as he began to let loose with frantic, ragged moans and snarls of pleasure. But Trey didn't want to be spared that experience. Indeed, the idea appalled him, and he grasped tightly at his brother's buttocks, taking control for the first time throughout this whole session and forcing Charles' hips to buck forward. To thrust deep, to the very hilt within his muzzle again, and again, and with every potent gush of cum to escape him. He gurgled. He moaned. He coughed and felt the cum spilling out from the corners of his muzzle as the sheer volume of his brother's hefty load overwhelmed him. But he took it all, and even those droplets that drooled down his cheeks were soon swept up when Charles was spent, and withdrew with an over-sensitive, overstimulated whimper.

It was then, just as Charles was standing there, panting and staring down at his spent but still rock hard and saliva-glistening cock, and just as Trey was wiping his brother's dribbles of lingering cum onto his fingers, and bringing those digits in turn to his muzzle once more, the bedroom door swung open without warning.

Their father stood in the doorway, staring at his thirty and twenty one year old sons, while they stared at him in turn.

Charles was about to whimper in terror, and tell his father that no matter what it looked like, it wasn't... even though it so obviously was. But then he noticed two things. First, that Trey wasn't freaked out. And second... that their father's hands were by his waist, mid-way through unbuckling his belt in preparation for... well...

"C-come in, dad..."

Trey moaned as he saw the bulge already present in his father's dark slacks, larger than even Charles' own. He whimpered when his father hesitated, still frozen in fright at the sight of Charles also present, and clearly having just finished doing what he was about to do with his other son. But he didn't care about that. Trey didn't give a shit that Charles was his brother, or that his dad was his dad. He gave a shit that they both had deliciously large cocks, and cocks that they would willingly stuff down his throat whenever he asked. And thus, to his mind, there was no reason why they should care either.

"Come on. Hurry."

He gestured to his dad, then turned his gaze between the two males in turn, whimpering lustily as they continued to stare at one another in humiliated dismay.

"Y'know... it'd be so fucking hot to be able to get both of you off at once... one in my muzzle, the other all over my face. O-oh... fuck. Dad. Charles. P-please... one of you, both of you... someone, just give me a cock to suck. Now."


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