Tales From Apartment 232 : Incubus Nightmares

Story by Damionstjames on SoFurry

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#17 of Tales From Apartment 232

[Dedicated in Memory of Chris Buckmaster Sep 1985-Jun 2005, one of the biggest inspirations in my life and one of the greatest losses to the world of the arts the world may have never known. His film, "The C Word" which tells about his double bouts with cancer and his life he lived before and after was a great production in honest heartfelt realty and excellent amateur film making. The C Word is now shown in hospitals and clinics around the United States as a training video. Chris as a good kind man, and it was the truest honor of a lifetime to have met him. Chris produced the 2000 Franklin High Music Show my junior year, adding all sorts of special effects to what was really a mediocre performance on my part when I sang "Paint it Black" with the band consisting of his father Steve Buckmaster, Mr Mateo, Brian my friend, a Drummer who's name escapes me, and myself. Calling ourselves "Slight Return", I sang my heart out for the first and only time in front of a sold-out show of my peers. To know that Chris filmed and packaged that video makes my heart warm every time I pop the tape into the VCR now. Chris died of Leukemia on June 17th 2005, his third bout of cancer. I normally don't do this, but Mr. Buckmaster being one of the greatest men I've ever met, and his son being just as awesome, I ask that you take a moment to think about Chris, and look up his work online, or donate to Cancer research. Someday we'll find a cure.]

Got Bennettworks?

The following is a Tales From Apartment 232 Production. Characters therein are used at the permission of I Damion St. James the author, and remaining characters are my trademark. Characters can only be used with my expressed written permission

The following story contains adult themes, strong dialogue, and an environment of a homosexual nature. If homosexual erotica or homosexual themes are offensive to you then please stop reading. If you are also a minor, please refrain from reading.

Among the above mentioned, this story also contains the mature themes of Incest, Rape, and Snuff. If these offend you in any way, turn away now. Also, while this story DOES cotain one scene of heterosexual (M/F) contact, It'll be placed in the gay section due to the primary nature of the scene. I've added the appropriate tags.

Alex Fletcher, Heckyl & Jeckyl, and Fabian Grizzard are co-owned by myself and Kooshmeister. Neil, Khris, and Chance are used with permission of Micah Fennic (kitsune 25).

Tags: (M/M, M/F, NC, Drama, Story, Long, Vaginal, Anal, Oral, Rape, Incest, Snuff)

[Yes, oh my gods, straight sex in a 232 story!]

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TALES FROM APARTMENT 232 - Part 18, "Incubus Nightmares" or (lets see how much sex I can squeeze into one installment :P )

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"Father, is he going to live?"

"Aye, but I can't say he's going to be terribly happy about that."


"Oh don't worry; I'm just saying he's not going to love life soon."

My tired and dreadfully sore eyes opened. It was like in the movies or TV shows where the camera is staring upwards at a lot of faces crowding over. I saw a few faces, none I recognized. I was still naked, I could feel it, the air in...wherever I was chilled my skin. There were two cops, two people in SVU jumpsuits, and a man with his hands on my neck a Priest. My eyes widened, why would a priest be molesting me? When my eyes fully came into focus, I could see the telltale signs of a church. I was laying on the altar of all places, behind me to my left was the tabernacle, and the congregation would meet to my right.

When I felt I could move I quickly sprung off the altar, and let out a scream of terror. I could feel the oppressive weight of "God" on me in this place, and his eyes upon me. I was in his "house" after all. "Gah! Get me out of here! Get me out of here!" The cops and SVU guys moved over swiftly, all trying to get me to stay still at once. "I got to get out of here! I cant be in here!" I said, tears of panic starting to flow down my face. Up in the back of the Church I could feel the eyes of the crucified Jesus looking at me, judging me, finding every flaw in my naked form. Images of angels buzzed around me, the Stations of the Cross carved in statues all over the place, the place was a fine church don't get me wrong.

I was too busy panicking to register the needle prick in my neck. I did however feel the heavenly sedative coursing through my veins. Almost instantly, it felt like a nice ice water flowing through my body. My muscles, felt like rubber, my legs like wet noodles. I gave a hopeless laugh, still conscious enough to register things, but now not really caring.

The priest, apparently a badger moved over. "Child please try to remain calm, you've been rather abused by the looks of it."

I looked his way, and said. "Yeah...tell me something I don't already know." I said, feeling pleasantly calm all a sudden, yet with enough of that drug induced haze to still feel fake about the whole experience.

The man standing next to the Badger caught me off guard. A dragon! I don't see many of those. "Whoa....a dragon." I laughed, before I felt one of the hands of the SVU guy's staring to do a bit of exploration. I would have protested but I suppose they had a job to do.

The priest moved closer. "Officers can we please put some clothes on him? He's going to catch cold, aside from the implications of being unclad in the house of the lord."

A voice from behind me said. "Lets just get some samples here real quick."

Real quick took all of about 15 minutes for me to be scanned, probed, prodded, pricked and swabbed. When my exam was over, the priest handed me a pair of jeans and an old t shirt. I stepped into the jeans, finding them to be intended for a much larger man than I, and held them up with a hand while they sagged just low enough to show off my pubic region. The t shirt was definitely in someone's closet for a while. I can't remember the last time I saw a Guns and Roses 1989 world tour T shirt, if ever. I slipped it on, and could still feel what I felt to be the oppressive weight of God on my shoulders.

"Where am I?' I asked once more.

"St. Josephs church." Said one of the police officers.

"I...got to get out of this church, I'm sorry sir." I said, calmed thanks to the medicine, yet still feeling the oppression and the nausea that came with being in the church of any opposed alignment as it were. The cops and the dragon followed me out to the ambulance and the police cars that were there in front of the church. Normally I would have expected there to be an obnoxious sun in the sky, however it was miserably cloudy outside. Well at least I had that luxury.

As I was sat down in the back of an ambulance, the dragon stepped up behind.

"You going to be alright?"

I looked at him. He had golden scales, with blue chest scales...black hair...beautiful for a dragon. I would have said something if my ass wasn't on fire. "I think that's what these people are going to tell me. Say...whom are you?"

"I'm no one of real importance as far as law goes, I was one of the ones that found you. I came in for confession with father Luke and we found you on the altar, as if someone was presenting you to god."

I scoffed, things starting to make sense. "No, it's just the sick and perverted delusions of humor by a madman with nothing to loose. He found this to be a kind of joke I'm guessing, knowing how uncomfortable I'd be here."

The dragon looked at me puzzled. "Why would be uncomfortable here?"

I didn't know if it was my normal Renee attitude, or if it was the sedative loosening my tongue, but I answered, "Because I worship Satan and all his minions."

The dragon laughed a little and patted my knee. "Sure ya do. And I'm Muhammad." He said as he shook his head and walked away, letting the cops in. I was beginning to wonder just how many Dobermans were on the LAPD. Not to be racist or anything. There was blue eyed Doberman, and brown eyed. They both seemed to be mirrors of the other, twins perhaps.

Blue eyes said, "Sir, we just need some information before we release you. Do you need to go to the hospital?"

I shrugged. "I guess that's the medic's job to tell me."

Brown eyes said "Name?"

"Renee Morningstar-Simonsen."







The twin cops asked me rather mundane questions, blood type, phone number, address and so on then said. "We'll hand it over to the detectives." They slipped out of the Ambulance, leaving me alone with the medics. About 3 minutes later the same two SVU people that were in jumpsuits were moving their way to me in nice suits and ties; One a rather beautiful husky and the other a rather burly brown bear.

The bear looked at the husky and adjusted his tie. "Do we really have to wear ties to interview victims? It always seems to be counterproductive when it's swinging in their face."

The husky, smiled, with the most enigmatic and icy blue eyes I'd ever seen. "Well that's why you get a tie clip Dwight."

The husky sat down next to me, wearing a light beige suit with a putrid green tie clipped to his shirt with a tasteful gold tie clip bearing the LAPD:SVU shield. Dwight was wearing a blue sport coat with matching slacks, and a matching blue tie. I didn't know anything about cops really except from when I was in trouble. This was the first time I'd ever been face to face with SVU.

"So...what's going to happen? I'd like to get home to see my son if I could." I said, remembering Cyric. He'd probably be wondering where I was. Hell everyone would be wondering where I was.

"Well we just want to know if you remember anything that happened, so we can help you." The bear said softly.

Alex Fletcher...I wanted to say it. I wanted to tell them Alex Fletcher had made his sex slave and that he was going to use me to further all of his real-estate aspirations. I never understood how anyone could be so cruel, but this was the Fletcher family I was dealing with.

I fought to remember something I could tell them. I settled on the mink. The mink had probably several run-ins with the police before, what's one more implication? "He was horrible...cruel. He raped me."

The husky nodded. "We gathered that, do you know whom it was?"

I shook my head, my long and greasy hair billowing in my face. "No, I don't know who he is. It was some guy."

The husky pulled out his notepad and took notes. "Could you describe him please?"

I gave him as detailed a description of the mink as I could, down to the most minute of details. When the husky seemed satisfied, he looked towards the bear. "Can you tell us, what happened?"

This is where I had to lie. Sadly. I couldn't tell them about Alex at all...they wouldn't believe me. Besides, for as much as I knew, that mink had his people watching me.

"All I remember is being at home, and walking to speak with the new landlord. I left after a little while when I got jumped. I woke up in some house I didn't recognize, and he raped me, and then beat me up. I woke up on that altar. I don't remember anything else.

The bear turned towards the husky. "Did we get anything?"

The husky shook his head. "Nothing really, the perp used a condom by the looks of it."

I shook my head. "Of course he used a condom, he didn't want any evidence of it. Hell he even made me wear one."

The bruin nodded. "That would make sence, considering we found a condom in the garbage in the back of the church and a large quantity of semen in the chalice on the altar. You wouldn't know about that would you?"

I shook my head no. "No I definitely don't. I don't remember anything after the rape really."

"Alright. Well when the medics clear you we will take you home. By the way I'm sorry we didn't introduce ourselves. I'm detective Kennedy and that's detective Walker." He said implicating the bear. They handed me one of their cards each, which I promptly put into my back pocket. "We'll be in touch. If you remember anything else, or need counseling, there are numbers on the card you can call. If you need a lawyer to advise you we can provide you with one."

I nodded and just let out a breath I'd been holding. The sedatives were good, but were starting to wear off. "I just want to go home."

The detectives left me after a few more moments, and the medics finished taking their samples and checking my vitals. As I stepped out of the Ambulance, the twin cops gestured me over towards their car. I slipped into the uncomfortable back seat intended for people far worse than I, and buckled in. It wasn't the first time I'd been in the back of a police car, and I hoped it would be the last.

* * *

Alex Fletcher sat at his desk, drumming his fingers in impatience. Somewhere in the back of his mind the march of the storm troopers played. The thought normally would have filled him with a sense of power, but rather it filled him with a feeling of impatience and anxiety. Paperwork lay half done on his desk, and the fine grandfather clock in the corner chimed 11 am. He was late.

Alex turned to the overweight rabbit next to him, whom was cleaning his spectacles on a handkerchief.


The rabbit, so startled, fumbled his glasses and the handkerchief as if he was suddenly holding something red hot. His glasses fell with a nearly silent thud to the floor while the handkerchief made an even more silent decent to the ground. "Yes! Mr. Alex sir..." he said in that almost loveable Dom Delouse style voice.

"Grizzard, I am sure I told you to have him meet me here at 10. Why is the fox late?"

The other rabbit shrugged. "Gahhhh...I don't know sir. OH! Maybie he's sick?"

Alex narrowed his eyes and pursed his ebony lips. "That's about as fat a chance as your waistline Fabian."

And on cue, Fabian winced as if struck. "You're right sir...absolutely right!"

Alex looked down and said. "Where could that Fox be? I could have swore I told him to be on time."

Fabian fiddled with his tie. "You want me to go check to see if he's home?"

Alex closed his eyes. "No, I want you to see if the pontiff makes house calls - Yes go and check to see if he's home you witless wonder."

Fabian quickly snatched his glasses off the ground and placed them haphazardly on his head "Right away sir." Leaving the handkerchief on the floor when he ran out the double doors to the penthouse office.

"I swear father, where do you get these guys?" He asked the air as he stood up, and began to walk around his desk. He was dreadfully horny, and felt like putting me in my place today. Alex was pacing, his fine Gucci shoes making little squeaks as he maneuvered across the floor.

He wasn't aware how long he'd been pacing, but Fabian returned, already studdering. Alex ignored most of it, as if Fabian wasn't there at all, and spoke in an annoyed tone. "I certainly hope you have something good to say, now spit out the cupcake."

Fabian continued to stammer much like his comedian look alike, and finally said "Itsya..itsya....itsya brotha Mr. Alex."

Alex turned his head and swept his ears back. "What about him, he's dead. Unless he's somehow come back from the dead, I don't think there's anything new to report."

Fabian was almost turning red from studdering so bad. Alex actually stopped pacing, and looked Fabian's way. Fabian norammly only got this bad unless it was something truly serious. "Itsya...itsya....itsya....criminy....itsya otha brotha.." He finally spat out.

Alex's face fell as if he was going to be sick. Alex was the oldest of three brothers, inbred brothers. He was the pinnacle of perfection in his opinion. Tall, well built, nice dick, perfect ass, strong legs, brown fur, black hair, Alex was very pleased with himself. After the Fletcher I knew best, Alex had one other brother. Who was...different.

"What...about...him?" Alex asked as if every word was painful to say.

"He's he-"

Fabian was about to say here, when the door flung open and hit the rabbit in the face. Stepping in through the door, with white and black splotched fur, wearing skintight electric blue pants, matching shirt, Black hip belts, black silk gloves, obnoxious raver sunglasses and goth boots. The rabbit ran over to embrace his brother.

"Oh no!" Alex muttered before he was tackled to the floor by his inbred sibling.

"Lexy! Lexy Lexy Lexy!" The male said as he snuggled up to him.

"Cookie! Get off of me!! NOW! Get OFF!" Alex shouted. If only I had been there to see it I think I would have gladly endured an Alex tirade just for that scene alone.

The eccentrically dressed rabbit lept of his brother as if scalded. "Sorry...sorry...did I hurt Lexy?"

Alex sat up and brushed his shirt down. "No...you didn't hurt Lexy you nincompoop." Alex said as he looked his brother up and down. On closer inspection, the outfit was a skintight bodysuit, the kind you wear at raves.

"Cookie...what ARE you wearing?"

Lucky, or "Cookie", as everyone called him in the family due to his love of Chewy Chips Ahoy cookies, looked at himself and smiled. Alex sincerely doubted Lucky had on underwear underneath the suit. "It's my new rave outfit." He said in a childishly enthused voice. "I...I'm cool huh?"

Alex shook his head. "What would dad say if he saw you like that? You look utterly ridiculous."

Lucky bit his finger and shied. "But...all the cool kids are wearing it." He said, looking down at his feet and shuffling them.

Alex grumbled. "Lucky you're almost 23 years old. Look at yourself! You look like you rolled around in saran wrap and just so happened to accessorize with it." Alex said as he walked up and placed his hand directly on his brother's crotch, stroking a little. "And besides, I can see your crotch...you know we're not supposed to show it off except when naked or in swimsuits."

Lucky closed his eyes and arched a little into the rubbing, whimpering a little as he was molested by his brother. "Ohhh that feels...good..."

Alex continued the rubbing. "Look here you posterchild for the special Olympics. If you want to keep feeling good, then you take off these clothes right now."

Alex had never seen someone undress faster in their life. It was a blur of sunglasses, silk, boots and spandex before his brother stood naked before him. Fabian whom was over in the corner, stood watching.

"Shall I cancel your appointments?" Fabian asked, familiar with the almost normal incestuous couplings of the Fletcher family.

Alex shook his head. "No this wont take long."

Alex wrapped a hand around his brother's cock, which was arguably bigger than his. 9 inches of dripping rabbit meat. Alex often felt like a child molester when he did this, but he knew that it was often the only way to get Lucky to behave. Alex slid down to his knees, and sunk his brother's cock deep into his mouth.

(I never expected to have to do this again any time soon.) Alex thought to himself. (What is this retard doing back in town? I thought I had him in that special ed boarding school in Toronto so I would have to deal with this. Believe me, I don't have the time to suck off little bro and keep him fed with an unlimited supply of Chips Ahoy. Then again, there must be a reason he's here, and if the family sent him over...ick I shudder to thought. Well at least Cookie here has a nice cock. Tastes alright, and feels nice in here...but I still feel wrong sucking off a guy with the intelligence of a 10 year old.) He then paused mid suck and smiled (as opposed to Renee, I suppose that's 5 years more intelligent than him.)

Fabian watched out of morbid curiosity. Fabian had been the family's good friend and loyal go-to man since Alex's father was young. He was much to Alex as a kid: mentor, butler, tutor. Fabian had seen Alex and his younger brothers mate on several occasions as Alex had became such the sexual addict. His father, Fabian remembered, was the biggest sexual sadist he could recall. When he married his sister, often times it was difficult to tell if she was screaming out of pleasure, terror, pain, or all of the above. Alex, introduced to sex by his father, seemed to carry on many of the similar traits of his creator. Fabian couldn't watch any longer.

Almost as soon as Fabian turned around, there came a gushing gargle from Alex, a scream of passion from Cookie, and swallowing noises from Alex.

Moments later Alex picked himself up, spitting out his brother's cock like it was something vile and swallowed his brother's semen. "Oh...so good Lex...you always are so good to me."

"Fabian! Get my brother some of my spare clothes...and take him to buy some more if you please...I want Cookie here out of this building and on the next plane back to Toronto...and what are you shaking your head at?" Alex asked, looking at his brother whom was shaking his head.

"Can't go back to snowy place. They said I was two dumb..." Cookie said as he stuck his finger back in his mouth and bit it.

Alex, whom still had some semen on his chin, blinked. "What happened?"

Cookie shuffled away, and tried to hide behind Alex's desk. "They said I wasn't supposed to be there...called me bad names...called me dummy."

Alex, reached up, getting a migraine already. "Wasn't supposed to be WHERE cookie?"

Lucky sat, spread eagled, hiding behind the desk. Lucky never knew modesty, as he wasn't perceptive enough to understand the concept. Lucky would have been content to frolic naked if he had a bag of chips ahoy with him and an endless supply of soft things. "In that place with the hot things...the good smells...where they make my lunch."

Alex got an understanding now. "You went in the kitchen? Cookie it's dangerous in there, you could get hurt."

"No I won't, I'm a big boy...look how big my wiener is...you said it yourself I'm a big boy."

Alex continued to rub the bridge of his nose. "No I said you have a big cock, and that it you were bigger than I expected. And that was a long time ago. You're still not big enough to be in the kitchen. How many times have we told you that you're not supposed to leave your room?"

Lucky held up both hands, and extended his fingers almost as if to show the number. "143 times..." He said, then slumped back behind the desk.

"Well this is number 144, and it damn well better be the last..." Alex began. "Now Cookie, I'm going to give you a room here in this hotel, and I want you to stay there regardless. Don't come out unless you see me or Uncle Fabian at the door do you understand."

Lucky stood up and nodded. "Okay I'll come out if a bunny is at the door." He nodded.

Alex growled a little. "No LISTEN you dunce! Only if it's ME or Fabian! Do you understand?!"

Lucky started to tear up and then started to sob. "Brother doesn't love me anymore...He's yelling at me!"

Alex then stopped, and was about to have a heart attack with how impossibly hopeless this situation was.

"Brother Alex won't make me feel good anymore..." The black and white splotched lapine cried.

Alex walked over and tried to place a hand on his brother, whom pulled away, whining like a struck child. "Oh behave. Cookie...Cookie?! If you stop this bawling right now...right this second, I'll buy you a bag of cookies so you can have something to eat."

The young male continued to cry. "You're lying, you're just saying that to get me to stop crying. They all say that just to make me stop..."

Alex quickly reached into his wallet and pulled out a 20. He handed it to his challenged little brother and said. "Look...you know what that is...it's money. You can take that...and buy a whole bunch of cookies. Or you can get some comics or even a plushy if you're fortunate. Now...I want you, to put some clothes on...and go with uncle Fabian."

Fabian returned on cue with some briefs, blue jeans and a T shirt. The rabbit, fought back more sobs, and nodded. He took the briefs, and slipped them on. Then took the pants, and put them on backwards, followed by the shirt...also backwards. Alex wanted to say something, but he held his tongue.

Cookie then slipped on his goth boots, and followed Fabian out the door. "I'll take him somewhere cheap." Fabian said before closing the door.

"FUCK!" Alex said as he kicked his briefcase right across the floor. "This was the last thing I needed, was the boy blunder coming here and ruining everything."

Alex then picked up his Cell phone, and hit one of the speed dial keys. It rang twice, and his query picked up after that. "Hello?"

"Spike, it's Alex, where are you?"

"I'm downstairs, what's the matter, you sound particularly angry."

Alex resisted the urge to shout in the phone, the fight he had inside his head was probably strong enough to take a few months off his life. "Listen here, my brother just showed up out of the blue dressed like some spandex wearing raver ninny. I took care of him and he's going to be staying here for a while because I'm guessing he got himself expelled from yet another boarding school."

Silence. Then, "Unfortunate. Will he be a part of our plans?"

Alex shook his head, despite the fact that he knew Spike couldn't see it. "No, he's nuttier than a jar of JIF. About all he's good for is the occasional mild entertainment, and if you feel comfortable fucking retards."

"So you feel comfortable fucking retards eh?" Spike said without emotion.

"If I'm willing to spill my seed into the belly of a ....woman (shudder) then I'd feel far more comfortable ejaculating into the rectum of my mentally disabled kin."

More silence. Alex took a few deep breaths before spike spoke again. "I'm coming up. Try to remain calm until then love."

With that, the line clicked. Alex snapped his phone shut, and maneuvered his way towards his chair, and flumped back down in it. It was actually for the best that I hadn't shown up, Alex thought. For my punishment would have probably left me scarred physically for life. Alex cursed me once more, as his doors opened once more for the day.

Spike the tall and sleek Minks stepped forward, his hair dyed a sharp shade of purple today, tied back in a French braid. He wore A denim jacket, torn denim jeans with holes in some teasingly sexy places, and his trademark thong that peaked up over the hips and over the waistline of his pants. His chest was almost always bare these days. He was lean yet toned, like me. Having seen him myself I could see the attraction. If he wasn't such an evil prick, I would have thought him sexy as well.

"Well?" Spike said in his thick, today British accent.

"I told you, I'm not pleased with my brother being here."

Spike walked up, and sat on the edge of the desk, a pair of holes on the ass section, enough to show glimpses of the most toned ass anyone had ever seen, but not enough to call it a full glory shot. "What, displeases you about it, and more importantly how does this concern me at all, aside from the fact I have to endure your pointless whining."

Now it was Alex's time to lick his lips in anxiety. "Err...well like I said he's retarded. He ruins everything I do because he's like a lost puppy when he's around me. Begging for treats, hanging around me everywhere I go, humping my leg when he gets horny, always making a mess..."

Spike pulled out a pack of Kool's and lit one up, before blowing out a breath of smoke, and turning to face his lover. "He really humps your leg?"

Alex blushed a little bit and swept his ears back. "Well not always. He's groped me in public before, put my hands where they don't belong, he's ground his fanny against me in public. He has occasionally even pushed me to the floor and made out with me. It's horrible when I'm trying to land clients that have to deal with these sights."

Spike shook his head. "Come on, my own child isn't the brightest light on the tree, and I still have time to discipline him for misbehaving. How did my dad put it? 'Spare the rod spoil the child'? Next time he does that, backhand the little rat and so what if he cries and whines? He's so ass backwards he'll probably forget about it at the sight of the nearest shiny object."

Alex looked slightly repulsed, yet his words were understandable. "Spike, I love my little brother, and yeah he's an annoying cuss, but I don't think I could bring myself to strike him."

Spike shrugged. "Then let me do it. My own kid gets a taste of my hand quite often these days."

Alex didn't doubt it. "Would that be Morbious?"

Spike nodded. "The very same."

Alex had met Spike's son once. Deaf/Mute. Apparently the Fletcher's weren't the only family that had taken to inbreeding. However when it came to Spike, he had impregnated his mother out of revenge, not love. Morbious was born Mute, then his hearing went when he was a young child. Morbious was about the same age as Cookie, perhaps...nah...might not be a good idea getting two inbred retards together in one room.

"You strike Morbious?" Alex asked.

"Only when he deserves it. I really can't stand the way he stutters lately, it drives me up the wall. Not only that but he lost a pound of Coke. How could he LOOSE a pound of Coke?"

Alex didn't want to speculate, he just nodded his head and said, "Alright I can see that." Alex then looked up at his partner in crime and said "Spike, have any of your boy's seen Morningstar?"

Spike raised his eyebrows and scrunched his eyes. "The fox? What about him?" Spike said after a particularly long drag."

"Well he was late for his appointment this morning. He should have been sent right home after finishing up with me. None of his dunces apparently know where he is, and they keep calling asking if I've seen him."

Spike stood and walked around the desk. "And you told them nothing?" He said not quite a question, but more as a statement.

Alex scoffed. "What do you take me for? Of course I told them nothing. I said we conducted a meeting about his current lease and I was done with him after about an hour."

Spike patted Alex hard on the shoulder. "That's good. Because if you fuck this up...It's all your fault not mine."

Alex opened his mouth to say something but nodded.

Spike then sat right in front of Alex, on top of his papers, with his legs playfully spread. A hole right in the between of the legs gave Alex a clear view at the crotch of Spike's purple thong. The bulge therein was so tempting, like knowing a python was hiding just under a rock, and yet still wanting to move in closer. The bulge twitched, as undoubtedly Spike flexed his length in the garment.

"The Fox and I had a little talk about how he was going to conduct further business with us. After a little incentive, I dropped him off at St. Joseph's church across town. I pulled his condom off and dumped it in the grail, and left him on the altar. Either they'll assume he's a rape victim or some loony after some odd kicks with the sperm in the grail."

Alex's jaw dropped. "So that's where he is. Spike I wish you would have told me about this. I don't think that was a -"

Spike lashed out and wrapped his hand viciously around his lover's throat, squeezing hard to cut off his air. He knew just how to do it to deny any air without crushing the windpipe. "That's the thing Alex...loverboy...is that you're not here to think. You Alex Fletcher, are the figurehead. You are the Queen Elizabeth II of this partnership. Your job is to go out...be buisnessy, network, and deal with those upper class stiffs so I don't have to. My job is to be the thinker. I'm the brains of this operation, you're the voice, dumb and dumber out there in the hallway are the braun. Now, do you have any problems with this?" Alex quickly shook his head, a throbbing erection sprouting in his trousers. Despite how scary this was, Alex found the forcefulness, masculinity, and all around butch nature of Spike to be thrilling and a turn-on. The way Spike was berating him, and the way spike was treating him like a common pissant when no one in the world would otherwise dare, Almost evoked an orgasm. "Good, because if you did have a problem then we might have to have a (long drag, then exhale), serious reassessment of this partnership."

Alex nodded once more, and his throat was released. Alex gasped for air, and quickly reached into his pants, and adjusted his monstrous troll of an erection that was running rampant in his now inadequately sized briefs. Spike took notice and stood Alex up, grabbing him by the hair and pulling it, dragging him over to the wall. "Did I say you could get hard when I'm talking to you?". Alex shook his head, but just got harder from the treatment. "Good, now...the fox is yours, fine, but I need to be able to work my own magic if the spell we're trying to cast is going to succeed, understood?" Spike said moving his face within inches of Alex's.

"Crystal clear..." Alex whispered. Spike then moved his hands down to Alex's sport coat, and literally tore it from his body. Alex started to protest, but earned a slap. That in itself shot a load of precum all over the inside of his undies, and made Alex moan softly. "Shut up...you can afford a new suit. Hell, my men can steal one if you just quit this bitching...you whine like a mule but don't smell as bad thank god." He said as he moved down, and undid Alex's pants and suspenders, tossing them away. Next came Alex's briefs, ripped from his body after some not so gentle tugging. Alex's lapine meat, bobbed in the air not unlike his younger brother's had earlier in the hour. Alex was so vulnerable, so much a slave to the will of his lover he could just die right in that moment and be happy for eternity. No one in the world had ever been allowed to talk down to him - in one way or another; anyone whom dared was met with the up most of hostility.

Spike then pressed Alex's face hard against the wall, and started to kiss him. The kiss was anything but gentle, the tongue of his lover pressing deep into his mouth. Oh how Alex loved this rough and angry sex. Alex wrapped his hands around the waist of his lover, pulling him close. His cock slid through the hole in the loose denim, and up against the warm and slightly moist thong pouch of his partner. The jousting shafts throbbed against one another, much like their bodies were, joking for position.

Alex kissed back, as forcefully and as powerfully as he could, feeling the superior skill of his lover's tongue put him in his place. When the kiss was broken, Alex had his knee kicked out with a scooping pull by Spike's leg, dropping him on his knees. Spike still held onto his lover's hair, before undoing his pants which fell to the ground in a heap. Next, he pulled his thong down, to let his sheathless human style penis smack him in the face. Alex could feel the warm hard metal of Spike's 6 gauge PA against his cheek.

"Suck it, and make it up to me." Spike spat like a venomous viper. Alex hardly wanted to keep his lover waiting, and answered with a prompt "Yessir.", before turning his face sideways, manipulating his lips, and corralling the head of Spike's wondermeat into his mouth. Since youth, Alex had a certain...lust for sucking cock. He wasn't quite sure what it was, but he was almost insatiable in his need for that particular organ to be inside of him. Alex had once entertained the idea that sexual preferences could be determined just by the species of the particular animal. He thought of Renee, and how much he hated him and the thought of male fox's seemed to make sense that they'd be natural born queers. Prid pro quo, he had to ask himself if male rabbits were also meant for this purpose as his father had once said.

"Ahh who gives a fuck?" He said to himself inside of his head. Alex closed his eyes, and wrapped his black lips tight around the invading flesh of Spike, letting spike dictate the speed, tradgectory, and attitude of just how he was going to navigate that penis in and out of his face. Alex brought his hands up, and cupped the taut and firm buttocks of his beau, and held them. Alex entertained the idea that perhaps those cheeks were so strong, and so firm, one could crack walnuts in that sweet cleft of rump. Certainly in the rare times Alex had been able to top Spike, those cheeks had done their necessary job of milking quarts of semen from Alex's sinful depths.

"Come on, suck it good...give it a bit of love now..." Spike said with all the luster of a harlequin romance novel hunk. Alex still held onto those buns of steel, his own body definitely nothing to sniff at, except for his knee of course. Alex wrapped his tongue like a burrito shell around the shaft as best as he could, equalizing the pressure for thrusts and sucks, to try to give Spike the best feeling possible. Spike groaned after a few moments, and Alex could feel his scrotum loosen, as if he carried much tension in his loins. His now pendulum like balls swung about in rhythm with his thrusts. Alex had a happy flashback of his childhood, sucking off his father underneath his desk while he would berate people that dared question him. Alex would grin wide upon the very cylinder of flesh that had made him, and feel more pride than many ever consciously feel. Alex felt like that right now, that he was on top of the world, being on bottom of the only men worthy of conquering him. His father had told him to treat his body like the Forbidden City, and while its easy to bring people in the gates, those that are powerful enough to knock them down are truly worth residing there.

And of course, Spike was residing within the walls of Alex's Forbidden City. Alex could feel the sperm-latent orbs slapping his chin. Those orbs, those precious orbs that made the serum of life, the sweet sex syrup, the baby making butter that Alex so loved to sacrilegiously swallow bathe in and otherwise ingest. Every time Alex sucked upon a penis, or had his worked on he remembered his college and high school courses that told him how against religion it was to let his semen fly, much less with another male. Who gave a Dutch wheel of cheese about what those people thought, cause they obviously had never been to Los Angeles and had obviously had never had the pleasure of Spike's fuck-stick rammed down their throats.

Alex could feel the tangy sweet/sour flavor of Spike's precum dribbling onto his tongue. It tasted as good as the first time he had it; he still wondered in the back of his head weather or not the flavor was influenced by the metal of Spike's piercing, but he didn't particularly care either way. Spike had a most delicious cum and Alex did almost anything he could to get a wine glass full. There were a few nights where the sex wasn't as rough, and it was actually loving and passionate, just what Alex needed - real and truthful love as opposed to people fucking him for gain. A few times Alex and Spike had swapped cum cocktails, and boy was it better than any 100 year-old wine.

Spike slowed his thrusts, and Alex took over, letting his mouth rise and fall upon the shaft in his maw. If anything he wondered if there could be any more beautiful sight than the crotch of his lover. Not even Renee's body was as taut and muscular. For a brief moment, Alex entertained the idea that some drugs could have aided in this pinnacle of perfection. The little tuft of pubic fur muff around the base of his groin was just the clincher. Alex had a similar rug of black fur, and he utterly loved it. For some reason pubic fur was just another little lovely he enjoyed of the many features on Spike.

"Oh Fuck...enough head...you ready to truly apologize?" Spike grumbled, throwing his denim jacket to the floor. Alex said his answer with his eyes, and let the cock slip out of his mouth with a wet slurp and plop.

Spike thrust his hand out and gripped Alex's ears firm. "Seems like your desk seems to get more action than a Stephen Segal movie, what do you say we go play eh?."

Alex couldn't help but chuckle. "That washed up martial artist?" Alex began. "The only thing I think of when I think of that has-been is a perfect mentor for Renee Morningstar." Alex said with a nice malevolent lilt to his voice.

Spike made a noise of intrigue, "I love it when you make such interesting analogies...now assume the position my corporate bitch."

Alex was definitely eager to comply. Alex kept his business shirt and tie on, always finding it kinky when he made love with a kind of dignity about himself. "Back or stomach?" Alex asked.

"I don't care just get ready for a dicking..." Spike warned, reaching into one of Alex's drawers for a bottle of WET. He applied the clear liquid to his schlong and stroked himself to a glistening sheen, tossing his long locks back. Alex gulped and laid on his back, sprawling about several important papers, as he'd done many times recently.

"I'm ready for it."

Spike inserted a lubed finger into Alex's waiting tailhole, and Alex gasped, not expecting it so suddenly. Spike felt the burning inferno of Alex's insides around his digit, and it brought a smile to his face. He thrust his finger forward and upward into the guts of Alex, earning a guttural groan of thanks, loud and emitted in earnest. Spike was never particularly keen on finger-banging, but anything to torture Alex a bit longer was worthy of doing. Spike began to drive his finger against that little spot of the bunny's, as Alex gripped his cock, and stroked it with a vigor, after grabbing some lube of his own.

"Oh fuck yes..." Alex groaned.

"Hmm I wonder if...PCC INC knows what their quarterly report papers are being used for eh?" Spike grinned as he pulled a random paper from under his lover, and tossed it over his shoulder, before climbing on top of him, removing the finger, and letting his length slurp and hit home in one good glide.

"AHHHHhhhhhhhhhhh" Alex screamed out. Heckyl & Jeckyl poked their heads inside the door, and quickly shut it again, more than likely believing that Spike was doing physical harm to their rabbit boss. Spike couldn't enjoy what he was feeling more - the hot, steamy, utterly silky and velvety inner membranes of Alex wrapped around his barebacked cock, with his PA locked home past the inner ring. Alex, growing bold, brought himself into a kiss with his lover, which Spike lazily returned, beginning the hard fucking.

Now when I say fucking, I mean fucking. To some making love is what I like to do, and I guess in some perverse way the angry lusty ravenous sex that Alex was getting was a form of love making, but with Spike piledriving his cock in and out of Alex not unlike Jerry "The King" Lawler once piledrove the brittle neck of Andy Kaufman, it wasn't hard to see how painful it could be. Spike had his legs at shoulder's with, the desk premeasured for just this occasion so that Spike could get full use of his hips. Spike stopped mid thrust and pulled out, laying so their scrotums resting against one another. Alex got a playful image of the sperm desperate to tear through their bodies just to get at one another, headlong for creating life. Spike then gripped at Alex's hair and pulled tight on Alex's necktie, constricting his airway a bit, the eyes of Alex bulging out a bit at the sudden lack of oxygen. Spike's cock snaked its way down his body, and rammed back home into Alex's spicy tunnel of love, making the normal slurpy sounds of sex that came from a lot of lube.

"God I love you Alex...my hot little office bitch..."

Alex couldn't do much more than gargle, the excitement...the lack of oxygen...the passion...the light-headedness...and the pleasure of his masturbation, threatened to bring him to orgasm right then and there. Why he didn't cum, was just sheer luck he supposed. Spike then, placed Alex's tie in his mouth, and hooked one of his lover's legs in an underhook. His cock slamming back and forth, the pierced penis penetrating perfectly and pummeling the nearly impervious man pussy caused great elation in Alex, bringing him to work his cock in the stereotypical "porn star bottle-neck" style masturbation technique you normally see in adult videos. "Almost.......there....." Alex managed to rasp out.

Spike nodded. "Go ahead and finish...we need it." Spike groaned, and pulled with his strength as hard as he could on the tie. Alex had no way of drawing breath, his rapidly beating heart pumping dying blood throughout his body, his head swimming his vision fading, and his bowels being wonderfully moshing in the pit that was his asshole. Alex wasn't even aware he was cumming. Mere seconds after Spike gave his permission, Alex's potent lapine semen showered the chest and face of his lover, and sending waves of yellowish white semen into the chalk white coat of the man whom was close to taking his life. Spike thrust home, letting his own load spill into the bowels of his lover, Alex could even see his abdomen bulge slightly with each deposit, as the mink gave every sing bit of baby making sperm into his bunny butt. Holding himself there, feeling Alex shudder and effectively die under him. He no longer felt breath, nor a heartbeat from alex. But, Spike didn't panic at all.

As Alex slipped unconscious, Spike collapsed and undid the tie around his lover's neck. He raised a fist and pounded once hard on the rabbit's chest, forcing Alex to draw a deep breath. After a second powerful strike, he felt the heartbeat kick start once more. With an evil smile Spike sighed, and let them lie like that for a few moments, collecting himself, and brushing his head back. "Fuck yeah...remember who owns you Alex Fletcher...I just took your life and gave it back to you...you better fucking love me." Spike said, taking one of Alex's lifeless hands into his, and laying it on their sperm soaked chests. Alex gargled something out, and Spike had to ask Alex to repeat it. After Alex had regained a steady breathing rhythm he repeated it.


Spike smiled, for a brief moment, not seeming as evil and twisted as many saw him, but more the tender and loving and sensual creature the gods had intended minks to be. Spike scooped the lifeless body of Alex into his arms and remained mounted to him, and carried himself into the convenient bed not to far off. "I think you can take a break for the rest today, on the account of death."

"Goody..." Alex gargled out once more, a smile across his face. Alex had a feeling of being on the end of a yo-yo that was on the finger of death itself, and somehow managed to have the most spectacular sex in the meantime. Spike himself enjoyed the power he felt in that most recent exchange of life, body fluids, and words. Spike was hungry for the power that he felt when he was fucking Alex. They were a perfect match, soul mates. Like an unholy version of Neil and I. Eww...I can't believe I compared our marriage to them in the same sentence.

Spike smirked and spanked Alex's rear rather hard, and pulled the covers over the pair of them. "We should call you're live insurance company...I think you're entitled to a claim."

"Woo...hoo..." Alex said with a grin. "So long as you fuck me again to celebrate."

Spike already began to harden again inside of Alex's depths, the warm creamy cum dripping out of the small gaps between flesh. "Are you sure? How many times can you die in a day?"

Alex started to show signs of life once more and moved a hand slowly behind his lover's head. "I live...to kill...and live...to extinguish the hopes...and dreams...of those I dispise...I'm Immortal with you around."

Spike licked his lips maliciously, as if he heard a challenge. "Hmm I love it when you talk dirty."

And thus began round two...

* * *

Sparky sat, utterly naked, talking on the phone. In fact, everyone in the apartment was naked. It was wash day, not everything going on at the Fletcher Tower had to be sexual now does it? Silly people...

Cycic sat in Ritch's lap, being lightly petted and occasionally kissed on the ears. Cyric was off in his own little world, as if he didn't register what was going on. Ritch had joined my roommates after I didn't come home, babysitting young Cyric, and he was only naked from staying the night. Again, not that I cared. I had the feeling that I was going to getting much closer to the two of them into the future, and that I wasn't far off from my first experience with my own child. But part of me was still apprehensive about doing such a thing. He'd already been molested before...but then again that wasn't by someone he loved and trusted - by Satan's beard I don't know if that makes it better or worse.

All I know is after all my talks with Ritch, I kept saying it over in my mind. "I want to fuck you Cyric, I want to fuck you dad...I want the three of us to become a threesome...I daresay I want to marry you both, so I can have the three most perfect mates...". It was cheesy yes, but it's how I truly felt. I hadn't been spending much time with Neil and I felt bad for it, but at the same time I REALLY wanted to fuck dad...again and again...and the other part of me wanted to do something not unlike what Spike had done to Alex with young Cyric. I wanted to throw him to my bed, strip him naked, and give him a sexual experience he'd never forget and officially baptize him into the sexual world of the 232 crew. As I had said before, pedophilia was no longer illegal, however it was still a social controversy. Gods...so much of Ritch had rubbed off on me I couldn't deny he was my father - his cock resting against my son's back, petting and stroking and UGGGGGGGG I wanted to be there...(wimpering and moaning in frustration).

But, as Sparky chatted on the phone, everyone else was listening to his end of the conversation as best as they could. Of course it's always difficult to tell what is going on from simple one word answers. Jicenta was cooking in the kitchen, and Rowdy was at Blackball practice. Chong was sitting in one of the bean bag chairs, his hair starting to grow out long once more, idly picking at his sheath. Despite being sober, withdrawal still can reek havoc with someone.

"Alright Mitch, we appreciate that. Just get him home as soon as you can, we'll be glad he's here and ok." Sparky said into the phone, before he cracked a smile, and the sexy and sleek cheetah crossed his nude legs and smiled at the phone. "Oh...we were having a nudie pile in the living room earlier before you called, just a cuddle and smooch fest till young Cyric woke up. Apparently Renee Sr. is quite the SIR if you get my drift....ehh....ehhh....well you'll have to find out for yourself Mr. Monogamy." Spike said as he mimicked someone speaking incessantly with his hand. The group laughed, and this seemed to snap Cyric out of whatever little stupor he was in. He laughed along, not quite sure what he was laughing at but smart to laugh if others are laughing.

Ritch slipped a paw over Cyric's sheath, and Cyric churred pleasantly. "Is it okay if I touch you there kid?"

"I don't care...I like it...I wish you and daddy would do that more often...I haven't been touched there in forever."

Ritch hesitated, and gave the little sheath another grope before returning his hand to his chest, the boy curiously tracing the rose tattoos over his grandfather's arm. If you thought my tattoos were a fun toy for Cyric in the game of bodily exploration...then he was going to have a field day with dad.

"I should let your father really get the first real touch of you down there, just tell me if anyone ever touches you down there that you don't like...or if you don't like it when me or your dad does it."

Cyric was already in another world once more. Cyric wasn't autistic or anything, but at 10 he wasn't particularly worried about the fact he was just groped. He and I thought alike. If it feels good, don't stop damnit and just cause it feels good doesn't mean I can't enjoy something else at the same time. Sometimes Neil and I would fuck and watch TV, that was fun and interesting.

Sparky hung up the phone, and shook his head. "Fuck."

Ritch looked up from the gentle and sensual touching of my son to look at Sparky. "Whats up? What did LAPD have?"

"First Degree rape and Attepmted Murder 1. Looks like you're going to have some work ahead of you."

Jicenta, the attractive otter, set down one of the pots to keep from splashing boiling water on himself, as he turned towards his husband. "What?! Whom would do such a thing?"

Sparky walked over towards the couch, scooting Cyric out of Ritch's lap, and sitting down facing Ritch. He hugged my father tight, pressing their semi hard groins together. Ritch hugged back, and ground slightly, but was only half enthusiastic, just as Sparky was half enthusiastic. "Well, the pattern of carnage seems to fit one prime suspect, but seems Fletcher had an Airtight Alibi, he was with some Mink all day yesterday."

Jicenta shook his head and pointed a finger his husband's way "Mark my words babe, mark my words just as sure as you're getting heavy with Renee's dad there, I'm glad Rowdy isn't here. After what the last Fletcher did to Asher, I don't think any of us are really safe."

Sparky lifted his body, and slowly inserted my father's semi hard cock into his hole with a grunt. It didn't stay soft for long. Cyric watched in quiet and relative obscure awe at my father's BEAUTIFUL body mingling with one of a just as sexy feline. "You're right about one thing, I am going to get hot and heavy with Renee's dad here...right here and now....nnnggg....oooooooo...but I don't think this Fletcher is dangerous. He hasn't done anything to us like the last one."

Ritch groaned and locked lips with Sparky, the spontaneous sex catching on well between the two of them. Cyric continued to watch as the pair mated on the couch, not taking long at all. Sparky masturbating into the chest of my father, showering him with cum, before getting knotted and having a nice afternoon enema of fox semen. Chong then stood and folded his arms, the Hispanic golden retriever leaning against the back of Jicenta as he cooked. "But, remember guys, it's the quiet ones you have to worry about."

Ritch, a cockfull of Cheetah, looked up and said. "What else did they say about Renee."

Sparky shrugged and adjusted his human cock, leaning out and petting young Cyric. "Ritch, all Mitchell would say was they found him in a church, laying on the altar, there was a condom found in the garbage, and a chalice full of Renee's cum. The Condom has Renee's cum on the inside, and it looks like he was just roughed up real good, and fucked rather aggressively. Nothing he wont walk away from."

Ritch raised an eyebrow. "Renee...use a condom? If I know my son he wouldn't use a rubber if you paid him."

Almost everyone in the room nodded at the same time, then came an uneasy laugh from most everyone in the room. Cyric yawned. "Is breakfast ready? Or do you all want to have more sex first?" Cyric said slightly impatient.

Jicenta laughed. "Woah, your father would flip if he heard his own son traded food over sex. I've known him a long time sport."

Sparky nodded from atop my father's knot. "Yeah tell me about it. At one point J and I were part of his regular sex routine. Now it's really hard with new people moving into the game." He said leaning in and making out once more with my father. If I was there I'd have to make a remark about how physical Sparky was getting lately. No one had seen him so extraverted sexually in ages.

"Well excuse me for seducing my son." Dad said with a smirk, spanking Sparky a little before regarding his grandkid. "No Cyric, as soon as Jicenta is done in the kitchen we're all going to eat, then we'll try to find something to wear when Lt. Mitchell brings your father home."

Cyric looked up into my father's eyes. "Are you gonna fuck him?"

Ritch's smile faded slightly, but the twinkle didn't leave his eye, he shook his bushy tail. "Son, everyone in this house is very sexually active. Sex is not a bad thing, it's how we all express love, but I want you to know that's not all we do, and that once you start having sex with us...I want you to know that's not all you have to do."

Cyric looked confused. "Well if it wasn't as important, you wouldn't be having as much."

Everyone looked at Cyric, and then broke into laughter. "Yeah I guess you're right kid." Chong said.

Once everyone was untied, and unoccupied, Ritch threw on some clothes and went down to collect laundry. Cyric wore a pair of skimpy short shorts (I can't complain cause they used to be mine 7 years ago), and a black Utilikilts tank top with a nifty tribal knot on the front. Chong had also chosen the daisy duke look with an open flannel, and short shorts. Jicenta had slipped on some Khaki's and a polo, and Sparky had chosen to borrow a pair of my leather pants and leather button down shirt. He didn't quite fit in, to the group, but no one really cared, he looked hot. Dad wore some camo pants and a grey FBI t shirt. Subtle no?

The group had sat down to omelets and French toast, when there came a knock at the door. Sparky stood up to answer it, the leather making odd little noises as he moved across the room. "Oh hey Neil! They found Renee, he's just fine. A little roughed up is all."

Neil, (and I don't say this often) God bless him, was by far the most beautiful thing I'd ever laid eyes on. From our causal meeting in the hallway at the hands of Fletcher "The Terrible", and now together in marriage under Fletcher "The Worse", I couldn't be happier to have this Rat. Neil Morningstar-Simonsen, was not what one would consider "fit" like the rest of the 232 crew. He is the heavyweight of the group, not that chubs don't deserve love. Well Neil wasn't chubby per-say. He was about 5-11, 270 pounds, 44 inch waist, nice tummy, and wonderful ass and dick. I loved the way his belly laid across me when I was on bottom, and I loved the way it rolled with him when I was on top. It was like a love mattress built in. Neil was loosing weight however. He'd lost at least 2 inches since starting on the Renee Sexual Slim-Fast program. If things kept up, he was going to be a skinny rat in no time. I already legitimately had him working out, and sex was a good work out for us. Well...until yesterday.

"So he's going to be ok?" Neil asked in his crisp British accent that felt like a painter dabbing a canvas with his brush rather than Spike's slap across the face feeling when he talked. Did I ever mention I see/fuck a lot of Brits? "And boy am I underdressed compared to you."

Neil was wearing a button up shirt and tie, navy blue shirt and pants with Columbia blue tie. Neil's brown fur was well groomed, and his white hair was slicked back, as he'd taken to wearing this style lately. Perched upon his face were a pair of stylish wire-rimmed glasses of moderate prescription. Sparky looked down, and shrugged, and folded his bare arms across the leather top. "I felt like dressing butch today."

"You felt like letting Village People choose your wardrobe." Neil said, stepping inside. "Alo there son, pop, Jay, Chong." Neil said there as he sniffed the air. "I smell sex...no...-" He stopped holding up a hand. "Don't tell me. I really don't want to know whom got lucky today." He said with a groan, as he slumped down onto the very spot on the couch where dad and leather boy had just fucked no more than a little while earlier.

"Hey daddy!" Cyric said as he jumped into Neil's lap. Neil hugged and kissed our son, and set him down in his lap.

"Well what's wrong?" Ritch asked, as he offered Neil a plate of breakfast. Neil shook his head politely, and pet our boy gently, as Ritch himself had been doing earlier.

"What do you think is wrong Mr. Arran? Someone attacked Renee and raped him. I really am getting sick of all this drama."

"Drama?" Almost everyone asked at once.

Neil said softly. "Will all due respect, I thought that Ne-Ne and I had the perfect storybook romance going on. I didn't expect his long-lost son to come out of nowhere, I never expected the landlord to turn psycho and attack everyone I know, then to have his brother meander his way into our lives like nothing ever happened and start throwing his weight around with those goons of his. I'm getting a little sick of the fact that I'm having to take a number when it comes to bedtime with my husband - I have nothing but respect for all of you, family included, but this is getting ridiculous. Alex Fletcher has is fingers in every aspect of my life: my friends, my family, my marriage, and my home, and now my job."

"Your job?" Chong asked. "Since when does this chico get a hold of your job?"

"Oh Fletcher's company owns my company apparently, some stock exchange caucus on the hill that caught everyone by surprise. So his lawyer shows up early this morning and laid off half the people there, and gave the rest of us promotions to managers."

Jicenta shrugged. "That can't be too bad."

Neil turned his head towards Jay, looking no more enthused by his comment. "No, he laid off all of management. Those people were there because they knew what they were doing and had earned those positions...except for Clemmens but he was just a pussy licking breeder and slept his way to the top. Anyway, so now I've been promoted to the Sales and Marketing supervisor of my division. I know computers and law...I don't know sales for shit guys...and he'll have no excuse NOT to fire my ass."

Ritch nodded. "Sounds like this Fletcher is a real dill hole, lets see what I can get on him." He said as he stood up and moved over to the family computer, and began typing away.

"Fat chance you'll find anything mate, I tried to find anything I could and I came up dryer than Chong's sense of humor...err no offence."

"None taken." Chong said with a shrug.

"Now I know this sucks, and you're entitled to be upset. You're just being a bit snippy with us in my opinion." Sparky said.

Neil nodded. "Yeah well I feel I'm entitled to be. After all this I'm half tempted to yell at everyone what I really think of the world, then go back and ask for more. God...I hate this right now."

"Well daddy will be home soon." Young Cyric chimed in.

Neil sighed and pet the boy a little harder on the head and ruffed his little ponytail up a little bit. "Ah well, I'm sorry to be so upset Cyric, but Daddy Neil has just been so frustrated with this new asshole upstairs."

Cyric said. "I can always kick him in the knee for you."

Everyone chuckled a bit. "No I don't think you want to use you're kung-fu yet. You just might kill him." Jicenta said as he sat down next to Neil, and Sparky sat on the other side. "Anyway, I am just exhausted from work and frustrated over all this BS. I truly am sorry to be so annoying with all of this."

Jincenta then cleared his throat. "Well if Renee feels up to it, I have something planned. Aparently at the Tech-Noir downtown someone has made a challenge to our local champion. I got tickets last week thinking it was just going to be a solo, now it's going to be a rave-down between the two bois."

Sparky blinked his eyes. "Jesus H. Christ." He said...then blinked and said sorry softly before continuing. "Anyone that's willing to Challenge Chance and tries to live has got bigger balls than Rowdy."

Ritch peaked over his shoulder, "What are you all on about?"

Neil took a turn at clearing his throat. "Oh, there is this Boi, a boi of bois. He's not quite butch, not quite queen, but by the queens knickers that boi can dance...and loves to do so."

Sparky said. "Well, more or less what our British friend has just said, is our friend is a fag...that dances so fast, so intense, that most people pass out just to keep up, and this boi just scoops em up and asks for seconds."

Ritch smiled a toothy grin, "Ah youth, back when you could treat your bodies like a toy, and then regret it years later." Ritch smirked, and kissed his bicep.

"Yeah well fuck you." Sparky said with a laugh.

"Too late for that." Cyric said as he cuddled into his adopted father's lap. This time the laughter was more heartfelt and in earnest. Neil shook his head and closed his eyes.

"Didn't need to know that."

It was about an hour later that Mitchell had dropped me off at home and I stumbled in through the door. I didn't really want to talk with anyone, not even dad, I just fell into Neil's arms, and hugged him to my body, and cried.

* * *

As afternoon bled away into the evening, Ritch had left to go back to his home, taking Cyric with him. Chong, Jay and Sparky had left and met up with Rowdy at the Arena to take him over to the Tech-Noir. Neil and I were alone in the Apartment, except for a certain pet dog of mine that was still being his lazy self and sleeping on my bed. I'd have to give him a stiff dick in his ass sometime later for old times sakes, less I get called up again by Alex.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Neil said softly.

"Neil...if you don't do this with me now, here...in this moment, then I died back there in that dark room and have been sent to a kind of hell that not even I have enjoyed and the devil was more false than I could have ever feared."

We were nude, my arms wrapped around his neck, staring down into his eyes, his eyes meeting mine in the candle light. We were dancing softly to Celine Dion's "My Heart Will go on", slowdancing as we used to when we still were just dating. Sure, we were erect, but we weren't fully aroused yet; his fat and long rat cock up against my long foxy spermanator 2000. Neil had moved his hands down to the small of my back, and was kneading the tufts of fur there. It felt lovely.

"Renee, I was...was..."

"Was what?"

"I was beginning to think..." He said softer, as if choking back something. "I was beginning to think you'd end up like Asher, all banged up and mutilated."

I continued to look into those gorgeous baby blue eyes of his with my...I'm still not quite sure if they're brown yellow or green...but my eyes. "And this scared you?"

"I...I began to wonder what if? What if you ended up blind like him?"

I paused and soaked in the moment. The music, the candle light, the love, the closeness of our bodies, and I took him then and there. I closed my eyes, tight shut, then I lowered him against the ground, laying my body full on top of mine, and guided my length into him. It was a little awkward doing it dry, but we've done it before. I slipped in slowly, as he gasped, and kissed me deeply, but shortly. "What....what if? I...I can't bare to imagine what torment..." He said, breaking his own line of thought with another kiss.

"Well lets just see if I can put any fears of yours to rest." I said as I began to feel my length take root, in the best piece of ass I've had. Everyone I've fucked even Cyric whom I knew I was surely going to fuck very soon, would have a kind of ass that was unique and special, but I would always keep Neil's as my favorite. And on a side note, the sex around this complex lately seemed to be so sporadic and lacking foreplay, it could be stifling to some. Ahh well that's the way it happened.

I felt his ring close around my unswolen knot, giving me the full, red hot feeling of a juicy warm sphincter wrapped around my girth and giving way to my length. Neil's tummy did a most wonderful job of supporting me, as my navel ring rested against the lip of his cockhead. I continued to kiss him, our tongues lapping at one another like a pair of children sharing a tootsie pop. We'd parry and joust, taking turns entering one another, while my cock started to rock back and forth inside my husband in a sweet matrimonial coupling. His balls hung so far down from being so pent up, I felt them rolling against my cock a little as I thrust in and out. I was impressed my rat could store so much sperm. Then again how could I deny the load that he had pent up. Neil wasn't as frivolous as I was when it came to sex, he saved it all for me. I suppose in this moment, and this sweet embrace, I'd get the fruits of his labors.

Neil then moved his hands up to my skull, and ran his hands through my long and dark locks, tugging at them a little, as if he didn't believe it was really me. I mrred and started to get into our normal rhythm; pushing deep inside, and pulling out as far as I could, glad for that little divot under my head that we foxes have. That divot allowed Neil's tight ring to hold me in, and the shape of my head allowed for me to plunge almost infinitely into his depths, as I had on many occasions. "Oh god Renee..." he gasped, breaking the kiss.

I moved my hand over his slicked hair, uncaring about the dried gel that held it down, and gripped it as intimately as he was doing to mine. I worked my hips as I felt a delightful shudder in his bowels, his soft silky insides holding me tighter than his arms ever could. I felt as if his whole body wanted to hold onto me and never let go.

"Oh...it's getting a little sore...its been a while Renee..." Neil groaned after what seemed like an eternity. I reluctantly pulled out, and applied some lube to my cock, and onto his hole, and slipped back in with a sharper spear than I had before, eliciting quite the erotic noise of jubilation from my life partner. We changed positions so we both lay on our sides, facing one another, his rat penis mating quite efficiently with my pierced navel and abdomen, as my knot began to grow inside of him.

"I love you so much Neil...I don't want this to end."

"Then enjoy it...keep it going as long as you can."

I nodded. I buried my face against his shoulder's and just rocked my hips back and forth. Letting my cock grind and the budding knot start to slip in and out past his outer ring was always a joy for me, especially in this moment with how wet we were not. Neil always was turned on by the way I could knot-fuck, I suppose he was most turned on by the feeling of being so filled then emptied over and over again.

We held one another, so tight, shivering the embrace was so loving, so heart felt and so sacred. I must have missed the telephone ringing. "Don't answer it..." Neil begged. "Please god...don't...just......god......yes.....Ne......god....." He groaned as I slipped my mouth over his to quell his thirsts.

As I kissed the machine kicked in. After my normal outgoing messages, I heard the voice of Alex on the line. "Morningstar, you have an important business meeting with me in 48 hours. You know what I expect of you at this meeting and I daresay it could be grave for the both of us if you're unable to attend..."

Neil surprised the hell out of me as he yanked the phone cord from the wall, and tossed it away. "I ...don't care...if...the queen herself is calling....god would have to move the heavens to pry me from your arms right now....

I wasn't much for the G man, but Neil's words moved me, I smiled and bit his neck softly. "And Lucifer would need the flames of the 9 hells and the scourge of a hundred demons to pry me from your arms..."

We threw our arms around one another once more, before Neil looked right into my eyes. "Finish it...I can't wait any longer."

I nodded and Neil rolled over onto his tummy, guiding me on top. I stayed in, incensed at the indescribable joy I felt when he shifted his body like that. I placed my hands next to his head, which he promptly kissed and nuzzled, as I let his ass have all that I had left in me to give sexually. Neil's prosterior was soft enough to let me have a little bit of bounce when I thrust with out danger of hurting ourselves. I didn't hold back, nor did I think he wanted me too. Neil braced himself, clenching his fists, while I tied him, locking my knot in place. We screamed together in that moment, as I gave him the hardest fucking I'd probably ever bestowed. I almost could feel his body threatening to break under me as I went, sure it'd never happen but as my hard fox cock slipped in and out of his body, and beads of sweat now ran down us in that hot California afternoon, I couldn't have felt more complete.

Neil came first, without even touching himself, I could hear it splatter against the hardwood floor. He screamed out, as if he'd been stabbed, cumming, his tailhole squeezing like a vice around the wonder spot behind my knot.

"I'm gonna cum! Ahhh FUCK!" I screamed, holding myself still as my load began to unload in it's rightful place. For anyone who's ever came as much as I have into the sweet ass of their lover, they know how excellent it can feel. I could feel every ounce of my potent sperm pooling in his insides, impregnating him as it were. I clutched him tight, riding out every spasm of orgasm.

When we were competed in our orgasms, I rolled on my side pulling him with me, laying an arm over his stomach. Neil wrapped our hands together, and we cuddled there together on the floor, wrapped in a bittersweet love cocoon.

"I love how spontaneous that was Ne...I loved it."

"We needed that just then I think." I exhaled.

"I agree. I've never needed that more than ever."

I sighed, and sniffed, taking in the scent of my husband, the smell of the sex, and our fluids, and it was good. My cock would be resting in the depths of Neil's ass for a while, so I definitely had no plans on moving just then and there.

"We need to do more next time..." Neil said as he squeezed my hand.

"Of course, don't think for a second that I'd deny you Neil."

He laughed once. "Hun, I have you so under my thumb." Neil said with an elated cackle. "I should have you on a leash and collar."

I knew of someone else that had similar ideas. "Would you like that?"

Neil shrugged. "Perhaps sometime...ehh I'd have to be in the mood for it. I'd definitely like to see you in a more submissive mood."

I hugged him once more. "Next time I'll be more submissive."

Neil laughed and then let out a long sigh, before he spoke again. "Tell me what's going on?"

I licked my lips and nuzzled the back of his neck. "It's complicated Neil...I don't know if I can tell you."

Neil drummed his fingers against my hand from his free hand. "I thought we agreed that there'd be no secrets between the two of us?"

I sighed. "Neil it's way more complicated than that. What I'm dealing with puts you all in danger, and it's something that I have to handle alone."

Neil shook his head. "Haven't you learned anything," He began, taking off his glasses and straining to look at me. "From movies and TV and books? Every time the hero has an issue he has to deal with alone, something bad always ends up happening to the people around them because those people weren't made aware of the impending threat. And besides, what good am I going to be to my husband if I didn't lend every power in my body to aid him."

I didn't answer.

"It's simple. Just tell me what's going on. No matter how bad it is I'll be here to help you out."

I moved my hand down his body, and gripped his still semi hard exposed cock and held it. For a brief moment I had a mental nightmare of never being able to hold it touch it or taste its goodness again.

"I don't want to hurt you."

Neil placed his hand over mine that was grasping his manhood and moved my hand onto his heart, which was still beating rather fast. It was like a little vibrating toy behind his chest. "This heart is beating because of you Renee. I don't know where I'd be if it wasn't for you and your friends. I doubt very well you could hurt me."

Once more I didn't answer. I didn't believe it myself. I knew it was true, but I didn't believe it.

"Ne...who is it? Or what is it?"

A thought occurred to me that I hadn't previously thought of. I was knotted to Neil, and I wasn't going to be able to pull out of him for over 45 minutes to an hour. Talk about being captive to the wills of your husband. At the moment I wanted to crawl into my room, and lock the door, and hide from the world, and yet the heart of the most wonderful man that could possibly have come into my life beat under my hand. That beat was almost like a cadence, urging me onward, and urging me towards the truth.

I licked my lips and said. "I'm being blackmailed."

Neil blinked, still looking back at me, and then lowered his head. "Blackmailed? How and who? What does anyone have on you anyway?"

There was no turning back now. "Fletcher. Alex Fletcher specifically has a hold on me."

Neil scoffed. "What kind of information? It's not like you've done anything wrong really."

"I haven't done anything 'wrong' no, though I've done things that aren't necessarily socially acceptable."

"You mean the porn?"

I nodded and rubbed my muzzle against the back of his neck so he could feel it. "It's not too bad, but it could still get me blackballed from kickboxing if they think I'm a child molester. It's tedious enough that I did the gay movie. Parents and people around the world know me now. I'm a celebrity. I'm not just a socialite of the gothic and adult entertainment venues. People now give a damn about me. I know you all love me, but now people all over the world have opinions of me."

"Like?" Neil said, not understanding my logic.

"Oh you know, since it was a gay action movie, people think I'm teaching today's youth that it's okay to be gay, that gay people are people too. Some groups in various nations are calling for my blood because I openly express a forbidden lifestyle to the world and all that."

Neil laughed for a moment and then said, "Darling that's no different from the Linda Lovelaces and the Cindi Margolis' of the world and what parental groups think of them. I really don't think that this is such a big deal."

I whimpered a little. "I love those kids; I don't want to stop teaching them. Those kids, queer or not, need to know how to defend themselves from rotten thugs."

"And you should keep teaching. So you make adult movies, I think most parents are mature enough to realize that you're there to teach karate, not to get your fuck on. Besides, devils advocate you get so much sex from all of us, that I doubt you'd even have the sexual energy for those kids."

I disagreed entirely but I wasn't one to argue in the moment.

"But Neil, It's not just that, It's more. I can see that Alex has already put his plan into action."

"Plan? What do you mean 'plan'? Alex has something up his sleeve?"

I hugged him tight. "Yeah, you can say that. He has a plan to get at me. He wants revenge on me for the Michael's death."

Neil scoffed, a bit louder this time. "Come now Renee Morningstar, do you really think that Alex Fletcher a respected and notable businessman is going to fly 4,000 miles, move his entire portfolio to another coast, set up a base of operations, leave everything he's had set up for 25 years just to come here, and make life a living hell for one solitary fox because he happened to be the last person his psyco brother talked to?"

I didn't say anything, I let my silence answer him. Neil then lowered his head, and made a single chuckle of bemusement. "Now that I think on it, that does make sense. It is Fletcher after all."

"Of course he'd want to be close to me Neil. I was the last person the motherfucker talked to before he scattergunned his brains into merry fucking Christmas and happy new years...don't forget to write." I said rubbing my temples. "He thinks I'm responsible somehow, and he wants revenge. He also wants to make me suffer, and make everyone else suffer around at the same time. See here's where it gets worse Neil; he intends to make all of you suffer. You, Khris, Micah, Rowdy, Sparky & Jicenta, Chong, Mitchell, Cyric, and pretty much everyone I know and care about. He's like fucking Conduit from Superman. He wants to ruin me by ruining you, and if he ruins you he knows you'll all turn on me since it's all my fault. If I don't comply with what he does, and do everything he says, he's going to fuck you all over."

Neil this time was silent. I don't know how long we laid there, but I could feel Neil's heart slow, and his body relax, I didn't know what from. He seemed very relaxed for what I just said. "Do you really believe all that?"

"I know all that; in fact Neil, he's going to start by tearing this building down."

Neil tensed up so quick he inadvertently squeezed around my knot. I yelped in pain, as Bob looked up from my bed in curiosity. Neil then apologized implicitly and rubbed my paw. "Sorry I forgot how sensitive your knot is after...but...you can't be serious. This place survived the quake...it's our home."

"Not any more it isn't. in 48 hours I'm going with him to an appointment to make a commercial that'll air to all the residents here, explaining that Fletcher's a real bang-up guy and that I'm giving him my personal endorsement. Not only that but the commercial is going to recommend that they join his tenant relocation program. If I don't do this, he's going to tear this place down and leave everyone up to their own devices. Oh...but wait it gets better. I've also been made his personal sex slave, and have to service him upon demand, 24/7. If I fail to do that, he fucks you all over, in one way or another."

Neil gulped. "This is serious Renee, I'm not one to be calling you a liar, but...do you really think he'd do this?'

"Neil, he's got a wrecking crew on stand by, just itching to tear this building down. I'm half tempted to entertain the idea that he'd tear this building down with everyone in it."

Neil groaned and gestured for me to sit up. Neil and I rolled so he was on his tummy, and we both slowly pushed up, and I rolled back, and we both sat, my cock still buried in his depths of course. "I...I don't know what to say."

I didn't say a word.

"I don't know what to say Renee. On one hand I'm outraged at you for buying into his programming, and on the other hand I'm overly upset that this guy would even try such a thing."

"Thanks, that makes me feel loads better." I muttered.

"Well forgive me for not jumping for joy Renee. Finding out that my home is going to be torn down kind of upsets me."


"Well what? What could you possibly have to say about this Renee? It makes me sick. I'm not entirely mad at you, but Jesus Mary and Joseph I had plans you know? What about Cyric? Christ I was just staring to grow on the kid and he was starting to grow on me. I was thinking about raising the family here, and all that. I was actually ready to buy the property to 231 and knocking out the walls to make the place bigger and give everyone a bit more room. But no...there goes that idea."

"What do you expect me to say?"

"I don't expect you to say anything. I'd love for you to kick that no good sonovabitch right in the left testicle just so when he has to walk funny he'll remember why. I can't believe someone would be so cruel and morbid that they'd fuck over an entire group of people just because of what he judges to be the wrong actions of one man."

I wimpered once more, which gave way to sobs, which finally gave way to full tears and wails. Neil didn't say anything, but just held his face in his hands. I cried for everything. Everything I'd been through lately ran though my mind, and I just gave it all. I pounded my fists lightly against Neil's back and muttered incohearantly.

"What?" He asked.

"I said...you can't understand how painful this all is. I'm damned to hell no matter what I do. If I do nothing, everyone is fucked. If I do what he says I'm fucked. If I tell the cops we're all fucked. My life is over Neil...." I wailed.

I cried for a while...half an hour maybie. I didn't notice my cock plop out of his rear, and him get up. He grabbed a robe and pulled me into his lap. Like Dad had done recently, he cradled me like a child. "You're life isn't over your silly fox."

"Yes it is...yes it is...I...I can't take this anymore! I can't take it! Everyone I get close to just gets hurt or killed. I just suffer through life...I'll never feel the warm flames of Hades...I'm doomed to the barren frozen wastelands of Styga...just...kill me Neil...just murder me. Kill me and get it all over with."

Neil groaned. "I'm NOT going to kill you Renee...now stop it."

I pleaded with him, actually believing what I was saying. I really did want to die. I couldn't bring myself to do it, I wanted someone to kill me. "Please Neil. I love you, but I couldn't live to see you or anyone else suffer because of me. Kill me, just do it. Murder me, slay me...end all this madness before it's too late."

Neil growled a little bit. "Listen you git, shut up. You're talking crazy and you're scaring me."

"Kill me Neil, kill me goddamnit." I asked, shaking him back, grabbing onto the lapel of his robe, and looking at him through my burning, near acidic tear-filled eyes. "Shoot me, stab me, throw me off a bridge, burn me, drown me, choke me to death I don't care just kill me and save yourself! Send me to hell!"

"Renee shut up! Stop it you're scaring me!"

"Kill me! Kill me!"

"Stop it stop it!" He said, his eyes going wide in terror. "I don't wanna hear this talk! Stop it!" Neil said, his voice moving from anger to panic, a definite tone of fear in his voice.

I don't know why, but his fear seemed to only edge me onward, to beg further for oblivion. His pathetic fear only made me feel a thousand times more vile and loathsome. The fact that I was the cause of that fear, the one man that he held most sacred in all the universe was putting him into this place of uncomfort was just plain wrong.

I shook again, with more of my might, trying to convey my deepest of feelings "Please! Please just end it all! End it all before it ends you!"


And then it happened. Something I never expected in a million years. I felt the blow before I ever registered the swing. Neil had reared back and delivered a punch right to the underside of my jaw, and had knocked me sprawling to the floor. When my brain added 2+2 and came up with 7, I looked up at him, to see him rubbing his fist, and looking at me as if he'd never seen me before. "What...what have I done?" Neil whispered, his voice just a shallow rasp now in the shock.

"You...you punched me..." I said, as if I didn't believe it myself.

"I...I know...but...I...I never thought..."

We sat there for another period of time, and collected our thoughts. I'd just been knocked flat by my own husband, and he'd just laid out his first person ever. Neil was the least violent person of anyone I knew, and for him to do that to me shook me from whatever depths I was in.

"Neil...I'm sorry."

"So am I Renee...lets never ever ever do that again."

And we didn't say anything more on it. I stood up and walked my naked ass to the bathroom, and saw my jaw was fine, just sore. I'd taken worse shots to the body, so I didn't expect any less. No I'm not selling my husband short, however I've taken suckerpunches from grand martial arts champions, and I was sucking on milkshakes for weeks afterward. I doubted I'd even need an aspirin after that punch. But the punch wasn't meant to injure it was meant to convey a heart felt message, something his mouth couldn't say. Much like my begging for death, was a plea for help. I had asked to die...and I had meant it.

Neil leaned in the door behind me. "You...you still don't want to die do you?"

I stared at myself in the mirror...

My reflection then, moved back...as if it was another person, and folded it's arms. It shrugged, and out of its back erupted a pair of gorgeous black demonic wings, my reflection's eyes glowing a bright crimson, blaring right into my eyes. I heard my own voice coming to me as it's lips moved. "You're pathetic Renee Morningstar...you're a miserable shell of what you once were. You were a badass when you were first around...fucking dogs...bathing in piss...not giving a (chuckle) rat's ass what people thought about you. Now you're worried about the opinions of everyone around you. You've lost sight of what Satan wanted of you. You've even lost sight of your lover...now you pathetic little faggot...I want you to look at me...that's it faggot look at me. Stare into my eyes...and realize what you are. You're a beast, a minion of hell. We do NOT take shit off of pathetic little mortals who use laws and blackmail to manipulate people. You do whatever is in your power to keep what's yours, and to make him realize you do not take shit from anyone. You hear me you WHORE!"


I blinked...hearing Neil's voice. "Yeah?"

"You were looking at the mirror awful hard...did I say something wrong?"

I looked back in the mirror, and saw just my normal self. Nothing out of the ordinary at all, all things considered. I blinked, and splashed some water in my face, turning around and placing my hands on Neil. He cringed for a moment, but then allowed me. "You never said anything wrong. I was the wrong one. I'm sorry I did that."

He nodded. "And no more freaking out on me if you could."

I nodded and stared right in my eyes. "That break-down was a long time coming. And rest assured, I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure that man doesn't win."

Neil looked up at me and licked his lips. "How?"

I looked down and pulled my hair back, and grabbed a hair tie. I tied my hair back as best as I could, and then looked down at my husband once more. "Like an assassin, I wait for the right moment to strike. I play into his game, and fuck him and put up with his BS. In the mean time I'm going to see what Dad can do, and I'm going to that club tonight to warn everyone."

Neil nodded. "That's a good start. But...I don't know if I approve the sex...I mean this was our first time together in a while..."

"War is ugly babe...but I'll do my best to cut down sex with the others and save myself for you, that way it's just you and Fletcher I'm servicing."

Neil scoffed, "I'd hate for you to consider it a 'service'."

I patted him. "It's no displeasure on my part at all. When making an omelet one must break an egg. He'll get his sex, and his endorsement, and commercial...but I'll be damned if he gets us all."

Neil smiled a little bit. "It's definitely a start. Why don't you call the club and let them know you're coming. I need a drink and to calm down a bit."

I nodded, and then looked at the shower. "Well, how about we take a shower together...and I can make things up to you."

Neil looked down. "I don't know you really scared me...I'd take a lot to get me in the mood again after all this."

I smirked and flicked his nose, as I pulled my hair out of the tail and walked into our wonderful shower, and turned it on. As the jets hit me, I turned, and did my best to repeat the performance I did in the shower scene for Locker Room Lads. Making sexy poses, letting the water hit me, letting my body press against the wall, tossing my head back and letting my face go under the water. I think that must have been the point for Neil's snap of his own, as the next thing I knew I was on my back on the floor of the shower, getting a kind of kissing and loving that not many get to experience.

"That was fast."

"How did you put it? It just feels right right now..."

Heh... and boy was it...

* * *

Alex was still in bed when he awoke. I think Neil was unloading his cum into my ass about this moment. Alex stretched, and fondled the bed, expecting to find Spike there in the early evening hours. Well, not really expecting, moreover hoping. Dissapointed to grope nothing more than sheets, Alex made a groan of frustration, and roll onto his back. It was then he realized what had most likely awoken him. There came a buzz at his intercom. Alex moaned and called out.

"Grizzard! Grizzard! Where are you when I need you, you fat piece of garbage!" He spat out. Getting no reply he leaned over, tossing his blankets aside, revealing his bright orange bikini briefs that were filled out adequately. He strolled over towards the desk in the spacious room. He pressed the glowing red button on the intercom for the desk person downstairs whom was paging him. "What?! I was sleeping."

"Sir, it's only 6pm." Came the voice of his desk receptionist. "

Flaming little queer bait. If the kid wasn't so skilled at his job he'd have been fired in a heartbeat. "Listen you; I don't care if it's 3pm. If I leave a note saying do not disturb, I mean it."

There came a frustrated sigh from the other end of the line. "But Mr. Fletcher sir, it's the Boston intern. She's flown in to work, and she's got papers from the board saying she is supposed to take over here, and you're to return back to New York."

Alex wasn't surprised when his anger had caused him to break the button on the intercom and shatter the glowy part. He was surprised at how easily the piece of equipment broke. That's it, now he's mad.

"Well...thank you for waking me up then. What am I paying you?"


"Answer the question pencil-neck."

"9 dollars an hour."

Alex grinned. "Well today is your lucky day. I'm going to triple your pay."

There came silence on the other end, and then the stuttering stammering he'd expected from the few times he'd ever given out raises. He remembered when his father would give them out to fortunate employees, and the amusing scenes that always followed.

"Sir I....I don't know what to say!"

"Just do me one favor. I want you to forget Ms. Farstien was ever here. And that we never had this conversation. You're going to continue your shift, as if I never gave you this raise, and as if you never heard from her. If anyone asks, you were on break...you were talking to a resident...make something up. Got it? Do not question these orders."

"Not at all sir, for 27 dollars an hour I think I can do that."

"See that you do. It'd be in your best interest if you did. Now, send her up. I think I'm going to be showing off the collection tonight."

The young intern didn't know, or care to know what Alex was talking about, but he affirmed what Alex ordered, and the line ended. Alex cursed, and walked over towards the wall, grabbing his robe and wrapping it around himself, and grabbing a cigarette to light up. "Fucking bitch...I can't believe this sandy little cunt has decided to pull this now." He said, shaking his head in disbelief. Alex then winced, and looked down. His left knee, the heavily scarred knee from 3 surgries, was aching again. Alex despised his knee, and the fact that it made him a cripple, weather he wanted to admit it or not. Don't get me wrong folks, I have seen this rabbit up close and he aint no pansy. Alex felt this as well, from all his therapy and physical exercise he'd managed to keep in shape and stay fit, however his knee was the bane of his existence. That, and trout.

"Should have killed you too." Alex muttered, referring to a man by the name of Joe Smith, a cheetah from his senior year at college. They were on the relay teem together on track and field, and were quite the team. Alex had never crossed the line of professional and personal when it came to their relationship. Joe never quite had that air about him. He was kind of an airhead, and was too into his music, and the drugs of the era. Like that golden retriever...It kind of turned him off. But, it was state championships time. In order to prepare, Joe had bought himself some new cleats but didn't have the time to break them in. As Alex was ready to accept the baton for the anchor, Joe tripped and the pair ended up twisting in a heap, and Alex's knee was both driven hard into the ground, and jarred at a bad angle. He was never the same.

Now, as he reached into his drawer, and began to tape it up for the moment, he knew that there would be days where he would be forced to wear a heavy brace, creaking and inhibiting the normal grace all rabbits should have. And what ever became of Joe? Two time Olympic gold medalist. It drove him mad. How dare someone succeed over him that he once was equal with?

But now he had another think aggravating him. "Gloria...Farstien." He said to himself. The very name elicited great disfavor in him. Every syllable was loathsome for him to articulate, and to speak it was like licking an ashtray. No wait...that was the cigarette. Alex put out the cigarette and popped a Tic-Tac he kept next to his smokes. Mmm Orange. His favorite.

But no...he hated her. All women in fact. I myself don't hate them, I just never met many of consequence before. But Alex since childhood had an extreme hatred, distrust, and phobia over the female gender. Everything about females; their shape, their walk, talk, voices, attitudes, the scent of a woman in heat, the scent of a menstruating woman, and the bitching. Ohhh he couldn't stand the bitching. He believed that's why it's called bitching, since women are called bitches, and the very sound of someone whining reminds people of a woman. It's not unlike the hatred that muslems carry for jews. Not many know really why it truly started but they damn sure they hate one another. Alex felt the same way, only he knew why he hated them. Like his father had told them, they were annoying, troublesome, and cost money. They were toys, toys for him to use for personal gain, sexual pleasure, and nothing else. And like all toys, when they break or don't work you get rid of them.

Only...to Mr. Fletcher and a young Alex...this meant...literally.

Alex clapped his hands twice and the lights in the room came up. It was still sunny out, but he'd closed the shutters. Those lovely fags that lived in the penthouse before, how sweet of them to install such good blinders and clappers. He supposed when you're an incestuous pair of twins that fuck all day you'll need your hands free. "Come bitch..." He said to the door.

On cue, the door opened, and followed by the giants Heckyl & Jeckyl, came Gloria.

Gloria was what many would consider beautiful, if not damn hot. Alex disagreed, but he was just that way. Gloria stood close to my height, well over 6 feet tall, and was well figured. She wasn't busty like his intern back in New York, but she had a rack on her. She was wearing a beige blazer and a white silk blouse that corralled and simultaneously highlighted the rolling highlands of her body. She wore a matching beige pleated skirt, and high heel shoes, the crème colored feline had her hair pulled back in a tight braid, and had a sporting pair of glasses on her face.

That was the other thing. Alex hated employing anything but rabbits. He had a Lapine supremacy kick going. He hated to do it, but government regulations saw fit that he couldn't discriminate. Damn them.

"Well Gloria, to what do I owe the pleasure."

"Don't act coy with me Fletcher. The board disapproves of this unseasonably and unplanned jaunt of yours. The board wants to know why you decided to uproot and move headquarters all the way to Los Angeles."

Alex reached down and grabbed another cigarette. He rolled the thing in his fingers, distracting himself from his rage with the innocent little cancer stick. "Because I felt like it."

The woman raised her brow, and her glasses lifted with the contortion of her nose muscles. "That's your answer?"

"No that's not my answer..." Alex said at short. "But it's what they're going to get from me. The board...stockholders...they don't need to get into my personal business."

"Sir, when your personal business is your personal business it then becomes the public's business. Until the board has a concrete and worthwhile reason why you're out here and not back at headquarters where you belong they see no reason not to place me in charge and have you sent back."

"Oh they do...do they..." Alex said, more as a statement rather than a question. "All of them? Unanimous I'm guessing by the sounds of it..."

The woman blinked, and folded her arms across her busty chest. Alex had to admit in the back of his head, the repulsion he was feeling for what he was seeing was turning him on. "No Mr. Fletcher; Crenshaw, Ford, and Osborne all voted no on the proposition to bring you back to New York, though I doubt you expected any different.

Alex had to smile. Those three individuals had been there almost as long as Fabian, and they were just as loyal to Alex as ever. Childhood friends of his father, and as thus, friends of him when he grew up. "Well regardless, the vote is for me to come back to the office. I can assure you, I have the business in good hands. There is only so much one can do in New England. New York, Boston...Buffalo...all those places...it's all been done. How can I, Alex Fletcher, head of a billion dollar company, stifle the growth of the company by not moving headquarters to a new territory."

Gloria rolled her eyes. Alex was tempted to smack that sassy look right off of her face. "No one, is questioning your motives Mr. Fletcher. The stockholders as well as your board of directors all feel the need to expand business and reach into untapped markets. On the other hand we want to see if you can still perform these actions from your office back in New York, where you're more readily accessible."

Alex clapped his hands and smiled as if he heard something amusing. "Readily accessible! How quaint. More or less those old bureaucrats want to keep me on a short leash so I can be at an arms reach of Wall St. and their own personal offices. Basically what I'm trying to say my sweet, is that they want me to powder their noses, and wipe their asses with their money, and make myself work for them. Listen here Gloria. I'm Alex Fletcher. I own Fletch-co, Karrots Restaurants, and Lucky Lapine Reality - among several smaller subsidiaries of said companies. I'm bigger than Gates, and Turner. I don't NEED those fat cats on the board, nor their little piddling that they have been do whenever I do something they don't like. I've done what it takes to make it in this world babe. You know something, when I was just out of college, I waited tables in the morning at Karrots, bussed it over and worked a cubicle at Fletch-co in the afternoons, and did work for L.L.R. at night from my home office. Keeping in mind this was all before the days of internet and computers, when you still had to keep accurate ledgers and timesheets and payroll. Now it's all a simple keystroke or a swipe of a card."

Gloria blinked, and twitched her tail. "Mr. Fletcher, no one is saying you're incompetent."

Alex took a step forward, and looked right into her eyes. She was...in heat? Interesting. He would have to take advantage of this. "And what ARE you saying then?"

Gloria looked up, and licked her lips. "I'm saying, that...you don't belong here. I'd...rather have you in Boston." She said.

Alex was taken aback. That wasn't something he expected. "Come again."

"I...I think you're better off in Boston. The office needs a guy like you there. I mean, this is a run down apparment building full of people that don't give a rip about you. With all due respect, didn't these people drive your brother to suicide?"

Ohhh...she was hot. Alex licked his teeth behind his lips. No it wasn't love he was feeling, not in the slightest. Love of a woman was reserved for his mother only. Lust? Greed? And homicidal /sadistic tendencies? That' was alright. "Yes...I've been having trouble with that. Maybe that's the only reason I'm here, is because I need closure."

She nodded and bit her lip. "Well I wouldn't mind helping you cope. You're a kind man and in need of a shoulder to cry on. Or if you need something more...I wouldn't mind offering that to you Mr. Fletcher."

She was coming onto him. This was almost too easy. Since when did fish jump in the boat and beg for you to grill them? A suicidal fish that's for sure.

"Oh? Well what did you have in mind?"

"Something off the record perhaps?" She said as she took off her glasses and set them down on Alex's desk. "I know about Mercedes, and I don't think she's fit for the position. I want to have her job, be your personal consort. I know you don't like her at all...wouldn't you rather have a woman with brains?"

"Well, I'll put it this way, I'm not sure there's a woman alive that has what I'm looking for. But, I'll give you the chance to...interview for a position."

Gloria purred softly and stepped forward, before she was met with a firm hand upon her soft and supple breast. Alex was glad to feel a real one rather than the plastic breasts he'd felt over the last couple of years. "All I ask is that you let me finish up what I'm doing here in LA, before we go back to Boston, understood?"

She nodded, and placed a hand on Alex's chest, reaching in through his robe, and stroking gingerly over his velveteen fur. Alex looked down at her, and found disfavor in almost every aspect of her. However, he was going to enjoy breaking this one in and making her part of the collection. Alex moved his hands down, and almost violently ripped the blazer from Gloria's body. "Understood....oooooo Mr. Fletcher...that was a 300 dollar blazer..."

"Shut up..." Alex groaned, and dipped her, holding his hand firm across her breast, and lifting up her blouse. The whore didn't even wear a bra, it made sense for one of her kind to try this kind of thing. Just trying to sleep her way to the top. Alex tossed the shirt to the side, and she blushed slightly, before moving her lips towards Alex's muzzle. Alex stopped her with a finger on her lips, and she stilled. "Kissing is a little too intimate for me...however...I'd prefer if you still put those lips to use elsewhere woman." He said, casting his robe off with a shrug of his shoulders.

Gloria had seen Alex in speedos before. Dripping wet, that same package which was slightly erected before her, oh how she loved the sight. To look up and see the frame of her boss, made her wetter than she'd expected. She'd planned to sleep with him to convince him to bring him back, lure him into a false sense of security, and then climb her way to the top, using his cock as the ladder. Though, if one had to open her legs to get to Eden she couldn't think of a better person to sleep with.

Though the lack of kissing kind of threw her off. She'd become used to the porno tempo of sex. Kiss, woman goes down to oral, scene flashes to man giving her oral, man mounts for several positions over several minutes, and depending on the video the man either creampies or pulls out and squirts. She'd learned her own sexual routine from many of the starry vixens of years past. But unlike her, I personally learned gay sex from my satanic friends and the coven I was in. Alex, had learned sex from his father and siblings. Even the nature of what he was about to do.

Gloria kissed her way down Alex's chest. When he felt she was out of visual range, he rolled his eyes in disgust. The kisses weren't tender, it was more peck-peck-peck-peck-peck until she reached the bulge of his crotch. Not wasting any time, she pulled the band of the orange briefs down, all the way down, and letting him step out of them. Alex's cock, stood erect, proud, and worthy of his family's lineage. Gloria took a breath, first so she could overcome her sense of admiration for such a perfect quality penis, and then fear for how much bigger it was than she had previously estimated. "It's big."

"It's my father's cock..." Alex said, knowing Gloria would never catch on to the double meaning. "What he gave to me. My favorite toy growing up and through college you can imagine. There are not many a rabbit with a cock like this one. Length...and girth, just two more markets I have conquered. I daresay only my younger brother is longer than me but has nothing of the girth."

"If you say so sir." She said, having to agree with him. His length was about an inch, perhaps a fraction over that width thick. It was shaped much like a human penis, save for the sheath. She hadn't taken anything this shapely before. Oh there was her boyfriend back home, but this was definitely something more impressive.

"I'm thinking of having sheath surgary that would make mine more like a human's, sitting outside the sheath. A little thicker skin will develop, but who cares?" He laughed, and guided his length into her mouth.

Weather she expected it or not, it was a bit too late. Alex felt the warm, wet, and soft lips of the feline wrap around himself. He had to remember to be patient. "Little good for nothing bitch. She's going to ruin everything. I'm really going to have to think of something to make up for her being here. Even after I murder her, the board will still know they sent her. Pity, she was a good asset and worked adequately. I guess it's time to put this toy away." Alex thought to himself, groaning out loud, letting his rabbit ears sweep back. "That's good...that's a start...show me how much you want the job." He groaned.

Gloria took that as a hint, and increased the speed of her sucking. Her face bobbed back and forth sinfully across his flesh. Alex looked down, and saw the woman shimmy out of her skirt, revealing her garter harness which was holding up her stockings, and no panties. He could see her pink little slit down there under a light mound of fem muff. As much as he hated to admit it, the sight of that muff was turning him on. And oh how he wished Spike would have been here to help him with this.

But Spike was god knows where, and he had a woman on his prick. That thought, kept him hard but took most of the fuel out of the fire. It was a clever trick, but it worked. I knew this trick as well, to enjoy the feeling of sex but think about something you don't like is a good stage trick to keep the illusion of interest and still keep the sex rolling. Alex looked down and bands of saliva formed between his scrotum and her lips, big drooping globules of precum and spit dripped down her chin, falling on those CC cup titties. Alex had no choice but to lean down and squeeze them. Softly, ever so softly he squeezed her right breast, before he began to apply pressure. Turned on by this, Gloria sucked faster.

"That bitch...she has no clue how much danger she is in...I can't keep this up much longer or her jaw will give out before I orgasam. I must move on." Alex thought once more.

Alex started to pull his cock away, but almost mimicking himself as a child when his father would pull the cock out of his mouth, Gloria pouted and whimpered, begging almost like a feral or a child for her treat. "That's it woman...beg for it."

"I need it Alex....come home please...I'll never hesitate to do this for you."

Alex smiled from ear to ear. "Trust me, I know you wont hesitate. I have a feeling you're going to be on your knees for quite a while around me." Alex said with an inward chagrin, before he pulled his cock out from her mouth completely with a noisy slurp." Now my maiden, I think we should take this to a place more appropriate."

She nodded and stood up, heading towards the bedroom with a shake of her hips. Alex shook his head, and said. "No not there...in my trophy room."

Alex then walked over towards a small statue of a nude muscle man on the mantle piece. He pulled the penis down, and a wall next to the walk in closet, turned around (a secret passage the Ferret's had used as a secret storage space) to reveal a room with shadowy figures inside. She moved over, and looked curiously. "Where are the trophies?"

Alex moved up behind her, and shoved her down on the ground. It was harder than she had wanted. She loved rough, but that was a bit hard. Alex then moved behind her, and she could feel him moving his cock between her legs. She was about to ask...but when his naked cock slipped between her legs, it shattered all dreams of safe sex with her. "Ahhh...I'm not protected."

"That's alright...neither am I." Alex said as he started to rise and fall inside of her. Alex was repulsed at the feeling around his cock, but the fact of what he was doing was a much bigger thrill and he began to feel pleasure once more. Alex's cock, she felt, was so deep inside of her, it would surely penetrate her cervix and impregnate her. Sex was one thing, but was she prepared to have this guy's bastard kids as part of her ladder climbing? It seemed like adding grease to the already slippery steps of this ladder.

Speaking of slippery, Alex couldn't help but be mortified at how slick and wet she was. She was enjoying this. He pushed his weight down into her back, and placed a hand on her head, holding it rough to the floor. She moaned out a groan of protest, but he hissed and told her to be quiet. "Yes, this is my trophy room; home to my prized collection of neckties and useless toys."

She looked at the statues around, they all seemed to be shapely in the dark, and she could only make out the vague hint of nude females. Erotically positioned by looks of most of them. There seemed to be 14 in all, each in their own erotic position. She whimpered a little bit, beginning to feel the oppressive nature of Alex's intruding barebacked cock. She was beginning to become more and more uncomfortable in every sense of the word by the moment. "Oww...that hurts."

"Oh? Does it hurt?"

"Yes it does...stop it please."

Alex groaned and thrust his cock in hard, and growled in her ear. "Who is your boss??"

"Y-you..." She whispered back.

"Who is your boss??" He repeated.

"You...I said it already you."

"Good. Would you like to see my collection?" Alex said, clapping his hands three times.

Fear gave way to sudden and absolute terror as she realized what she saw. They were women; real women. All dead, but somehow not decayed. They'd probably been preserved with chemicals to keep them life-like. One woman lay on her back, her arms tied above her head to the arms of another woman, both their legs spread wide to allow entry into what looked like the most life like pussies she'd ever seen, but not that she'd been looking at any other than her own and the ones on women in the movies. Each woman had a look of utter terror in their eyes, and each wearing a necktie around their necks. There were 4 she-wolves, 3 vixens, 1 feline, 3 otters, 2 cheetahs, and a zebra. The wolves were all bent over in various angles, the vixens were all butterflied out, the one feline was laying on her side with her cheeks pulled apart with her own hand, the otter females were in a lusty 3 way embrace, the cheetahs were on the floor, and the zebra was holding her huge tits in her hands.

"Oh my god!"

That was all Alex needed to hear. Alex's drive kicked in as his cock suddenly felt more pleasure than it had in ages, except for with spike. "Yeah...soon you're going to join the girls...and you're going to be forever used for my sexual pleasure, and when I get bored of you I'll give you to some wealthy foreign businessman who will get his own perverse pleasures out of you. But first, I'm going to use you for what god made you for, a place for my cum."

She screamed and started to struggle. The sudden struggling tightened her twat around his cock, causing him to groan in elation. Her legs kicked at his back and butt, as her hands and fingers clawed like mad. "No! You psycho...get off of me, get the hell off me."

Alex put more of her weight on the feline's head, and looked down. "Oh I'd rather get off IN you." He moaned and reached with a free hand, and grabbed a bottle that was conveniently placed in the cunt of one of the other ladies. As Alex humped, he grabbed the bottle, and grabbed a rag that was near the bottle.

"What the fuck are you going to do?"

"I'm going to snuff you out...you little bitch. I'm going to cum in your pussy, and then I'm going to make you pay..."

Alex gave a sharp jab to the back of the woman's head. Like a rag doll she went limp as he wet the rag. Alex, holding his breath, grabbed a mask carefully hidden in the hands of one of the females and placed it on his face, before he doused the rag.


Alex shook his head, fucking her harder than ever, feeling his orgasm building. "No, that's not enough to kill you...this is mineral sprits..." He said as he wrapped the rag around the mouth and nose of the good for nothing bitch. The rag, Gloria had time to realize, were a pair of panties. How sick could you get? She struggled as best as she could, however she had to struggle so hard to keep from breathing.

Alex could hear her struggling. Much like he felt when he was choked out by Spike, he knew that she wouldn't be able to struggle and hold her breath. The fact that he was doing this was too much. He came, launching his semen deep into her fertile womb. It was just what he needed, as she screamed out a no, and took a breath. The breath she took was her last, the mineral salts so strong and such an overload to her senses she continued to inhale until she could breathe no more.

Alex panted for a moment, before he spat on the back of Gloria's head. "You think I'm going to leave now? I'm not finished here bitch!" He stood up, and rapidly withdrew his cock, walking out in a hurry to find her blouse to wipe himself off on. There, he found it, and cleaned himself off. "Oh Christ...I got cunt juice on my shaft."

Alex then closed the door to the secret trophy room, as he collected the clothes, and tossed them in his fireplace, which he lit, burning the evidence. When he had collected himself, he pulled his briefs back on, still coming down from the high that he'd given himself by eliminating yet another bitch.

Alex moved over to his phone, and dialed the speed dial for 6. After 2 rings, his query answered.

"Bourne Again Taxidermy, you kill em we fill em: How may I help you."

"Ah Tough Tony...this is Fletcher."

"Good to hear from you Fletcher. What, it's been a while hasn't it? Few months I'd say."

"Well I have a pickup for you, how soon can you be in Los Angeles?"

"LA? I'll put it this way, you pay for it I'll be on the flight out."

"See that you do, seems I got a cat that ran out of lives. I'd like something nice for her."

"Anything you say Alex, I'll be there in a few hours. You know where to send the money."

* * *

"Lions and Tigers and Queers oh my..." Billed a plastic banner above the entrance to the Tech-Noir night club. The club definitely catered to the gay community, and in such case, mostly the gayest of the gay went to this particular club. Butch men mainly went their to pick up femmy men such as myself or because their boyfriends are already femmy and dragged them there.

Clothing at the club as a requisite that it be flamboyant, tight and revealing. So it was not uncommon for men to be wearing scant shorts, see through clothes, and lots of thongs. I myself was wearing quite the number. I'd gone down to the club, wearing just a trench over my clothes, borrowing one of Ishanka's prized coats to keep my favorite femmy outfit. The music thumped and pumped though the speakers. The Technicolor dance floor flashed color after rainbow color; making people seem like they were living in a strobed world. On raised platforms, the club strippers danced around poles, some completely naked, others not quite there yet. I actually caught a rather nice white and purple thong from a Skunk dancing next to the door. It had his name and number on the inside. He certainly was cute. I'd have to give him a call sometime.

After stuffing the thong in my pocket, I headed backstage, using my backstage pass I'd bought in order to get to the stage crew. Low and behold there was Khris, standing back there, dressed in a leather thong, chaps, vest, and BDSM harness. Seems Ishanka had been very generous lately. I walked up to Khris and pressed my body up against his. He pressed back, probably not even aware it was me till he smelled my cologne. "Hey Ne-Ne...anyone know you're here?"

"Aside from the stripper out front, no one really saw me." I said, nibbling on the back of his ear. Aside from Rowdy and Asher, Khris was the strongest built man I knew. He was just a little bigger than me, and our bodies spooned well.

"Good. Got the music?"

I reached into the other pocket not occupied by underwear and handed him a CD. He handed it to the DJ, and then turned and smiled to me. He did look good. "Good, when you called, and said you were taking part in the Rave-down I didn't believe my ears."

I scoffed. "You're telling me, I never thought you'd be in it yourself."

Khris shrugged his charming accent nice with the music in the background. What was it with Englishmen and techno? "I figured this'd be more Micah's thing, you know he does love the pet shop boys."

"Course he does. Now...before we start lets get us a private room where we can talk, you said you wanted to talk."

I nodded, and Khris lead us towards a bouncer. After he got us a room, Khris brought back Micah. Micah came back in a harem's outfit, a dark green thong with light green leggings and vest. It was rather entrancing on his little body. Next to come by was Jicenta, wearing a blood red vest and speedo like garment with matching sneakers. Sparky had Checkered flag colored full leg tights and black sneakers with dual white and black fishnet tops. That outfit would show up nice in the black lights. Chong was wearing a pair of my old jeans...really old jeans that he'd made into chaps, and really nothing else, leaving his naked package and ass exposed to the world. I'm guessing he'd been stripping before I came in. The club had a laid back attitude towards nudity, but erections were frowned upon on anyone but the dancers. I guess he lucked out.

Last of which to enter, was Rowdy. Rowdy whom really was still recovering from the whole trauma revolving around Asher, had worn Asher's wrestling tights, vest, and boots. The boots were white and were a bit small on his big wolf feet, but he'd managed to fit them in by loosening the laces. The tights were speedo style, and bore the Italian flag with the word "ASHER" in cursive in the white stripe in a red white and green flowing color scheme. The Vest, sparkled in the light from a kind of material I wasn't particularly familiar with, and shared the same design as the tights. I suppose he was doing this to mark out to his fallen husband, and keep Asher in the public's eye.

"Looking good everyone, Chong, is it a bit drafty?" I asked. Everyone chuckled, and he shrugged."

"Hey when you got cahones this big," he said grabbing his unusually dangly testicles. "Then everyone comes to the party." He said with a grin.

"Well what do you have on there Ne-Ne?" Micah asked casually, taking a moment to polish his glasses.

"You'll see once we're on the dance floor. You guys been out there yet?"

Chong nodded. "I was, most of us have been waiting back here for you or sitting at the bar once you called us. We didn't think you were coming. It looked like you and Neil needed some solo y solo time, so we just did our thing. Me, I got on the dance floor, and this WEIRD rabbit ninõ was all over me. I mean, he was luvin' up on me, rubbin' me. I was like 'Damn man you want some don't ya?' and he was like 'I love to dance, dancing makes me hot.'. So...we played."

All of us looked at him at once. "You, played on the dance floor?"

He shrugged. "Well he got me naked, after I found out you were here I put the clothes back on."

We all turned back, as if disappointed. "Alright I want to address 3 things tonight. There's 10,000 dollars on the line in this Rave Down. Its 8 hours of non-stop dancing that the owner of this club is putting up. If you all have to leave, or can't make commitment to this, then this isn't the dance for you. Now should any of us win, I want to send 8 grand of that up to Asher, and we divide the rest among the rest of us agreed?"

Everyone nodded.

"Good, that brings me to number two. And I want you all in here looking at me. The next two things I'm about to say are deadly serious." I said as I looked down at their collective crotches, thinking hungry thoughts for a moment, seeing only one nude set of sex organs but still thirsty for cockflesh. "I asked Neil to kill me tonight."

"What?!" Everyone asked at once. I held up my hands begging for silence.

"I had a breakdown guys. After everything that has been happening to me lately and to you all, I couldn't bear life anymore. I didn't want to kill myself, but I wanted someone to end life for me. So I asked Neil that. Thankfully he brought me to my senses and after consulting my inner devil I decided living is better right now.

Rowdy pounded a fist against the table, and looked me square in the eye with his ice blue eyes. Those piercing and steel eyes...those eyes could bring almost anyone to their knees in fear, almost like they were doing right then. "I ought to kick your ass Renee...no no you all shut up for a second. Renee how in the blue fuck could you do yourself like that? You know what it means when you do that? It means you don't consider any of us anymore and are just thinking of yourself. You don't realize how much you've done for us all. If it weren't for you, I'd probably had gone back to my roots and ended up gang-bangin here in LA. If it wasn't for you, Khris Micah and you wouldn't have found those bodies in that basement of yours. If it wasn't for you, Asher would have never met me, and never lived out his dream of wrestling and would still be slapping dough at 3 AM for Pesti's Pizza. For fucks sake Chong would still be baked out of his gourd trying to rape you in the showers if it wasn't for you and he'd have never realized how much Officer Mitchell loves him which by the way you helped inspire. Sparky plug and Jay-lo here would be fighting off molestation charges in court with no where to live since that band of incestuous cats left town. Hell you saved someone's life down there after the quake at ground zero. You helped Geoff and Trevor accept their homosexuality and find love for one another and made the relationship between Trevor and Clare stronger than ever now that everyone there is getting what they want. And biggest of all Renee...biggest of all, you gave your Son someone to look up to, someone he can be proud of, and someone I dare to say it would be proud to fuck. Hell if I was 10 near 11 and I had to choose a man to take my virginity, and I'd shure wish it'd be my daddy if he was even a cent of your dollar Renee. And you even made peace with your own dad, the Light-heavyweight body building champion of California thanks to you. So, after doing all that, and touching all these lives...and I'm sure there are lives I'm not mentioning...for you to go and say you'd want to kill yourself...that's just not cool."

No one said a word for a minute or two. We all let Rowdy's words sink in. There was no quick rebuttal, no counter-argument on my part. Everyone nodded, and I turned to each of them. "Do you all agree?"

Khris nodded. "You're one of our best mates Ne, but I'd have to say you'd be right foul and I'd never be able to forgive you if you just gave up on me and Micah like this."

Micah chimed in. "Yeah if it wasn't for you I'd still be pushed around like a little pansy. Now I can defend myself when people pick on me. I'd feel like everything you taught me was for nothing if you went and knocked yourself off."

Chong went next. "Diablo doesn't want suicidal people, you know that. That means they quit. Diablo would rather you go out in blazing glory than lay down for the enemy."

Jay went after, smiling a little. "Renee, as LeVay taught us, you would be doomed to spend eternity as a tree in the forest of suicides, to forever relive those last tedious days of your life over and over only able to speak those terrible moments to every other tree around you, where you have no light to give you energy and infertile ground to forever parch your body. I doubt you'd want that." Jicenta said. Sparky blinked, and rubbed his head a little bit.

"While I'm not quite as morbid as that, uh...like Rowdy said, Chet Brock would have my ass over the whole child molestation thing, and I could be serving a long jail sentence because of it. For you to leave me now would make it all seem for nothing."

I nodded, and took it all in, and blinked my makeup covered eyes. I'd applied some shadow and liner of course for the occasion. "Well hearing that makes me feel a mix of emotions. Good and proud to have friends that love me so, but also sick and revolted at myself that I made people who cared this much feel this way and worried you all. Also, this makes the third thing I have to tell you all the much harder."

Everyone took deep breaths to brace themselves for what they had to hear. When it came time, I spilled it. Everything I knew about Alex and his plans, everything he wanted me to do, and that it was him and his goons that had done the number on me. I told him about how he was going to destroy the Churchill Estates tower, and rebuild his own Corporate HQ over it. I told them about the threats he'd made, and about how I'd already begun the humiliating process of his plan.

When I was done, most everyone looked just as shocked as when I'd delivered the first news. Once more no one said anything for a minute or two as they let it sink in. Khris was the first to break the silence. "But why? It doesn't make any sense at all."

"Of course it makes sense." Rowdy growled. "The corporate bastard wants to get his revenge on us all. He thinks we drove him all to suicide."

Jay smirked. "Having been suicidal a few times in my life, I know that we didn't bring him to do it, that rabbit pulled that trigger on himself. None of us handed him that firearm last time I checked."

"Yeah but the old Fletcher had a thing for my Asher and was in denial about it...or he was just too chickenshit to come out about it." Rowdy grumbled.

"I think we're all ready to agree that the Fletcher family as a whole is in denial over a lot of things; sanity for example..." Sparky said, adjusting his tights. I could make out the lines of his cock if I looked just right. Mmmm.

"Well the point is, that he's going to try to fuck you all over. So, all I can say is do your best to stay away from me day after tomorrow when we film the commercial, and everyone be on your best behaviors."

I had expected everyone to look at Chong. Chong typically had been the trouble maker and had been the one to draw a lot of attention to the crew, and yet, everyone kept a good even glance. I liked that. Unity and family.

"Renee I can't guarantee that when I see this dipshit I'm not going to put him through a wall."

I nodded again. "Well I'd just surely hope you can hold off doing anything rash. The last thing I want is for you to end up on the moon or something. Knowing Alex you'll be volunteered for some kind of thing that gets you as far away from me and him as possible."

I paused and remembered something. "Ah yes, and I can't stress enough his goons are just as bad as he is. He has two giant rabbit bodyguards, I still haven't figured out who's who yet, and a mink that reminds me of why the 'grunge' look never really won me over. The bodyguards are just hired muscle, meat shields basically. The mink and Alex are the ones to worry about."

Sparky then leaned across the table, and kissed me on the lips. I smiled and kissed back, and pet his cheek before we all kind of leaned in into an orgy-kiss. Every mouth was on every mouth, a mixing of muzzles. As the multiple tongues lapped and licked and suckled we all placed our hands on the middle of the table. It was kind of like a gay all-for-one and all that.

When the kiss was broken, Sparky stood up and clapped his hands. "Now let's dance bitches! If I'm the last one standing, you ALL got to fuck my ass."

There came some jeers and cat-calls from the rest of us, as we filed out of the room, and made our way back onto the floor. "Crazy on you" by Hart was playing over the loudspeakers. The place was bumping and thumping as I expected it to be.


About 15 minutes later, the music stopped, and a nice thumping suspenseful music filled the air. Having been to this kind of event before this was the part where the MC and the club owners kick off the Rave-Down. For some, it's a rare treat, considering how the club owners are pretty reclusive and otherwise just kind of ruled the queer Camelot below from on high. As the suspenseful music quickened it's pace, the MC came over the speakers.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen of the Tech-Noir dance club and strip club, is everybody ready?" The sweet voice of the MC spoke. There came a loud cheer from all of us, as I whooped in response. The MC took his que to step out, and a tall, skinny and lean opossum walked out onto the stage. He wore a studded collar around his neck covered diamond shaped studs, with a matching belt and short bike shorts. His nipples were wearing the alligator style nipple clamps that Ishanka was most fond of, and his dainty feet were in the nicest of sneakers. The Opossum had a few earrings that I could see and his raven black hair was slicked back with gel. He was a handsome devil, and if he just had wings, I'd have probably fucked him then and there on stage, not that anyone would have cared, public sex was allowed in this club since it's a private club. "Come on I can't hear you!" He shouted, pumping his fist holding the mic. We all cheered a bit louder this time, and the Opossum seemed satisfied. He then sashayed his way across the stage floor, and moved himself around a strippers pole with a fast and furious twirl that I had to admit even impressed me.

Suddenly "Sharp Dressed Man" Began to play over the loudspeakers, and the place erupted in cheers. The MC pulled himself up from the pole, and got back on the stick with the kind of enthusiasm that made him a worthy person of his position. "Alright then ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce your host and hostess for this evening, Tony and Tanya club owners for the last 15 years!"

I myself had only seen Tony before. Most people give him a hard time about his name, and you'll see why. The curtain parted, and a pair of enormously muscular males stepped onto the stage. Well, one male and one transgender. Tony, a tiger, was wearing a 3 piece vynal suit that shined and sparkled rainbow every way he stepped, and wore an eloquent black tie blazed with the club's logo as a pin. Tony wore around his neck an orange bandana, symbolic of the old bandana code for "Anything Anytime", with his name Tony blazed on the emblem. At least it wasn't a blue bandana if you all get my joke.

His partner was a post-op tranny by the name of Tanya. And believe me, that lion made one hell of a trans. She was still buff and maintained much muscle mass from when she was a male, however much of her former waistline had been redone to make her hips stand out more. Her face had even been emasculated to create the image of a genuine woman. She was convincing, and I actually found myself oddly turned on at the sight of Tanya. I could understand the reclusion on Tanya's part. Being a transgender is possibly one of the hardest things one can do. Many of us believe we were born the wrong sex, or want to be the opposite sex so badly we change ourselves. All I wondered as I stared at that sexy length of leg as it walked by my face, was if she was fully functional or not? Probably by the smell of her as she walked by, and with the kind of money Tony raked in, I didn't doubt it. Tanya was wearing a mauve bikini bottom, with a sexy toob-top tank top with "coward" written across her perky breasts. It was interesting staring at her butt rather than Tony's as she walked by on her leash.

The crowd must have agreed with me as they were soon chanting Tanya's name loud and proud. The poor girl, I thought she was going to blush. I guess she was a cowardly lion, her braided mane full of braids and bows and hiding her face behind Tony's shoulder out of modesty. Tony got his own cheers when he strutted his way across the stage, making his way next to the MC. The MC handed Tony the mic, and the cheers all changed to Tony cheers, I myself found myself chanting, for fear of rocking the boat if I didn't.

The music cut, and Tony looked out on the crowd with a smile. He'd got a grill recently...interesting to see a tiger with a soled gold grill. It didn't seem to fit his culture in my opinion, but I wasn't one to argue. "Alright, what a crowd we have here tonight, and it's not even PRIDE week or anything! I'd expect this kind of a crowd for New Years or Mardi Gras, but for a rave-down? Hmm must be something up with that."

Tony handed the mic over to Tanya, who smiled and smacked her lipsticked lips and spoke with a definitely surgically enhanced female voice. "Well hun, it could be that we're giving away 10 thousand dollars to the winner."

There came a big roar of approval. 300 fags all getting dolled up for the chance to have sex and make money because of it. God bless America. "Good call there baby. That's right, we have saved up a little bit of money and have decided to share it all with you. The only catch is you have to be the last man-" He turned and looked at his partner and smiled. "Or woman standing."

Tanya looked like she was about to die of embarrassment, but pleasant embarrassment. She took the mic gently into her hand, and shook her long tail. "The rules are simple. You all provided 10 songs, and we have 12 contestants. 120 songs of fast-paced music! Now clothing is optional, and sex IS allowed, just remember if you start making love on the dance floor, you better have the stamina to keep going all night long."

There came some jeers and cat calls. An equine near to us pulled out his weapon of choice and gave it a taunting flaunt, earning his own cheers. I had to snicker. Tanya then said. "And we even have some special guest contestants. The rules say anyone that's a member of the club can enter the contest; that even includes our own MC here, Chance. We have 4 celebrity guest dancers today, and one very special guest dancer all the way from New York City. So, if you would all put on or take off the clothing you will or won't be wearing cause when I call out your name, you're getting up here."

As Tanya handled the rules I shed my coat and handed it to a cocktail waiter to be checked. It felt good to expose myself a little as the whole trench coat was getting on the conservative side. I was wearing very little, and proud of it. I wore a black and red thong bearing the sigil of bahumut, the satanic pentacle on the crotch, with a matching men's bra top. I wore a long spiked gauntlet that went up the right arm and strapped around the shoulder. I had a smaller matching gauntlet on the left arm, and to complement the look, a long hooker boot on my left leg that laced with heels, and a smaller knee-high boot on the right. Over all my "clothes" I wore a fishnet bodysuit, to augment the look. Aside from the collar I wore on my neck, everything else I wore I wanted to scream..."master". My guys all whistled and groped and touched, as if I'd ever object. I almost expected Sparky to just bend me over and ram it in...mmmm

Tanya started calling names and we all paid attention. "Mike Lowry! Time to get up here and shake it, yeah get up here you lucky Lynx. Next we have Niki Tanaka all the way from Portland, Oregon...come on up you sexy otter..."

As he went down the list, she started calling my friends, but I noticed she hadn't called mine yet. I supposed she was saving me for next to last. In fact I guess she was saving us celebrities for last. "And now that we have the mid-carders, let's get onto the main event. No offence chance...(chuckles)...now allow me to welcome from the world of Nascar, that's right you're very own Los Angeles native racing team of Sparky and Jay Deberoux!"

Sparky and Jay took the stage together, arm in arm, to much applause. There were some bark like "butch!" chants, which around here was a kind of playful hazing. Sparky took it well as he shook his sexy fanny against Tony's crotch, earning a playful shoulder bite from the muscleman. Jay blew some kisses to people, some jumping up to catch the cute little gestures. When the crowd had settled down, Tanya got back on the stick.

"Alright, now from the world of...(lustfully) full contact sports. We have today, the one and only Rowdy...big roddy McDowell. Today he will be dancing in honor of his partner Asher, from the World Wrestling Federation. I'm sure we all wish him the best of luck."

Rowdy, for someone that as of late really had been sulking and moping, actually seemed jubilant for once as he took the stage. He jumped up on the stage and bounced about, the biggest wolf on the entire floor. There came an even bigger torrent of Butch chants, but Rowdy just flexed his big guns.

"Now these last two entertainers, are big names boys and girls, and I can't tell you enough how honored this little club is to have them here today competing. First, also a native of Los Angeles, he's been in more adult movies than Jeff Palmer, he was involved in the biggest wedding proposal in TV history. A great actor, a great martial artist, and by thunder the sexiest fox in the room next to this artic fox up on this stage. He's the one, the only Renee Morningstar!"

Now it was my turn to get up on stage. I swished my hips, and wagged my bushy tail, as there actually came a more quiet hush. I expected a roar, but the quiet hush was more deafening than anything else. There were whispers, and quiet comments. "God damn!" was probably the most common thing I heard as I made my way up on stage. Tanya herself blinked and looked suddenly flushed in my presence. "Well Renee, I think that's the first silent ovation anyone has received in the history of this club."

I smiled and blew a kiss to everyone, and leaned into the mic. "Well then let me cheer for them and show them just how happy I am to be here." And I gave a goofy cheer into the mic. The crowd cheered along, and I got a rather healthy response. I moved over towards my friends, and gave them each pats, gropes and kisses as there came a drum roll. It hit me really quickly that I wasn't the last one called. Whom could they have that was more famous than me?

"And now the guy you've all been waiting for. Some of you have seen him on the dance floor, had your cock sucked deep into the back of his soft little throat, and felt yourself balls deep in his wonderful ass. And believe me, that ass is where my cock is buried forever. Everyone, he's simple, but there is nothing simple about him, and he's toured almost every gay club in the world. Please welcome, singer, and dancer, and model...Cookie Crumble, Lucky Fletcher!"

I had never seen all of the crew have the same thought at the same time so quickly. Another Fletcher? And a Fletcher that was well liked? Impossible. But stepping on stage wearing absolutely nothing at all but body glitter, and a matching thong, and heavy eye shadow, was a bunny so lean and so skinny my jaw just plain dropped. If he was 120 pounds, 20 of it had to be in that thong alone. I think Rowdy couldn't believe it himself. Cookie stepped on stage, a white and black splotched rabbit. His ears were all painted up like he'd used them to paint the glitter on his body. It helped create the faux form of nudity in this light. The cheers he got were off the page. Roars, stomps, and chants...and all I got was stunned silence. I couldn't believe it at all. "Pinch me Chong, am I dead?"

I felt him grab my sheath fully and squeeze. Yep...I was alive. He didn't remove his hand, but it was all good regardless. I gave him a grope back, it had been a while since I'd given Chong the molestation he deserved.

All grabass aside, Lucky walked right over to me, and hugged me tight. "Ne-Ne! My favorite star...wow. I can't believe it...I get to share the stage with a big star...little old me." He said with the sleepy childish lilt Chong once spoke with. But, guessing a shot glass full of semen from everyone on the dance floor, chances were he wasn't stoned.

"Really? Um...gosh Cookie, I'm honored." I said as I felt his body on mine. Like Dad, we spooned rather well, and it felt nice to feel someone smaller than me for once. He looked down and noticed Chong and I cupping groins, before he giggled and blushed.

"Wow...you're playing around with the sexy dog. I was playing with him earlier...he's real soft." Cookie said as he leaned in and gave Chong a soft kiss on the cheek. Chong looked just as surprised as I was, let alone Khris and Micah whom looked like they were about to consider checking in for a stroke.

I smiled, several thoughts swimming through my head, but with everyone watching, a Fletcher or not, I had to set the mood. "If you think he's soft, try me." I said, taking one of cookie's hands, and pulled out my sheath from my thong, slipping it right out, and letting his hand wrap around it. He blushed, and stroked with enthusiasm, as if he expected to jerk me off then and there. My eyes widened, as I was impressed, for a sudden, impromptu handjob in front of 300 men and trannys, it was feeling damn good damn quick.

"Well it seems that everyone here is getting to know one another, and that's the best thing to do everyone, so...maestro, lets get this party started!" Tanya said.

And the music began. As Cookie masturbated me on the dance floor, the first song began. Numa-Numa.

I groaned, my fleshy sheath was out in almost no time, as everyone on stage started dancing around me. Chong was grinding his cute fanny against Khris, Micah apparently giving Rowdy a blowjob, and the rest dancing to the music.

I felt so awkward, yet so right in that moment. Being stroked and rubbed in just the right way, in public, while dancing. It was great. Cookie rocked the shaft about, and let it glisten in the glowing light and the blacklights. As the music changed so did the speed of his masturbation. "You're not soft anymore."

I blushed, and as one of my own songs came on, White Zombie's Dragula, I pulled Cookie against my body. Suddenly, I had to have him. I had to have this man. I didn't know why. It could have been I was aroused again for the 3rd time that night, but damnit, I needed to fuck. I reached out and cupped his groin. Yup...he was packing the sausage. Mmmm. "Neither are you, how about we give these guys a show. You...and Renee Morningstar, fucking right here, right now..."

Lucky gasped and stopped stroking. "But, big brother will be mad...he might hit me..." He said as he looked at the floor, starting to slow down. I realized if he stopped dancing, he'd be eliminated. I couldn't let him be ruined because of his fear. I dipped him, and kissed him passionately. He moaned, out of fear...and then moaned into it as I danced him.

"Lets play."

Cookie went to his knees, and slipped my length into his mouth, much to the cheers of the crowd. Khris, moved in behind, and went on his knees. "I don't know if I should be doing this, he is a Fletcher." He said as he leaned in, and dove muzzle first into his ass. It'd been ages since I'd done this with Khris, but the idea looked like fun. I had an evil idea, as I felt the very very skilled mouth of Cookie start to suck me a bit more in earnest as his thong was pulled off and tossed to the crowd. The 10 or 11 inch member hanging free, and swinging like a new kind of glow stick. I couldn't imagine how good Cookie was feeling, but if his ass felt anything like his mouth, it was going to be a good celebration.

As we danced, and as I rocked my cock back and forth in his mouth, he continued to swirl me around, nursing on the special cockhead of my shaft, the music thumping it was beautiful. Khris, unstrrapped his thong, and pulled out his own fox length, and with an affirmative nod slid into the ass of the rabbit.

I had never done this before. As much as I'd fucked on camera for thousands of homosexuals to watch and masturbate too, and as many times as I had been in orgies with my roommates, this was off the page. Dancing, fucking a Fletcher, and in front of an audience, I doubted I'd last long, my already oversexed cock throbbing threateningly. With each thrust into the rabbit's mouth, I felt a counter thrust from Khris. Khris was much angrier than I'd seen him in ages in his sex. Khris allowed himself to get full strokes in and out as his narrow artic fox cock plopped its way in and out of the ass.

"Both of you...fuck me..." he said spitting out my cock, and standing up. He pulled me close, and grabbed the tip of my cock. The change was so sudden, I felt the flesh of Khris' length against mine, as he grimaced, and slowly, began to lower himself down. I couldn't believe it as he slurped both our lengths in. Now...things were taking an interesting turn. We took our turns thrusting in and out of that hot and sexy ass. The music never faltered, getting faster and more intense; just like our sex.

As the music intensified I looked over my shoulder, loving the feeling of the cocks sliding against one another. It was so intimate, sharing the same ass, and sharing an embrace of one another. But, my jaw dropped at what I saw. There, wading through the dance floor, was the enormous forms of Heckyl and Jeckyl, and the fat and round form of Fabian, wading their way through the crowd. Khris and Cookie must of seen it too, as we stopped the full body thrusts, and slowed it down a bit.

"Hey! Asshole! Get your hands off of that rabbit!" Bellowed the lug known as Heckyl. Promptly the music stopped, and so did the dancing and fucking. We merely held cookie, whom suddenly seemed frightened.

"Hide me! Those guys hurt me! No...they'll make me go back to school...I don't wanna go...I don't wanna go."

Khris groaned and I felt him thrust again. "Don't stop fucking him Ne, don't let these buggers win."

And that I did, I kept rocking my hips back and forth, letting my cock slide in and out as the round man Fabian was stuttering so bad he had to pull out a bag to keep from hyperventilating. Soon, to the cheers of the crowd, Tony and Tanya made their way over.

"Hey, I don't know how you got in, but you need to get the hell out of my club. Unless you're going to adhere to dress code, you two lugs need to leave. And you fatty, we don't serve your kind here." Tanya said with a snap of her fingers.

Fabian moved his face close to the surgically altered bustline of the transsexual feline, and removed the bag. "Look you Rupaul reject, we're here for Morningstar and the rabbit up there."

Tanya raised her eyebrows. "Oh no you didn't."

Fabian nodded. "Yes I did. Now how about you move your Barbie doll ass out of our way so we can get this taken care of."

At this time Tony joined his partner, and had been stripped down to a rainbow speedo, but still kept on his sunglasses and bandana. Wish I knew where he had been. "Hey look here Frosted Flake, we would like that you should move, soes we can get that fox, capiche?"

Tony raised an eyebrow and said. "Alright, let me show you boys to the door."

Outside, the line of people waiting saw two large rabbits literally fly out the door, followed by an even larger rabbit landing on top, as the mated pair tossed them right out the door. There came a great cheer from everyone inside and out, as the party got started all over again.

* * *


"That's right Alex, he was seen, fraternizing with the enemy in the lewdest of fornications. In other words, fucking..."

Alex sat upright in bed, as Spike leaned against the door, wearing just his gaunt and sexy orange thong. Alex, naked under the sheets, had been awoken by Fabian's call, which now he was quite glad that Spike had decided to answer.

"That...that...that little..."

Spike moved around the bed, his greasy (now yellow) locks of hair tied back in a loose ponytail from a black rubber hair tie. "Speechless?"

Alex spat and sputtered and nodded his head. "I'm...I'm beyond outraged! This is intolerable! Absolutely unacceptable!"

As Spike's body moved, his hips moved like a well oiled machine, and his taut and firm buttocks flexed a bit when he moved, his tail swishing softly behind him. "The part I find funny, is whom are you trying to be more mad at? Your challenged little brother, or the Fox?"

Alex ground his teeth, and shook his head. "Both...of them!" He growled through his clenched teeth. "ALL of them...I am furious! None of them will escape my wrath! NONE of them you hear me?"

Spike blinked and then folded his arms across his chest, leaning against the wall of their bedroom. "And why are you so upset over this transgression?"

Alex stood, throwing his blanket aside, and walked stark up to his lover, and poked him hard in the chest. "First, the little retard has to drop in on me when I really don't need him. Second that Gloria woman and the board decided that they want to pull me out - I'm so glad I killed her. Then I give Fabian the simple task of putting Cookie in a place where he wont bother me, and he manages to give the fatso the slip. Furthermore, in BLATANT disregard for my orders, he fucks someone else and on top of that...MY BROTHER..."

"Well not only that but Fabian reported that the Artic Fox was engaged with the pair as well."

Alex growled and started to pace, "I wonder...I wonder if that Fox knew..."

"Which fox."

"FUCKING RENEE!" Alex barked, his ears swept back. "I'm wondering if it's possible that Bleedingstar knew that Cookie was my brother, and maybe he did this as some sort of message to me."

Spike coughed once. "Mornignstar is not an instigator; he is a responder. He responds to attacks, rather than makes his own. Morningstar will have to be backed truly against a wall before he goes and does anything stupid."

"Well I consider this stupid. Oh, believe me, he's going to pay."

Spike flexed his muscles and looked down his nose at Alex. "You want me to rough him up?"

Alex continued to pace, and shook his head. "I don't think physical violence is going to work anymore on Bleedingstar. Sure we may break his body but his spirit will be something that will be hard to break. It would seem this jolly little jaunt with my brother is proof enough he doesn't yet know that the name Fletcher is a name to be feared AND respected. I think it's time we made a proper example out of him."

Spike raised an eyebrow and rolled a finger. "And what exactly did you have in mind?"

Alex turned and said. "I think it's time we start breaking the strings that are holding him up one step at a time. This calls for blood and calls for diplomacy."

Spike's eyes lit up as he heard one of his favorite words. "Blood? You're talking my language."

Alex nodded. "That's right. I have a plan and it starts now. Spike I want you to head..." He paused, and reached into a small box in one of his drawers that contained a group of notecards. He pulled out a notecard with a big letter J on the front of it. "Head here. I'd like for you to have him taken out. Do it yourself if you want, you know what you like."

Spike looked at the card, and the Cheshire grin that followed turned very grinchy with evil as he looked towards Alex. "This little shit? He's a disgrace to my race in my opinion. I'd be glad to take him out in the most gruesome manner possible."

Alex nodded. "See that you do. I want his body found, feel free to do whatever you want, but I want Renee to feel my fingers closing around his throat! I want him to pay for taking advantage of my brother. Lucky isn't right in the head, and aside from that he shouldn't be fucking anyone other than me! We Fletchers are bred for perfection, and while he may not have the perfect mind some seem to think he's got the perfect personality and body. Renee has no right to steal the Guinevere of my Camelot."

Spike then gripped Alex's ears tight, and brought him close. "Alex, I know you're on a superiority kick right now, but remember I'm the brains of this operation."

Alex blinked but didn't move much. "Yeah I know, but this is what I want."

Spike tightened his grip. "Just remember that. I'm going to get dressed, and place some calls to my connections...seems it's time for the hammer to fall."

"Fine. I want Renee to know real fear, and to never again disrespect me. Its punishment time."

* * *

I awoke to the sound of someone knocking at the door. What a night. The hangover made the pounding at the door louder than I'd expected. It took me a moment to remember where I was. I was in a king sized waterbed. Laying next to me was Khris and Micah, cuddled together, with a Rabbit sleeping on the Lazy Boy next to the bed. I was naked, and by the wet feeling in my ass, and the sore nature of my groin, I'm guessing my sexual play was more extensive than normal. In fact, my groin burned when I stood up, my balls tight and dry by the feeling of it. In fact I'd drank so much, I really didn't remember much after I was eliminated from the Rave Down. There were blurs of sexy bodies, murmurs of songs that blended into one another, and an almost endless sea of body shots and margaritas. My body lurched, and I fought the urge to vomit. I had to choose weather or not I wanted to answer the door, or puke. I decided to answer the door, grabbing one of Khris' dress robes. It was grey with navy blue trim, and not particularly what I had in mind, but it worked.

Khris' house had all sorts of modern gadgets and doo-dads all over: 3,000 dollar stereo, 60 inch plasma flat screen TV, 10 Disc DVD player, VHS deck, 100 Disc CD player, surround sound, mood lighting, halogen corner flood lights, Air Conditioning...for fucks sake I felt like I was going to go bankrupt just by being in the living room, let alone the rest of his house. Micah and Khris had an affinity and a flare for going over the top when it came to anything electronically. If it was new, and you could plug it in or it had a battery in it, you'd probably find it in this small house in the hills.

Despite all the gadgets, they didn't clean the carpet all that much, and it still bore the cum stains from the orgy we held the day of the earthquake. As I staggered to the door, I had to fight back a tear thinking about it. That was Asher's first time with me, after months of rejecting him, no matter how he tried. That silly goofball, I could never forget that day so long ago when I came downstairs to see his leg through the floor.

My hangover made me want to put my damn head through the door if it would get me back to sleep. Normally I don't get hangovers, but this time I did. I needed a drink.

I opened the door, and it was actually particularly cloudy outside for whatever reason, and cool out. Bleak for Los Angeles. Dad was at the front door. He was dressed in a black suit with matching slacks and shoes, white shirt and Yellow tie. His FBI plastic ID card was clipped to his lapel, and his face was rather serious.

"Dad? How the hell did you find me - wait... you're the FBI I forgot...ever handle a penny and they get your DNA on file forever."

Dad didn't make any reaction at all. Typical for FBI in my opinion but odd for dad. I rubbed my temples and looked up his way, bending over a little bit to try to keep from throwing up again.

"Renee, I have some bad news for you. I wanted to be the one that told you."

"Dad...what bad news? Do I have another relative that you're going to spring on me?'

Dad chuckled once, perhaps to humor me, but he placed his hand on my greasy head of hair (only from all the sex and booze. I take care of my hair.) and lead me to the couch. "I want you to be sitting down."

"Gee, whenever they say that its normally really bad. Well Dad, if you couldn't tell I got drunk to the bejuesus last night, and I'm on the verge of puking."

Dad nodded and walked into the bathroom. There was a rustling around for a moment, and dad came back with an empty garbage pail lined with a garbage bag. He placed it in my hands. "Son, I love you and know you deserve to know the whole truth. I was...also moved in the way I am guessing you will be and in your delicate condition I want you to be able to just...go if you need to."

I blinked, my stomach already doing jumping jacks and my tongue feeling like someone had wrapped a giant cotton ball around it. Dad going for all this, it must have been horrible. "Tell me straight."

Dad sat down on the foot stool, and placed his head in his hands, a new set of earrings, almost identical to the ones in my own ear shone in the lights in the living room. "Gustauv is going to be deported tomorrow, there's nothing I can do to stop it. Someone tipped off INS that he was Illegal and that he hasn't paid his taxes. I'm sorry, Gustauv is headed back to Germany."

I blinked, and couldn't believe it. "What? Who told? I bet it was one of the stage crew. Probably that guy I molested during the Golden Tub."

Dad shook his head. "No one on the inside as far as I know. Someone that just knew enough about him to turn him in."

I groaned in frustration. "Well fuck, who's going to direct for Adam & Steve now? Gustauv is the best pornographic director I've ever met, and everyone else I've worked for is crap compared to him."

Dad sighed and looked at me. "And it's about to get worse."

I grabbed the trash container, fresh vomit seeming appetizing all of a sudden. "What next."

Dad sighed and took a deep breath, then let it out. "I've thought it over the entire drive here, and I can't think of any other way to tell you except the blunt, brutal truth. Son, I want you to know that a full investigation is underway, and that everything that can be done, is being done."

I nodded.

"Son, your stage partner Jeice, was murdered early this morning, about 2 in the morning by all accounts."

I don't know what did it, but I'd never puked in horror before. I've puked from being sick, but horror/shock? Nope. My body heaved, and relieved itself. Oh the flavor of puke, kind of like toothpaste, orange juice, pizza, and mouthwash. When I was done, dad handed me a handkerchief to wipe my chin with. I promptly did, and gurgled a breath, catching it once more, sputtering out a "How?"

"Tortured to death it looks like. He was scalped, and skinned. Premortem it looks like. Jeice was a strong man to survive it. The perp then emasculated him, raped him, and left him to die in that order. Jeice died as a result of shock from massive trauma at the scene and was found dead by his housekeeper about 5 this morning."

Having heard that news, I wanted to retch again, however my body just didn't have it all together to perform another purge. Instead, I slowly broke into sobs, and finally started to cry. "Why? Why would someone do that? Jeice never hurt anyone."

Dad nodded, and removed my puke bucket to the bathroom, and sat down next to me, pulling me close. My breath must have been quite foul, but to dad's credit he still cuddled me. "I don't know. The only thing I could find on him was 3 arrests for Heroin possession and use but that was almost 6 years ago. He's been clean and sober ever since. No real brushes with the law, gangs, mob or anything. It seems random to me."

I shook my head. "Who would do that to him? Jeice just liked to make movies."

Dad shrugged and squeezed me. "Well even as far as that goes it doesn't even seem to fit any hate-crime perp's we have on file. Anyway we're all looking into it, even my department. And you're friend Lotus has been on the news all morning from his home talking to the pres."

Thankfully the remote was within arms reach. I fumbled it around, as I'd grabbed it ass backwards, and flipped it around, turning the TV on. I changed it to the local news, and in big bold letters it red "Adult Film Star Mutilated, Murdered". There on screen was Ishanka. I hadn't seen him really since the attempt on his life. Ishanka healed rather well, but was still as reclusive as ever. His voice was the same whisper it had always been, if not more raspy than before thanks to the advent of getting a slug in his lung.

"...A great loss to the community. I have to say of all the men that I've worked with, professionally Jessie James Jurrard or Jeice as he was known in the film community was the best. With no offence meant to my colleagues, but Jessie had a kind of flare for the work that you couldn't duplicate, and threw himself into whatever role he did. I'm sure when his stage partner Renee Morningstar hears word of this, he'll want to comment as well. Those two made an awesome team if not the team in pornography. It only saddens me deeper that Gustauv is being deported within 24 hours of this tragedy and this outrage. I personally am mortified and appalled that someone this sick and twisted would bestow such a horrible fate upon a man that was no more dangerous than a clown."

At that moment the reporter from the station moved her mic in closer, imposing a little on Isanka's space. I knew how much he loved his space, but reporters got to be in close. They were on the front porch to his house it looked like, and same as me it seemed they caught Ishanka unaware. He was wearing black silk pajama tops as far as the camera showed, his eyes behind thick pink sunglasses, and that triangle piece of his ear that was missing still highlighted against the black of his front door. I felt so sorry for the Albino Greyhound. "Mr. Tani, how do you feel that it's possible you may be the prime suspect."

Ishanka looked taken back, if not offended by that question. "Ms. Louis I can't believe anyone would suggest the idea."

The reporter, still off camera, cleared her throat and moved closer still. Other reporters were there as well I could tell, their own questions going ignored at the moment. "Well could it be possibly your documented tolerance for pain, and torture; as well as your documented ability to mutilate your customers."

Ishanka licked his lips. "When you came here this morning you asked for me to talk about Jessie, and that's what I aim to do. The people I hurt pay me to do so at their own expense and risk. Jessie had a rotten and vile thing happen to him. I don't think anyone, even myself fancies getting skinned alive and emasculated. Now, I'm very upset over all this, and if you don't mind, I think it's polite I make some phone calls to Jessie's family."

Ishanka turned around, giving me glimpse of that unbelievably long head of pink hair. It was mussed and tussled with sleep, like mine. He opened his door, and slammed it quickly, as the camera turned to the reporter. A mousette, dressed snazzy and proper, held the mic in her hand as she spoke." There you have it. Hours after Adult Film Star Jessie James Jurrard's murder, this station has named its prime suspect as that man who just spoke to you, Ishanka 'Lotus' Tani, whom many may remember for-"

I turned it off, and dropped the remote. "I cant watch anymore."

"I don't blame you. That's actually not live. That came on at about 8 this morning. Channel 7 and a few other stations are agreeing with police that Ishanka is the prime suspect. We at FBI don't think so at all, but LAPD isn't willing to agree with us, it's only their people in there at the moment on the scene."

"Why Ishanka? He's been recovering for months." I said, rubbing my eyes, they burned a bit more than my groin, and was a blessed pain deference.

"Well Ishanka let that fox he kept as a slave go after he went to the hospital. I suppose after the painful humiliation that he suffered at the hands of Lotus he spoke to the station and talked Ishanka down."

I'd forgotten about that. "It sounds like a frame job."

"Well regardless, a man is dead, and no one really knows why. That's what we have to figure out."

"One thing is for sure dad...this all has to stop."

"I know son...I know..."

Tales from Apartment 232 part 17 -Dusk & Dawn

Got Bennettworks? The following is a Tales From Apartment 232 Production. Characters therein are used at the permission of I Damion St. James the author, and remaining characters are my trademark. Characters can only be used with my expressed...

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Tales From Apartment 232 : Reunion

-Got Bennettworks? This is yet another work of furotic fiction by me David Bennett, aka Damion St. James. By now you should be used to knowing my usual warnings and notices about characters being all my own, and the story being unsuitable for some...

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The Next Generation Vol 1. - Fabian & Jewel

Bennettworks Inc This is an original story written by me Damion St. James. All characters herein are fictional, any resemblance to anyone living or dead is strictly co-incidence. This story is by no means open source or free license, all...

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