Rubies and Emeralds: Part 3: a binding love

Story by Kandi_Specopsfox on SoFurry

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Part 1: Raising Ru...

Part 1: Raising Ruby

Part 2: My Favorite

Part 4: We Are One

Part 5: Sapphire

Not much had changed between me and Ruby, except we were now no longer worried about hiding anything from the other. Usually when bathing or grooming we would do it separately, now we do it together, not worrying about our different parts becoming exposed. Now, I know what you may think, but we were not going around yiffing in every place we could think of, though we were a lot closer in that way as well as love. In fact neither of us had even come close to mentioning sex between us, the only time she even touched my penis was when she cleaned me up that cruel night. We decided not to tell anybody else but some how my dad knew, I thought he would freak out, but he didn't. Instead he said that just as he was about to step in, Ruby jumped in, making there be no need for him to do so. He saw what followed and said it looked like true love to him and he would not tell even our mom if we did not want him too, which was nice. We also didn't need to worry about him letting it slip because mom and dad left just a few days later as all parents do. Luckily they will come back and check up and visit us, but now we, primarily Franklin, Ruby and I, are in charge of the cave. Other than this things were just business as usual. I now took Ruby with me whenever I went hunting, and we would often bring Margo, Susie or Selma with us.

Because Ruby and I are both unconditionally in love with each other, we tried to follow traditional courtship and mating rituals, however these were quite awkward. We had lived most our lives with each other, so just starting from scratch didn't work. So we decided to skip those first few courtship years that we had already undergone and instead spend our time together as mates. Now with mom and dad gone, Ruby has her own room, but she still sleeps with me nightly. I love to see her sleeping, all curled like a cute ball of ruby colored fluff. She looks soft enough to jump on and it would just bounce you in the air, and once you got off, all your pressure marks disappeared as it went back to its original shape (I have never actually done this, and for good reasons). Nonetheless, it was cute, her curled there, with me kind of wrapped around her, both of us cozy and warm, loving life and loving each other, thinking nothing could be more perfect, kissing and cuddling more that before, getting closer physically, emotionally, and spiritually. On rainy days, we don't leave the cave unless it's an emergency, (because were fire pokémon, it won't kill us, but its not exactly fun.) so Ruby and I snuggle in close at the entrance to the cave rubbing noses occasionally (showing affection) and simply watch the rainfall. We would amuse ourselves by using our fire breath to try and evaporate some raindrops before they hit the ground.

Now I just want to clear something up, even though were fire pokémon, we need water, to drink, to bathe and things of the sort, but it doesn't mean we like it when hundreds of bullets of water fall from above hitting you over and over, that we don't like, because it is uncontrolled, and its very wet all over our bodies. When we wash, we know where the water is and we have control over it, also when we drink, but rain is uncontrollable and therefore our foe. Now back to the story...

One day, while Ruby and I were bathing (we now bathe together, its easier time wise and we can help clean each other, like in the hard to clean places, primarily our backs) in our home's bathing area, a small and shallow part of the stream that is surrounded by bushes and trees, offering privacy. It actually is easier to bathe with 2 people; you can have them help groom you in the hard to reach places, like your back and tails. So, I was grooming (licking) Ruby's tails for her when I accidentally (totally honestly by accident,) went a little low and licked her... you know... her 'lady line' (for those of you a little unimaginative, a story isn't for you so deal with it). I told myself I was totally fucked, but before I even began to say sorry, she giggled and said in a playful voice,

"Ooh Earl, that felt good!"

She then turned around to face me, which then made the whole atmosphere awkward. With her facing me I couldn't continue even though she said it felt good, and if she asked me to continue, it just made it harder with her turned towards me, ruining any chance of me quickly continuing without any thought. She realized it was a bad move because she blushed after about a second of staring at me, because she had nothing to say now, and I knew she wouldn't need an apology. We stood there, not less than a foot apart, both extremely embarrassed at the uncomfortable ambiance, until I decided that it was too much.

"So, you liked that?" I asked

"Well, yes it felt really good. Did u do that on purpose?"

"No, no I just went a little low."

"Oh." she said with a small sigh.

"So, what should we do now?" I asked her, "Should we forget it happened and move on or..."

"No," Ruby cut me off, "I think we should finally mate, as mates. We have known each other forever, and truth is, I love you Earl, we've become mates and now it time for the next step, if your ready."

Wow, I thought, instead of getting in trouble like I expected, Ruby and I are becoming closer. "Its ok by me," I said, "but you are sure you want this, and if you really do to, then I have to know if you are in heat." saying this made me a little uneasy, as it was a personal question and I prayed she would not be offended.

"No, I had it early last week, and I do want this, not just for me or for you, but for us." she responded.

I could not have heard an answer better than that; we shall now become the true mates we were destined to be. I told her, "I love you Ruby, more than..." I was cut off when Ruby leaned in and kissed me so tenderly I was afraid I would melt right there.

She broke the kiss and said, "I know." she again kissed me softly and slowly.

When we broke this time she turned away from me, which was weird because she was just kissing me. It made sense when she lifted her tail high up in the air. She raised her tail and looked back at me with the cutest face that when I saw the two things, I swear my heart stopped beating for a few seconds! I mean this was like something that I would kill just to see! That face looking at me and that body, a tiny little tail hole and below it, a slightly wet vagina, waiting for my male seed to fill it up, and I was eager to fill that request. I realized I was already hard as a rock, my member standing on its own its full length exposed. I blushed; I had become hard without even realizing it, that's how sexy Ruby looks. I mounted her from behind and asked, "which um, where should I put it er I mean, what..."

As I stumbled from word to word Ruby said "my vagina."

So without another word I inched my body farther on top of hers until my member was up against her body. It tickled and felt good; I can't imagine what it will be like once I am inside of her! I slowly moved my waist back and down, to line up with her vagina, towards which I moved my member until it was just past the lips of her sex. I pushed as slowly and as gently as possible, so not to harm her the first time. The deeper I went the better it got. Her vagina was perfect, warm, wet, pleasing, and tight and was all mine. I did not go my full length the first time, which was extremely hard to do, but as I pulled my member almost entirely out I knew that when I slid it back in I would go all the way. Again I started slow entering her sweet and gentle body, I went deeper and deeper until my balls were sandwiched between our bodies. WOW, I hope I don't cum too early, but mating Ruby is just pure ecstasy, if I took every drug right now it would be nothing compared to this! I again moved back out, the feel of the walls of her wet vagina rubbing against my long shaft each time it entered or exited, oh god...ok breathe. Gotta remember to breathe. Anyway she is now moaning in a low voice, and I am trying to remember to breathe. I begin to hump her slightly faster than before, in and out, not as far out nor as deep as before, but now it is much faster. I begin moaning in unison with Ruby as she gets louder.

"Harder Earl, please harder." Ruby commands

I do as I am told, I now begin to put my full length into Ruby with every entry, along with going even a little faster than before, I could tell she was enjoying it by her now louder moans, and I kept shouting "OH GOD! OH YES!" to the entire world, you know my first time with the one I love beyond measure. I again pick it up and I am giving her all i've got, going as fast as I can in and out of her wet vagina, slamming my full shaft all the way into her as deep as I can. She is now letting out loud moans and an occasional scream of pleasure from my penis filling her up. By this point I am holding back my cum, trying to last as long as I can for her without slowing down. I can feel my knot expanding and I know that I no longer have a choice. I give her one last full thrust and my knot expands, sealing my member inside of her body. After the first jolt of cum fills her body, I feel her reach her climax as well. Her vagina becomes even tighter around my member as she releases her female nectar. As I keep going I realize that both of our fluids will be too much for her, meaning some of it will come out. I am happy, I did my part and I have filled my love with my special gift. Now both of us have finished cumming. I am still on top of Ruby panting and sweating, with Ruby panting and sweating even more than I am. As she lies on the ground I have to remain on top for we are still linked as my knot slowly begins to shrink. While waiting I licked the top of Ruby's head multiple times until my member slid out of her filled vagina, splashing a bit of cum around. Still exhausted I simply fell off her and landed on my back next to her.

"So..." She said.

"So..." I said.

"So..." said a voice from behind.

We both quickly turned to see it was Franklin who continued by saying "you two finally did it. Its about time!"

These caused both of us to turn our heads and blushed as Franklin simple turned around and headed back towards the cave, we heard his voice on the other side of the bushes saying, "They are ok, just playing a game. Come on, let's go get some dinner."

"So I guess everybody knows, they sure wont buy that" I said to ruby.

"Lets get to our room before they come back." was her only reply as she stood and ran to our room with me close behind, both of us using our tails to cover cum covered behinds. We entered our room and slammed the door behind us.

I tried to break the ease by saying "well, we are now officially mates!" trying hard not to laugh in spite of what had happened. Ruby turned her face and looked ready to cry, which made me not want to laugh. She was probably so embarrassed she was about to cry. I tried to turn my laughter into tears to make her feel better. When she faced me she looked like she was trying really hard not to smile, she was about to cry tears of laughter! When we looked at each other, both holding back laughter in consideration for the other, we just broke out in a hysterical laughter fit. We fell onto the floor and bounce off each laughing hysterically. I suppose we eventually passed out or somehow fell asleep but we never did stop laughing.