Summer Heat – Chapter 34: Summer vacation – Part 2

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#34 of Summer Heat

Quickly uploading the second part of the Summer Vacation and next chapter (one day before time) because I will not have internet for a short while now (until the new internet is setup in my new appartment).

I hope you like it and that I will be back soon for the next story. (I will try to be in time but can not promise yet.)


While this story is inspired by movies (like S.H.I.T.) and Games (like BSC) all characters and plot is original from me. I hold the rights on this story.

If you see any kind of similarity with another story it is not on purpose.

There are no intended copyright infrigments in this story.

Please do not repost or use the content without asking and linking this story.

(You can always create art from the story even without asking if you link the story and let me know of the art.)

For legal reasons all actors and characters in this story are adult (and considered to be adult).

This story is art and plays in a parallel world where no humans exist and where animals evolved into anthros. All in this story is fantasy and all similarities (except for country names for an easier understanding) to real persons, believes, races or nations are not intended. The content of the story or comments of the characters do NOT reflect the believes or thoughs of the author but are purely for entertainment. Please do NOT try this at home.

Adult notice: This story is an adult (R-Rated) story of anthro species having intercourse (including incest). The age range of the actors is 8-16. If you do not like this kind of content or if your are still a minor in your country (usually under 18) please stop reading this story directly.

Summer Heat - Chapter 34: Summer vacation - Part 2

... Zen walked slowly and his knot did not shrink because it constantly moved a bit inside the girl with each of his steps and she pushed a bit stronger against his base from gravity. Her legs softly hung down left and right from Zen and rubbed against the outer side of his legs which stimulated him in addition. Zen had one paw at the hind of the girl, holding her weight and also caressing at her tight pucker under her tail. His other arm was softly wrapped around her back and his paw brushed up and down her back. When he hit the tail base from the upper side, he sometimes brushed along the tail only to return up to the back to make sure that she was pressed against his chest and did not fall backwards. She was so exhausted that she kept sleeping, even when Zen stopped midway to the cottage to empty another load into her womb. He felt her belly bulge again and press against his belly. The sun was shining warm on their pelts and the wind was low and only rustled a bit in the trees. Christina and Roana ran next to them and, with a low voice, told Zen all about the week that they had been in the orphanage. How they met Tara and that she had been very bossy to all the others, even the boys. Mrs. Calligan had have a very short fuse with the girl and scolded her a lot but Tara seemed to be very unhappy at the orphanage. "This is why I thought that she might like it better here." Ended Roana and Christine nodded. "You did great girla." Whispered Zen and smiled at them. "And it was luck that she was in heat when you arrived here." He added. Roana and Christine giggled and he winked to them. "You are 11 now Roana. If you are lucky you will get your first heat this year. I think you would bear a cute child." The coyote smiled a bit embarrassed but happy and looked to the ground. "Me too?" asked Christine. "I think it will take a bit longer for you but I think you also will have a cute child once you are ready." Said Zen. To be honest even though in times like this he spoke so casual about this, he started to worry a bit. Not about the money to raise the kids. He got a lot of money that his father left with him and in addition with the work he did for the dorm system he also got a lot of money from the ministry and if he figured out how to hide the fact that he was the father of the cubs of his pupils, he might even get money for raising them. He did not have to depend on this though. What he was worried about was, that at some point someone might find out. With Gilla McGrail someone outside already knew but this was safe. Maybe the mother of Zina also knew and kept quiet, but Arthur McGrail, the chief of education, asked him to raise the number of cubs he would allow in the school again for the next year and this meant new girls. Not that this was not also something good for him, because he got more girls to live his horny desires with, but each girl was also a risk. He did not think any of them would break the rule and talk outside but if he sent girls home pregnant or they were still lactating or just them being not a virgin anymore did possess a danger that their parents might notice. Basically, it was Mara's worries and she was backed up by the other adult women. He was sure that the taboo was strong enough in the heads of the parents that they would not talk about it just on a suspicion. But the women had a point that probably it was important that Paula finished to improve the liquid to prevent pregnancies, so it would work on the kids as well without being to strong or having side effects. Zen brushed this thought away and concentrated on the sleeping girl again that softly bobbed up and down in front of him with each of his steps and the movement alone had him stimulated and hard even though he just stopped spurting. Worrying about this while he was knot deep in a girl was nonsense. He had to savor the luck he constantly had as long as it lasted. Coming to this conclusion he bobbed her a bit stronger taking longer steps and moaned with each step while holding her close to him with the yaw, that he put over shoulder, and gripped her ass with both hands to fondle it and assist the pressure on each step by pushing her against himself until, shortly before they arrived at the cottage, he came again and woke her up with the growing pressure in her womb. Tara groaned softly and her legs moved around Zen's hip. She pushed herself a bit off his upper body to lighten up the pressure on her belly and opened her eyes while Zen moved one of his hands into the back of the wolf girl again to support her and make sure she was not falling back. "Hello Beauty!" he whispered and before the girl could answer he pulled her into a deep kiss while his spunk filled her womb more with rhythmic spurts. Tara continued to mix groans and moans that were muffled by his kiss while Zen slowly continued to the cottage. Zen moaned into the muzzle of Tara as well and enjoyed the tight feeling around his member. Tara achieved a small climax and her tunnel gripped around his knot and member. When they arrived at the cottage, Zen entered the room and used the next Table to put Tara down. He was still stuck inside her and with all his arousal he pounded her as much as his knot allowed him. She moaned from his pushes but sometimes slipped groans in because of her overfilled womb where his spunk moved around from his pushes. The other kids, who had seen him enter the cottage, came in and watched together with Roana and Christine how he mated the formerly virgin and now heavily filled wolf girl. Zen turned her around and had her push her own weight up with her hands to have her belly not crash on the table and took her until he achieved another climax and bulged out the belly of the now only groaning girl. She achieved another small orgasm during this and then dropped off to sleep again. Zen pulled her upper body up and sat down on a chair, looking at all the girls and the women who also just came into the salon with a smile. He roamed over the belly of Tara, which was nearly as big as Ida. She looked a few month into pregnancy already. "This is Tara!" he introduced her with a moan. "She will join us from today on. She is the girl Mrs. Calligan sent us with Roana and Christine. Be nice to her so that she will love to live here with us soon." The girls came closer to have a look at the exhausted girl. Some of them caressed her big belly like Zen did to feel how bloated she was. Diana and Ilia started to lick Zen's balls and he laughed. "Your sisters learn fast." He mentioned to Lily and the older girl stopped them. "Don't make him cum again yet. The poor girl will explode." And Paula also approached Zen about it. "Make sure to let her empty. This is already past her limit." Zen nodded. "You are right. But make a photo first, okay?" he demanded and Paula got the camera to snatch a photo of the sleeping and overfilled girl. She also got a bucket to put under them and Zen moved a bit forward. This way they would not have to clean so much. When Zen's knot shrink, and popped out of the girl, she emptied fast and she sighed in her sleep. Zen licked her cheeks and had Ilia and Diane lick his member and Tara's nether clean before he stood up and put Tara into one of the beds at the cottage.

The next days, Tara did not get to play a lot with the other girls. Most of the time she was awake, Zen was either on top of her or had her on top and pushed his rod into her burning snatch. He knotted her every time, filled her with spunk until her belly started to bulge and then, urged by Paula, had his knot shrink down and her womb empty before he repeated this action. The girl only moaned now and did not complain. She even presented to Zen when she woke up directly, if Zen was not already inside her, and got really attached to him. Even after her heat ended, just like Zina, she slipped into his bed at night and in contrast to the panther girl she even urged him to knot her every night and fall asleep with them being tied together. This nightly visits held on for one more week and even afterwards, she was very obedient towards Zen, like a loving mate. She returned a bit to her tomboyish behavior when she played with the other girls, but whenever Zen was there, she submitted to him directly when he called out for her and she often approached him voluntarily and gave him a muzzle job every now and then without him even requesting it. July ended and August started. Life went its usual way in the school until the day that another girl got into heat.

July passed by and August was half over. They just celebrated Mara's birthday and everything calmed down until this morning. Zen entered the room that was now occupied by Lily and her sisters when a wave of heat pushed into his nostrils and he felt his member already becoming hard. He knew that Lily had no chance of being in heat because she was pregnant and so he directly went to the second oldest girl in the room, Diane. The girl woke up and moaned when he pulled away the cover and the scent increased. He did not wait for her to fully wake up or explain anything to her. With being a bit sleepy himself he did not have this kind of self-control. He just rolled the girl on her belly, pulled up her hips so that her drenched snatch was open for display and then he moved over her, earned a moan from the bite in her neck, and pushed hard into her drenched folds. She shriek of the girl, which was muffled a bit by Zen's paw, woke up the other two bunnies and they looked at them with wide opened eyes. Zen did not regard them but started to pound fast and he felt the heated juices of the bunny girl splash against his knot every time it collided with her labia. The girl under him could do nothing but groan from her soon sore tunnel but moans slipped in from the stimulation that now caught up when her heat jump-started her reproduction system. Lily and Ilia only sat on their bed and watched with open muzzles how Zen mated their sister without mercy. Their snatches started to get moist as well from the scent and the action in front of their eyes. It did not take Zen long before he pushed extra hard and popped the knot into the bunny. Diane was as stretchy as her sister and even though she was tight and hugged his big organ strongly, she only cried out once when he overstretched her and then sighed and moaned when his spunk hit her womb. His tip was pressed against the back of her womb and his spurts massaged the walls with the hot stream of cum. From her small body and his big load her belly looked already as big as that of her sister, who was already a bit into pregnancy. Zen let go of her scruff and licked her ears, face and head with affection while he huffed and pumped more spunk into the little bunny. "I think you will have to ask your mother if she would not like to admit your sisters in this school as well." Zen said when he caught his breath and rolled around, taking the bunny with him, to sit on the bed with his back against the wall. "She is tighter than you were at the first time." He mentioned and chuckled. The other bunny girls still watched him with open muzzles and masturbated without even noticing it. They did not answer and Zen did not press the issue but caressed over the belly of the bunny girl that he had knotted and that now moaned from the spunk in her womb and his loving touches. He could feel her folds slightly quivering from arousal and waited until his knot shrank down before he pulled out, lay the bunny girl on the bed and started to eat her out until she climaxed as well. Then Zen moved over her again, this time facing the girl and pushed into the laying girl hard which made her emit a mix of groans and moans. Zen moaned all the time while the other bunnies still were frozen in place and watched him mate their sister a second time. Both, Zen and Diane, could care less about them. They were totally consumed by her heat and his horny desire. He pumped into the girl again and again until his gushed more of his spunk into her and rested atop of her. The circle of Zen climaxing, pulling out, eating the girl out until she orgasmed and then mounting her again continued until Mara entered the room. In the end Diane even climaxed from his spurts into her and he did not have to eat her out to bring her this pleasure. The girl was totally exhausted after the five times he came into her but she had the endurance of a bunny. "I was already wondering where you are." She just mentioned. She was so used to Zen mating the girls in the school, that she was neither surprised nor shocked anymore. "I guess this means that we will have to admit her to school too." She continued and looked at the bunny that was not bulged out as much as her sister. "Me too. I also want to stay here." The little Ilia cut in. She had been laying there awed by her recent orgasm that she achieved thanks to her big sister licking her and now looked up to Mara with sparkling eyes. "Fine with me." Mara chuckled. "Prepare for breakfast you four and Lily and Ilia, make sure they shower before, okay?" Mara turned to the door and when she went out she just let out a whispered "Bunnies...".

Lily and Mara had no problem with explaining Mrs. Flourenne that all three would stay in the school because the girls liked it that much. The mother was more relieved to have two worries less than to object it. Zen and Diane did not do much else than mating the next three days and most of the time Ilia watched them. The little girl was very interested in everything related to sex and Zen let her be. In this school it was normal to see a mating anyways. He even involved her by having her lick his member or the clit of her sister and in return Zen licked her snatch and made her cum. The four days that Diane's heat lasted were a time of constant action between them and instead of exhausting both picked up more and more endurance. Zen only stopped when the girl started to groan when he entered because there was no lubricant to make her snatch slippery. "You girls are an awesome fuck." Zen whispered to Lily and Diane and the girls giggled. One day after all that someone knocked at his door in the evening and Zen shouted "Come in." He was just going over some files with Paula regarding the medicaments and equipment they needed for the next school year and for her researches. It was Ilia. "What can I do for you sweety?" he asked but when the girl came closer he already smelled it. "I feel funny here." She said and pointed at her glistering snatch. Zen was a bit surprised. Sure, his sister had been very early as well but Ilia was even one year younger than his sister has been. "Talk about an early bloom." He mumbled und caressed the head of Ilia. "Don't worry Ilia, you just went into heat a bit ahead of your time. I will make sure to take care of you." He smirked a bit but before he advanced more on the girl he turned to Paula. "This is quite early, don't you think?" The beaver woman shook her head. "It was to be expected." She answered and for Zen's surprised gaze she added: "Bunnies are a bit different than other species. They can get in heat much earlier and usually an early heat is triggered when they smell the heat of another bunny. It is something they inherited from their ancestors." Zen nodded to show her that he understood and turned to Ilia. "Well then, I think it is time to make you join your sisters and get a little contribution inside you." He said while he picked her up and put her on the bed where he started to eat her out. The girl moaned loud and after a few minutes already reached her orgasm that was so strong that her juices splashed into Zen's mouth. He gulped down the sweet juice and licked her quivering lips before turning her on her belly and pulling her rump up. The girl held her tail high by instinct already. She was too small to bite down and at the same time mount her and therefore he just held her in place and aimed with his now hard dick at her entrance. The tip slipped into her hot folds without problem and she still moaned and twitched from her recent orgasm. Paula made herself comfortable on the chair and spread her legs to run her paw over her clit. The girl cried out loud when he breached her tiny hymen with his first strong push. She was tight. Just as tight as Tammy, the otter girl, had been and her pussy stretched nearly as much as Tammy's but it was much more lubricated because of her heat and much hotter. Zen pumped in and out of the groaning and sobbing girl while her juices ran over his shaft and his forming knot. Zen took five minutes until he overpowered her cervix and entered her womb. His knot was maxed out and clashed against her sloppy labia. Each push of him made a smack at her pussy and later a second one when his dangling balls slapped against her drenched clit. It took Zen just as long to finally push in his knot. Her snatch had been far too tiny for it but his hard pushes and her strong lubricant made it slip in and with a roar he came buckets into her. Her small belly filled fast and bulged out. She groaned from the pressure inside her womb and the still burning snatch. Zen caressed over her clit and slowly baited out some moans between the groans from the girl. He ran his paw over the heave bulge at her snatch, where his knot was sitting tight inside her, and then further up to the even bigger bulge in her belly, which made the girl look pregnant already. "You can definitely fit in more sweetheart." He whispered and began small rocking movements. His knot did not allow much of a sliding in and out but for a few millimeters his tip scratched over her cervix. The girl groaned again from her sore tunnel and the pressure of the moving spunk inside her womb. Zen roamed over her chest and belly and played with her erect nipples and even though the girl still groaned, she mixed in some moans and she at least did not start to cry again. It took Zen even longer this time until he reached his orgasm and the bulge grew strongly with each spurt. The girl started to cry again from it being too uncomfortable and Paula stopped masturbating and came over to put a paw on the shoulder of Zen. "Don't overdo it. She is still very young. I think you should not put any more inside her and let her empty." Zen, totally absorbed in his action, did not react directly and only when he recovered from his climax he reacted to the touch and words of Paula. He directly looked a bit embarrassed. "You are right, sorry Ilia. I promise you that I will let you empty after I can pull out." He rolled around, taking the heavily filled bunny with him, and sat down on the bed with the girl on his lap. He rubbed her big bulged belly with his paws to make it feel a bit better and she stopped to sop, slowly getting used to the stretching and pressure inside her. "That is a brave girl." He whispered and while he continued to roam over her belly and stimulate her dugs, he licked her ears, head and face. He cleaned her from the traces of tears and soon the girl emitted a mix of groans and moans again. When he felt his knot slowly shrinking he moved to his shower and waited until it popped out. The gushes of semen splashed to the floor of the shower fast and Zen let the girl down on her feet. She still had wobbly legs but with her paws holding herself up on his hip she stood and coughed her breath while sighing. Zen's half erect member was just in front of her face and Zen caressed her head and softly pushed it towards his semen soaked balls and member. She had been trained in the last weeks already to give him a blow job and even though the girl was no too fond of the taste still, she did not object. Her heat dictated her to crave for him even when it hurt or she was exhausted. Zen made sure to shower himself and Ilia before he took her again and left his room with the knotted bunny in his arm, just like Zina a few weeks earlier. Ilia did not have the endurance of her older sisters but she held up okay when Zen took her on an adventure of constant mating the next days. She stopped to groan after her first day, when her snatch and tunnel accustomed to his thick member and knot and moaned all through her heat. Zen stopped to mate her when he felt her getting tighter and her heat declined to not hurt the girl. Even after her heat Ilia stayed very affectionate and clingy to Zen. This was something he had observed with a lot of the girls already. Mating them formed some sort of bond between him and the girls and he also felt closer to the girls after he impregnated them. Ilia was no exception of that.

Lily had managed to get her mother to agree in letting the girls stay in the school. Mara still scolded him and reminded him that he should learn some more control but Zen saw that she already was so used to him mating all the girls, that her anger was only light and she did not keep it for long. While the cubs happily played together, Zen and the adult women, including Minna and Dott, who were now official members of the team, prepared for the next school year.

Summer Heat – Chapter 35: Third school year starts

# Summer Heat - Chapter 35: Third school year starts The day when the school started and all the girls came back from their vacation was a routine for Zen and the team now. The expecting girls and women went to the cottage to care for the cubs while...

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Summer Heat – Chapter 33: Summer vacation – Part 1

# Summer Heat - Chapter 33: Summer vacation - Part 1 Zen was pumping in and out of Zina again. The panther gained even more endurance and Zen managed to hump her the whole next day without long breaks. Only during the meals he carried the exhausted...

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Summer Heat – Chapter 32: Summer plans

# Summer Heat - Chapter 32: Summer plans The end of the school year came faster than Zen would have wanted it to. They began the preparations a few days before the parents would get their children. The clothes of the girls were recovered from their 10...

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