A Lazy Day

Story by Tissthalliss on SoFurry

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Angura is a lazy dragon who spends the day how he likes, though sometimes he can't decide if something is his imagination or not.

Hello everyone, sorry I've been gone for so long. Just a heads up, this story isn't as good as some of the other stuff I've written, I'm just trying to get back into the habit of actually writing now. That being said, I'm pretty sure the dialogue in this is pretty horrible, so watch out. Oh, and this is just straight out smut, with no plot, so I hope not too many people are disappointed.

Lying in the cold depths of his cave, Angura tried his best to keep the comfortable warmth he wanted, with his body curled around itself, his light brown wings half spread to cover him. He let out an annoyed huff, shifting his body again as the ground seemed to grow colder beneath him. It was in no way too cold for him, but it was getting slightly uncomfortable. The new position only lasted a few minutes though, before he finally let out an annoyed growl, unfurling his body and stretching it out against the cold stone, his claws lightly scratching the dull surface. Arching his back, and letting out a content rumble, Angura opened his eyes, the deep blue scanning his surroundings to make sure everything was where it should be, not that he had anything besides his own hide and his cave.

A few moments later the brown dragon was lazily plodding his way towards the cave entrance, yawning widely as he saw the first promising rays of sun touching at the stone entrance ahead of him. That helped him quicken his step a little, the promise of comforting warmth caressing his body, and he was soon standing in the sun, his body giving a light shudder at the feeling of it, the tip of his tail slapping against the warm stone beneath him. He didn't so much as lay down as fall after that, sprawling his legs and wings to soak up the sun, his tongue flopping out of his maw, which had a pleased grin plastered over it.

Now that he was comfortable he decided to look out across his territory, though he had never really thought of it as a territory, he was just happy with his cave. He was halfway up a small mountain where he laid, his sharp vision gazing across the vast open fields, all the way to the sparse woods at the edge. He caught movement in the tree line, and after a moment of squinting, decided that it was a deer. He licked his lips at the thought of a meal, but decided it could wait, as he was too comfortable to do anything besides bask in the golden light of the sun for now. The day seemed wonderful to him, with barely a cloud in the sky, and only a light breeze to play across his scales and send the long grass below swaying.

Content with what he could see below him, Angura closed his eyes and rolled onto his back, letting the sun hit his light brown underbelly and his recently unfurled wings. He let his paws fall limp by his sides, relaxing his body as completely as he could. He let out a deep sigh, wriggling around a bit to try and remove some of the small stones he could feel beneath him. Letting his head fall back after that, he felt his short horns scratching some small lines in the stone beneath him, small lines that could be seen all across the small expanse of flat ground outside his cave. With the pleasant feeling of the sun soaking into his body, Angura found himself rapidly drifting back towards sleep,

Deeper into the woods below, a pale blue shape could be seen slowly walking through the trees, not taking any care in trying not to be seen. It walked steadily and confidently, as if it had nothing the fear, and was mostly right, because the only signs around it were of the abundant wildlife.

'This would make a great territory.' Drokhar thought, stepping over a root protruding from the ground. 'There haven't been any signs that another dragon lives here either, so that's great.'

Smiling a bit as he continued on, Drokhar kept his eyes scanning the thin woods around him, spotting the subtle signs of small game and a few small lakes. This area would be more than perfect for him to live in; he just found it strange that he was the first one to find it. He continued on his course, walking at a slow, steady pace, in no hurry to get to his destination. He had first seen the area from the air, and knew that up ahead there was a large plain of some sort, with a small mountain at the far side of it. He wanted to look at the mountain, because it would be a good spot to live, with an easy view over the rest of the area.

A loud rumble stopped him in his tracks though, and reaching a paw down grasp at his belly Drokhar decided that it would probably be best to find some food before heading up to the likely barren stone. It took very little effort to find a trail of some larger animals, most likely deer from the tracks, which led to the edge of the woods, giving him a stunning view of the vast expanse of golden grass, and not to mention the small group of deer only a few metres out, grazing together. Crouching down low to the ground, Drokhar silently manoeuvred himself until he was as close as he could get to the animals without them noticing, hiding behind a large bush as he peered out at them.

One of them lifted its head, flicking its gaze around, and Drokhar worried for a second that it had caught his scent. It hadn't, of course, and went back to paying attention to the grass under it a second later. Looking out over the group, Drokhar found the best looking one, which wasn't the biggest or weakest; it was actually the one that seemed the oldest. He wanted to make sure that there would be future generations, so that he wouldn't starve in his new home. Pushing back, so that most of his weight rested on his hind paws, he suddenly surged forwards, his wings half spreading to help him keep his balance. There was barely a sound, and a moment later the deer were sprinting back into the safety of the trees, all but one that was.

Pushing his paws out above him, and arching his back off the ground, Angura let out a happy groan, his back cracking a bit before he settled back down. It was a nice nap, he thought, slowly rolling over and yawning loudly. But now he was hungry, and the peace of sleep would have to wait until he filled his belly. Crawling over to the slight incline a few metres away from where he was resting he looked down at the area beneath him, disappointed to see that the deer that he had seen before was gone. Grumbling, he stood up hoping to see it in the tree line, but was disappointed to only see the green of trees.

With an unhappy huff Angura sat down on his haunches, his tail twitching behind him in mild irritation. There were much better things he wanted to do than hunt, like sleep, or maybe nap, or if he was lucky maybe find a nice dragoness. Maybe a dragon would be better. He thought to himself, rumbling in delight at the thought. He shifted his position a bit, his sheath feeling over full, and craned his neck to look down between his legs, noticing the crimson tip of his member poking out.

'Hmm, well I could go on a long, boring hunt.' Angura thought, snorting at the thought of such a boring activity. 'Or I could deal with this... annoyance.' He thought with a grin, his dextrous tail tip wrapping around his weighty balls before teasing along the length of his recently fattened sheath, making him shudder slightly and the crimson flesh inside to throb and push further out. He caught the scent of his own intoxicating musk and found himself licking his lips, his hips wriggling in anticipation. Reaching his snout down between his legs, he pushed his nose against his sheath, inhaling deeply.

There was no use thinking about it now, he had all but decided which of the two tasks he would do first. With more of his length spilling out, Angura opened his slick maw wide, saliva dripping from the roof of his mouth as he slowly pushed closer towards his member. He was about to close his dripping maw around the sensitive flesh when a deep rumble interrupted him, making him whine and pull back. It seemed that while he wanted to have more fun his belly would rather he eat something first. Standing up with a disappointed huff, he started walking down the incline towards the trees, his half hard member swaying beneath him, a large drop of pre sliding down its length.

Grumpily walking towards the trees, Angura tried his best to ignore the fact that his member refused to retreat back into his sheath, and that the lusty thoughts of another dragon refused to leave his mind. Once he found something to eat he would be free to do whatever he wanted, and he had a pretty good idea what he would do. Basically stomping his way into the woods, he sniffed around a bit, trying to catch the scent of some food, which was difficult because everything was mixed with his own scent of arousal. He soon found the scent of some deer, and hurriedly followed after them, being careful to avoid any shrubs or bushes that could damage the sensitive part of him that was aching for attention.

Before he could find the deer at the end of the trail he ended up coming across a rabbit, which seemed content with staring at him for the moment. Happy that a rabbit would be enough to sate his hunger for now Angura pounced on it, almost swallowing it whole in his rush to fill his belly. Once that was done he practically ran back towards his mountain, too caught up in what he was going to do when he got back to notice the fresh corpse of a deer. He was going to get straight to what he wanted once he reached the flat stone, but decided it would be much better inside his cave, where he would hear echoes of himself and imagine another dragon.

Drokhar was inspecting the back of the cave he had found, and thought it would be the perfect place to live. It almost seemed lived in to him, and he wondered if perhaps a bear or some other animal had lived there recently. He was looking at some scratch marks on the ground, wondering what could have caused them when he heard hurried steps coming from the cave mouth. Frowning, Drokhar turned around to see what was coming, and found himself surprised to see a brown dragon, looking slightly larger than him, walking in. They had a stupid looking grin on their face and were walking with an odd gait, and they didn't even seem to notice him yet.

Angura was about to drop to the ground when he finally realised that there was something light blue in his cave that wasn't there when he left. Looking up he was overly surprised to find a dragon staring back at him. He wondered for a moment what they were doing there, trying to keep his mind off of what he was about to do so that he could figure out what was going on.

"Hello?" Angura said, his hind paws shifting impatiently under him.

"What... what are you doing here?" Drokhar asked, his muscles tense, prepared in case the dragon wanted to fight. Did somebody already want his new territory? There was something strange about the brown dragon, but he couldn't quite say what.

"Oh! Just, uh, sleeping?" Angura replied, sounding overly unsure, knowing that that was definitely not what he was about to do, his jutting red member witness to that. He wondered why there was a dragon in his cave, especially now when he was about to have so much fun. Wait, maybe that was it, was all this some elaborate imaginary scenario? His member jumped at the prospect.

"But this is my territory, you can't just sleep here." Drokhar said, lifting his head proudly, ready to defend his new lands.

"Ah of course." Angura said, eyeing up the dragon. They were certainly handsome, but he couldn't quite see all that he wanted to from this angle.

Slowly walking forwards, his gaze drinking in the sight of the blue dragon and trying to ignore the confused frown on its face, Angura made his way to their side, ducking his head down to look between their legs shamelessly.

Drokhar was confused, it didn't look like they wanted to fight, they were just acting overly odd, and he could smell a strange musky smell coming from them. He knew the smell, but couldn't recall where he knew it from.

"Who are you?" Drokhar asked, stepping back as the brown dragon pushed its head under him.

"Hmm? I'm Angura." The brown dragon replied, lifting his head and licking his lips. The blue dragon certainly did look good, and the large sheath and plump balls between his back legs looked overly promising.

"Well I'm Drokhar, and this is my- ah! What are you doing?"

Ignoring Drokhar's question, Angura pushed his snout against the almost white sheath in front of him, poking and nuzzling at it, trying to get a feel of the flesh inside. Taken aback by the sudden actions of the brown dragon Drokhar didn't know what to do, feeling them poke around at his sheath and balls. He suddenly regained his composure, and was about to speak up when he felt the hot wetness of Angura's tongue slid along the bottom of his sheath, making his body shudder and his hind legs involuntarily step a bit wider apart, giving easier access for the brown dragon. Angura let out a huff of excitement, his hips wriggling slightly as his warm breath played across the tight sheath, his tongue greedily lapping at it as he felt the flesh inside start to surge to life. For an imaginary dragon, they sure felt real to him.

Drokhar could barely think, overcome with the sudden shock of the situation. He couldn't seem to be able to pull any thoughts into his mind, instead focussing on the sensations of the new warmth between his legs. Angura pushed his head in deeper, forcing Drokhar to lift a hind leg so that he could access the blue dragon's balls, nuzzling and lapping at them eagerly, breathing in the scent of their musk, which only served to make him more aroused. Drokhar's member was finally beginning to peak out, showing the dark coloured tip to the outside world, before being covered in affection from the brown dragon, making him grunt as that slick tongue managed to wrap around the tip almost as soon as it appeared.

With the brown dragon suckling so intently on his sensitive flesh, Drokhar couldn't help but thrust his hips forwards, his member spilling out inside Angura's maw, rapidly gaining size and hardness. Shifting his position slightly, Angura continued licking and tugging on the sensitive flesh of the dragon above him, moving so that Drokhar's paws were placed on each side of his body, almost making it look like they had mounted his head. Now that was a nice thought, though Angura would be much happier with them mounting the other side. He pulled his head back, grinning as the blue dragon tried to push his hips forwards more to keep his member within the warm confines of Angura's maw.

With a strong taste of Drokhar's member in his mouth, Angura pulled his body back and lifted his head, licking the thick trails of saliva from his lips, breaking the strings that were still attached to that delightful draconic flesh. Drokhar was already letting out lusty growls, clumsily trying to push that brown dragon snout back under him, his hind paws shuffling with desire. Angura had other plans though, and rubbed his head against the light blue neck in front of him, walking down along the length of the pale dragon, trailing the tip of his tail under their chin to make sure they wouldn't lose their attention, though that was very unlikely.

Taking a few steps away from them, Angura lowered his upper body to the ground, raised his rear, and give it a little shake. That was all the incentive that Drokhar needed, and barely a second seemed to pass before he pounced on the brown dragon, his hips thrusting automatically as they sought out any target that was warm and tight. His first few thrusts only managed to hit the solid backside of the dragon under him, but he soon found his way between the dragons legs, his freshly slickened member grinding against Angura's own, making both dragons grunt in feral delight.

There was only a bit of hip grinding before Drokhar pulled back again, this time seeming to have a better idea of where his target was. To Angura's delight, and definitely Drokhar's, the next thrust sank half of his member into the tight tailhole of the brown dragon, making him growl in pleasure, his muscles instinctively squeezing down around the invading length. Drokhar barely pulled back, before thrusting forwards again, his paws tightly gripping the hips underneath him as his thrusts began to rock both of the dragons back and forth. Drokhar's body was aflame with desire, as he plunged again and again into the slick depths of Angura, his member forcing its way a little deeper each time.

A few rapid thrusts and needy growls later and Drokhar's sheath was grinding against Angura's tailhole, the blue dragon trying to magically work his way deeper, before realising that there was no way that would happen. With a loud shlick, Drokhar pulled back, shuddering at the tight squeezing sensation, before slamming back in, making Angura groan and push back against him. Angura could barely contain himself, his member swinging beneath him with each thrust, and his body aching with the rampant pleasure being forced into him. There weren't any precise thrusts, or any slow pushes to make sure he was comfortable. It was pure and primal, and he was loving it.

Angura could feel the entire length of Drokhar's flesh as it slid in and out of him, from the spaded tip to the slightly bulged base, but it still wasn't enough. His own member was practically bulging from the thorough pounding he was receiving, trying to keep his rear clenched as tightly as possible around the thick draconic flesh inside him, and from the pants and growls above him he guessed his imaginary partner was definitely enjoying himself. Drokhar wasn't holding back, everything had happened so suddenly for him, and instead of trying to pull himself back together he just let go, letting his body be driven by pure instincts and desires.

He could feel the knot at the base of his member getting squeezed tighter and tighter with every thrust, and knew that with such pleasure assaulting him he wouldn't last much longer. He shifted his position slightly, raising a rear paw and gripping Angura's hip with it, leaning forwards and pounding into the brown dragon with all the force that he could, feeling them writhe and squirm beneath him only added to his lusts. With one final jarring thrust he slammed his member into Angura's tight tailhole, roaring in delight and pleasure as his knot expanded, locking itself inside tightly, before his seed came pouring out, filling this barely known dragon with his essence.

Angura let his roar mix with Drokhar's, his own pleasure reaching its peak as he felt the first surges of that thick seed pushing into him, making him paint both the ground and his underbelly with his own seed, arching his back and pushing into the light blue underbelly on top of him. After a few moments, what felt like hours, both of the dragons began to settle down, Drokhar giving a gentle tug to see if he would be going anywhere soon. Angura replied with a huff, his member seeming to find more seed to push out from the unexpected pulling sensation coming from within him. Drokhar slumped down on top of Angura, and with a little help the both ended up lying on the ground, Drokhar's paws wrapped around Angura's chest, his member still lodged firmly inside them.

"Thank you for that." Angura said, almost sleepily, while craning his head back.

"Mmm, no, thank you." Drokhar insisted, nuzzling his head against the brown one in front of him.

There was a few minutes of silence after that, each of them just enjoying themselves, before Angura broke it. "You know you don't seem imaginary to me, so I just had to ask, what brought you to my cave?"

Drokhar frowned for a moment, leaning forwards and looking down at the half asleep dragon in his paws. "Wait?" he asked, "Your cave?".

Sorry if it was overly horrible, I am trying to regain what I've already learned about writing.