Half-Blood Chapter XLV

Story by Artwolf5 on SoFurry

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#46 of Half-Blood

Here we are folks the next chapter! Damien also is made by SkyWing

Half-Blood Chapter XLV The Funeral Days Part II

"I am a Channeler... When I die, I am reborn into another person... My last life was your Great-Grandfather Arlen Mansfield, and our souls... we are it seems, now bound together..." She muttered in an almost shy voice. 'Channeler? What the hell is a Channeler? What does she mean our souls are bound?'

"What are you talking about!?" Richard shouted, thankful for the silencing spell so the others couldn't hear him. He was shaking, caught between confusion, anger and shock. "What in the seven hells is a bloody Channeler!? What do you MEAN your last life was Arlen Mansfield!? Are you seriously saying you are my Great Grandfather's reincarnation?! So what? Did I just wind up sleeping and crushing on my Great-Grandfather? What kind of screwed up incest shit is going on here!"

"A Channeler is a being who retains their memories after their death when they reincarnate. Normally souls go to Hades and are eventually reborn after drinking from the River Lethe to forget their pasts lives. Channellers however are reborn straight after death and do not go to Hades so we do not drink from the River. Usually as we reach puberty our powers awaken and our memories from our past lives are brought back. I have lived many lives the most recent one being Arlen Mansfield obviously. " She explained with a mild shrug. "As for the question? No Arlen and I might share a soul and memories but I am NOT him and he was not me. So no, what happened between us was not in any way incest." She said, her voice regaining her calm. "As for our souls being bound... it is what is says. Somehow our souls have been linked together... inseparable if one of us were to pass the other would as well."

"You mean if one of us died the other would die...?" He asked in a scared matter. "You are a Mundane, you live far shorter than a Mage does..." he said just as he heard the door began to shake and shiver as if someone was trying to get in. After shaking for several moments it shattered and Ian thrust in breathing deeply and glared right at Allison a feeling of rage in his eyes.

"Get away from my Brother!" He shouted as he ran and thrust the small coyote against the wall shaking in rage. "Undo your curse! Get away from us! Leave us!" Ian growled in rage his body literally shaking in rage. Richard could only stare as Ian literally grabbed the coyote and thrust her against the wall and screamed in her face. How did he know what was going on? No way did he overhear anything, Richard knew he put up a silencing spell on the door so he shouldn't have been able to hear anything from inside here. Almost on cue he heard a small familiar voice pop into his head.

'Um, I told him...' the voice said which made Richard jump at least a foot in the air in surprise.

'Lucas!?' Richard mentally shouted in shock, not expecting to hear the young fox's voice in his head. 'What are you doing in my head?' He mentally exclaimed. 'I didn't know you could do that? When did you learn a telepathy spell?" Richard then asked as he saw Greg slowly try and get Ian away from Allison with Ian still shaking in anger and shock. 'Were you snooping on me and Allison?' Richard asked the fox in an annoyed tone. 'Because I can't think of another way for the rest to know what happened so soon.' Lucas gave a guilty sounding awkward chuckle. 'Lucas...' he stated sharply.

'Sorry,' Lucas stated sheepishly. 'I told Ian that Allison ported to your house and he wanted me to keep a watch on you two... and when whatever happened well... happened I told Ian immediately, and he rushed in and well...' Lucas mentally trailed off before regaining focus. 'What happened exactly? I don't really understand.. What did she mean by soul-binding? Is that even possible?' Richard only shook his head, far as he knew it shouldn't have been possible... Even Allison apparently never heard of it either as she seemed almost in shock by what happened.

'I don't know... Allison doesn't seem to know much either... even she isn't so sure...' he reasoned before looking at Allie who still looked like she in shock. "Hey Allison, can you tell us just what happened here? I know you are surprised so am I, but please what the hell is going on here?" Allison shook her head and sighed before she composed herself somewhat and spoke.

"It... it shouldn't be possible... I have never heard of such things happening... she said right as his parents and Agent Walker ran in. His dad even had a spell already lit up in his paws but once he saw everything seemed fine he relaxed and dissipated the spell.

"What is going on here!? Why is the door broken down! Also, no offense Ms. Monet, but WHAT are you doing in my house!? I don't believe anyone invited you here... how did you get in here without activating the wards as Agent Walker said he never let anyone in?" There was silence very awkward silence before his ears twitched and he jumped a few inches in the air in surprise, Lucas must have spoke to him in his head like he did with him earlier. Though once he figured it was Lucas he relaxed though his face seemed stern and Richard could seriously picture him giving Lucas a very stern lecture about letting people in his house without asking him first. His mother who had been standing there walked up to him and placed a paw lightly on the shoulder.

"What happened sweetie?" She asked him kindly. Her own ears flicked presumably because Lucas told her to what was going on and she nodded. "Soul-binding? Channelers? Monet is the reincarnation of Arlen?" She asked and Richard nodded quietly. "Is that true Monet?" She said as she turned towards Allison. "Are you really Arlen? Are you saying Arlen wasn't a Mage?" Richard went to into focus... why didn't he think of that? Allison was a Mundane he sensed no magic from her and if Arlen was her previous life..."

"Are you saying my Great-Grandfather wasn't a mage? How did nobody notice? They would have been able to sense the fact he had no magic how did he fool them for so long?" Richard demanded in shock.

"It's simple.. As a Channeler I could temporarily borrow power from people. I didn't gain the ability to truly use magic but I could appear to like I had magic to trick those who didn't know into thinking I was a Mage...it was a fun time though." She spoke her voice actually changing towards a more Irish sounding accent compared to the relatively neutral accent she usually spoke with. Even her entire posture changed being a somewhat more relaxed and open instead of the rigid and closed off posture.

"Did Granny Tabitha know?"Ian blurted out coldly. "Who all did you deceive? Did you actually care about any of us?"

"She did know boy, she was one of the ones who did know everything. And I did care about all of you, I loved you all and my life as Arlen was one of the happiest times of my many life." She said before she shook her head and her posture swiftly changed as did her voice. "Hmm, looks like Arlen took over for a bit." She said before turning towards Ian.

"So you truly are the reincarnation of my Grandfather? Why didn't you tell us? Does Father know?"

"Arlen and your Grandmother decided it was best not to let anyone know what he truly was. They feared if any of you knew that you would keep on trying to find me and never be able to move on. I am not Arlen, even if I have his memories and we share a soul, I am my own distinct person." Allison explained to them all her voice much calmer than it was.

"Oh, I guess that does make sense, it's what you told me before Ian barged in." Richard said as he glared at his brother. "You owe me another door by the way!" He growled which made Ian look down at his feet in a sheepish manner. "You were my Great-Grandfather but you aren't now. You are you... but did you say Arlen took control? That can happen?"

"Yes it can... though not for long, I usually regain control within a minute or so. It only really happens when certain memories are triggered to them. Like what happened with Arlen." She said before she yawned. "It is late, I am sorry for intruding on your house with permission Mr. Mansfield but I think it is time I go home." She said before she tapped her forehead and Lucas figured she was mentally asking Lucas to open a portal for her. Sure enough one opened instantly and she walked through and vanished through it and the portal closed behind her.

'That is so creepy...' Richard thought quietly to himself, hoping Lucas wasn't listening in on his thoughts. 'The fact he can not only ignore wards without any issue but he can create portals literally anywhere without being anywhere near either location... I have never heard of someone being able to do that..' He said and yawned, he was tired... and he had a lot to contend with... especially with the funeral tomorrow. Speaking of which... 'Hey Lucas...?' He thought hoping to get the Fox's attention. Thankfully the response was immediate.

"Yeah Richard?" The Fox's voice asked in his head... the whole mental speech was going to take A LOT to get used to... shaking his head he got the courage to ask his question.

'How are you holding up man? I mean your mom's funeral is tomorrow after all, it's got to be difficult especially with your awful grandparents there as well... will you be able to handle everything?" He asked in concern, despite how extremely weird he found the fox Richard did honestly adore Lucas. Not only did he make his brother so happy it was honestly sickening at how sickeningly sweet and sappy those two were together or that he was a truly amazing chef... he had NEVER had so many mouthwateringly delicious dishes before he met him. But he was a very sweet guy... provided you didn't provoke his berserk side which scared the shit out of the younger wolf in all honesty.

Plus he kinda inspire a sense of protective instinct for the fox though the fox had already proven himself extremely capable of handling himself. Lucas went silent for several moments and Richard very much hoped he didn't inadvertently hurt the fox because he knew Ian would be furious with him if he did and he really didn't want his brother angry at him. But thankfully Lucas's mental voice came back.

'I'm doing... surprisingly well... will be a different story at the funeral itself probably, but Xander, Ian and Erin have been a big help in keeping me sane.' The fox let out a small chuckle at that. 'Though Ian's way of distracting me are quite... *ahem* interesting.' Richard winced at that his mind filling with squick at just what thoughts Ian was sending to his boyfriend. 'Sorry...' the fox added awkwardly as if sensing Richard's being grossed out.

'It's fine.' Richard thought in a kind manner. 'But you doing well? All told? If you ever have issues you don't feel comfortable talking out with Ian I will be happy to lend an ear okay? You are a swell guy man.'

'Tha-thank you Richard...' Lucas murmured obviously embarrassed but pleased before he gave a large mental yawn. 'I'm tired... I should head to bed, night Richard.' He said before Richard felt his presence fade from his mind. He noticed Ian had perked up a bit and actually was smiling, Lucas must have given him a particularly intimate goodnight judging by his somewhat covert adjustment of his crotch which made Richard scrunch up his face in disgust but it seemed he was the only one who noticed that particular thing. After a few minutes of awkward silence his Father let out a loud yawn and tapped his watch.

"Okay folks, we need to get to bed. We all have a early day tomorrow and I will not have any of you embarrassing us it is stressful enough for Lucas we will not embarrass him that understood?" He asked sternly. Everyone nodded, even Jonah did surprisingly enough and he with a nod walked out after giving both him and Ian a hug, Greg a handshake and Jonah a nod before leaving the room. His mom stayed in the room a bit longer giving him, Ian and Greg all a hug and a kiss goodnight before she also left the room giving Jonah a small smile and a pat on the cheek which made Jonah give an almost surprised look. Knowing his past this was probably the first time he had ever gotten to feel motherly affection in a very long time. After that she was gone but not before casting a repairing spell on his door fixing it instantly. Agent Walker was the last of the adults to leave and gave everyone a curt nod.

"Good night." He said in a gravelly deep voice surprisingly deep for a raccoon and he left as well. Ian and Greg left soon after leaving him and Jonah.

"So.. it turns you shagged the reincarnation of your great-grandfather eh? Kinky!" Jonah said wagging his eyebrows in a suggestive manner which made Richard roll his eyes.

"Shut up!" He said with a yawn... so his soul was bound to Allison's so did that mean he would die young? He had never thought of dying... he was only fifteen after all... sure he would be sixteen in less than a month but he never thought about the possibility of dying young was never something that really crossed his mind, Mages were long lived after all at least twice the lifespan of a Mundane but if his life was truly bound to Allison's... he shivered at that. What did he get himself into?

"You okay?" Jonah asked in a mildly concerned tone which still weirded him out a bit. But he merely nodded and lied down on his bed exhausted. 'What a day...' he thought to himself as he slowly started to fall asleep. "So you and Monet are bound for all eternity now huh? That must be interesting." The fiery dingo asked as he laid on his futon. "You know, I'm jealous... and I hate admitting that really." The dingo said in a neutral voice that made Richard turn over and look at the dingo who was laying flat off on his back staring at the ceiling.

"Jealous?" Richard asked surprised. "Because I grew up happy you mean? I think you told me that before... when you told me about your brother."

"Yeah, my life has always been hard. Having to fend for myself and all, I didn't have the best parents." He said while yawning. "But enough of this, we got a funeral to attend remember?" He said before turning around and started snoring. Richard rolled his eyes a bit and turned over himself and closed his eyes... hoping that tomorrow would go well... Lucas deserved at least that. With that thought completed his eyes drooped and he fell asleep himself dreaming of whatever may come with him and Allison.


Lucas sighed as he stepped out of the shower and cast a drying spell on himself, he had hardly slept at all last night, what with all the drama going on between Richard and Allison and continued nightmares about his the fake phantom of his mother showing herself at the funeral and attacking him again. Seeing how easily she basically rendered him helpless scared him deeply. But that didn't matter now slowly he got dressed in a crisp white shirt, black jacket and black slacks. Buttoning his jacket he got his tie and tied it before stepping out of the bathroom. Erin and Xander had gotten ready before he had and they were sitting in the sitting room with Curt. Naturally they were already dressed and seemed to be waiting for him. He noticed his other cousins Mariah and Nolan were also sitting with them.

Both Curt, Nolan and Xander were wearing matching black jackets in slacks like him while Erin was wearing a simple black knee-length dress and a white scarf, Mariah wore a somewhat simpler dress though still flattering for the other vixens figure. He had saw the two girls had gotten quite close during the time they were together and he had gotten along quite well for her himself. Nolan was a lot quieter than his siblings especially his much more exuberant brother Matthias, he actually reminded himself actually which made him have a great affection for the young Rottie, he was a 9th grader and was apparently top of his class back at school.

Looking at them he gave a sad smile and hugged his sister who looked like she was about to cry. "Will you be okay?" He asked in a calm manner. "If you want you can stay home okay?" He said, he didn't want his sister to struggle with this but she angrily shook her head and stomped her feet.

"No!" She shouted out. "I can't not go! I couldn't just not go to my own Mother's funeral! Going there is the least I can do!" She continued protesting as tears streamed from her eyes before she wiped them away with a paw. "I'll be fine Luc, trust me. I'm more worried about you honestly, you been seeing that phantom after all, will you be able seeing her?" She said looking into his eyes and rubbing a paw across his face.

"Don't worry about me Erin... " He stated calmly. "I will have Ian there so it will make things so easier." He said while hugging her again just as his Aunt popped her head in the loft.

"All of you ready? Were ready to go." She said before she went back downstairs. Everybody followed her, Lucas in the front and Curt in the back. Once at the bottom floor he saw his Dad, Uncles and other cousins all dressed in a formal wear. He noticed his Dad had looked like he had aged, not looking like the handsome forty year old he was. He gave a strained smile as he embraced both of his children. Lucas briefly felt his resolve crumble at the hug, it was fully setting in that this was real, his mom was gone and he was going to her funeral. Thankfully he managed to compose himself but he heard his father's heavy breathing and he hugged the man tighter in support.

After a few moments Evan let him go of them and adjusted his tie. "Okay everyone," he said in a calm voice and sighed. "Lucas, Erin, Xander and Curt will drive with me. Rita and Aydin will follow and Daphne and Cody and the other kids in another car. Everyone understand? The Funeral will be at Riverbrook Church." He said before he left to the garage with everyone else following him. Lucas was the first to get into the car and thankfully his father had decided to have his car enchanted with an expansion spell so everyone could fit comfortably in the backseat. He and Xander wound up sitting in the middle between Curt and Erin. Once they pulled out it was a very quiet and dreary drive to the church. The world was drenched in a depressing gray rain. He didn't see many people outside as nobody seemed to wanted to be out in the rain. Not that he really blamed anybody it just felt cold and oppressive.

Looking back into the car he looked towards his Father and Agent Wallace sitting in the front. His dad was the one driving much to his amusement since he knew Agent Wallace wasn't very used to sitting in the passenger seat given his squirming as he sat not sure on exactly what to do or say, in fact it could be said nobody knew what to say since the entire trip was basically dead silent outside a few coughs or occasional fidgets. Lucas went back to staring outside and still didn't see many people. He could feel his heart pound in dread as they got closer and closer to the church. He was still mildly unhappy about the choice in setting and was angry that his grandparents basically choose the location of the funeral and burial without either his or his father's consent. He felt a fresh rush of abject hatred fill his gut as he thought of his Mother's parents, how awful they were to him, his father and his cousin, how his grandmother pushed down a child who was just trying to be friendly. He for he figured the millionth time wished and hoped with utmost desperation that he would never see either of them again he would count it a blessing if he didn't. Eventually however the car reached it's destination. Riverbrook Church was one of the larger churches in Bayfield and by all regards a beautiful church with an almost Gothic design to it.,

The parking lot was full of cars and but thankfully his dad had found a parking spot that happened to be right next to Jordan's car. Once he got out he was almost immediately snatched into a near rib-crushing hug by Ian who held him for several moments before he spoke in a whisper. "How you feeling love? You sleep well? How you feeling?" He asked his voice sounding concerned which made Lucas give a small small as a few tears started dripping from his face as he felt the warmth of Ian's body. He dearly wanted to kiss the wolf but with so many people here he couldn't risk Ian's exposure and thus the Clans back home finding out. He didn't want to ruin Ian's life because of his selfishness. They hugged each other close for several moments before he felt Curt let out a little cough and the two awkwardly separated causing his cousin to roll his eyes.

Blushing lightly Lucas stepped away from Ian and looked around and saw both Jai and Tyler walking towards him with the wolf positively towered over the slim cheetah though Tyler basically towered over everyone anyway. Once they both reached him they both gave him a quick hug and a pat on the shoulder. He saw that Mr. and Mrs. Mishra and Jai's sister Asha were standing off to the distance talking with his dad who had walked off to great them. He also noticed that Mr. and Mrs. Thorne were also standing with them along with Tyler's brothers. He also saw Santiago and his uncle though he kept his distance and waved.

"How you doing?" Jai asked in a sincere voice as he stepped away from him to give a small pawshake to Ian.

"I'm doing fine, how are you two?" He asked kindly. "You guys got off school also?" He asked.

"Of course, I did tell you that my family were planning on going so of course I took off school. Same with Tyler he wanted to check up on you and Erin also." He said before giving Erin a hug of her own before looking towards Curt. "Hi Curt! Good seeing you! So you staying in Canada after all?" The Cheetah asked in a curious tone. "You are in Grade 12 right? What made you decide to transfer here on your final year?" He asked, Curt just shrugged before he decided to speak his voice light and calm.

"I wanted to stay around and look after Lucas, besides Greenhart is one of the best schools in the world, think of how it would look on my college application having it on my record? Plus I always wanted to meet my cousins and I really always wanted to see Canada." He explained before turning towards Tyler. "You must be Tyler Thorne? You are the grandson of the shipping magnate Robert Thorne right? I heard a lot of good things about him and his philanthropic efforts among other things. I also heard you seem to look after Xander as well." He said while shaking the giant wolves paw.

"Thank you, and yes, I am Tyler Thorne, nice meeting you Curt. I know of your Clan, my family is part of the Brotherhood so I hear things."

"Oh, I didn't know they recruited so young.. Though it's not surprising I guess." Curt said in a calm voice and a mild shrug as he rubbed the fur on the back of his neck. "After all, the Knights start training at a very young age so it makes sense that the Brotherhood would as well... speaking of Knights I'm surprised some of them showed up." Curt said pointing toward a few men wearing Knights sigils on their jacket labels. Lucas actually hadn't actually noticed at first but his Father was wearing one as well. One of the men he actually recognized and his eyes went wide as he rushed up towards the familiar young husky who was standing next to Sgt, Kendrick. .

"Damien!" He shouted out as he approached the young baseball star. He had been Thomas's other best friend besides him and he had honestly been far too scared to approach the husky since Thomas's betrayal, it made him feel pretty bad to be honest but seeing Damien had always brought bad memories of the times he used to hang out with him and Thomas. The husky jumped up in shock and quickly got into a combat stance before he saw it was Lucas. He relaxed significantly and smiled. Once he reached the husky he managed to catch his breath and spoke still gasping. "You are Knight?" He asked in a surprised tone.

"Yeah... been one for as long as I can remember, I actually been living with Sgt. Kendrick since I my Gift manifested, which was around Middle School. He was the closest person with the same Gift plus he and my Father were good friends back in the day." Damien said kindly. "How are you by the way? We haven't spoke since the Thomas incident." He said in a awkward tone as he saw Lucas wince at the mention. "Hey man, I'm really sorry about what happened between you two. I never thought Thomas would do such a thing. If you must know I did give him a large slug to the face when I found out what he did and I haven't heard from him since he moved to Victoria." He said while he placed his arms around his chest and sighed his head looking down to the floor as the others floated around the two of them. Lucas felt that Ian had drifted behind him. "Oh, Hi Mansfield!"

"Lynn," Ian said in a neutral voice. "So you really are a Knight huh?" Ian said sternly. "I noticed you had been watching Richard, Greg and I since we moved here, but every time I try and approach and talk, you seem to vanish into the crowd as if you were never there even though I could still sense and smell you. You are an Illusionist aren't you?" He asked bluntly. "I do not appreciate having my family and I being spied on, bad experience with Hunters doing exactly that you know."

"What's an Illusionist? Lucas then asked confused which made Ian smile and Damien quick to explain.

"An Illusionist is exactly what it sounds like, I can create illusions at will to fool enemies.Also, I apologize Mansfield for spying, James asked me to watch over you because you were far too important to lost track of. You are the heir of the Mansfield Clan after all, and a Light Mage." He said with a small smile. "I just wasn't sure how to approach you, especially since you are always with Lucas."

"Why would me being with Lucas stop you from talking to me?" Ian asked with a suspicious voice and his eyes glaring at the husky, judging by his body language it was obvious to Lucas that his love really didn't trust the husky much so he got in between them and explained things to hopefully defuse the situation.

"He and Thomas were good friends and all three of us used to hang out, when Thomas screwed me over I could hardly look at him and avoided him at all cost and I guess he eventually got the picture and started to stay away from me so not to keep dredging up memories of Thomas.. He was actually one of the only non-family students to visit me at the hospital after my suicide attempt though I wasn't exactly kind to him when I saw him... I wasn't in the best of shape at that point..." Lucas stated with a small blush as he guiltily remember flipping out at Damien and throwing stuff at him to get him to go away. He knew it wasn't fair to him but he was still hurting so much and just seeing him reminded him of Thomas and the anger just exploded out of him. "Sorry about that by the way... it wasn't my best moment there." He projected the later to Damien who just shrugged.

"It's no problem, it wasn't the best idea to approach you then but I wanted to see if you were okay." He said before sighing. "I'm so sorry Lucas, words cannot express how sorry I am that Thomas did that to you. I should have been a better friend, I should have saw Thomas's troubles. I knew how his parents were about things but I never thought to talk to him about it. If I did maybe he would not have hurt you." The young husky said his ears pointed down. "How you holding up though? This has to be difficult." Lucas shrugged and sighed, it was difficult but not near as horrible as he thought it would be, he had his friends, his Dad was actually with him, something he had longed for for the longest time even when he refused to admit him it to himself.

He had someone who genuinely loved him for him and would do anything for him. In a way he could probably thank Thomas, if not for him he would never have found Ian, or his powers and for all he knew he might have very well have died during the angel attack and the Angel's would have gotten the Codex for whatever nefarious reason they wanted it for and who knows what they would have done. Overall he was in a much better place than he was before he met Ian.

That thought alone set shivers down his spine as he turned towards the crowd who were all mingling amongst each other. "Okay everyone, I think it's time to enter for the funeral right?" He said before he gathered his sister, father and other family.


"This is a mistake... a total mistake..." Thomas mumbled to the kangaroo who was sitting in the passenger seat. Rick's dad had thankfully let them borrow his car for the funeral trip but Thomas was shaking in terror as they sat outside the church. "Lucas is going to kill me I know it.. He's going to rip me apart and I'd deserve it... if he doesn't that wolf probably would... or Damien... I saw him there as well... how did you get me to do this...?" Thomas asked Rick once again giving him the stinkeye. The Dobie was shaking like a leaf and he had no idea what to do. He never expected to ever see Lucas again, let alone at the funeral of the fox's own mother. He was probably being extremely inconsiderate coming but in all honesty Rick was right, the possibility of making peace with Lucas and his past was irresistible to him.

He desperately wanted that closure, for one so he could finally move on and fully commit himself to the amazing Roo who had more or less saved his life. He loved Rick, he knew that from the bottom of his heart but he felt until he did make peace with Lucas he didn't feel he deserved Rick's love. True to form the roo simply rolled his eyes at Thomas's panic.

"You're overreacting Thomas, it will be fine okay? Don't fret so much, I'll be with you the entire time after all, so how bad could it be?" Rick asked him while he poked his jacket covered arm. Thomas just sighed and took in a deep breath to center himself as he got out of the car and let Rick out after him. The two walked towards the church paw-in-paw and once they entered he had a hitch in his breath as he saw Lucas near the coffin crying into the stocky looking wolf he had saw Lucas with earlier. Even at this distance he could tell that the wolf must have been Lucas's boyfriend and that he would probably rend him limb from limb if he got within grabbing distance.

He looked around and saw that Erin was bawling into her Dad's chest and the man had a stoic yet pained look on his face. He was surprised to see that Mishra was there and the Cheetah was standing towards the coffin and had placed a bouquet of flowers on her coffin before bowing his head in respect before walking over to Lucas and trying to help comfort the distressed looking fox. Seeing Lucas in such a state honestly broke his heart and he knew all too well that he had once been the cause of such states just as he was about to walk towards Lucas he felt a steely grip over his shoulder that prevented him from moving. Jumping he turned around and was shocked to see Damien giving him the mother of all death glares...

"What are you doing here!?" The Husky snarled angrily as his grip tightened painfully around his shoulder and he winced and tried to get away but Damien's grip stayed steely strong before Rick grabbed the husky's arm and gave him a glare which caught the husky off-guard and loosen his grip enough for Thomas to slip out and rub his shoulder to get feeling back to it. "And who is the roo? Another toy for you? Why are you here Thomas? If you are here to ruin things for Luc I will throw you out personally! He's been through enough and I will not let you hurt him again." Thomas growled at that angry that Damien tried to insinuate something exploitive between him and Rick.

"Rick is my friend, it was his idea for us to me come here and I won't have you insinuate anything against him!" He growled out with a small snarl before calming himself down. "I am here to pay my respects, Mrs. Mason was always kind to me so it's the least of I could besides I want to try and make peace with Lucas. As impossible as it is as it is that he would ever do so it's worth a try." He said with a shrug. He was about to say something else before he felt a large fist slam into his jaw sending him flying back several kilometers until his head slammed into a wall leaving him a bit dazed until he felt a pair of paws lift him back up to his feet and was face to face with an angry snarling black wolf with blazing green eyes. His jaw ached but he was sure it wasn't broken thankfully but it still smarted. He noticed that Lucas was standing slightly behind him looking at him with a look of sheer hatred and rage and hurt which made him gulp. Were his eyes flashing between blue and purple? No, couldn't be.

"So you are the Thomas I've heard about! Give me a reason to not rip your head off right now in front of everyone!" The wolf snarled in his face slobber getting on his face. He could tell the wolf seriously meant what he said before he noticed Rick get between the wolf and him.

"Let him go!" The roo shouted out in a surprisingly firm voice before turning towards Lucas. "You must be Lucas! I heard a lot about you from Thomas nice to meet you!" He said while offering a paw to shake but Lucas's baleful glance caused him to back away a bit in shock at the sheer hatred coming off the fpx. He noticed Rick giving out a small shudder before turning back to wolf. "Please let him go... we mean no harm, we only wish to pay our respects that is all." the wolf just gave him a cold look before he let go of Thomas's throat

"And you are?" The wolf asked coolly towards the Roo as he got between Thomas and Lucas and shieling the fox from his view,

"My name is Rick Gaines... I'm a friend of Thomas... he has been living with me since his parents kicked him out when they caught us in bed together... long story..." He said before he turned towards Lucas again. "Listen Lucas, I don't know you and you have every right to be angry but can you hear him out? At least try to make peace it would benefit you both I think." He stated in a calm voice. Instead of placating the fox the news seemed to anger him even more shaking he gave a sharp point towards Thomas as he was shaking and growling.

"Wait, you betrayed me, tortured me about being gay yet you YOURSELF was gay!? I TRUSTED you Thomas! I LOVED you! And you betrayed and hurt me to hide your own damn gayness only for you to get caught screwing this dumbass kangaroo here! Are you going to turn on him too Thomas? And let me guess?" He said glaring towards Rick in an alarmingly hostile tone. "You think he loves you don't you? Despite him betraying me you think he won't do the same thing to you huh? You are a fool, he is just using you just as he used me idiot!" He shouted at him before turning his attention back to Thomas.

Oh,and don't think I have forgotten about you Thomas Harvey! You seriously have the nerve to come here at my own Mother's funeral!? Did you ever think I could ever forgive you!? Why Thomas!? Why did you betray me? Was it worth it? Ruining what we could have had?" He all but shouted causing everyone to turn their attention towards the two of them which made Thomas quite uncomfortable since he felt numerous pairs of eyes glaring balefully at him and he knew he deserved every bit of it but however anger boiled in his stomach at his attitude towards Rick who looked quite hurt at Lucas's harsh words towards him. He didn't deserve the hostility at all, he was trying his best to be understanding towards Lucas but he got nothing got ice cold dismissal from the fox so he swiftly went up towards the fox and snarled in his face completely disregarding the furious looking wolf. He would deal with him later, his focus was on Lucas now to set him straight.

"Look Lucas, I don't give a shit if you hate me, you have every right to do so after all. You were right I was a horrible and shitty friend to you, I gave up any happiness I could have had with you when I hurt you and I regret that every god damn day! I gave you up in the blind hope that my parents wouldn't hate me for what I was. But don't you dare attack Rick! He has done nothing to you Lucas! You just met him and you are hostile because he knows me! How is that fair?" Thomas stated as he came to the defense of Rick which caught Lucas off-guard. "Please Lucas, hate me all you want but at least be nice to him." He begged with a sigh before turning away from the fox. "I wish I could change the past but I can't. But tell me, what does holding the grudge against me get you? It doesn't hurt me, I deserve it after all. But what does it do for you besides fill you with anger? I am sorry for your mom's death Lucas I just want to make peace as all." He said before his ears twitched. "Wait... do you hear something?"

Just as he said that all hell broke loose inside the church as glass shattered everywhere as multiple canisters were thrown in and letting letting out a ghastly colourless gas expanded inside the room he notice in shock as one of the canisters had blown up right in Jaidev Mishra's face causing the cheetah to let out a bone-chilling scream as he fell to the floor grasping at his bleeding eyes. "Tear Gas!" He heard someone cry out in horror. All of a sudden he felt the air pick up around him as the gas started to dissipate and in shock he saw the gas was gathering around a tall dark furred wolf who looked remarkably like the wolf who punched him, his father he figured. The man was making quick precise movements as the air swirled with his movements as the gas was led outside the room before shouting out.

"What are you doing standing there!? Evacuate! Get people out of there now! Mages stay with me! Knights get the civilians and children out of here we are under the attack by Hunter's!" The reaction was swift as several of the men wearing the strange cross-like pins of their shirts got into action and started to gather people and rush them out of the church many coughing in agony from the tear gas exposure. He swiftly turned towards Rick and shoved him at one of the men.

"Get out of here!" He told the kangaroo who looked like he was about to protest. "Don't argue with me Rick! Not this time okay? Get Jaidev and take him out of here with you okay?" He begged before he gave the kangaroo a swift kiss before pulling away. "I love you Rick and be safe. I'm going to help here as much as I can okay?" He said before turning towards Lucas. "So what is going on here? What are Hunters and why are they attacking us?" Lucas gave only a dark chuckle at that before he opened his closed eyes which were glowing a creepy purple.

"They are after me, but they made a mistake. I will make them suffer, stay if you want but stay out of my way." He said with a sardonic and somewhat creepy smile that chilled Thomas to the bone, This wasn't the fox he knew from years ago. But shaking he made sure Rick had escaped before he grabbed a piece of pipe and brandished it. He was going to redeem himself one way or another even if death was the result. With that resolve in his heart he stood strong and determined to survive with the rest. 'Let this be my redemption die or not I'll die without guilt,' Were the last thoughts to enter his mind as the trench coat wearing men entered the building from the broken windows and slowly entered the ruined church.