Bathrooms and Confessions

Story by Jizzal on SoFurry

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((Story I wrote for a very close friend of mine. There's lots of gay stuff, plus some crap, piss, sex, and what not. You've been warned. If you're under 18, you know the drill blah blahity blah. Enjoy ^^ ))

Phoenix is © his player

"Well this sure was one hell of a night," the young anthropomorphic skunk yawned as he got up and stretched, twitching his large fluffy tail while doing so. "Thanks so much for inviting me Phoenix, this has been so much fun."

He smiled to his friend was sitting, an anthropomorphic gryphon that had a smile on his golden-yellow beak.

"Hehe, you're welcome Jizzal, we sure kicked ass didn't we?" Phoenix smirked.

"No kidding, we make a great team...but I think we should get going, no one else is here right now."

"Are you serious?" Phoenix asked while he looked around, seeing how every computer and television had been turned off at this point. Not a sign of anyone, or anything, just him and his mephit friend. "I guess that last game we had...was a long one!" He chuckled and gave Jizzal a pat on the back, causing the skunk to "oof" some before he chuckled as well.

The two of them shared their laugh and turned off the monitors they were sitting at. They were mildly surprised that they were the only two left after the LAN party they participated in, but not terribly surprised. The fact that no one else was there made them wonder though. The large building dimmed its lights a little, causing the two of them to look up, the lights were on a set timer.

After a moment of silence, the skunk spoke up, "Well...we should be going then, are you...uhm...still up for spending the night at my house?" He asked a little nervously, but his friend didn't seem to notice the shakiness of his question.

"Sure of course, I think I -should- use the bathroom first," the gryphon groaned some while his stomach let out an almost painful gurgle, making the skunk perk his ears in surprise.

"Yeah, you sound a little sick...did you have too much of that pizza? I felt a little queasy, but I'm fine now." Jizzal stated as he walked closer to his friend who held his stomach with his clawed talon for a second as another gurgle could be heard.

"Woo...damn it, I should be ok..."

"Well you don't -sound- ok..."

Phoenix smirked some and flexed his wings as he stood up straight, making Jizzal blush softly at the sight, and making him feel grateful that his fur hid the redness. The gryphon craned his neck a bit while his wings relaxed, though a dark purple feather or two fell to the ground. Jizzal continued to just look at his friend, gazing into his dark violet eyes while his own brown eyes glistened slightly. Phoenix blinked as he caught the skunk almost leering at him, with a smirk on his furry muzzle.

"Is...everything alright buddy, is something on me?" He asked, breaking the awkward silence and making the skunk squeak almost.

"Oh, yeah you're fine, I mean, ok, as in...yeah, everything is alright..." Jizzal stammered out, hoping that is friend hadn't caught him looking at him. He wasn't just looking, he was -looking- at him, in a more than friendly way, something that made him rather ashamed.

"Well...hurry up and use the bathroom, I'll wait here," the skunk said softly as the lights continued to dim, not leaving them in darkness, but it was getting a little harder to see since there were no windows in the building they were in.

"I will, stop telling me to alright?" Phoenix snickered some and scratched his head then smirked before turning and heading to the bathroom. His lion-like tail swished slightly behind him, as the skunk lowered his ears and sat back down, watching his friend enter the bathroom.

"Smooth one dumb-ass...." Jizzal sighed and gripped his paws into his jean-clad legs.

He sat there cursing himself silently as he continued to think about Phoenix, it was too much for him, and he didn't want to admit that he was attracted to his friend. The two had met a while back, and instantly hit it off. They shared a few meals, a few jokes, and really got to know one another, Jizzal didn't mention the fact that he found the gryphon...well...attractive. And he knew that Phoenix just wanted to be friends, or at least he hoped so, giving him an excuse to not say anything about his feelings for him.

The skunk's eyes closed while he continued to wait, feeling more and more anxious with each passing moment his friend was gone. His head began to fill with his own questions and curses, all of which aimed at himself.

'What the hell is the matter with you? You know he doesn't swing -that- way, and you don't either...or at least you didn't until you met him. Just don't mention it and you two can still be friends, come on now, don't do anything stupid and mope around. Cheer up! You two had a great night...great night, he even hugged you after you won that game a few hours back. But that was a friendly hug, you know a FRIENDLY hug, just something that friends do sometimes. Was it? Can you be sure? Why risk it? I can see it now, Phoenix! I think you're one of my best friends and I think I'm falling for you, be my boyfriend? That has to be -the- gayest thing you've ever thought, by far. Are you even sure you like him like that? Maybe it's just that you two have so much in common...Did you honestly think that you'd start to wonder if you were 100% straight or not just by meeting his handsome gryphon?'

He paused for a second and really thought.

'Handsome? More like studly, and attractive, and nice...and kind...and...damn it! There you go again! Will you just shut the Hell up? He's such a nice guy...don't risk it, you getting friends isn't something common. Though it was kinda cute when he asked why a skunk wouldn't have too many friends...and you know he was being serious don't you? Yeah, cute, maybe that's what started it. Or was it his smile? The way his beak smirked? Or his eyes?...Or those dark purple feathers, remember the time you picked one up that fell off him...then sniffed it?'

Jizzal stood up shocked, he had forgotten he ever did that...and felt lower than snake's underside for doing so. He didn't like Phoenix, he -lusted- Phoenix, it almost brought a tear to his eye while he sat down and picked up the feather that fell a while back.

'You're know that? Fucking sick. He's your friend and all you can think about his him naked? Shit, you should get your ass-kicked for that. Idiot. No wonder no one likes you. It's not the smell, it's the idiot that goes with it...'

At that moment, the skunk did something he didn't normally do...he...cried, quite a bit. Luckily he was quiet while doing so with the slim chance that Phoenix could return at any minuet, and would ask questions why he was crying, like a good friend would. When he'd ask, Jizzal would lie about why he was crying, or probably just deny ever doing so, like a bad friend.


The skunk whispered to himself and stopped sobbing; using his arm to wipe away his tears, wishing that he wore a long sleeved shirt for a change. With only a few wipes, the evidence of his sorrow had been wiped away, and he finally noticed that Phoenix had been gone for a while, a long while. Jizzal began to wonder how long he sat there feeling sorry for himself and acting like a character out of a soap-opera, a bad one at that, he almost wanted to wait for his twin bother to come blasting through the ceiling a saying something like he found the real skunk finally and Phoenix just laughs...that nice laugh of his.

"Damn it, there I go again..." the skunk sighed some, but he chuckled at the thought he just had.

"There probably are cameras everywhere, I swear someone is watching this...and laughing," he sniffled a bit then shook his head while he made his way to the bathroom...just to check up on his friend.

Phoenix however, hadn't been sitting by himself in the dark thinking of how his friend was so hot and what not, he was rather occupied by the fact that he was trying to fix a broken toilet.

"Shit...shit...shit," the gryphon whispered to himself.

The second he walked into the bathroom, he quickly headed for the toilet, only to find that someone had left a ..."gift" inside. He sighed and quickly flushed it down or well tried to, but the size of the "gift" was too much for the toilet and it began to over flow onto the tiled ground. With a surprised "squawk" it sounded like; he quickly looked around for a plunger of some kind to fix the over flowing toilet. After making a mad dash, or rather the 10 or so steps it was to the sink, the gryphon quickly looked inside the cabinet for anything that could help, but he found nothing at all.

"Crap...crap...crap!" Phoenix hissed a bit, and hoped that what he said wasn't coming out of the toilet, so far he was grateful it was just water.

Eventually, the water stopped flowing, but the water was everywhere, and Phoenix sighed to himself as he began to clean up the spilled water, giving him some time to think as well now that he was alone.

'I'm gonna find whoever left that in there and kick the shit out of them.'

Well...a few thoughts at least, but he was just too upset to think straight as he got on his hands and knees to start mopping up the mess, with paper towels. He quickly lost track of time while he threw away wad after wad of soaked paper towels. Truly a thankless job, but he figured it would do Jizzal some good to be by himself, since he seemed a little odd that night, but he figured he was sick too from the pizza they ate, which he began to regret starting the pizza eating contest with-the skunk, but he felt proud he managed to win. However, 17 slices was his punishment, while he narrowly beat the skunk who wolfed down 16 ¾, they were both surprised they didn't puke.

After most of the water was finally up, Phoenix's stomach gurgled again, this time more violently, nearly making his vision fade while he groaned in pain and clutched his stomach again.

"Oh....damn.." He groaned and rubbed his stomach gently as he slowly got to his feet while the bathroom door opened in front of him, and Jizzal timidly peeked in, rubbing his own stomach, obviously starting to catch up to his friend with stomach pains.

" alright Jizzal?"

" stomach is splitting apart, why are you on the floor?" the skunk asked and stood in the doorway.

"Oh...I uh...thought I dropped something," Phoenix chuckled and got into a crouching position, nearly forgetting that he spent a rather long cleaning up a watery mess he didn't make, intentionally. Something he should have mentioned he soon began to realize as Jizzal stepped forward into a puddle he missed and didn't clean up yet, but before he could warn his friend, he heard the shoes squeak and watched the skunk start to fall, face first with a startled look on his face.

Without a moment's hesitation, the gryphon sprang forward the second he saw Jizzal start to fall and opened his arms, catching him rather easily before he could fall. The skunk would have most likely hit his head on the counter, but instead he found himself in the arms of his friend, but the momentum of his fall caused his muzzle to lean forward slightly, and his lips pressed up against Phoenix's beak. Time slowed down as the two figures kissed, and Phoenix held Jizzal in his arms with a startled look on his face, but the look was shared, but the skunk silently blessed, then at the same time cursed his luck. He got a kiss...but unfortunately, he got a kiss...something he never imagined getting from Phoenix, even if it was a complete fluke.

The kiss was held for a few seconds, both of them being too surprised to even want to move, but in the end, Jizzal managed to back his muzzle off and it dripped saliva a little. Phoenix slowly adjusted himself and put the skunk back on his own feet and looked down at him, being the taller one.

" ok?" The gryphon asked, breaking the silence. This was the first time there had ever been so many awkward quiet times between the two of them.

"....Yeah...I'm just fine," the skunk lied again, "Nice catch..." he smiled a little.

"Oh that...I should have mentioned there was an accident in here...I tried to clean it up."

"An accident? Not too surprising, probably caused my some jerk off no doubt."

" thoughts exactly."

Once again, the two went silent, both of them trying to not think about what just happened, but oddly enough the one who couldn't -stop- thinking about the "kiss" was Phoenix rather than his skunky companion. Jizzal's heart was beating faster and faster every moment they stood there in the bathroom and he squeaked his shoes as he took a slow step the side. The squeak made the gryphon perk up some.

" alright though? You were holding your stomach." Phoenix asked, not even noticing that his stomach pains had been replaced by nervousness.

"Hmm? I was?...Oh yeah....I'll be alright, I need to use the toilet though..." His stomach didn't hurt anymore either.

"Well the toilet is broken, you'll have to use a urinal," Phoenix said with a soft snicker, just begging for them to hurry up so they could leave, and forget about the kiss. Neither one of them needed to use the bathroom anymore; butterflies flapping around frantically in their stomachs had replaced their indigestion.

"Hehe...that's gross Phoenix..." the skunk responded before he finally said what he wanted to say.

"I'm sorry Phoenix..."


"I'm sorry...I didn't mean to kiss you..."

"Oh that? No worries, it was an accident...not like you did it on purpose."

"No...but I wish I did..."




"I like you..."

"I like you too buddy..."

"No, you don't understand...I -like- you..."

"....oh...wait, you mean in that kind of like?"



"Yes...that kind of like..."

After the skunk said that, they both fell silent, but Jizzal was glad he finally said it, even if he wanted to cry at that moment. Phoenix just stood there putting together all of what was just said, over and over and over again...but didn't know what to say. He was speechless. It felt as if his whole body told him not to move, so he didn't for a while, and the skunk lowered his ears and looked down at the tiled ground there were standing on, wishing he just fell and fractured his skull on the counter's edge right about at his point, seeing how Phoenix reacted.

Without a single noise, the skunk found himself in another embracing hug, though this time...he hadn't fallen.

"Jizzal...I like you...too...a lot," Phoenix admitted sheepishly and sighed some to himself as his arms gave his friend the tightest hug he'd ever had, cutting off his respiratory system for a moment, but making his eyes light up again.

"P....Phoenix..." the skunk squeaked out as he was hugged.

"Yes?" the gryphon, asked softly, still holding the skunk in his arms while his claws gently rubbed his back.

"...I can't breathe...*cough*..."

"Oh...oh!! Sorry!" Phoenix chuckled and loosened the hug enough, but didn't let go, "Guess I don't know my own strength...heh..."

"'re really strong..."

"Hey cut that out, you're not so bad yourself." The gryphon smirked and nuzzled the skunk in the cheek gently, causing him to murr quietly.

Phoenix continued to hold the skunk while his beak gently kissed the furry cheek, and it was no accident. Jizzal looked back and almost felt a tear slide down his muzzle while his muzzle moved to kiss his dear friend back and his paws rubbed up and down his back.

"So...what do we do now?" Jizzal asked, a little unsure of what they should do next.

Phoenix blinked a few times before he had an that he hoped the skunk would be ok with. "Well...we could...mess around? You know...since we like each other?"

Jizzal blushed greatly, but his fur hid all of it luckily while he could feel his crotch start to stir already just by talking of it.

"Uhm...that sounds good...but lets go...slow..." he squeaked timidly, and the gryphon's arms slowly released him and his feet finally touched the ground.

"Of what comes off first?" The gryphon smirked some and started to take off his own shirt, while Jizzal did the same.

In only a few moments, the two of them were both nude, with piles of their clothes at the ground and Jizzal's shoes flung to the side. He looked up to his friend and wagged his tail a little while he watched the magnificent wings stretch out and the lion-like tail swish back and forth behind his friend.

"Now...where were we?" Phoenix smirked and leaned down to nuzzle against the skunk's body and he gently nipped at his cheek fur with his beak, causing the skunk to squirm playfully before he nuzzled back.

Jizzal smiled at Phoenix while he ran a paw through his feathery chest while he worked he started to lower himself until he stopped at his friend's crotch. The gryphon smiled down at the skunk and continued to wag his tail as the mephit's tongue began to work all around the crotch with his smooth, wet, agile tongue. A soft hiss filled Jizzal's ears as he slowly saw his friend grow erect, his cock sliding free from the protective sheath flesh slowly, letting the masculine musk waft over Jizzal's senses.

As the impressive member throbbed, Phoenix closed his eyes and began to moan softly. Each lick the skunk gave him caused every fiber in his being to shudder almost, as if the skunk had found his most tender area on his body and attacked it with his tongue. After getting the member to glisten with his saliva, Jizzal worked the tip into his maw and started to suck it tenderly, murring at the taste of the massive cock. Phoenix nearly gripped his talons into the tiled floor beneath them while he could already feel his heavy ball sac start to tingle like the rest of his body. All of his tension he once had was now overcome by immense pleasure. Slowly, and carefully, he began to hump forward into the skunk's mouth, sliding his cock across the tongue sensually, he couldn't hold it in any more, and he released.

What he hoped was his seed, turned out to be a little more musky and fluid like as Jizzal discovered, tasting for the first time, urine. His eyes widened from his dream like daze and he pull the cock from his mouth, it was true, Phoenix was peeing, and now the warm, golden fluid was splattering onto the skunk's head. Jizzal stayed there, looking up to his friend while the piss continued to spray out, seeping into his fur and trickling down his back slowly. The smell was incredible, something he never experienced before, his own urine didn't have this kind of smell, not that he paid attention to it before. Phoenix on the other hand just felt himself relaxing there, standing over his friend, not knowing what he was doing, it just felt so....good.

The powerful spray of piss continued, making a quiet splash while Jizzal stayed there mesmerized at this point. After what felt like hours to the both of them, was less than a minuet in reality, and at that point Phoenix's erect cock stood at attention, still dripping his piss onto his friend. After a satisfied sigh, the gryphon looked down at the skunk who stared up at him, not blinking, but reeking of his waste. Slowly, Phoenix put the pieces together. He pissed on his friend. And he sat there and let him do it. And above all that, they both enjoyed it; Jizzal was erect at this point as well.

"I...uh...sorry?" Phoenix asked, feeling at a loss for words at this point. Just what do you say to someone you just peed on?

The skunk just smiled, his fur dripping with the tangy piss, dripping to the floor bellow. "Hehe...don't be..." he murred and licked across the shaft again, rubbing his nose into it while the scent caused his whole body to shudder. The skunk worked his nose underneath the base of the cock and licked the ball sac bellow a few times, causing another moan to escape the gryphon's beak He continued to slide his muzzle underneath thew arm flesh until he stopped at the anus and gave a tender lick before speaking.

"That's right, you still need to use the bathroom....heh...damn pizza," the skunk chuckled softly and gave another lick to the soft warm flesh.

"Yeah...I do," Phoenix smiled down and gave a soft shove against Jizzal's shoulder. "But the toilet is broken..." he smiled still, a little evily while the skunk landed on his back with a giggle, looking up innocently.

"Well then, you'll have to find a already used me as a stall," he smirked and playfully pawed at the air.

"Aww, well I'll have to make due with what I have," Phoenix snickered and turned around before he slowly lowered his rump until he was sitting on Jizzal's muzzle practically, with his tail hole right at the skunk's mouth.

"Heeey...what're you doing feather butt?" The skunk giggled and gave a playful squirm under the weight while he started to lick the tail hole again.

"Nothing...just have to finish up is all..." Phoenix giggled while his tail continued to swish back and forth. He already started going to the bathroom, so why stop now? Jizzal laid there on his back, never been so excited before in all his life.

The skunk's tongue continued to probe around the tail hole playfully, the taste was something different...but he was enjoying it...Without warning, a blast of flatulence blew into his face, causing a surprised "meep" followed by childish laughter. The scent of the fart made the skunk even more aroused, and Phoenix could tell as he looked down at the skunk-meat aching to be released. Phoenix slowly leant forward, rubbing his rump cheeks into the skunk's face while he started to lick the skunk's shaft, tapping his talons on the floor excitedly.

With the two of them in their positions, ready to pleasure each other in ways they had never imagined, the only thing that could be heard was their heart beats, slowly going in sync with one another's while the nervousness grew wings and took flight. Now, they had no worries, no problems, no doubts, they both wanted this...The serene silence was broken by another fart, causing more childish giggles while Jizzal's tongue slithered into the tight hole, and he felt an odd mushy taste on his tongue.

Phoenix moaned and grunted at the same time, is anal passage started to squeeze tightly around the waste he had been holding inside while his mouth worked on Jizzal's cock.

"Urrrhh!!" He erfed, and with a push, the skunk's tongue was forced out of the anus by a warm mushy turd of digested foods.

Jizzal blinked a few times before the waste plopped onto his muzzle, sliding down his nose, his chin and even into his mouth while his now brown tongue sent his mind a taste of the steaming shit. The feces continued to follow in a never-ending flow, sliding out of the opened tail hole like toothpaste out of the tube, very smelly toothpaste at that. The creamy shit coiled onto Jizzal's face and he closed his eyes, no longer looking, but hearing and smelling the stuff come out of his friend's ass. Phoenix moaned around the skunk's cock while the he continued to empty himself, he had felt so sick holding it all for most of the later parts of the night. With his muzzle coated in the creamy, fudgy scat, the skunk moaned loudly, opening his mouth to let some of it slide down like soft ice cream into his mouth and he began to swallow. The taste was almost as overbearing as the smell, but the sheer filth of it all made him forget all about it, he wanted more to fill his greedy mouth. With his mouth full of crap, he closed shut, but the ass continued to release the scat onto him. The mush slide down the chin, neck and to his chest while his body burned with pleasure, his feet twitching and his whole body shivering! With a slow swallow, his mouth was emptied of the spicy waste that now had his head buried, leaving on the top of his head and his ears out of the shit. The steaming pile continued to grow the swishing sounds of the cream expelling from the ass made him buck his hips and moan muffledly in the pile while he managed to get his nose free to breathe.

While Phoenix rubbed his rump into his own shit pile, he continued to push while his tongue licked and teased over the cock, making it twitch with every little tickle he gave it. Slowly, his beak opened and he nipped at the tip of it gently, probing his tongue across the flesh tenderly, tasting the delicious skunk member. He could feel the heat from his fecal matter against him, making his own painfully erect member beg to be touched. The gryphon slid his cock across the flat furry stomach beneath him while his eyes clenched shut tightly and he ran a claw across the skunk's furry thighs. The claw made its way to the skunk's tail hole, and he slowly pushed, causing the skunk to convulse more. It was almost too much to bear, and his member started to leak pre cum into the gryphon's beak. Phoenix smiled and slowly pushed his digit in further, wiggling it inside while he gulped down the pre, murring at the taste and wanting more so he started to pull his claw out then push it back in. The large stripped tail to between the legs started to twitch out of control, telling Phoenix that the skunk wanted more, it felt incredible! With his head mostly buried in a pile of shit, his cock leaking pre into his friend's mouth, and his tail hole being teased, he couldn't take it. Jizzal released his warm sticky seed into the maw, making a muffled whimper of pleasure as his body shuddered and went limp while his cock sprayed inside of the eager mouth with an explosion of flavor. Phoenix nearly squealed with joy while his pallet was treated to the salty spunk of his small furry friend. He drank down every drop, milking the skunk for all he was worth.

After the orgasm had stopped, Phoenix continued to squeeze and slurp the cock, he wanted more. Jizzal squirmed weakly, it was as if he was tied down to a bed and he was being tickled all over, such a good feeling, but it had its draw-backs, he couldn't breathe! The skunk whimpered and almost cried, it felt so good, almost unbearable and Phoenix wasn't going to let go, but he knew that Jizzal would, eventually. The gryphon smiled again as he felt the cock start to squirt into his mouth, timidly at first, until a steady flow began to release. Now the skunk was urinating, and Phoenix was drinking down every drop greedily. Jizzal's breaths slowed as he let go, returning the favor his friend gave him just moments before.

As the bladder slowly drained, Phoenix took the now half-erect member from his mouth and let it spray on his beak while he licked at the golden stream with a deep murr. All around him, the smell of the skunk's crotch and his shit flowing around his senses, the gryphon let the piss seep into his feathers while he watched it slow to a trickle. The flow of piss slowed to a stop, but with one last push, Jizzal shot one last wad of cum and piss onto Phoenix's beak, causing him to giggle then lick himself clean for the most part. Slowly, he pulled his claw out of the clenching skunk hole, licking off the shit he had fond inside, and turned around to marvel at the waste he had left. Jizzal had shifted his most of his head free from underneath the pile while he laid against it like a squishy pillow, the smell and the heat making him rather dizzy, but he smiled, showing his rather dirty scat covered teeth.

"Hehe...messy...well I'll be sure to clean you up," Phoenix purred and rubbed a claw under Jizzal's chin while he started to slide off the skunk, rubbing his cheeks across the limp cock until he got on the floor and stared at his friend who could barely move, as if he wanted to move.

Phoenix smiled still and licked Jizzal's belly fur, it contained some of Phoenix's own urine and even some of the skunk's while he worked down ward. The beak nuzzled against the crotch before he got the tail hole and stopped, giving it a slow lick.

" turn..." Jizzal moaned and looked at Phoenix who was now lapping over his tail hole as if it was made of sugar.

Almost without warning, the gryphon slide his tongue into the anus, causing a shiver to run up the skunk's spine, almost felt as if he was paralyzed. Taking the hint, the skunk began to relax his bowels and start to push. As he relaxed, he could feel a sort of strain on his tight hole as Phoenix began to wiggle his beak inside of his tail hole while the scent of fresh shit filled his nostrils. Jizzal wailed out in pain that slowly turned into a wail of pleasure as the beak shimmed itself inside and creaked open, stretching him to his limits and making his legs spasm in retaliation. Slowly, Phoenix began to taste what he was waiting for, and without warning his tongue worked its way out and lashed around inside the tight confines of Jizzal's ass.

Phoenix got a taste of the stuff and moaned inside of the tight passage, it was more satisfying than he imagined! The foul, hot mush would have made most people gag, but the gryphon couldn't get enough of it. He slowly swallowed mouthful after mouthful of the waste while the skunk could ear the audible gulps faintly. The smile never left Jizzal's muzzle. He continued to push, the rippling walls of flesh squeezed around the beak but Phoenix managed to keep it open while the shit continued to slide into his welcoming maw and down his throat. The gryphon closed his eyes as he felt the last turd slide its way down his throat, but his tongue continued to lick around the walls, cleaning it nicely before he slide out, making the skunk fart into his face. More childish laughter could be heard as the two looked to each other, both mostly exhausted, but they finally got to use the "bathroom."

"Mmm..." Phoenix sighed softly and got into a crouching position while Jizzal layed on his back breathing slowly. The skunk's tail slowly seemed to wag back and forth while the gryphon's did the same while the silence returned.

Phoenix murred and licked his beak clean as his hand felt down and touched his still erect cock while his eyes fell on the skunk's tail hole. Jizzal seemed to nod to Phoenix while he could see his dark violet eyes staring at his tight passage. Another soft sigh left the two of them as Phoenix positioned himself over Jizzal, clawing into the floor while his hips reared back and his cock lined up between the skunk's rump before he slid the tip of his cock inside, causing another soft hiss. The rippling flesh slowly massaged around the cock tip, clenching it while the rest of the cock slowly followed in after him inside. Inch by inch, the cock slowly rubbed across the tender walls while Phoenix slid his hips forward until he hilted his cock, filling Jizzal's ass nicely while his gaze looked down at the filthy skunk who gritted his teeth while his anus clenched tightly along the large cock.

Without a single word being spoken, Phoenix leaned forward and kissed the skunk on the lips tenderly while his hips reared back and thrusted back into the pillowy insides. Jizzal moaned softly and closed his eyes while Phoenix did the same. The gryphon slowly slide out is tongue and started to lick the skunk's dirty muzzle. Slurping up the warm gunk and gulping it down while the cock thrusted into the skunk's clenching hole, making the two of them murr softly. Jizzal reached up tiredly and hugged around Phoenix as best he could while he felt the tongue cleaning his dirty fur lovingly. With every buck of the strong hips, the skunk slid across the floor slightly and clenched tighter each time, trying to make it all but harder for his friend to buck inside. Phoenix smirked some at the resistance, the muscles massaging all over his gryphon-hood while his tongue cleaned the mess he had made.

Phoenix, even with the resistance, began to pick up the pace quickly, sliding his cock against the warm prostate of the skunk while he started to leak pre, lubing the tight passage nicely. Jizzal moaned and began to lick the side of the gryphon's beak while he could feel the cock throbbing inside, aching to finally blow off the seed stored in the ball sac. Every thrust pushed Phoenix closer to the edge while he licked under Jizzal's chin and his eyes suddenly lit open, more widely than before and his beak opened and let out an ear piercing eagle cry. Jizzal splayed his ears back as Phoenix's cry erupted his whole body and released his seed, flooding the insides while the noise nearly made him go deaf...but he found it oddly attractive.

The cock twitched inside the anal cavity while the volume of the eagle cry slowly dropped until it turned into murrs. Phoenix panted and looked down at the painful expression Jizzal had on his face, and his ears twitched slightly, the sudden ear piercing noise surprised him obliviously and the gryphon chuckled softly.

"Heh...sorry about that..."

"It' about a warning?" the skunk snickered and opened his eyes before giving his friend a nuzzle while he felt him flop onto his body, not even bothering to pull out his cock.

" you'd like a next time?"

"Hehehe...what do you think?"

With that, the skunk kissed his friend one last time while they held each other in their arms and slowly closed their eyes, but Phoenix caught something out of the corner of his eye before he closed it and couldn't help but laugh.

"Hmm...what's so funny?" the skunk asked, not even bothering to open his eyes to look over.

"I just saw something....this bathroom has two stalls...heh...only one of them was broken."

There was silence, followed by laughter the two of them shared. Though they felt glad that they both neglected to look to the next stall, otherwise their bond with one another wouldn't have grown so strong in just one night.

"I just thought of something too..."

"What's that skunky?"

"....I feel sorry for the guy that has to clean this mess..."

The two laughed again and sighed softly before slowly drifting off to sleep, right there on the bathroom floor.

First Class Meal

((Story written for a good friend of mine, has vore, implied butt-sex, and non fatal cooking stuff like that. Don't read if you're under 18 blah blah blah, hope you enjoy)) Characters are © Nintendo I think...please don't sue me, I'm poor!...

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Don't read if you're under 18 \*blah blah blah\* well here it is anyway! And YES! There's vore! so Don't read if you don't like VORE!!! Simple as that =P I normally don't to fanfics, but it was for a friend so I made an excepton ^^ Enjoy! All...

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Minotaur in the Mist

Don't read this story if you're underage \*blah-blah\* heh, hope you like it! And yes there's vore, so if you don't like it, don't read it. Simple as that ^\_^ Enjoy! "Uh...Where the Hell are we?" asked the young anthro skunk. "No idea, I'm...

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