Aidan and Desmond

Story by Raevocrei on SoFurry

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Whelp, I suppose I can't resist the temptations for NSFW stories! Some of you may recognize the two names in the title, and you would be correct to assume that these are the same two characters you've been reading about in "Pieces". Although this short story is 'canon', it will not be included along with the rest of the chapters just so that story is completely clean of naughty times.

If you haven't been keeping up with my latest story, then that's okay! You'll be missing out on some background information, but I'm sure the porn is enticing enough. =P

And if you're interested in reading the story, here is the first chapter!

Thanks for reading! Please leave me some feedback! ^-^

(Also note; the characters are rather young, but they've reached sexual maturity for their species.)

"Haven't you ever wanted to hunt for your own food?" Aidan asked and jumped down from a ledge, kicking up some snow. "It's a lot more exciting than just taking it out of your ice-box!"

Desmond shook his head and jumped down too. "I'd much rather relax and enjoy my food instead of chasing it around."

"Shush, keep your voice down," Aidan hushed. He looked around the coniferous forest, trying to see if he spotted anything between the trees. Primarily, he was looking for a big, juicy deer or elk to eat, but he wouldn't mind something smaller for a quick snack.

"But you're the one that's been blabbing the entire time!" Des accused in a hushed but aggravated tone. He stood next to the red dragonet, pausing.

Aidan listened to hear the wind rustling in the pine trees. He heard a few birds chirping and even fewer insects making noise, but nothing of interest. Everything was much quieter during the winter. "Haven't you ever eaten a fresh kill? Didn't your parents hunt when you lived farther south?"

"No, we bought all of our food there, too," he answered. Then his face scrunched with distaste. "Oh, yuck! I didn't even think about that... It's going to be all warm and bloody..." His purple scales shuddered as his wings fluttered at his sides.

Aidan giggled and nodded before starting to prowl through the forest again. His paws stepped on fallen pine needles that littered the snowy ground everywhere. Their talons sank into the snow and crunched. Paying close attention, he did his best to avoid snapping any twigs, but his purple friend wasn't quite as observant and he'd occasionally hear the crack of a branch and a 'whoops' shortly after.

"I think you are by far the worst hunting partner I could have asked for," Aidan teased and gently booped Des' snout with his tail.

"You didn't even tell me what we were doing before you dragged me all the way out here," Des grumbled and nipped at that red tail.

Aidan squeaked and pulled it away. "'Cause I knew you'd follow me anyway!"

"I suppose that's true. You and Ruari are about my only friends."

Aidan stopped and looked back at Des with a huge grin. "Awwww, you really like us that much!" he cooed smugly.

Des smiled and bumped snouts with Aidan. "I guess I just like you guys more than the others."

Aidan looked into Des' bright, crimson eyes, a soft smile curling his lips. "I could say I'm quite fond of you too."

Aidan never knew how to explain this feeling in his chest. He got it every time he looked at Ciara, and recently he was getting it when he looked at Desmond. It was warm and full of life. He wished he could grasp it and hold onto it forever, but the feeling was always fleeting.

Des bared a wide, toothy grin and shoved his shoulder into Aidan playfully. "Don't get all sappy on me. We came here to hunt!"

With a huff, Aidan shoved the purple dragonet back and then continued forward. Truthfully, he had absolutely no idea how to actually hunt--he just thought it would be fun to try!

He led on for another while, crouching low and sneaking around, but they hadn't come across a single potential meal. He did find a few rodents scurrying around, but they were much too fast, and he doubted they would taste good at all.

After an unsuccessful hour had past, Aidan stopped beneath an alcove carved into a cliffside. The ground was bare and the wind whistled by the edge without brushing across his ruby scales. He shook his cold body and sighed as he flicked the snow from his chilled paws.

"Well, that's a bummer," Aidan mumbled and found a recess in the ground to fill a small pool of water with his magic. He dipped his snout it and drank the pure, refreshing water. Then he refilled it and offered it to Des who wholeheartedly accepted. They drank their fill and sat together on their haunches.

"Should we head home?" Des asked. "It's getting a little late. I bet our parents will have dinner waiting for us!"

Aidan shook his head. "Not quite yet... I just want to relax a little."

"That's a first!" Des said and poked a claw into Aidan's flank. "Are you okay?"

Aidan giggled and pushed Des' paw away. "Yes, I am fine! I figured you could use a little rest after our long journey," he replied teasingly.

"I'm not a hatchling, you know!" the purple retorted and nudged Aidan. "If you can do it, I can do it too!"

Aidan grinned and growled playfully before he shoved Des back with twice as much force, causing him to stumble. Des returned with and even stronger push, but Aidan caught one of his legs and made him tumble with him. They growled and rolled around, each trying to pin the other, but it was nearly an equal match.

Des would kick and push Aidan onto his flanks before he could pin him down and then roll on top of him. Aidan would simply use his strength to roll Des over and try to push his limbs away so he couldn't force him off. Before long, Aidan gained the upper claw and successfully pinned the smaller dragon onto his back and stood over him. He playfully nipped at the purple's neck up to his blue-hued chin and lay on top of him, using his heavier weight.

"H-hey! Stop that!" Des yelped and struggled in vain. His tail writhed back and forth while his wings beat at Aidan.

"There's no one around to stop me this time!" Aidan said with a smug, victorious grin as he looked down at the defeated dragonet. Des wriggled beneath him and pawed at his face. Aidan was relentless for the moment, but he tired out before too long and flopped onto his back next to Desmond. They were both breathing heavily but smiling joyfully.

"You've gotten stronger," Aidan complimented. "When we first met I had to give you a chance, but that was close."

Des chuckled and scooted closer to the red and white dragonet. "Have I really grown that much? I'm still smaller than you."

Aidan nodded. "I'm growing too! I'm almost eight now, so I won't grow as fast anymore, but I don't know when my growth spurt will end. You'll probably catch up to me."

"I hope you don't get too much bigger than me! Then our fights wouldn't be fair at all."

Aidan laughed. "I don't think you'll have to worry about that. Poor, little Ruari. He still has about three years until he'll be as big as we are now, and by then we'll be adults!"

"Yeah, but by the time he's our size, he'll probably have complete mastery over his magic," Des added with a bit of jealousy. "He can use two different elements. I don't even know what element I am yet... And I'm almost seven."

Aidan nuzzled Des affectionately. "Hey, I didn't discover my magic until I was almost seven, either. Not everyone gets to be special!"

"I suppose so," Des muttered. "I just feel like I'm missing something..."

Aidan booped noses with him. "You're not supposed to understand everything yet. I know I certainly don't."

Des grinned and looked over at him. "I guess you're right... just like I don't understand why you're so happy all of the time. Don't you ever worry about anything?"

Aidan shrugged his wings and met Des' smile. "I do plenty, but I just don't show it."

"Why? What do you worry about?"

Aidan giggled and swished his tail. "Lately, it's been about females."

Des raised a brow. "Oh? The master of flirting has girl troubles?" he teased.

Aidan nodded and sighed. "It's not really what you think it is..." He felt a bit of warmth seeping into his cheeks. He had only talked to his father about this, and that had been very flustering.

"What do you mean?" Des asked curiously and rolled onto his side to face Aidan.

Aidan looked at his talons and wondered if he should say anything. It was embarrassing, to say the least, but Des was his closest friend. It'd be much easier to talk about it with him. "Well, do you get a warm feeling when you look at an attractive female?"

"I-I mean... kind of..." He pawed at the ground and avoided eye contact. "Usually with most females..."

Aidan smiled awkwardly at Des. He knew Des had the same problems too. Almost every male did by the time they turned six-years-old. "It's just been... hard to control lately. All of the females I talk to have this wonderful scent about them that I didn't notice before."

Des nodded in understanding and chuckled softly. "I've had the same issue before... But it didn't start happening until lately either."

"Really?" Aidan asked, staring over at the blushing purple dragon.

He bobbed his head and shifted his wings. "Do you know Ash? She's in your class. We've talked a lot after school since she she's my neighbor now. And well... uhm... I had that warm feeling, but it was really intense and I couldn't stop it..."

Aidan giggled and bumped noses with him. "Did she see it?"

Des shook his head vigorously. "N-no! She didn't... I had to excuse myself and said I was feeling ill."

Aidan grinned and briefly wondered what Des' member would look like. "My dad said it's only natural and not to worry about it." His thoughts started to linger more on his friend as the conversation continued and less on females. He remembered that warm feeling he got earlier and shuddered before closing his legs and rolling onto his side to face Desmond.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," Des responded. "It didn't start happening until about a year ago. I never thought about a female that way until then. My parents haven't really given me that talk yet, though."

Aidan smiled at Des and half-mindedly stared at him. He loved the deep, violet colors of his scales and how they blended into the dark-blue at his chin and his hind paws. His horns, claws, and spikes along his back were all white and clean with a bit of a shine to them. And the contrasting color of his crimson spheres made Aidan gulp as they looked into his eyes.


Aidan shook his head free and sighed. "Sorry, I lost focus."

Des tilted his head intriguingly. "You hardly ever lose focus unless it's around a pretty female! Did you want to say something?"

Aidan turned his head away and shrugged his wings. "Have you... ever had that same feeling when you've looked at... a friend? A male friend?"

He could tell he made Des a bit uncomfortable as his tail twitched and he pulled his legs closer to his body. "I uhm... No, I don't think so... You mean me, don't you?"

Aidan gulped and nodded. "It happened earlier today and once before. I know it's supposed to be a male and female, but I can't help but to wonder what if it didn't have to be like that."

"I haven't thought about it," Des said, scrutinizing Aidan. It was obvious he was thinking deeply about it now, and Aidan wondered if he was trying to look at him the way they both look at females. Aidan thought he was kind of handsome. His deep-red scales covered his entire hide except for his white-plated underbelly with thick scutes that trailed down to the middle of his tail. He had ebony horns and claws that made him look more masculine, in his opinion.

Aidan felt his heart beat a bit faster in his chest. He looked around and scratched at the ground with a claw. Very rarely in his life had he felt nervous, so he didn't know how to deal with this emotion. "Do you want to try it?"

It looked like all of the color is Des' face faded away. "Y-y-you want to... w-with me?"

He nodded definitely and met his eyes. "There's no one around, and we can keep it between us."

"I d-don't know, Aidan... I've never done anything like it before. I..." He scratched his forearm and shifted in place. "If it's with you, I-I'll try it."

Aidan couldn't keep from wagging his tail happily. "You will?"

Des hesitantly nodded and smiled as he looked into Aidan's golden eyes. "It's like wrestling, right? That's what my parents said when I caught them."

Aidan laughed and moved over his purple friend, his eyes exploring his smaller body. "I suppose it is a lot like wrestling."

Des rolled onto his back and let Aidan move between his legs. Aidan could tell he wasn't completely comfortable with it, but he wasn't very confident himself. All he knew about mating was from what he heard by ear, and that was between a male and a female! He figured it wouldn't be too much different lying with another male, though he didn't' really know how.

"A-are you completely sure about this, Aidan?" Des asked, looking up at him with wide eyes. He placed his paws on Aidan's chest and looked very tense. Aidan rumbled in his throat, already starting to feel excited as he thought about being intimate with someone else.

"Oh come on, you're worrying too much again, Des," Aidan said, smiling adoringly down at the purple dragonet. "Live a little," he cooed and pressed his hips between Des' legs. "Relax..."

"B-b-but this is different!" Des looked into Aidan's golden eyes. His crimson orbs were big and swirling with the same lust Aidan was feeling, but he was too shy to admit it. He smiled softly and gently pressed his lips to Desmond's. They parted and Aidan slipped his tongue inside the other dragonet's maw.

Des meeped and half-resisted for a moment before he let Aidan kiss him. A quiet moan elicited from Aidan's maw as he shut his eyes and felt his face flush with heated desire. He never imagined kissing would feel this good--even though it was a little sloppy. It felt so strange and wet. He could taste Des' saliva and feel his slick, slimy tongue against his own as they rubbed together. But despite all of the strange feelings, it felt amazingly warm and comforting.

With a few tender caresses to the cheek, he encouraged Des more and more. He sucked in deep breaths and exhaled quickly, his chest swelling with a mixture of powerful emotions. Their bodies rolled and molded together the more Des relaxed; Aidan could feel him losing his inhibitions. It was a much more sensual type of wrestling where they didn't fight for submission, but to stir lustful emotions. He liked it.

With the firm press of his hips, Aidan roused a moan from the purple's lips. Then he felt something warm and slick starting to slide between his legs around his groin. He broke away from the kiss before looking beneath his belly to see a sliver of pink flesh poking its head out of Des' slit.

"See?" Aidan said, "You feel it too."

Des nodded. He parted his maw and took in deep, steady breaths, his chest rising and falling rapidly. "B-but what if we get caught. What if people find out? What if our parents find out!"

Aidan stole another kiss from him and huffed. "We won't get caught. We're in the middle of the wilderness! It's just us," he cooed and ran a claw down Desmond's broad chest. The purple and blue dragonet had a bulkier body than what Aidan did. And instead of the white-plated underbelly he had, Des' was completely smooth from his neck to the base of his tail.

"Lots of dragons fly around here!" he returned. "I-I don't know..."

Aidan sighed. "What does your heart say?"

Des' eyes met Aidan's once more. "It uhm... it wants to..."

"Then does it matter what anyone else thinks or says?"

"A little bit," he argued.

Aidan kissed and licked at Desmond's neck while rolling his hips into the purple's again. He felt his own arousal moving through him as his flesh parted his slit and fluids dripped out of it. It all felt so naughty, and he couldn't believe he was instigating it, but it did feel really, really good. He had never let anyone see his member before, but he wasn't embarrassed about it like Des was.

"A-aaah... O-okay, fine!" Des finally gave in. "I just always imagined that my first time would be with... you know, a female!"

Aidan giggled and started to grind their members together as they grew, drawing more moans and grunts between them. The pleasured look at Des' face was more than enough to encourage him. "Me too, but I thought maybe that we could use a little practice, right? It won't hurt anything, and I'm sure it'll feel really good!"

"I s-suppose you're right," Des said, his eyes staring between their legs. "No one ever said it was wrong." He watched their cocks rub and grind firmly together, two fleshy, slick spires. Des' flesh was entirely smooth from his tapering tip to the thicker base of his length. Aidan's had a tapered head too, but his shaft was lined with ridges along the bottom of it. Those ridges rubbed against Des' slick, slimy flesh and made him tremble.

"How do we even mate together?" Des asked curiously.

Aidan huffed and stopped grinding for a moment, letting himself catch his breath. "I'm not sure... Have you ever used your paw?"

"What do you mean?"

Aidan grinned and sat back as he reached a paw between his friend's purple thighs. He took his cock into his grasp and gave it a gentle but firm squeeze before he started sliding his paw up and down it. His smooth flesh felt warm and slick, and pre beaded at the tip of it. "Like this!"

Desmond gasped and clenched his blue hind paws before stretching his toes and pedaling his legs. A pleasured snarl curled his lips as he growled and lightly bucked his hips. "Graaahh... I never... I didn't think that would feel so g-good."

Aidan chuckled and idly rubbed his friend's length, watching him squirm and elicit his pleasure. Des' flesh would occasionally pulse and spill a strand of pre. He looked down at his own twitching, pink dagger and felt a deep blush heating his cheeks.

"Can you do that to me too?" he asked and pulled his paw away.

Des nodded and sat up on his haunches with his spire poking out from between his legs. He didn't try to cover it up, which made Aidan very pleased. They scooted close to another and leaned toward each other so that they could hear their panting and feel their breaths on their scales. Aidan reached down and took Des' cock back into his paw while Des did the same.

Aidan moaned softly into Des' shoulder as he felt the dragonet's paw grab his length and begin to massage it. "Oooh... that's perfect, Des. Keep doing that..." That paw squeezed his ridges and rubbed them just right, rousing a moan from Aidan.

To have someone else pawing him off felt amazingly blissful. Aidan had pleasured himself on multiple occasions using his paw, but none of them had ever felt as tender and naughty as this did. He instinctively bucked his hips, pushing his cock into Des' paw so it slid through his grasp. With a shudder, he took a deep breath and focused on pleasuring his friend.

"A-aaaah, Aidan... what... what is this feeling... Ooh! Ooooh... it's building." Des shut his eyes tightly and leaned against Aidan while eagerly thrusting his hips into Aidan's squeezing paw.

Aidan smirked and cooed encouragingly to his friend, making sure to continue vigorously rubbing his flesh while he bucked. He remembered his first release and how sensitive he truly was. It didn't take more than thirty seconds for him to explode, and Des had already managed to last a minute!

"Almost there, Des," he said. "Just relax and let it flow..."

"A-Aidan! Spirits... what is... ooooh!" Des' cock started rapidly throbbing in Aidan's paw before thick strands of creamy-white seed spilled out of it, coating his paw and drizzling over the ground. The purple dragonet's eyes were sewn shut as his face contorted with pleasure. Aidan gave him affectionate licks and gingerly stroked his twitching, spasming length up and down. It wasn't long before Desmond's first orgasm ended, leaving him completely absorbed in a cloud of ecstasy as he panted and groaned--all the while still half-mindedly stroking Aidan off.

Aidan chirred and pulled his paw away, feeling the sticky strands of Des' slimy seed sticking to it. He looked at it briefly before moaning encouragingly to Des.

"That was fast," he commented and nuzzled under Des' chin. He could smell Des' freshly spilled seed as his musky scent filled his nostrils. It was intoxicating and it made Aidan want to bury his cock into something warm and moist. "Why don't you use your mouth for me?"

Des nuzzled into Aidan's snout and looked into his golden spheres. He smiled and nodded before lowering his muzzle down between the dragon dragonet's legs. Aidan's white-plated underbelly split between his haunches, and his ridged, pink rod of flesh protruded from his slit, twitching needily.

Aidan watched intently, looking down, and placed a paw on Des' head. Des gave a few, curious licks, eliciting a moan from Aidan. That tongue felt so hot, rough, and amazing as it flicked across his sensitive flesh. It bathed his cock in wonderfully delightful, blissful strokes, causing pre to ooze out of his tip.

"Aaaaah... that's it, Des... More!" He felt Des exhale over his slick, hot flesh and shuddered. His tongue curled around Aidan's length as his lips kissed the bulbous tip of it. Aidan felt his cheeks flush deeply as his head swirled with pleasure. He could have never imagined how good this would have felt. It was almost too much already, and he was nearly ready to release, but he grit his teeth and encouraged Des with another moan.

"O-ooh! Yesss... Into your mouth... please!"

"This feels so strange," Des commented before obeying Aidan and pursed his lips around his flesh as it slid into his hot, moist, slick maw. Aidan gasped curled forward as he took hold of Des' ivory horns. It took all of his restraint to not thrust his hips and let Des' maw engulf his cock.

Des' tongue slathered over Aidan's fleshy length, constantly bringing bouts of unbridled pleasure. He took over half of his cock into his maw and began suckling on it. The pressure, the hot, steamy environment, the ragged breaths... it was all quickly becoming too much.

It brought Aidan teetering over the edge. He shut his eyes tight and bent over Des purple body and latched onto his flanks. "It's... I'm going to... Grwwaaaarrrrr!"

Aidan felt all of that build-up reach its limit, forming a tight ball in his loins before it all suddenly released and flowed throughout his body. It made his scales tingle and delight while his muscles tightened all at once. The blissful pleasure was indescribable, and every throb sent his mind reeling with ecstasy.

Des wasn't prepared for the gushing torrents of hot, slimy seed that filled his maw. He gagged and quickly pulled Aidan's cock out of his mouth as his cock throbbed and spilled his seed. It lanced across Des' face as it pulsed rapidly until his seed trickled out of his tip.

Aidan panted as his muscles relaxed and let a warm wave of delight flow through him. His eyes felt heavy and his body even heavier. Des pulled away and pushed Aidan off of him, putting the red dragonet on his side. Aidan shivered and sprawled out shamelessly on his back with his softening pink dagger unsheathed.

"Yuck!" Des spat. "You couldn't warn me sooner!?"

Aidan giggled and flashed a cocky smile at Des who had strings of his semen coating his face. "Sorry, I couldn't control it... You did such a wonderful job!"

Des wiped his muzzle clean of Aidan's seed and grumbled. "It didn't taste very good," he added. "It was all slimy and gross."

"I'll have to find out for myself next time," Aidan cooed.

"N-next time?"

He nodded. "Don't you want to do this again? I know I certainly enjoyed it!" Aidan wiggled on his back sighed contentedly. His flesh had retreated to his slit, but it left a small pool of liquids around his slit and a string of semen at his belly.

Des looked at Aidan thoughtfully and nodded. "I'd love to... But we should find someplace more private."

"What's not private about this?" Aidan asked. The alcove blocked the sky from view, and the evergreen forest was too dense to see through.

Des shrugged his wings and pounced on Aidan, pinning him on the ground. "It's too open for me, and I'd also like a bed or something soft to lie on for next time."

Aidan groaned and hugged around the purple, not wanting to fight back but bask in the afterglow. It seemed Des wanted to do the same and lay with him, belly to belly. They hugged around each other and purred.

"That would be nice," Aidan said. "My back does feel a little sore right now."

"And we could take as long as we want," he continued. "I'm sure we can experiment to find other things to do with each other."

Aidan rumbled deeply and licked Des' snout. "Mwrr, someone is putting a lot of thought into this already."

"Well... I really enjoyed it too," he said, blushing. "I would like to keep trying this... with you."

Aidan smiled happily and brought Des in for another kiss, locking maws with him while his paws traveled across his flanks. He pulled away and looked into his soft, crimson eyes.

"I would love to."