Part Sixteen

Story by Rick Coona on SoFurry

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#16 of Melinda Montserrat

a Rather hot morning passion session strats off the day of deliveries

posting this a day early, Enjoy


Part Sixteen

I awoke surrounded by furry love. Looking at my clock it was five A.M on the dot. 'Yup, Farmer's hours', I thought as I ran my hands up and down my companions backs as they were cuddled against my sides gently waking them from their slumbers.

"Rise and shine, my lovelies, it's time to greet the new day. For we have a delivery to make and a very special lunch date to attend." I said to my morphs.

"Mmm, morning my wonderful master Kev." My purple eyed love purred as she stretched, the look of radiant joy on her face warmed my heart.

"Good morning Sir. Thank you for last night..." My Mousey murred.

"You are quite welcome my dear, you were glorious in your release..." I smiled caressing a lovely Mousey boob.

"This shy little Squeaker can be quite passionate when she allows herself to be completely immersed in the experience." Sherry commented with a smirk reaching out to fondle the unoccupied Breast.

"Ohhh, I love you both soo much... This is like an unbelievable dream, for I never thought I would ever know this level of happiness." Mel murred arching her back pressing her breasts into her lovers hands as we kneeded and tugged her delightfully stiff nipples.

'ahh...haaa...haa, oh that gets me soo wet..." Mel squeaked softly rocking her hips.

"May I, Please?" My Skunkette asked me, her eyes aglow with her own arousal. I nodded.

"Be my guest my dear." I grinned as the lavender Skunkette maneuvered herself into position.

"Ah! Oh, Yes! Sherry do it, oh you know just how to push my pleasure." Mel moaned arching her back as her lover of five years slipped her hips into position, lightly nestling their crotch fur together. Knowing just how this dancer can move, I thought this was going to be intensely erotic, just watching this got me incredibly hard. Morning wood had nothing on this level of arousal. As the rhythmic squishing sounds of girl-on-girl loving began to fill the room. Standing by the side of the bed as my morphs engaged in an early morning scissoring session. Grinding and sliding against each other, the sights and sounds were intoxicating, having never seen this outside of an occasional porn holovid, I can attest that the real thing was ten times hotter. The only thing missing was the throbbing beat of the soundtrack.

"Daymn girls this is incredibly hot." I growled riveted to the scene before me. Sherry locked her glowing eyes upon me seeing the rampant condition I was in she said one word.

"Gimme!" she demanded reaching for me as I stood next to the bed. Reaching for me with one hand and bracing herself against the mattress with the other as she ground and twerked her hips into Mel's crotch, she hungrily devoured me. Swallowing and suckling me as her own arousal spiraled to the stratosphere. Plugged into that orgiastic sexual feedback loop was electrifying! The sights sounds and aromas of hot squishy sexing set my brain on fire. Being plugged into that connection justs sent me into overdrive.

"Holy hell Cher!" I growled and began bucking into the Skunkette's maw with abandon. As my thrusts were transmitted to my sweet Mousey as their crotches hammered together. Soon Mel was Screaming out her passionate release, this set off My Skunkette who redoubled her efforts that were rewarded with my own release added to the joy and primal passion of the early morning three way.

"A tankless water heater is not a luxury, but a necessity" I said escorting my furry lovers into the shower . "Bree found that endless Hot water helped her not only warm up on cold winter mornings but helped to get all the soap out of her fur."

"...And that fur dryer saves on the number of towels I am accustomed to using to get the water out of my fur." Sherry murred, stepping out of the fur dryer looking quite airy.

"And it makes you quite fluffy.." I grinned at the lavender cloud.

"...And it makes me quite fluffy." she giggled. "I have never been called fluffy before." she grinned happily running the body brush through her pelt.

Mel hugged us both murring quite contentedly "Thank you Both for loving me more completely than I ever dreamed possible." We hugged her in return.

"Thank You, sweety, if it wasn't for you, I would probably be in a Very bad place right now." Sherry murred turning and raising the mouses chin planting a very loving kiss on my Mousey's muzzle. She melted into that kiss, and It made me feel very good.

"Well Cher, today is moving day for you. Once we fill the Co-op order, I want you both to think what Mrs. Fisher would appreciate in her thank you box of Craggin Moore farms produce. We can use one of the CSA boxes. For if it wasn't for her, you two probably would not have met, or ended up here." I said.

"She once said the house chooses who lives under it's roof, and I know when I first arrived Mel just took me under her wing, it did not matter to her what I was doing and we just really clicked as friends... and later when we decided to take that friendship to the next level, she was soo supportive and loving. I suspect Mrs Fisher knew Exactly what we were doing under her roof, but she never said a word but would always smile when she saw us together." Sherry said as we made our way to the kitchen for an early morning breakfast before filling orders.

"On Friday I plan on taking you both out to the farmer's market. I want you both to see for yourself what it's like, meet some of the other farmers in the network, and get a feel for the kinds of customers you are going to meet when we return to the market. You two will be helping me sell, you can both come along or take turns, I am sure we can work that out when the time arrives, but with you both here we can take this project to the next level and I am very grateful to you both for the opportunity to expand." I said pouring my companions their first cup of rocket fuel.

The morning was clear and bright, just cool enough to get the blood pumping . The harvesting went like clockwork, and once the co-op order was packed away, I handed the girls a CSA Box and they spent the next half hour going through the farmstead filling it with gratitude. I found their choices were thoughtful and whimsical as well. A few bok choy, some kale, tomatoes , as well as some salad mix, a bunch of radishes, a couple of cucumbers and fingerling carrots. And some of the Italian broad beans from my kitchen garden as well as a chef's selection of culinary herbs I added as my own gift to this wonderful feline rooming house owner.

After loading the skimmer and a quick snack to hold us over tel lunch, we got ourselves 'presentable', and headed into the city. Mel was decked out in a cream blouse and blue flower print skirt and Sherry had chosen a lovely breezy sunny yellow mid length sun-dress. She sat next to me in the passenger seat and Mel occupied the flip down jump seat behind us on either side of the in cabin cargo storage. It was a lovely day for flying, we were all in high spirits for a day that promised endless opportunity.

Touching down in the delivery bay of the City Center Co-op at precisely ten in the morning I powered down the skimmer just as a burly man in a green apron approached.

"Right on time Kev, and... Whoa, who are these two lovelies?" the solidly built man grinned at seeing my new morphs stepping out of the skimmer as he shook my hand with accustomed gusto.

"Josh, these are my new companions. Girls, May I introduce you to the produce manager of the City center Co-op, Josh Gorden. Josh, these are my new companions: The sweet Mousey is Mel Montserrat, and the lovely purple Skunkette is Cheryl Conner. " I said beaming at my girls.

"Oh my God..._Exotica?_Is that you?" He asked, his eyes going wide in surprise as Cher Grinned at being recognized and struck a pose that would stop traffic.

"In the fur, Good Sir! it is a pleasure to meet one of my fans." She mused taking his outstretched hand in both of hers.

"Whoa. Amazing... And Mel, it's a delight to meet you as well. How the heck did you end up with Exotica? You lucky dog you!" Josh chuckled as Cher preened under his attentions. Mel beamed at the welcome they had received.

"Long story, but I took on Mel here as an assistant. and about a week later, when we were picking up her stuff, I met Cher who lived across the way from her and turned out to be her best friend, I found out that she worked at Purr-Dition, and agreed to meet her after work that night so the girls could spend some time together. She had a really nasty incident happen at work, sort of the straw that broke the camel's back kinda thing, she fell in love with the farm, and one thing lead to another and she ended up contracting with me." I grinned.

"Whoa, congrats dude, but I will say I am going to miss watching you perform, you were amazing Miss Conner." Josh said beaming at the Skunkette.

"Well thank you, Mr. Gordon. I honestly enjoyed Dancing there. I am thinking of going into VR, maybe dancing at one of those cyber clubs? We are looking into it. As one of my fans, what do You think of that idea?" She asked genuinely interested in his feedback.

"Wow, heck yeah! I've seen those before... They can be totally unreal, but knowing someone who is dancing there really kicks up the attraction for me. That way I know the person in front of me is a real person out in the world rather than some computer generated hologram. I am glad you found something rewarding to go into. I know where a lot of dancers end up, and I am glad you didn't end up there." He smiled sympathetically.

"Thank you good Sir." Sherry said glad one of her fans understood her plight.

"Let me know where you end up, and I will post the relevant details to your Fan site." Josh grinned.

"I've got a fan site?" Sherry asked blinking in surprise.

"Oh you sure do! I moderate it. It gives your fans a chance to swap stories about your awesome performances and how much you performances lift people's spirits."

"I never knew I had a fan site. Here, since you are the moderator, I'll give you my email and we can stay in touch. Thank you Josh I'll check it out when I get back to the farm." The purple skunk said handing him her contact info and taking him in a full body hug, expressing her gratitude.

"Whoa, thank you miss Exotica, uh Cheryl, I'll let them know what you are up to, I know everyone will really support you. It's not all guys, ya know. You have a lot of gals who really enjoy your performances as well. You are a real inspiration." he nodded placing his hand on her shoulder.

"Wow... I _never_knew...Thank you Josh." The Skunkette said lost in thought a moment while Josh turned to go over the delivery.

Opening the case of tomatoes his face lit up at the plump ruby gems contained within.

"So these are the tomatoes you were going on about..." He paused plucking one of the one pound fruits from the box. "Daymn, this is a real heavy solid tomato. He mused before slicing into it with his produce knife.

"Wow, I see what you mean, these are really solid and..." he paused tasting a sample. "Sweet mother of mercy! Are you kidding me here, the flavor is so unlike anything we have had in... Yeah, I got just the place for these star attractions. I know they won't last the week, but I wonder if the staff will actually let the customers have any once they taste these. We may need to order four cases next week.! He chuckled as we unloaded the produce order.

Lifting off and heading over to the rooming house the girls were quite animatedly discussing the visit to the co-op and meeting the friendly staff.

As we arrived at the Fisher rooming house, there were a few older model Personal Transportation Vehicles scattered along the street, none stood out in the older part of the city. Being distracted I failed to notice the late model PTV that was watching the rooming house. At Seeing the purple Skunkette exiting the skimmer, the driver keyed his com unit and exchanged a few hasty words. I removed the CSA box as the girls chatted animatedly. Inside the PTV, the shadowy figure reached into the glove box and removed a rather odd looking pistol. before he took careful aim as we ascended the stairs...

Squeezing the trigger the weapon bucked almost silently as the projectile left the barrel headed for it's intended target. It impacted with a slight metallic 'clack' as it struck the skimmer just below the license plate. A few moments later the driver pulled away heading off into the city.

"Hello, Mrs Fisher?" Sherry called out and the elderly Grey cat appeared from the kitchen wearing a gingham dress and her signature fish apron.

"Oh welcome back Cheryl, I trust all is well?" she asked at seeing all three of us, then noticed the CSA box. Grinning at me she inquired "Oh My, what do you have there Mr. Morgan?"

"A gift from the farm, Ma'am." I grinned as she ushered us into the kitchen as I placed the box on the table. "In appreciation for all you have done for my girls here." I beamed as she opened the package and gasped.

"Oh my lord...why thank you! Never have I seen better farm fresh produce, it looks better than I harvest from my own garden!" she exclaimed happily unloading the box onto the table.

"Mel has told me about your victory garden ma'am, and if you'd like, I'd be glad to provide you a few tips on gardening," I offered. The feline beamed at me, taking me by the hand and escorting me out to the back yard.

"Why thank you good sir, I have always grown a garden ever since I was young, it helps keep the family fed, you see..." She paused as we looked over the sizable plot.

"You have a very lovely garden here ma'am, but I would suggest you might consider putting in raised beds, they can be easier to harvest and work, you can easily add a hoop house over the top to extend the growing season and they are easier to move between. Much less bending down, And much less weeding." I winked as the surprised feline grinned at the suggestion.

"You know, I think that would be a wonderful idea." She mused nodding thoughtfully

"Well then, if you like, after you put your garden to bed for the season, I can come over and help you install the planter boxes if you would be interested? Given the space you could easily fit between eight and twelve in this space if you think that would work for you." I offered.

"Oh my, I think that would be a marvelous idea, thank you Mr. Morgan. But, if you don't mind me asking... but..." she paused, I nodded with a smile.

"But, Why would I offer to help you out?" I asked, she nodded silently.

"Well, for one I believe more folks should be growing their own food, your kindness in providing your stone soup to your tenants here speaks of a kind heart. You have both humans and morphs living here, and from what Mel told me, it is a very harmonious home and in this day and age I feel that kindness should be rewarded. I wasn't always a farmer, but found it a very rewarding occupation. And through whatever twist of fate I have just acquired not one, but two loving morphs. They are a very welcome addition to my home, and have filled a painful void when my first companion was... murdered, two years ago, we were together for five years. So now I wish to help those who help others and you, Mrs Fisher are most deserving of my help, if you wish to accept it." I asked. She placed a paw on my shoulder giving me a very compassionate look.

"Gladly good sir, and I am sorry for your loss. Not many humans seem to form the loving bond you appear to have with your morphs. It does my heart good to know my girls have found a loving home... they were lovers, you know, not just good friends." she said softly with a wink.

"Oh yes, I could tell from the moment I met Cher in the laundry room, the last time I was here. and quite frankly that's fine with me, ma'am. For love is love and it is all good. I can't begin to tell you what it means to have them in my life. I am just very grateful to you for taking such good care of them." The old feline drew me into a very motherly hug, and I accepted it gratefully.

"I know you will take very good care of them, and I am very glad, for there was a rather unsavory fellow who came looking For Cheryl the other day. He instructed me, and I quote, ' to give That sexy Skunkette this note.' his smile was oily enough to float on water, he really made my skin crawl. I'm glad you are taking her away from the likes of him." Mrs fisher hissed.

Oh, can you describe him ma'am" I asked.

"Well, he was a rather heavy set man in an ill fitting suit, He reminded me of a cross between a used transport salesman and an ambulance chasing lawyer... He wore an aire of smug superiority and cheap cologne, and gave me the impression he didn't take no for an answer. As he was leaving he mentioned something about wanting to discuss a 'beneficial opportunity for exclusive access' saying that since her contract with the club had expired he couldn't just purchase her from them. So they gave him her address to make his offer, personally. I wanted to smack him right between the eyes with my rolling pin!" She huffed, crossing her arms in disgust.

"Thank you ma'am. He sounds like the idiot Cher had a run in with the other night. He was profoundly disrespectful to her and I believe it was, for her... the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. She was angry, frightened and extremely worried about her future. That was when Mel and I offered her the choice to join us on the farm. She thought about it and gladly accepted our offer and the next morning I offered her a companion cuff to make it official. Truth be told, Now I am extremely glad I did. It puts her out of his reach. I am also very glad she had completed her three year employment contract with the club or they could have easily have 'sold' her to him. And that would have ended very badly for the poor gal." I said looking into the green eyes of the feline. She nodded sadly, then perked.

"Well than, it's just as well that she ended up with you."

"Thank you ma'am, we are going to be expanding and running a stall at the Friday farmers market again. It has been a while for me, after I lost Bree my heart just wasn't in it as I had met her there."

Coming back into the rooming house the girls were just placing the last of Cheryl's possessions in the skimmer.

"So, have everything loaded and stowed?" I asked my girls who nodded happily,

"Here is my Key Mrs Fisher, Thank you for Everything you have done for me. I never had a mother, but I like to think of you as the mom I never had." the Skunkette sniffed hugging the matronly Cat.

"Thank you my dear one, who knows, you may have that opportunity sometime in your life, I am glad I provided you with a good example and never forget I am just a com call away if you ever need to talk."

"Thank you ma'am." Cheryl nodded.

"Anytime my lavender love. I am going to miss your bright soul in the house. But you seem to have found a good life. Oh and speaking of life, someone was looking for you and he left you a note..." She said her ears pinned back. "Hold on a moment and I will get it for you. Personally I feel you can just ignore it, but I did say I would pass it on to you." she said vanishing into the office a few moments and handing the purple envelope to the Skunkette.

Looking at it questioningly she saw it was addressed to "Exotica."

"the fellow who dropped it off was a heavy set human in an ill fitting suit, his smile was oily enough to float on water, he really made my skin crawl. He wore an aire of smug superiority and cheap cologne, and gave me the impression he didn't take no for an answer. So I said I would give it to you when you returned."

Sherry started to look horrified. "Oh God, it sounds like that abusive asshole from the club Saturday night, did...did he say what he wanted?" She asked with trepidation.

"He mentioned something about wanting to discuss a 'beneficial opportunity for exclusive access' saying that since your contract with the club had expired, he couldn't just purchase you from them. So he came here to make his offer, personally. I wanted to smack him right between the eyes with my rolling pin!" but now that you are cuffed by Mr. Morgan here I don't think you have to worry about the likes of him dear. So I'd just tear that thing up and go on with your life." Mrs. Fisher advised.

"No... I'd better open it, " she said halfheartedly. The note gave in graphic detail Mr. Champagne room's offer... Mel hugged her tight Sherry handed it over to me her visage steely.

"Sir, I believe this concerns you, it seems "Mr. Champagne room" wishes to...'Acquire' Me. Now, since I am your cuffed companion, I would think my _Master,_would have a say in the matter." she snarled.

Reading over the very descriptive proposal I could see why it was upsetting my companion. Realizing he would have to be dealt with one way or the other.

End Part Sixteen

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Part Thirteen

**Part Thirteen** It was the end of Sherry's second day working on the farm. She was really getting into the swing of things and seemed to be really enjoying her new status as my Companion and farmhand. That evening after dinner we were just talking...

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Part Five

**Part Five** After breakfast Mel followed me into my office andsat very attentively as I went through my morning routine. I kept a running commentary as a way of explaining the minutia of my operations pausing every now and again to answer...

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Suki's Connections Chapter 11

**Chapter 11** a few weeks later Suki was puttering around the Erickson home in a house robe she wondered into the sun room seeing young Marcus sitting on the couch reading a book. Remembering Sally's suggestion she readjusted the strap loosening the...

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