Part 4: Alex Teaches No-Name and Saereth's Breakfast

Story by Saereth on SoFurry

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#5 of Saereth's Adventures

Holy crap! So I was cleaning today right? I discovered where i had saved all of the versions of my stories, much further than anything I have ever posted online. Granted, these are a few years old, but still, new to you! hah! Yay for that! Saves me from having to write just yet. Takes a certain way of thinking to work more on these stories.

Anyways, here we find two more small sections involving Saereth and her ongoing relationship with Alex, as his slave. These stories are very much dominance/submissive oriented...if you've ever felt that submissive urge, you know how good it can feel to give in and let someone else be the master. It's been awhile for me, but I do remember that sometimes, letting someone have that power over you, even if they abuse you and make you feel lower than still feels good. Enough about a long long ago past though, enjoy these bits of story.


When they got home, Alex stroked her tussled hair and fastened her leash in a corner of the room where cushions and pillows lay. Saereth fell on top of them with a loud sigh, weariness and sore muscles making her yearn for a rest. Alex stood over her for a few moments, watching her, eyes intent and glowing, before he spoke.

"Sleep, Saereth, lovely lady. Go ahead and sleep. You did well tonight. We'll work on training you more tommorrow. Who's your master, little bith? Who owns you?"

Saereth looked up at him, her eyes bleared with tiredness and unshed tears. She whispered softly, her hands kneading in the cushions beneath her.

"You are, Alex. You're my master. I lserve you."

She ducked her head down in submission then, relaxing into the cushions as Alex moved away from her. She watched with slitted eyes as he moved across the room, stopping for a moment to stroke Tresh's muzzle and kiss her, roughly fonding a breast, then moved away from her to approach the dragoness with no name.

No-Name hissed at him as he approached her, once again tensing and straining against her bonds. Saereth could see the dried blood caked around her nether regions, flaking off with each motion of the struggling dragoness. As she watched, Alex turned the dials on his machine, which shrunk the two penetrating mechanisms until they slipped out of the bound dragoness and retreated back into the machine, leaving the dragoness to slump on the machine, freed of the metal dildoes. Alex stood there for some minutes, watching the dragoness struggle, hissing and growling around her muzzle, her claws scratching against the floor.

Then he released her. With one push of a switch, all of her bindings fell from her, leaving her to fall to the ground, her limbs unbound, only a muzzle still in her mouth. When she realized her freedom, she didn't go for Alex. That was still ingrained in her, to not attack the master. Instead, she ran. Blood dripping from her, she tried to run away, only to fall to the ground in an exhausted heap.

She tried to crawl then, each motion obviously an agonizing one, blood oozing down her body, streaking on the floor as she crawled. Alex didn't wait long before pursuing her, letting her crawl around the room, always twitching away from him everytime he got near her. When she finally sprawled to the ground, completely spent of all of her energy, Alex gently picked her up and cradled her to him. She was too weak to even try to claw him. She simply laid there.

Alex laid her out on the floor, then fetched a bucket of water and a rag. Saereth continued to watch this with some interest, as Alex began washing the dragoness, cleaning the blood from her, massaging her body, softly whispering and clucking at her as he cleaned her. She couldn't hear what he was saying, but she could see him whispering something to No-Name. When he had finished washing her, Alex kneeled even closer to her, then licked her tearstreaked face gently.

Saereth watched this display of tenderness with some confusion. Why would he show such gentleness to a dragoness he was punishing? She continued to watch this strange tableau unfold as Alex gently spread the dragoness's legs and settled himself between them, slowly pressing his cock into the semi-conscious dragoness beneath him. She didn't struggle, instead, a soft sigh was heard. She wasn't fighting his advances...she even seemed to be accepting him.

Alex went slow and gentle with the exhausted dragoness, and she in turn seemed to have given up fighting. Soft moans escaped her as he pressed into her slowly, stopping each time she yelped with pain. With each small thrust, she seemed to allow him to touch her a little more, a little more tension seemed to leave her body. Her claws gradually retracted back into her hands and feet, and Saereth could see the little dragoness starting to press her hips up just a little to meet the thrusts of the virile male.

Saereth stroked the soft lips of her sex then, her fingers reaching to touch herself as she watched the scene before her. As Alex mated the little dragoness, he lifted his head to stare at Saereth, a small smile on his lips before he once more turned his attention to the dragoness that lay so submissive beneath him.

The nameless dragoness continued to encourage him, her hands reaching to grip his arms, her legs curling around his hips as he thrust deep into her, slow steady penetrations that pressed the beginnings of his knot against her. Alex was careful not to hurt her this time, each move calculated to give her the utmost pleasure.

When she climaxed, it came as a surprise to everyone, including the dragoness. She screeched once, her entire body shuddering, and Alex's knot was gulped into her sex with one spasm of seed spurting into her. She laid there, shivering with pleasure as Alex tensed, his cock draining itself into her body until her belly became swollen with it. Alex and the dragoness laid there for some time, even after his knot shrunk back. He just continued to stroke her, keeping her calm and submissive. He gently put restraints back on her, a pair of handcuffs which fastened her to a chain on the wall, and a pair of cuffs on her ankles, to keep her legs spread apart. When he finally withdrew from her, he hastily put a plug into her, to keep her body from draining the seed.

He stood there for a moment, staring down at her. The nameless dragoness ducked her head in submission, and Alex smiled.

"Perhaps there is hope for you afterall, lovely. We shall see...tommorrow. For now, all of you need sleep. I'll be right here, when you wake up."


When Saereth woke, it was to find Alex standing in front of her, his morning wood barely inches from her face. He caressed her face gently before he pressed against her hair, pushing her face closer to his cock.

"Suck it for me, little whore. Pleasure me."

Saereth looked up at him, eyes bleared with sleep, then obediently opened her lips and licked the head of his cock without hesitation. She blinked several times in quick succession, clearing her mind, waking up fully so that she could please him. She felt a small glow of pride that her first thought had been one of acceptance, not refusal. She knew this would please him, and by pleasing him, she pleased herself.

As she licked and suckled his hard shaft, her mind wandered, thinking about all that had happened in such a short time. Saereth could feel it in her sore muscles, her loose sex, the stretched muscles of her body, that lazy tension and slight pleasure humming within her. Submission felt good. Spreading her legs to males felt good. Very good. She liked this...this subjugation. She could even feel the slightest glow of an infatuation with her master. She didn't even think of him as a rapist or molester or even as a cruel dragon. In her mind, this was her master, she was the servant. She was the submissive dragoness, and even as she thought these thoughts, she could feel the pleasure pulse through her, each thought of submission, each thought of how she was kneeling here, sucking on a hot juicy cock, utterly helpless and willing to do whatever she was asked to do.

Alex seemed to sense her thoughts as his hands stroked her hair and face, gently caressing her as she swallowed his cock, little by little letting it slide down her throat, her throat convulscing around the thickness. Slowly, his hips began pushing against her face, his cock sliding in and out, his pace slow and even as he fucked her face, slow and easy, his hands roaming down to stroke her body, playing with her nipples just a little before he abruptly pulled himself from her mouth.

Saereth stared up at Alex as he stood over her, his presense dominating, his cock throbbing with need. She licked her lips, tasting the pre-cum that had dripped down her face, and she reached towards him, inviting him to return. She wanted him to let her touch his cock, to worship it with tongue and mouth. She looked at him with mute appeal, not wishing to speak unless spoken to.

Alex looked down at her for a long moment, then spoke.

"Lay down on your back with your legs spread. Close your eyes, Saereth, and open your mouth."

Saereth obeyed him swiftly, opening her legs as wide as she could, her arms spread as well, her neck arched in complete submission to him. She felt the heat of his body as he knelt over her face, and as his cock once more pressed itself between her lips, she felt something long, wet, and slithery crawl across the moist lips of her sex. As she once more began to suck on his cock, she felt that slithery thing start to move between her legs, pushing apart the lips of her sex, probing inside her with seemingly adventurous intent. She realized as his cock jerked and spasmed a little amount of seed down her throat, that this was his tongue pleasuring her, this long slithering thing was Alex teasing her.

Her hips jerked as his tongue crawled deeper into her sex, his teeth scraping her clit roughly as she felt his muzzle against the soft outside petals of her sex. The very tip of his tongue came to a point, and he wasted no time wiggling this within her, stroking and lavishing attention on all the deepest parts of her, making her alternately tense and relax with each wave of pleasure that washed over her.

As he contined to lick her, she continued to pleasure him, each thrust of his tongue inside of her accompanied by a gasp and a gulp. She thrust her hips eagerly against his mouth as he moved faster against hers, both dragons locked within the driving need to orgasm, to cum and taste each other's orgasms, to reach that final conclusion to this early-morning interlude.

Saereth could feel the beginnings of a knot forming at the base of his cock, even as his tongue hit the barrier to her womb within her and continued to probe against it, making exquisite waves of pain and pleasure flow through her. She sealed her lips beyond the bulge, locking it into her mouth, even as it pressed against her palate and her tongue. As she arched her hips to his tongue, she felt the pleasure building, the muscles within her body fluttering open as she drove herself upward. She kept swallowing, letting his rich seed fill her belly, each gulp so hard and hot she could feel the painful tension building in his cock.

Alex gripped her thighs tightly with his claws as he groaned, then bit her sex hard as his orgasm exploded through him, blasting his seed down her throat, a hot hard tension releasing and building, over and over as the waves of his pleasure ran through him. Saereth was not far behind, his bite drove her over the edge, even as his lips clamped onto her sex and drained her sexual juices from her, both dragons gulping down the gallons of cum released from their explosive orgasms.

Alex withdrew his head slowly from her, licking as he exited, his cock slowly emerging from the raw depths of Saereth's throat. He turned and stared down at her, his face slick with fluids even as hers was, then he leaned down and kissed her, a deep sensual kiss that mingled their fluids into a creamy blend of lust and love and beastial arousal. When they separated, he spoke softly.

"That is going to be expected of you each and every morning, Saereth, lovely one. Each morning, I'm going to wake you up like that. Consider this our...breakfast treat...if you want. Now stand, lovely one, and let us both shower and clean ourselves for the day. It's going to be a busy one."

I Was Never Gay Part 3

Wow...while cleaning out old disks, I found a part I had written to this. Rereading through this, I found that this was probably one of my most poignant and beautiful stories. I once again felt the stirring within me of the story...where it wants to...

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Journey of the Wind

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The Awakened Wake Within

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