The Tickle Succubus. Part 5.

Story by Shinnjacob on SoFurry

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We begin with Dig'Deg, the immature succubus herself, as she was now in her bedroom, looking frustrated as usual. ''Man, this fucking sucks! My dad won't let me have any fun with that sexy fox! And now I have to do some stupid bullshit chores! I like hate my like life so fucking much!'' she thought. The door opened, revealing to be Satan again, as he walked closer to her, looking at her with a serious and determined look. ''Dig'Deg, I have something important to tell you,'' Satan said. ''Oh, it is like, not going to Earth for a billion years?'' Dig'Deg said, frustrated at her dad. ''No, it's nothing like that. Today Mr. Shane, one of the famous demons that is popular in Hell, is going to take care of you, and you get to stay at his home while I go to Earth and collect some souls,'' Satan said, making Dig'Deg excitedly get up from the bed.

''OH REALLY!?!? Shane is like, SUPER SUPER SEXY!!! Thank you dad!'' Satan looked at her with a very serious and stern look. ''BUT!!! And this is a huge but, I'm expecting you to be on your BEST behavior, and if Shane calls me about your bad behavior, you WILL be grounded even more! You got that?'' Satan said. ''Uuugh, ok dad, I got it! I'll behave at Shane's home!'' Dig'Deg said. ''You better! Now come with me,'' Satan said. 2 minutes later, Satan closed the door as he flew off on the planet Earth, leaving Dig'Deg alone at a hellish house, with fancy-looking furniture, TV, and some staircases, as she looked at a really handsome gentlemen looking demon, wearing a fancy suit, and has a really good look, despite the red face.

''Hello, Ms. Dig'Deg. I am pleased to see you,'' Shane said. ''Glad to see you too, baby! You look like super extremely sexy today! How about we go to the movies, then we can go on a romantic date together, then we can go to bed and-'' She was interrupted when Shane said this with a stern and REALLY serious face, ''Oooooooh no! Don't you even DARE try it, young lady! And first of all, you call me Mr. Shane! And no, we are NOT going to the movies, and we are NOT going on a date and I have a lot of chores for you to do, and Lord Satan told me to watch you, not take you out for some fun!'' which made Dig'Deg shocked, disappointed and angry at the same time. ''YOU HAVE GOT TO LIKE KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW!!'' Dig'Deg said. ''I, Mr. Shane, NEVER kid! Now come with me Ms. Dig'Deg,'' Shane said.

Dig'Deg was now at a place, where there are bunch of broken equipments, tools, and even ropes, chains and pools of lava were all messed up, and now Dig'Deg was holding a shovel on her left hand as she looked more frustrated than ever. ''BUT SHAAAANE!!! I don't want to do this bullshit! It's too much work, and I want to have some fucking fun!'' she complained. ''NO!! Ms. Dig'Deg, Lord Satan said you cannot have any fun right now, you need to do some work and we already lost billions of souls because of you and I have to put up with your behavior because of it! And for the last time, you call me Mr. Shane, and we are NOT going on a date, now please get to work now!'' Shane said. ''NO!!! TAKE ME ON A FUCKING DATE YOU MOTHER-FUCKING GODFORSAKEN ASSHOLE!!'' Dig'Deg said. ''Hey! Watch your language, young lady, we do not use holy languages in this house, and we do not use the name of a white bearded guy in the sky! And I said, no, we're not going on a date or go to the movies, you are being waaay too lazy for your own good,'' Shane said.

At that point, Dig'Deg started to throw a tantrum and started throwing the shovel at random places, and that's when she started using her powers to destroy the equipments and tools everywhere while Shane looked at it shocked and angry. ''Ms. Dig'Deg, what are you doing? NOOOOOOOOO!!!!'' Shane yelled. ''THERE!!! THERE'S YOUR FUCKING CHORES!!! NOW GO AND SHOVE THIS SHOVEL UP YOUR FUCKING ASS!!! I RATHER DIE THAN DO THIS FUCKING SHIT!!!'' Dig'Deg said, before looking to see Shane's boiling face with his ears roaring with flames. ''YOU FUCKING PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT BITCH!!! I HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR BEHAVIOR!!! I'M GOING TO CALL LORD SATAN TO PICK YOUR DISRESPECTFUL ASS UP!!! YOU'RE THE WORST FUCKING SUCCUBUS WE EVER HAD!!!'' Shane said.

5 minutes later... ''Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh! Great! Now not even Shane likes me! And I'm grounded even more, and with an even LONGER YEAR!!! OOOOOOOH!!! I fucking hate everyone but me and my friend so much! I wish I would NEVER come to this place ever again!'' Dig'Deg said as she complained at her bedroom. The door opened again, as Satan looked at his daughter with a very angry and stern face. ''Dig'Deg, I got someone on Earth that I need you to torture. This is part of your punishment,'' Satan said. ''Oh really? And who is it? Is it someone handsome?'' Dig'Deg said. ''Nope! It's a dragon from a Pokemon world. He should be very easy to torture, so you better come up with something to scare the shit out of him,'' Satan said. ''OK!! I won't let you down dad!'' Dig'Deg said happy. ''But here is one warning I can give you: If you used even ONE BIT of something even remotely tickling related, I will come to your bedroom and take away ALL of your equipments, and give you MORE chores to work with! Do you understand?'' Satan said.

''*Sigh*... yes dad...'' Dig'Deg said. ''I don't quite hear you, is it really a yes or a no?'' Satan said. ''Yes dad, I understand,'' Dig'Deg said. ''Good!'' Satan then summoned a orange male dragon at her bedroom, who looked to be sleeping. Dig'Deg looked at that dragon hornily. ''OOOOH MY!!! I LOVE THAT DRAGON!! I THINK I SHOULD TI- Oh, um... *clear throat* I mean, omg! I think he should be a PERFECT victim to torture!'' Dig'Deg said which made Satan a bit suspicious. ''I really hope you keep your promises, anyway I'm heading off to work, oh, and make sure that dragon screams in pain just so I won't have to deal with any silence in this place!'' Satan said as he was about to leave.

''Yes dad!'' Dig'Deg said as he left the room and closed the door, leaving Dig'Deg alone with her giving an evil grin at the sleeping dragon. ''I'm so glad I get to play with Charizard! I heard about him in a Pokemon games and he looks really sexy! Especially that ass! Oh, yes that ass!'' she said, as she stared at Charizard's big fat ass. But then, she thought to herself for an idea. ''Wait a second, my dad told me that I can't do anything tickling related! Hmmmm.... HAH!! Fuck him! He won't let ME have any fun, so why should I follow his promises? I'm going to use a gag that makes it look like he's screaming in pain but in reality he's laughing and squirming! That will be fun!'' And so, she used her powers to bound his arms back and his legs together as she moved him to her own bed, as she summoned a horse gag and some of her toothbrush, feathers and paintbrush.

Charizard started to wake up, when he noticed that he's in a different bedroom and he looked to see that his mouth was gagged and he saw that he can't even move. He tried to struggle but failed, then he looked back to see his arms and legs being bounded. Naturally, he didn't take it very well and started to angrily struggle and scream on his gag, screaming his own name, but the bondage was resistant to physical force and they refuse to budge. ''Why hello there... baby, welcome to Hell...'' the voice said, as Charizard looked back to see Dig'Deg looking at the bounded dragon with her evil grin. Charizard looked at her with anger and started furiously squirming against his bondage. ''Aaaaw, is the poor dragon wanting to get free? Hehehe, sorry my dear... but I'm afraid you can't get out, because I'm a succubus, and YOU are going to mine, if not, well, there will be eternal torture!'' Dig'Deg said.

''CMMMMMMMMXMMMMMMMMAAD!!! CHAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMZAMMMMMMMRD!!!'' he yelled. ''Why am I doing this you ask? Hehe, because I want to see if you're... ticklish...'' she said, making Charizard scared and more angry as he continued to struggle. ''Oooooh yes... you're ticklish, are you? That's great! Because I'm about to show you the pain and agony of tickle torture... but trust me, it will be fun!'' she said as she now summoned her paintbrush, as she looked at his feet, as Charizard started to scream on his gag again. ''Oooooh yes... look at those feet, they look so ticklish... hmmm... I wonder if it can handle a simple paintbrush tickling,'' she said as she used her paintbrush to slowly tickle his feet. Charizard started to laugh loudly and squirm against the bondage. She hasn't even started yet, and already Charizard is getting more and more broken.

''Wow! You really ARE ticklish, are you? Hehehe, well I think I can fix that by turning on the gag,'' she said as she go to turn on a speaker on his gag, which produced a high quality dragon sound that sounded like he's truly in pain, echoing the whole place of Hell. This got the attention of Satan, who was working at his paper again, as he started to smile at that sound. ''Aaaaah... perfect! Now I can FINALLY get some peaceful music to my ears!'' he said. As Dig'Deg continued to tickle his feet, she noticed that his face already got red but couldn't stream any tears. She also noticed that his dick and balls are getting more and more erect. ''Wow, you sure are being very very naughty today, but I know what might help,'' she said summoning her feathers and using them to tickle his dick and balls, making Charizard moan and laugh loudly and squirm even more. His dick and balls are extremely ticklish, and his face got even more red.

Dig'Deg started to enjoy his squirming and laughing, even when the screaming sounds are present. ''Hehehe, coochie coochie coo... who's a naughty dwagon?'' she teased, making Charizard blush in embarrassment as his dick started getting more and more erect. His dick and balls started getting taller by every touch of the feathers, and the gag seemed to be working. Satan looked to be very VERY pleased with it and so does the other demons as well. As Dig'Deg continued to tease and tickle him, she decided to use her tongue to tickle his feet while still using the feathers, making Charizard's face go dark red as he squirm in a fastest way possible, but still failed to protect his feet from the dreadful tickling torture. Now his dick and balls are fully erect, and ready to cum at any second. She was too busy licking his feet to even notice, as Charizard screamed at his gag more and more.

And then came the cum at her bed as his dick squirted a lot of them, luckily for her, the gag sound dominated his scream of pleasure, so it made it look like he was suffering and begging. Dig'Deg looked at the cum very excited. ''Hehehe, wow! Your dick was amazing! It managed to squirt some big cum on my bed! Now then...'' she said before getting her face closer and looking at his ass and asshole as Charizard started to breathe and pant. ''Mmmmm... my my Charizard... your ass looks wonderful...'' she said before starting to touch, and spank it, which really pushed his berserk button as his body turned and boiled red and he screamed and struggled against the bondage furiously as he screamed with his own name in anger. ''Mmmmm, ooooh yes! I love your ass, Charizard! I think I should....'' she said before using her fingers to tickle his ass and the feathers to tickle his asshole, making Charizard laugh and squirm a lot harder.

Even his most private and embarrassing spots are extremely ticklish as Charizard started to squirm against the bondage more. Dig'Deg started to giggle in excitement before starting to lick, tickle, spank and even kiss his ass, while she used her tail to use a toothbrush in order to tickle his feet, making Charizard laugh and squirm harder than ever. To make it even worse, Dig'Deg saw his erect dick and balls again, and so she got an idea. ''Wow, I think Charizard really deserves to get some pleasure... but the question is, how should I do it? Hmmm... I KNOW!!'' she thought before using her feet to start pleasuring his dick, making Charizard laugh, moan and grunt at the same time. His face started to blush dark red with extreme embarrassment, he never thought that someone like her would humiliate a dragon like him, but she managed to do it just right. Charizard's dick and balls started to get fully erect as pre-cum leak managed to drip down to his balls.

But Dig'Deg noticed that something is wrong... as she looked to see what's wrong with the gag. Satan and the demons listened to the sounds confused. ''What in the... where the fuck are those statics coming from?'' Satan said. ''It sounded like there's screams of pain and statics coming together, Lord Satan,'' Shane said. ''Really? But how can it be?'' Satan said. Dig'Deg looked like she was trying to fix the gag, but the statics keep coming. ''Grrr, come on you stupid fucking gag! I'm... trying to... stay out of trouble!'' she said as Charizard started to laugh, moan and grunt even more. His scream of pleasure started to get louder and louder and louder, and the statics became louder as well, and there was no scream of pain. Satan listened to it, and started to look down with his eyes closed.

''... Please don't tell me... PLEASE OH PLEASE tell me this is NOT true...'' Satan said. She tried to keep the gag, but she accidentally broke it, and now Charizard's screams of laughter and pleasure started to echo the entire hall of Hell, as she looked shocked. ''Ah oh... now this isn't looking good...'' she said, as Charizard started to scream and squirted more and more cum on the bed. Satan stood up from his desk and yelled out, ''DIIIIIIG'DEEEEEEEEEG!!!'' which made her look scared shitless. ''Ooooh no... now I'm in deep fucking shit...'' she thought. Satan started to slam open the door. ''DIG'DEG!! WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!?!?'' he said. ''Oh, um, hey Satan, I'm just torturing this poor dragon, you see?'' she said trying to use scalper to torture him, but instead made him giggle loudly which made her stop and smile nervously. Satan crossed his arms and stomp on his feet impatiently.

''Dig'Deg, is this true?'' Satan said. ''W-Well you see dad, I-'' ''TELL ME THE TRUTH RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!'' he yelled, making her jump in fear. ''OK OK!!! IT'S TRUE!! I TICKLE TORTURED HIM INSTEAD OF TORTURING HIM!!'' she admitted. ''Dig'motherfucking'deg! Did I just fucking tell you no tickle related torture? Did I? Nope, never mind, I don't want to hear any answers! Dig'Deg, send him back to Earth, NOW!!'' Satan said. ''Y-Y-Y-YES DAD!!!'' she said, before she used her powers to free him of his bondage, and made him disappeared back to Earth, as he was now on the ground upside down, still covered in cum. The yellow haired female human started to walk, looking for someone. ''Uuugh, where is my Charizard? I know he's in here somewh-'' she said, before looking to see Charizard looking upside down as he looked annoyed. ''Oh, there you are Charizard! I have been looking for you everywhere! And... what's with all the cum on your body?'' she said.

Charizard's response was a closed eye and a sigh, which made her grin evilly. ''... Don't tell me you actually masturbate, did you?'' she asked. Charizard started to cross his arms in annoyance which made her get closer to him and started to give him a handjob, which made him grunt and moan in pleasure. ''Come on baby, just admit it and you can cum,'' she said. ''Grrr... C-C-Charizaa.... Aaaaaaah..... *Gasp*...'' he grunted. Meanwhile, back in Hell, Dig'Deg and Satan started to argue with each other for 30 seconds until, ''THAT'S IT DIG'DEG!! I HAD JUST ABOUT ENOUGH OF YOUR BEHAVIOR!! I AM TAKING AWAY ALL YOUR EQUIPMENT AND YOU'LL definitely HAVE A LOT AND LOT OF CHORES AROUND HELL FOR THE REST OF THE FUCKING WEEK!! YOU ARE NOW GROUNDED FOR 1 TRILLION YEARS!!'' Satan said. ''OOOOOOH COME ON DAD!!! YOU NEVER GAVE MY ANY FUCKING FUN!!! I REALLY FUCKING HATE YOU AND WHICH YOU WOULD DIE AND GET STRIKE DOWN BY G-''

''Nope! Don't you even DARE!!! Now get your ass to bed NOW!!'' Satan said as Dig'Deg sat at her bed, pouting in frustration, as Satan slammed the door closed. ''FUCK YOU DAD!!! FUCK YOUR-'' She got interrupted when Satan said, ''SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU FUCKING BITCH!!'' which made her go quiet and lay on the pillow, still looking angry. And that's the end of the episode, feel free to give me any thoughts, suggestions, editing/proofreading and/or criticism of the stories. This is shinnjacob, and I'll see you guys next time!

The Benefits of being a dude in distress.

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The Tickle Succubus Part 4

The story begins with the succubus herself: Dig'Deg! As she is now in her room, pouting as usual. ''Maaaaaan this sucks! Now I got males who either has a wife, gay and has little to no interest in me! And since I'm grounded, I had to do some stupid ass...

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The Tickle Succubus. Part 3

Our story begins with the frustrated succubus herself: Dig'Deg! For a 100 years, she had try everything to convince every male mortals on Earth. Unfortunately for her, most of the males she came across were either married to a female, or unwilling...

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