Captured And Tamed - Part 04

Story by Vykk on SoFurry

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#4 of Captured And Tamed

Right, here's Part 04 for you all

Sorry Snowfox, that was a bit of a mean place to end Part 03, but it was getting a bit on the uber size.

Hope you will all enjoy this part too, things get a bit more, intense from here on out so please be ready for that. And dont be too worried about vykk, he isnt beaten yet.

Thanks once again for taking the time to read his story, he hopes you feel it is time well spent.

Take care guys and again please feel free to email him or post a comment (still not got his Furoom access sorted yet so those messages remain unread, sorry guys, will read them and reply as soon as he can).

All the best

vykk XXX

WARNING!!! This is an M/M, Non consensual story 18+ Please


Vykk looked up to Argent as He spoke, biting his lip hard but complying, starting to get up to his feet in order to walk over to Him. That was when He tugged on the chain on his ankle and he gave a yowl, trying to keep his balance but the sedative made him slow and he fell back down onto his knees. The slave looked up to Argent, wondering why He would tell him to go over to Him and then pull his leg out from under him again, did He find it funny? But he doubted it, this Slaver, although strict, did seem kind.

Then it became clear as He said how He wanted him to come to Him. There was nothing he could do, he knew that, and so, he yielded. Going down onto all fours he padded over to Him, it wasn't too bad, he spent half his time on all fours in the Wilds but there it was for speed and stealth and here it was because he was submissive..."TAIL! Get it up in the air now bitch."

Vykk whimpers slightly, being shocked by the sudden shout from Argent, but he does as He commands, raising his tail into the air, feeling it sway back and forth behind him as he crawls toward the huge jackal that was sitting down in His chair, His hand gripping the chain attached to his foot but no longer tugging on it. Eventually, after what seemed like a life time but was only really a few seconds he reached Argent's chair.

For some reason he had kept his eyes downcast as he crawled, perhaps from shame and embarrassment, but then he realised that doing that makes him look timid and so he looks straight up at Argent, only to be rewarded with the large jackal suddenly gripping him by the scruff and pulling him up whilst leaning down Himself so that his face was level with His..."Never look a Free Person in the eye slut, unless They say otherwise. Do you understand, bitch?"

Vykk held Argent's gaze for a second before looking down and nodding slightly..."Yes, I understand."...replies Vykk

"NO!"...Vykk looked up at the jackal, startled from His shout then suddenly remembered His last order and hurriedly dropped his gaze again. This obedience made Argent relax some, but He still kept a tight grip on bitch's scruff..."No longer will you refer to yourself as I. That is for people Who own Themselves, you don't, you are a slave, you belong to Us. From now on you speak of yourself in the third person. Do you understand? Say it. And you will call Me Master or Master Argent, nothing else."

"Yes, V, Vykk, understands, Master Argent."...replies the frightened wolf.

Argent smiled warmly and gently let bitch go, pushing him down gently but firmly onto his knees in front of Him and stroking his scruff as He praises him..."Good boy, I knew you could do it. But there is one more thing to are not called Vykk anymore, that name has gone, along with your freedom. The name your Owners chose for you is 'bitch', unless Gheran changes it. Now, tell Me what your name is."

Argent heard bitch whimper and bite his lower lip, not saying anything, but a quick, hard squeeze on his scruff made him answer..."h, his, name is bitch, Master Argent. he, is called, bitch."

The white jackal smiled warmly and stroked the slut's ears affectionately..."Very good bitch, very, very good. you're making Me very proud. you will soon learn that so long as you please Me, and make Me proud you will be safe, I will watch over you like a pet that I care for and value and I know that if you make Gheran happy, He will also look after you."

Argent smiles and rubs behind bitch's ears kindly, He knew just where to rub and even got a soft gasp out of the slut before continuing..."The Chief has definitely taken a shine to you, I think He wants you for His Own, so tonight, make sure you please Him and make Him happy. If you don't, if you refuse Him and fight Him He will beat you, rape you anyway and then hand you over to His Men. Now don't be fooled, you will serve the Men too for you belong to Them as well and They shall pass you around as They wish, Gheran has promised Them as much. But if Gheran and I are not looking out for you, if We let Them do whatever They please, you will be dead within a week...the Lads are very, very tough on new sluts, and don't forget about Karin, He is now a bit angry with you."

Argent sighs softly as He continues stroking bitch's ears affectionately, seeing the whore was trembling, He could smell the fear coming from him and no wonder, it must be a hell of a thing to come to terms with..."I am afraid you will probably be punished for it bitch, most likely given to Karin for a night or two for His sole pleasure and use, never make such a mistake again slut. Understand?"...Argent knew He was talking down to bitch, but that is something he would have to learn to accept. After a while he wouldn't notice it, but right now he needed to accept it. When the slut didn't answer Argent's eyes narrowed a little. He wanted to be kind to the whore as He did like him, but he had to learn his place, and learn it well and so He says in a deep, growling voice..."bitch? Look at Me, do you understand?"

The aggressive sound of Master Argent's voice shocked bitch and he looked up to Him with wide yellow eyes, nodding hurriedly, his voice quiet as he replies..."Yes, Master, he, understands, bitch, is sorry."...he couldn't believe what he was doing. How could he be submitting so readily? But he was, and deep down he knew he had no choice but to do as he was told.

No one was coming to rescue him and there was no chance of escape. he knew that if he didn't please Master Argent and the Chief of this Band of Slavers then he would be on his own, no One would look after him and he would be beaten, tortured and raped until someOne got bored of him, then he was dead, or worse, he would be kept alive for the gruesome pleasure of the Sadists' in the Band. So he nodded again, his yellow eyes wide and frightened, blinking a little as he looks up to Master Argent, saying quietly..."bitch, wont do it again, Master Argent."

Argent smiled warmly and leant down, scratching bitch behind the ears and then brushing down the side of his cheek until He was scratching him under the chin, actually getting a soft noise of reply that was more of a purr than a growl, seeing bitch look down again and shiver slightly..."See, please Me bitch, and I will look after you."...Argent smiled again before gripping bitch under the chin and forcing him to look up at Him once more..."you seem to be learning your place, now you need to learn your duty."...The huge jackal paused a moment to let these words sink in before continuing... "I think you already have an idea of what it is you are now, and what you shall be used for, slut. And I warn you, I can be hard and rough while a whore pleasures Me, but I promise that you will not be harmed. It might hurt a little, and you will feel shame and humiliation, but that is a lesson you must learn and come to terms with, just concentrate on giving Me pleasure, W/who knows, you may even come to enjoy being Our slut."

Argent remembered the potion He had taken before bringing the slut into His sleeping area, could feel the pressure in His groin and could still feel the energy in His body from the earlier spell casting, He was very much looking forward to this..."Now, little slut, you become Mine as well."...The dazzling white jackal reaches down and undoes the tab holding the front of His breeches closed, His cock almost springing out but He made sure to keep it inside, He wanted bitch to take it out himself.

Argent directed the whore but did not aid him, saying in a slightly breathless voice now that His arousal was growing stronger and stronger..."I know you know what to do, make it good, and..."...Argent paused to chuckle softly, still scratching behind bitch's ears..." careful of those fangs of yours."

He then sat back in His chair, the wolf slave on his knees at His feet and His dick straining under His clothing to be released, giving a sigh of contentment and anticipation of what was about to happen.

bitch couldn't believe what was happening, like last night he expected to awaken at any moment, yet he knew he would not, this was no nightmare, this was reality. he shut his eyes tightly as Master Argent leans down and undoes the tab on His breeches, his nose tingling as he smells that white jackal's arousal, knowing full well that He was already hard, he had seen the bulge at His groin before he closed his eyes. bitch felt Master Argent's grip tighten on his scruff and pull his head forward as a gentle but firm reminder and he knew he could put it off no longer. Leaning down the wolf slave opens his eyes, the end of his muzzle was now a few inches away from the jackal's covered groin and the scent of His arousal was growing stronger... "Use only your mouth slut, don't use your paws to release My shaft"

The sound of Master Argent suddenly speaking startled bitch and he jumped a little, his eyes darting up to the huge jackal before he remembered His order and looked down again, his heart thundering in his ears and his lips dry. Without thinking about it he licked them, distantly hearing a soft chuckle from Master Argent, wondering if He had mistaken him licking his lips as a sign of hunger, it wasn't though, surely. Knowing he had delayed longer than he knew he should have been allowed to get away with bitch dips his head the last of the way, his nose and mouth now touching the expensive fabric of the Apothecary's breeches, the scent of His arousal was overpowering and it made his head fog a little and his heart to beat faster...was this a sign of he himself falling into heat?

bitch couldn't allow himself to think about it and just decided to concentrate on the task at hand, trying to treat it like a chore and nothing more. he gently begin to mouth at the opening of Master Argent's breeches, feeling the hardness of His shaft under the material, feeling how big He was. he then carefully pushes his tongue into the opening of Master's clothing, his tongue touching the hot, hard cock of the massive jackal, feeling it twitch under his tongue and hearing Him growl softly with pleasure as he curls his tongue around His hardness and carefully teases Him out. It didn't take much for the Healer was clearly very aroused and He was ragingly hard, His jet black dick springing out from the opening and standing like a thick tower from His groin, causing bitch to gasp as it brushes against his muzzle and cheek, leaning back a moment to look at the size of Master Argent's cock. It was huge, not as big as the monster dick the equine Slaver last night had, but bigger than Karin's, and the thick, pointed tip was less than an inch from his nose and mouth.

Argent shivered at the feel of the whore's tongue on His cock, feeling him quite expertly teasing Him out of His clothing, making Him wonder if he had done this sort of thing before. But then He grinned as he heard the whore gasp, sitting back and watching as he gazed at His thickness with wide eyes and decided that he had not, the slut looked intrigued and frightened at the same time, he hadn't done anything like this before he was caught. Argent wondered if He should say something but He decided against it, it would only humiliate bitch further and He didn't want to be cruel, He had a feeling that Gheran would be cruel enough tonight, and He did feel protective of this slut. But He was growing impatient and so He pulled bitch's head down again until his mouth was pressed to the head of His cock, wetting his lips with His precum...that should be enough.

bitch gasps softly as Master Argent pulls his head down, actually bringing his mouth into contact with the head of His dick, feeling His precum smear against his lips. he knew that Master Argent was tired of waiting and was grateful that He was being gentle with him, but it would not last forever if he didn't get on with things, and he wanted the Apothecary to watch over him.

With a soft yowl he parts his lips and pushes his head down, slipping the head of Master Argent's cock into his mouth and then wrapping his lips around its thickness. his mouth was suddenly alive with the taste of His cock and precum, feeling the silky, smooth hardness of His dick against his tongue and pushing his head down further, slowly feeding more of His length into his hot, wet mouth, feeling Master squirm under his ministrations and His hand gripping his scruff harder as He lets slip a growl of pleasure.

bitch's tongue begins to lick and rub against the underside of Master's dick, starting to suck on His length, remembering from yesterday how to breathe through his nose as he sucked, feeling His precum start to run thicker and faster, soon it was coating his tongue and running down his throat, unable to stop it and knowing he would have to swallow a lot more than that soon.

Argent growls with pleasure as He feels bitch start to push his head down further, taking more of His length into the warm, wet confines of his mouth, causing Him to squirm some. It was true that the slut was not that skilled or refined in his sucking technique, but there was something about him and the way that he pleasured that made it feel very good indeed. Once the slut knew how to suck properly, he would undoubtedly be one of the very best. The Apothecary gasps as bitch starts moving his tongue over His thickness, feeling His cock throb in his mouth now, knowing He was loosing jet after jet of precum over the slut's tongue and down his throat, the increase in flow indicating the increase in His arousal. He grips bitch's scruff harder and yanks it a little, getting a muffled whimper of protest from the slut but it had the desired effect, bitch looked up at Him.

The sight of his shame mixed with heat was glorious, somehow even with a cock in his mouth this slave looked innocent and the humiliation in those yellow eyes was clear, but so to was the arousal. In a slightly panting and growling voice Argent says..."Well done, slut...keep it up. W/we have, more, to do before I will let you, go to service Gheran."...bitch's reply was another whimper, making Argent snarl a little, His eyes glowing fiercely as He looks at the wolf slave between His legs..."Don't whimper slut, this is what you are now, and what you do. I know it is hard at first, but Gheran won't want a whimpering whore pleasuring Him tonight, He will want to see your shame and humiliation, but not your protests."...The huge jackal pauses and chuckles gently..."Or maybe He will; He does like to conquer His sluts."

Argent smiles kindly to the wolf slave in front of Him, stroking behind his ear with one hand as He keeps a tight grip on his scruff with the other..."Do not worry bitch; soon, you will enjoy being a slut as much as the rest of Us will enjoy using you like one. We have seen to that, you cannot do anything to stop it. Now, suck harder whore, take Me deep into your throat."

What else could bitch do? he was looking up at Master Argent, his eyes wide, his mouth aching a little from being stretched so wide around the thickness of His cock, and he knew that he had to do as He pleased or else make his way on his own, and as a slave, with no rights what so ever, he knew that would be impossible. So he did as he was ordered to, pushing his head down further until he felt the blunt hardness of Master's cock against the back of his throat. Instinctively he gagged as he was not used to having something down his throat and he started to pull back, his eyes beginning to water by reflex. But Argent kept His grip on bitch's scruff, holding his head where it was so that the head of His jet black cock kept its contact with the back of his throat. Eventually bitch got used to the sensation, but he didn't know what to do next, he had never actively taken a cock into his throat. Karin and that tiger Slaver last night had pushed Their dicks down his throat, but he hadn't done it himself, and he wasn't sure how he was to go about it.

Argent seemed to understand bitch's predicament and in a gentle, and slightly breathless voice..."Just swallow now slut, you will soon get the hang of it, do not fear, you will be getting a lot of practice."...The white jackal chuckles gently and strokes bitch's ears affectionately..."It will get better and easier, I promise bitch."...says Argent, trying to be reassuring.

bitch could find no comfort in the thought of getting used to being used. But he followed Argent's instructions and took a gulp, and was surprised to find that the head of the jackal's dick slipped down past his gullet. he didn't dare pull back and so he swallowed again and pushed his head down a little, feeling more of the jackal's shaft slide down into his throat. The new slave was amazed that he could do it because this Apothecary's cock was huge and he had only had Karin's and that tiger Slaver's cock in his throat before this, yet somehow he managed it and rapidly figured out how to breathe in between gulps so that he did not pass out.

bitch was even more surprised with how much Master seemed to enjoy this and was almost gratified that He responded to his effort. Forgetting for a moment just what he was doing bitch pushes his head down and swallows again, just to see how Master Argent would respond with half His dick now down his throat. It was certainly a reaction, bitch wasn't sure if it was good or not, but it was a reaction none the less.

Argent arches His back suddenly as He feels the slut take more of His cock into his throat. The feel of bitch's throat muscles cinching around His thickness coupled with the slick warmth of his mouth and tongue against His dick caught Him by surprise and He abruptly came down the slut's throat, His shaft swelling in size and hardening even more before it exploded down bitch's oesophagus, His cum running straight down into his stomach. Argent hadn't intended on cumming so soon, He had wanted to make this last and to enjoy breaking the slave in slowly, but the pleasure had caught Him off guard and He couldn't help Himself, it just felt too good.

As Argent was finishing His orgasm He pulled bitch's head back sharply by his scruff, extracting His cock just in time to get a good few sprays of cum over the slut's face. It was more of a gesture of dominance and marking than it was meant to be humiliating, but no doubt the slut was humiliated by it anyway. After getting a good covering of His semen over bitch's facial fur He carefully rubbed the cum covered tip of His cock over the wolf slave's nose, making sure that His sexual scent was ingrained into both bitch's fur and his memory. The Apothecary and healer then took hold of His shaft by the base in the hand that was stroking bitch behind the ears, feeling He was starting to soften. He definitely wanted to avoid that and so Argent angles His dick toward bitch's mouth, the tip of His length just brushes against bitch's black and surprisingly soft lips whilst saying in a panting voice..."Lick it clean, now bitch. Don't, waste any."

bitch remembered what Karin said yesterday about what will happen when one of the Slaver's came inside him, but he couldn't be sure if Master Argent had taken that potion, and if He had, he was already in trouble because He had just cum down his throat. In any case licking His cock clean of His cum would not make a difference and as he had resigned himself to obeying the large white jackal he obediently began to lap at His hardness, running his tongue from where His fingers gripped His shaft up to the tip and back down again, not missing a spot, curling his rough tongue around His length, figuring if he was going to do this, he might as well do it right and keep Master happy with him.

Argent leans back with a happy sigh, His eyes half closing as bitch's soft yet slightly roughly textured tongue moves over His cock. This felt right. He didn't usually find much pleasure in slaves; He found their attempts at pleasuring Him unrefined and sometimes vulgar. But for some reason He found bitch's touch different, it was crude and simple yet very pleasing. The Apothecary very much wanted this to continue, but it was already late and He knew that if He took bitch before Gheran had the chance too there would be trouble.

With a sigh Argent sits up, leaving bitch on his knees, still licking at His by now very clean cock, making the jackal chuckle gently and push bitch's head back away from His shaft, not wanting to be more aroused than He already was if He was going to send the slut on his way to Gheran. He did however, have a surprise for His Chief, one which He was sure that Gheran and the rest of the Lads would enjoy greatly..."Well done bitch, you have done a good job in pleasing Me. I would very much like to continue your, education, but unfortunately the Chief wants your company tonight, and it is already late in the day. But, before you go, I have a little treat for the Chief. Stay bitch."

Argent stands and tucks His cock back into His breeches, smartening Himself up before He heads into the 'treatment' area of His tent, reaching for the same book bound in wood that He had taken before, thumbing through it to find the spell He was looking for, a handy find this book, and all He had to do for it was slay a Rival.

It took longer to find this time, but eventually He located what He was looking for and Argent spent the next ten minutes mixing up the physical element of the spell. It didn't use such rare ingredients as the last spell He used on bitch, but the preparation time was longer. Still, the effects should, be well worth all the effort, and Gheran would certainly appreciate it. After the Apothecary prepares the solid element and coats the tip of a blow dart with it He writes a short note to Gheran, explaining what He has done for Him then steps back into the 'lounge' area of His tent, raises the blow gun to His lips and shoots the dart into bitch's scruff before uttering another mantra to activate the solid element and seal the spell.

bitch felt no effect, expecting at any moment to fall helplessly into heat, to beg Argent for the chance to suck His cock again. But he didn't, nothing happened, he felt the same and looked to Argent in explanation, but He just smirked and shook His head, saying..."you'll find out soon enough bitch, it isn't anything that will harm you, in fact, I think you will come to enjoy what I have just done to you, I know the Chief and the Lads certainly will."

He smiles and walks over to the new slut, pulling the dart out easily and stroking him behind the ears in a friendly way..."Time to go bitch, I will escort you. you will do fine so long as you remember to behave yourself, do everything you're told and make the Chief happy. Do that, and your survival will be a lot more probable. I will see you again soon bitch, but I have a feeling that Karin's punishment will come before that, you may well get sent to Me for treatment, but both Gheran, if you please Him, and Myself will make sure that you are not seriously harmed."

With that Argent unlocks the end of the chain from His large chair and grips it, holding it like a leash and tugs it, making sure the other end was still secure on bitch's ankle before turning and heading out of His tent. When bitch tries to stand, and Argent had been waiting for that, He turns around and growls, baring His fangs and shaking His head..."No, remember what I said, you are a bitch now, and you shall crawl like one. When W/we go through the camp make sure you keep that tail lifted high, like the cock-hungry bitch in heat you will soon be."

Without another word Argent turns and leaves His tent, tugging on the chain whenever bitch lagged behind, making it difficult for him to walk, but he soon got the message and walked at a heel alongside Argent. In fact after a while and the more Slavers T/they passed bitch preferred to stay close to Argent because of the way the other Slavers were leering and grinning at him. None of the grins were nice, they were all hungry, feral and bitch knew what They were thinking...Once you're done with the Chief whore, I'm going to put you to use...and bitch felt safer next to Argent, thinking that He would protect him from the other Slavers.

Which was true, Argent would, but only because right now he was to be used by the Chief. After that, well, Argent would make sure that the slut wasn't damaged, but He knew that only when the Lads got a new round of slaves in would bitch be, not forgotten, but at least not quite so in demand. Until that time though, bitch was, well and truly, fucked.

bitch was terrified as he walked alongside the huge jackal on all fours. his eyes wide as he looks around at all the faces peering down at him, the Slaver's grinning and winking and smirking at him, making him feel smaller and smaller by the minute. It didn't make sense. A few days ago he would have roared defiance, ripped these bastard's hearts out and fed it to them. Now, he was on all fours, his tail lifted high in the air, leaving his tailhole exposed which was a sign of submission, knowing he must smell of fear and, sex.

bitch suddenly whimpers as he realises Argent's cum is still painted over his face, rich, almost overpowering in the scent of sex, heat and lust. It was no wonder the other Slavers were looking at him in such a way, it was clear he had just pleasured someOne and was still baring the mark of that service. The wolf slave tries desperately to lick his face clean but it was no good, his fur was soaked in the jackal's cum. But what was worse than everyOne knowing that he had just giving someOne a blowjob was that the scent of Argent's cum was actually making his sheath stir and his pulse to race. he couldn't bare the thought of going to this Chief in some stage of heat, but that is what was going to happen, and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

After what seemed like a lifetime to bitch the Apothecary and the slave came to the huge, expensive tent of the Chief. bitch was overwhelmed by the size of the tent. he was a feral wolf, unused to civilisation and shelters, he lived in The Wilds and survived off the land. This was strange, alien and it did nothing to settle his nerves, it only made his fear and apprehension worse.

There were two equine Guards waiting at the entrance to the Chief's tent, one was an earthy brown, heavily muscled and armed with a long, heavy spear and a leer. The other was coloured a deep silver and had a horn protruding from his forehead, something bitch had never seen before although he had heard the Elders of his Pack talking about such Creatures; They were special, powerful, supernatural guides. They held almost God-like status for bitch's Klan and bitch couldn't help but stare in awe at Him. The unicorn was as muscled as His companion and also armed with a serious looking spear but whilst His companion was leering at bitch hungrily, looking at him as if he were just a desirable object, the unicorn was regarding him with a cool, calculating expression. There was something about the unicorn's eyes that made bitch tremble, it was clear that He wanted bitch in the same way as the normal equine did, but there was something else there, some other thoughts were going on in His head which he could not fathom.

But bitch didn't have time to worry about just what the unicorn could be thinking because Argent walked toward the guards Who nodded respectfully at Him then looked down to the slut and leered at him, making bitch blush horribly and look down, unable to take any more. bitch hates himself for acting so submissively, but his will was being broken and he couldn't bring himself to glare at the Guards, knowing full well They would get Their turn with him soon enough and so it wouldn't be wise to offend Them..."who's this then Argent?"...asks one of the brown equine, the question clearly unnecessary as the whole Slaver Band had watched bitch being raped the other night and They All knew who he was.

The Guards also knew just why bitch was there, but They wanted to humiliate the whore...guard duty could be so very boring. Argent chuckles whilst handing the chain leash to the unicorn Guard along with the note for Gheran and shakes His head gently in amusement..."Some entertainment for the Chief, I think He is expecting it"...the Guards look down to bitch and the brown equine licks His lips hungrily..."I hope He leaves some for Us, I could do with some, relief. How about it whore? you fancy two nice, hard equine cocks after the Chief is through with you?"

The silver unicorn laughs and nods with a smirk..."Yeah, I could do with a good fuck. I just hope your ass will stay tight after the Chief is done with it."

bitch's only response was to gasp and look up at the Guards with large yellow eyes. Argent and the two equines were huge; easily weighing twice as much as he does and it was obvious that They could break any and all bones in his body, even despite his best efforts to fight back. Unable to take Their gaze any long bitch looks down, his face burning and his ears sagging, his tail drooping down, trying to tuck it between his tail and save at least some of his dignity, whatever remained.

The unicorn leaned down, grabbed the base of bitch's tail and hauled it up hard, lifting bitch's ass up with it, the force of His pull so hard that his paw-like feet left the floor. bitch cries out in pain from having his tail tugged so hard but doesn't look up at the Guard when He says..."Keep it lifted slut! you are the Chief's bitch now, so that's how you will keep your tail."...With that the Guard tugs on the chain which He was now holding, making bitch look around in fear, only to see that Argent had gone. What he did not know is that Argent had gone because He did not like the way the Guards were treating bitch, wanting to defend the new slut and He wouldn't have been able to keep His calm.

This was little comfort to bitch though as he was now forced to crawl on all fours, his tail lifted as high as it will go into Gheran's huge tent, his feral eyes wide as he looks around, the place filled with the scent of a very large, very strong, very dominant and very aroused male. bitch didn't need two chances to guess just W/who that was. It had to be the Chief.


To Be Continued...

Captured And Tamed - Part 03

Okay, Part 03 ready to go Hope that everyone reading these are enjoying them. vykk really appreciates you spending the time to read them so thanks very much for that \*Smiles and wags tail\* New charrie up in this Part, vykk hopes Y/you'll...

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Captured And Tamed - Part 02

\*Blushes and smiles with a wave\* Hi there, Right, well here is Part 02 to vykk's story, he hopes you have enjoyed it so far. Again vykk is sorry for any and all spelling and grammar mistakes he didnt catch in the proof read. And as always vykk...

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Captured And Tamed - Part 01

WARNING!!! This is an M/M, Non consensual story \*Blushes and smiles sheepishly\* Hi everyone This is vykk's first ever yiffy story so please keep that in mind when reading. vykk won't give away what is going on except to say that this is...

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