Fuge and Key change

Story by Jist on SoFurry

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#4 of Movement

_Hello again, here's the next part of the Jist/Terry series. It comes into a subject I have some interest in and hopefully weaves in certain things that the real Terry would like. ^.^ he knows what it is. As always, comments are very much appreciated, and of course, dedicated to my husbear, terry. I love you

Oh! And spot the reference and win um...a shiny penny!_


The Television blared the evening news. Angry protesters screamed and chanted about interspecies marriages. Jist growled deep from his gut and changed the channel but found only more of the same hate chants. It seemed everywhere he turned he was confronted with the same issue.

He turned the TV off and laid down on the couch, looking up at the ceiling, mind buzzing, trying to sort out the situation. All his thoughts came back to the same issue. Love was love; unconditional and indiscriminate. He'd thought the masses had learned enough from finally allowing same sex marriage but that was naive, they hadn't learned from the allowance of interracial marriages; they won't learn.

The phone rang but Jist was in no mood to answer. 'Let the machine get it' He mumbled to himself.

It was Terry. "Hello love, just calling to check up on you, but I guess you've gone out for food or something. Anyway have a good evening, I love you, and I'll see you when I get back from dinner with the Rents. Bye" Beeeep.

Jist sighed. This wasn't fair. No, Life had taught Jist that very little was fair or right. He only wanted to be able to express his love for Terry in the ultimate way. Jist stuck a paw in his pocket and felt over the velvety jewelry box.


Terry's parents had always been very progressive.. He's dated across the racial board. The only time he faced any issue with his personal life was when he told his parents he was gay; his mother had easily wilted the flame of disappointment and anger his father had sprouted.

When he brought a sweet, polite, caring wolf home to them they could only see the content of his heart and the joy and life it brought to their son. Terry felt he was lucky to be blessed with such ideal parents

All this made it hard for Terry to understand why they were so unsupportive of the marriage bill being bounced around in the Senate. They sat at the small table arguing

What the hell is the problem? Love is love right?

" Love is one thing but marriage is about more than that. It's a holy bond of man and woman" Terry's father rebutted.

Or man and man or woman and woman, terry added in quietly, What about Jist and I? Don't you want to see us happy?

There was a sudden silence around the table. Terry looked back and forth between his two parents. Why the HELL had he agreed to this damn dinner anyway?

The silence reverberated through the room, setting in thick and viscus. Finally, frustrated and tired, Terry cut it. 'Fuck this!" He removed himself from the table and headed towards the front door. Behind him his mother followed, catching him just as he opened the door.

"We've always let you," she paused, choosing her words carefully "express yourself anyway you chose, but naturally we always expected you to settle with someone a bit more... Like you."


Terry couldn't even bring the words to combat those of his mother. He shot her a hard cold stare and pushed through the door and down to the car.

"Like me..." He thought to himself, blinking back tears.


Your time with Chi

_Here's something a bit different. It requires you to use some imagination. What?? Stop groaning, jeez, if you do It'll guarantee a better story. Hope you enjoy it, Comments are always adored. Oh and of course, as with all I write, Dedicated...

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Truth about wolfy

_First, thanks for all the great feedback and favorites on my previous two stories. I'm glad to see that they are well received and I hope the rest of the series will be as well received. I think the first story was a bit rush but I'll slow down and...

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Interlude: Morning of first day of work

Interlude: Something Old, Something new Morning was not Jist's time of day. He was too used to late nights and sleeping till 4. Things had changed then, because of Terry. Jist vowed to take care of Terry. This meant only one thing, the dreaded...

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