The DOMEminion of the Dragonqueen

Story by Vapist_Panda on SoFurry

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#9 of Herm stuff

This is a campy story of a hermaphrodite dragoness with cyborg parts taking over a dome in a world ravaged by catastrophic climate change, and transforming everyone into hermaphrodite furries.

All while going on megalomaniac rants in order to keep up attention, as well as arousal.

It resulted from my first, and only failed commission, and I'm really just writing it to get it out of my system.

This is a story that was commissioned a while ago I couldn't deliver it on time, so instead it will be released with changes that were necessary in a continuation format.

Didn't charge anything luckily so I am free to bring this project to the end it deserves.

I hated every second of writing the first version, and didn't feel it carried the proper themes. Worse yet it featured several topics I was not comfortable with, and the perspective choices made for the commission made it feel repetitive, and uninteresting as a form of narrative.

Ultimate power form the standpoint of the holder of that power is relatively boring, especially when that power is unopposed. Which is why I scrapped that version, it lacke no soul. I instead chose to make it incredibly campy, because that's just about the only way to make it worth reading for anything other than the sex.

So I had to refit the the whole thing. Boring things no matter how requested don't get past my inner censor.

I just can't write stuff to the standard that was demanded of me, and all I can offer is a sincere apology.

And now for part one of five of:

The DOMEminion of the Dragonqueen

Miriam Johnson walked into her office ready to finally finish up with the revamping of the hydroponics wing. Under her leadership as dome commander yields had gone up for the first time in governance cycles, and people were eating less synthetic food. This had lead to parades in her honor. She really had it going on, and she would be reelected.

Miriam heard a strangely androgynous moan coming from behind the desk.

"More I need it!" A voice from behind the desk called softly.

Miriam felt pretty insulted. Not only was her secretary Steve generally incompetent, but now he was fucking some floozy behind her desk. This invited scandal. Soon enough it would be Steve fucking her according to every blog in the dome. So she did what came naturally. She started undressing.

Of course she would after all she had a great body, and this would surely intimidate Steve into getting his lesser bitch out of here. Her body was after all free of mutations, except for the purple tinge of her irises. She looked much like the humans who had founded this place.

"I'm your slave. My body exists to serve you!" The voice called with it's gender still indistinct.

Miriam started touching herself. After all in a situation like this she would surely be penetrated soon, and very hard. So she should make sure she was wet, and receptive. It was just the best way to handle it.

There was a growl. A short haired woman with petit breasts rose from behind the desk, and guided Miriam helpfully to the desk holding her down. It was nice of her really making herself useful considering Miriam was about to be fucked... But why, she couldn't put her finger on it, she closed her eyes trying to find reason in her mind.

As she opened them again she saw two terrifying red eyes staring at her. One of them was a cybernetic replacement set ever vigilant in a bronze tinted titanium gold frame inlayed into the skull. Miriam struggled but the short haired bitch wasn't letting her go. Then Miriam noticed the teeth, and the horrible black scales.

"What?!" Miriam called extremely afraid of what she had gotten herself into.

"Wonderful. Unlike your assistance you are trying to resist me. Futile, but imagine how well that willpower will serve me. I think you would die rather than displease me wouldn't you?" The creature asked, as Miriam's heart pounded, and her entire body was wet with fear sweat.

"Of course. I'm loyal." Miriam said with the same confidence that had served her well during her campaign.

"Good you'll spread your legs now, and worship my herm cock with the contractions of your pussy. I won't make you enjoy it, because I respect you." The creature whispered sprawled over the desk.

"Thank you." Miriam said genuinely hating her mouth making excuses for this.

The creature walked slowly around the table obviously enjoying the fears, and anticipations each step sowed into her preys mind. Granted she was powerful, and probably one of the few people who could resist, but she too was just another body to mate with, and turn into a hermaphrodite. The crown of evolution, designed by her genetic expertise to surpass, and eclipse the glory of mankind.

What little glory a species could have that had turned the atmosphere into a giant oven in which all water boiled, and all complex life was turned into soup in minutes.

Miriam watched a mechanical hand grasp both of her wrists tightly, as the short haired woman went to help her penetrate Miriam.

Just like any proud superior hermaphrodite who she could only hope to fuck.

She had odd birth marks all over her body, just like Steve. Miriam looked at her vagina slightly visible as she bent over. With her cock, and pussy she was complete. Not defective like her.

Miriam gave a strained moan as the huge dragon dick pushed into her. She had to worship it with her insides. It made her glad to have this much attention from her direct superiors. Her hard work had paid off.

Miriam had trouble with the sheer size.

"At least you have been keeping tight. Don't worry you'll soon learn to do more than just take it though." The dragon noted as the trusting made her hand implant give small whines as it adjusted ever so slightly.

"Yes I will. I will perfectly pleasure you whenever I'm allowed." Miriam said like a mantra completely focused on the ridges of the scaled dick entering her.

She had to please it. Pleasing this dragon, and becoming a hermaphrodite were all consuming thoughts in her mind. The more she pleasured the more cum there would be, and the more cum there was the quicker she would be transformed.

Miriam didn't moan, the beast didn't care for her pleasure, or approval she cared only for her complete subservience in face of her brutal power.

"Steve use that redeemed penis of yours to come on her face. Let's hurry this along." The dragon ordered as what had been Steve climbed on the table, and started jerking off eight inches of meat in front of Miriam's face.

Much larger than before. Much more perfect. Everything was perfect, if you were a hermaphrodite, and transformed according to your mistresses will. Everything.

"It's not quite as strong second hand, but it will do. More is better." The scaled beast commented speeding up her thrusting as Miriam focused on a mirror on the other side of the room.

Something wasn't right. Clearly a dragon was having sex with her, and a feminine version of Steve was masturbating on her face. That was all normal, and as it should be, but something she saw in the mirror put her off. She couldn't shake the feeling that even though she was gently tensing around the dominant penis inside of her herself, she was doing something wrong.

Miriam hoped her mistress could forgive her for whatever it was, and vowed to do better.

"I'll take absolute, and complete control of this place, and purge your mutated race, redeeming it through my seed. You'll watch, and become the handmaidens of my eternal reign! I'll be the immortal dragon queen of this world!" The dragoness ranted as Miriam winced, because her insides strained from the hard use she was being put though.

"You should be happier she is having sex with you. At least try to smile." Steve said sneaking an occasional glimpse at the C-cups of their queen as they bounced due to the wild gallop she demanded of all her subjects.

Miriam smiled, obviously that had been what was wrong. She had been such a fool to ever doubt that very fact.

"Miriam I know you mind is my exclusive property now, but take a look at this. I want you to focus on the scene before my eyes, and find the last disobedient part of you.

Focus on what I am about to show you, and realize that all your struggles no matter how hidden will be met with futility!

My agents have been among your people for a week now, and thanks to my mind powers this entire dome will be transformed through the power of each drop of my ejaculate." The Dragon queen called hitting a button inlaid in the desk, and opening the blinds of the majors office showing the decayed market square.

It was a total orgy in which her citizens stood in line taking turns to receive the hermaphrodite seed from her queens mind slaves. Miriam shook a little bit something was clearly wrong, and she couldn't shake the feeling.

"Resistance is futile."Steve said in utter submission as he thrust fingers into his vagina to ejaculate more seed into Miriam's face as he had been ordered to do.

Quickly he scooped it off her forehead, and face not minding the fact she bit his finger. Miriam didn't mean to disobey, she was just part of the precious few that retained will of their own, despite being obedient slaves. Their minds stronger than those of other beings.

Miriam was afraid. She felt the metal of the mechanical dragon claw dig into her flesh, as she reluctant did her best to keep as much seed in her vagina as humanly possible. She had no choice since she had been commanded to.

Her body shook all over.

"Yes do you feel the work of my nanomachines? How they spread through your flesh? You see your mental obedience was never enough, even your form must obey me. You are nothing but a tool Miriam, and I will wield you as I see fit for I am the queen of this dome, and the queen of a new superior breed!" The dragoness hissed in her ear forcing her to look upon the voluntary transformation of everyone she knew, and loved.

Miriam gave an involuntary moan, as she felt like her vagina was doubling.

"Yes Miriam this is the process. Like in your degenerate mutant mother's womb you will form a new bud from which will spawn a new set of genitals, completing you, and eliminating the very gender difference that drives inefficiency, and competition in society!

There is no time for that when appeasing my will is the one, and only challenge worthy of my master race! For it produces the only slaves worthy of touching my perfect body!" The dragoness called out, taking some of the seed that had leaked out around Miriam's vagina, and rubbing it around her anus.

"I may not resist you, but what you are doing is wrong. Even, if it feels right!" Miriam tried to argue.

"Silence mutant! Your insolence is the very reason for your species' downfall. If you had just lived within the limits of your kind I would not have had to act. Now it is too late! No mercy bare your anus to me, and feel your wondrous penis grow akin to a new bud on the tree of evolutionary destiny!" The dragon queen commanded as Miriam spread her butt cheeks, and shed a tear for those lost in the march towards progress.

Miriam was lost the in the sensations. For one her ring muscle was incredibly taxed taking in all the scaled dragon penis entering it like an endless freight train, and on the other end there was the endless neural confusion as she felt her reproductive system split like a dividing cell. The natural process overtaken by the command, of her queens nanomaches which ceaselessly replicated flesh.

"Yes there truly are no words for the perfection of this process. I should subject a poet to it, so he can explain to the common mind the sheer extent of my genius!" The dragon queen called as Steve broke out into a dance praising the amazing power power on display.

"No not all the way my queen, not all the way!" Miriam tried to argue feeling the sheer amount of cock pushing against her bladder, making her almost piss herself.

"Ah yes child. My mind is in yours, but you must learn to put any need behind my own!" The dragon queen called beginning to enjoy the tight virginal anus, she had just tilled for the first time.

"Is it not my nanomachines that are expanding your pathetic clitoris into a glorious penis?" The black scaled mistress of the dome demanded as her mechanical claw grabbed her servant by the neck.

"Yes my queen! But what if my urine stains you?!" Miriam asked beyond disturbed at the thought of soiling a more evolved creature that was in every way superior.

"You'd rather have your kidneys rupture! My mindcontrol has seen to that!" The dragon queen mocked joyously as a quick orgasm driven by power, and the twisting bodies on display all across the market place made her shoot some of her near endless stockpile of ejaculate into Miriam.

"All hail slavery! All hail the dragon queen!" Every mouth in the dome called as Miriam forever ceased her struggle against such overwhelming odds, and started masturbating the small stump she hoped would become a cock worthy of her mistress.

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