Shattered Union Prologue
#1 of Shattered Union
This is a fanfiction made based from the game 'Shattered Union', edited for the furry fandom. The contents are highly political, as the reason why the Union shatters is political in the game. I have made some changes to the game's backstory to reflect current policies and events in an effort to make the story have a larger emotional impact. Scalies are equivalent in the story to whites. Furries are the equivalent of blacks. Hispanics are mostly scalies with some furry traits added on. Asians are avians and cetaceans. If you are very heavy into politics, on one side or another, DO NOT READ THIS. You will only become deeply offended. Also, I will tolerate no political discourse in the comments section of any part of this story. This story is the tale of a war to reunite a nation, not an attempt to harass one political ideology or another.
It is my deepest hope that the US does not fracture. As I write this story, I pray that we can accept each other, conservative or liberal, for who we are. That we can respect each others' opinions and stances and yet not see each other as evil or subhuman for those differences. I hope that more events like the shooting of house representatives practicing for a baseball game will never happen again. Above all, I pray that we find love for our fellow Americans and stand united as one nation once again, unburdened by left or right wing politics. We are all Americans after all, and that's all that should matter in the end.
Hillary Clinton is elected President of the United States following an assassination of Donald Trump. One of the first things she does in the White House is to render the Electoral College ineffective by having her party steamroll legislation through congress, granting the presidency to whoever wins the nationwide popular vote. Widespread protests across the nation follow this election and are decried by the media as the 'deplorables shaming themselves after losing the popular vote.' Protests over the dissolution of the Electoral College resulting in states without major populations being unrepresented in the elections go unheard as Republicans and Democrats bicker back and forth, further polarizing the nation.
Fearing new regulation and a future lacking any deregulation, the NASDAQ and Dow Jones stock markets enter into recession, losing the momentum gained in the business friendly Trump Administration. The effects are felt around the globe as markets that have the largest amounts of trade with the US, namely the EU and Chinese markets, slow in response.
The US Supreme Court loses two more justices and the judges are replaced by appointees from Clinton, firmly slanting the court to the left of the political spectrum. Later that year, when a legal challenge to the 'popular president' law arrives in front of the court, it is struck down, all but dissolving the Electoral College.
Hillary Clinton is re-elected despite unified opposition against her outside of the major cities. Resentment about underrepresentation in the American Midwest, Texas, Southeastern coastlines, and Midwestern coastlines give rise to states openly refusing to obey federal law. "What works in a city don't work out here." Is a common argument used to justify these acts of defiance. Conservatives begin using Resist and NotMyPresident against Clinton, just like liberals did against Trump. The media continues to mock them as racists and bigots, casting them as subsentient monsters who want a return to slavery.
Congress is effectively stalemated. Republicans have a majority in both houses, but not enough to force through legislation over a Presidential veto. The country is run by the bureaucracy, which is controlled by the President. Clinton begins putting new rules and regulations into effect, using a 'Pen and Phone' style of leadership and ignoring Congress altogether when it passes something she does not approve of.
Clinton's successor, Elizabeth Warren, is elected President of the United States despite the party once again being opposed outside of the major cities, all of which voted for the opposition candidate overwhelmingly. Midwestern states, led by Texas, threaten to succeed from the Union if their populations do not get fair representation in the next Presidential race, calling it unfair that the heavily populated states get to decide how the nation and its excessively large bureaucracy is run without any input from the rest of America. The media, firmly under the control of the ruling elite in Washington, quickly blasts those state governors as fascists and racists.
January 2030
In an effort to effect political change, a widespread strike by blue collar workers is organized. Farmers and craftsmen across the nation announce plans to begin their protest if the Electoral College is not reinstated. America's unions are quick to denounce these planned strikes, saying that a strike should not be used to effect a political change. The unions are surprised when most of their own workforce walks off their job sites to join in the protests against the government and its 'policies of oppression.'
In response to this, the already weakened stock market begins to fall back into a depression the likes of which have not been seen in American history. For the first time in recorded history, the US economy starts to shrink.
November 2030
After a half a year of strikes, the Supreme Court rules the strikes illegal. With food shortages and increased prices in the cities, the federal government takes action. The National Guard is deployed with orders to break up the strikes and put the workers back to work. In many of the states, the National Guard ignores those orders. Federal funding is revoked to those states where the Guard does not obey. After facing initial resistance against deployment, federal troops are dispatched. In several states, brief firefights happen between National Guard and Federal forces, with some Federal forces defecting to state forces. The US Military is shattered into pieces, but the strikes are forced to end.
January 2032
The Department of Justice begins hunting for anyone who may have been involved with the strikes and the military clashes. Hundreds of Representatives and dozens of Senators are implicated on shaky grounds and are impeached from office and it is decided their seats will be filled by representatives from 'trustworthy' states. Strict laws regarding gun control and other major liberal policies are enacted. In addition, a social justice bill is passed, requiring an additional tax on scalies in order to pay reparations to minority groups for 'the sins of their fathers and grandfathers.' Texas and other heavily conservative states openly refuse to follow any of these laws and begin the legal process to challenge them, getting the laws suspended for the time being.
June, 2034
The lawsuits on behalf of Texas, Florida, and other conservative states reaches the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court, after only three hours of deliberation, tosses out the lawsuit. The 'American Redistribution Act' officially becomes the law of the land. All of the conservative candidates for office vow that if elected, they will see this act repealed. This unified opposition is widely criticized by the left.
October, 2034
The Supreme Court disqualifies almost all of the Congressional candidates from middle America, Texas, and Florida, stating they are not fit to hold office. The Presidential candidate from Texas is also disqualified on the grounds that racism is not a tolerable trait for a Presidential candidate. As a result, the Presidency is handed to Warren without any contest. The governors of Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, South Carolina, Arizona, Minnesota, and Utah all openly call for the dissolution of the federal government.
December, 2034
President Warren's Justice Department issues warrants for the arrest of the governors of each of the states that had called for the government's dissolution for the charge of Treason. When local Police and FBI offices do not arrest them, agents from Washington, D.C. are sent to make the arrests. These agents are slaughtered as they attempt to make arrests.
Jan. 20th, 2035
A nuclear device is detonated in Washington, D.C. during Warren's inauguration ceremony. Warren is killed along with her cabinet and the entirety of Congress present for the ceremony, breaking the line of succession. In all the states across the nation, National Guard troops are immediately activated. In Texas, the State Defense Force and National Guard seizes Fort Worth after it refused to turn over control to the Texas Governor. Bloodshed is light, with only the base's commanding staff having been resistant. This repeats all over the nation, as National Guard troops seize or reinforce military bases.
A few weeks after the nuclear detonation, the United Nations, led by the European Union, deploys peacekeeping troops around the gutted Washington, D.C. to protect international interests. UN Headquarters is relocated to Paris, France from New York City after an angry mob of conservatives is attacked by another angry mob of liberals, resulting in hundreds of casualties..
With the federal government thrown into disarray and the current political climate across the country more polarized than ever before, the stock market crashes, sending the country deeper into depression. The effects are felt globally as the sharp devaluation of the US dollar, or 'Dollar Death' as it is known, crashes the European and Asian stock markets. The world falls into economic depression.
June, 2036
With separatist sentiment on the rise across the nation, Texas formally succeeds from the Union and is joined by several neighboring states. The Republic of Texas is reborn. Soon after, California succeeds, taking parts of neighboring states with it. The nation is soon fractured into 4 separate factions: the Republic of Texas, controlling much of the middle southern section of the US; the Californian Democratic Union, controlling the western coast from Seattle all the way down to the southern border with Mexico; the Confederate States of America, consisting of many of the former Confederate states; and the New England Federation of States, consisting of the states north of Virginia and east of Ohio. The remaining states in the Midwest are too impoverished to do much of anything and are run locally. Each of these factions begins to purge itself of those they consider undesirable, forcing them to move or outright killing them.
Racial conflict breaks out as years of racial tension finally explodes. In the Northeast and California, this results in areas where voluntary segregation is the norm. All of the citizens receive payments for reparations in one form or another, resulting in 50-75% tax rates which are partially offset by the payouts, which can be revoked for 'racism, bigotry, or xenophobia'. Students are paid to go to college, but are tested upon entry to find what field is right for them. They are then put through that degree plan, then put out into the workforce to find that 'dream job', which is always in the field the state chooses for them. Poverty is reduced, happiness remains steady, but the freedom of the population to control what they do with their lives is gone.
In Texas and the Confederation, troops are sent in to stop the fighting and a new system of public education is put into place, describing the policy known as Divide and Rule and educating its population on how the old US Government did that for decades to turn the people against each other, rather than against a government encroaching more and more on their freedoms. Individual choice and freedom is preached in these territories, with Christianity on the rise and a part of the governments. Actual discrimination is low, tolerance both preached and practiced, but not at the expense of 'cultural identity'.
Media services on both sides bash the smallest mistakes from either side, further isolating the four factions along two lines.
Jan, 2037
The United Nations refuses to recognize any of the new American factions as nations, still recognizing the United States of America as the sovereign state. Peacekeeping forces in the former Washington, D.C. area are attacked by enraged citizens, prompting a reinforcing of the units deployed in North America. Midwestern cities, including Detroit and Chicago, descend further into race riots. Ethnic cleansing takes place in these cities on a large scale, resulting in impromptu militias engaging in fierce firefights with each other while the underfunded police departments and Guard units are unable to resist. Many of the Midwestern states collapse entirely. Refugees flee these states into the four major factions.
March, 2037
The Republic of Texas rebuffs an attempt by Mexican troops to take the city of El Paso. A swift counterstrike into staging areas across the Rio Grande and air strikes deeper into Mexico forces Mexico to pull back from the Texan border with its military in tatters. The United Nations decries this military exchange, alarmed by the military preparation the faction has. In depth reconnaissance shows that each of the American factions are refurbishing mothballed military equipment, arming themselves up as best as they can as they also produce new equipment.
July, 2037
Californian troops begin advancing into Arizona, prompting Texan troops to do the same with New Mexico. Their troops meet and engage each other in the Arizona desert. Losses are heavy on both sides and no gains are made by either side. Both factions blame the other for the battle (officially called a skirmish), claiming their troops had been acting in self-defense after being attacked by the other side.
September, 2037
The initial UN response to the violence in the American Southwest is to call for an immediate cessation of hostilities. The UN, seeing a regional crisis developing in North America, offers to mediate between the four American factions. However, when a nuclear warhead is detonated in Paris by a Pakistani jihadi who had masqueraded as a refugee, the UN is convinced the weapon came from unsecured nuclear weapons stockpiles in the fragmented United States. Finally forced to recognize that the United States is no more, the UN decides that first it must secure American nuclear stockpiles. The EU launches four missions to known sites across the US, one in each faction's territory. The EU does not take into account that each faction is terrified of nukes from their territory falling into terrorist hands thanks to the Inauguration Day Bombing. Each mission results in catastrophic failure after encountering local forces. It is later discovered that the nuclear weapon that was detonated in France came from Iran, and each US faction declares that no UN troops will be permitted in their territory. In response, the EU completely withdraws from the Continental US to avoid sparking an incident and to punish Iran.
In response to this action taken by the EU, US Naval forces deployed around the world finally return home with a new purpose agreed upon by the admirals. The US Navy stands on its own, requesting aid from each of the factions but not aligning with any of them, stating their goal is to keep foreign parties from interfering militarily in the US. Pearl Harbor is officially made the headquarters of the entire US Navy, with former allies to the US, mainly Japan, Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom, sending aid for that fleet into Hawaii. Hawaii stands alone as its own nation, waiting for the continentals to make up their minds and ensuring no foreign powers directly intervene.
The United Nations recognizes delegates from each of the four new American Nations, and in several nations around the world, widespread hysterical celebrations erupt at the dissolution of the United States. Seeing an opportunity, Iran declares war on Saudi Arabia, and Egypt, Jordan, and Syria once again attempt to invade Israel. While the conflict with Israel is brief, seeing Israel once again annihilate the attacking forces and occupying more land. Israel also uses the war as an excuse to militarily occupy the Gaza Strip and West Bank. Seeing no other solution and fearing what happened in the US repeating there, Israel forcibly removes all Muslims from these area, drawing condemnation from all across the world, except for the American nations, which are too busy eyeing each other suspiciously to really care. Meanwhile, the war between Iran and Saudi Arabia appears to be stretching on, devastating oil production and exporting in the region.
October, 2045 - Present
All the governments in the former US have spent the last 8 years arming up their militaries. Several skirmishes have happened, but all-out war has been avoided due to UN efforts to keep the peace. However, with China and Russia both withdrawing funding from the useless international agency, those negotiations come to a complete halt.
The two most powerful American factions, Texas and California, stand on the brink of all-out war. Both wished to restore the 'Old United States' from the beginning, both have powerful militaries, and both had come to the brink of war several times with each other. The situation in North America is worse than the situation in Korea, with a DMZ stretching thousands of miles in places and a standing no fly zone in effect over most of the American Midwest.
The two sides, with the CDU and Federation on one side and Texas and the Confederacy on the other, eye each other. Tensions are high and it's only a matter of time until the fuse is lit. The population in the American Midwest watches on, powerless to influence events still, waiting to see which side emerges as the victor and dreading the future.
The international scene is not much better. The United Nations, having not made a difference in either the global economic crisis or the American situation, dissolves. China and Russia are the main antagonists on the global stage, glaring at each other. China, the world's most powerful economy, supplies the California Democratic Union. Russia, the world's strongest military, supplies the Republic of Texas. The European Union supplies the Federation while the Commonwealth of Nations supplies the Confederacy. With tensions across the former United States and across the globe at an all-time high, it is only a matter of time before the world once again explodes into war.