Months At Sea

Story by Torakuma on SoFurry

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Months At Sea

By: ToKu

"Do you know how much longer we have on this rust bucket?"

"A few more weeks?"

"Try another month and a half!"

"And you can't wait that long?"

"And you can? We've seen nothing but ocean and sausage for the past four months, and these don't help very much." The shirtless ermine said ripping the magazine from the polar bears paws. He held it up in the dim light of the cabin, squinting a bit in the poor lighting to reveal a lioness spreading her legs for the camera, her heavy breasts falling to either side of her chest. "Besides, how can a guy paw if he's got a fellow sailor in his room?"

"You know I don't give a fuck." The equally topless bear said and rolled his eyes as he raised his paws behind his head and leaned back onto his bunk where it strained under his weight. They were both supposed to be getting ready for bed, lights out being in thirty minutes. He closed his eyes and shrugged, trying hard to act normal when they were talking about such a taboo subject. "As long as you don't send anything flying over the edge, I'm fine with it."

"That's not the point, Nate." The ermine said tossing the dirty magazine back to the bear where it landed squarely on his round belly. "Listen, this is just to hold us off until then. We don't even have to think about it after tonight."

"You mean like, we'll completely forget it ever happened?" Nathan asked; his left eye opening a bit as his head turned towards the snow white ferret. He wasn't thin, but was nowhere near the size of the large polar bear below him. He stood with his smaller but muscular arms hanging limply at his side. He truly looked desperate, in need of a release that was impossible out at sea unless you found someone willing to, cross the fence, or so they say.

"I won't say a word about it after morning." The ermine said as his ears perked up and his tail arched in the air. It almost made the polar bear laugh but then he remembered what he'd have to do. He and Robert had known each other before becoming marines, that was the only reason the conversation had come up in the first place, the ermine knew Nathan wouldn't freak out and rat on his buddy and or beat him to a pulp; which the bear could easily do.

"I don't know Robbie; I don't think I could do that." The bear said sitting up a bit, using his large arms to prop himself up as he rolled sideways a bit. Only, he wasn't sure how mush validity was behind what he just said. He looked at the ermine's boxer shorts and found himself unable to look away. Not that he wanted to look at his friend's package, but thinking about sex, no matter who it was with, always seemed to get him hard.

"I said I'd return the favor." Robert said, taking a step to the door leading out into the main sleeping courters. He placed a paw over the latch to lock the door and pulled hard. The switch caused something to clank. Nathan knew nothing could get in now. They weren't supposed to lock the doors, in case of an emergency, but he knew no one would be coming to check on them. It was almost lights out, but they'd still have enough time to do what they 'had' to do.

"What, you've sucked a cock before?" Nathan asked with an air of humor to mask his nervousness.

"No," The ermine said waving his clawed paws in front of his chest; making sure his point got across. "It's know, I just really need this. I can't wait another month, let alone the possibility of two."

Nathan sighed and rolled his eyes until they landed on his own boxer covered sheath. How long had it been since he had last pawed, three, four, five weeks? He wasn't sure, and if it meant having to help out a buddy in return for some gratification he figured it'd be worth it. And it wasn't that he didn't want to suck a dick, he just didn't want to have that added to his conscience. He knew a lot of guys on the ship were homophobic and bashed on queers, he wasn't a queer, at least he didn't think he was, but being able to say that he had sucked a dick before didn't help his mentality about it.

"I guess if you ever gave me grief about it I could always hang you up by your neck and toss you overboard." Nathan laughed nervously and looked back up to the ermine who grinned back at him.

"Yeah, I guess you could." Robert said, as he narrowed his eyes warily as he smiled. "You're like the biggest guy on this ship; I don't think anyone would be willing to pick a fight with you. I got muscle, but nothing like that."

"Yeah..." Nathan looked at his arms as they propped him up. They were pretty big, but all polar bears were big, and he was just another one. "I guess no one would mess with me if they found out I did a friend a favor, huh?"

The ermine nodded his head and chuckled as he shifted on his bare foot-paws. Nathan thought he saw movement in his boxers and was soon surprised to see the faintest suggestion of a wet spot forming where a tip was poking the cotton from within. He swallowed hard and stared intently at the spot, his friend fidgeting, not really knowing how to start things moving. It was funny really, they had seen each other in the showers before, and their soft sheaths, but this would be different. Nathan could tell that his friend was nervous despite being sexually deprived, but he wasn't alone.

"Want me to just... You know...?" Nathan asked and went to reach for the ferret's boxer shorts.

"No, it's alright, it got it." He said and slowly hooked his claws inside his shorts and very slowly began to pull them down. It almost looked like it was painful, like if they were shorts of dry ice and he was trying not to touch too much of his fur with the fabric, lest he be burned.

Nathan watched as the waist line began to reveal thicker and thicker fur until soon the pink tipped sheath was exposed. Next, the perfectly proportioned sac came into view, hanging just an inch or so below the expanding member incased in fur. He heard the ermine chuckle again once his boxers hit the floor but he couldn't look away from the collection of furry white bits as they swung when his friend stepped out of the shorts.

"What? Do you like the way it looks?" The voice brought him back to eye level with the ferret who grinned and seemed to blush at his own question. It was strange because he had never known Robert as being a shy guy.

"Well, as a friend and as a guy simply appreciating the male form, sure it's nice, I guess. Good size; you got a bit up on me." Nathan said before having to clear his voice; a loud thundering cough that sounded twice as loud in the silence of the metal walled room. He felt himself stirring down in his own shorts and reached a paw down to squeeze his own sac though the cotton. Robert saw this and took the last remaining steps to the bunk so that his legs were touching the steel and sheath was now precariously close to Nathan's muzzle.

"Actually," Nathan grinned up at the white ferret as he moved his paw from his sac to the sheath before him. Robert spasmed at the sudden feeling and caused the bear to grip harder on the hard meat within. He wasn't sure how the cocoon of fur was still holding it; all he cared about now was getting it out in the open. "I was wondering if it was gonna taste as nice as it looks. I can't tell through all this fur."

There was a gasp as the fur fell back, bear paw guiding sheath to base; producing six inches of thick ferret cock. For a smaller guy he sure had some girth to it, or so the bear thought. It only made him chuckle, even as a generous stream of pre shot from the tip to land inconspicuously into white arctic bear fur.

"Sorry..." Robert took a deep, raspy breath before his words followed. "I do that sometimes when I'm excited."

"Noted." Nathan said and chuckled, this time releasing the cock only to wrap his furry paw around the slimy tip, careful not to scrape the flesh with his black nail claws. The ermine shivered at the touch but sighed in pleasure as the paw made its way back to the base, sliding over veiny thickness. "I have to admit Robbie; you got some width to ya."

"Uh, thanks." Robert grinned, blinking his eyes in delight; the comment and physical contact being both stimulating and encouraging in such an apprehensive moment.

Nathan nodded and continued to stoke with one paw. He wanted to stroke himself now; his hard member was breaking out of his own sheath and was soaking his white boxer shorts but his other paw was propping him up. His entire arm in fact, so it was impossible.

"You want to find out how it tastes?" Robbie asked nervously, staring down at his large friend work his cock in his paw.

"Do I have a choice?" Nathan asked with sarcasm as his paw pads slipped over pink flesh unconsciously.

"Of course you do." The ermine replied almost nervously.

Nathan grinned and looked back at the dick before him, thick and throbbing and tried to think of it as something he wanted, not something he, well, feared. With a slow deep breath he extended his head as far as it would go, tongue out an inch or so, and made contact with the ball of pre forming on the tip. It was salty, bitter, but sweet at the same time. Thick too, not like anything he had ever tasted before that was a liquid. It had a substance to it, as well as a strange attraction. The polar bear lapped at it, under and over, until it was slick with his spit and not pre, pressing his now free paw to his hard member. The snow white ermine simply took hold of the top bunk and held on as the long forgotten sensation of oral sex filled him once again.

"It tastes pretty damn good actually." Nathan said as he paused for a moment, letting the dick dangle before him. Robert opened his eyes, having shut them in bliss, and watched as the bear pulled his underwear off his wide hips. His cock flopped up and smacked his belly fur, letting pre fly further up. Nathan heard the ermine laugh silently and only shook his head in a grin as he kicked off his shorts.

"Hey, shut up and give me that cock back." Nathan growled with a grin.

"Yes sir," Robbie said and with a paw around the base of his cock, shoved the meat into the polar bears waiting mouth. Nathan moaned, but only to tease his friend, though he found he was actually enjoying the whole thing, and to his surprise Robert was lightening up as well. Each time the ermine would thrust into Nathan's drooling maw he'd moan as it hit the back of his throat before being plucked right back out with a pop of wet lips; kinda like suction cups. It was nearly causing them both to laugh out right, making the whole job harder, but more enjoyable.

"You suck cock good you big polar bear whore." Robert said knowing Nathan wouldn't mind the teasing. He didn't, and in fact, he'd just moan more, feigning the way he had seen females choke on cock in pornos.

"You like it to; otherwise your dick wouldn't be so hard." Robert said watching as Nathan's paw worked up and down the shaft of his own seven inch member. "Actually... I, you know, I wouldn't mind so much if you wanted to... You know... the number, uh, sixty-nine."


"Sure," Nathan said, letting the ermine's cock sway in the air as he scooted over on his bunk. Robert looked nervous as hell, his paws rubbing together like he was starving but was unsure if he'd like the meal. Whiskers all a twitch and eyes darting, he smiled none the less and sat on the bunk, laying out in the direction of Nathan's dick. The white bear raised his left leg and rested it against the wall, giving the ermine his room to work the tool before him. He felt a smaller white paw cup his massive jewels and juggle them like they were circus balls; they sure were big enough to be.

"Big." Robert spoke to no one in particular. Nathan knew when he would talk like that, say words to himself about something or someone else and decided not to reply. Instead he chose to fondle the arctic ferret's sac as well. It was odd, extremely erotic, but odd; how moments ago they were talking about chicks and that had led to them being intimate with each other.

"I..." Nathan went to say but gasped as the ermine dove head first into the bear's thick pubic fur, lips running along the full length, cold nose touching white furry sac. He shivered and expected Robert to come back up right away, but instead his head bobbed a bit, almost like he was shaking his head. It felt damn good even though this was his first time sucking a cock! Robert began a steady, inexperienced motion, back and forth, pleasing the bear as he had been, and despite his lacking talent seemed to quickly get the hang of it.

Nate wanted to say something. To thank the ermine for his promise, but instead of finishing his thoughts he figured it better to simply return the favor, just as Robert had promised, so shall he give pleasure for pleasure. He swallowed the cock; hard and dripping onto his clean white sheets. He copied Robert and sucked down to the base, his nose pressing into the furry white balls that were falling over the ferret's right leg. The bear reached between those white limbs and cupped his paw against his ass, pressing ferret hips towards his mouth each time his lips would come up to the tip of the pink cock.

Falling into the same repetitive motion as his friend, Nathan slowly became used to the awkward position and was soon almost starved to get every inch of the cock in his mouth every time he'd pull off it because it would mean the ermine would do the exact thing to him. He found himself liking it, loving it almost. Every lick, every suck, every ball tug, and every single time the other male would go down on him in response; doing all the same things he did. It was defiantly something he 'would' do again, if Robbie ever asked, that is.

POP! The ermine let the cock fall from his warm mouth to look up at the bear.

"I'm gonna cum Nate!" Robert groaned as softly as he could, Nathan knew he was trying to be quite. Both of their deep sucking breaths through their noses would ricochet off the walls and sound like an avalanche. This information intrigued Nathan, he wasn't sure why, but the thought of his lifelong friend cuming in his mouth made him hot. He could have sworn he even felt a thin stream of pre shoot from his cock as it throbbed; wanting to be sucked some more.

"Um-humm," Nate moaned on the cock as he tried another deepthroat. He was really starting to like doing that. It made him feel more like a male actually. The ability to suck a cock, while not very rare among some, still had a pride about it. Like, you'd be a real man if you weren't afraid to suck a cock. Nathan knew a lot of guys would flat out deny something like that, even ones who knew it to be true, but it was something that made you feel good, not ashamed.

"Oh gods, Nate." Robbie grunted as his hips began to buck by themselves; paw-claws slightly digging into polar bear legs in ecstasy. Nathan moved his free paw from his friends side where it had rested warm and softly,(He realized he liked the feel of his friend's fur) and placed it upon his own cock, realizing now that he didn't expect Robbie to continue sucking him off after he came.

Pawing furiously, inches away from the ermines face, and sucking cock like a mad-bear, Nathan noticed Roberts balls inch further and further up towards his cock and when they finally did reach the base the polar bear almost expected it. However, never having sucked a guy off before, it was still a surprise when the gracious amount of cum began to ooze into his mouth in torrents. It flowed down his throat and dribbled out the sides of his mouth; a good two months or so of pent up cum. It tasted better then the spurts of pre he had tasted, though he couldn't exactly say what it tasted like. He had always thought cum would taste gross, but the last thing he wanted to do was spit it out. So he sucked and swallowed.

"Oh shit, shit, shit." Robbie cursed softly in an attempt to keep as quiet as he possibly could as he experienced his best orgasm in over six months. "Fuck Nate, where? Where did you learn...? Fuck..."

Nathan hadn't stopped pawing, his pre and spit slicked cock making slippery sounds as black paw pads brought the big bear over the limit of orgasm. Robert was cut off after he said 'fuck' as the single, thick, white hot rope of cum splashed across his face like a whip. His head spun and was just able to open his mouth before the rest was lost in white fur.

Nathan's large white body shook as this own seed was drained. He kept his mouth fastened to the cock in his mouth, however, fearful of the roar that begged to be released along with his cum. He didn't want to let it go quite yet; the cock, cuming with it in his mouth was just to, amazing. Something he never thought he would have said before. While he wasn't a homophobe, and he was perfectly comfortable in the presence of another male, even while naked, he just never thought he'd be naked with an exploding dick in his mouth, or lying next to his best friend like he was.

Silence enveloped the room and they lay there panting for breath for the longest time, both softly suckling on the other's male hood and rubbing the others sacks as if they were trying to milk any remaining spunk from within. To Nathan it just felt good, caressing the curves and bends of the ermine's lithe body. He only hoped Robert was getting the same thing out of it.

"Mmm." Robert sighed letting the bear cock slip from his mouth like a kiss where he proceeded to smack his lips like he had just finished off a Popsicle. Nathan did the same just seconds later only he gave his a few last licks to the softening dick in his paw. He was sure it was safe to assume the ermine had enjoyed it; Nathan knew he sure did.

"That was fun." He spoke deeply, whipping some spit or cum from the corner of his mouth with the back of his paw. Robert grinned but frowned as a ruckus from outside their door arose. They heard other male furs cheering and yelling about something. Both Nate and Robbie looked from the door to each other a few times before they both shot up and began to frantically search for their underwear. Robert had to wipe the cum from his face before he slipped his pair on but Nathan had to dig for a clean pair from his drawer. By the time he pulled the clean cotton up to his waist Robert began to open the porthole.

The narrow hallway was lit and flooded with furs in every direction, all wearing night shirts or in some cases just underwear. Someone had ripped up a bunch of paper and tossed it into the air like confetti and Nathan thought he heard someone open a bottle down the hall. "I thought alcohol wasn't aloud." He thought aloud as Robert tapped the shoulder of a nearby fur.

The hulking tiger turned around and greeted them with a grin that was out of place on such a large and frightful face. He was dressed the same as the ermine and bear except his underwear were cotton boxer briefs that showed off his package quite well, and probably purposefully.

"What's goin' on Max?" Robert asked the massive tiger.

"Were goin' ashore. Probly be there by mornin'." Max said with a white toothy smile. He clapped both Robert and Nathan on the shoulders and started back down the hall to celebrate with more of their shipmates.

Both friend's slowly looked at each other a moment, unsure of what to say to the other. They had agreed, in an act of desperation, to pleasure one another due to lack of 'pussy' or so to say, only to find that they were to go ashore the very next day. Nathan couldn't quite explain what he felt. He wasn't sorry it happened, quite the contrary, but he was almost worried Robert would think it was a big mistake.

"Heh," Nathan breathed, almost too afraid to laugh completely only to find himself laughing outright at the same time Robert began. It was brief, a quick 'ha ha' then silence, or as quiet as it could get with dozens of furs laughing and yelling about them. They studied each other's eyes, searching for something, a sign of acceptance. They smiled then, almost simultaneously, one foolish smile reflecting another. Then the smiled evolved to chuckles, giggles, then to all out laughter again. It was silly really, and they realized it.

"So, I don't know," Robert said scratching his head as he looked for the right thing to say. "Do you want to get something to eat when we get to shore?"

"A date?" Nathan asked and smiled at the silly proposition.

"We don't have to if you don't want to." He said, his eyes darting down below Nathan's waist line. Nathan smiled at his nervousness. He almost couldn't believe it. His best friend was asking him out on a date. "I just feel like I had to ask y..."

"I'd love to." Nathan said simply and hugged the ermine, pressing him into his chest fur like a stuffed animal. Luckily no one noticed and they were apart and at arms length again before anyone did. "And I know the perfect place."

The End :3