NuMe Undies: Beach Wear

Story by Jaden_Drackus on SoFurry

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#2 of Nume Undies

It's summer. And that can only mean one thing: it's time to take advantage of NuMe Undies line of swimwear. That's what the owner of Sandy Narrows Beach does, and ends up with lifeguards ready to deal with any kind of distress a beach goer might have...


"Because the boss said so?"

"Well, yeah. But the beach doesn't have a dress code, why should the lifeguards?"

Randy shrugged. Andrew did bring up a point--Sandy Narrows Beach had always been rather easy going in terms of what people could wear: including themselves as the lifeguards. So it had been something of a surprise when Tom, the stoat owner, had smiled and said he'd gotten them new uniforms: rather small speedos in the Beach's dark blue and gold colors. Still, the oryx had to admit, they did look nice. Randy smiled down at his ferret-badger friend.

"Well, let's be real. Tom probably just wants a little eye-candy."

Andrew made a face and snorted, his whiskers twitching. The beach owner's preferences were pretty well known among his employees, but rarely were more than trivia. Most of the other staff Randy had talked to laughed when the oryx (who'd been the first in that morning) told them about the speedos. There'd been an office pool back when Tom bought the beach about how long it would be before he tried to get the staff to be "sexy" for him. The stoat had apparently waited a good long time, since no one could tell Randy who won the pool. The oryx smiled down at his friend.

"I dunno. I kind of like them. And it's not like he said we had to wear them."

"You would say that," Andrew huffed. "You actually look like you've been going to the gym all winter."

"Sorry," Randy replied. "But you know we oryx build muscle a bit faster than badgers. Besides, knowing Tom he probably meant it as an incentive to keep going."

"I suppose. I mean, I guess he did pay for our memberships when we started going."

"So we should at least try them on. It's only polite. And I've heard good things about this NuMe Undies company. Supposed to be really good quality."

"Fine," Andrew sighed. "But I still don't think I'll be going out on duty with my junk pretty much on full display."

With that the ferret-badger snatched the smaller of the speedos and headed off in the direction of the locker room. Randy chuckled and followed after.

"Hey, you never know--you may get a lady badger that wants to enjoy the view."

"Uh huh," Andrew snorted. While certainly not advertised as such, Tom's own preferences and ownership of Sandy Narrows meant that most of the clientele were also gay. Randy didn't mind that, as he leaned a little towards the bi side himself, but straight Andrew would occasionally "complain" in private at the lack of females at the beach.

They entered the locker room and went to their individual lockers. Andrew looked at his watch as Randy pulled his shirt off.

"Got an hour until the beach opens. Plenty of time for this nonsense and then actually get dressed for work."

"If you say so. I dunno I may wear mine."

"Whatever dude. Let's just get this over with."

With that the ferret-badger turned away and disrobed, keeping his tail down. Randy turned himself, chuckling at his housemate as he undressed as well. He folded his clothes into his locker and gave his balls and sheath a fluff before he grabbed the speedo. He paused and inspected it for a moment.

It was a nice set of swimwear, mostly dark blue with an eye grabbing gold pouch. Two lines of thick white piping separated the two colors. On one hip was the white cross on a red square lifeguard symbol, on the other was the abstract beach logo of Sandy Narrows. Again, Randy was struck by the quality of the product--and Tom was just giving them to all the staff as gifts: speedos for the males, and nice one piece suits for the females. The only thing that he could even begin to complain about was that they had a universal tail hole, and those tended to be a bit loose around his thin oryx tail. That was a small complaint, and certainly no reason to dismiss such a generous gift. Besides, he'd look good in it. Without any further hesitation, he stepped into the speedo and pulled it up to his waist.

He smiled and turned to face Andrew, who'd also gotten his on. Despite his previous grumblings, the ferret-badger did pull off the look fairly well. The dark blue and gold looked great against his gray and white fur, and he filled out the pouch rather nicely. The bulge stood out more due to Andrew having a lean physique with just the tiniest hint of a belly. It took Randy a moment to realize that the ferret-badger wasn't hiding himself, instead he was looking at the oryx.

Randy had to admit the speedo did make him feel pretty good about himself: he was barrel chested, like most oryx, with a smaller waist and broad shoulders. His legs seemed slightly small compared to his upper body, but carried him just fine. His hide was tan save for the black and white on his face and his stockings, so the speedo stood out on him as well.

"Not bad," he said. "Looks good on you."

"Looks better on you," Andrew replied, which was pretty much the last thing the oryx expected him to say.

"Thanks," Randy said with uncertainty. It was odd his friend would complement his appearance, wasn't it?

"I mean it," Andrew said in a tone that suggested he was distracted by something. "You look sexy."

That was an odd thing for Andrew to say, wasn't it? Randy felt certain that his friend wouldn't say something like that, but his mind became hazy when he tried to recall. It was better to just accept it--after all, he did look good in it. It was easier to accept that, it was the truth after all wasn't it? They lived together, they worked together--of course they found each other attractive.

For an awkward moment, the thought seemed foreign to him--almost as if it hadn't come from his own mind. That fear quickly faded and he moaned as he realized the truth of it settled into his consciousness. In his new swimsuit, his shaft stirred, sliding free of his sheath. Across the room, he could see a sizable tent in the ferret-badger's trunks as well.

"That's hot Andy," the oryx said.

"Yours is pretty hot too," came the reply.

They stepped towards each other, their eyes going glassy as they moved. Randy wondered if Andy heard the soothing voice in his head as well. He hoped so--the voice was so pleasant to listen to, so nice, so easy to just obey. They both moaned and mouthed the word in their heads: that they were handsome, that they loved showing off for the beach goers, and that they loved other males--especially each other. And Tom. They loved their wonderful boss. They loved working at the beach, they were the perfect lifeguards after all.

Randy groaned as a warm numbing sensation spread from his loins, rapidly filling his entire body. He sighed contentedly as the voice continued, telling him all the ways to be a good gay lifeguard.

"I'm a h-otter lifeguard," he said with a dopy smile.

"Yeah," Andy whispered. Then they both gasped as new sensations hit them.

Randy felt like he was being stretched: swelling in some places, losing mass in others. His tail was the first thing he noticed--suddenly it felt heavy. He groaned as he felt more and more weight tugging at his spine, but the voice in his mind reassured him that it was alright. He had a long thick tail, perfect for swimming with. He also felt the weight of his horns disappear, but that was alright too: otters didn't have horns. He was being silly.

"I'm an otter," he repeated to himself. Or was he just repeating what the voice said? It didn't matter.

His face went numb as his muzzle shortened into a proper otter muzzle, his legs thickened, and his hooves became webbed paws. His ears shrank until they were almost invisible and the black markings on his face vanished into brown fur. He chittered to himself as his fur grew in: a uniform brown save for lighter cream markings on the underside of his muzzle down to his chest. Then the final changes began.

His chest swelled, his pecs pushing out. His hint of a belly vanished, cutting down to a perfect six pack. His legs thickened again, the muscles becoming prominent even through his new fur. His shoulders and arms exploded, as if he'd spent his life in the gym and not just the past few months. He felt that he wasn't a massive bodybuilder type, but he was bigger than the usual otter. And from the way his speedo was straining, is wasn't just his muscles that were above average. He didn't have time to investigate that before he became aware of the show occurring in front of him. Andy was undergoing a change of his own.

The ferret-badger expanded in front of him, going from just under the new otter's solar plexus to equal height, then to taller. His muscles swelled to size of those that would compete in bodybuilding competitions: massive all around--huge pecs, giant arms, and an eight pack abdomen. His legs looked like small tree trunks, and the bulge in his speedo hinted at balls the size of tangerines and an epic shaft without a sheath. Then the real changes began.

Andy's tail shot from his spine, lengthening and thickening until it was almost half the length of his body. The tip seemed to split into a pair of impressive flukes. His long muzzle shrank into a thick snout. Andy clicked happily as a fin emerged between his shoulder blades. Then, his fur vanished leaving his skin with the same black and white markings the fur had. The orca sighed as the changes ended and he settled into his new self.

They stood up straight as the voice in their heads began giving them new truths. They were gay lovers--only natural since they lived and worked together. Randy lived up to his name, always ready to go with a willing partner. Andy, despite his dominant appearance, was very submissive and preferred to lift his tail--especially for his randy otter. Randy was king of the beach, and Andy was his queen. A lifeguard's job was to assist those in distress, no matter what that distress might be. And of course, they were always ready to repay the wonderful stoat that had taken such good care of them. He was the only person in the world that was sexier than their partner. They would always be ready to offer Tom whatever he wanted. It was what pets did for their Master.

"We love Master Tom," the pair said in unison. Their erections throbbed in acknowledgement of this new truth.

With that, voice stopped and the haze in their minds cleared. They returned to full focus to find themselves facing their mate with a ragging hard on. They smiled broadly and embraced each other, letting their shafts rub together with their movements. Their muzzles locked with an urgency that would have suggested it had been months since they saw each other, and not just a few minutes. They finally broke the kiss, Andy smiled down at Randy and chattered sheepishly.

"I forgot the lube," he admitted.

"That's okay babe," Randy said, his paw already dropping to Andy's waistband. "We'll just have to send you out there empty today."

"Aww," Andy whined, his own paw working to free Randy's shaft from its fabric prison. "How will I ever make it through the day without my tail hole full of otter seed?"

"I'm sure you'll manage."

With that, Randy freed Andy's massive ebon shaft from his speedo. The orca giggled and put a paw on Randy's reddish-pink member. Randy moaned as they stroked each other. Despite the certainty that they had done this before--multiple times--the feeling of Andy's paw on his member felt just as new as the first time the orca had jacked him off. His own paw could barely circle the massive orca as he gently squeezed and stroked it.

They nuzzled each other, letting their shafts throb against each other, each spurt of pre helping to lubricate as they stroked. It also caused Randy's fur to start matting just above his navel, where their tips tapped against his body. They picked up their pace, spurred on by each other's little squeaks and moans, and the knowledge that they would need to clean up after this. Randy groaned as he felt the pressure building deep inside him and whispered that he was getting close to Andy. The orca chittered and indicated that he was as well. They both stroked faster, somehow managing to synchronize their movements so that Andy was squeezing the base of his otter's shaft at the same time Randy squeezed the orca's cock. They began to pant as each began the inevitable climb towards orgasm.

Randy, as usual, was the first to groan and then gasp. His eyes rolled back and his tongue flopped out of his muzzle as he throbbed hard in Andy's paw, splashing the orca with a healthy amount of otter cum. Andy whimpered, and as Randy came down he realized that he had stopped stroking his mate. He rushed to correct his mistake and was rewarded with a whistling click as the cock in his paw throbbed and spurted, coating his chest and belly fur with white. They collapsed into each other, and stood there for a long time panting and giggling.

"Aww. You started without me."

Their heads came up to see Master Tom, looking handsome as always in a Sandy Narrows polo and khaki shorts, standing in the doorway smiling at them. Chastised, they looked down at themselves, coated in cum and not ready for the beach to open in half an hour.

"Sorry Master," Randy said.

"We didn't mean to, it just kind of happened."

"It's alright," Master Tom assured them. "But we need to get you two ready for the day. It's a big day today."

Two hours later, the stoat looked out over the beach and smiled. The sand was lined with males, all enjoying the sun and the company, all in various states of undress. More than a few were engaged in activities that wouldn't be allowed at any other beach.

Tom smiled as he watched his dream unfold before him. Sandy Narrows had always been a safe spot for the gay community, but now that the NuMe speedos has tweaked his staff's attitudes properly it was a place where they could indulge their fantasies as well. Including intercourse with an attractive lifeguard. He'd picked Andy and Randy to fulfil that role (the rest of the staff only had their attitudes towards public sex tweaked), as his conversations with them led him to believe they'd be the most open to it.

The stoat felt his shaft stir in his sheath as he saw Randy pounding a cute civet with his tail draped over the otter's waist like a belt. From the lifeguard station, Andy watched the beach: the cage around his cock apparent even through his speedo making it clear what his duties were. The stag standing at the base of the station seemed interested, and Tom could see the orca's snout moving--probably explaining that he would have to wait until Randy was finished. Fantasy did not overrule safety after all. Tom sighed in contentment as he turned and went back to his desk.

He was looking forward to tonight, when he'd get to enjoy his new lifeguard pets himself. It was going to be such fun. He studiously ignored the tent in his shorts as he imagined exactly how fun it would be.

Prelude to Adventure

Ryan stared out the window and sighed. The wolf had been looking forward to this day all week. But now, it was all ruined. When his friends Terry and Jason- the ram and fox from down the street- had come over to play it had immediately begun to rain,...

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The Orca's Pet

You come to your senses in complete darkness. For a moment, panic seizes you as you are unsure of what is happening. You are lying on your side, with a slight pain in your shoulders and pressure on your wrists that tells you that your paws are cuffed...

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Nume Undies: Character Creation

Ted finally logged off for the night, stretching stiff muscles. His guild had made good progress in the latest raid, but it was already past midnight. His bed was calling to him. Before heading to it, he ran one last scan through his email and...

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