
Story by Rakuen Growlithe on SoFurry

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#7 of Sold

AN: Random fact. I'm not good at making up names but for Pyrope's I wanted something related to fire. I was glancing through a book on gemstones and found the entry for the Cape ruby, which is red, and its proper name is Pyrope Garnet.

News update for people who don't follow my FA journal, I got my degree at the end of last year and my driver's licence earlier this month.

My previous story, Rick's Punishment Contest Entry, won 3rd place in the competition and earned me $25.

Hopefully this chapter is satisfactory. I had a few problems with it and I wasn't too pleased with a couple of sections but overall I think it all came out as intended. It came out a lot longer than intended however. It just kept coming on and on and, in the end, this final chapter is almost a quarter of the story.

Chapter 7

Pyrope was still tired as he passed out of the door to the club and stepped into the street. It was early in the morning, before the sun had risen, and there were people anywhere in sight. He could still see, thanks to the light of the street lamps, but the shadows were deep; the stars and moon blocked by thick, grey clouds. Pyrope had no idea where he was, only that he didn't want to be at the club, and so, without even a glance behind, he started to run.

After his long ordeal back at the club, Pyrope had been left exhausted and hungry. He'd had an opportunity to eat and drink but he hadn't had enough before he'd made his escape and now his stomach was rumbling. The young growlithe gave a depressed whine, sitting at an intersection and staring down the roads. Each one looked the same to him, a long, hard and uninviting path with absolutely nothing to eat and nowhere where he could relax. One or two shop windows were still lit and seemed to taunt the canine with their warmth, kept from his reach behind barred windows. Even if he could get back into the wild though, what would he do? He'd been captured before he'd really learnt to take care of himself. How long could a growlithe survive without a pack and only knowing how to collect berries? Not even a full hour from his impulsive escape and he was already doubting himself. However they were quickly put aside as a breeze travelled down one of the roads, carrying with it the scent of food. Pyrope's nose twitched. As uninviting as the concrete paths of the city were they did channel the wind and so make tracking scents far easier than normal. With the prospect of food driving him forward, Pyrope set off again, this time with a destination in mind.


"Where the hell is he!" shouted Paul.

He had just finished kicking his brothers out and had returned to find that Pyrope had gone missing.

"Randy! Sheba! Find Pyrope! The damn dog's gone and run off somewhere!"

Paul's other two pokemon were still loyal to him and they quickly spread out to search the club when commanded. Paul joined them soon afterwards, after making totally sure that Pyrope wasn't still in the room in which he'd been left.


Following his nose, Pyrope made his way along the mostly-deserted city streets. Once or twice he huddled nervously behind a lamppost as a car drove down the street, but no one saw him, or if they did they didn't care. After a few minutes of nervous travel he found himself at the entrance to an alley that ran behind one of the city's many restaurants. The alley held a number of dumpsters with the discarded scraps from the restaurant. Normally he wouldn't touch them but now his stomach growled eagerly at the scent of food and all he could see was a free buffet.

After rummaging through one of the dumpsters, Pyrope dropped down to the ground with the leg of a pidgey in his jaws. He was just about to start eating when another pokemon's voice stopped him.

"And just what do you think you're doing?"

Pyrope looked up with a start. He hadn't noticed anyone else before but now he was staring at three glaring poochyena, and he could hear another two circling around behind him.

"This food is ours," continued the first poochyena, obviously the leader. "That means that you're stealing it, and we don't appreciate people stealing our food."

"I didn't know," whined Pyrope, his ears and tail slowly flattening against his body.

The poochyena were surprisingly healthy for street pokemon, no doubt from the restaurant waste, but Pyrope was sure he could still win a fight in a one-on-one situation. Unfortunately for him he was hungry and tired and the poochyena had him both surrounded and outnumbered.

"I just want something to eat," explained Pyrope. "I'm new here and I'm hungry. There's more than enough to go around."

"There's more than enough to go around for us," snarled the poochyena, "but we don't just give it out to any stray pokemon that comes wandering about here."

"Please..." whimpered Pyrope, his stomach rumbling as it was forced to wait for the meal which it had been expecting.

The poochyena leader smirked. "Is the poor puppy that hungry? Perhaps we can work something out..."

The grey-coloured dog strutted forward, bent down, picked up the meat and then, to Pyrope's shock, tossed it to the side, letting it fall down a drain.

"I'd rather see it get lost than share it with you!" snarled the poochyena.

Pyrope stepped back, deciding that there wasn't much point in trying to talk and that he should get away as quickly as possible.

From out of the alley, behind the restaurant, there came the sound of growls and yelps, shortly followed by Pyrope, running as fast as he could. Two poochyena raced out behind him, their jaws snapping at his rump, but they stopped following him only a few metres down the road and turned back to eat their fill.

Pyrope was now even worse off than before. The poochyena's attack hadn't been intended to injure him, but it still hurt and he did have a scrape or two where their teeth had grazed his skin. The worst part for him was to have been so close to food but then to have had it stolen away before he could even have a single mouthful. His stomach was hurting now from hunger and, although he could still go for a number of weeks without food, he was ready to do almost anything for it. At that point he considered returning to Paul but his anger was still fresh enough to drive him on. However, he had only taken one step before the grey clouds above the city broke and began to pelt him with drops of water. With his ears and tail hanging low, he turned around and began to trudge towards Paul's club. It had been bad enough without food but now there was the rain sapping what little strength he had left and without shelter he realised he wouldn't be able to survive alone.


"This is ridiculous," Paul snarled, "He must have got through the door after I let my brothers in."

After going through the club thoroughly, Paul and his pokemon had regrouped for Paul to think about what to do next.

"Damn it! He could be anywhere by now. He's not even ready for the city..."

Paul looked up at the window. It was streaked with water as the rain flowed down the smooth glass.

"You're going to have to go and get him," stated Paul. "Hopefully he's managed to get under some cover but if not he can't stay out there long."

As Paul got up he ruffled the fur on his pikachu's head. He led his pokemon to the front door, unlocked and opened it.

The search didn't need to proceed much further than the threshold, since, after opening the door, Pyrope was visible, stumbling up the road. Paul sighed, leaving his furret and pikachu standing in the doorway as he strode up the damp fire pokemon.

"So you gave up on your stupid idea of running away?" asked Paul, bending over and picking the growlithe up.

Pyrope made no attempt to struggle, even snuggling against his trainer for much-needed warmth.

"You're not going to get away without punishment," warned Mr Morris as he felt Pyrope pressing against him, but he did gently stroke the pokemon in his arms.

Back inside the club Pyrope quickly began to recover. He was wrapped up in a towel and seated on Paul's lap as his trainer rubbed the towel roughly over his thick fur, drawing out the water. Randy was sitting next to them, pointing out wet patches that Paul had missed. The pikachu seemed to find it amusing to watch the growlithe squirming and whine as Paul shoved a towelled thumb into the pup's ears and rolled them between his thumb and fingers.

"You shouldn't have tried to run away," Randy scolded. "All you did was waste time and wind up in a worse situation than before."

"You saw what he did to me!" protested Pyrope, his protests mostly muffled as the towel passed in front of his muzzle a number of times in its passage over his body.

"I've told you before, you need to get over your problem with sex. If you just relax and go along with it you'll enjoy it. It's not that much of a price to pay for being looked after."

"I don't want to have sex with humans! Just my mate..."

"And do you want to have to struggle to survive? You couldn't even last a few hours outside before you came back. Even with a pack life would be much harder and you'd still risk being caught by a trainer. You might not have to have sex then but you would be made to fight. Personally I'd rather have sex than fight."

Any further conversation was cut short by the arrival of Sheba. The furret was holding a bowl of warm soup.

"Fur," she squeaked up at Paul.

"Thank you, Sheba. Put it in Pyrope's cage."

Pyrope's ears, which had pricked up at the delicious aroma coming from the soup, quickly fell as he realised that he'd be confined to a cage again. He felt Mr Morris' grip around him tighten and he was lifted into the air.

Paul placed Pyrope in the cage with the soup and locked the door. Inside the cage was the bowl, a litter box and a pile of warm blankets.

"Now you get a good night's sleep," Paul instructed, "because tomorrow you'll be starting your punishment and you'll need to be well-rested."

He gave the striped dog's head a pat goodnight then stood up and left the room, flicking the switch on the way, leaving Pyrope in near total darkness. The young growlithe sighed deeply as he wondered what would be in store for him the next day.


In the morning, there came the expected knock at Paul's door. It was his brothers again, but this time Paul did not welcome them inside. He stood in the doorway, arms folded and staring coldly out at them.

"We hope you thought over our proposal," began Damien.

"Actually I had some problems with one of my pokemon," Paul replied, "so it didn't cross my mind."

"Well then you had better think now," interjected Jeremy. "Since we are a family we should really work together. If we are divided it just wouldn't be right. It might even get messy. No one wants a mess."

"No..." agreed Paul, "but the more people you have, the more mess you make. I'm not interested in doing business with you."

Damien clenched his fists in frustration, "You're not making a good decision, brother. Let us give you a friendly warning. This is your last chance to get in with the rest of the family. Don't squander it."

"I've done fine on my own so far and that's what I intend to continue doing."

Paul stepped back and slammed the door shut.

"You'll regret this!" shouted Jeremy. "Don't think you're immune to our anger!"

"There are limits for family too!" added Damien, "and you've reached them!"


"Now you were a very bad dog," commented Paul as he unlocked Pyrope's cage.

Pyrope's ears flattened and his eyes darted around to find a possible escape route. Paul saw it though and didn't hesitate to flick the switch for Pyrope's shock collar. There was a sharp crack and the faint smell of burned fur drifted from the growlithe's neck. After uttering a pained yelp, Pyrope dropped down, panting heavily.

"You have to learn obedience and tonight that's going to happen. I've tried to be gentle with you. I've tried to give you time to come over to me but you just won't."

Paul picked up Pyrope and carried him out to the show floor of the club.

In the middle of the floor where the crowd would be was a new addition, a large, square display case. As he was carried closer Pyrope was able to pick out more details on the structure. The bottom part, up to about 3/4 of a metre, was just a support structure, coloured black. Above that was a further metre or so of thick plastic which was closed at the top. Scattered in the plastic, at various heights around the sides, were holes, the edges of which were lined with soft gel pads.

Holding Pyrope with just one arm, Paul unlocked one plastic panel of the display case and pushed Pyrope inside.

"Open your mouth," instructed Paul, taking something out of his pocket.

Pyrope shook his head, not at all liking the direction that things were heading.

"You don't want to make your punishment worse," he was assured.

With a little more coaxing he finally relented.

"Good boy," praised Paul.

He took the item in his hand and placed it in Pyrope's muzzle. It was a gel gum-guard that fitted over Pyrope's teeth, secured by straps running both above and below his jaws. Pyrope shook his head irritably. The gel guard didn't hurt but it didn't feel right either.

"That's to stop anyone suing," explained Paul. "I'm not sure how you will behave, but people won't be understanding if you decided to bite them. That guard will soften any bite."

Paul demonstrated by casually sticking his finger in Pyrope's mouth, rubbing it along the dog's tongue before putting pressure on the growlithe's covered teeth.

"Now I should explain to you what you'll be doing tonight," said Paul.

He closed the display case, trapping Pyrope inside, and locked it.

"Tonight I'll be making sure you get broken. These holes are to allow people to present their dicks to you. Then, according to their wishes you will either suck them off or present your tail hole. Now I understand it's not something you want... yet. So I've provided some motivation for you."

Paul pointed to two buttons on the top of the display case.

"These are like my remote," explained Paul, "and are linked to your collar. If you don't obey..."

Paul pressed one of the buttons and for the second time that day Pyrope felt his body racked with pain as his collar sent a jolt of electricity through him.

"However, after you get them to orgasm, they might push this one."

When the other button was pressed it gave Pyrope the low-powered reward shock that soon had the fire-pup erect and dripping pre on the floor of the display case.

"I see you understand," smiled Paul, listening to his pokemon murr as long as the reward button was held down. "Enjoy yourself."


A masked man, one of a group of five, stood in a deep shadow. They had the club surrounded and each one had a number of bottles strapped to their belts. The man took one in his hand and turned it upside down, letting the liquid soak into the cloth that plugged the bottle. Once that was done he righted the bottle again and used his other hand to activate lighter. He brought the flame into contact with the cloth and it instantly caught alight, casting an orange glow around the man. Then, he threw it...


"Listen to Paul. He's only doing what's best for you. If you didn't fight him things would go better."

All of those were things that Randy had said to Pyrope. All of them were lies. If they were true then he wouldn't be in the situation which he was now. How could Paul possible care about him? He'd came back and all that it had got him was more punishment. More sex with humans. More degradation.

A shock from his collar brought Pyrope out of his reverie and focussed his attention on the newest cock.

"Suck it," ordered the cock's owner, smiling down at the pokemon with a twisted, drunk smile.

The growlithe wanted to do anything but suck it, but he was a slave to the collar and its electric shocks. He stepped up to the human's dick, opened his maw and slid it over the man's cock.

It wasn't as though it was a new experience. Yesterday he'd been tied up and forced to have sex with a whole number of the club's patrons and tonight, once again, his body was on the line. He felt dirty. He was dirty. There was cum running through his fur both on his chest and rump. He'd wanted to clean it off, to try and get some sort of dignity back, but invariably someone had decided against it and held down the punishment button until he had stopped.

The man who Pyrope had been sucking finally blew his load. A fresh burst of cum filled his muzzle, soon followed by other smaller shots before the man zipped his fly up and disappeared into the crowd. Pyrope felt a twinge of disappointment when he wasn't rewarded but it quickly passed as a new customer stepped up, requesting his well-used tail hole.

"Cum with me," instructed the man, holding down the reward button while Pyrope pushed himself back on the man's dick.

Pyrope trembled, his legs feeling weak as waves of pleasure swept through him. He could feel his knot starting to swell up as the electricity stimulated every nerve in his body in the best possible way. He closed his eyes, panting loudly, anticipating another glorious orgasm. To his surprise, though, he felt the man's cock slip from his rear and the sound of people's screams pounded against his eardrums.

Pyrope looked up with a start to see the club on fire. People stampeded past him, all screaming as they shoved each other in an attempt to get out first. By chance, Pyrope happened to be looking in the same direction as the next attack came from. He saw one of the blacked-out windows shatter as a flaming bottle arced through it. There was a flash as it hit the ground and the surrounding area was instantly engulfed in flames, the harsh orange glare overpowering the club's lights.


Randy and Sheba were a fair distance from the first attack, although far away from the club's door, and wasted no time standing around idly. At first the two of them made for the stage exit to retrieve a fire extinguisher but, when a second and third make-shift bomb exploded they realised that they needed to get out. The two pokemon disappeared out the back of the stage and from there to the attached portion that served as Paul's temporary house. Paul Morris was there, having left other people in charge of the club that night, but was about to investigate what had caused all the commotion that he could hear.

As soon as he saw Paul, Randy started waving his arms widely and squeaking loudly as he tried to explain, to his trainer, what was happening.

"Argh! I don't know what you're saying!" exclaimed Paul. "Why's there so much shouting?"

He ran to a hidden door that connected his house to the club and opened it. He fell back as a sudden wave of heat filled the room. He quickly shut it again, swearing loudly as his eyes raced around for something with which to try and fight the fire. Realising that there was nothing he could do, and hearing the sounds of fire-engines in the distance he decided it was time to leave.

"Damn it! Pyrope's still in there! You two stay here and wait for me," ordered Paul. "If the fire gets into this room then run out through the garage and go home. I'll meet you there."

Paul worked quickly, soaking a towel in water and wrapping it around his head before grabbing a small fire-extinguisher and making his way into the club for the last time.


At first Pyrope wasn't too worried about the fire. In a way he was glad, it satisfied his wish to get back at Paul and if the club burned down then he wouldn't have to have sex again. Watching everyone screaming and running assured him that they wouldn't return.

Then Pyrope realised that he was still trapped inside the display. He tackled it as hard as he could, ramming his shoulder into the same spot over and over. Although it looked like glass it was a high-strength, clear plastic and there was no way that Pyrope would be able to break, especially with the very limited run up that he had. He paced nervously, trying to figure out a way to escape. It wasn't the heat that worried him, the flames might hurt but he knew he could handle it, it was the smoke and risk of suffocation that concerned him.

As the fire continued it started to weaken the structure of the building and soon a large chunk of the club's ceiling fell in. The crash shook the case and made Pyrope jump with fright, knocking his head. His eyes widened as he realised what was the biggest threat yet. If the building collapsed he wouldn't have any chance at all. He hoped that the one piece of falling debris was an anomaly but there was no such luck. Another followed from a nearby section of the ceiling, weakened when the first dropped, and then a third crash, this time on the other end of the club.

Paul could see Pyrope in the display, the flames that prowled the club reflected on the shiny surface. He began to stumble towards it, the key held in one of his hands and the fire-extinguisher in the other. As he went he sprayed out the smallest patches of flames, trying to keep a straight path to the display. Even with the wet towel he could barely bare to be in the building and he knew that he only had a few seconds to save the growlithe and get them both out alive.

Pyrope's ears pricked up when Paul arrived at the display. He hadn't expected him to return but he was glad that he had. Pyrope clawed at the glass urgently as Paul fumbled to get the key in the lock, wincing as the metal was burning hot. As this was happening something caught Pyrope's eye. He looked up and saw a beam that was behind Paul starting to tear away from the ceiling. He barked loudly, indicating madly.

Paul glanced behind just in time to jump to the side and avoid the thick metal bar. Pyrope hadn't been afforded the luxury however and in amongst the crash of the beam and the sound of the display shattering, Paul was able to just make out a pained yelp.

"Pyrope!" exclaimed Paul.

He crawled over the wreckage immediately until he located Pyrope. The growlithe had been knocked unconscious and blood was trickling from a cut on his head but he was still breathing. Paul pulled the limp dog tightly to his chest before struggling back onto his feet.


Despite the heat and smoke, Paul was able to carry Pyrope away from the club, through his quarters and into the garage, where Randy and Sheba were waiting.

"Pika! Pi pika pi!"

"Fur fur!"

The pikachu and furret were drawing Paul's attention to the car. Although the garage was still closed, someone had managed to get in and destroy the car. The tires were all slashed, the windows broken in and the bodywork pitted with dents. The open open fuel cap and pile of sand on the floor below it assured Paul that whether or not the car was still salvageable, it would not be moving today.

"It must have been my brothers...." sighed Paul, shaking his head angrily. "They just wouldn't accept no for answer and so they did all this."


"We probably can't go back to the house either, they will have trashed that too."

The sound of fire-engines was growing louder and was now joined by the sound of police sirens.

"I think we had better get away from here now," observed Paul. "Let's go."


A couple of weeks later, Paul, Randy, Sheba and Pyrope were standing together, just outside of a pokecentre for travelling trainers. It was far enough from the city and isolated enough that Paul had been confident that his brother's wouldn't find them there. They didn't have anywhere else to go and Pyrope had broken a leg when the debris had fallen on him, so they had spent their time waiting there for the growlithe to heal.

"Randy and I are going to find a new place to live," Paul explained to Pyrope. "There are all sorts of cities out there and I want to get as far away from my brothers as possible. Sheba has already decided to go with us. You're healthy enough to go off on your own now if you want to. I understand that there is a pack of wild pokedogs just off to East of here, they might take you in. Otherwise I'd be happy to take you with us. Whatever we do it won't be another club. I've done that and don't want any more trouble. So it's all up to you now."

Pyrope's first instinct was to go but then he paused a moment. He couldn't be sure the other pack would take him in or that some other trainer might capture him. Although Paul had been a terrible master at first, nothing bad had happened for the past few weeks and he didn't want to leave his only two friends in the world. Pyrope thought back to how he had first met Paul, on sale as a pokemon slave. After that he'd been forced to have sex and do all sorts of things that he'd hated, but, when he'd really needed him, Paul had been there. He'd risked his own life to save Pyrope's and had. It's not easy to turn away from someone who has saved your life and so Pyrope turned towards Paul and gave his hand a lick. Perhaps they could start a new chapter together, as friends.

The End

Rick's Punishment Contest Entry

Rick's Punishment Contest Entry Rakuen Growlithe Disclaimer: I do not own pokemon or related products. This story contains scenes with explicit sex, reader's discretion is advised. I.e. if you read this, don't blame me if you're under-age or...

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Goodnight And Thank You (Nicobay commission) Part 2

AN: I'm really sorry this took so long. And thank you Nicobay for being so patient. I hope this was worth the wait. This was delayed because of all sorts of things, university, AGNPH story competition (I didn't win :() and an art project I'm starting...

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Playing With Fire

Playing with Fire By: Rakuen Growlithe Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon or the associated products. AN: This was my AGNPH contest entry but I didn't win. :( Thank you to Hiken Kiyoshi (=Mew Sands) for betaing. Isn't fire a remarkable...

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