The Slave Prince: Part 3

Story by theshamefulwolf on SoFurry

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#3 of Slave Prince

Third part of The Slave Prince. Poor Tabansi... and look at this! Khaldun getting what he deserves and maybe more than he deserves. Fair warning to anyone following this story, Part 4 is going to be graphic, violent and disturbing.


"I'm bored Tabansi," I say as I lounge in my chair and the cheetah shakily pours more wine into my cup, "Entertain me."

The cheetah finishes pouring my wine and takes the vessel back to the table. He turns around slowly, his face still tear stained from my previous conquest. He cautiously walks towards me and kneels, bowing his head to the stone floor.

"How would my... prince like for me to entertain him?" He asks in a defeated voice.

"Do I have to tell you how to do your job?" I say with a smirk as I bring my heel down on his hand, grinding it into the floor. "After all these years... you have no idea how to entertain me?"

The cheetah cries out as I drive my heel into his hand and I laugh maliciously. I remove my foot from his hand and he pulls it away quickly, cradling it close to him. I smile as I look down at him... so pathetic, so vulnerable and all mine. I stand and remove my shendyt and toss it to the floor, followed by my headdress and sandals, leaving me bare to the world. Arousal begins to creep into my shaft and I smile down at the cheetah, who slowly looks up at my erection.

Tabansi stares at my regal cock with a blank expression before slowly getting on his knees. Tears glint in the corners of his eyes as he opens his mouth and closes it around my shaft. His breath catches as a hand shakily grips my balls. He whimpers slightly as he suckles at my length and I feel like a god...

"Yes..." I say as I grip the fur on the top of his head roughly, "Such a good little cock slave. Have I ever told you that you're best thing I've ever bought?"

Tabansi groans in disgust as a tear rolls down his cheek, his head bobbing up and down my length. I grin at him and pull his fur hard causing him to moan in pain, but he doesn't dare release my cock and cry out. It took a few years, but I finally have him trained well enough for my tastes.

"Faster." I command as I release his head fur and he eagerly obeys, wanting the ordeal to be over with as soon as possible. "That's right... get it over with. Of course, you know that as soon as we're done here I'll just have to find some other way for you to entertain me."

Tabansi slows his head for a moment before returning to a quicker pace. His body shudders as he begins to cry harder. He had become good at sucking cock and letting me take him without too much fuss, but this... this was the reason why I enjoyed him so much. The shear emotion, he hated me more than anything in this entire world. He hated me devoutly and that was what made this so intoxicating. The way he hated me, the way he cried in disgust and loathing, the fear he had should he disappoint me made sex with him far more enjoyable than it had been with any other slave.

One of his teeth very gently grazes the skin of my shaft and it gives me the excuse to prolong my entertainment. I smile cruelly while I grab his ear tightly and twist it, causing him to release my cock and cry out in pain.

"You filthy, worthless slave!" I shout in excitement and feigned anger, "Scraping my cock with your teeth! You know better than that... I thought I had trained you well enough, but I guess now I have to punish you!"

"Please my prince!" He wails as he grips at my hand, "PLEASE! It was an accident!"

"And now you try and prevent me from correcting your negligence?" I laugh viciously and slap him across the face with my free hand, "Disrobe..."

He looks up at me in pain and terror, but doesn't move...

"NOW!" I growl as strike him again, much harder this time. I release his ear and he scrambles to his feet. He weeps as he removes his shendyt and I lick my muzzle when I see him naked. His own cock was still hidden away inside his shaft. He had never really quite learned to enjoy this and that was honestly fine with me. I preferred him this way, it was more enticing. I walk to the side of my bed, grabbing a cat o' nine tails from beneath it and toss it to him.

"I want you to punish yourself..." I say as I watch his beaten expression, my hand stroking my throbbing erection, "Punish yourself like I would punish you, or your night will get far worse."

Tabansi cries silently as he stares at one of our favorite toys, well one of my favorites at least. He holds it out in front of him, his hold body trembling and gives me a pleading look, though he knows that it's useless. His gaze returns to the instrument in his hands and stares at the cat o' nine tails for a moment more before closing his eyes tightly, slinging his arm back behind him. The many tails of the whip crack as they sting his back and the cheetah cries out through his gritted teeth.

"Again..." I moan as I stroke myself faster.

"Mmrgh!" He cries as he strikes himself again, staggering forward some.

"Harder..." I say, smiling as I watch the pained cheetah.

He glances at me for a moment, terrified. His lip quivers some and tears stream down his face without interruption now. He hesitates, but only for a second before slinging the whip back even harder. The tails crack even louder, he screams and staggers again as his knees start to buckle beneath him.

"HARDER!" I yell with a laugh, the excitement building in my knot.

"AAAAHHHHhhh!" He wails as he slings the whip across his back one final time. The tails lash across his flesh, but the crack is softened by something wet... He falls to the ground crying. He drops the whip to the ground, blood smearing the palace floor. His hands shakily reach behind him and he winces and cries some more. His hands pull back and his reddened eyes widen as he looks down at his own blood staining his paws.

"Good boy Tabansi." I say as I stop myself just short of cumming. I had other plans for that. I walk over to the weeping slave and help him up gently and walk him back to the bed where I sit him down. I join him and put my on paw on his leg.

"P-p-please.... Your majesty... please..." He pleads as he cries.

"Now, now..." I say as I shush him, "It's alright, you did very well."

"Thank you my prince..." Tabansi says as he stares at his feet.

"In fact, you've done so well... I'd like to reward you." I say as I mover further on the bed, so I'm positioned right behind him. I stare at the bloody marks on his back and smile. I lean forward, placing my hands gently on his shoulders and lick the fresh wound. His breath catches again and he shakes violently. "Tabansi..."

"Yes prince..." He says quietly as his voice waivers.

"I'm going to fuck you." I say, licking his wounds again. I could taste the fear and hate in his blood.

"Please majesty... No..." He says as he turns, his face contorted with fear, pain, anger and shame. "Please, I'll do anything."

"Tabansi, I wasn't asking." I start as I lean in closer, my arms wrapping around his torso, "I am going to fuck you... You might not enjoy it, but I'm still going to do it. You're the slave and I'm the master, you have no real choice."

"No..." He whispers as I start to push him on his stomach. He starts to resist as panic sets in and I smile. He hasn't fought me for a couple of months and I had missed it.

"NO! Wait, PLEASE!" He screeches as I force him down and I growl at him. His legs are kicking and his tail lashes, trying in vain to protect his behind.

"OH GOOD!" I laugh at him with a snarl, "You haven't given me a challenge for so long! You're my favorite you know that? You've always been my favorite!" I push him into the sheets and pillows as he squirms and wails. My cock is leaking and throbbing with anticipation as I line myself up with his clenching tail hole. He starts to scream when he feels the head of my regal length pressing against his subservient ass...

"KHALDUN." My sister's voice commands from someplace very nearby. I look up, angry at being interrupted for the second time today. She's standing at the foot of my bed, her hand clenching the cat o' nine tails that Tabansi had used just a short time ago.

"GO AWAY!" I snarl at Maat as I return my gaze to the pleading cheetah beneath me, "I'm in the middle of someone right now..."

"Even if I have something better to offer you?" She asks as she flings the bloody whip to the floor.

"No thanks big sister." I say with a snort as I try to focus on my task, "Besides... Why break in something new when this slave knows exactly how I want to fuck?"

"MISTRESS!!!" Tabansi screams, "PLEASE!!!"

"QUIET!" I say as my hands close around his neck, "You belong to me! You're my slave, my personal fuck toy... YOU HEAR ME?!"

"I have our wedding present brother." She says as she gently places a hand on my arm, "Five virgins and five sluts... All male and all no older than twenty."

"What?" I say as I slowly raise my head.

"Father is tired of your indescresions..." Maat says as she pulls my hands away from Tabansi's throat and he coughs in relief, "Pharaoh has moved up our wedding. By this time tomorrow, we will be married."

"Married..." I say as my lust is replaced with dread. I slowly get off of Tabansi and he scrambles to the floor. He stares at me, eyes blood red from crying and breathes wildly.

"Tabansi," Maat begins as she sits on the bed with me, "Put some clothes back on and fetch us some more wine to celebrate. Perhaps the Phoenician Red... I keep a few bottles in my quarters. Bring one of the bottles back and take your time... I'm sure my brother will want to enjoy my gift."

"Y-yes Mistress." Tabansi says as he grabs his shendyt off the palace floor and runs out of the room.

"Thanks for disturbing me on my last night as a free man." I say with a huff.

"I don't believe marriage will keep you from doing this again." Maat says with cold voice, "Besides... It's not like you and I will ever share the same bed chamber. It's a marriage of convenience for our family... What else can they do with us?"

"They could leave us alone." I say as I clench my fists, "You could leave me alone."

"I wouldn't be a good wife if I didn't take care of my husband's needs." She says as she lefts my head up so I was looking at her, "And I wouldn't be a good sister if I didn't give my little brother what he deserved."

"Five virgins and five sluts..." I toy with the idea, "Do they know what to expect?"

"No." She says flatly, "But I bought them for you, so do with them what you want. Besides, I think you'll enjoy the look of surprise on their faces the first time you... instruct them."

"Well send them in then!" I say with renewed vigor, "I have a harem of new slaves to break in and precious little time to enjoy all of them before our wedding."

"As you wish my love." My sister says coldly.

"Maat." I say sternly as she starts to leave, "One other thing."

"Yes Khaldun?" She asks as she turns.

"Tabansi will be coming back here tonight." I say forcefully, "If I have to send my guard out to drag him back here I will, but he's coming back. Harem or no harem, I'm going to fuck that cheetah until I can't fuck him anymore... And if you ever try to take him from me again... I may have to turn my attentions over to you my dear sister."

Her eyes widen for a moment but she turns away quickly and storms out of my chambers. I stare at the door for a moment, my threat still ringing in my ears. My eyes drop back to my clenched fists as I ponder angrily. I'm done... I'm done being afraid of her, afraid of everyone. I'm a prince... the son of Pharaoh. I deserved it all and I would take it whenever I wanted. Maat would be wife soon and that would give me every right to punish her as I do everyone else. She would learn to respect me, to fear me and if she was smart she would learn that lesson quickly. I hear some shuffling outside of my chamber doors and assume my gift is arriving. I close my eyes and turn away from the door... for these new slaves, I think I will play the part of the enigmatic, violent prince. The door opens and I hear someone coming in...

"You are all now members of a princes harem." I say as I start to turn around, "You all now live, breathe and die to make me happy. You are my property, my sla..." I stop in surprise as I my eyes lock on a single slave, not a lovely harem of fresh boys, entering my chambers... Sebak. He's staring at me with an off putting expression. His eyes are wild and he glares at me with rage.

"What in the hell are you doing in my room?" I ask with disgust as I stand and narrow my eyes.

"Maat and I had a long talk and we both agreed that these transgressions cannot go unpunished." Sebak says as he walks slowly towards me.

"Another present?" I ask with a laugh, "My beloved sister certainly is spoiling me today. So she sent you to apologize... well, I don't forgive filthy half-breed slaves."

"Gods you really are stupid, aren't you?" Sebak asks with a vicious laugh, continuing to draw near, "I'm not the one that's going to be apologizing... you are Khaldun."

"How DARE you!" I shout at the top of my lungs, "Guards! GUARDS!" But... no one comes...

"They're not coming." Sebak says as he stops just an inch away from me and I start to feel a shiver creeping up my spine. "They were persuaded to take the night off... It's just you and me."

"And just what do you think you're going to do?" I ask defiantly, trying to hide my fear. Sebak is an impressive specimen after all, extremely muscular and at least a head taller than me and his mixed heritage... whatever Set was flowed in his veins and it mingled dangerously with his jackal bloodline. "I'm the master and you're the slave. You can't touch me."

"YES I CAN!!!" Sebak snarls as his fist collides with my jaw. The pain is... excruciating and I nearly lose consciousness. I stagger back towards my bed and look up just in time to see Sebak grabbing the cat o' nine tails off the floor.

"W-wait!" I scream as I hold up my arm, but he grabs it roughly and holds me in place as he draws back and lashes me. "AAAAAAHHHHHHhhh!" I scream as the tails rip through my skin and leave trails of blood behind them. I scream louder as I begin to cry and stare at the blood flowing from my arm.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do this!" Sebak yells as he lashes me again, this time across my back... I scream and snivel again. "You've been a pretentious little fag your whole life and I had to put up with it.... But not anymore! Tonight, I get to punish you for your transgressions and you have a lot to make up for."

"P-p-please! PLEASE!" I squeal as I try to wrench free from his grip. "I beg you! Don't kill me!"

"Kill you?" Sebak laughs cruelly as he tosses the whip behind him and his hands close around my throat, crushing the breath out of me. "I'm not going to kill you Khaldun... I'm going to beat you within an inch of your life." His fingers grip tighter and my hands frantically try to loosen his hold. "And once I've beaten you so bloody you can't even be recognized... I'm going to rape you and when I finish, I'm going to beat you some more... then rape you again. On and on until well after morning has come."

"WH-Why?!" I manage to blurt out as tears stream down my face.

"Tabansi." Sebak says with an evil snarl as his eyes burn into my soul. My own eyes widen as he says the cheetah's name. "That cheetah is the only good thing I have in this world, the only friend I have and I'm going to make you suffer in one night what he has felt over the last eight years of his life."

My body shudders and heaves with fear. The fear that I tried so hard not to feel, the kingdom that I thought I was the master of came crashing down around me. Here was a true king, someone that was truly untouched by fear... someone that not only mastered how to use fear as a weapon but also had no fear of his own. Sebak had lost his family, been a poorly mistreated slave and had watched someone that he cared about be defiled for years... There was nothing I could take from him, nothing that he had left to lose but I had everything to lose now. I weep as I think about all the times I had beat Tabansi and all the times that I had raped him. Now, I was the one being beaten... the one that was about to be raped... One of the Hebrew slaves had told me when I was young that we reap what we sow and I had acres about to be harvested.

Gods... Anyone... SAVE ME!