Invisible Bindings

Story by thatpokepornguy on SoFurry

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Quinn is challenged by his master. Who needs ropes? Request from ThatAverageDude. Hope you like it.

"Hey Quinn!" came a voice from my left. I could barely hear it, and a part of me just wanted to ignore it, but I begrudgingly popped out my earbud.

"Morning, Kel," I replied, already knowing it was her. Nobody else bothered speaking to anybody before noon. Kel was a total sweetheart, don't get me wrong, but sometimes, her bubbly personality was a little bit too much for me. Especially before noon. Especially before fucking ten.

"How was your weekend!" Kel said, walking into my office, past the chairs sitting in front of my desk, and parking herself to my right.

"Alright," I replied, still pegging away at my work. Today, I was working on streamlining the spreadsheet that contains all of our customer information, and it was a long and tedious task. Kel didn't seem to care, as she kept talking.

"Just alright, huh? Didn't hit up any clubs? Or, or go out of town?" she tit-tatted out. I sighed.

"No, Kel, it's the middle of the spring, why would I go out of town?" I asked. She paused for a moment.

"I dunno - visiting your parents?" she said, clearly reaching for straws. I'm not going to sit here and act like I'm one of those assholes who get frustrated when people try to initiate small talk. Kel wouldn't be bothering unless she either needed something from me, or she genuinely wanted to chit-chat, and knowing her, she probably was just bored and needed somebody to talk to. Kel was our internal tech support department. Considering Silph Co of Orco was a relatively large business, my bosses expected to need an entire department, but blonde, 20-year-old Kel ended up being the only person we needed. She was some kind of I.T robot produced from some lab, as far as I could tell. She single-handedly took care of the technical support needs of the entire department, and due to her weird, savant-like skills, she often had a lot of time to kill. She generally chose to spend it bothering me, which was weird, because she was a self-professed Pokephiliac, so she was probably not interested in me, romantically.

"Kel, my parents live like fifteen minutes away from me. I don't think I need to plan a weekend vacation to see them,"

"Oh yeah, true," Kel said, swinging her legs back and forth, "so nothing to report?"

"Can't say there is. I just hung out, played some Trainer Simulator, watched some movies, the usual. What about you?" I said, taking my hands off of the keyboard and spinning around in my chair to face her. Kel was so fucking hot it made me sick. Did I forget to mention that? Kel was hotter than a Magmar in the desert. It was disgusting. It made me physically angry that she wasn't interested in men. Human men anyway.

"Not much, to tell the truth," Kel said, looking up at the fluorescent lights on the yellowing popcorn ceiling in my office, "just hung out with Gallade, ran some cables to my new router, went to the Trainer's Club on Saturday."

"'Just hung out with Gallade'?" I replied, smiling.

"Well, he hung out a lot more than me," Kel said, smiling mischievously, "you know, you promised me that you and Espeon would come keep us company, like, two months ago, when you gonna follow through on that, Quinten?"

"I should not be held accountable for promises made when I'm drunk at an office party," I proclaimed, and Kel laughed.

"Well, guess what, I'm holding you accountable, so let's set a date up," Kel insisted. I scoffed, putting my hands behind my head and interlocking them, leaning back. My chair squeaked quietly.

"Yeah, I'll get right on that, right after Silph allows me to perform deviant sex acts with people that work directly under me, sound good?"

"Oh come on Quinn," Kel said with an objecting tone, "It's not like it'll be us fucking - no offense -" she added, "- but I kinda just want to see you, y'know..."

"Wow, this sure is not workplace appropriate, Kelsey," I joked.

"First, neither is your face, but you still have a job, and second, don't call me Kelsey," Kel said, her tone becoming mockingly grave towards the end.

"Don't call me Quinten," I retorted, quickly. Kel smiled, jumping off of my desk.

"I'll get you one day, Mr. Q," she said, walking out of my office. She was wearing her khakis. Fuck me sideways.

"And definitely don't call me Mr. Q!"

I got home late that night. I was intent on finishing up the spreadsheet, and I managed to do so, a mere three hours after I stopped being paid for the day. No bother, because now, I could relax tomorrow, and make my three day weekend into more of a three and a half day weekend. Always nice to spend the second half of my day in Kel's office. She managed to make the almost decade age difference between us disappear.

I stepped through the doorway into my home, tossing my keys into the dish that sat on a shelf to my right that helpfully read 'Where the FUCK are my keys', and throwing my coat over the rod in the closet. I stepped into my living room, where Espeon sat on the leather couch, watching television.

"Hello," she said. Well, she didn't exactly say it, she thought it. The wonderful thing about psychic types was that they could telepathically communicate -- after a little training. It was actually insanely helpful; sure, basically any Pokemon can understand humans, but only to a point. Psychic types can fully communicate, and it's a great advantage during not only battles but during day-to-day life.

"Good evening, Espy," I said, plopping myself down on the couch next to her.

"What did we say about calling me Espy, Quinten?" she replied, calmly.

"What did we say about calling me Quinten?"

"Fair point. I concede," Espeon said, still watching television. She was watching some news report about the history of Pokemon in indigenous cultures.

"This seems interesting," I said. Espeon nodded.

"Indeed. You missed the part about the Hypno taking over a tribe."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yes. He managed to hypnotize the tribe elder, and forced the elder to convince the tribe that he was a god. The Hypno then proceeded to make the tribe raid other tribes, taking their women and children as his own property. He dug a hole under the elder's abode, allowing him to partake in the captured women as he saw fit. He was eventually murdered by a slave that managed to fight off the hypnosis," Espeon said, calmly as a Sunday morning. If I was a betting man, I'd bet that she found this amusing, rather than horrible.

"That's pretty messed up," I mused. Espeon nodded again.

"Sure. So Kel wants to come spend some time with us?" Espeon said. I sighed.

"Is it really that difficult to not listen to my thoughts?"

"Considering that's how we communicate, yes, quite difficult," Espeon replied.

I scoffed in return, "Yes," I moaned, "Kel is hassling me more and more often to set up -- a -- hmm -- playdate,"

"I'm sorry, how old are you? Did you just say playdate?" Espeon said, looking over at me. Another cool thing about psychic Pokemon; they can transfer emotions through their telepathic link. I resisted the urge to break down into hysterical laughter when I felt what she was feeling.

"Old enough to be uncomfortable with a twenty-year-old coming onto me," I said, smirking.

"Seems like she's coming onto us," Espeon mused, "how long are you going to keep this Gallade from me, Quinten?"

"Keep dreaming, dream girl," I said, standing up. I was hungry. Espeon did not reply.

That night, I was very rudely awakened. Rudely being a subjective term. I immediately noticed I was naked, and my comforter was gone. My bedside lamp was on, but the room was still dimly lit. I then noticed that my arms were up over my head, locked into place. I scoffed.

"You know, I have to work tomo --"

"Quiet," came a stern voice in my head. Espeon had restrained my arms and legs using Imprison. I would have bothered looking down between my legs, but I knew that she was sitting, motionless, between my spread legs. Naturally, my cock began to rise, filling with blood.

"I must have amnesia, because I certainly don't remember asking you to get hard, Quinten," Espeon said strictly. There wasn't any point arguing; instead, I began to flex my thighs, trying to force blood to rush to them instead of my cock.

I laid there for several minutes, trying not to think of Espeon's tongue, and continuing to flex my thighs. Soon, I started to get a cramp, but I powered through it.

"That seems painful," Espeon quipped, feeling the stinging pain shooting through my calf, "I'm proud of you for not crying."

"Thank you," I said, my teeth gritted. There was a fly on my ceiling, and I decided to focus on him. I hoped he was having a nice day.

"So, I have a proposition for you," Espeon said.

"And that is?" I replied.

"You like Kel," she said softly, "and I want to meet this Gallade."

"Espeon, you know I can't -"

"I know you're a coward," she interrupted, "you and I both know Kel is discreet. Nothing you two do in front of each other will come to be known by your co-workers, and you know it. Why is it that you continuously decline her offers?"

I did not respond.

"Good boy," she said, and then I felt a tongue brush across the top of my flaccid penis. A few moments later, I was painfully hard. Espeon didn't do anything. She wanted me to beg.

I did not respond.

"My, my Quinten," she muttered, "you're always improving your behavior,"

I did not respond. I was busy ignoring an itch on my lower back.

"I have a proposition for you," she said, licking the bottom of my cock slowly, starting near the middle, and flicking her tongue off of the tip, "I'm thinking of a number. If you last that many minutes, you don't have to invite Kel over."

She took my cock into her mouth, and my leg twitched.

"If you don't," she coolly said, my cock completely inside of her wet, hot mouth, "you have to set our playdate up with her and her Gallade."

I decided not to protest and internally agreed with her ultimatum. It was alarmingly difficult to argue with a Pokemon that was currently blowing you. Espeon was professional; although my cock was easily large enough to make her gag, I knew she wouldn't. Her pace was rock-steady. She pushed her head all of the way down to my balls, her tongue sticking out from the bottom of her mouth. Then, all the way back up, letting my cock fall from her mouth. She stared at it for a few moments, while my cock swayed back and forth with my pulse, screaming for attention.

"More?" she asked politely.

I did not respond.

"Say it," she said, more firmly.

I did not respond. I wasn't going to give in. It was a game we often played. Unfortunately, I often lost. Espeon silently stuck her tongue out and leaned forward, pressing it in between my balls. My cock twitched agonizingly.

"Say it," she repeated, with even more force, while her tongue was pressed against my sack. It was killing me not to be able to reach down and jerk myself off while her wet tongue licked me.

Espeon was fed up now; she pulled back, and then sunk her fangs into my inner thigh, causing me to howl in pain. It didn't hurt that much, but the sudden pinch made me flinch. I felt my leg rise slightly off of the bed, resisting Espeon's restraints, and then ram back down.

"Say it," Espeon said, her tone laced with vitriol now.

"Fuck! Fine!" I yelped, trying to shake her off of my leg. She held fast.

"Fine, what?" she moaned, her teeth still stuck in my leg. Her teeth were quite short, so I knew that if she was drawing any blood, it wouldn't be all that much more than a bead, a bead which I felt rolling slowly down my thigh.

"Make... make me cum," I said, driving the back of my head into my mattress. Her bite had vampirically stolen all of the blood from my erection, which was resting, heartbroken, on my balls. I accepted the fact that she wasn't going to let me go to sleep until I came, so if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

Espeon removed her teeth from my thigh, slowly, and licked the bead of blood from the bite.

"I admire your resolution, Quinten," Espeon said, immediately resuming her task by vigorously lapping at my cock, "you managed to run your timer down quite a bit," she continued, as she took all of my soft, squishy junk into her mouth at the same time, "but you have quite a while to go."

When Espeon was determined to make me cum - as opposed to just teasing me and trying to piss me off - she was a real blowjob prodigy. All of her stalwart posturing aside, at the end of the day, she wanted my cum.

It was only a matter of seconds before my cock had grown to a size too great to fully fit inside of her mouth; she spit it out and eagerly began to lick up and down my shaft. She flicked her tongue around my cock, droplets of her saliva snapping off of her tongue and landing on my groin. She licked me for what felt like forever. My cock would bounce away from her with my heartbeat, and she would impatiently chase it down.

"Tell me how happy you are," she said, while greedily attacking my balls with her tongue.

"Oh Arceus I'msohappy," I moaned, my back arching away from the bed.

"Tell me why you're happy," she snapped back.

"Because you're sucking my cock," I blurted out.

"I'm not sucking your cock yet, Quinten," she replied, and I broke.

"Then do it," I seethed, and almost instantly, I felt the invisible restraints on my arms and legs tighten, painfully gripping my wrists and ankles and pulling them even harder into the bed, causing me to involuntarily gasp in pain.

"I'm sorry, was that backtalk?, Espeon snarled, "if you're going to behave like that, I might have to take another break,"

I didn't say, but thought, "I'm sorry... please continue,"

"That's more like it," she said, loosening my bindings, and then she went back in, doubly so, skipping over licking, and going straight to the main event. She engulfed my entire cock in one, smooth, speedy gulp, my cock hitting the back of her throat before I had a moment to react. She was on her A-game now, repeating the glorious cycle with a singular goal in mind; make me cum as quickly as possible. Normally, she was privy to taking as long as she liked to get me off, causing me a great deal of equal parts pleasure and pain in the process, but she had imposed an imaginary time limit, and it became more and more clear to me that she was intending on beating it. Even with the bindings, my legs were shaking violently, and my body was now glistening with sweat. I was using every fibre of my being to will my body into not giving in to Espeon. I truthfully didn't really protest to the idea of having Kel and her Gallade over; Espeon was absolutely right - I knew that Kel was prudent, and any activities between us would only be known by us. However, I was not going to lose the battle of wills to a pink Pokemon with my cock in its mouth.

"You're getting close, Quinten," Espeon moaned, "Why don't you give up and cum in my throat?"

Oh for fuck's sake, she was doing legitimate dirty talk. Espeon saying phrases like 'cum in my throat' was like seeing a Ho-Oh, and I couldn't even enjoy the moment, due to the small holes being cut into my palms from my clenched fists. Suddenly, she stopped, pulling her mouth off of my cock, letting it fall down and whack her on the nose as it fell. I craned my neck up to see what she was doing, but I was immediately snapped in the face by one of her tails. When the tail was no longer obstructing my vision, I gazed happily at what was before me.

Espeon had turned around, and her ass was slowly lowering down towards my cock, her pussy and asshole in full view. Her tail wrapped around it, quickly pulling it up to a right angle, and she slowly sat down on it, her pussy opening to afford it passage. Espeon had, and honestly, has the greatest pussy I've ever had the honor of entering, human or otherwise. She elegantly let her ass drop down, letting my cock fill her up to the brim. After an eternity, her rear-end smacked down onto my pelvis, leaving me buried to the base.

"Do you suppose if I just sit here, you'll cum without me even having to do anything?" she crowed.

"No," I replied firmly. Espeon responded with a hearty laugh.

"As much as I'd like to see about that, I think it's time for you to lose this time trial," she said, beginning to ride me. Up, then down, my cock filling her pussy up in such a glorious fashion. Every time she bottomed out, her tails would brush against my face, likely on purpose. I began to feel her juices start to cover my crotch and start matting the fur around her own. Her pace grew to a piston-like regularity, smacking down just about every second. It felt like she was trying to strangle my cock. I was trying to push my hips up to meet her, but the unnatural position my limbs were in prevented me from humping her right back, and it was killing me. I wanted to roll over and wrap my arms around her and fuck her until she fainted, but I was trapped, victim to whatever pace she decided to set.

"Oh," Espeon said, still keeping her steady pace, "looks like my time is running out,"

Instantly after she said this, every single nerve in my body started screaming in pleasure, and my vision went white for a moment.

"FU-uck," I shrieked, realizing what she had done. That sneaky fucker used Extrasensory on me, causing all of my senses to blast into overdrive. My entire body was shaking as she fucked me, nearly letting my cock drop out of her on the upstroke, and slamming down at an even more rapid clip. There was a breeze, and it made me shiver forcibly. My vision sort of came back, but it was riddled with spots burnt into my vision, which all flickered every time Espeon pounded me.

Unsurprisingly, pressure began building up very painfully in my crotch. Espeon was showing no remorse, and even with me pouring all of my body's resources into resisting, I felt the ground fall out from under me.

I was fiercely pulling against my restraints; Espeon's ass slapped back down to the hilt of my cock, and I finally gave in.

"Mmmh, very good," Espeon moaned, sensing my oncoming orgasm. Well, it wasn't oncoming now, and I started firing off inside of her, my hips attempting to thrust with each explosion.

"Fuck, fuck, yes, oh fuck Espy," I blurted out, unable to control myself. My legs were cramping, shooting sharp, biting pain with each load I filled her with. Espeon had given up her peacock routine, and she was loudly moaning as I came inside her. I felt my arms fall onto the soft, cool mattress, and immediately threw my hands forward, grasping the sides of Espeon's ass, and I started frantically pumping her ass up and down as my orgasm continued, trying to milk out every last bit of my seed into her. I sat up, wrapping my arms around her, and fell back down, rolling my lower body up to get an angle into her, and thrust several times, grunting with each stroke. I felt the excess cum leaking from her and coating my balls. After nearly a minute, my orgasm began to subside, and a few more half-hearted thrusts later, I was completely spent; I rolled over, Espeon still firmly in my grasp, and I started to doze off.

I heard something that sounded like, "you lose," as I fell asleep, but I couldn't be sure. I needed to sleep.

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