Demons (poem)

Story by High_Ace on SoFurry


Just something I knocked up in the shower. Took a few minutes.

Tell me the truth, tell me the lie.

Tell me just, who am I?

What is this world in which we take and give?

Who are we? Doomed never to live.

Why is it that the sun never shines?

Where is the place that none are blind?

Who am I?

You are the dead, the yet to be born,

life comes, life goes, Time is queen.

You are those that shall never be warm,

The bitter, the sweet, the good and the mean.

Your question is 'how can we be free?'

I tell you 'it will never be'.

For though amongst you are the great and the strong,

you are sin, evil, demons and wrong.

You must never be.

They are the living, happy and free,

They laugh, they love, just like me.

Yet I am imprisoned, here in the dark,

I am Death and I am alone.

I am God, but turned to stone,

I am hidden, but for a mark.

Join me.

What do you think? (comments and ratings always appreciated)

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