Royal Pains

Story by Dragon Ragnarok on SoFurry

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Royal Pains

Queen Slytheria sits calmly in her chambers, the golden anthropomorphic dragoness standing seven feet and thickly built. Her calm dark green eyes peering at her reflection as she sits in front of her large vanity mirror. A brush in her right hand, carefully scrubbing the scales on her cheeks as she hums a soft melody to herself, "Mhmm, I think I'll have roast," she says to herself as she considers dinner for tonight. Her eyes turn to the several rolled up parchments on her dresser, "Ugh, I forgot to sign these. I swear, it's like they bring in a hundred every week," she groans.

It's at this time that one of the two large chamber doors is slowly pushed open and in steps one of the guards, a large and broad anthropomorphic green dragon with wild yellow eyes, dressed in a metal plated skirt and chest piece. "My Queen, I've been requested to ask you if you've finished signing the documents that were delivered to you last night," he says in a very respectful tone as he bows his head.

Finished them, I have not even started... oh well; the dragoness thinks to herself as she turns around to answer him, "No, I haven't. I was caught up in other affairs,"

The guard nods, but does not exit which causes the dragoness to raise a scaly brow, "You do remember the consequences that would follow if you didn't finish them, right?"

Consequences, I... oh dear, I remember now, she gulps as her memory is refreshed by the guard's words, "Y-yes, I do," she turns away to hide a faint touch of scarlet tarnishing those gold scaly cheeks.

The guard grins, and reaches back to pull out the large metal studded paddle that he was given before being sent out, "Then you're also aware that I was hand chosen by his majesty to carry it out."

The dragoness sighs, laying down her brush as she braces her hands against the edge of her dresser and pushes herself up, "Yes, I'm very aware of that. The King always selects you for this service, I'm not sure why though," she grumbles, the dragoness moving the chair aside with her tail as she steps away from her vanity then slowly leans over. Her palms come to rest against the edge of the wooden dresser. Her long sinewy tail pulling aside to expose those juicy round halves of scaly flesh pushed out, "Just get on with it, Messenger." So embarrassing... to think this guard gets the pleasure of seeing me so exposed... I bet he peeks too, she thinks, the thought causing a flush of redness.

The guard grins, feeling safe since she is facing away and from what he can see, she was looking down toward the ground. The dragon is quick to mind his eyes from her private regions as he slowly saunters over with the large paddle in his right hand, "Alright, fifty licks is what I was told to administer. If you should move your hands back, that will be twenty more. Should you curse me, that will be an extra ten," the dragon takes the paddle's handle into both his hands as he stands at her left side. The cold metal studs coming to brush over the dragoness' scaly rump for just a moment, "I am starting now, I suggest you keep still," the dragon warns her as he draws the paddle back then brings it back down quickly. The paddle's weight making it pick up momentum till it stops with a loud resonating SMACK as the studs and wood meet with the center of her rump

An outrageously painful sting shoots through her hindquarters, her eyes widening as her body shifts forward just a bit. The dragoness manages to keep her lips sealed, not wanting to satisfy the Messenger with any sounds of pain. However, the pain is immense and she still has fifty to go! Ugh, if the other forty-nine are anything like that... I won't be able to sit down for a whole day, maybe even more, the dragoness whimpers, legs shifting causing her butt to wiggle from side to side as she tries to deal with the pain.

The guard waits patiently, letting the first lick settle in before he begins to paddle her at a slow, but steady pace. Each swing of the paddle striking its mark, the wood and metal studs doing well to bruise the scaly flesh as it begins to redden. The sound of every lick echoes through out the chamber and catching the attentions of people passing by. The guard is absolutely unmerciful, making sure every lick is as hard as the last and that he covers every inch of the Queen's lovely shapely rump.

The Queen manages a little longer to remain silent, but soon her will power fades as the pain swells and becomes too much. The terrible fiery sensations make her cry out as tears begin to form in the corners of her eyes and race down her cheeks. Her knees buckle and tail droops, her strength failing her as she focuses on just standing still Her tolerance for pain is was beyond breached, her cries turning into a loud stuttering sobbing as the guard relentlessly dishes out strike after strike.

Forty-one, forty-two, forty-three, the guard counts, keeping track in his head. His eyes fixating on the dark red cheeks as they jiggle about after each hit. The sounds of his Queen's blubbering almost a pleasing melody to his ears, Hehe, if it was up to me, she'd get this every day for being such a lazy queen, the guard thinks to himself as the final lick is given. He sits the paddle down on a nearby table then returns quickly, his hand gently caressing his Queen's sore bottom, "Now for your hand spanking, 200," the guard says with a stern voice. He cups his hand to conform to the curve of her cheeks and begins immediately swatting her cheeks, switching back and forth. It isn't as hard as the paddle, but enough that it makes those rotund cheeks shake.

The Queen can only brace herself, hoping the end was soon... and then finally it arrives. Her eyes blood shot from crying, her backside incredibly warm and deeply red. Though the brief calm is broken as she hears the guard, two hundred... that's just unfair, I haven't been that bad, the queen thinks, but remains quiet. Her wounds are soon irritated and the flame under her tail rekindled as his hand begins to smack her already very sore rump. The dragoness' feet shift back and forth off the ground as she lets out a series of yelps and small cries, but ultimately is able to remain in place and keep her hands clutching the dresser.

The guard is quick as he hands out the second and final part of the Queen's punishment. His hand quickly moving back and forth, making sure he doesn't spare a single inch despite how sore she obviously is. At least three minutes pass rather quickly as he nears the end, the muscles in his arms aching and crying for rest, one hundred ninety-eight, one hundred ninety-nine, two hundred, finally, the dragon thinks to himself with a sigh of relief. His eyes look to the dragoness' rump that is as red as a polished ruby.

To the dragoness, those same minutes feel like eternity and more. The pain wasn't getting any worse, but with every time his hand lands another blow, the pain reawakens like someone throwing acid on an open wound. Her legs ache, her backs ache from being hunching over so long, but nowhere compared to the pain her backside is suffering from. Her hands quickly tend to the pain as he stops, not caring if there is anything else. Even the tips of her talons pricking the skin causes her to grimace in pain, "Please, please tell me its over,"

The guard nods, takes up his paddle and makes his way out the Queen's chamber. That never gets boring... I wonder how long it'll be until called for that service again, the guard speculates as he makes his way back down the hall to report to the king.

The Queen sighs with relief, her palms tenderly caressing her sore rump before she pulls the chair back up to her vanity dresser. She sits down, wincing as the chair's cushioned seat causes heavy discomfort. Her hand plucking the quill from the brass ink container as she slowly unrolls one of the parchments and begins signing it. I better get to this, I don't dare give my King another reason to send that guard to punish me again, she thinks to herself as she finishes her signature then carefully puts it away before pulling another one to her.

[The End]

Theft Doesn't Pay: Part 1.

[Note: This is short, which is my intention. If it's well recieved I'll continue with part 2 and if not, well I don't know. I want your opinions on this story, mind you it may not be for the faint of heart. I had a little trouble writing it myself due...

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