Krystal Transformed

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Krystal was captured and transformed into a pain slut.

_ English is my third language, please correct me if I am using Chinese-style English. I don't own Star Fox. Characters © their respective owners. I am very poor and I do not get any rewards from writing stories, so please don't try to sue me. Thanks for reading. Please feel free to comment ^_^ _

Krystal Transformed

A blue vixen who wore skimpy, golden attire mainly consisting of a golden bra-like top and nothing but a small white loincloth was sitting inside a small spaceship. Seeking answers concerning her home planet's destruction, she journeyed to the Lylat System.

She glanced at the screen which was displaying 'Help us', the signal came from the Dinosaur Planet. Was it a trap? Or was it from unknown allies? Soon, she saw a blue planet. She clicked the 'Analyze' button and waited patiently. A few minutes later, brief information appeared on the screen. "Dinosaur Planet is a large Earth-like planet inhabited by multiple tribes of many dinosaurs. You can breathe without difficulties."

** The vixen tried to contact her team leader. "Krystal speaking, I received SOS signal from Dinosaur Planet..." she began, immediately the screen showed 'No Signal'. Something or someone jammed the signal and now she was alone, she could not call for backup. At that moment, the gravity of that planet sucked her spaceship and she could not get away from it! She felt a shiver of fear climb her backbone. Was she going to die in explosion?**

"Phew, no crash landing," said Krystal with a shudder after landed on the planet. However, some parts were damaged during the emergency landing. From the damage report, she lost one engine which she could not repair. Now she either stays here and waits for backup or investigates the mysterious SOS signal and finds the transmitter. Either way, faceless enemies were out there, waiting to harm her.

Dinosaur Planet without dinosaurs.** Krystal grinned wryly as she activated the X-Ray scanner to scan the building in front of her. The scanner displayed some captives but she did not detect any suspicious enemies. She climbed down from her spaceship and then picked her way carefully down the hillside. She decided to rescue the captives instead of waiting inside her spaceship; furthermore she might find the transmitter inside the building and call for backup. The forest was tannin-brown. The grass was crispy under her feet. She looked up and the trees were skyscraper tall. Hares were scampering away from hers up ahead.**

** Soon, Krystal stood behind a tree in front of the building, still no sign of enemies. She saw the windows and decided to sneak in through the side windows instead of the front door. She crawled to the side of the building and waited for a while. After she opened the window, she got an electric shock.**

** A tiny flying machine flew down from the ceiling and scanned the blue vixen on the floor. "Intruder captured, SOS signal disabled, the trap is a success," reported the machine.**


** When Krystal opened her eyes, she shook her head in shock and disbelief when she saw some mechanical hands stretched out from the ground and ceiling. The next thing she noticed was that she was restrained. She was in a low-ceilinged windowless cell with walls of glittering white porcelain. Four mechanical hands were holding her arms and legs, and she could feel the coldness of the metal hands.** She realized that she could not use any skills, her face crumpled with despair.

** "Intruder awakes, scanning completed. Target's gender is eligible, under Loli category. Pain Slut transformation will begin now," said a computer voice.**

** A cold chill raced up Krystal's spine. She shuddered. "Pain Slut?"**

** A mechanical hand pulled Krystal's bra off and examined her breasts. Her nipples were small, and her breasts were very natural. She protested in vain. Then, the hand pulled down her loincloth. She had a landing-strip pubic hair design. "Target not wearing underwear, first time seeing a girl who doesn't wear underwear," said the same computer voice.**

** Krystal felt herself blushing furiously. "Because I don't want to wash so many clothes!" exclaimed she. A hand took duct tape and wrapped her white pubic fur. Immediately she knew what would happen next. She swayed her head from side to side with worry. When the hand began to pull down the tape slowly, her fox face fell faster than a corpse in cement boots. In that instant her skin became greyed, her muzzle hung with lips slightly parted and her eyes were as wide as they could stretch. She gave an involuntary shudder and urinated uncontrollably. Some hands cleaned the table immediately.**

** Finally, Krystal's pussy was as smooth as a newborn baby, she gasped like a fish out of water. Suddenly, she cried out with pain when the hand washed her pussy with some kind of medicine, the purpose was to prevent the hair to grow again.**

Once again, Krystal face twisted up with pain as a hand began to burn her armpit hair slowly. She clinched her paws and shook her head bleakly. Tears washed her cheeks and she could smell something burning.

The third mechanical hand which was holding a pair of needle-point tweezers began to pluck Krystal's eyebrow. It plucked first the hairs sprouting between her brows. Each hair, plucked to the root, brought a twinge, a burn, and then a 'pop'. The pain in her heart was intolerable.

** After all hairs and eyebrows were removed, Krystal almost fainted, she became a hairless vixen. A few minutes later, she felt a finger trace along her cleavage. Her voice was serious. "Who the fuck are you?" There was no reply. The finger never stopped moving, dipping into the great divide and back up over the full mound of one breast. She felt goose bumps pop up on her skin. Later, the hands checked her temperature and blood pressure, and then X-Ray her heart and lungs.**

Some hands changed Krystal's position. She was now lying on her back with her legs bent at the knees and spread wide, heels supported by a metal post at each corner of the table. This was the most humiliating and vulnerable position. Her light-blue pussy was wide open and in full view.

This is NOT good.** Krystal thought. A metal thumb rested almost directly on her clit as it put its metal finger inside her. She squirmed a little; its thumb was stimulating her clit. She did not realize that the computer recorded down each and every reaction.**

A floating mechanical eye scanned Krystal's body from head to toes. Embarrassment caused blood to flush to her face. Who was controlling them? What were their purposes? Why they chose her? Where was she now? Her thoughts were in a whirl. She could not escape from the clasp of the hands.

A hand grabbed the fox head and pushed down until her muzzle touched her own pussy. Immediately she emitted a cry of pain, her backbone was almost broken. She drew a long breath of relief after the hand released her head.

"Shit! NNNOOO!!!" A hand approached Krystal's defenseless left nipple with a large syringe filled with green liquid and the needle was about an inch. She thought that it was toxin. The first mechanical hand began to stimulate her nipple until her nipple stood up proudly and the milk hole was parted.

"OUCH! PAIN!" Krystal cried as the sharp needle buried into her milk hole slowly. "AAAAAHHHHH!!!" The hand continued to push the syringe until the needle was fully inside the hole. She continued to groan and moan although the hand had pause for her to take a short break.

When the thumb pressed the plunger top, Krystal could feel the liquid flowed into her milk ducts. "OOOOOHHHHH!!!" Finally, the barrel was emptied, the thumb stopped pressing and pulled out the needle.

The hand put down the syringe while another hand forced open her muzzle. The first hand slid a funnel deep down her throat and the third hand poured cold water into the funnel. A few minutes later, when the funnel was removed from her muzzle, she coughed a little and cleared her throat.

"NNNOOO!" The hand refilled the barrel with green liquid and moved towards her right nipple. After drinking the cold water, she could scream again. "Please give me an anaesthetic!" She exclaimed as the hand repeated same process to her right nipple. Finally, the hands moved away from her wounded nipples.

** A hand forced open the fox's muzzle while another hand slid a small dildo into her mouth. "MMMMM!!!" When the dildo began to expand, she felt that her jaw was going to be dislocated. Luckily the dildo stopped expanding. The third hand secured her muzzle with nylon so that she could not open her muzzle and release the dildo. She muffled again when the dildo released nasty smell - nastier than her boyfriend's fox dick, the odor made her stomach almost turn over.** She felt a tingle in her eyes and could hardly keep from shedding tears.

** What now? She cast a glance of surprise at the breast cups before her. There were a tiny feather and a tiny rod inside each cup. Each cup was used to cover each of her light-blue breasts.**

Her eyes pop out as the feather began to spin and tickle her sensitive nipples. She could not laugh. She jerked and twisted as much as her bonds would allow. Her face held a strained expression, as if she were suffering. Her eyes widened in surprise as she saw her own udders bounced nicely as her body jerked and bobbed back and forth inside the cups as the feathers swept over them. She could feel her nipples stiffened even harder in response. From time to time she tried to twist her body away but it was pointless.

She was trembling, sweat had formed and made her body glisten and shine. It felt like hours had passed but it was mere minutes. Her nipples ached. They had never been this hard before, this teased before. The milk holes parted again. She muffled as she felt the tiny rods slid into her nipple holes. When the tiny rods reached the milk ducts, they started to expand. To her surprise, she did not feel painful although her milk holes were forced open, instead she felt very nice and she enjoyed such treatment.

I am fucking by a machine, why am I feeling so good? She thought.

Suddenly, the rods began to pump in and out slowly - like thrusting a vagina. The ticklish caused by the feathers and the sensations from the pumping by the rods gave her multiple arousal. She felt her sides ached and tears spilled from her eyes. The hand checked her pulse when she had a running nose and foamed at the mouth.

The rods stopped pumping and were withdrawn from her nipples; the feathers also stopped spinning. When the breast cups were removed from her udders, she gasped like a fish out of water. Immediately she cum and squirted like there was no tomorrow. She was struck dumb with fear when she saw her breasts began to produce milk - lots of milk. She could not understand, she was not pregnant, how come she could produce milk at this age?

The hands untied the nylon and pulled out the dildo from her muzzle. She could not believe that she reached climax just by stimulating her breasts. Her boyfriend did stimulate her breasts but she never cum no matter how good was his skill. The hands re-positioned her and then chained her on the table. The vixen was tense as she waited for the next process to begin.


** "You can relax now, phase one is over."**

** Krystal turned her head and saw a yellow vixen. The yellow vixen was also chained on the table, but her yellowish head was buried within her large thighs and her pointed muzzle was facing her own pussy. Some hands were clamping her labia. There was a hammer before her sex.**

** Krystal was surprised to see the yellow vixen - she looked like her except that she had enormous thighs and her feet were also larger. "You are...?"**

** Her eyes narrowed. "I am Renamon, a wormhole somehow was opened and sucked me into this planet. How about you?"**

** "I am Krystal," replied the blue vixen and told Renamon about the SOS signal.**

** Renamon forced a laugh. "I am not surprised, many girls also walked right into the trap."**

** "How long have you been here?" Krystal asked with concern.**

** "Search me, weeks? Months? I never saw the sky again since the second day,"** said Renamon, downcast.

** "Don't you feel painful? What..."**

** At that moment, the hand stretched Renamon's labia on the table and then pummeled it! "ARGH! Calm down, Krystal. I know you have a lot of questions to ask but I can only give you little answers. I don't know what is this place and who built these pervert machines. But one thing for sure, they are going to transform us, and ruin our normal lives."**

** "I pity your labia. Yes, I heard that they are going to transform me into a Pain Slut."**

** "So far there are three kinds of transformation: maid, sex slave and pain slut. All transformation processes are done in different rooms and this room IS Pain Slut transformation room."**

** "What is Pain Slut?"**

"Someone who enjoys physical pain and/or humiliation to great extremes; usually a submissive, but not in all cases. The word is generally applied to someone who 'can't get enough' pain and torture, similar to someone who enjoys promiscuous sex."

The hand stretched Renamon's labia on the table and then pummeled it again. She soon recovered herself and stopped groaning.

Krystal started in surprise. "That IS painful! NO! I refuse to become a Pain Slut!"

"As you can see, I enjoyed the pain. Just now you're enjoying secretly when they 'torture' your breasts, that proved that you are qualified to become a pain slut."

"What will happen to us?" Krystal quavered.

Renamon wagged her head sadly.

"Just now you told me this is phase one."

Renamon moaned as her labia was pummeled again. "Yes, during phase two, they'll modify your cunt. I am at phase three where they start to inflict pains on me."

"OMG! Your labia is bleeding! You mean I'll become like you?"

"Yup. Previously, they nailed a girl's breasts and clitoris onto a wood. According to the computer, she was graduated and then I never see her again."

** Krystal looked nervous. "Speaking of udders, what have they done to my breasts? How come I can produce milk now? I am 15 only."**

** Renamon groaned as her labia was pummeled again! "They enlarged your breasts - of course you won't see the effect so quick - men like enormous breasts, easy to grab and can produce more milk. Moreover, flat chest can't squeeze male genital. Someday, your breasts will become as huge and solid as mine. I also don't know why our breasts can produce so much milk now. I am a teenager although I have no age. Anyway, I suggest you take a nap now."**

Renamon began to doze off and pulled herself up sharp as her labia was pummeled. When Krystal urinated secretly, some hands came to clean the table and her slit. Krystal was so stewed up with anxiety that she could not sleep. From time to time, Krystal heard the pummeling sound and then Renamon gave a groan of pain. Whenever Renamon's labia bleed, the hands would come to heal her. Someday, Krystal would become like that and there was no escape, she sighed as discouragement thickened around her.

Soon, Krystal began to get rather sleepy, and went on saying to herself, in a dreamy sort of way, "Please don't hurt my pussy." The room was cool after the sun had gone down. She woke up in the middle of an exciting dream.

Some creatures were pushing a wooden horse into the room. They were lizard-like, with hard green-brown skin. A creature forced Krystal to stand up, the creature did not say anything, thus she could not guess the gender of the creature. Why so mysterious? She thought. She was struck dumb with fear when a creature showed her a large syringe, this time the color was red. She gulped. "Blood?"

Renamon said in a low tone, "Don't worry, Krystal, it is liquid food, show them your arm now."

When Krystal stretched out her light-blue arm, the creature injected the liquid food directly into her blood vessels. Her face was contorted with pain as the liquid flowing into her vessels. Finally, the process was done and the creature pulled out the needle. "I don't feel hungry anymore!" she exclaimed to herself.

The creature pointed at the wooden horse and gestured Krystal to study it. From one end of the horse, a metal bar was raised about 2 and a-half feet, and this held onto another large metal cross-bar. Below the horse, was a hydraulic pump. This pump was attached to a huge metal dildo that was stuck through the horse. The dildo was 10" to 15" long and made of several expandable, overlapping rings, some of which were knobbed!

Krystal shook her head. "NO! I am NOT going to straddle it!"

The creature stared at Renamon and gestured the hands to release the yellow vixen. After the hands released Renamon, the creature injected the liquid food into her blood vessels. Renamon stared in bewilderment while two creatures were setting up the wooden horse. A few minutes later, they forced Renamon to straddle the horse. Renamon's fox face twisted up with pain as her leg lay bent beneath her, she felt like straddling a sword. A creature changed the normal dildo to a 15" polygon dildo!

FUCK! This dildo is going to kill her! Krystal thought as a creature began to squeeze, push and knock the dry polygon dildo into Renamon's asshole.

"EEEKKK! OOOHHH!" Being a girl Renamon imagined this as the most sudden and intense menstrual cramps a girl could ever have. Blood, juice and urine dripped to the ground.

However, only 11" of the dildo could be squeezed into Renamon's anus. "Don't worry, I am very alright," Renamon gave Krystal a sweet smile. Duct tape was used to secure the dildo from slipping out from the hole. A creature forced Renamon to bend down, and then it secured a metal ball on her back. Now her whole body weight was on her own holes.

I don't think she is alright.** Krystal could not believe her eyes. She did not want to anyway. She never saw something like that even in her worst nightmares. But that was only because her brain always woke her up before such a horrific image covered her mind. And now she was seeing something her eyes would not ever be able to erase.**

The creatures walked towards Krystal, and her heart went cold. After the hands secured Krystal on the table, two hands forced opened her muzzle. The enamel of her teeth was very white. She stared at the creature with surprise when it showed her a syringe and the needle was about an inch long. The creature gave the blue vixen an anesthetic. She appeared lost in thought. The other creatures took out the nail clippers and began to trim Krystal's nails. After they were done, her cheek felt warmly numb.

** A creature jammed the pliers inside and gripped a tooth. With one quick, precise twist of the wrist, he pulled out one of Krystal's teeth. One hand quickly stopped the bleeding. The creature gripped another tooth but this time, it did not rush. It twisted from left to right, and then from right to left. Her head also moved accordingly. Finally, it decided to pull out the tooth. Once again, the hand stopped the bleeding immediately. After the creature pulled out her fourth tooth, the effect of the anesthetic was nearly over and she began to feel the pain.**

** The creature gave Krystal an anesthetic again. She lost count how many times she urinated. Finally, the creature put down the pliers on the table. She glanced at the table, her teeth were washed clean and then arranged nicely on a plate. She had a dreadful headache and she looks dazed and disorientated. Now she had to wait for one month for the gums to heal, and then they could start the denture process. A creature flipped the switch before they left the room.**

The dark space was endless in this room. Krystal wished to drift away into a never ending dream, but dreams were only a memory in this hell of reality. She simply wished to sleep.

Renamon also could not sleep. It was not a sharp, searing pain though. It was like a horrible and incredibly strong aching pulse that just lingers there for a long ass time. Luckily the dildo can't spin. She consoled herself.

For the next one month, Krystal could not speak properly.


"Cunt transformation begins," said the familiar computer voice.

Krystal shook her head in drowsy wonder. The mechanical eye prepared to monitor her expression as a hand inserted one fingertip into her vagina. She could not believe this, she was going to be fucked by some mechanical hands. She gulped when she saw a hand approaching her sex with a syringe full of purple liquid in it. Some hands clamped her labia and spread her vagina again. She farted and squirted uncontrollably as the hand injected her cervix.

After the injection was completed, the eye flew into her light-blue vagina. What are you doing inside my hole? She felt an unreasonable catch of fear. Since she was not a virgin, the eye could fly directly into her cervix. She saw a hand slid a rubber rod into her stomach through her cervix canal, the eye inside her vagina guided the rod into her womb. Soon, she felt sticky liquid flowed into her ovary. After she was filled, the hand pulled out the rod.

With the eye still inside her, the finger continued to explore her. The finger could feel that Krystal's g-spot was extremely swollen and rough. From her expression, she was terrified, embarrassed, and humiliated. The hand slipped a second finger inside her vagina and with both together it reached them just beyond her g-spot and, applying a slight pressure up and out, it stroked her g-spot. Intensely pleasurable feelings started within the clitoris and sent waves of pleasure throughout her body. She involuntarily bucked her hips and her vagina clenched in spasms. The eye inside her vagina quickly recorded down the new discovery.

When the little eye flew out from Krystal's vagina, the hand changed target. She shook her head as it slowly inserted its finger into her ass hole, first just the tip, crossing her tight opening, then slowly making her take more and more of his smooth metal finger up her backside. It started to fuck her young anus with its finger, pushing its finger in slowly, feeling her tight sphincter expand around the thicker part of its finger. She felt it move deeper and deeper, her stomach tightening up as it pressed against the walls of her anal tract and scratched her tender walls. The eye recorded her expressions and reactions.

While Krystal was still on the table, a hand squeezed a tiny long plastic tube into her right ear. Her shoulders shaking with grief, tears were streaming down her already wet cheeks. The hand continued to push until the tube popped out from her left ear. Some hands from ceiling lifted up the tube so that she was dangling by her own ears. A hand rubbed the blood that dripped from her muzzle, and then another hand forced open her muzzle to stop the bleeding. The hand on the floor cleaned her pussy after she urinated uncontrollably. Finally, the hands attached a bowling ball to each of her ankles to increase the weight.


** The vixens were repeatedly subjected to torture.**

** However, the liquid food was nutritious. The creatures fed the girls with egg yolk and other nutritious foods.**

** One day, the creatures came and fed the vixens with liquid food again.** Krystal gave up the struggle in despair. Renamon was right, nobody would come to rescue them. Furthermore, the creatures had marred their lives. Krystal was forced to concede that she was a pain slut now, she did enjoy pains and torments.

** Even if someone came and rescued them, no doctors out there could restore their body to the original states. Now their breasts were too gigantic to wear bra. They could not make babies anymore. Their pussy was modified and they would be stimulated whenever they wore underwear. Even worse, they had to wear dentures now - they could not enjoy delicious food anymore.**

** After feeding time was over, the vixens were prepared to be tortured again. However, the creatures did not torture the girls. Instead, the creatures squeezed the vixens together - their muzzles were inside each other's muzzle - their huge breasts were squeezed and rubbed with each other; they felt exciting and uncomfortable at the same time and they began to produce milk. They began to kiss with each other after the creatures tied them. The creatures lifted up their fox tails while the other creatures began to smack their plump buttocks with a mace.**

** Twenty minutes later, a creature rushed into the room and then the girls heard some explosion sounds from outside. Two creatures quickly released the vixens while another creature pushed open a hidden door on the wall. After they were inside the secret passage, a creature shut the door and flicked some switches. Immediately the passage was bright as daylight.**

** At that moment, some Team Star Fox members rushed into the room. Immediately the room exploded, destroying all evidences and any life forms inside the room.**

** The creatures reached the hangar where a spaceship was waiting for them. Inside the spaceship, Krystal and Renamon met with other naked girls and creatures. The pilot activated Stealth Mode and then flew into the dark space. A few minutes later, the whole building exploded.** The explosion accident caused several fatalities.

** Krystal stood before a camel, she could not sit down because her buttocks were still painful after smacked by a mace. "I am Krystal, what's your name?"**

** "Her tongue has been removed, her name is Pauline," a skunk put in. "My name is Eve, nice to meet you."**

** "Oops, sorry, nice to meet you," Krystal promptly introduced Renamon to Pauline and Eve, who shook paws warmly. "Where are we heading now?"**

** "New headquarters, new trainnings, new devices,"** Eve spoke with a slow, measured cadence. Her English, with a slight British inflection, was perfect.

** Renamon started to chuckle. "Cool!"**

** "I can't wait to get there!" a tigress exclaimed, she could not sit down because there was a bottle of white wine inside her vagina.**

The end.