A Tail of Two Umbreons: Part I

Story by Brianya on SoFurry

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#20 of RP Adaptations/Collaborations/Main Series

RP with Sylva

Art borrowed from Pvt.Keron

Cinta, the land of the pure of heart. A highly religious land that takes love seriously, unlike their eastern neighbor Noire. Here, the word of the church is law and keeps the citizens in check...

Well, it certainly kept more in check than what happened in Noire. Groups of pokemon having the ability to cure those who are corrupted and many places having strong wards to keep out the lustful energy. There were also prisons and detention centers for those who committed crime. A much more orderly and peaceful society.

Aion was an Umbreon who lives in Cinta. He worked in the defence and police line. Working to keep others safe. It was a nice job, they were a fair way into Cinta and this neighbourhood was very nice to live in. He mostly spent his time helping others out where he could and doing things that people needed done.

He had a best friend, Spike, another Umbreon with whom he had been friends for years. The two shared everything together and were the best of buds.... Well more than that, especially for Spike, who had a deep crush on his childhood pal. A forbidden desire...as homosexuality was not tolerated by the church... Which Aion thought was ridiculous. He personally wasn't a fan of religion, at least not parts of it. Like the ban on homosexuality as it didn't make sense to him. They were banning people from loving which seemed to be against some of their religions core values. That and their god had a few qualities that were... counter-intuitive to the point of being unrealistic.

He was on his shift for another hour before finishing. The male couldn't wait to relax at home for a bit. Or to hang out with Spike somewhere.

The two would often get coffee at a local cafe, go to the arcade and play videogames, and take walks through the park. Life seemed like a date even though it wasn't and Spike would be naturally sitting at his booth in the café as always.

When he finally got off his shift, after helping a shinx out of a tree for the 50th time, he went to where he knew his friend would be. The sleek male nodding open the door and soon seeing his best friend sitting at the booth they always sat at. His waves a paw at Spike as he walked over. The umbreon tail wagging happily behind him.

Spike was glad to see his friend, his tail also thumping against the seat wildly. With a smile, he leaned in, "Nice to see you off work, Aion!"

"It's nice to be off work." He replied as he went over to sit next to the other and gave him a nuzzle in greeting. Something they had always done since they were pups. Aion did like the other male a lot, more than just his best friend, but he didn't know how to express that. Or if by doing so he would push the other away from him.

Spike lifted his cup and took a sip from his coffee and rubbed his eyes tiredly. "How was work?" The Umbreon asked as he usually did, swirling the liquid in his cup.

"Good. Helped another shinx out of a tree. God they seem to be attracted to them." He said with a sigh. Rolling his shoulders and stretching out a bit. "How have you been doing?" He asked him.

"I've been doing fine.", Spike smiled and laughed into his arm. "

He enjoyed the others laugh. It made him very happy to hear. He planned to skip the church gathering this weekend for some combat and fitness training. That and he didn't want to sit there and prey to some mythical being for a good long while.

Spike didn't want to go either, given his secret desires. For him, it was mighty terrifying to go to a place where he secretly could be considered an outcast. If the church found out he would likely be locked up, punished, forced to conform, or worse. He didn't know which they might do to him as they were impulsive asses in their decisions...Claiming their choices to be the will of the mighty Celebi.

He doubted any of them had ever actually seen Celebi, let alone talk to her. It is said that she resided deep in Lios forest, somewhere he had been a few times before. "You doing anything this weekend?" He asked, knowing that with most of the village in the church it shouldn't be too hard to slip away unnoticed. That and he would appreciate going with a partner. Currently he had been told there was another pair going to the training and one of them was leading the activity.

"Just hiding out as always...", Spike shrugged, having plans to sleep in a little and maybe play a little bit of videogames...the usual.

"Ahh. I was wondering if you wanted to come with me on a trip. I'm going to Lios forest on an exercise thing." He said, to be honest he didnt mind if Spike declined. After all, he would probably join him in hiding out for a while normally. Or be on duty so he "couldn't' go.

Spike would think for a moment before answering, "Well, I don't have anything better to do, sure."

He smiled and his tail wagged a bit faster. "Cool, you want to meet at your place and I'll drive us to the forest?" He asked, he doubted their trainijg leader would mind him bringing someone. Most people in the police wanted everyone to be fitter just in case the corruption started to spread.

Spike would just nod his head and yawn, smacking his head on the table in exhaustion.

"Need some help home?" He asked with a chuckle as he saw Spike's tiredness. Aion more than happy to help the other get home safe.

Spike just huffed and raised his head, "...Sure."

"Come on. You look like you need to sleep." He said as he started to wiggle out of the booth and offer the other a helping hand.

He slowly grabbed Aion"s hand and pulled himself up. Wobbling side to side like a drunkard.

He soon made sure to hold the other closer to him. What had his friend been doing to get him like this? "Are you OK?" He asked, going slow so his friend wouldn't trip.

Spike couldn't help but lean on the other Umbreon's shoulder, "...Yeah....I'm...okay.." He slowly mutters.

"Are you sure. You look like you're drunk! Have you been sleeping properly?" He asked, knowing it could be easy to stay up all night if tge moon was out.

He wobbled around, ".....what...n-no...i-i-i do nothing...like that.." Clearly he had.

He sighed. He may just take a sick day to get his friend to stay in bed and rest. He couldn't have him continue like this. "You sir need sleep, and plenty of." He said. Managing to get them to the others house. "Can you give me a key so I can open the door?" He asked.

Spike pointed to his floormat, to where the key usually was. His eyes mostly closed as he leaned on Aion.

He moved his friend over to lean against the door for a moment and got the key. Then moving so Spike was supported by him he opened the door and walked them through. Leading him up to his bedroom Aion put him onto his bed.

The drowzy Umbreon nuzzling the bed and pillows, like a pup. Quickly dozing off again.

He tucked the other in and made sure he was comfy before going and getting himself a glass of water. He didn't plan on leaving just yet as he wanted to make sure that the other actually stayed asleep for a good while.

The sleeping Umbreon would kick his feet every once in a while as he slept. His house a little messy, filled with anime, manga, videogames, and hentai magazines. A few pizza boxes here and there.

Aion began to tidy up a bit. Mostly getting rid of items that were obviously rubbish. Like the pizza box's and stuff. He then began to bring together the room, get stacks of anime and various comics and games. Putting series together almost compulsively and making sure they were in order. It wasn't bad... it was just a bit chaotic and it would help Spike if it was a bit tidier, or so he hoped. He made sure to visit his sleeping friend a few times. Making sure he was alright.

Spike managed to stay asleep the whole time, tossing and turning.

After a while he joined the other in his room and sat on a chair. Keeping an eye on the tossing and turning male all the while. Although, he did begin to doze.

And soon things calmed down, and the night slipped away into dawn.

He ended up nodding off on a chair. The umbreon himself quite tired and hoping his friend would be alright.

Morning came and Spike slowly awakened from the shining light. Saturday, the day of freedom.

With Aion asleep in one of the chairs on the room. The not particularly comfortable position would make itself known more when he woke up achy after sleeping like that for so long.

Spike yawning contently and hopping out of bed with a thump. Fully rejuvenated and bursting with energy, he notices Aion quickly tilting his head to the side.

The fluffy eeveelution didn't notice his friend waking up. His tip showing out of his fluffy sheath as his dreams were quite fun.

Soon to catch sight of the tip, Spike gazed at it intensely as saliva built up for him. The look of Aion's red tip causing Spike to shudder and push out his own. Quietly, his ears fell flat against his head as he crawled stealthily towards his friend.

Aion remained steadily asleep. It seemed he was still in deep sleep as the creak of a floorboard didn't even make him twitch.

Spike managing to crawl and stand on his knees directly in front of him. The wet smells penetrating his nose as he contemplated submitting to his desires.

His tip began to creep further out of the 'mon's sheath as he became more aroused. His legs spreading a bit as he shifted. Almost like the unconscious body was giving Spike access.

The watching Umbreon in a time of crisis, the church forbids such activities and who knew what Soon would think If he caught his best friend loving on him. He had held it in for so many years, his resistance against giving in crumbling. Today was the day...the day Spike could give his friend "Breakfast in Bed,"

The male was honestly dreaming about Spike. He knew the church forbid it and the thoughts made him feel guilty but the dream was so nice. They were currently just cuddling and kissing. Aions tail beginning to wag both in the dream world and the real.

Spike whining as he quickly pressed his muzzle against his friends junk, snorting his musk hungrily. His length sliding out of his sheath sporadically and throbbing rapidly like a Melody in tune with his heart. 'Ba-dum! Ba-dum!' His chest pounding like a drum as his eyes grew heart-shaped.

Aion moaned softly as he felt in his dream the muzzle against his length. The actions of Spike influencing his dream and making it more lucid. His member quickly sliding all the way out and standing up attentively for Spike.

The trembling Umbreon's breath blowing against that erect member as he pressed his lips against it's side for a kiss.

"Ohh. Spihh." He began, seeming to say someones name but dropping off halfway. The deep red shaft lightly pulsing as his best friend got familiar with it.

Spike blushed at Aion reaction with wide eyes, did he hear what he thought he heard? He flicked his eyes up at Aions face and ran his tongue along the base all the way up to the tip. Listening closely.

The male groaned happily as the tongue ran up his shaft. The dark type was quite sensitive and pent up. "Mhh, maw spikey." He mumbled out in a similar position in his dream and wanting the other to continue badly. Not realizing that it wasn't just a wet dream.

Spike murred as he heard his voice, overwhelmed with lust now that he heard that. Quick to take the red member in his maw, slowly and fully.

The black and yellow male moaned softly as he felt his shaft get engulfed. The needy male on a fairly short fuse as it wasn't long before he was starting to drool pre. Even with Spike being slow he was enjoying it immensely.

Spikey quick to suck up all that pre as it came out, bobbing his head with a blush. Eyes rolling back as he took in more musky smells.

His climax was quick to build as the head bobbed. Aion beginning to be roused from his slumber but still thinking hid was dreaming as the amazing sensations ran through his body. The heavy balls contracting as he gasped, his climax coming strong as he filled Spikes maw with ropes of his seed. His eyes not quite believing what they were seeing.

Spike murring loudly as he gulped down all that cum before Aions very eyes. His throbbing length squirting pre on the floor.

The black furred 'mon was left panting and amazed. That was the first blowjob he had ever received and it was from his best friend. "W-wow." He said, unable to think of anything else right now. He was surprised certainly but he had wanted something like this for a long time. He also kinda still thought he was dreaming.

Spike yelped when he heard Aion talk, skidding back on the floor, his cock hard between his legs. "I-I-I'm sorry..I-I don't know what came over me!"

"No, no. It's fine." He said, quickly moving over and hugging his friend. "I like you too, as more than a friend." He said, he knew that the church, and most of the population here, would hate them if they found out. However, no-one else needed to know.

Spike goes wide eyed, hugging his friend more with a blush. "Y-You do?"

He nodded and brought the other in for a soft kiss. "We've been best friends fir so long and I'd like to try being more than that." He said, this feeling mire right and natural than all the times he had tried to date females.

Spike moans into the kiss, going wide eyed. "B-but what about the church."

"Since when did we care?" He asked as he moved a paw down to rub his partners member. "We were going away this weekend anyway." He said as he felt the warmth of Spikes shaft in his paw.

Spikey blushing and whimpering as he did so, bucking into the hand. "O-oh gaww..."

This was Aion's first experience with a male. Due to his job he came under more scrutiny in his own home than others did and hadn't been able to do anything that hinted at his gayness. Well, apart from having nothing in his home about females in that way. He began to stroke a little faster. The umbreon's tail wagging as he felt the shaft throb in his paw as he slowly pushed Aion onto his back to get more access to him.

Spike shuddered under the stroking, throbbing for Aion openly. He wiggled his hips as the sensitivity got to him. "Oh gawd..oh..oh...raww."

"Glad you're enjoying." He murred as he moved so his head was level with Spike's groin. A bit nervous as the other's musk filled his senses. Nuzzling the shaft with the side of his muzzle for a but before lapping at it.

Spike rolls his eyes back again and whimpers, wiggling his hips. "Oh..oh...Mmnn..I love you Aion...I always have...." He leaks pre out in his tip onto your muzzle.

"I wish you had told me earlier." He said softly as he lapped at the shaft. Getting used to the unique and very novel flavour. Moving his tongue upwards he began to lap off the pre ad it drooled out. Aion unable to think of anything apart from pleasuring the one he wanted as a boyfriend.

Spike could only shudder and rub Aion's cheek, leaking a steady flow of pre as his heart fluttered. His emotions overtaking him.

He smiled as his cheek was rubbed. Nuzzling into the hand as he tried to keep up with the licks. Building up his confidence until he took the tip into his muzzle. The police officer looking up at Spike to see if he was doing alright.

He was doing just fine, smiling happily with his tongue sticking out slightly. Bucking his hips into his muzzle.

He sucked on what thrusted in and out of his maw. Just letting the other control the pace as he was quite unsure. Wanting to please the other so he would cum.

Spike humped as his heart bumped quickly, joyfully running his shaft along that maw. Because of the sensation, his toes curled beneath him and his drool run amuck his face. A few minutes of this and he began to cream in the others maw, giving him all the sticky hot seed.

He was surprised when the other began to cum, feeling the seed shoot into his maw and surprised by the warmth and salty taste. His head burying as much of the shaft as he could take in his maw as he began to swallow Spike's seed. Aion's eyes closed to feel everything else better. He kept sucking on the shaft to try extend his best friends orgasm.

His friend, creaming more and more, a few more thick ropes before finishing with deep panting and groaning.

He slurped down all of it before pulling off. Panting and grinning. There was such a large weight off his chest as he moved up to cuddle with Spike and rub their bodies together.

The two hugging each other close and nuzzling cheeks. Spike murring softly into it.

"I think that was the best wake up I've had in a long time." He said softly, loving the feeling of the others fur against his.

"Best breakfast I've had." Spike huffs and licks his face with a blush.

He nodded in agreement. His paws exploring over Spikes back as they trade affectionate nuzzles and kisses. "You feeling better now?" He asked, last night had been pretty bad.

Spike murred into the kisses and giggled, "Mmhm...I'm fine now."

"Good." He said before burring his face against Spikes neck and getting a good muzzle full of his scent. He was really enjoying this. Being free to express himself and love Spike.

Who picked him up and spun him around in his arms, gazing into Aion's eyes. "Okay...baby."

He blushed at being called baby. Now looking up at Spike and into his eyes. A shiver of want ran through him as his heart beat quickly. He spread his legs a bit to allow them to mesh together a bit closer.

Spike murring as Aion came closer, laying him down on his bed and rubbing his cock between those needy legs. "Chu need me bae?"

He nodded and blushed. Feeling the others shaft rub between his legs. He had no problems about doing this, he already knew everything about his best friend. They'd been friends for so long after all. "Yes, can you put it in me?" He asked. Aion hadn't felt this shy or nervous in a long time. He really liked the loving feelings he felt towards Spike.

The rubbing Umbreon blushing too as he leaned his cock up and pushed his tip inside Aions sexy ass. Oh what joy it was to finally be inside his friend. Murrr, oh how his heart raced..so much to pant.

He wiggled a bit at the entry. The feeling very strange to the Umbreon. The stretch was a bit uncomfortable at first but he adjusted to it and it was soon a dull pleasing feeling. The fit virgin tush gripping around Spike's member tightly.

The huffing Umbreon slid his cock in rough and tough, quickly. Grabbing that waist with his curvy Paws and leaning over to gaze into Aion's beautiful eyes.

Aion yipped softly as he found himself full of canine shaft. His eyes widening as he moved his legs reflexively to try and hold them together. His own shaft hard between his legs as he found himself looking back into his boyfriends eyes.

He thrusted, slapping his balls against the others. Howling lustily as he rutted his bae.

The male was entirely powerless to do anything apart from moan as the pleasure began to mount. Aion feeling the hard shaft slam into him with each thrust. The full, warm feeling of his lovers cock feeling amazing.

Spike warmed his love up with thrust after thrust

Yipping in pleasure as he smiled as big as he could. Such passion could be heard from his breath.

He didn't understand why the church would forbid this. It felt so good and right. The umbreon writhing in pleasure as he was mated. "I'm close." He admitted as his member drooled pre. Attesting to his growing need.

The pounding Umbreon raised his head and howled upon releasing his seed deep inside. Blushing like a tomato.

He joined his boyfriend in a howl. His own cock spurting his seed between them as his butt was filled. Aion pulling the others close and having them lay down together, keeping the others shaft buried in him. It felt good and was warm.

Spike murred and throbbed every so often, kicking his hindpaw with a smile.

The umbreon murred and cuddled with Spike. The filling warmth helping the police officer fall asleep in the males arms. Cuddled up to him and very happy where he was.

The two soon fell asleep, joined in love.

The next morning was interesting. Aion woke up cuddled to a very soft and warm body, which surprised him greatly as his memories came back. A bright blush spreading across his face as he realized two things: what they had done and how little he cared about what others would think. He huffed as his back twinged in protest at him moving as he cuddled closer to Spike.

Every once in a while he would throb inside Aion, whimpering softly.

Aion huffed softly as he realized he ws still tied to his boyfriend. On an attempt to pull up he managed to tug on the knot before resting against the other umbreon. His legs not strong enough right now and it felt good for the shaft to be in him.

Spike leaned down to kiss him on the lips with a blush. "Love you..."

"Love you too." He replied, his tail-hole clenching around the warm shaft. His body ready to go again after last night.

He humps a few times as he makes out with his love, making sure to take care of his morning wood.

Aion also found himself hard and rubbing against Spike's fur as he was mated again. His tongue asking for entrance as the kissed.

Tongues intertwining as their bodies mashed, heating up more as they grunted and panted.

He huffed and moaned into the kiss. His tongue playing and rubbing his boyfriends as he was mated again. Really wanting a second filling of Spikes seed to male sure he was well filled.

Thump thump thump, the sounds of the two smacking against each other prominent, murrfully giving anal.

Thankfully there was some muffling in the walls. It would be unlikely for them to be heard or sensed doing this. They were both dark types after all. However Aion wasn't really thinking about that as he was taken. His own shaft throbbing needily between his legs as his tail-hole was claimed again and it felt great.

How satisfying it was indeed, pounding his love harder and nipping at his neck. Spike murred as he throbbed and came inside, already sensitive from being in all night.

He was soon cumming again as he was filled. Tailhole clamping against the others mber as he made it more sticky between them. "Ohh Arceus, you're amazing." He said, very much enjoying Spike topping him.

Panting on top, he pulls out and creams again on the floor with another murr.

He whined, wanting the other to cum inside his tail-hole and not on the floor. And/or to knot him again.

Spike steps aside and forces aions face towards the pool of spunk on the ground .

".... Breakfast...."

He says in a lifeless, yet cute way.

He shook his head and pressed back against the hand. Having a considerable amount of strength in his arms due to his job and the excersice he did.

Spike whimpers and lapps it up himself.

Moving out and behind Spike he admired the others rump. Something he hadn't yet got to play with. Aion moving over and hugging his mate and pressing his sheath against the cheeks.

A surprised yip coming from the Umbreon as he felt something warm against his rump, followed by a murr.

He nuzzled against his mate as he became erect again. More than happy to let out all of the pent up need with his boyfriend. He didn't understand why anyone thought same sex was wrong.

Spike backed into his boyfriend, purring like a cat, he had a long day ahead of him.

It seemed like they both did. Aion more than happy to explore everything they could today if Spike wanted to. The umbreon leaning over and lapping at the others neck before shifting and starting to grind his tip against his entrance. Making sure that he got a good amount of pre to help him explore Spikes depths.

The bottom murring and grinding, red like a tomato.

"If you want me to stop then just tell me." He said softly before slowly pushing more of his tip into the other. His tip spreading the virgin tailhole. Aion nipping and lapping at the others neck a bit.

Spike responds by growling lustfully and howling like a wolf with each plunge of the others shaft deeper.

"Shh, you'll get us discovered." He said jokingly as he pushed his shaft in until he was buried up to his knot. "Just tell me when you're ready to continue." He said.

"I'm ready!" Spike murred.

He smiled and lapped at the other's neck, grooming his mate as he began to thrust. Slowly pulling back until just his tip was in and then pushing back in up to the top of his knot just a little faster.

Spike shuddering profusely and curling his toes. His tongue lapping out as he moaned for more.

More was exactly what the now topping umbreon was more than happy to give. His thrusts becoming faster as he move a paw round to softly stroke his lovers member.

Spikes cheeks flustering as he was happily rutted and jerked off.

"I'm getting close." He said as his knot slammed against the tail-hole with each thrust. He wanted his mate to feel amazing throughout this like he had made him feel when Aion was bottoming.

He whined loudly with his tongue hanging out, "Do it! Fill me!"

He nodded went hard and fast for the last few thrusts until his knot passed through the ring with a pop and locked them together. He moaned loudly as he began to cum, bucking a little as he unloaded into Spike.

With cheeks of red, he moaned loudly and took in all the cream, slumping down while drooling.

The fluffy male cuddled close to his love, continuing to paw him to try and get his love off too. Rolling them so they could lay on their sides and with each little paw stroke Spike groaned and shuddered, huffing softly as his cream built up. "W-Wanna go on a picnic, I-I'd like to cream strings of love in our favorite grassy spot."