Broken Hearts

Story by Ghosty on SoFurry

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#2 of One Shots

This story is set in a Fantasy world of my creation where magic and adventurers exist. The story contains sex between an older male wolf and a young female badger, both above the age of concent. The story also handles death. If you do not wish to read any of the below content please hit bac now.

All Characters are copywrite to me (Ghosty/Ghostwolf)

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A bitter wind full of winters chill howled as the ancient chapel doors bust open. Thick snow quickly filled the doorway once barred by ancient weathered oak doors. Cold winter moonlight illuminated a dark figure now filling the portal. He was a knight, but not one of the realm - his black velvet cloak and highly stylized armour marked him apart; even the extra furs he wore were finer than most of the nobility could afford. He was a demon hunter, and his quarry was in his sight.

Near the altar of the chapel a young female badger knelt; her light clothing seemed you drift on a steady but un-natural breeze that surrounded only her. Her fur was no longer that of grey and black with white facial markings; it was now blue and white with various runes of power and had an eerie glow in the darkness. Her long black hair was the only thing about her that seemed to be unspoiled.

"Witchkin!" The deep gravelly voice of the demon hunter growled from within his helm. The young badgeress lifted her head slowly and looked over her shoulder at the dark figure, then sighed softly to herself. "Praying for forgiveness?" The demon hunter growled mockingly.

The young female stood and turned to face the stranger; her soft azure blue eyes gazed gently at the dark knight. "I have done nothing to pray forgiveness for kind sir." She said in a soft voice. The light robes and silk sashes she wore fluttered gently as she took several steps towards the stranger, revealing her sensual figure; but if the stranger had noticed he gave no sign.

"You are a practitioner of witchcraft and you make no attempt to hide it. You have broken sacred laws that our lands have abided by for centuries. You taint others with both your presence and touch; and you say; you have nothing to pray forgiveness for? For that alone I will make sure your death is a painful one." The demon hunter growled with contempt.

The badgeress blinked in surprise. "Sir, why do you wish to kill me when I have brought no harm to anyone whom I have seen or aided? There is no evil here except for that which you bring with you."

"No harm?" The demon hunter spat at the badgeress. "What of the panic and hysteria left in your wake, those frightened by your un-natural power and not to mention the mental state of your victims."

The badgeress folded her arms across her chest, her demeanour growing more serious. "I have left no panic, and all those I have healed have remained in good health Sir." She said sternly. "The only panic that will have risen from my passing through an area is that caused by your kind stirring up the fanatical against what good I have done."

"Your power is false and misleading, those who see that the law has been broken soon wish to see things set right." The demon hunter snarled and stepped into the chapel, his heavy foot falls echoing around the ancient walls. He stopped a few paces from the badgeress and eyed her carefully trying to judge her power; likewise the badgeress eyed the demon hunter, the silver clasps around his robes bore no less than twenty tiny amethyst balls, a mark she knew well; each represented a so called 'witch' or 'sorcerer' who had been slain in service to his order. In truth she knew only two or three of those would have been a danger to the kingdom, the rest like her were only practisers of magic for the benefit of others, usually taking on the role of a healer or entertainer.

She dipped her head and sighed. "You have already decided my fate Sir; might I at least see the face of my killer and know his name?"

"I owe you no favours witch, why do you want to know?" He asked curiously.

She slowly dropped her arms to her sides and stepped a little closer, being cautious of the warrior before her. "Because I know your order allows you to grant three simple wishes of an accused citizen as long as they are within your power to do so."

"How do I know you won't use my name in a spell to bewitch me?" He growled.

The young badgeress stood before the demon hunter and extended her arms; paws open and unthreatening. "I have used no magic in days; I use my powers to heal the sick and wounded and to bring life back to broken and barren land. I have neither the skill or want to cause harm to another."

A long moment passed between the two; the howling wind offering little comfort to either of the chapel's occupants. "Very well." The demon hunter said sharply. He removed his helm that had brilliantly hid his features but allowed him to be heard without restriction. He was a wolf with fur of charcoal grey and eyes like burning emeralds; one of his ears had been cut off and his face was covered in scars. The badgeress wondered if they had come from battle or from other murders he had committed for the sake of keeping the peace as his order saw it, while the victims tried to defend themselves.

"Your name?" She said softly as she looked at his wounds.

He locked his iron hard gaze with hers then spoke quietly. "Rius." She nodded in acknowledgement and slowly stepped back from him. "Are you afraid?" He said in an emotionless tone, his eyes still locked to hers. She nodded and waited for his next action. "You have one more wish." He said coldly.

"You would allow me that?" She asked quietly.

Ruis approached her and looked down at her; he stood a little over a head and a half taller than her and was easily twice as broad in his armour. "Alina Annura, I have tracked you for eight months and two days, while I will be glad to be done with this task I will do so honourably. You have shown you are an educated female and understand the ways of the Order. I will grant you one last wish if it is reasonable."

The badgeress was not surprised the wolf knew her name, she had never been particularly shy about telling the people she had helped; it had only been a matter of time before someone like Rius had come to track her down; however, she had questions she wanted answered first. "Before I make my last wish, may I ask you a few things?"

"Ask, but do not waste my time." He said flatly.

She nodded. "Why did you join the order?" She asked softly.

Rius sat on an old pew; it creaked heavily under the weight of his armour but still remained strong. "If you seek a story young one then take a seat."

"I don't want a story I just want to know why you joined the Order and became who you are." She said calmly.

Rius snorted. "Very well. I was orphaned at the age of five; a powerful Witch burned my village to the ground, killing among others, my parents. The order took me in and raised me as one of their own; there is nothing more to it."

Alina sighed. "Then the Order has fuelled your hate from one tragic experience. I am sorry for what happened to you back then, and what it turned you into."

"I don't want your pity, for every one less of your kind there is more hope that what I went through will not happen to anyone else." He growled.

Alina could feel tears welling in her eyes. "You fight us to prevent a possible tragedy, without fully realizing what many of us try to do?"

"I have seen the powers that your kind wield!" He snarled. "To start down that path is one of greed and selfish ambition."

Alina sniffed back her tears. "Rius; I mean no offence to you, but I feel you have been blinded by your own hate and sense of duty to the Order."

Rius sat confused for a moment; why was this female feeling so sorry for him and showing him compassion when he had obviously none for her? He found the notion puzzling, but then he had very rarely taken the time to speak with his quarry. He wondered if perhaps listening for the first time in all his years was what was causing the problem. "Anything else?" He asked softly, curious to hear what she might ask next.

She looked surprised; she had expected him to rise and strike her to the floor for insulting him, but instead she had been asked to proceed with another question. She softly bit her lip and stared back into his eyes. "Again I mean no offence Rius, but I am curious; in your career, have you ever known love?"

Rius canted his head to the side. "Love? As in affection for another?"

"In its simplest terms yes." She said downheartedly at his generalization.

"I can't say I have." He said softly. "I've never had need for it."

Alina was deeply saddened by his responce. "You have never been close to someone? Shared intimate thoughts and feelings? Never felt a physical or emotional pull you can't control toward someone you care about?"

Rius shrugged. "I have had physical relations in the past, but they were simply a means to an end."

"Then you have been with a female before?" She asked shyly.

"I have." Was his response, flat and dismissive.

She clasped her paws and held them to her chest. "Tell me; were they happy or satisfied with you?"

"I believe they were, for as long as it lasted; why?" He asked softly.

Alina turned her back on the wolf and slowly walked towards the altar. "I have never been with a male before." She said nervously. "I've heard other females talk about how their mates either do or do not satisfy them. I have always been a wandering child and never took a mate, but now with my time near an end I fear I never will know that feeling of bliss and satisfaction so many couples speak of with their mates." Rius sat listening and watching her; he noticed occasional shaking steps and cold shivers that he guessed were more to do with her state of mind than the chilling winds still blowing through the door. "Rius, for my last wish, would you make love to me?" She asked apprehensively.

The large wolf rose from his pew and approached the female badger. "Very well, but you will cast off your wards." He said in a reserved and calm tone. Alina nodded still facing away from the demon hunter and slowly slid her light clothing from her body. She remained with her back turned to him as she made gestures across her body that made the patterns of runes become dull and lifeless and then they seemed to drift off of her body like dust in the wind.

Rius observed that she must have been truly devoted to her cause when her fur did not revert to its natural colouring; her power was surely great to behold for the citizens of the kingdom. Not for Rius though; he had seen magical power of all kinds, even his own powers, which were sanctioned by the crown, were considerable but not body altering in the way the power the young badgeress possessed.

As he continued to gaze at her naked form before him, he allowed himself a moment to remember those females he had been with in the past and the things they had enjoyed. As he considered his actions he became aware of her scent; she was afraid, but strangely excited. He dwelled on the strange scent and the emotions of hers it betrayed for a little longer until her body finally seemed to be free of the effects of the runes that had covered her blue and white fur. She shivered for the first time and her fur quickly began to stand on end as the biting chill of the winter wind raced through her body; Rius guessed it was a sensation she was used to suppressing with magic.

Alina was about to turn around when she felt his large gauntlet covered paws slowly but firmly grip her upper arms. She inhaled sharply as he slowly squeezed tighter then released several times in an unsubtle resemblance to a form of massage. Rius lowered his head and breathed warmly on her neck; Alina shuddered with excitement, never since the first words they had exchanged would she have believed that her would be executioner could be so gentle, or indeed so teasing.

Alina felt herself being slowly turned to face the demon hunter; she complied with his actions and found herself surprised when she looked up at him. His eye's didn't seem so full of fire or heavy with authority, he almost seemed happy. As the winds chill licked at her exposed body again she stepped close to the large wolf breaking his grip and then wrapping her arms around his still armoured body. Instinctively Rius embraced the female and wrapped his cloak further around his body to prevent her from freezing.

Alina felt another chill run through her body as her nipples brushed against Rius' cold steel breast plate. The sensation excited her and compelled her to hold the warrior tighter. Rius became quickly aware that she wanted to feel more than just the physical side of sexual satisfaction; her scent again betrayed that she wanted to feel more, to feel loved. Rius sighed quietly to himself and removed his thick leather gauntlets, dropping them to her sides then allowing himself to let his paws explore her body.

Alina gasped as she felt the warmth and strength of Rius directly for the first time. She turned in his arms to allow him access to her chest. Rius did not need much persuasion; he allowed himself to gently cup and massage her breasts, but he remained in control of himself, allowing her to lead for the time being.

With delicate paws, Alina quickly unbuckled Rius' girdle while her back was still facing him; it fell to the floor with a heavy thump. Taking the initiative and removing his shoulder brace that housed his main weapon, a long bladed spear, before it was similarly discarded carelessly on the floor; Rius stepped back from her for a moment and carefully lay the weapon to rest.

Rius turned back to the shivering, naked badgeress and watched in amazement as she once again pressed herself to him and then linked the clasps of his cloak together. Alina was no simpleton or without some life experience; once she had replaced a squire during a weeklong jousting tournament when she was younger and knew full well how to dress and undress a knight in armour.

It hadn't taken her long, but soon Rius stood before her wearing only his long dark cloak. Alina lightly brushed her paws over his body, her fingers tracing over deep scars that were months or even years old. "You've found resistance from spell casters in the past haven't you?" She said softly.

"I have." He growled softly. "From demons and traitors as well."

"So your order really does stand against the darkness." She whispered; Rius just nodded. "I just wish you could see distinction between the different spell casters. Because we're not all evil or wish destruction, many of us just want to do good with what we learn."

"The point that you are not evil, or do not have evil intent is irrelevant." He said softly. "You have broken laws that are in place to stop demons passing to the material realm from the Abyss. The power you use attracts them and would grant them passage here through your body."

"I'm sorry it had to come to this Rius." She said softly as she embraced him once again. "But the wards were there to protect me from such a thing ever happening."

Rius held the badgeress tight against his body. "It is out of my hands now child." Alina allowed herself a smile, knowing full well that she was no child at the age of twenty-two and guessed that Rius himself was in his thirties; she doubted anyone younger could address her in the way he did and not have been allured by her physical charm.

"Then I will make good use of what time I have." She nuzzled the large wolf's chest then, slowly dropped to her knees. Rius knew full well what she was about to do, but made no attempt to stop her, it was her wish after all.

With soft paws and gentle strokes, Alina quickly set about Rius' crotch. What she lacked in direct skill she tried to make up for with knowledge passed on to her from friends. She gently nuzzled his sheath and licked tenderly, but often clumsily at his emerging shaft. Rius smiled at her efforts and was glad she had not been lying, something he knew he would have further physical proof of soon.

Alina looked up at the wolf as if for permission to proceed or for some instruction. Rius saw this and obliged her. "Suck it slowly; wrap your tongue around it if you can." He said calmly. Alina nodded and then slowly took the head of his penis into her warm mouth. The sudden moist warmth of her maw made him realize just how cold it was without his armour or furs on. He shuddered quickly as he felt his tip brush against the roof of her mouth while her tongue slowly lapped at his shaft and tried to encircle its girth. "Good girl." He grunted quietly.

His encouragement only spurred her on further. She felt a little more bold after his praise and began speeding up her motions, bobbing her head along the length of his shaft; her teeth occasionally brushing along particularly sensitive parts of his member. Rius softly growled his approval and lightly gripped the back of her head, giving gentle thrusts of his own every now and then.

After several minutes Alina pulled back leaving his member with a long and wanton lick. "Did I do well?" She asked nervously.

Rius smiled. "You did my dear. I wish I had perhaps met you before you became what you are now." He said with a slight hint of disappointment.

"Why do you say that?" She asked with a flare of hope in her voice.

Rius steadied himself and returned as neutral an answer as he could. "Never mind." Was his clipped answer.

Alina stood again but kept a gentle paw holding and occasionally stroking his shaft. "I could stay with you my Lord." She pleaded softly. "I would be your personal physician and if you would have me, perhaps your lover or even your mate?"

Rius was torn, while he knew she intended no harm and had indeed done some good, she had broken the law. While she may have been morally innocent, morality had very little to do with what kings and knights of the Order had settled on parchment centuries ago. It was a simple but effective law that kept rogue spell casters in check, but for the first time Rius was not sure if it was so correct.

With a swift motion, Rius lifted Alina into his arms and kissed her deeply. He hoped his sudden passionate action would delay any response she was expecting; he was not disappointed. Alina wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back with all the vigour he had given to her. Rius admitted to himself, that while it had been some time since he had been with a female, he had never felt quite so empowered by his lover, or so conflicted by his duty and what he was slowly beginning to see as a miscarriage of justice.

He unclasped his cloak and threw it over the ancient alter before carefully laying the badgeress on its soft velvet surface. "Open your legs for me." He asked softly rather than commanding her. Alina kept her paws to her chest as the wind rushed over her, but allowed her legs to open for him. Rius knelt at the side of the alter and lightly ran his large paw over her exposed mound. He was pleased to feel that she was indeed both warm and already getting a little wet. He firmly but gently gripped her thigh and ankle as he moved closer and breathed warm air over her pussy. Alina flinched and shivered at his motions, but Rius was in no hurry. He moved a little closer and lightly ran his tongue up and down her slit, occasionally flicking her clitoris and extracting soft moans and excited shivers from her.

Rius watched as she writhed and twisted at his ministrations, her moans grew louder and began to fill the chapel as they were carried up with the wind. He pressed in closer and slipped his tongue inside her, firmly flicking it against her insides until he found her as yet unbroken barrier. "Rius!" she called his name as she reached for the back of his head, keeping him where he was for now. In a way he was proud of her, he even began to believe that everything she had told him until now was indeed the truth. For this moment at least, he would not let his duty dictate his actions.

Alina was struggling to contain herself as Rius invaded her depths with his tongue. A pent up lust she had never before allowed herself to experience was quickly consuming her and begging for more. She was ready to let the sensation ride itself out when he stopped and pulled away from her. She looked at the giant wolf with confusion overwhelming her expression. "Did I do something wrong?"

Rius shook his head and let a small smile cross his muzzle. "No, you are doing everything as you should." His gravelly voice cut through her unease. "But now there is a little pain to endure."

Alina curled herself up at his words. "But I thought..."

"It is a pain all virgin females must go through their first time." He said calmly and gently parted her legs again as he crawled over her prone body. "I will make it as quick for you as I can." He growled softly in her ear. Alina whimpered and softly bit her lip as she wrapped her arms around his massive shoulders.

Rius pressed his tip to her opening and slowly pushed into her warm depths. "Oh heavens..." She cried out as his girth began to fill her. Rius pushed in slowly, not wanting to hurt her and stopped as he felt the resistance of her virginity before his member.

"Are you ready?" He asked softly; she gripped him tightly in response. "The pain won't last long, I promise." Rius pushed past her hymen quickly and stopped as his knot touched her labia. Alina screamed at the sudden pain and force he used to fully take her while Rius growled in disappointment at himself, knowing he could have been more gentle.

Alina tried to steady herself as the pain of losing her virginity slowly subsided and was replaced by the sensation of being full. After a moment she released her grip of Rius' shoulders and collapsed against the alter. "Please... Please tell me that was the worst of it?" She said raggedly.

Rius sat back and lifted the limp badgeress into his arms. "It is, now just take a moment." He said softly. Alina slowly felt her strength returning and gradually wrapped her arms around his shoulders again. She felt his paws slowly rubbing up and down her back and occasionally caressing both her breasts and her rump. She murred softly at his touch rolled her head back inviting Rius to further explore her body. Without hesitation he accepted; leaning towards her he began to kiss and lick at her chest and then turning his attention to her nipples.

Alina moaned loudly as she began to gently rock against her lover. The feeling of him moving inside her continued to excite her and fuel her passion even further. "Take me Rius, take me as your mate." She whimpered into his ear. "Love me and never leave me."

Without thinking and without care he whispered back "Yes." With that said he began to thrust deeply into her, hitting every sensitive spot inside her hot slick mound. His grunts and growls began to merge with her moans and cries of love and devotion as he lay back and thrust upward into his lover as she began to rub her paws over his neck, sides and arms. She tossed her long black hair from side to side as he continued to plunge into her slit, begging him to use her and only her forever more; Rius bellowed his agreement until the walls of the chapel rung with the thunder of their calls for each other.

Rius too found himself wanting and lifted his new lover from the alter while still buried inside her and forced his bulk over her, taking her onto the icy cold flagstone floor on all fours as he continued to pound into the badgeress.

Alina tried to call out to him again, but he had started to use her body faster, even though it was her first time, she couldn't deny that she was enjoying the heated soreness that was slowly taking over her nether regions. Even as he firmly began to grasp her hair and breasts she found herself overcome with a feeling of joy and acceptance as well as a strange sense of security in her would be executioner's arms.

Her body had experienced much in such a short space of time and was now getting used to the sensation that their love making brought. She found herself in her lowered position that she was able to move back and change his angle of penetration to increase both her own sense of pleasure and his. She knew it couldn't last, that strong feeling she had experienced before while Rius had tongued her pussy, was building again.

"You're close, I can feel it." He grunted lustfully.

Alina whimpered in gasps as Rius continued to fill her body. "I... I don't know... What... What to do..."

"Let it take you Alina!" He snarled lustfully as he felt her muscles begin to flutter around his shaft. Alina moaned her acknowledgement as she felt something new once again. "You are mine." Rius growled softly into her ear. His words made her shudder with uncertainty, but she quickly came to understand what he meant. With a monstrous roar Rius pushed as deep as he could into the badgeress; his knot finally breaching her hot tunnel and securing their bond. She screamed as he forced the final part of his maleness past her muscled ring, but it soon became a long growl of her own, one of lust and love as her body convulsed at her first true orgasm. Rius too could not contain himself as her pussy clenched and released repeatedly around his shaft; a moment after Alina had started her orgasm, Rius followed and filled her womb and tunnel with his seed as her own fluids seeped across both of their crotches.

Everything seemed still for a time. No wind, no voices echoing around the stone walls, even the light seemed to retreat for a while. Rius lay on his side curled around his lover to shield her from the cold as she recovered. He watched her closely and felt her body twitch as he remained buried inside of her. Slowly his senses came back to him and he found himself in conflict once again and uncertain of the actions he should take. Alina gently gripped his paw and held it to her chest. "Lay with me for a while." She said in a hoarse voice; her screaming and moaning having taken their toll on her voice.

"Yes my love." He whispered.

Almost an hour had passed when Alina stirred. "I feel you leaving me." She said as she felt Rius' knot finally shrink and his member slowly slide from her.

"It had to happen sooner or later." He said softly.

"I know; I just wish it could have lasted a while longer." She sighed softly as she sat up on her knees and looked back at Rius, who looked completely despondent. "Rius, will you come away with me?" She asked hopefully. "We can leave this kingdom and be together, just be ourselves and be happy. We catch a ship to-AAAAAAAAGGGHHHH!" Alina's words suddenly turned into a shriek of pain as the tip of Rius' spear pierced through her back and punctured out through her chest. She managed to find the strength to turn her head and see Rius kneeling behind her, his paw shaking as he held his spear through her. Alina gargled blood in her mouth as she forced herself to speak. "You... You said you loved me?.."

Even though Rius' eyes had returned to being iron hard, a tear still ran down his cheek and betrayed his feelings. "Forgive me." He croaked as he tried to stomach the words he was saying. With a firm pull he ripped the spear from her body and watched her fall to the floor as a pool of blood began to surround her.

Rius watched her shiver both at the cold and the state of shock she had entered; he tried to look away but found himself waiting for an answer from her. The wait was agonising, every second felt like a year and every minute felt like eternity, but her answer never came. Only a shocked expression that slowly turned into a smile as she closed her eyes and her life force slipped away.

Rius roared in frustration, he had made his final decision based on his duty, but now that he had carried it out, he wished he had followed his heart and taken her as his mate.

Hours passed and the sun rose on a new day. The air felt heavy and rain began to fall in place of the snow from the last few weeks, but even a change in the weather did not change the demon hunter's mood. After dawn break he walked out into the old chapel grounds and dug a grave with his own paws and laid Alina's body in it. It was the only thing he could do for her now, a dignified burial for a loving female, rather than the burning of a witch's corpse. Rius remained at the old chapel for several day's hoping the some hope Alina's power was strong enough to reach him from beyond the grave and either strike him down or give him forgiveness. In the end, he gave up hope of any kind of intervention and decided to return to the Chapter House of the Order to report on his mission.

* * *

A bitter wind full of winters chill howled as the ancient chapel doors bust open. Thick snow quickly filled the doorway once barred by ancient weathered oak doors. Cold winter moonlight illuminated a dark figure now filling the portal. It had been five years since Rius had last set foot in the old chapel and he remembered the events of his last visit as if they had only happened yesterday.

Rius walked throughout the chapel with a heavy heart, the blood stain on the old flagstone still remained as a hollow reminder to him of the murder he had committed against the one female that had managed to break through the iron walls around his heart without tricks or magic, just words of honesty.

Stopping at the blood stain on the floor, Rius pulled two blue roses from beneath his cloak. They were rare to find and of significant value to healers both physically and magically. He knelt by the edge of the stain and slowly reached in and laid one of the flowers at its centre. "This is for your memory and a hope of forgiveness from you my love." He said with a great deal of pain before rising and heading back into the chapel's grounds.

He retraced his steps perfectly and cleared away some of the snow that covered Alina's burial mound. He laid the second flower on the top of the mound and struggled to find his words. "This... This is for... For seeing you again someday, in this life of the next." He cried at Alina's burial mound for some time before speaking again. "I have lost what I was, because you showed me something better and I took that away from you. I will no longer be a demon hunter after this day, Rius of the Order is gone tonight. Then what ever remains of me will leave this kingdom; there is nothing more left for me here." He took his time standing up and looked to the old fire house next to the chapel.

The fire house had once been a gathering spot for the people of many villages and towns to talk; trade or drink in. Now though, it was just a disused but well stocked bonfire house. Rius built a fire for himself and watched it burn for a while before he removed his cloak from his shoulders. He gathered the fine velvet material into a ball and made to throw it on the fire when his wrist was caught gently and a familiar female voice spoke softly in his ear. "That would be a terrible way to throw away our memories my love."

The end.