Tickle Heaven: Charizard.

Story by Shinnjacob on SoFurry

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As the light started to shine on the confused Charizard when he opened his eyes. He started to look around to see that he must be in some kind of beautiful place. The world he has seen is unlike any that he has seen in the Pokemon world. The forest were all flinging back and forth, and the grasses are all sparkly and have flowers on them. The cites that looked like the one in his world are look like a mixture of gold and silver. The flowers on the other grass fling back and forth as well. A smile rose from his face as he continued to walk around. ''W-W-W-Wow....... is this.... a dream?'' the words came from his thought. ''Wow... it's so.... it's so.... IT'S SOO.... WOW!!!'' he just said in pure happiness. He soon started to run around and then lay back on the grass, closing his eyes.

''OOOOHOHOH!!! This must be a WONDERFUL DREAM!!! All the things that I have seen turned into a word beautiful! Oooooohohohohoh!'' As the words of happiness ran from his mouth, a goddess who looked like a female naked human started to get close to him and grinned. ''You must have been enjoying it...'' she said, making him open his eyes and looked at the goddess. ''O-Oooooh yes! And... you look SOOOOO beautiful as well! Are you... an angel?'' he asked. ''Hehehe, well, close, I'm actually a goddess...'' she said. ''Oh really? Hahahaha! Well, you certainly DO look like one! I mean, someone who look like that would CERTAINLY look like a beautiful goddess in my dream!'' he said happily, making the goddess laugh. ''I admire your sense of humor, Charizard... but unfortunately, this is not a dream...'' she said, making Charizard confused.

''Huh? W-What do you mean it's not a dream? Are you telling me this place is real? Did I just got teleported to here?'' he asked simply. ''Well... you see...'' She started to get closer to his ear and began to whisper. After 10 seconds, the shocked Charizard backed away. ''W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!?!?!? I-I-I-I-I'M!!! You mean...'' The goddess nodded with a guilt on her face, as the Charizard turned around and said, ''Oooooooooh noooooo.... I... I MUST HAVE BEEN DREAMING!!! This... THIS CAN'T BE REAL!!! I need to wake up.... I NEED TO WAKE UP!!!'' The Charizard started to close his eyes for a bit, before opening them to find out that the place is real.

''Ooooohohohohohoho NO!!! IT IS!!! THIS IS NOT A DREAM!!!!'' He said as he began to cry as the goddess attempted to comfort him. ''Don't cry my dear... I will tell you exactly of how you died...'' she said kindly as Charizard looked up at her still sad. ''When you were at a mountain, you were training, roaring out and doing all sort of moves to improve yourself, and you had a peaceful training when suddenly, bullets started to spread from the sky, and as you got scared, you fell back from the mountain, and you soon fell... and fell... and fell... and now, your dead body... was on the ground...'' she said as Charizard started to hug her. ''Oooooh goddess! Why do I have to die? Please! I don't want to be dead! Please take me back to Earth!'' he said. ''I would love to... but I'm afraid it's too late for that... but do not worry no more, my dear... because in Heaven, you will get to feel eternal happiness...'' she said, cheering him up.

''R-R-R-R-R-R-REALLY!?!? E-ETERNAL HAPPINESS!?!?'' he asked. ''Yep, and I know what might make you happy for all eternity... but first, I'm going to tell you of what I have seen on Earth...'' she said. ''I'm listening,'' ''Ok... well you see, when I saw something on Earth, I noticed an orange male dragon, who had been battling and facing opponents... while he was secretly thinking about how the female, herm, shemale, milfs, and transgendered female Pokemon and humans would often try to tickle torture and/or rape him on his butt... while he was masturbating about it in bed...'' she said with a smile, shocking Charizard. ''Ooooooh no.... Y-Y-You're saying that dragon was...'' ''Yep, you,'' she said, pointing at him. The Charizard started to feel embarrassed, but in a good way. ''Mmmmmm.... Why must you spy on me, goddess?'' he asked.

''Sorry honey, I'm a goddess, I can see everything that everyone does anywhere, even when I'm actually talking to someone,'' she said. ''*Sigh*... well, at least there must be something that will make me happy,'' ''Oh... there IS something... and it's coming for you right now...'' she said, as she snapped her finger, revealing several female naked angels who all looked like female Zoroarks, Lucarios, and Renamons with big boobies, big asses, and even big and tall dicks and balls. They all grinned seductively at Charizard as he looked at them, and looked like he was going to have a nose bleed, except no blood has came from his nose, but his dick DID actually cum on the ground immediately after he saw them. ''W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOW!!!! OHGODOHGODOHGODOHGODOHGODOHGOAAAAAAAAAAAAAD!!! I CAN'T RESIST THEM!!! THEY AAAAAAAAAAALL LOOOOOK SOOOOO SEXY!!!!'' the horny Charizard replied.

''Hehe, yep... those are my angels... and all my other angels were already having fun with male victims here in Heaven,'' she said. ''OOOOO WOW!!! Wait, you're saying that there are other angels like them? And the male victims are having fun?'' he asked. ''Yep,'' She started to summon a big crystal ball, revealing to be a male Lucario as he was both tickled and groped by several female Charizards, Zoroarks and Renamons as he continued laughing. Charizard looked at it and started to cum yet again. ''O-O-O-O-OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH MY!!! I... I CAN'T REALLY LOOK AWAY!!!! THIS IS JUST TOOOOOOOOOOOOO SEXY!!!!'' he said as the ball disappeared.

''Yep, and the same will happen...... to you, honey...'' ''REALLY!?!? So... are these angels going to do the same thing that the others were doing to that Lucario?'' ''Yep, but this time... they are the angels of your deepest desire, so... for all eternity, you get to have fun with those angels, and you shall pick on what they should do to you whatever you want them to do... and me? I'll be at my throne, as I watch the people on Earth... have fun... Charizard...'' she said as she slowly disappeared, leaving Charizard and the rest of those angels as they got closer and closer and closer to him with seductive grins. ''Heh heh heh... hello, sexy hot babes!'' he said. ''Hello..... handsome...'' they said in a supernatural alluring voice, making Charizard already came again. ''W-WAAAAH!!! Even your voices sound sexy!''

''Whew... but no matter... so you angels are going to be my deepest desire forever, right?'' ''That's right, Charizard... we are all created to fill the mortals desire when they have them on Earth....'' The Renamon angel said. ''And those mortals on Earth deserved it, because they had good hearts and would never do something evil or to hurt people...'' the female Lucario angel said. ''So when there are good mortals like you, they get eternally rewarded...'' the female Zoroark angel said. ''Heh heh heh... I see.... hmmmmmmmmm.... well, let me see....'' He soon continued to think for a little bit.... until he started to smirk, and suddenly turned around to show his fat ass and hole to them as he wiggled them.

''How you angels start kissing my a-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOH!!!!'' He was interrupted when his ass and hole is surrounded by their kisses and lipsticks. Charizard started to immediately cum on the ground, as he never felt such great kisses before in his life. ''A-AAAAOOOOOOOOOOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO OOOOOOOOOOOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO IT FEELS THE BEAHAHAAAAAAAAAEST!!! OOOOOOOOHOHOHO!!! OOOOOHOHO YES!!! YES!!!'' he replied with great joy.

His dick suddenly start to feel some hand as it started to jerk it up and down, making it cum even faster. ''Hm hm hm... your penis is not going anywhere... Charizard...'' the female Zoroark angel said. ''OOOOOOOHOHOHO AAAAAAH!!! OOOOOOOOOOH I'M GOING TO DRY MY PENIS OFF!!!'' ''Hehehe, well you can't do that actually, because in Heaven, your seed never runs out, nor does it go into refractory period...'' she said. ''OOOOOH!!! R-R-R-REALLY!?!?'' ''Yes, now cum for me... sexy buttarizard...'' she replied with a sexy whisper. As the pleasure continues for 300 years, Charizard started to feel like his heart is melting from all this pleasure.

''Oooooohohohohohoh! OOOOooooh it feels awesome! Oooooh... But my ass needs fucking! Somebody! Fuck me!'' And so, he suddenly felt a dick starting to insert into his ass by a female Lucario angel as she grinned evilly and began to ride on his ass, giggling evilly as Charizard moaned with absolute pleasure and joy. The dick on his ass felt more great than any that he could imagine as the dick continued to squirt and squirt and his eyes were both two melting hearts as his tongue roll out. ''O-OOOOOOOOAAAAH!!! OOOOOOOOOOH!!! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!!!! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOHOHOHOOOOOOOOOH YES!!!! IT FEELS SUPERSUPERSUPERGREAAAAAAT!!! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!!!!'' ''Hmhmhmhm... who's our naughty butt slut now...?'' she teased. ''OOOOOOHOHOH!!! I AM!!! I AM!!! OOOOOOOOH!!! PLEASE DON'T STOP!!! PLEASE DON'T STOP!!!''

''Oh... we won't stop... not until you say so of course...'' His penis suddenly felt like it's being held and then licked and sucked by the tongue of the female Zoroark angel as the cum kept squirting into her mouth. ''O-OOOOOOOAAAAAAAH!!! THAT MAKES IT EVEN BETTER!!! OOOOOOOOOAAAAAAH!!! AAAAAAAAAAH!!!!'' The feeling of having his ass fucked and his penis licked and sucked aroused him greatly. He couldn't believe it! It is ACTUALLY real... and he LOVED it! After 500 years of this pleasure, he told the angels to stop, as he panted in a horny way. ''How was it, sexy?'' the female Zoroark angel said. ''Haa...haaa.... OOOOOHOHOHO IT WAS AWESOME!!! But I feel like I want to get tickled.... hmmmmm...... I KNOW!!! How about you ladies tickle my armpits, belly, penis, balls, ass, asshole, feet, and toes?'' he asked happily.

''Hmhmhm... sounds good,'' the female Zoroark angel said as she summoned a bondage table with a stair for him to walk on. He walked to the table, and turned around, where his legs are bounded together, and his feet are locked in stocks, as the toes were tied back, and his arms are bounded on top, revealing his armpits as he smiled and the stair disappeared. ''Wow.... this.... actually feels comfortable!'' he admitted. ''Hmhm... good.... are you ready, darling?'' the female Renamon angel said. ''Hehehe... ooooooooh you BET I'm ready!'' he said. ''Good.... aaaaand GO!!!'' the female Lucario angel said as the female Zoroark angels summoned their feathers when they're close to his dick and balls and used them to tickle his dick and balls, while the female Renamon angels started to tickle his belly and armpits using their skillful fingers and claws, while his ass, asshole, feet and toes are all tickled by the female Lucario angels by their fingers, feathers, and tongues.


The female angels grin just grew more and more evil, as their intention was clear, they really want to do this just to pleasure him for all eternity.... and they enjoy it... some of the female Lucario angel even went so far as to teasing and kissing his ass and asshole with kissing, spanking and fingering. The arousal in his body skyrocketed, as he felt extreme sexual heat on his body. His laughing was mixed with moaning and panting in pleasure, as his tongue roll out, as he looked up with his nearly closing. Every spot that they want them to tickle are all covered, for no inch was spared. His big, tall dick squirting cum after endless cum, his buttcheeks and butthole getting tickled and violated more and more. All of those feelings were the feelings that he loved the most... and it felt like the best thing in existence.....

And so, it continues.... after 1000 years of this endless tickle torture, Charizard tells them that he wants to do a roleplay with them. And so, he got himself a roleplay, as he was now at a bondage, where he was standing, and the only thing bounded was his arms behind his back, and his dick, balls, and ass are locked in stocks, revealing them for pleasure, as all the female angels now wore medieval military suits with tickling tools, like feathers, electric toothbrush, baby oil, and paintbrushes. Charizard stared at them with a playful expression, trying to act brave and powerful while they all grin at him evilly as they got close to him. ''Hmhmhmhmhm.... so, prisoner..... will you talk now?'' the female Renamon angel said. ''Hmph! Do your worst!'' he replied with a playful defiance. ''Very well... get him!'' she commanded, as his dick, balls, asscheeks and asshole are now the only spots tickled, teased, and kissed as the horny Charizard tried to act like he's struggling while enjoying it on the inside. ''AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OOOOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOH NO!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OH PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE STOP!!!''

''Oh, we'll stop..... if you confess....'' she whispered seductively to his right ear. ''GAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NEVER!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OOOOOOHOHOHOHOHOHOH GOAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAD!!!'' ''Come on, prisoner..... it's so simple.... alll you have to do.... is confess.... just tell us that you're connected with our enemy... and we'll let you go.....'' the female Zoroark angel whispered to his left ear. ''AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I'LL NEVER TELL YOHOHOHOHOHOU NOTHING!!!! WAOHOHOHOHORRIORS!!!''

''I seeeee....'' the female Renamon angel whispered as she started to tickle and caress his chin. ''You are a very interesting prisoner.... my dear.... looks like we might make you cum even faster..... to see if you can confess...'' And so the tickling on his private parts go even faster and naughtier, as the teasing, kissing and spanking go along with his buttcheeks as well. His dick of endless squirting of cum continued even faster, as he looked like he was about to get exhausted. ''GAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAOOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO NOOOOOOOOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! THIS IS TOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOH MAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAUCH!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE LET ME GOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOH!!!!''

''Then confess..... if you confess... we'll let you go.... then maybe take you out for some sex....'' the female Zoroark angel whispered as she caressed and tickle his chin. ''Gaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha no.... nooooohohohohohohohohahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.... I... I can't tahahahahahahahahahahake it anymore.... ohohohohohohoho please.... please.... please....ohohohohohohohohohohohohohooh....'' ''Just confess..... confess.... confess.... and we will bring you relief........''

''Alright hahahahahahaha.... I confess.... I am connected to your enemy...'' ''That's a good boy....'' And so the tickling stopped as he looked like he was panting heavily. ''Now tell us their location....'' the female Renamon angel said. ''Haa....haaaaa....haaa...haa... at... the military... base.... right close.... to... the desert....'' he said. ''Good boy....'' she whispered before the two started to kiss him and even gave him a french kiss, arousing him further, as the other angels decided to pleasure his private parts with tongues, kisses, fingers, and licking and sucking. After 100000 years, Charizard finally told them to stop, as the bondage disappeared. He simply smiled at them and said ''.... Thank you angels for the wonderful roleplay! You were all perfect for it!'' and they all thank him back with the, ''You're welcome!'' as their medieval suits disappeared as well.

''Hmmmmm... you know... I suddenly felt like I want my ass fucked..... say, how about a female Lucario angel using her dick to give me a good fuck?'' he asked. ''Hmhm... as you wish, butt dragon...'' the female Lucario angel said as she summoned a hole, with a fluffy line to it as he went to get stuck inside it, and now his ass and asshole is stuck here, to give them a really good view, as he relaxed as he felt like his arms and legs are stuck... but in a really comfortable way as he rested his head. He then looked to see a screen of the female angels looking at his ass with an evil grin. ''Alright, honey.... can you see us?'' she said. ''Oh, yeah...'' he then wiggled his ass, and he saw that his ass is acting the same. ''And I can see my fat ass!''

''Good... now watch as I put my dick inside your sexy ass....'' ''Ooooooohohohohohoho boy! Here it comes!'' he said excitedly, as the screen shows the female Lucario angel putting a dick inside his ass as he feels it and then she starts to fuck it hard and good, making Charizard moan with pure, unchallenged pleasure... The outside even shows that it really IS the female Lucario angel fucking him. ''OOOOOOooooooooooooh...... OOOOOOOOOOHOHOHOHOHOH YES!!! AAAAAAaaaah.... OOOOOOOOH PLEASE DON'T STOP!!! PLEASE DON'T STOP!!!! PLEASE DOHOHOHOHN'T STOP!!! OOOOOOOooooooooooooooooh.....'' he moaned. ''Hmhmhm.... oh, trust me honey.... I'll never stop....''

''Oooooooooh.... haa.....haaa....haa.... I.... Love this place.... I..... want... to.... stay.... here.... forever!'' he admitted through moaning. As Charizard's eternal pleasure continues, so does the other's. Lucario himself was still being violated by the three female angels, and Z'nth was now being violated and tickled by more and more female dragon angels. But what will happen when a female character gets to be in tickle heaven? Find out more on Tickle Heaven! Feel free to leave a comment, thought and criticism in the comment section below! Until then, this is shinnjacob and I'll see you guys next time!

Tickle Heaven: Lucario.

Lucario was unconsciousness, and he started to slowly open his eyes. His sight was a beautiful light on his eyes as he tried to cover it as he stood up. He looked around to see flowers, grass, a golden city, and a river and a flowing water fountain. He...

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Tickle Heaven: Z'nth.

Z'nth opened his eyes slowly. He didn't know what happened to him. All he knew was that G'glynn tried to tickle torture him for eternity... but G'glynn must have tickled him a little too hard right before he passed out. He got up and rubbed his eyes....

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The Submissive, rape-loving, tickle-loving Lucario.

It began at a forest. The Lucario and the female Zoroark were fighting each other, but the Lucario lost to her easily. He fell to the ground and panted heavily. ''\*Panting\*... I... I lost...'' he said. The female human, who looks to have curly blue...

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