WHEEL Round 1 - Lessening the Burden

Story by stealtharwing on SoFurry

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#3 of The WHEEL

WHEEL suggestion of "Dawn gets stuck cleaning up after Champagne and Sasha's all night drunken Netlix binge. Again." by EvilArt over on FA.

Wound up going beyond the scope of just a single scene. But hey, that's what happens when you get into the groove right?

Anyway, Dawn wakes up after a night of intense fucking to find the living room completely trashed. Again. But this time, she decides to get a little revenge.

Next on the list is to get back to finishing part one of Champagne's Day Off, followed by getting out more stuff from this WHEEL.

Characters belong to EvilArt

Story written by me.

Dawn woke slowly to the sensation of arms wrapped tightly around her and something long, hard, and warm pressed firmly against her back. She smiled and enjoyed the feeling of contentment it brought, bringing up one of her large hands to stroke one of the beefy arms lightly. A loud snore from Ragnar, the stallion spooned against her, made her eyes shoot open. The collie shot a sideways glare at the horse before peeling his arms from around her and slipping out of bed.

She yawned as she stretched her muscular six-foot-four body, going up on tiptoe and a few joints popping here and there. Rubbing the sleep out of her sky blue eyes, she padded over to her dresser and blindly pulled a pair of panties from the top drawer. In her half-awake state, she didn't notice how tight they were until she heard the sound of ripping fabric. With a puzzled expression she stripped them off and took a closer look to find that they were a pair belonging to Sasha, one of her roommates, and that they now had a very large hole in the back. "Oops," was all she said before crumpling the ruined garment into a ball and tossing it towards the trashcan she kept in her room, missing it completely. "Have to keep better track of your shit, bunny."

With a tired sigh, she rummaged around in her underwear drawer again. Ignoring the skimpy thongs and lingerie that had become her standard over recent years, she pulled out a pair of comfortable white cotton panties and slipped them on. Dawn closed the drawer and looked up to see Ragnar's shirt hanging off her mirror. She shrugged and carefully pulled the shirt down before slipping it on. The large black t-shirt hung loosely over her body, something that was rare for her with her height and incredibly large bust. Sleeves hung past her elbows and the bottom hung at about mid-thigh, the back lifted by her bushy tail.

She pulled her white-blond hair out from underneath the shirt and tamed it a bit with her fingers to get her bangs out of her eyes. Dawn looked back at Ragnar and saw that the stallion had rolled over and sprawled out on his back, his morning wood creating quite the impressive tent. The collie found the horse's stamina to be impressive, especially since they had broken their sex record the previous night with how many rounds they did. All without breaking a bed this time as well! "I'll see you again after coffee," she whispered with a quiet, lust-filled growl.

Dawn made her way to the kitchen and walked straight over to the single-serve coffee maker on the counter. She grabbed one of her mugs from the drying rack and set it on the platform underneath the spout. Then she opened up the top and replaced the spent bullet with a fresh one before snapping the lid shut and turning the device on.

The collie leaned forward and rested her forearms on the counter. Her long tail dragging on the floor as it swished lazily behind her as she closed her eyes and listened to the machine. The whirr of the motor pumping water from the reservoir followed by the soft bubbling sound of it heating up was oddly soothing. A smile spread across her face as fresh coffee poured from the spout a few minutes later and the scent filled her nostrils.

Once it was finished dispensing she carefully lifted the full mug from the platform and took a sip. It was strong, the way she had liked it ever since her father had given her first cup of campfire-brewed coffee as a teen. A feeling of nostalgia rolled over her, making her want to plan a visit home to the ranch. That, or try to convince Sasha and Champagne to go on a camping trip with her.

She turned around and leaned back, her butt resting against the edge of the counter as she shook away that thought in her head. Dawn could see Sasha adjusting after a couple days but knew Champagne would just bitch and moan the entire time. With a sigh she brought up the mug for another sip when her eyes caught sight of the living room, making her stop in her tracks. "No," she muttered as she set the mug of coffee on the counter and walked to the archway between the two rooms. "No, those fucking bitches did not do this again!"

The living room was a disaster. Discarded beer bottles littered the floor along with an upended bowl of popcorn. An empty wine bottle was on its side on the coffee table with a small red stain on the carpet below. Several torn open potato chip bags thrown about, the chips themselves smashed into the carpet. A used wine glass hung precariously between two blades of the ceiling fan, which was a curiosity all on its own since the collie had to go on tiptoe just to reach the chains for her roommates. The TV was switching between various splash screens of Netflix shows with the remote nowhere in sight.

Dawn walked over to the couch, avoiding stepping on things as much as she could as to not make the mess worse, and sat down. Immediately she shot right back up because of a strange crusty feeling on the cushions. She knelt down and inspected it, the smell leaving no doubt in her mind as to what it was. "You two couldn't even be bothered to put a towel down before fucking," she hissed as something black between the cushions caught her eye. Fishing it out, she found it was the remote for their smart TV; coated in what was unmistakably dried pussy juices. "This is like the third remote that's been ruined this way by them," she muttered with disdain.

As she stood back up, her foot bumped a large glass object causing it to roll under the coffee table. Dawn knelt back down to see what she bumped and seethed in rage as she grabbed an empty beer growler. It had contained an IPA from a microbrewery in Texas that her mother, Beth, had brought for Dawn the last time she visited. "I was saving this for something special, goddammit!"

The collie stood and stomped toward the kitchen sink, not caring about the downstairs neighbors at the moment, and began to wash out the jug. As she did, she contemplated what to do about the living room. Even with as angry as she was at the rabbit and vixen, she knew she couldn't just leave it a mess for them to deal with later. If their cleaning lady saw it she'd threaten to quit again; if their landlord came by he might need some "special convincing" to overlook it and the thought made her cringe.

Dawn placed the growler on the drying rack as a grin that would have made any super villain envious spread across her muzzle. She'd clean the living room again, but she had an idea that would teach her roommates an something that they'd never forget. Heading back into the living room, she scurried around picking up all of the dirty dishes and piled them next to the kitchen sink. The wine glass hanging from the ceiling fan was particularly hard to get as she nearly lost her balance standing on the coffee table trying to get it.

Once finished with that, the collie walked over to the garbage can to find it completely full. "Why am I always the one to swap the fucking bag?" she groaned as she tied off the black bag and pulled it out of the plastic bin. Dawn walked out through the glass sliding door and onto the balcony before looking over the edge. She smirked as she saw the dumpster below left open by whoever had used it last and hoisted the bag over the railing. Taking careful aim, she released the bag. "Bomb's away," she said as she watched it fall three stories and let out a cheer of triumph as it landed square in the dumpster.

Dawn adjusted the oversized t-shirt from where it had shifted before walking back inside, closing the door behind her. She hummed a little tune as she walked over to the pantry and took out a fresh trash bag; shaking it out and stuffing it into the plastic bin. She then picked it up along with grabbing the broom and dustpan before heading back to the living room.

She spent the next half-hour meticulously picking up all of the garbage, empty bottles, and discarded food that had made its way around the room. The collie didn't leave even a single crumb on the carpet. Through it all she found more spots where beer and wine had soaked into the carpet and growled in frustration, but shook her head. It would get dealt with in time, but right now she had bigger fish to fry.

Looking at the overfilled garbage bin she folded her arms underneath her breasts and shook her head, amazed that two people could cause such a big mess. Her gaze shifted so that she looked through the kitchen to the hallway leading off to the bedrooms. Dawn took in a deep breath and let it out slowly before carefully picking up trash can and making her way there. It was harder than she had imagined doing without spilling things as she went, but she managed well enough before making it to Sasha's door.

She set the bin down and put an ear near the door, a grin spreading across her muzzle once more as she heard two sets of soft drunken snores coming from within. Dawn carefully opened the door, wincing as the hinges creaked slightly and trying not to grunt too loud as she forced it over the dirty clothes that littered the rabbit's floor. Once the door was open far enough, she picked up the trash bin once more and crept towards the bed where her roommates drunkenly slumbered.

Dawn shook her head as she looked down at the rabbit and vixen tangled in each other's arms as if they had passed out in the middle of making out. She hoisted the bin up, one hand gripping the lip while the other supported the bottom. "Time to clean your shit, bitches," she yelled as she upended the trashcan and the contents spilled over Sasha and Champagne, startling them awake.

Champagne was the first to sit up, the vixen picking popcorn and chip crumbs out of her hair. "What the hell, Dawn?" She groaned and sniffed a spot on her arm. "Ah, you bloody cunt! You got beer in-" Her words cut short as she gagged and covered her mouth with a hand. The vixen shot out of bed and her nude form ran through the door that connected Sasha's room with the bathroom. Soon after came the sound of her retching followed by splashes.

"Okay," groaned Sasha groggily as she sat up, rubbing her head, "I have to agree with Champagne on this one." The rabbit pushed some of her violet hair from her eyes and looked up at Dawn. "What the fuck is wrong?"

"Well, let's see," Dawn responded as she began counting off on her fingers. "TV left on, food all over the floor, garbage everywhere, wine and beer stains in the carpet, a wine glass somehow getting stuck in the ceiling fan, cunt juice dried in the couch, remote ruined from you two using it as a fucking dildo..." The collie leaned in closer before finishing with malice in her eyes. "And you two drank all the beer my mom brought the last time she came to visit!"

Sasha rolled her eyes and turned to face Dawn, sitting cross-legged on the bed. "That's what why we hired that cleaning lady, Dawn. So we don't have to worry about that shit."

Dawn growled. "No, she's for things like vacuuming, washing the kitchen floors, dusting, shit like that. She is not here to clean all of our messes for us! Or do I need to remind you that she won't even come into your room now unless you have all your stuff put away?"

Sasha laughed. "Oh, come on! Even you have to admit that her reaction to finding my leather panties with the dildos inside was priceless." The rabbit's smile faltered as she looked into Dawn's angry glare and threw her hands up. "Alright, as soon as Cham is done praying to the porcelain throne we'll get to work cleaning. Happy?"

Dawn huffed softly, the collie not ready to let go of her anger just yet. "Yes, now if you'll excuse me there's a stallion in my room with morning wood that's going to waste," she said as she turned around and headed for the door.

"Lucky bitch," she heard Sasha say before closing the door and couldn't help but smirk.

The collie took a few deep breaths to calm herself before walking across the hall to her door and opening it. The sight that greeted Dawn made her eye twitch in annoyance, however. Ragnar, frozen in bed, staring at her with his hand gripped around the base of his twitching member. It glistened with enough precum to tell her that he was close to blowing. "Were you just about to spray jizz all over my good comforter?" she asked as she slammed the door behind her and walked to the bed.

The horse smirked at her. "And if I was?"

Dawn huffed and pulled the comforter off her bed. "This is a bitch to wash," she said as she folded the comforter and set it on her dresser. "Which is why I didn't put it on the bed until we were done for the night, Mister Snores-Like-A-Foghorn."

She watched in a nearby mirror as Ragnar shifted position a bit, but kept a clamping grip on his cock. "Well, I'd much rather cum inside something instead of spraying everywhere anyway," he said, his voice strained. "And right now, if I let go I'm blowing. So what's it going to be?"

Turning to face him and folding her arms under her generous breasts, Dawn let out a sigh. "You're lucky you're such a good friend. Otherwise I'd tell you to suck it up and kick you out of here blue-balled." She smirked as she heard him audibly gulp and walked back over to the bed, kneeling down beside it. "Now scoot over here so I can get some protein to start the day off right."

The stallion scooted to the edge of the bed so that his thighs were on either side of her. She slid her hands under his, replacing his grip with a vice-like one of her own and drawing a wince from him. "You're not getting off that easy, however," she said with a playful tone in her voice before opening her mouth and licking the underside of his cockhead slowly.

The collie watched as Ragnar's body tensed up. "A fucking pun, seriously?" Dawn shut him up by running her tongue along the underside. She could still detect trace amounts of herself among the thick coating of precum. Her gaze went up to his eyes as she took the head of him into her mouth and sucked lightly, swirling her tongue around it. "Dammit Dawn, this is fucking torture," he grunted as he looked back down at her.

She waggled her eyebrows at him before closing her eyes and going down on him until she felt the tip hit her throat. Dawn pulled back slightly before swallowing him down, working her way slowly to the three quarter mark of Ragnar's cock. The bed creaked and he groaned as his body twitched in pleasure.

As she pulled back, Dawn let her tongue drag along the underside. Once he was out of her throat she opened her eyes and watched him as she took a moment to catch her breath, his face furrowed in desperation and his eyes closed. "Dawn, I'm sorry about the damn blanket alright?" he grunted out, voice strained. "C'mon, it's starting to hurt from being kept on edge like this."

Dawn ran her tongue in slow circles along the underside of his tongue for a bit before nodding. She took a few deep breaths through her nose before closing her eyes and swallowing him down again. "Goddammit," she heard him hiss as she bobbed her head back and forth slightly, taking more of him down each time.

The moment she felt her muzzle touch her hands, she let go of his cock and reached around to grip his ass. A loud moan of relief escaped his mouth as his cock throbbed heavily. Dawn shuddered at the sensation of him emptying himself down her throat, but her body's demand for air made her start to pull back early.

Her hands followed as she backed off his cumming member, coming to rest on his pelvis as the head exited her throat. She caught her breath through her nose as she let him finish in her mouth. Dawn could feel some of his come leaking from the side of her mouth and dribble down her chin as she focused on not choking.

Once she felt he was done she let his member slip from between her lips, which caused more of his cum to leak from her mouth before swallowing. Dawn opened her eyes and licked her lips as she stood up, looking down at the panting stallion collapsed on his back. "Don't tell me you're done already," she said, a mock tone or disappointment in her tone.

"Just...give me...a minute," he said between pants.

"Good," Dawn said, pulling Ragnar's shirt off over her head. "Because this cowgirl's ready to ride."

WHEEL Round 1 - Eirlys' New Toy

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Making Rein Part 2 of 3

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