Crocs Blood Chapter 3- Another

Story by twopaperbags on SoFurry

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#3 of Croc's Blood

Back by popular demand, and my just wanting to write it, Part 3 of Croc's Blood. Pardon my rather... ehhh... Well, horny approach to writing it, I had plans that need to unravel for chapters beyond. All will be revealed sooner or later, really. Read onward, then...


Crocs Blood

Chapter 3

May sighed as she looked around again. Here she was, knee deep in the swamplands with dangerous animals and most likely poisonous insects all around her, with her pants soaked with murky water and mud... and yet... she felt right at home.

She wadded out of the water, and stepped onto a small bank nearby. It was midmorning, and the sun through the trees was making it even hotter than the blonde felt already. A field nurse of a nearby hospital, she was here to observe the wildlife and take samples. The doctors had said there were strange chemicals in the area, causing equally strange effects... She had done the tests herself, and the water was fine. Rumors had been going around since that incident up at the hotel, that the water turned some girl into a weird crocodile-girl. Typical tabloid fodder.

May chuckled as she sat down again, her open jacket showing only her brazier underneath. In 90 degree heat, you dressed light, or not at all. She liked to take the middle road, though.

Leaning back in the mud, she pondered what it would be like if the rumors were true, and that croc girl was out here somewhere. "Fat chance of that..." She whispered. She imagined being the girl, with the scales and the tail, the teeth... She shuddered a bit. Animal freedom always seemed to appeal to her.

The thought was making it even warmer in the slam patch of land. She looked around. The only things for a few miles were crocs and other swamp creatures. Standing, she casually pulled off the khaki jacket, tossing it onto a nearby tree. She then slid out of her pants, exposing her nicely tanned legs. She only had on her underwear and bra now, but those would soon be taken care of. Swimming nude was that much more enjoyable in the wild.

As the blonde slowly waded into the swamp, she tossed off her bra, landing on the mud where a rather large croc print was. She didn't notice, though, taking some time to feel her nice D breasts. The good part about being blonde and have a good chest was, she wasn't expected of much, but May was the full package.

Gently slipping into the water, she shuddered as it enveloped her body, seeping into every crevice it could get to. It was warm, but she didn't mind as she did the backstroke a bit, getting out from the little island before floating in the middle, naked.

After a while of enjoying herself in the water, she began to swim back to the place she had left her clothes. As she was getting closer, she noticed there was an uninvited guest inspecting her bra.

The giant male had returned, and was curious to what the piece of cloth was. After a while of pondering, the croc grabbed it in his maw, tossed it in the air, and snapped his jaws over it with a final snapping sound.

May sighed. "Great, I'll have to go back to the hospital without a bra... my nipples are too hard to hide..." she grumbled, blowing a few bubbles as she waited. After a moment, the croc disappeared behind he tree she had hung her jacket. She sighed a bit, stepping onto the island and taking her jacket down. As she did, the croc returned, lying down on his stomach nearby. She turned, scared, and looked at the giant beastly creature, with its long muzzle filled with razor sharp teeth that would--

"He wants you to come closer." A woman's voice whispered in her ear. Spinning quickly, May was confronted with Alia, who was perched on both feet on the branch. As she stumbled backwards, Alia hopped down. Her stomach was a bit larger now, barely noticeable she was pregnant. She smiled to the human, who was still scared, and still naked. Alia twirled her panties between her clawed fingers.

"Yo... you... you...," May stammered, her knees feeling weak.

"Yes, what about me, love?" Alia asked with a smile, walking on two three toed feet to her, placing a scaled hand on the human's exposed waist, then pulling her close and wrapping her tail around her. The male watched with mild amusement as Alia drew May closer to her.

"Loosen up; love... your acting like you've seen a monster." Alia cooed in the human tongue she remembered from before her transformation. Her croc muzzle was right by May's ear, and her black reptilian tongue slipped out a moment to tickle her, causing her to jump.

"Ah, you've never seen one like me before, have you, love..." Alia smiled, pulling them closer to each other. The croc girl's steaming pussy was pressed up against the human's leg, making May shudder with anticipation.

"You're... the croc girl... so it was real..." May gasped, her own lips beginning to get moist from the sheer excitement of everything.

"Real as can be, love..." Alia whispered, pulling May into a kiss suddenly, their bodies pressed up against each other. Taken by surprise, but enjoying it, Alia moaned into the kiss as her tongue shot from her mouth to the croc girl's, feeling just how real her sharp teeth were.

Suddenly, May was on the ground, her back pressed powerfully into the mud below. Alia had pushed her down, and continued the kiss, a claw dragging down her leg sensually. She smiled as she felt the inside of her thighs; she was enjoying this. She moved the claw closer, leaving a small scratch on her inner thigh.

"You like this, don't you... sorry for forcing you into it, but I get sooo lonely without something human..." Alia whispered as she ran her claw up and down May's dripping slit. The human made no effort to protest, though, whimpering slightly. She then smiled her reptilian grin, showing her sharp teeth before sliding the claw into her quickly, the point on her clit. May gasped as she was entered forcefully, spreading her legs a bit more for her.

"I could set you free, love..." Alia whispered sensually in her ear. "You could be like me, and not have a care in the world..." She said as she began fiddling inside of her with the claw, which occasionally caught on a fold of skin, causing May to yelp. "It gets so boring with no one to talk to..." She gently licked down her neck, causing the human to shiver.

"I want... to stay..." May panted as she began humping the claw inside of her, her senses being driven wild by all sorts of thoughts. She had the chance to live freely, like she always wanted... To do whatever she pleased and have children galore, and make children as much as she wanted...

"Good, love... good..." Alia smiled, pumping her claw into the human violently. May began to shiver, and Alia smiled and gently clamped her jaws around her neck to hold her steady, knowing human skin was more fragile than her scales. Between her legs, she shook still as her pussy spasmed, and her entire body began convulsing with a powerful orgasm. Alia pulled her claw out, licking the warm juices from it with a loud sucking noise. She slowly slid down, her reptilian muzzle pointed directly between her legs. "Second course..." she hissed, her long tongue making its way out between her teeth, sampling the juices still wet on her lips. With a loud moan, May grabbed the croc girl's head and pushed it closer, too turned on by everything to believe it.

Her breath quickened as her arousal grew, her pink depths glistened with her wetness and she began to moan softly. The croc girl smiled as she gently lapped at her folds, her long black tongue slipping in rhythmically, causing May to gasp each time it was pushed in.

The male had moved around, lying across from them as he watched, with a croc grin on his long snout. He would enjoy watching, even though he didn't know exactly what was going on.

Alia lashed her tongue out again, tasting warm juices and the slight hint of blood from when her claw had scraped inside of her. She continued lapping inside of her, May shuddering and throwing her head back as she straddled Alia's muzzle, before her pussy spasmed and her entire body convulsed, before she collapsed into the mud, panting and trying to return to her normal breathing.

Alia smiled as she removed herself from between May's thighs, sliding out and back around her, so she was next to her head. "If you want to be set free..." She whispered soothingly, "... you're going to have to appease my mate..." she nudged her head over to the croc.

May panted, before managing, "Suck him or Fuck him?"

Alia smiled a bit more, showing her sharp teeth again. "Well, he isn't opposed to either... try the first one." She smiled and backed away a bit, leaving them room to work. After a moment, May got onto her hands and knees, walking over to the big male, who eyed her with his slight amusement from before. Alia said something in low growled and hisses and the croc seemed to understand, rolling onto his back.

May couldn't care less about the sharp claws or deadly fangs in his mouth; he was a male and she was now horny as hell. Sliding up to him, she gently ran her hands down his soft belly.

The croc under her seemed surprised at her gentle touch, her fine skin against his scales... He let go a small groan as her hands traced every crevice of his scales, leading down to the small slit that held back his member, already halfway out.

The human admired the cock of the mighty beast below her, and it only made her want it even more. She gently moved her legs over his powerful tail, lowering her head to his chest. The crocodile gave another moan, louder this time, the feel of her light hair against him causing him to push out a bit more.

Without hesitating, she began gently licking the end of his swollen member, cautiously at first before getting used to it, and began slipping the length of it into her mouth, inch by inch. The croc was making lots of noise, now, groaning and hissing as she took him in her waiting mouth. She could feel his dick pulse with pleasure, beginning to move her head up and down its length as her hands massaged the base and the few inches she couldn't handle.

As she continued sucking his beastly cock, Alia sat nearby, watching as she roughly rubbed her pussy with her scaly hands; her claws sliding in her juices as she watched her mate get blown by a human. She probably shouldn't masturbate with an egg on the way, but she could smell musk coming from all directions, and the imagery wasn't helping the case either.

May began purring as she continued to bob up and down his cock, the crocodile roaring and groaning in pleasure. His tail was lashing around everywhere below her naked ass, but she held on as she continued to suck, responding to him with her own version of groaning and moaning. She gave a final gasp of air before her mouth was flooded with the Croc's sperm, causing her to gag a bit before she could swallow the warm seed.

As she pulled away from the croc, she finished eating his cum, and he continued to convulse and moan from the pleasure of the entire ordeal.

Alia smiled as she left her swollen pussy to slowly move up to May, who had lain down in the mud nearby. Alia curled up by her, and smiled. "Enjoy him?"

"He was... ohhh..." May groaned, cringing a bit in ecstasy.

"Good to hear..." Alia slowly moved closer to her. "We're in mating season right now... Enjoy it while it lasts." She whispered.

May looked at her as if she was an angel, before a small pain in her hand caused her to hold it up to the sunlight streaking through the trees. She watched as a patch of forest green scales formed on the back of her hand. She looked to Alia, and they both smiled.

Croc's Blood Part 2- Mating Season

appologies for how long this took; distraction after distraction continued to get in my way. This is the Yiff Chapter. there may be more later. I also promise to get part 3 done in a timely manner. As usual, comments, rates and such are all apreciated,...

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Crocodile Blood Part 1

---- My first Yiffy story... I've been working on it for a while. It's a transformation story, actually, I'll get to already Yiff stories later on. There is more to this, and I'm working on the next part. In the mean time, enjoy part one of Crocodile...

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