Moonwhisper: part 1

Story by Moonwhisper on SoFurry

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One beautiful spring night a tiny village was getting ready for the festival the next day, not knowing the danger that lurks in the forest. A man hooded in a black robe stands in a bush. His eye glow red with the intention of killing. He hears a voice in his head.

"Brother, when do we attack. The men are getting impatient and wish to strike now," the voice is very agitated by the sound ringing in his head. He replies back "After the festival is done because most of the guards will be drunk."

"So what do you want us to do until then." His brother's voice calls back. "Not get spotted. I will return to the group shortly." His eyes dim back to normal and disappears into the forest in the blink of an eye.

As the man runs though the forest he comes upon a clearing. Looking into the clearing he sees a half-dragon sitting with her back facing towards him. He sneaks out into the clearing and towards the unsuspecting woman. He pats her on the shoulder. "Ixen what are you doing hear all alone I thought I told you to stay with the group," He says to the half-dragon.

She replies to this with a big sigh "I told you Tharivol I like to have some time to myself before I take someone's life you know that." Ixen gets up and walks with the hooded figure back to their camp. They get to a spot in the forest where it just doesn't seam right. Another hooded figure appears out of nowhere in a distortion like a ripple in water. This hooded figure has glowing green eyes and they dim as it sees the two.

"You better get in there Thar it's getting rough," the hooded figure is Tharivol's brother.

"What is going on now Kurt," says Tharivol with a huge sigh.

"One of the new recruits took a swing at Adron and everything went downhill from there."

Tharivol entered through the distortion and took off his hood. The camp was hidden by a spell and was actually very large. Tharivol had very pale skin and long flowing black hair that reached his shoulder blades, and can't hide the obvious pointed ears. His eyes were a ruby red. He stands a good 5'11" and was very fit. His brother took his hood off and brought his brother to the seen. Kurt was shorter than his brother, being the youngest, and had a bit more color to his face than his brother. He had shorter black hair that reached his shoulder line and was rapped in a ponytail. His eyes were an emerald green.

They reached the middle of town when he saw the two. Adron was a werewolf that stood a good 9'. He was stuck in hi hybrid form by a cures that was afflicted on him by a sorcerer. His grey fur was very ruffled from the fight and was standing over the recruit getting ready to kill him when he saw Tharivol. "Tharivol.... I....I was just...." he said in a panic and was interrupted in mid sentence.

"Silence! I said no fighting Adron and what do you go and do," his eyes start to glow again ready to kill his ally but stops and his eyes dim. From Adron's very large tent came his mate DienDi with a war-hammer.

"Hey Adron....," she pauses mid sentence when she sees Tharivol and Kurt. DienDi is a Dragon-kin Barbarian that stood only 8' tall. Her scales were a gleaming red. She was very thin but was strong to say the least. She quickly tries to hide the hammer behind her back. "Hey Thar I didn't see you there."

Tharivol slaps his palm on his forehead and sighs. "By Sithis, you to DienDi I thought you would have stopped this." Sithis is the master of the void. Kind of like the underworld except that it is pitch black. His wife is known to this group of killers as the Night Mother. She lives as a ghost that keeps order in this guild. This guild is made up of many assassins and homicidal cut throats. This guild was known as the Dark Brotherhood. The ruling body of the dark brotherhood is made up of five assassins called the Black Hand. The Black Hand is the Night Mothers main way that she contacts her children. She speaks to the Listener who is the leader of the guild. She gives him or her a list of names of who must die and who wants them dead. Then the listener tells the four Speakers certain people to go to for contracts and the payment. Then they give that contract to lower ranking assassins and they carry them out. Only the extreme contracts are carried out by the Black Hand, like this situation. They are sent to kill everyone in the village so three members were sent to carry this out. Tharivol is the listener, Kurt is a speaker. The other speaker is scouting the village.

"I'm sorry Thar, but....," She immediately gets cut off by Tharivol.

"But nothing! I left you two only 10 minutes ago and this is what I come back to!" Tharivol walks up to Adron looking up at him. "Next time you disobey an order i will have to put you in the dungeons and you remember the last time you were down there right," he says with an evil grin.

"Yes...s," the werewolf said in a scared tone. Adron goes to his mate and they both go in the tent.

Tharivol looks over to Kurt," Has Argo come back yet?"

"No, he hasn't but I will let you know when he does'" he replies.

"Good I'm going to retire to my tent now, and make sure that no one else gets in a fight pleas I would like some peace and quiet for a change," he says to his brother as he walks over to the largest tent located in the middle of the camp. When he gets there he opens the large flap and walks in to see his lover sleeping on the bed in the middle of the room. She has light blue skin and long flowing orange hair. She awakes to a sudden weight shift in the bed.

"Hello Tharivol how was your scouting," she says in a mesmerizing tone.

"It was boring and uneventful," he begins to lay his head down next to hers and stares into her eyes. "How was your day?"

"It to was uneventful and boring. I caught one of the recruits looking at my breasts. Lets just say he won't be having kids," she says with a giggle.

"Thats why I love you," he says kissing her on the cheek.

"Well I hope Argo gets back soon with that blood for you," she says sounding concerned and turning to her other side.

"Don't worry he will get back soon," he reaches over with his arms and hugs her close and the two fall asleep.

After about four hours Tharivol wakes up from his trancing, an elf only needs to trance for four hours and get the benefit of 6 hours of sleep. He sees that his loved one is awake and changing into her official clothing. She sees him wake and walks over topless to him and sits next to him on the bed.

"Are you ok?" she asks him concerned for him.

"I had the dream again," He looks over to his woman and embraces her. "Why won't it just go away Asura?"

"I don't know Tharivol. I don't know," She says stroking his hair with her nimble fingers. She makes contact with his ear and Tharivol looks at her.

"So that is what you want." He begins to kiss her and he lays her on the bed. He starts by putting his hands on her breasts and the love making begins.

"Oh Tharivol you always know how to please me."

"Of corse I do I can read your mind," he replies with a smile

"Oh yea....." she begins to groan with pleasure as he begins to suck on her breast. "Wow someone's in a good mood. Just don't bite me your fangs hurt.

"What you mean these," he lifts his head and shows his vampiric fangs.

"Stop teasing me Tharivol it's not funny."

"Fine have it your way," he says with a laugh. He moves up her skirt and starts to play with her vage as she moans and groans wanting more than just a finger.

"Come on, stop it," she says taking off her skirt.

"Ok," he takes off his robe and under clothing and begins to please her all through the day. After he falls into a trance for about a half an hour and wakes up to Asura bathing on the other side of the tent. He moves over to join her and sits in the bath tube that could fit four people.

"Good morning, or should I say good night," she says with a giggle.

"Very funny Asura," as he sits next to her in the water he puts his arm around her shoulder.

Kurt's voice than echoes through his head. "Tharivol, Argo is here and wishes to speak with you in his tent."

"I'm on my way," he looks at his woman and kisses her on the cheek. "Argo has arrived and wishes to speak with me I will be back momentarily." He gets out and dries off and puts his clothing back on and heads out the tent, but as soon he reaches the flap he looks at Asura. "Get some clothes on we leave soon."