Moonwhisper: part 2

As Tharivol leaves his tent he is met by his brother. "So, how was your first night back," he says with a smart ass voice. "Kurt, if I find out that you were watching I will kill you," he said seriously. ...

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Moonwhisper: part 1

One beautiful spring night a tiny village was getting ready for the festival the next day, not knowing the danger that lurks in the forest. A man hooded in a black robe stands in a bush. His eye glow red with the intention of killing. He hears a voice...

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Moonwhisper: part 3

Tharivol ran through the field of tents so fast he ripped one right out of the ground. He ducked and weaved through the crowed of assassins. He almost ran into Asura along the way but than jumped over her just in the nick of time. ...

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