Snapped Awake

Story by LiteralGrill on SoFurry

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#1 of Fun With Jon Sanders

Poor Jon Sanders, it looks like he brought out a rarely seen rough side in Linn! Being suddenly woken up and overpowered by a girl who's eager to play with his butthole and even record some video to enjoy some memories of it all later, Jon finds himself in quite the rough situation if the claw marks down his back are anything to measure by.

This is part one in a three part series written mostly for mine and his pleasure based on some ideas that came up over telegram. Keep an eye out for part two, it'll be a doozy~

Jon had known when he had invited Linn to visit from out of state that his friend could be quite energetic, but still was overwhelmed. While it was fun having been enthusiastically dragged all over to see the stores and sites in his hometown, he was exhausted by days end. Having helped Linn set up the fold out couch, he politely excused himself to bed as she got herself comfortable. Collapsing on the bed, too tired to even remove his clothes, he quickly fell asleep.

Until he awoke hours later to a loud SNAP!

The otter laid flat on his slim belly, feeling as though he was being held down. Dazed and eyes still blurry with sleep he turned his head to try and look at the orange and white blur he thought was Linn, her superior height and strength used to keep him pinned.

"You sleep like a log Jon, how hard is it to wake you up?"

Jon rapidly blinked, realizing his shorts were being roughly tugged off and thrown to the side, and his boxers looked to be coming off soon after. "L-Linn? Wait, what? S-Stop!" Jon stammered, sleepily grasping at his boxers while trying to get a grip on the situation.

Linn had no trouble easily moving his paw out of the way, dragging off his boxers and tossing them onto the shorts. "Finally, I have to watch this glorious rump all day yesterday walking around, and you can't even be a good enough host to give me a look? That's rather rude Jon." Linn said matter-of-factly, gripping onto its taut roundness with her paws.

Still quite confused, Jon groggily attempted to move Linn off of him mumbling, "Linn I don't think..."

"That's right, you don't think stupid. Don't you dare try to get up again." she growled, quickly moving her paw to claw into his rudder and yank it up to keep him down. "Fuck, why were you hiding this delicious butthole from me Jon? I gotta move to the side here so the camera can get a good look!"

"C-camera? N-Now Linn hold on." Jon spluttered out nervously, yet again attempting to push her off of him.

Linn quickly took her free paw to swat Jon right on his exposed balls, the sharp pain stopping him in his tracks. "What the fuck did I just say Jon? Are you retarded? Do NOT try to get up again!" she growled, punctuating the word not with another quick swat.

Jon yelped out, stinging pain radiating from his testicles. They began to ache but Jon didn't dare move again, trying to keep still despite knowing his dusky pink pucker was exposed fully to the camera. Anyone could end up watching this and seeing my butthole! Jon thought, his embarrassment urging him towards a small verbal protest. "L-Linn why?"

"Because I figured it'd be fun to show my friends how you were so easily pinned down and fingered by a girl." she said, unable to stifle a triumphant giggle as she took a single digit to slowly trace around his exposed opening.

"Lin n-no! I'm..." Jon's face started to burn brightly, realizing every word of protest was being recorded for whomever Linn planned to show later.

"You're what, dumb? Pretty sure we already established this." she sighed, casually starting to place pressure on his anus with a single digit.

"C-Clean okay? Y-you gotta clean before y-you know..."

She quickly moved her paw from his butthole, waving it in front of his face. "I have a glove on genius, like I care if you're ready or want it." She moved her paw back behind, slowly massaging over his anus once again, her finger rotating around the orifice, teasing him.

He blushed, realizing that glove had been the very snapping sound that had awoken him from sleep earlier. "B-But..."

"Jon, if you're just going to keep talking I'm going to have to shut you up." she growled, getting a firm handle on his fangs, using them to pry Jon's reluctant mouth open. She began to force her fingers in, Jon's tongue and jaw trying to force them out but failing miserably as they filled his maw.

Jon tried to keep fighting back as he felt the feline that had him down steadily add pressure to his butthole, looking to work her way in. A certain organ had taken notice of all the attention he was getting at last. He was easy to excite in the morning, and it was starting to slightly poke out. Jon silently hoped to himself it wouldn't be noticed, but the moment the thought crossed his mind...

"Wow, look at that dick that's not gonna cum." Linn remarked with a smirk. "Seriously Jon, you're here for me to do this." she said, suddenly fully pressing a single digit into into his anus digging deep inside.

Jon felt an overwhelming wave of warmth and tingles as she pressed her way inside, feeling her swirling that single finger around. The pressure built as she worked a second finger inside, flooding the otter more and more with stimulation. She ground against all of his inner walls with purpose, the pleasure flooding through him finally forcing out a reluctant muffled moan past Linn's fingers.

"Less moaning fuckwad!" Linn grumbled, the fingers in his maw plunging in further, trying to force her way into his throat. Each wiggle of a finger caused Jon to slightly gag, shivers fluttering down his spine as his body involuntarily jerked and seized. Every small movement only seemed to infuriating his feline captor further, making her muscle her fingers in all the harder.

Soon his head began to feel fuzzy, his airways blocked by her paw's presence. He couldn't help but once again try to slightly knock Linn off, only serving to anger her further. "Did I not spell it out earlier? Fucking no, you're gonna be my goddamn scratching post now!"

She vigorously yanked her fingers out of his maw, and before Jon could barely gasp for breath sunk her claws into his back and slowly raking her way down. Even inch she clawed played a tune of pleasurable agony across Jon's back, causing him to cry out desperately, begging her for an end that would not come.

She let out a vicious purr as she went for another, and another, and another long draw of her claws down his back, making it a tapestry of sweaty fur and bright red claw marks. Jon squealed and whined, struggling with even ounce of his being to not writhe desperately in the throes of agonizing pleasure Linn was offering him, knowing he'd have to explain his back for weeks to anyone who happened to notice.

Job found himself desperately panting, dazed from the feline's assault on his body, but suddenly everything seemed to stop. The ceaseless clawing had subsided, fingers were quickly being pulled from inside him, and the weight seemed to finally lift off him so he could move. Still he didn't dare make a movement, only able to hear Lin shuffling about through the room.

Minutes passed, Jon's ears twitched, desperately trying to figure out what was happening behind him. He felt a gentle tap on the back of his shoulder, feeling a single finger trace down one of many marks on his back, causing him to shudder. "L-Linn?"

He heard a light chuckle from behind him. "Yes? I thought you were going to show me the lake today! We were going to relax at the beach together and have a picnic after all the crazy yesterday!"

Jon tentatively went to roll over and get a look at Linn, highly confused at this point before freezing entirely. "D-does this mean I'm allowed to g-get up?" he stammered, remembering quite clearly his punishment from previously.

He heard a faint chuckle. "Yes dummy! Now come on and get your swimsuit on, and no shirt either, it's the beach."

Jon finally turned to look as she strolled confidently out of the room, knowing the day ahead would likely be full of comments at the marks on his back, but not daring to put the shirt on as he begun preparations for the beach.

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