Entrancing the Dragon

Story by Jaden_Drackus on SoFurry

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Jordan is the catch of a life time. A jock dragon that could have any male he wants. Tim is a shy rat that knows what he wants: Jordan. But he knows he can't have him, unless he can make an enticing offer to change Jordan's mind.

Tim sipped at his tea and tried not to look across the street to the gym. He reminded himself that he wasn't being weird, the coffee shop was a popular hangout for all types of people. But he supposed it was the curse of a rat to be nervous at all times. He set his tea down and picked his book back up, but he was mostly looking over it at the gym.

While the lean rat described the selection of tea at the chain coffee shop as "decent," it was the eye-candy that was the biggest appeal of the place. And the designers of the gym had known full well what they were doing: they'd installed huge windows that allowed those sitting on the coffee shop patio to see into the main workout areas. Tim was far from the only one pleased with this design choice.

Today, the rat was interested in watching his favorite gym-goer: a red dragon named Jordan. The muscular dragon was doing squats on one of the universal machines, his thick tail and large wings not quite blocking the view of his lovely rear as he worked out. Tim sighed in contentment as he watched, feeling his pants tent a little. The dragon was quite the looker, and somehow, someway-- he was gay. And friends with Tim.

They'd been friends for years, but just somehow hadn't managed to hook up. Tim hadn't quite figured out why, but it just hadn't happened. The rat sighed and turned the page of his book. He knew he wanted a relationship with Jordan, he just had to figure out how to make it happen.

To his credit, Jordan seemed to desire something too and had been very forthcoming about his schedule. That was how Tim knew when his friend hit the gym and could come to spectate.

The dragon made sure to put on a show when he knew the rat was watching. He wore his tightest tank top, leaving his thick arms exposed, and shorts that hugged the curves of his hips and thighs leaving almost nothing to the imagination. The ones he had on today were even custom fitted-- with elastic around the tail rather than the generic button or velcro closure above his tail. This let them fit even tighter. Tim smiled as he watched the dragon continue his workout as the rat finished his tea. Today is going to be the day, he promised himself.


"Good day!" the dragon shop keep called to Tim as he entered the establishment. "Please feel free to look around, and do let me know if there's anything I can help with."

"Thanks," Tim returned.

The rat looked around the store at the books lining the walls, the display stands of DVDs, and the tables of teas and other edibles. Aside from the older silver dragoness behind the counter, Tim was alone. She watched him for a moment before returning to what looked like a ledger, a knowing smile on her muzzle. Tim frowned, but looked around for a few minutes. He didn't have much luck. He was just beginning to give up and leave when the shop keeper called out him.

"If I may be so bold, my young sir-- you're not going to find what you're looking for on the floor."

Tim felt the embarrassment fill his ears as they twitched. He turned to face the dragoness, who was favoring him with an indulgent smile.

"Youngsters like you come to this store for one reason and one reason only."

Tim swallowed and squeaked, his tail tracing arcs behind him as he studied the floor. His ears felt like they were on fire. The shop owner chuckled.

"I see I'm not wrong. Don't worry about it dear. Most furs tend to think they aren't good enough for a dragon. And while they're wrong about that, Old Aunt Jennie's here to help them be the fur that can go out and get a dragon."

She stepped out from behind the counter and for the first time, Tim noticed her eyes. They were a deep gold, a complete contrast to her silver scales.

"So," she said with a smile, coming to a stop a few paces away from him. "What's the handsome young rat got his heart set on?"

"A red male," Tim squeaked. His eyes went wide as he realized what he'd said and he clamped his paws over his muzzle.

"Oh honey, it's nothing to be ashamed of to like other males. I swear, you furs have the oddest hang ups some times. Well, do you know what he likes in terms of topping and bottoming?"

Tim's ears came up in surprise. He looked around as Jennie shook her head in mock disbelief that the rat thought she wouldn't know the male/male position names.

"He likes both," Tim said, again without say so from his brain. "At least from what he's told me. But he's kind of a jock... He doesn't know how to ask to bottom, and everyone just assumes he's a top."

"And a certain rat is too shy to ask to top," she said with a knowing smile.

"Yeah," Tim admitted.

"Not to worry my dear, Auntie Jennie will help with all of that."

She took a step forward and took a gentle hold of his paw. She led him towards the stairs at the back of the store.

"Come on upstairs and have some tea. We'll get you all fixed up and ready for your lucky dragon."


Jordan was confused as he went up the walk to Tim's apartment. He'd been surprised when the rat hadn't been at the coffee shop for their post-workout meetup for the past two days. Then out of the blue the rat had called him up and suggested dinner at his apartment. That was unusually forward for Tim, who was usually very shy. Not that Jordan was complaining, he sometimes wished the rat was more confident, but it was odd to see it.

Jordan let his wings stretch out and swished his tail as he stepped up to the door. He folded his wings, took a deep breath, and knocked on the door. Tim opened after the second knock and gave Jordan a confident smile the dragon had never seen on the rat's muzzle before.

"Hey. Com'on in," the rat greeted.

"Thanks," Jordan replied, holding out the bag he was holding. "You didn't ask me to bring anything, but I brought some wine."

"Well, thank you very much. That was very thoughtful of you."

The dragon finally crossed the threshold and stepped into Tim's living room. It was a rather simple affair, but the dragon was surprised to see such a large couch--usually, smaller species like rats preferred smaller furniture. Perhaps the he'd been wrong in his reading that Tim wasn't interested in larger species--like a dragon. The rat moved into the kitchen area and set the bottle on the counter before he smiled at Jordan as he took a seat on the couch.

"This is a nice place," the dragon finally said.

"A lot nicer now that you're here," Tim said as he sauntered over to stand in front of the dragon. Jordan smiled up at the rat.

"I have to say, I'm liking this new confidence of yours. It's kind of sexy," he said.

"I'm glad you think so," Tim said. "Cuz the reason I invited you over is I've gotten over my hang ups. So I'm going to help you get over yours."

"What?" was all the dragon could think to say as the rat began to undo his belt.

He could only stare as his host dropped his pants to the carpet, exposing a pair of tight fitting purple briefs with tiger stripes and a pouch that seemed to be just about to give up trying to contain Tim's bulge. Jordan licked his snout as he stared at the rat's crotch. His balls pressed against the fabric, and the dragon could see the outline of his shaft stretching his underwear even farther from his hips. Jordan swallowed and kept staring as the slightly metallic scent of dragon arousal began to filter into the air. Jordan looked up to see Tim smiling at him before his eyes snapped back down to the rat's crotch. He felt compelled to keep staring at that wonderful bulge.

"You wanna get a better look," Tim said into the silence that had fallen. It wasn't a question.

"Yeah," Jordan whispered. He licked his muzzle again. His pants were becoming uncomfortably tight, but he ignored that. His entire focus was on the rat's crotch.

"Well, get it then," the rat ordered with a chuckle. He thrust his hips forward to put his bulge in reach of the dragon's claws.

Jordan reached out, mechanically, as if his body was moving without instructions from his brain.

They found the waistband and eased it down. The dragon gasped as the rat's equipment came free. Tim chuckled as the dragon continued to stare hungrily at his newly exposed desire.

The rat was massive. Hanging free and just beginning to harden, the round headed cock would look more at home on a stallion than a lean rodent. His balls were a very nice size too, Jordan thought--they looked to be size of ping pong balls. The dragon moaned in desire, but something in him refused to let him touch the rat's equipment. He just stared. From somewhere above him, he heard a chuckle as the cock in front of him began to swing back and forth in front of him. His eyes followed.

"That's a good dragon," a voice said. "Watch that cock. You love it. Follow it."

He did, of course. Like the voice said: it was what good dragons did. He didn't know if he was a good dragon, but he desperately wanted to be one. Besides why would anyone want to look at anything besides that wonderful rat shaft?

"That's it. Watch it and relax. Good dragon. So relaxed and comfortable. You just have to watch and relax..."

The voice continued, but Jordan barely heard it: his attention was focused on the dangling shaft in front of him. He felt his mind going quiet, until there was nothing in his world except the voice, the swaying cock in front of him, and the mixed woody scent of rat musk with the metallic dragon musk. He let out a contented sigh. The cock, now fully erect, stopped. Like a good dragon, he kept staring at it.

"Can you hear me Jordan?"


"Do you feel good? Comfortable?"


"Good. I want you to stand up and strip."

The dragon jumped his paws, yanking his shirt off as he did so. He undid his belt and let his pants drop. He heard a impressed "murr" as he straightened up. He paused for a moment, showing off the tent in his tight black briefs. It took him two tries in his dazed state to free himself from their confines. He returned his claws to his side and waited, his mind silent for the next instruction.

"Oh my," the voice said. "What an impressive tool you have there. You don't mind if I touch it do you?"

Jordan shook his head. Of course he didn't mind. Why else would he have gotten naked in the first place? A moment later, he felt the slight pressure of paws on his stomach. They worked their way down his abs to fondle is equipment. The caressed his sac, and gently clasped his grape-sized balls before stroking his shaft with its slightly pointed head. They squeezed his cock as they worked down it, eliciting a moan from the entranced dragon as it throbbed and spurted a bit of precum.

"My my. Such a leaky draggy. Pent up are we?"

Jordan didn't reply. There was nothing in his mind save the voice, no memories beyond standing here naked. The caressing continued, as the paws moved from his crotch to his hips and around to his rear. He groaned as his rump was squeezed.

"Why don't you turn around and lift your tail?"

He did so, and felt his cheeks rubbed and gently pulled apart. He felt a finger slide between them and caress his tail hole. He moaned. The voice chuckled again.

"You like this don't you? You've always wanted your back door played with."

"Yes," he agreed automatically.

"Well, you are going to get everything you've always wanted."

The dragon shuddered in joy at the thought. The weight pressing against him briefly vanished. He didn't move, since he hadn't been told to. He heard the pop of a bottle opening, and a chemical smell mixed in with the rat and dragon musk. The weight returned, and something cool and wet was pressed against his ring.

"Everyone always thinks you're a dom. A top. A big dragon who takes what he wants. But that's not what you want, is it? You want to be a subby drake."

"Subby drake," the dragon repeated.

"That's right. A subby drake for your rat. Anytime he says those words, you'll remember what you are: a subby drake. A pet for your Master to play with. Horny. Needy. Subby. Ready for Master to fill your hole. Bend over."

He did so, and gasped as the cool wetness pushed inside his tail hole. He moaned as he was stretched, reveling in the sensation. This was his purpose after all: to be a pet for his Master. He raised his tail higher to show his devotion.

"Good dragon," Master purred. "But Subby Drake is only for Master. You can't be him all the time. So when he hears 'Day Dragon' he'll go back to his other self."

He didn't understand what Master meant by "other self" but nodded and moaned. Master said it, so it was true. He just remained focused on the pleasure of having his insides stretched. He groaned and reveled in the feeling as Master's fingers(?) found places that sent shudders of pleasure through him. The rat leaned in and whispered in his ear. The dragon didn't hear the words, they just went straight into his mind. Finally Master withdrew, and he whimpered at the sudden absence.

"It's alright Pet. Master just needs to finish getting ready," the rat soothed.

Pet relaxed, keeping still as he listened to the bottle opening again and Master humming. After an eternity, Master's weight returned along with a new pressure against his tail hole. Pet shimmied in excitement, but Master hesitated to enter him. The rat's voice became serious.

"Pet. You know that Master is very well endowed."

"Yes Master, Pet loves your massive cock."

"Yes. And Master wants you to enjoy it, so you have to tell Master if what he's doing doesn't feel good. Alright?"

"Yes Master," Pet agreed. He was so lucky to have such a thoughtful master.

Master gently pushed forward, sliding his tip into Pet's waiting hole. The dragon gasped at the sensation, and Master paused to give him time to adjust to the feeling. He whispered in Pet's ear and made sure the dragon was alright before proceeding.

Pet had never known this kind of pleasure. The feeling of Master's cock pressing against his insides, finding secret places that sent shocks through him, and how his cock throbbed in time with the rat's movements all were new to him. He wondered how he had ever lived without experiencing them before. Then Master began thrusting in earnest.

Pet was reduced to moans and groans of pleasure at the thick rat cock worked his insides. His claws dug into the sofa as Master's balls slapped against his rear. His knees went weak, and he had to hold himself up, all the while Master whispered reassurance and knew ideas. Pet responded as best he could, but mostly he began to feel the pressure of orgasm building in his loins--almost a hard knot massaged by Master's thrusts. The rat reached around and took hold of Pet's shaft, forming a ring with his fingers for it to slide through. He groaned, and inhaled the mixed metallic and grassy scents of their musk.

How long this went on, Pet didn't know. But as the pressure built inside him to such a point that he was sure he was about to burst, Master panted and declared that he was there. The dragon didn't question what he meant--it was clear as the rat picked up his pace to frantic levels before slamming his hips against Pet's rear. Master shuddered with his release, and the dragon swore felt his insides stretch even further with the spurts of rat seed. Master flopped against him, his paw still stroking Pet's shaft. A second later, the dragon groaned and shuddered with his own orgasm.

His knees gave out, and they collapsed in a sticky mess on the couch. They lay there panting and cuddling for a long time.


"Looking good Jordan," the stallion on the treadmill next to him said.

"Thanks," the dragon replied. Silence hung for a moment, and he realized the lean horse was looking at him.

"I heard that you haven't been... ya know... studding in a while."

"Yeah," Jordan agreed with a smile. "Found a boyfriend and all that."

"Ah," the horse replied. "And he don't want you doing that anymore. Pity."

"Well," Jordan mused, his cock throbbing a little against the chastity cage he was wearing. Master's porn collection did include a lot of stallions with a similar build to his current work out partner. "More like he wants to be there for it."

"Oh?" Hope returned to the stallion's tone.

"I mean, I don't want to put you in a situation that makes you feel weird. But if you'd like to get to know us a bit better, I'm meeting Tim at the coffee shop across the street when I'm done."

The stallion pondered that for a while.

"I just might. I'd like to meet the guy that tamed you," he said with a laugh. "Maybe ask him how he did it."

Jordan smiled, his shaft straining against the cage again as he jogged.

You have no idea.

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