A Violent Encounter

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A fun and twisted little piece for DylanScratch featuring his character and a poor little victim who gets the brunt of his wrath. This story is complete with rape, abuse, mild scat and some incidental genital mutilation. Definitely not one for the faint of heart!

All characters depicted in this work are purely fictional and over the age of consent. Any situation is meant as parody and does not represent any child, living or otherwise.


Zara growled as she stormed down to the main floor of her house, still shouting back and forth with her parents. The young feline had been caught sneaking out of the house late at night the last few evenings, scolded by her parents each time as they warned their young daughter of the dangers that came with being alone at night by herself. She had chosen to ignore them, preparing to leave her house for the entire day as they had attempted to ground her. "Zara!" her father yelled at her sternly, "Don't you even think about leaving this house young lady, especially dressed like that!"

The kitten wore a short skirt and mesh stockings, a t-shirt of one of her favourite punk bands and her clip on piercings that always worked well with her jet black hair and pink highlights. Her fur was a vibrant orange in contrast to the black clothing she wore, the rebellious kitten clearly attractive, even as a cub. She threw a middle finger in her father's direction as she stamped towards the door, swinging it open as she shouted back, "I don't have to put up with this shit!"

"Young lady, how dare you?! If you don't come right back here, you'll be grounded for the entire month!" Her father tried her best to sound intimidating but it was no use, his daughter storming off and slamming the door behind herself before he could utter one more word. She quickly hopped onto the nearest bus she could find and sped off towards the mall, quite happy with herself as she showed off her rebellious attitude to her father.


Zara sipped on her slushy contently as she relaxed in the mall, a big toothy grin on her face as she still felt triumphant over her father. She spent much of her free afternoon enjoying watching any guys she found cute, as always focusing her attention on the baddest looking boys. They were a few bikers that made her feel funny, with their spiky leather and gruff attitudes, not to mention their tattoos and handsome beards. She looked at punks, both her age and older and finally, settled on one piece that interested her the most. It was a rather gruff and angry looking man, his fur a bright green, his hair a purple Mohawk that resembled the same colour as a spike atop his nose and shoulders. He appeared to be a crossbreed of some sort, the feline having no knowledge that he was in fact a cross between a husky and a dragon. There was a biohazard symbol over his right cheek, possibly a tattoo Zara wondered. The huskgon was older than her but not incredibly so, which put him in the perfect bracket of her fancies.

She slowly made her way over to him one empty seat at a time as she minimized the space between them in the food court. She tried to be sly, not wanting to make it look obvious that she was approaching him, eventually sitting next to the rather gruff looking fur. She slowly reached her arm out to grab her slushy, making sure to nudge the fur with her elbow, "Oh shit, sorry man!"

The huskgon turned to look at the kitten with a frown, slowly softening his expression as he looked over her cute form, "It's not trouble, shit happens."

Zara grinned ear to ear as she looked over the badass looking stranger, finding him so irresistibly cool, "I like your tattoo."

The huskgon looked confused for a second before rubbing a paw over the biohazard symbol on his face, "Oh this? Glad you like it."

"Zara" the feline said as she offered her paw, the huskgon looking at it for a moment before shaking it with his own.

"Dylan" he said in return, finishing the last few bites of his food as he studied the girl carefully.

"Nice to meet you Dylan," she was still smiling, the wheels clearly turning in her head, "What you doing the rest of the day Dylan?"

The huskgon shrugged his shoulders, "Not sure, probably just cruisin' around."

"You have a car?!" the cub exclaimed with gentle excitement. The green fur nodded back to her. "That's cool, is it a nice car?"

Dylan nodded again, his grin big and toothy, "Oh hell yeah, it's a sweet ride! You wanna see it?"

Zara's expression was bright and cheerful as she gave the stranger a hearty "Fuck yeah!"


Zara's bright yellow eyes stared wildly at the Jeep wrangler that stood before her, no top or doors, loaded with off road armor and painted in red and black camo pattern. "There's Kevlar bed liner inside," Dylan told the kitten as she stared on in amazement, "...and I got the engine swapped out for a v8... she's riding on 37" Nitto Trail Grapplers, double bead locked rims... everything you could want in a beautiful beast like her!"

Zara chuckled as she pet the side of the Jeep, "I think I'm in love!"

Dylan nodded with a smile, eyes still surveying the young cat's body, "You wanna go for a ride?"

"Would I?" Zara replied with a strongly rhetorical tone, hopping into the Jeep before Dylan had a chance to ask a second time. The huskgon shrugged as he chuckled, getting into the driver's seat, his grin turning darker as he sped off with the girl.

The pair drove around for a good hour before finally approaching the huskgon's home, the green furred man parking in his driveway before turning to the girl. He did not wish to use force out in the open, but knew he would have to if she did not answer the one he wanted, "You wanna come inside? I've got some beer and records."

Zara grinned ear to ear, given an opportunity to rebel against her parents even harder, "Hell yeah!"

Dylan smiled as he escorted the young kitten to his doorstep, a sinister grin filling his muzzle, "Great!"

Zara looked around the huskgon's front hallway as she stepped in, not noticing her 'new friend' locking the door as she was distracted by various concert posters, "Wow, sweet crIB: "

She turned to smile back to the huskgon, coughing suddenly with scared eyes as the man's paw gripped her throat, "Alright that's enough out of you, take your clothes off!"

"W-wha-?" she tried to reply, shocked, scared and confused as she gripped the huskgon's powerful grip with both arms, trying her best to pry away.

"You heard me bitch," the huskgon hissed, "Take your clothes off before I give you a black eye." Dylan grinned as he dropped the girl, the kitten clutching her throat and coughing as she looked up with teary eyes, "Here's how the rest of the night goes ok? You're gonna get naked and do everything I tell you to... or, you're gonna end up on the news in a ditch somewhere..." He wore such a dark, evil grin as he stripped away his own clothes, soon stroking his oddly shaped cock, "Either way, this dick is getting wet tonight!"

She sobbed and whimpered as she slowly slid her skirt down, taking her time with each piece of clothing as she whimpered out to him, "I-I'm still a virgin... I w-wanted to save it f-for-"

"This is special baby," Dylan was darkly sarcastic, "What's more special than spending a date in a sick ride followed by getting your brains fucked out?" He watched as she began to sob, reaching down to brush the side of her face, "You want me to be gentle?" She nodded to him and he laughed, horking out a big glob of spit onto her forehead. "Look at this cock," he said as he smacked her face with it, "Does it look like it does gentle?" The kitten whimpered as she felt its weight, the thick, strange shaft lined with four spiky ridges, almost set up like a horse's medial ring. The tip was also spiky, every inch of the cock rough and hard. "Put it in your mouth," he instructed her quite simply, smacking her face hard when she shook her head, "Suck my cock you stupid slut!"

She whimpered and sobbed as she pressed her lips to its tip, shaking as the salty trickle of precum covered her tongue. His fierce eyes frightened her into swallowing more of the length down, her fear only growing as the weight of it lumping in her throat started to hurt. It was strong in musk, making her gag occasionally. "You like it?" Dylan asked, the scared kitten nodding as her eyes filled with tears, "Yeah, that's what a man tastes like!" She tried her best to accept the invading prick, soon gagging a lot more as the huskgon began riding her throat, "Mmm, good slut, that's it, you'll be a cocksucker in no time!" He kept pounding into the back of her throat, loving the lurching sound she made as she gagged on his thick, rigid meat, "Yeah, that's, mmm!"

Zara pushed the huskgon back as she puked all over the floor, muttering "S-sorry" as she lay over the sick.

Dylan rolled his eyes as he knelled down, patting her cheeks, "It's ok, it's alright, you're just stupid." He smiled as he smacked her cheeks hard, making her cry more, "Say it slut, say it!"

"I'm stupid!" she sobbed as she trembled in fear, eyes wide as she felt the huskgon's musky ass drop down over her face.

"Aww, poor thing, why don't you lick my ass as an apology?" he heard her muffle out protests into his rear, "No? How about instead... I break your fucking arm?!" He held her arm tightly, loosening his grip when he felt her tongue slide around his pucker, "Mmm, that's better!" He sighed happily as her tongue probed deeper, the distraught kitten still whimpering away beneath him. He sat on her like a throne, loving the miserable noises she made.

Zara could barely keep her tongue working as she groaned uncomfortably from the taste, the musky hole only getting more bitter the deeper she would dig her tongue. She so desperately wanted to be home, willing to take a thousand groundings over her current treatment. "Alright baby," Dylan said with feigned sincerity, getting to his feet and turning around, "Let's go to my room." He reached for her, aiding in her steps up the stairs.

She was a wiggling, struggling mess, still sobbing as she pleaded to the huskgon, "Please Dylan, I want to go home."

"I'm sure you do," Dylan said as she tossed her onto the bed, "We'll have to see how well you do first, raise your ass for me!" She gulped before nodding, still crying as she slowly lifted her tail. "Damn girl, that's a pretty cunt," he said with a grin, rubbing it with two fingers, "You want me to fuck it?" She shook her head no, before nodding yes, seeing the fury return to his eyes, "Tell me what you want."

"I w-want you to fuck me, please." She was soulless and empty in her response, but Dylan was happy with the words nonetheless.

"Alright, here we go then my slut!" He rubbed the tip of his cock slowly against her pussy, pushing at the tight slit to see how much initial resistance he was given. She let out a short squeal as it probed at her, pain already shivering through her. "Ooo shit," Dylan chuckled as he leaned in, hissing into the kitten's ears, "This is gonna fucking hurt!" Zara shook her head in worried protest, but was howling out in pain a moment later as Dylan drove his cock into her in one hard thrust. She cried and squealed profanities as pain welled up through her entire body, blood quickly covering the huskgon's shaft as he drove it in and out of her, "Fuck yeah, you got a tight cunt!"

"Stop, stop, please, f-fuck, s-stop!" Zara howled as her lower body was burning from all the harsh pain, her legs shaking as she suddenly began pissing all over the huskgon.

"Damn," Dylan chuckled as he felt her warm urine rush out, blood still coating his cock, "You must be in pain!" Despite acknowledging this fact, he only humped her harder, his long rigid shaft pounding into her depths as his balls smacked against her crotch. "That's it, fuck yeah!" Dylan growled as he thrust harder, listening to her pant and sob. The pain kept raising in the kitten until she had nearly passed out, her other hole starting to spread as more natural functions let loose from shock. Dylan growled in satisfaction as he watched shit spill from her ass, the smelly brown waste dropping out onto his cock, "You're one nasty girl!"

"S-stop..." Zara begged in barely a whisper, pissing, shitting and bleeding all over the huskgon's spiky cock.

Dylan pulled out for only a moment, giving Zara the slightest sliver of hope. She heard a gross, mucky sound and realized he was doing the unthinkable, Dylan rubbing the kitten's shit all over his cock before pounding it back inside her, "There we go, some special lube for a sick little piggy!" Zara's eyes were cold and almost lifeless as her whole face turned pale, the poor kitten simply laying on the bed as her captor kept riding her painfully hard. She had lost a good deal of blood and her virginity had been not only stolen, but literally ripped from her. "Ok, here we go slut, ready for a big load?" Dylan asked to no response, the huskgon laughing as he said in a hiss, "You're the life of the party!"

He gave a few more vicious thrusts in before growling out, every spiky ridge lining his shaft stabbing into the kitten as barbs stuck on, Zara letting out an ear-piercing screech as Dylan's cum flooded her womb. "Fuck, I hate you!" was all Zara had left in her as she collapsed, passed out from the pain as the unreal cock punctured every inch of her insides.

Dylan chuckled as she fell limp on his cock, patting her back as he responded nonetheless, "I know you do... sorry I ruined your little cunt!" He sighed as he relaxed on the bed, thinking aloud at all the mess that had been made, "Looks like I gotta buy new sheets again!"


Hours passed and Zara slowly stirred back to life, opening her eyes as she felt the cool chill of the night air. She was still naked, laying atop a jungle gym structure. The pair was at some unknown playground, the kitten being stirred to life by a trickle of something warm and wet. She looked up silently to see Dylan standing over her, sighing as he relieved himself onto her. She shivered as wind tickled her, the cub only colder as Dylan pissed all over her. "Good morning sleeping beauty," Dylan chuckled as he saw her stir, wiggling his shaft so the last droplets of urine fell from its slit, "This is where we part ways for now... can I get a goodbye kiss?" He leaned down carefully pressing his cock to the kitten's lips. She gave it one gentle peck, her lifeless stare showing she was simply doing so to be set free. Dylan chuckled as he stood back up, zipping his pants back up, "Cute... well, it was nice meeting you Zara." He hopped down from the jungle gym, saying one last statement as he left the scene, "If I ever see you again, rest assured... I will rape you!" Zara said nothing in return, simply laying in silence, cold, sore and lonely. She listened as the familiar engine of Dylan's Jeep rang out through the night, tears falling from her eyes as she lay still in shame.

Last Call (Story)

_All characters depicted in this work are purely fictional and over the age of consent. Any situation is meant as parody and does not represent any child, living or otherwise._ _..._ A rather handsome bull had just finished cleaning the counter of...

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Finding New Friends

_All characters depicted in this work are purely fictional and over the age of consent. Any situation is meant as parody and does not represent any child, living or otherwise._ _..._ "I told you it was a dumb idea!" Nick growled as he continued to...

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The Musk of a Mistress

_All characters depicted in this work are purely fictional and over the age of consent. Any situation is meant as parody and does not represent any child, living or otherwise._ _..._ Mistress Filth walked through the department store a short drive...

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