Training Days

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#3 of Lion King One-Shots

This was a fun one to write! Make sure to check out all the illustrations by Giant Hamster! (!

"Come on, Kiara. It's time to train!"

"Yee!" Kiara lept up at the sound at the sound of her father's voice, her play forgotten. She turned in excitement, the stopped herself mid-spin.

Sure, "training", had changed its meaning with her dad lately. Frequently. But it could still mean run-around-in-the-mud-catching-imaginary-things-until-your-paws-fell-off-and-then-take-a-bath "training".

Simba laughed at his daughter's obvious suspicion. Kiara's ears rose and she turned. As soon as she saw his expression she knew which kind of training it would be.

She would still have to take a bath.

It would be worth it.

The cub raised her rump, wiggling it playfully and pounced at her father.

"Where we goin'?"

"Right here for now, you little minx," Simba growled. The big lion wrapped his paw around his playful young daughter as she landed, pulling her to himself with eager strength.

Kiara had one moment to gasp in a breath before she found her face pressed firmly against her father's already-firm sheath. The scent of his musk hit her nose and her eyes rolled back in response. She shivered, drawing in another deep breath of her father's scent. Her muzzle opened, obedient to an unspoken command, taking the fullness of her king's sheath between her lips.

This wasn't training after all. This was just fun!

Kiara suckled the way she knew Simba liked. She left her muzzle wrapped around him, tongue teasing his sheath entrance until she felt his cock on her tongue. The cub pressed her tongue against the hardening maleness, the tip of her tongue sliding within Simba's sheath. Coaxing him to full length. She closed her eyes, feeling Simba reward her efforts with a spurt of precum onto her tongue.

This was her favorite part. This moment of feeling her father, the king, the symbol of virulent masculinity for their pride, shivering under her control.

She took another deep breath of his scent, holding it in her nose. She knew soon his length would be too much, pushing her away from the musk she adored.

A thrill of pleasure ran through the small golden cub and she looked upwards, eyes wide. She had been concentrating so hard it took her a moment to realize Simba had slid his large paw under tail and was gently caressing her young pussy. The cub shivered, ears laying back as uncontrolled pleasure ran through her. No matter how many times they played these games, she had never been able to control her own body when he touched her that way.

The moment of her control had passed, and she couldn't care less. She was his now, and she found herself spreading her legs and lifting her rump, eager for him to do as he pleased.

"Mm, you like that, don't you kitten?" Simba purred. His paw was moving in small, tight circles. The size of his pawtoe was much larger than her small entrance, and she loved the feeling of it over her entire rump, pressing perfectly under her tail. She whimpered, nodding as best she could with her muzzle overflowing with lioncock.

"You didn't even stop to mind where we are," Simba growled.

Kiara blinked. She really hadn't. So here they stood, just off the path away from Pride Rock. The King's cock deep in her cubby muzzle and her tail lifted high towards the path for anyone to see.

The cub blushed furiously, but Simba just put his other paw on the back of her head, starting to thrust into her muzzle. His tip teasing her throat as he finished growing to his full length.

Simba growled and pressed harder with his pawtoe between Kiara's legs. The girl whined in her throat at the sudden pressure, rising to her tip-paws as Simba's forced the large digit into her. She would have squealed, but couldn't with her muzzle full as it was. Tears came to her eyes until, at last, the pawtoe slid inside her and the pain was replaced with a hot flow of pleasure.

"If you want to show off for the lionesses so bad, you should give them a proper show," Simba growled in mimicry of his "teacher" voice. Kiara realized this was training after all, of a sort, and she'd failed a test.

"Always be aware of your surroundings," Simba told her over and over again. He said it when they play-hunted, and he said it before they went off to play dirty games. She had forgotten as soon as his scent hit her nose!

But it was too late now, and she knew her father wasn't mad. He would give her more lessons later to make sure she remembered in the future, but for now she could hear him moaning above her and feel the growing urgency in his thrusts.

Her ears quivered as the big adult paw explored within her, and Simba chuckled. Kiara realized he wasn't the only one giving off signs.

"Is my cub gonna cum?" He purred at her, working his pawtoe just a little faster. Pressing on her in that spot that drove her wild. She gasped, and Simba took advantage of the moment to press his cock into her muzzle that much deeper. "Are you going to cum on daddy's paw, hmm? Right here, where anyone can see your little lifted tail?"

Kiara nodded frantically on her father's cock, feeling heat surge through her.

She was. She most certainly was.

The paw on her head disappeared, and Simba grabbed her tail, lifting it high. Showing her off. Anyone happening along would see her fully exposed rump, tailhole taut, little pussy stretched to it's limit by her father's thick pawtoe.

At last she did squeal. Closing her eyes tight and wailing a muffled yowl around Simba's shaft as she came, clenching and arching for anyone to see. She lost track of all time until her body relaxed at last. She could hear her father's purr above, and whimpered as he slid his pawtoe from her body, leaving her empty.

"Grrr, give daddy a hug," Simba growled. Kiara shivered, stepping up closer to her father on wobbly legs. She knew he didn't mean just any hug.

She lifted herself onto her hind legs, holding her father's shaft tightly to her chest with both paws. She pressed herself in until she could feel Simba's large balls between her legs and looked up at the King, who grinned back down at her.

He began thrusting, growling deep in his throat in the way he did when he was barely in control. Kiara began to purr, watching her father's shaft slip up and down. Feeling it pressed deep into her fur. She dared to slide her tongue out, teasing at the shaft, watching Simba groan in response. She pressed up and down with her legs, working against his thrusts as she had learned to do seasons ago. Amplifying his every thrust until she could feel his muscles quivering against her.

"Cum on me Daddy," she whispered, looking up at the gasping lion. Feeling his precum already matting her fur. "It's okay if momma an' the lionesses know I'm your little slut." She gave his cock one long, deliberate lick, purring as hard as she could. "It's true. I'm my daddy's little cum whore!"

All the pent up energy in Simba's body exploded outward at once. Kiara held on tight, mewing appreciatively as she felt each and every jerk of his hips. Every leap of his cock. Every pulse of his balls.

And then the warm pat, pat, pat of hot lion cum raining down on her. Splattering over her head. Dripping down her back and over her muzzle. She slid out her tongue, feeling the warm viscous liquid gathering on it, fresh from the tip of her father's cock. She swallowed it down as more and more dripped against her muzzle and down her chest, making her fur slick against Simba's shaft.

Illustration: Give Daddy A Hug

"Hehe! Mm, daddy needed it bad!" She cooed, still working herself up and down, gently now, easing every last drop from the cumming lion.

"Oof. I guess I did!" Simba stepped back, admiring the mess he'd made over his daughter. She grinned at him, licking bits of his cum from her lips while she knew he was looking.

Simba felt his sheath twitch, but despite his desire, took a careful glance up towards Pride Rock.

"We should move," the king said at last, reluctance obvious in his voice. "I imagine the bath isn't in use this time of day."

Kiara followed her father's gaze and saw nothing up the trail. "There's no one there, Daddy," she huffed. "No one's gonna be in the cave this late anyway!"

"You don't--"

"And I know you want more..." Kiara hooded her eyes, swinging her tail sensuously and running her tongue over her lips. Simba's heart sped up. She was probably right. Even if she was wrong, anyone staying in the cave this late most likely wouldn't come out until evening anyway.

"You do want more, don't you Daddy?" Kiara opened her muzzle, suggesting in no uncertain terms that he fill it.

"Oh gods fuck me," Simba growled. Kiara purred as the big king mounted her muzzle, pressing his already hard cock into the back of her throat. She wrapped her arms around his big tawny balls, pulling him to herself even as he put a paw on the back of her head. He was rough this time, but Kiara loved every second. She loved how he made her gag and she loved how she had to open her mouth all the way just to take him in.

They clung to each other until Simba shuddered and gasped. Kiara let herself savor every jerk of the fat lioncock in her muzzle and every pulse of the big lion's balls in her paw as her father shot a fresh load down her throat.

The cub purred. She loved getting her way.

"That was dangerous, you know," Simba said at last as they made their way to the royal bath. Kiara rolled her eyes. No matter what, dad was always dad.

"The first time or the second time?" she said, voice heavy with sarcasm.


"I don't care! I wish the sisters just knew so we didn't have to hide all the time. Mom knows, an' gramma knows, an' Kamina knows, and Saffi knows..... Why not the rest?"

"They will, sweetheart."

Kiara's ears perked. "They will?"

Simba nodded. "But not for a few seasons yet. You have to be patient."

Kiara's ears drooped again.

"Now now, none of that." Simba admonished. "You can sulk after your training is over, if you want."

Kiara perked up again. "We're not done?"

Simba laughed. "After that performance? We've got a lot of work left to do!" He playfully batted at the cub's rump and she turned so his paw connected under her tail. Gods, he'd created a monster.

The royal bath wasn't very far away and was, as predicted, vacant. The other royals were probably at the watering hole with the other lionesses, as they usually were. The bath itself was really just a small spring-fed pool in a lowish area ringed with high brush. It was one of the few places the royal family could go to be alone, though they rarely used it. In fact, it was used for private sexual encounters so frequently, that visiting it had become something of a joke amongst the pride.

Still, because Nala and Sarabi knew full well of his "training" with Kiara, this was usually where they went for it. His mate-mother, Sarafina, was allowed access to the pool by tradition, but he couldn't remember her ever using the privilege. As former hunt mistress, she staunchly stood with her pride sisters and avoided anything that might set her apart.

Simba and Kiara walked down the slight embankment and stood on the edge of the pool. Simba could feel his sheath stirring again. There was something about being in this place, all alone.

Kiara walked a few paces in front of him to the edge of the water and turned. She had a sly look on her face. "I bet you don't want me to wash up just yet, huh Daddy?" Simba realized just how messy he had made her already, and felt his cock slide from its sheath. But it wasn't time for fun just yet.

"The role of a princess is very important," Simba said, and watched Kiara roll her eyes.

"You don't have to tell me this every time, Dad. I know."

"You are expected to represent your pride, both here in the Pridelands and, eventually, in foreign lands," Simba continued, as Kiara mouthed along with all the sass she could muster. He didn't mind. It meant she had been paying attention, whether she realized it or not. These games were fun--for both of them--but the lessons would one day have real-world consequences. He was determined not to fail her in an education he had never had.

"I am one of the most important lions in the pride." Kiara recited with over-formal enunciation. "I can get information no one else can. I can tie our pride to another, or push us apart. My words can start wars. My company is the highest honor. I know, I know, Dad!"

Simba took a deep breath and sighed, looking upwards to the kings of the past for patience.

"I get it! Other lions will want to mate with me. And I gotta make 'em want it, if it's for the good of the pride." A sultry grin spread over Kiara's muzzle. "I think I can do that, Daddy. I've been practicing."

"You sure have," Simba chuckled, giving in to his impetuous daughter. "Let's practice some more."

"Hee!" Kiara grinned, licking her lips and standing up.

"I'm a visiting king," Simba said with a wink. "I have come to negotiate water rights for a disputed stretch of river. I have been reluctant to offer access to the water so far. Failure to come to an agreement will mean violence."

"That's where I come in!" Kiara pipped in.

"That's where you come in," Simba agreed. "The king needs to be softened up. Given something he can't get anywhere else."

Kiara grinned, a predator's grin, showing her teeth.

"I've been sent in your direction. You've been waiting for me. Go."

Simba shook his mane, signaling the start of their roleplay. Kiara stood, a small hint of seriousness creeping into her posture as she looked him over.

"Oh, hi king Simba!" She smiled, acting as if she'd just run into him.

"Oh. Hello, little one," Simba returned, looking her over as if he'd stumbled across a fresh zebra. "Your father told me he had left something for me..."

Kiara giggled her best disarming cub giggle. "My daddy told me some things too," she cooed, taking a few steps towards her father, who looked down at her warily.

"He told me you were a nice lion. Are you a nice lion, king Simba?" The cub pressed up against his foreleg unbidden, curling around it in a slow circle. Arching her back a little as she nuzzled against the lion in an only slightly over-affectionate manner.

"Of... of course," Simba managed, doing a good act of being flustered.

"Hee-hee, I knew it!" Kiara giggled. "Can I tell ya what my daddy told me?" She asked, hopping up and down a little in cubbish eagerness, beckoning to the big male to lean in.

Simba looked like he might refuse, but finally relented with an amused smile. Kiara grinned a winning grin and put her paws in his mane, leaning forward to whisper in his ear. "Daddy says you've been looking under my tail, king Simba," she purred, barely blinking as Simba shot to his full height in mock horror.

"What-- What are you... I have not!" he stuttered.

"Hehe!" Kiara kept on smiling, giving her shoulder the demurest of licks. "Aww, I guess you don't wanna know what else my daddy told me, then," she shrugged, turning her back on him and licking her paw as if she didn't have a care in the world. For a split second Simba broke character, smiling to himself. This was a new twist.

He waited, seeing what she would do, but the cub just sat there preening, not even looking at him. She was making him come to her, clever cub. He waited another moment and then took a step closer. Then another, eventually leaning down next to the cub again. "What did he say?" he asked softly.

Kiara looked up with one eye, then turned, raising onto her hindlegs and putting both of her paws on the bridge of Simba's muzzle. Her lower belly pressed into his nose and her cubbish scent filled his nostrils, flooding his mind with lewd imagery. He breathed in instinctively, taking in as much of that scent as he could. Kiara purred, and pressed forward just a little more than she needed to.

"My daddy says you can do anything you want to me, king Simba," Kiara said in a soft almost-whisper. Simba's head was spinning, overwhelmed by his daughter's advances. How had she gotten this good so fast? Kiara nuzzled him with the top of her head, a cub's eager greeting made taboo by its context. "Why don't you start by sticking out your tongue, king Simba," she cooed.

Simba didn't even stop to think about it. He stuck out his tongue, feeling it slide against Kiara's thin crotch fur. Sliding between her spread legs. He felt himself shaking with pure arousal.

Kiara sat back gently with a moan, pressing her small cub pussy against Simba's tongue. Riding it gently. He held it in place, watching her do all the work with short, eager jerks of her hips. Listening to her tiny whimpers of pleasure. It could have been second or hours before she rose, looking at him through half-lidded eyes.

"Go ahead, king Simba. Taste me."

Simba realized his tongue was hanging stupidly from his muzzle, and slid it back in, the taste of Kiara's pussy flooding his muzzle. Kiara grinned, watching his every movement.

"Turn around." Simba commanded.

Kiara slowly turned, lowering herself, tail high in the air. She had him.

Simba lunged forward, pressing his tongue firmly against her wet cub pussy. He gave her a lick from her pussy to her ass, tasting everything under her tail in one go. Whether he was still in character or not was lost on each of them. It didn't matter any more. She had him, and she was going to keep him.

The cub spread her legs farther, pressing back against her father's broad muzzle. His tongue slathered indiscriminately against her pussy and asshole, leaving them both wet and glistening with each stroke of his tongue. He pawed at her, holding her hips just hard enough to hold her in place against his powerful licks. Kiara shuddered, fur rising as she felt the little buzz rising in her belly. Her eyes rolled back a little as she let it grow each time her father's tongue would dig into her pussy or ass, letting him dominate her tiny hind end.

Time stretched beyond recognition for the cub as bliss consumed her, until at last reality snapped back in an explosion of pleasure within her. The cub heard herself squealing as if from a distance, shuddering as she came with abandon.

It was in that lull of composure that Simba took back control of the situation. Kiara shrieked in surprise as she felt Simba flip her onto her back, holding her there with one paw, his huge form rising above her, dark against the sun. Kiara whimpered at the sight of her father's hanging erection, longing filling her belly.

The king stepped over her, knocking her legs apart. Kiara couldn't remember ever seeing such an intense look on her father's face, and she found herself shuddering under his gaze, realizing there was more power to her father than she had ever realized.

"Your highness..." she gasped as he grabbed both of her hind paws, pushing them back against her chest. His cock swung between her legs, and she gasped as the pointed cocktip pressed against her small pussy.

"Call me Daddy," Simba growled. Kiara swallowed, feeling entirely at Simba's power. But oh how she wanted it.

"Fuck me, Daddy," she managed hoarsely.

"Do you think you can handle this?" Simba snarled, pressing forward just slightly, making Kiara gasp at the pressure against her pussy. She honestly didn't know if she could handle it. She'd never seen her father this way. They'd mated, sure, but he was always gentle, taking his time with her. She realized now that, if he so chose, there was no way she could handle him.

The king sensed her hesitancy and growled, pressing on her footpaws harder until she curled up a little under him, just the tip of his thick maleness speared inside of her. She looked up, gasping for air, unable to form words. Simba growled deep in his throat and spit into her open muzzle, making her gag with surprise.

"I asked you a question, cubslut," The king snarled. "Do you think your tiny little cubcunt can handle this?"

"Yes!" Kiara gasped, more loudly than she'd intended. She was so completely caught off guard by Simba's intensity that she didn't even stop to think about the consequences of her answer. She just blurted out in surrender, "My cubcunt is yours, Daddy!"

She screamed to the sky as Simba took her at her word. Her claws sprang from her pawpads uselessly as Simba pressed himself inch by inch into her tiny entrance. Tears sprang from her eyes as she scrambled to get away, but Simba held her in place. His eyes were closed in stiff concentration, his powerful body wound like a spring above her. Later she would admire her memory of his sheer power. Of watching his thick adult cock being forced bit by bit into her wriggling body. But in the moment Kiara wailed, unable to do anything but watch, feeling as if she were being split open.

"Oww, oww, Daddy, owww!" Kiara's cries were cut off as Simba released one of her hindpaws, using it to press her muzzle to the side, spitting again over her face, saliva mixing with her tears and half-dried cum. "Your daddy said I could do anything I wanted. And what I want is to fuck you full of my cock!"

Simba snarled, ramming forward and roaring, his thunderous cry drowning out Kiara's shrill wail as he made good on his promise, shoving his full cock deep into the wriggling lioness cub.

As the echoes of his roar faded away, he held himself in position, cock twitching in Kiara's tight tunnel. Kiara took deep breathes, and Simba removed his paw from her face, letting her look back up at him. He shook his mane once.

"Did I do it right, Dad?" She asked, only a hint of pain in her voice.

"If I were visiting, I'd have thought I'd died and joined the great kings," Simba purred, giving Kiara an affectionate bop on the nose.

"It did kind of hurt," Kiara admitted. "But I think it's getting easier."

"Why did you urge me on like that?" Simba asked.

"'Cause it seemed like you really wanted it, but you weren't gonna take chances until you were too worked up too care. I knew I could take it, but you didn't know it. I wanted your king to feel like he was gettin' somethin' special!" Kiara giggled. "Even when he got kind of scary, I thought when he got done with being all rough with me like that, he'd haveta do whatever you told him!"

"You are one devious princess," Simba grinned. "We'll talk about the details later."

Kiara reached up, winding a length of Simba's mane around her paw.

"Mrr. Then fuck me, Daddy."

Simba was already thrusting though. Slowly now, letting his daughter adjust to the massive length within her. He started as he always did, rocking back and forth gently. Letting his barbs tease deep within her on every backwards pull until the cub was whimpering out loud.

"Harder, Daddy," Kiara groaned. "Like you were doin' before." Simba looked down to see if she was serious. She was. "C'mon, Daddy. I liked it!" The cub purred and pulled her legs back, letting Simba see just how stretched she was.

The temptation was too much for Simba. With a growl he pulled back, half his cock emerging gleaming from his daughter's pussy before slamming it fully back into her. Kiara gasped and grabbed at the earth with her front paws, arching her back.

"Mm like this, little slut?" Simba growled, pulling back and thrusting again. And again. The thrusts came faster and rougher, until Kiara was mewling beneath him as he pounded into her like a grown lioness.

"Yes! Yes, like that, Dadda! Rape me!"

"Where... In the gods' name did you even learn that word?" Simba groaned without slowing down.

"From gramma Sarabi!" Kiara gasped. Of course she had.

Simba was enjoying himself far too much for a vocabulary lesson. He added it to the long list of mental notes for the day, shoved it to the back of his mind, and gave himself over to rutting his little begging cub. He pressed into her until her body could take no more, but she begged for more anyway. Her body curled under him as he used his weight to slam straight down into the cub, placing a paw under her back to hold her to himself, his sheath pressing against her stretched pussy.

Illustration: Harder!

"Mmff, oh Daddy, I can't... I'm gonna. EEEE!" Kiara squealed as she came. Simba drew in a sharp breath as her already-tight pussy clenched down on his shaft so hard he had to stop thrusting for a moment. The king snarled, feeling himself teetering on the edge of the point of no return as his daughter's tunnel spasmed around his shaft.

"Dadda, do it," he barely heard Kiara gasping to him through the haze of pleasure. "Cum, Daddy! Deep! Press it all the way!" Simba's claws slid out despite himself, scoring small marks in Kiara's side as he held her tight to himself. A roar built in his chest, crescendoing in harmony with Kiara. His cock lept deep within Kiara's body, jerking as the big lion emptied himself. With Kiara already to stretched to her limit, his seed quickly began to spill out of her over-tight tunnel, sopping into their fur. Dripping down her back and belly to puddle on the damp soil below.

Illustration: What She Asked For

"Oooooooh," Kiara cooed in soft delight, slowly relaxing in Simba's paw. Simba leaned down, giving his daughter a long kiss, their tongues intertwining. He began to lower her slowly. She was so tight her pussy clung to his cock, almost suspending her in the air. He had to sit, lowering her back to the ground and gently withdrawing horizontally instead. Still, Kiara hissed, her legs twitching as his barbs tore into her tender passage. He pulled himself from her, and the last few spurts of his seed splashed over her from chest to belly. The big lion shuffled forward, presenting his oozing cock to his daughter.

Illustration: Well Trained

"Oooh, Daddy, that was amazing." Kiara cooed, wriggling on the ground, shamelessly smearing more cum into her fur. "I wanna train like this every day!" She purred, leaning upwards and taking Simba's cock into her mouth, casually suckling at it. Her cubbish purr felt amazing against his shaft, and Simba allowed her to suckle longer than he usually would before post-orgasmic sensitivity set in.

When at last he pulled away, he lay down next to Kiara, pulling her in close against himself. The two cuddled like that, Simba's large paw draped around his messy but satisfied cub, both content in each other's company.

For a long while they were silent, watching dragonflies dance over the water.

"Seriously, though. We have got to talk about you just begging visiting kings to rape you."

"Daddyyyyyy!" Kiara laughed, rolling onto her back and swatting at her dad's nose. Simba laughed back, kissing her on the neck until she wriggled to get away. She had a lot left to learn, but he would be there to help her learn it. There was time. And that was enough for now.

Nuka, the Tragedy

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Don't Stop

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Prideland Tails : Holiday

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