Getting rocked

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Sometimes being a hero meant that you pissed off some bad guys with deep pockets who held grudges. After a few close calls Rocket had decided he had to lie low for a while and then probably figure out a way how to take care of the problem. He had heard of this backwater planet with "guys just like him", so he thought that might be a good place to stay. He made sure nobody was trailing him and arrived on the planet, telling the locals, that did indeed resemble him, some story about him being a hero from far away who wanted a bit of a vacation. The people were almost honoured and had so far treated him very good. Just one problem remained: It had been ages since he had gotten laid and jerking off wouldn't cut it. Now he had to find a way to seduce one of those fuzzbutts... or maybe just have his way with him. If the other party didn't agree that was their problem, not his.

"Umm... hi,", Quentin said nervously. He'd spent most of the evening so far trying to work up the courage to walk up to the strange outlander at the bar everyone was talking about.

Rocket rolled his eyes. Great, another kid that wanted to hear a story... He sighed, took another sip of his drink, then answered. "Hey kiddo. What's up?"

"Umm... are you really a hero? Are you really here hiding from criminals? Did you really stop someone from assassinating the president?" His questions spilled out in a nervous rush, and he fidgeted with his fingers

"I try to be. Doesn't always work. He was a president and yeah, I did. And that part about me hiding is actually something I don't want people... or boys talking about", he grunted, slightly annoyed at the fact that the talkative boy obviously knew way too much for his own good which made him a potential target. Which made him a problem. And just as he thought it had been a good day...

"Oh... umm, I'm sorry, it's just... everyone's talking about why a hero would come to town", he muttered, face burning lightly. "Sorry, sorry..."

The honesty and nervousness of the boy did manage to get a genuine smile out of the former mercenary. He reached over and petted his back. "It's ok, kid. Seems I suck at hiding though, hm?"

Quentin brightened and smiled, chuckling softly. "Yeah... I guess. But that's just from us folks in town! I mean, we all know better'n to go flapping to anyone who comes round looking."

"Uh-huh", Rocket said and chuckled. "Is that so? Does that mean you guys like me being around here, hm?"

"Well... yeah! I mean, you're a hero and all... and another ringtail, besides. We look out for each other, aye?" The young coon's tail flagged behind him.

The gears in Rocket's brain were starting to turn. Could this be the answer to his problems? "Aye", he repeated. "We do. Your first time meeting a real life hero?"

"Oh, yeah! Not a lot of people come through here you begin with... seeing someone who's actually been on adventures, saved people, fought bad guys!" The boy's eyes sparkled with excitement. "It, it's a real honour, sir!"

Well, well... this situation clearly had... potential. A dirty grin spread across Rocket's face. "Would you wanna hear some of my stories, whatsyername?"

"Oh! Y-yes sir! And, uh, I'm Quentin!" The boy practically bounced on his heels. He couldn't believe the hero was talking to him! Offering stories!

"Well, Quentin... you know this place better'n me. Is there somewhere where the two of us could be all private-like, undisturbed so that I could tell ya some'a my tales?"

"Oh! Right, don't want anyone listening in... umm... there's our barn! I take naps there all the time and even Pa never found me there!" He read comics there sometimes too, ones because his Ma said they'd rot his brain.

"Then how about ya take me there and I'll tell you all about being a hero and stuff", Rocket replied with a wink.

"Okay! Follow me!" He began to run off before stopping himself at the door to actually wait for Rocket to follow

Rocket followed him, taking some peeks at the boy's cloth-covered rear. Though mostly obscured by a bushy tail it looked appetizing enough.

It was a bit of a walk out of the town proper down an unpaved road lined with tire ruts, which nearly caught Rocket once or twice in the failing sunlight. The boy to his side practically skipped. "I ain't never heard stories right from a hero himself before. It's always in books or hearing tell from someone who heard it second hand."

It was a bit of a struggle to keep up with the boy who clearly knew where to put his footpaws and what spots to avoid. "Ain't never been this close to a real hero either, hm?", he jovially said and wrapped an arm around the smaller raccoon's shoulders.

The boy finally stumbled a bit with that, bit he just grinned broadly and laughed. "No! Never! I'm gonna be remembering this for years!"

"I'm damn sure of that", Rocket mumbled under his breath. His paws started petting the boy's back, rubbing all over it. "I'd hope so, Quentin."

"Here it is!" He pointed to a humble little house with a big barn behind it. "Ma'n'Pa are in the city, so they won't bother us any."

"Good, wouldn't want to have anyone bothering us while you're so close to your favourite new hero", Rocket said as his paw reached down to cup the boy's ass.

"Mmph! Uh... y-yeah!" His enthusiasm wavered but pushed back up. He was just being friendly... right? He flicked on the dim lights in the barn, illuminating the hay and farm equipment inside. "Hay loft's just up here"

"What'sa matter, kid? Just trying to feel if you're hero material yourself", Rocket smirked. They climbed up the ladder and he made a show of yawning theatrically, stretching so that he could show off his muscles and scratching at his heavy bulge.

Quentin stared, mouth opening slightly. "Whoa... you must be really strong, sir!" His muscles looked bigger than some farmhands Quentin knew.

"Yup, sure am." He grinned proudly and flexed his arms. "Wanna feel?"

The boy blinked in surprise. Was that something people did? "Oh, uh... yeah, sure!" It must be, or he wouldn't have asked. He reached out toward Rocket's flexing bicep and gently laid a hand on it. He gasped softly, eyes widening. "Wow! It's so hard!"

Rocket grinned, baring his fangs. This was way too easy. "Ain't the only thing that's hard", he said and lowered his voice a bit. The paws feeling him up felt good, so he wanted to encourage him further. "C'mon, don't be shy. You can feel up my whole body. Just gotta promise not to tell anyone or they might get jealous. This is just for you, Quentin."

The boy's eyes widened further. "Just for me? Really?" The awe in his expression was almost ridiculous. He reached up with his other hand, and began rubbing over Rocket's arm. He'd never even thought of doing something like this before, but now that he was, it felt like he'd been wanting to his whole life without knowing it.

"Someone's enjoying himself, hm?", Rocket said. "And that was just my arms. There's so much more of me still left..."

Quentin paused, and for a moment looked up at Rocket, questioning. But he slowly let his hands wander from Rocket's arm to go over his chest through the suit he wore. "Whoa... you feel so strong", he breathed in wonder.

Rocket grinned broadly and reached down to pull at the zipper, exposing some of his furry chest while he let the kid explore his body.

His hands moved almost by themselves, digging into the other raccoon's chest fuzz and feeling the firm mounds of muscle underneath, rubbing and squeezing softly, experimentally

With the boy seemingly pretty comfortable at feeling up his exposed body the Guardian kept going, pulling the zipper further down, now at navel level. He stopped there and let the kid's paws roam over his upper body.

He worked his way down, following the path of the opened zipper, occasionally gasping at a twinge of hard muscle, still in absolute awe that this is what another person's body felt like... What a hero's body felt like!

"Better than in yer dreams, hm, Quentin?", Rocket said and reached a paw down to ruffle the boy's head and slightly push his face towards him.

"Mmph... ain't ever dreamed of anything like this..." He half expected Rocket to laugh and pull away when his hands got to the man's tummy. it was softer... until he pushed down, and underneath the padding, it was steel hard just like the rest... he didn't even flinch!

"Guess you only dream boring stuff then", Rocket mused. Those paws were very close to the fat bulge in his jump suit, if the zipper slid down just a bit more his underwear would be visible. He smiled and watched Quentin, who had by now lost most of his shyness run his paws all over his body and even digging deep into the fur, really comfortable with what he was doing.

"How'd you get this strong?" The boy murmured sheepishly. "Is out because of how many bad guys you fight?"

"Part natural strength, part training, part fighting bad guys... bit of everything", he explained.

"Wow... They're all so big... No wonder you're a hero!" The boy smiled broadly while his tail flagged behind him. He was getting to see this, and no one else! Everyone else was gonna be so jealous!

"Now how about you pull down that zipper for me so I can get outta this uniform? Gets a bit itchy after a long day and we both wanna be nice and comfy, don't we?", he said and gave the boy a conspiratory look, telling him that this was something special, just between a hero and his greatest fan.

"Sure!" He said readily, a grin on his muzzle, and he carefully took hold of the zipper and pulled it down as far as it would go. Wow... his underwear was bulging a lot.

The bigger raccoon licked his chops as he saw the boy checking out his bulging crotch. He pulled the suit down and stepped out of it, now only standing there in his special boxer briefs. Once again he flexed to show off for the boy. "There, much better."

Quentin blushed under his fur, having just managed to realize he was now standing with a man in his underwear.... no, no, he was a hero and it was just getting comfortable. Quentin liked being in his underwear, because it was comfortable. He still couldn't help but look away, bashful.

"C'mon now, Quentin, no need to be shy. We're both guys. Just a hero and his biggest fan. Bet you're hiding a nice body there too." He stepped up to the boy and ran a finger over his chest and tummy. "How about you show me and we see if you're hero material, kiddo?"

"Mmn!" Quentin shuddered at the touch, not at all used to someone touching him that way. "Umm... o-okay, sir", he stammered, and took a step back to grab his shirt and, after a moment, pull it up and off his head

"Attaboy", Rocket said with a slight growl to his voice and let his hands run all over the boy's body and started to tease his nipples, hidden under thick fur.

"Ahhn!", he whimpered, feeling uncomfortable and overstimulated all of a sudden. He tried to step away, but Rocket just followed him until his back bumped into a hay bale. He reached up to try to pull Rocket's hands away, but the older raccoon's grip just tightened and made the boy let go. "Wh-what are you... doing..."

"Writing a new story... going on an adventure... work with me and this is gonna be easy", he growled and went back to playing with Quentin's nipples, squeezing them between his fingers. Then he leaned his head down and licked all over the boy's muzzle before his hungry tongue found its way into the boy's mouth. He grabbed the back of his head and forced him into a tight kiss, plunging that slobbering organ deep into the kid's mouth.

The boy shook lightly as his first kiss was roughly taken from him, his mouth feeling too crowded with an extra tongue inside it. The hay poked into his bare back and stuck in his fur as Rocket pressed his small frame against it, and his mind spun trying to understand what was happening. Getting kissed like this by the hero was something that happened to damsels... girls he rescued... Not boys like him...

The bigger coon just kept going, grunting and growling into the kiss as he wrapped his tongue around the boy's tongue and wrestled with it, while his paws once again reached down to toy with Quentin's nipples or rub all over his chest, his belly, his back...

Quentin's skin tingled, his fur stood on end. All of these feelings and sensations were new to him... scary. He didn't know what to do with them. But... he was in the arms of his hero... Maybe he could... He raised his hands slowly and laid them on Rocket's hips.

Rocket pulled out of the kiss and gave the boy a wink and a dirty grin. "Too much for ya? Some heroes like to kiss their biggest fans. Thought you might like that... If ya do, there's so much more this hero could show ya, Quentin...."

"I... I ain't ever got kissed before... not even a lil peck...", the boy muttered with his chin on his chest. "Didn't think... It'd feel like... l-like that..." Did he like it? He wasn't sure... he felt... weird inside. But he wasn't sure if it was a bad weird.

"I don't do lil pecks, this is how grown-ups kiss, so consider it a privilege that your favourite hero showed ya what a real kiss is."

"Oh.... o-okay... thank you..." He swallowed nervously. He said there was more? Did he want more?

Rocket winked and plunged his tongue back into the boy's mouth, though this time a bit more aggressive. He wanted to see if the boy might actually get into it.

"Mmph!" This was how grownups kissed. He could do that. He could be a grown-up. He wasn't just some stupid kid... he wanted to be a hero, like Rocket. His tongue twitched in a semblance of an attempt to reciprocate, and he pushed off the hay bales push into Rocket's kiss.

Damn yeah, the kid was getting into it. Rocket even let Quentin into his own muzzle and explore it a bit with his tongue, letting him kiss his new hero like a big, grownup guy.

This still felt weird... but he must be doing it right. It was weird how the other raccoon's mouth tasted so different than his... But that was probably because he's older. And a hero. This must be what heroes taste like.

They kept going for a while, then Rocket pulled away again. "Don't worry, eventually you'll get used to it", he chuckled.

Quentin gulped in air he hadn't realized he was lacking. He felt lightheaded and woozy... was this really happening? "Am... am I dreaming?", he mumbled

"Nah, this is the real deal. And it'll get even more real, kiddo", Rocket growled and reached down to grope the boy's package.

"AH!", Quentin yelped and jumped but Rocket kept him steady. "That! You're not supposed to do that!" He breathed weakly, his chest feeling tight with that weird tickling feeling stabbing up into it from his groin.

"Why not, kid, hm? Got an actual reason or just something yer parents told ya?"

"Y-yeah... P-pa s-said... wasn't supposed t-to ever touch myself, or, or let anyone else touch me there!" He practically whined, like he was pleading with Rocket to stop making him disobey his Pa.

"Your Pa's not here. Your hero is. Has your Pa ever let you feel his big muscles?"

"Uh... n-no...", he admitted. Should he have? Is that something other boys did with their dads?

"Did you like feeling my big muscles? Did you like kissing me?"

The boy squirmed slightly, face knitting in discomfort. He didn't want to admit it. It felt dirty to say it. But... y-yes, sir."

A smug grin spread across Rocket's face. "Attaboy." He ruffled Quentin's head. "Let's just say that deep down your dad probably would like to do some of this stuff too but since he's a dad he kinda has to tell ya that ya shouldn't do it. But your hero's here now."

"Oh... okay...", he said softly. He wasn't sure he understood... his dad would like kissing him? "What now?" He couldn't even remember what they'd come up here for, he felt so turned around and dazed.

"Would you wanna see ALL of your new hero? Tell me, Quentin. Wanna see me in all my glory?", Rocket said with a broad grin on his muzzle.

"I... y-yeah." Of course he did. Why wouldn't he? Glory was good... right?

Rocket took a few steps back, winked and hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his boxerbriefs. They came down and he stepped out of him as his hefty lowhangers and fat sheath flopped down. "Here we go."

"OH!", Quentin practically jumped out of his skin and turned away, burying his face in his hands and then trying to bury them in the hay bale. He was NAKED!

The big coon let out a sigh and an annoyed grumble. "Really? There's people out there who'd pay a lotta money for this privilege. You know that you'll have to look eventually, Quentin..."

"I... I...", he stammered, shaking with a sudden chill. He... had to look eventually? "Just... you're naked!", he exclaimed, as though it needed pointing out.

"Yup, sure am. I asked if you wanted to see all of me. And I mean ALL of me, Quentin. Now be a big guy and stop acting like that."

"I didn't know you meant..." He swallowed nervously, slightly turning back. "I've never...seen another guy naked before..."

The raccoon gave the boy an incredulous look. "Seriously? Not even your dad? In a backwater place like this? Damn you must be a bunch of religious nutjobs..."

"No! I... I don't..." He shook his head. "I'm not a nutjob..."

"You'll be doing a nutjob soon enough", he smirked under his breath. "C'mon, be a big guy for me."

Quentin sniffled. He could be a big guy... This was just... another thing grownups did. Something a hero was showing him. Because he's special. He slowly turned and looked at the ground between his feet.

"Hey, kid, it's ok. I'm your hero. Be a man and look at me. You've already touched most of it, so no biggie anyway."

Slowly, ever so slowly, Quentin raised his head, eyes going up Rocket's legs... and he gasped. His eyes locked on the man's genitals and he could not stop from staring. It was HUGE. His thing, his nuts... he didn't know they could GET that big! He stared with wide eyes and a slack jaw.

Rocket grinned proudly. Oh yeah. He knew that look too well. Granted, usually it were adults on whose faces it was written, even some of the bigger aliens were impressed by his size. "Now you're lucky you took a peak, hm?", he chuckled.

"W-wooow...", he practically moaned, blinking in disbelief. "You... your thing is... really big."

"Just like the rest of me. Now get over here and touch it."

His eyes finally broke away for that. He stared into Rocket's eyes and worked his mouth wordlessly. "You... want me to... touch it?"

"Did I stutter, kid?", he growled and stared back. The boy gave a soft yelp, and his feet carried him forward before he knew it, and he barely had time to stop his hand just above Rocket's cock. He hesitated there, and took a moment to wonder at feeling the heat coming off it... before he laid his palm on the rigid flesh. "Attaboy. Touch it, feel it. Show your hero that you worship him", Rocket spoke softly but it was a clear demand.

His other hand came up, and touched the other side. They rubbed up, then down. "It's so big...", he muttered as though you himself. "And so hard... and hot..." Rocket murred at the boy's touch and slowly his cock started to slip out of his sheath as he throbbed and grew hard. "Oh..." he couldn't believe the... thing... was getting even bigger. Well, he could, but... his brain was still struggling to process all this, and the impressive size being beat seemed extra impressive.

It grew and grew until Rocket, the big hero, had finally reached his full size. Grinning broadly he looked down at the kid jerking him. Sure, the boy didn't really know what he was doing, but it looked and felt damn good. Quentin rubbed it like he had Rocket's arm, fascinated with the feel of firm skin, how it slid and shifted under his fingers... He slowly got down on his knees before he realized it so he could see it better. Rocket grinned from ear to ear, this was even better than he could have planned. He put a paw on the back of the boy's head and pushed him gently, just the slightest bit but it was enough to bring his nose closer to the big coon's musky cock..

"Mmm..." Quentin grunted and naturally tried to pull back- the thug was liable to poke him in the eye- but Rocket's hand kept him in place... he shrugged mentally and focused back on the older raccoon's penis. He liked it, right? Rocket liked what he was doing? Even if his Pa had told him not to, he'd gotten burningly curious once and knew how good rubbing your thing felt.

"You're doing good, Quentin. Keep going. If you think it'll feel good, chances are that your big hero and his big cock are gonna like it", Rocket crooned from above.

"Okay...", he replied automatically. Cock. That's what grownups called it. He was feeling his hero's cock and making him feel good.

"Open your mouth and wrap your lips around it", Rocket demanded. "Do it."

He hesitated for a fraction of a second. But he was too entranced. He did as he was told and grunted at the unfamiliar taste and texture of a man's cock on his tongue. The big coon let out a low, satisfied moan. Then he grabbed the boy's head and pushed it forward while he thrust deeper into his maw, forcing him to wrap his lips around and take his huge cock.

"Mmph, mm!" Quentin's hands left Rocket's cock to push against the older man's thighs, panicking at feeling hands on his head and being pushed down into Rocket's shaft. He would choke on that thing!

"Kid, I'm a nice guy... least I try to be... but even nice guys have needs.... urges... and now I'm gonna fuck your throat, so just try to relax and take it", Rocket grunted and kept going. Quentin whimpered in fear and confusion as Rocket's cock jabbed repeatedly at the back of his throat, each time pulling back as it closed up, each time pushing in a bit deeper. The big coon just kept going, he was way too horny too care. The boy would have to be a fast learner to keep up with him, but that was Quentin's problem, not his. So he continued humping away at the kid's muzzle, ramming his huge meat deep into him.

It wasn't long before the huge cock was bulging out of his throat and those hefty balls were slapping his chin, and all he could see was the pistoning of Rocket's pubic fuzz. He felt lightheaded... he tried to gulp in air through his nose but he barely had split seconds to do so between Rocket's thrusts... Was this a test? Was he being tried to see if he had what it takes to be a hero? He had to be... otherwise what was all this for? Why did his throat burn if it wasn't for a good reason?

What little air he could breathe in also filled the boy's nostrils with the bigger raccoon's earthy musk. And Rocket even forced himself to slow down, to allow the kid to take a few breaths every now and then. Even with his mind clouded by lust there still was a good guy in him that knew he should at least try to work with Quentin.

Eventually they settled into a rhythm. Quentin would hold his breath and take in air every few thrusts, steadying himself with hands on Rocket's thighs, his throat finally accommodating Rocket's cock fluidly, letting it glide pleasantly as the man firmly skull fucked the boy. "Damn yeah, kid... doing really good... almost better than I thought.... guess I found myself a natural cocksucker, hm?", Rocket grunted through gritted fangs, his voice husky as he kept breeding Quentin's muzzle.

Cocksucker? Was he supposed to suck on it? Ever so slightly, his cheeks pulled in as he tried to suck on the thrusting shaft in his mouth, hoping that'd please his hero.

"There we go, keep that up. And use yer tongue, Quentin. Doing a good job down there", Rocket moaned as the younger coon started sucking on his cock.

He was doing a good job! He was a natural! He still didn't entirely understand, but pride swelled in his chest as he followed his hero's instructions. He stroked his tongue along the underside of Rocket's shaft and sucked harder.

"Oh man...", Rocket moaned and got into a slow rhythm as the inexperienced but eager boy worked wonders on his needy meat. That tongue felt really good and it seemed like the kid was getting into it.

Quentin did his best, even when his jaw started to hurt from sucking, and his tongue got tired from moving so much, but he kept on, even starting to unconsciously bob his head with his sucking

"Gonna give ya a treat soon, Quentin... just keep going... keep making yer big hero happy...", the raccoon huffed and grunted.

A treat? What could it be...? The boy increased his efforts, bobbing faster now, tongue and cheeks working urgently

"Shiiiit.... here it... cuuuums!", Rocket cried as his cock started to throb and shoot spurts of thick cum into the boy's muzzled and right down as throat as Rocket bucked his hips.

Quentin immediately coughed and sputtered as his mouth was filled with hot fluid, dribbling down his chin and splattering out over Rocket's dick while the slimy substance wriggled its way down his throat. What is this??

The big coon snorted loudly as his cock slipped out of the boy's muzzle and covered him with his seed as the last spurts of his load landed all over Quentin's body and face, completely messing up his face.

"Aaagh... hhuhhhh...", the boy gasped and coughed, reaching up to try to wipe the white substance front his face, only serving to rub it into the fur on his face. He suppressed a sniffle. His throat hurt, something weird and sticky had just poured down his throat, and he didn't understand what was happening... he squinted and tried to look at Rocket despite the goop on his face... had he done something wrong?

Rocket grinned and gave him a thumbs up as he tried to catch his breath. Damn, what a mess he had made. "You did good, kid", he huffed. "Really good."

The boy's ears perked up and his expression brightened under Rocket's cooling cum. "R-*cough*-r-really?" He asked hopefully

"Really", he repeated and looked at him with a proud smile. "Really good job. Hope ya did like it... was a bit too rough, I know. Blue balls and yaddayadda..."

"Oh... uh... it's okay..." It was okay, right? Yeah, he'd been kinda scared and it'd hurt a little, but heroes didn't care about that stuff... right? He tried to wipe his face again, getting it out of his eyes at least, but a lot of it stuck to his forelock, making it look paler.

"Can't do much about it now anyway. Gotta find a shower later and get you cleaned up", Rocket mused, hoping he could sneak both of them into a shower without anyone seeing. "So, how was it?"

"It was... okay, I guess... but, you liked it, right?", he added hurriedly, eyes wide and pleading, like his heart would break if his hero answered negatively.

"You kidding me? You've seen how much I shot! Hell yeah I liked it, way better than I thought, buddy", he proclaimed and gave his companion a wink.

Quentin grinned and his ringtail waved behind him. "Good! Thanks! I, uh, ain't ever done anything like that before...", he admitted as though it wasn't obvious.

"Quite a lot of firsts for ya today, hm, kiddo?", Rocket chuckled as he saw the cute look on the boy's face and that tail wagging behind him.

"Heh, yeah... uh, we got a shower in the house," he said as he stood up, cum dripping from his face onto the floor. "Uh... c-can I ask you something?", he stammered as he went to the ladder down from the loft.

"Why don't you stay here and ask?", Rocket replied, not moving an inch from where he stood.

"Um... w-what is this stuff?" He touched a finger to the drug cum on his cheek.

"Oh, yeah... shoulda been obvious you'd ask that, hm", Rocket said and rubbed the back of his head, then chuckled a bit. "Well... uhm... do you know where babies come from, Quentin?"

"Uh... when a man and woman get married, the mom gets pregnant..." He shrugged. "Everyone knows that..."

"Yeah, but first the guy has to put his cock into a woman and when he shoots this stuff into her, she gets pregnant. It's called cum by the way."

The boy's face blanched under his fur and the cum, and he gripped his shirt. "He... inside her? He shoots his... cum?" What a weird word... it felt weird on his tongue for some reason.

"Well... uh... you know how girls have different parts than guys?"

"I... uh... yeah...I mean, they've got... boobs..." He twisted his shirt in his hands. He felt like any moment now his Ma was gonna appear to tan his hide.

"And cunts... uh... vaginas... that's were a guy's cock goes. Usually. But you've already seen that two guys can have some fun too."

"Oh... I... I see..." He'd heard that first word before... he sometimes heard his Pa mutter it when his Ma was yelling at him. But what did making babies have to do with fun?

"Look, I'm not really good at explaining this stuff. Thing is, we both liked it. And that's what matters, you'll learn about all those other things soon enough. We're just getting you started early."

"Alright...", he muttered, fidgeting where he stood. "C-can I go clean my face now?"

Rocket was still hard. He could go for another round. But would the boy be able to keep up? He looked down at his throbbing cock then back at Quentin. "Don't wanna stay with yer hero?"

"Yeah! Yeah, I just... well your thing- your cock is kinda messy too..." He pointed at it. Why was it still hard like that? His always got soft again after a while...

"Cause I'm still horny, kid. I've got at least one more load of cum in there. Would you wanna help me with that?", he asked with a sly smile and a wink.

"Oh..." He looked side to side as though he was looking for an exit. "I dunno, I mean... I... don't wanna spoil my dinner?" Even he knew that was as lame an excuse as it sounded

"Just promise me you won't try to become a bad guy cause your lying skills suck, kiddo... so be honest to Rocket Raccoon, your new favourite hero."

"I... I mean...", he murmured, not meeting Rocket's eyes. "Okay... but... do I have to suck it again?"

"Nah, there's somewhere else I could put my cock", he whispered as he got closer to the boy with his cock soon touching the younger coon's belly.

"W-where?" The boy asked timidly, feeling scared of what the answer was going to be.

Rocket reached around and groped the boy's ass, kneading his cheeks with his paws. "Back there."

"Mmf!" He tried to suppress the yelp in his throat but was only partially successful. "Wh-w-what? Y... you can't do that", he muttered nervously. You couldn't put things... in your butt!

"Kid, let's be real here, if I wanna do something with ya, chances are you're not gonna be able to stop me. And you did like sucking it."

"Wh..." he swallowed, a cold pit forming in his gut. "But... I..." He felt tears trying to swell in his eyes but he blinked them back. "It was... scary...", he admitted fearfully.

"Yeah... and I was a bit too rough... but it turned out to be fun.... it'll probably hurt at first... but I promise you it'll get better and I'm pretty sure you liked it", Rocket said, trying to sound soothing as his paws rubbed all over the boy's back.

Quentin shivered at the touch on his back... was he right? Had he liked it? He was obviously supposed to... Rocket was a hero. Heroes don't lie. "I guess..."

Bingo. He had seen a blanket around somewhere and went to get it, then put it over a hay bale. "How about you lie there and we'll try to see how it goes? Might even kiss ya again."

"Okay..." he replied meekly and walked over, rubbing his arm nervously, then bending over the hay bale and laying his chest on it, like he had to do at the doctor sometimes. Rocket grinned as the kid made it so easy for him. He got onto his knees behind him, lifted his tail outta the way, then spread his cheeks and brought his muzzle in close and started lapping over Quentin's winking pucker.

"Ah-AAH!", he wailed out in surprise, not sure what he'd been expecting bit certainly not this! That was his tongue! His hero was licking his tailhole! He shuddered and squirmed on the hay bale, the intense, overwhelming sensations making his brain go fuzzy and his mouth hang open, continuing to make undignified noises as he was rimmed for the first time.

The big coon let out a satisfied grunt, breathing hot air all over the boy's ass upon getting such a positive reaction. He kept going, letting his tongue run all over his hole before he even pushed his tongue into it.

"Nnng... M-mr. Rocket, it's, it's too much!" He was nearly incomprehensible, his voice wavering in pitch and volume. "Please... please I can't!"

Rocket grinned as he pretty much tonguefucked the kid. He didn't even think of stopping, oh no. He kept going, enjoying the boy moaning and losing himself to the pleasure. After a while he alternated between fingering and rimming the boy to slowly get him prepared.

Quentin whimpered with his face pressed into the blanket, breathing heavily, his legs twitching from the incredible pleasure that jolted through him as his tailhole was played with. "Hnnnn... oooh mannn...", he moaned, starting to get accustomed enough to the sensations to enjoy them without his brain short circuiting.

"Someone's getting into it, hm, kid?", Rocket smirked, with a deep growl to his voice as he pushed two fingers into Quentin's tight rear and fingered him hard. "I think what you wanted to say was 'Please keep going, Mister Rocket! Please fuck me, Mister Rocket!'"

"Wh-whaat?!", Quentin warbled. Fuck him? He'd heard that word sometimes... it sounded like a bad word. A really bad word... he tried to remember where, but a twinge from his ass being spread out by two fingers derailed his train of thought and made him yelp.

"Fucking. It's what I did with your mouth. And I'm gonna do it with this tight little fuzzy ass of yours, Quentin. Gonna fuck it hard, like the big tough hero I am", Rocket growled as he kept fingerfucking the boy's rear end.

"Nnngnn... it... I-is it gonna ff-ffffiiiit?", he managed to ask, his hole clenching and twitching around Rocket's fingers, trying to fight back the invading digits

"We'll find out, won't we?", the big coon said as he grabbed his cock and rubbed it over the boy's hole before he slowly pushed the fat head into him, opening him up.

"aa-aaAAA-AAAAAAAAAAH", the boy yowled as the bulbous cockhead pressed against his hole, the tight muscle reflexively clenching harder, but Rocket just kept applying pressure until it pried the boy's virgin hole open

"Kid, least try to relax and it might just be the tiniest bit easier. I'm gonna have fun anyway, but if you work with me it might be better for you to", the raccoon grunted. Damn, this hole was tight.

"GNn!! Ghuh, huhhh," The boy struggled for air, the pain making his entire body tense up and clench. "S-sstop, tt-ttoo big... t-ttake it ou-uuuu-uuuut!" Tears leaked from the corners of his eyes, but all he could do was shiver there on the hay bale as Rocket had his way with him.

"Nope. I'll stay right where am, deep in you, Quentin." To underline his point he gave a thrust with his hips and pushed his cock deeper. "Try to relax, try to get used to it. Be a big guy, your hero's doing you a favour here, you'll see."

The boy sniffled and choked back sobs as the cock was forced deeper inside him, stretching him out forcibly like he never thought possible. And it wasn't going to stop. Even as tears wet his cheeks, the man he thought a hero was still hurting him. "Please...", he whispered, groaning in pain.

Eventually Rocket hilted himself and his cockhead pushed against the boy's prostate. He stayed like this and tried to soothe the boy by petting his back and even moving down to kiss and lick his neck. "Just relax, it'll get better."

"Hnn... nnn...", Quentin whimpered. The cock inside him had hit something... and it made him feel... weird. And now Rocket was being nice... maybe... maybe it would get better? He just had to... he just had to bear it. Get through the pain. That's what heroes did. Right?

"There's a good boy", Rocket whispered and slowly bucked his hips, pulling his cock out of Quentin's ass just the slightest bit and pushing it back into him, grinding it against the boy's prostate.

"Oh!" There it was again... that spot that he felt get mashed against, and it pulsed inside him... it kinda felt like when Rocket had been licking his butt, but... inside out. Was this what he meant? His ass still burned, and his ass kept trying to clench to repel the invader despite trying to relax, but that wave of... something pushed against the pain

Rocket kept nibbling and licking the boy's neck as he picked up the pace and force of his thrusts. He had given the kid enough time get used to it, now it was time to fuck him. He grunted and slammed his hips forward, pushing all of his weight into each thrust.

"Hnn... Hnnn!", Quentin grunted with each thrust, air being forced out of him when the older raccoon's hips met his pert little ass. That feeling was growing stronger... the pain was still there, but it was like it was fading into the background. Tears still leaked from his eyes, but the boy's voice was changing tone, from pained and terrified to something Rocket knew well. The moans and whimpers of a well-fucked cock slut.

"Knew you'd like being fucked by your big hero, by a real man, having my huge meat deep in ya. You're mine now, Daddy Rocket's property!", he growled into the boy's ear between thrusts. His hips were a blur as they jackhammered his cock into the boy deep and hard, pummeling his prostate into submission as he bred the cub.

The strange, pleasurable feeling was crashing over him like waves now, threatening to break him apart being tossed between them, and it was all he could do to make a wavering, breathy moan, made staccato by each slam of the older man's cock into his ravaged hole. His body screamed at him, the dull, throbbing pain that became tiny barbs along his inner walls, trying and failing not to be drowned out by that sickly pleasure that made his head feel light and floaty, like he was about to pass out at any moment.

"Yeah, you're a nasty little fucktoy... knew that right away... that you were craving a big cock under yer ringtail, without even knowing it yet...", Rocket grunted, enjoying each second of humping the boy. Finally he let himself get completely lost to his instincts and bit down on the kid's neckscruff as he bred him like a feral creature.

"AahaAAH!", Quentin cried out aloud as he felt teeth on his neck. His brain struggled to think of what was happening, that he was being bitten while being fucked wildly, but thoughts failed to form among the popping flashes of sensation that threatened to overwhelm the young boy's mind. Pleasure and pain, screeching and smashing in concert, and all he could do was lay limply as Rocket continued to force himself on the raccoon boy, striking the flint in his well-stretched hole that continuously set his body and mind ablaze.

Rocket snarled around the boy's scruff, fangs clenching down on it. His fat nuts constantly slapped against the boy's small pair while he kept plunging his big cock into the younger raccoon's no longer virgin hole. Quentin didn't even feel it coming. He barely even felt himself cumming. But the mad assault on his hole had driven his pubescent body into the throes of its first orgasm, his young cock being rubbed ragged against the blanket below as it spurted his first load of cum onto the blanket at his nearly distended belly, making a right mess of his fur where he could only just feel the new, wet heat spreading along his tummy. Feeling the boy reach his climax, his body spasm and tighten around him sent Rocket over the edge as well. He released his scruff and grunted loudly as he threw his head back. He slammed his cock into Quentin's body one final time and exploded with a massive load of cum, flooding the raccoon's bowels with hot, sticky seed.

For a moment, Quentin was sure that he had died and was seeing god. But then the white of his vision began to fade, and the euphoric high he'd reached began to dwindle into a comfortable, warm numbness that permeated his entire body and made him feel... satisfied. Rocket wrapped his strong arms around the boy and snuggled him, kissing and licking his neck as they both basked in the afterglow of their powerful orgasms. The boy lay there and panted for breath, feeling like he'd just run for miles without rest and then dropped into a warm, calming bath. The dull ache in his ass throbbed against the warmth, telling him it was there, but for now, it was covered completely by his first afterglow that enveloped him.

"Told ya, it'd be good. Sure, the way there was a bit rough but I was telling the truth, wasn't I, kiddo?", the big coon said softly, his voice hoarse.

"Hnnnff... y-yeah", he managed to breathe out, his brain still have trouble cohering thoughts and words together. He was so tired now...

"Yeah, you liked being fucked by Daddy Rocket", the hero smirked. "And now we have a reason for us both to get cleaned up."

"Yhuh...", he murmured, already starting to drift off right there with an ass full of cum and a mess on his belly.

"Did I really wear ya out?", Rocket chuckled and slowly got to his feet, pulling his softened cock out of the boy's now tender rear, a stream of cum following it. "Crap, now I have to carry him down the ladder..."

"...m'sorry..." he mumbled weakly, eyes closed while cum dribbled down his legs.

"Don't be. It's my fault." He packed their clothes into his bag, lifted the boy up and held him close with one hand, while he used the other one to climb down the ladder. He opened the door just a bit and peaked around. After having made sure that nobody was around he snuck into the guest house where he stayed. He locked the door behind him and carried the boy into the shower where hot water soon ran over both of them.

"Mmm..." Quentin curled against Rocket's body as he was carried, well and tuckered out from having his cherry popped with such force. He perked up when the water hit his body and blinked his eyes blearily, rubbing them as the hot water soaked into his fur.

"It's ok, kid. Daddy Rocket's got ya", the older raccoon said and smiled as both their fur got messed up by hot water.

"Mmn... whr'm'I?", he mumbled, looking around the small shower and bathroom. "I fell asleep?"

"Yeah, guess your first time fucking was a bit much for ya."

"Oh... sorry, I didn't mean to..." Fucking... that's what they had done. He'd gotten fucked. Thinking the word still carried a weight that made him feel like his father would somehow hear him and come running to punish him. "D-did I do good?", he asked softly.

Rocket gave him a wink and smiled gently. "What do you think, Quentin?" The boy smiled and his tail swayed weakly under him. "C'mon, say it."

"I... I did good?", he said tentatively


"I did good!", he repeated hurriedly, his voice cracking just slightly.

"Attaboy!", Rocket chuckled and ruffled his head. "You did damn good."

Quentin giggled quietly and hugged Rocket weakly, which took about all the strength he had at the moment.

"Made Daddy Rocket really proud back there in the barn. Maybe you are hero material."

"R-really?!", the boy exclaimed, his tail flicking water as it wagged

The bigger coon was slightly surprised that the boy didn't seem to be fazed by Rocket calling himself Daddy. But he definitely didn't mind, nope. "Eeyup. I mean, I can't tell for sure but I think there's some definite potential."

He giggled again and nuzzled into Rocket's neck affectionately. "I can be a hero...", he whispered to himself. Rocket smiled and put some shower gel onto his paws and started to soap both their bodies up.

Stress relief

Chief Bogo was sitting behind his desk, quietly awaiting a knock at his door. He didn't know what this certain visitor wanted or why he had even showed up here unannounced at all. Finally, the knock came. He could tell it was down lower on the door,...

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Counting spots

Stu knew he was supposed to be taking in the sights of Zootopia. Gawking at all the tall buildings like the hayseed he supposedly was. Instead his eyes roamed over the many mammals that filled the streets, particularly those of the masculine...

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Family Tradition X: The Duel

I know, some of you probably waited a long time for it, in fact it's been about a year since the last update in this series, but the next chapter is now here. And I wanna thank [OrangeBear]( for his help...

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