A Long Night Ahead

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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Ren has purchased an e-stim kit and, well, it's hardly out of the packaging before Enora has her hands on it, the snake capturing him in bondage to be used for her kinky pleasure...

A topic that I should have explored much earlier and I'm happy I got to play with these characters for this one!

This is one of my Iron Author stories, all available for 40 GBP. If you fancy a mini story of your own, give me a shout!

IA: http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/8297083/

This story has been available for early reading on Patreon! Please check the tiers on the following link if you would like to support!

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My erotic eBooks are available on Kindle and Smashwords worldwide also!

Kindle (Alis Mitsy): https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=dp_byl.....=relevancerank

Kindle (Arian Mabe): https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_.....k%3Aarian+mabe

Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/ArianMabe

As always, I am open for commissions! Please see my profile for up to date links and rates! Any topic goes! <3

Story and characters © Arian Mabe / Amethyst Mare

Characters © Chirmaya Nashaar

Iron Author

Prostate Milking

A Long Night Ahead

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by Chirmaya Nashaar

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One day, Ren would have the good sense to not get himself into such sticky situations, but he was yet to learn and would not learn for a long time. The fox chewed the tube in his mouth, strapped into place with a latex strap that went around the back of his head. It was not entirely comfortable, but it was what the tube had been connected to that worried him more than its presence in the first place.

Bound on the bed, he squirmed, eyes wide and staring as he took in his fate. She could have blindfolded him, but something told him that Enora had been a little too eager to push the probe up under his tail when he had opened the much awaited package at the kitchen table. A full e-stim kit, there was something for his shaft and something to ensure his prostate was well abused and his cock milked.

"Easy there, little kit..."

Ren whimpered and squirmed as the plug beneath his tail vibrated, warning him in prelude to a low shock of electricity that set his skin tingling, breath coming shortly and sharply. He wriggled, but there was no escaping Enora as the snake turned up the dial one more notch. His cock throbbed, tail hole clenching around the plug that seemed to grow in size as it sent pulse after pulse into him, driving his shaft on to spend itself in the most erotically unsatisfying orgasm ever.

The fox panted heavily as his cock streamed cum, the flow weak and pitiful in comparison to what he was normally capable of. Rolling his head from shoulder to shoulder - one of the few movements that he was indeed capable of doing - Ren groaned and grunted, hips juddering up as he was milked entirely for her pleasure. And the tube that ran from his muzzle, trapped between his teeth, looped all the way down to his aching shaft, ensuring that every drop of cum he did ejaculate did not go to waste. The salty-strong taste flooded his muzzle and he whined, trying instinctively to lick his lips, although the most he could do was push his tongue helplessly against the tube and the inside of his teeth.

Giggling, the cream and brown patterned snake, whose girlfriend status he was currently reconsidering in light of her avid 'torture', ran her fingertips down his front, tracing the lines where his fur matted with sweat around hidden muscle tone. The lingerie she'd chosen barely seemed to cover her at all and left little to the imagination, the pink thong turning her buttocks into a heart shape beneath her serpentine tail and her nipples poking lightly over the top of her demi-cup brassiere. The entire ensemble screamed of eroticism and Ren grunted, fingers twitching as they yearned to fondle and grope to his heart's content.

But that simply wasn't an option.

The bands wrapped around his cock pulsed, sending a jolt into his hard shaft that had him panting and whimpering, bucking upwards as if he could thrust his way to a more fulfilling ecstasy. It was worse than being milked in the best worst way he could ever have thought of. He could have easily freed himself of the cage around his cock if he had been able to soften, but the electric currents would have to be turned off in order for him to have any chance whatsoever of that.

Of course, there was no chance that he would soften while Enora was having her way with him.

"Oh, little kit, you really shouldn't have let me get wind of this," Enora murmured, leaning over him as she cast her eyes over the twitches and jumps in his muscles. "It's far too much fun and, well, it's certainly not something we can try out on me now, is it?"

She giggled wickedly, black tongue flicking out from between her lips.

"Or perhaps you'll have to be a good little kit and see what gear is available for those of the feminine persuasssssion now, won't you?"

She couldn't help the pleasured hiss that rolled off her tongue as Ren bucked and moaned through another trickle of cum, the stream near constantly running from the tingling tip of his shaft. The fox's body trembled through that edge of pleasure that was not quite an orgasm and yet allowed him the product of such, ecstasy never hitting that point that would make lights flash behind his eyes as he howled and thrust for more.

But she could get that pleasure out of him too, if she so chose. He gulped down air, nostrils flaring into tiny semi-circles. Every second that passed seemed to bring a stronger pulse of electricity and he twisted back and forth, the over stimulation sending his eyes rolling into the back of his head.

"How much can you take before you try begging me to stop?" Enora whispered, playing with the little box that controlled the electrical stimulation and how it was delivered. "You think you're a big, strong fox, but you're not so tough when you're being milked now, are you?"

She trailed her fingers along the tube for extra emphasis as the fox was forced to swallow down his own ejaculate over and over again.

"And this is a much better position for you... So let's see just how far you can be pushed now, shall we?"

Ren would have had something to say about that, but his groan barely made it through the tube-gag before several pulses came in quick succession, both the bands around his shaft and the plug attacking him with sweet dual precision. It should have been painful, but it had long ago crossed the line into pleasure, sensation after sensation piling on. He could barely feel the snake's fingers caressing his fur and pinching his nipples as his cock throbbed, spilling more ejaculate than ever into the tube.

Slick cum poured into his muzzle, a more watery consistency than what he was used to - though he didn't make a habit of eating his own cum, it had to be said. If he was going to spill his seed, he much preferred it to be in Enora's muzzle or her hot pussy. He couldn't have chosen one over the other, but depositing his cum into his own muzzle was not one that he would have honestly chosen if given the opportunity.

The snake's hands grasped his shoulders and she rolled him onto his stomach, the vulpine twisting and grinding his needy shaft into the bedspread. As much as he humped, however, there was nothing he could do to take him away from the over stimulating pulses, the tingles far reaching into his very gut. The fox's hips rocked from side to side and he panted into the gag as he sucked down his own cum, trying to focus on the sensation of closing his lips quite firmly around the tube, how it felt to dig his teeth into it.

And then the plug under his tail, his poor, abused hole oh so very sore, shot off with jab after jab of wickedly erotic pulses, each one seeming to make that pleasurable spot in his passage connect straight to his shaft. Gagging and whining as breath simply did not seem to come, Ren could only helplessly gulp down what more cum trickled into his muzzle, the sensation of tightness and soreness mingling with the lack of true fulfilment.

And he wanted more, oh he did. And she knew it too.

Enora increased the intensity of the stimulation. Not that he saw, but she laughed and, a moment later, the plug filling him felt as if it had doubled in size, each pulse making him buck and whine and whimper like a whore in a brothel.

Control, he thought desperately. He had to have control. He could push through it, if he kept it together. She couldn't make his body do everything she wanted, even if that was, surely, her ultimate goal. Ren swallowed hard, yearning to lap his muzzle properly and wash the cum from his mouth. Even if she could not claim complete control, the toy was bringing her pretty damn close to it.

"The only way this one could be better, would be if I could hook it up to a sex machine, something that could fuck you while I fiddle with the controls," she cooed to him, fiddling with the settings again. "Now wouldn't that be fun?"

No... These thoughts... She can't be doing this to me!

_ _

Ren squirmed and bucked and rocked, moaning and whimpering into the gag. So close... Yet never quite getting there, never getting to the point that would make him cum like a fountain, if there was even anything left in his sore balls to spend. He kicked out, fighting even with his ankles bound like his paws, and rumpled up the bedspread beneath his stomach, only casting Enora one or two pleading looks. Well, it was not as if she was going to pay any attention to them anyway.

"Yes, Ren," she hissed, increasing the frequency of the pulses yet again, her eyes shining with ferocious intent. "Let go, you know you want this. This isn't something for you to control."

And he knew it, even if every vulpine instinct in his body screamed at him to be free, to somehow - any way possible - find a way to escape his bondage and willingly imposed torment. The tightness in his balls built and built and he thought it would lead to yet another unsatisfying climax, shocks shooting through his throbbing cock and tail hole until he just couldn't stand it anymore.

And he didn't have to. The fox gasped into the gag, cum flooding his lips before he actually realised what was happening. It wasn't an orgasm he knew, but his cock shot more cum, the taste weaker still, and he arched and bucked, the toys milking him as he had craved to be milked the first time he'd spotted the toy online. Enora gasped, but he lost his perception of what he felt alongside what was really happening as the electrical stimulation thrummed through him, taking him to not greater heights, but very different heights to anything he could have imagined possibly coming from such an otherwise innocent little toy.

It came to an end more abruptly than he was used to too, the fox suddenly collapsing on the bed, not having even realised how much he had rounded his back in his frenzied ecstasy. The pulses still came, drawing his swollen shaft back to fresh life as it pressed into the cage, his body eager for more even as his mind swam with exhaustion and one word.


Not quite what he'd been looking for in familiar ecstasy, but close enough.

Chuckling to herself, Enora slowly brought him back down, tailing his orgasm into a series of weak pulses, the last drops of ejaculate dripping from the tube onto his tongue. And, like a good little kit, he lapped up and swallowed every single drop, eyes locked onto hers. The snake hissed softly. He really could be so good when he wanted to be. And the way he squirmed... She flicked her black tongue out over her lips. It was downright delicious, she had to say.

Letting him gather his bearings, she gently untied his bondage and helped him onto his side, stretching out muscles rendered too tight from struggling in his restraints. The fox groaned appreciatively and returned her fleeting kisses with his own, though a wicked glimmer picked up at the back of his eyes.

"I'll pay you back one day, you know," he murmured, slumping to the bed and reaching for the pillows. "It's not all one-sided here..."

The snake giggled and pressed her fingers over her lips, eyes as wide and as innocent as it was possible for a serpent to make them.

"Oh, sweetie..."

Enora's eyes twinkled and she dropped a kiss on the end of the fox's muzzle.

"I wouldn't expect anything less from you!"

Dog Sitting

**Iron Author** **Feral** ** ** **Dog Sitting** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Chirmaya Nashaar_ _ _ _ _ Cross-legged on the living room floor, Enora cocked her head timidly to the side and stretched out her...

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Interrogation in Dominance

**Iron Author** **Kidnapping Roleplay** ** ** **Interrogation in Dominance** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by D.C. Yote_ _ _ _ _ Cassie breathed slowly through her nose, unwilling to make even the slightest...

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Family Intimacy: Chapter Five

**Family Intimacy** **Chapter Five** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Fyrdrgon_ _ _ _ _ "Darling... Do you know what a hot, fine dragoness you've blossomed into?" Fyr's father purred compliments and Fyr didn't...

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