Furs: Chapter Three: After School

Story by GFoxy on SoFurry

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#2 of Furs

The next Chapter Enjoy


Furs: chapter 3: After school

It was Dan's last period of school and he was sitting next to Ben who was still talking to Dan about school and how he really couldn't wait to leave. Dan wasn't really listening because he had his mind was on Angle. He couldn't forget the hug he was left with, he really liked it but was confused by what it meant, if only Angel could speak it would make it a whole lot easier but then were the "Fun" he thought to himself. Was it a hug for getting him out of the hell hole of a shop or was it that Angel was trying a move on him. He didn't know but his mind kept thinking of Angle and his white soft fur. He knows that he was starting to have deep feeling about Angle but in a way it made him scared. He wasn't sure if he was gay but then he knows he was never really in love or even attracted to girls or boys for that matter, so it might be true. He was still worrying because he was human and Angle was a fur, which is an animal. It was just then when he was could off by the bell, he jumped and noticed that everyone was leaving, so he grabbed his stuff, slapped Ben to make him stop drooling over Alex and then they followed suit.

He was walking home with Ben how was now talking to Dan about furs and in this respect Dan was also talking about how he loved Alex, a little to much. They were in deep conversation on people treating them wrong.

"They are still living things so some of these people that are making then slaves, its sick." Dan said as Ben, how was holding Alex's hand, was just nodding.

"I know what you mean, those people that are making there fluffies do horrible stuff. I only go as far as Alex wants to go and that's pretty far." Ben said back before kissed Alex on the lips.

"You two are the perfect match. Just to say, I think I might be attracted to my fur. He beautiful and this morning he hugged me like we were already together, it was tight and very romantic. It made me feel whole."

"That beautiful, I think you two should come over some time. It might be fun to see someone else's fluffy."

"Yer but if I do no flirt, flirt, shag, shag."

"I promise I'll be on my best behaviour."

"Well that's not saying much but yer it might be fun. You know, I'll see if we can come over."

Then the three of them parted Ban and Alex leaving Dan alone to his thoughts. He started thinking of Angle and before he knows it he was home. He opened the door and automatically after walking in, Angle Tackled Dan to the floor and licked him on the nose. Dan was laughing so hard he lost his breath and started to chock but he got his breath back after a little. He then said "someone missed me today."

Dan gave Angel a hug then walked over to the kitchen to grab his self and Angel some food. They eat in silence because they were both staving. When they were finished Dan got up and grabbed hold of Angel's paw as he went over to the couch and start watching telly. They were both really sleepy so they watched about ten minutes worth of T.V. before falling asleep. Dan was having a great dream were him and Angel were naked together making out. As he slept he started getting a hard on. He woke up in the middle of the night in Angel's arms, it looked as if Angel was having a good dream to by the way he had a tent in his pants. This made Dan even harder he was nearly fully erected. Dan left the room to try and make his hard on go down.

Angle was in Dan's bed room and He was Sucking on Dan's cock using his tongue to stimulate every part of Dan. Angle could see Dan was in heaven right now, they had been at it for about 5 minuets the Dan started to speak it sounded not right because Dan was supposed to not be able to speak because of the pleasure.

"Angel, no he can't love me he was just showing thanks, wasn't he?" Dan started to think out allowed as he watched angle sleep. It still looked like Angel was exited. "No he couldn't love me, it was just him showing me thanks." Dan said this then turned around, just at that moment Angel got up and followed Dan.

"He must be thinking of some girl he used to know." Dan continued not realizing that he was being followed. Dan got to the kitchen and sat down on one of the Stalls and the continued "I now Know I love him I just hope he loves me to. Only if, He most likely will got scared of if I make a move and I can't force him to love me he is free and not my slave."

Angle's hear shot up when he hear this and he was truly happy because not only did he hear that he loved his he smelt that he was in love and that Dan was exited just by thinking of it. Angle stood behind dan then all in one move span Dan around and kissed him.

Dan now realised that Ben was telling the truth the Fur's did make the first move. He opened his mouth to let Angel's tongue in and then their tongue's fighting for domination with the fur winning. Dan then broke the kiss and then said "wow, that was great and now im just waiting for more, So Fluffy what next?"

As Dan finished speaking Angle remembered his dream, so he thought why not let it become reality. He dropped to Dan's crotch then Stared to undo the zip in front of him. The hidden cock jumped out of the undone trousers like a jack in the box and wacked Angel in the face. Dan giggled at first but moaned when Angel grabbed his cock and started to lick the head. Dan was in ecstasy and he never wanted Angel to stop it. Angel lowered his mouth around Dan's cock that was bigger than the cock from his dream. This made Him scream in extasy and he was panting so hard he knows his climax was just around the corner and then Boom, Strings of cum flow into Angel's mouth. The two Lovers then went to Dan's room and got in bed and just befor falling asleep Dan said "good night Love."

No expecting a reply but then he unexpectedly hear Angel saying "good night Dan my love too" in the most heavenly voice. He then passed out on the bed out of tiredness.

To be continued


There we go "finally" the next part and now that I have internet again the next one will be out soon.

Please comment and rate.

Love Gfox