A strange Fur Part 1

A strange Fur Part 1 "I was said that billions of years ago there was a race a strange people that were human but also animal. They were known as the Furnomes or furs, they looked like people but they had fur as skin and paws as hands...

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Strange fur Part 2

Strange fur Part 2 Would you have guessed, me, a newly changed would be sent for sabotage? They only did it because I was apparently beautiful because I could distract the Frays eye, apparently. I don't think am that good looking....

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Furs: Chapter Three: After School

The next Chapter Enjoy \*\*\*\* Furs: chapter 3: After school It was Dan's last period of school and he was sitting next to Ben who was still talking to Dan about school and how he really couldn't wait to leave. Dan wasn't...

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Furs: chapter one :The Only One

Furs: chapter one : The Only One Okay this is my first one of the new series called Furs and it took me a while but it's done so hope you like it. Sorry for the delay. Love GFox. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* All people seem to think is that...

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Furs: chapter two: Home Sweet Home

Chapter 2 it took a while but I'm finished hope you like it. \*\*\*\*\* Furs: chapter 2: Home Sweet Home Dan was walking home from the Fur shop with his new Fur, Angel. This was the first time since it was a little cub.He was...

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A Change in Events - A new Start to life but not for the better

It was the start of a normal day in the Westland Secondary School. The children at this school did what they normally do, the Wolves bullied every one especially the Foxes, the dogs got in fights with the cats and the other spices just play by their...

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The Worlds And All - Best friends

**Warnings:** **Gay, will have yiffy and sex, not for the light hearted or pregnant and my course pregnancies and will defiantly make you feel good in EVERWAY (joke)** This world is a weird and wonderful place with many different...

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